The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 18, 1943, City Edition, Page 11, Image 11
What Omaha Negroes Are Doing Thru Roosevelt Post No. 30 American Legion BRIG. GEN. BENJAMIN O: DAVIS Brig. Gen. Davis is the first Negro in the history of the United States to hold such a high rank. Is now attach ed to the Inspector General's office in W ashington. D. C. His son, Benjamin, •Jr*, a Lieut. Colonel, is now in this country forming a new All Negro Air Squadron to follow the famous 99th. The following prominent Omaha citizens have sent their personal commendations to this post congratulating it on its untiring efforts in promoting interracial goodwill and many valuable and constructive civic and patriotic activit ies. F J. PINKETT. Attorney A. L. HAWKINS. M: D: GERTRUDE LUCAS CRATG. Probation Officer FATHER G. A. STAMMS. Rector St. Philip Episcopal Church MRS. ROBBIE T. DAVIS, Vocational Teacher. Technical High School RALPH ADAMS, Attorney ARTHUR B. McCAW. Past Pres, of N: A: A: C: P: MRS. EVELYN EVANS MURRY, a Visiting Nurse HERBERT RHOADES District Judge of Juvenile Court * Maintains club and lounge for mem bers of World Wars 1 and 2. Conducted school for training of Auxiliary Police and Nurses' Aides. V V V * Assigned seven members to train and serve as members of Auxiliary Police Force. V V V * Assigned four members of Ladies Auxiliary to serve as members of Nurses’ Aid Committee. V V V * Giving financial aid to veterans of World Wars 1 and 2. V V V * Financing underprivileged boys at Boy Scout summer camps. V V V * Furnishing medical care to veterans of World Wars 1 and 2. V V V Donate Christmas baskets to veter ans and clothing to members of their families. V V V Contribute to Omaha Urban League war program. V V V Sponsor entertainment programs for veterans confined in hospital at Lin coln, Nebraska. v v y * Sponsor and finanle Legion cadets, a group of boys between ages IP and 16. Ihese boys are taught, as part of their program, Fust Aid and the rudiments cf good citizenship. V V V * Donate ground floor space of build ing and give financial assistance to the North Omaha Public Clinic. y v v * Many rejected draftees owe their subsequent cceptance for military ser vice to the service of this clinic. V V V Pay room rent and board for trans ient veterans and assist them in find ing employment through our employ ment officer. V V V * Furnish coal and groceries to veter ans in emergency cases. V V V The Post has won the Spafford Trophy for two consecutive years for the largest percent of increase in mem bers per year in competition with all posts of the state. * Co-operate and assist financially other community organizations with their welfare, health and morale build ing progranus v v v * Seven members of post serve as mem bers of Auxiliary Police Force. V V V Four members of Ladies’ Auxiliary serve as members of Nurses’ Aid. V V V * Member of post serves as member of State Advisory Defense Committee, appointed by governor. V V V * Sponsor patriotic meetings and as sist in sale of War Bonds. V V V Purchase War Bonds regularly. V V V * Legion buiding and all facilities therein donated as n Evacuation Cen ter in case of disaster. V V V * Assisted with the organization of Air Raid Wardens in the community. V V V * Members of post serve as legal advis ers to Draft Board. V V V * Financed and sponsored Omaha Honor Plaque. All names of Negro members from Omaha serving in the armed forces are listed. V V V * Sent 100,000 cigarettes to members of armed forces serving in foreign countries in the past two uonths. v v v * Assist and advise dependents of members of World War 2, file their claims for dependents’ benefits. V V V * Have set up committee on post-war plans and aid to members of armed forces of World War 2. V V V * The Post has a membership of 350. V V V * The Ladies’ Auxiliary- of the post has a membership of 01. V V V * The Post will be host to the Eighth District Convention this fall. V V V * The Post has received many citations for its community services from the Department of Nebraska and Na tional Headquarters. V V V MIRROR LOUNGE STATE OF NEBRASKA DISTRICT COURT OMAHA June 25,1943 Theodore Roosevelt Post No. 30 American Legion Omaha, Nebraska Gentlemen: I am happy to have this opportunity to commend the Theodore Roosevelt Post of the American Legion for their constructive work among the boys and girls of Omaha. I have been impressed by the fine work the Post hai done airjong teen age boys by forming them into cadet ranks and teaching them courtesy, civic responsibility, and pa triotism- In addition to these activities, the Post has equip ped and sent to Boy Scout Camp each year a number of Ei der privileged boys of this city. I know that your Post is doing a wonderful work, and with best wishes I am Yours very truly, HERBERT RHOADES District Judge of Juvenile Court This is a photo-view of the beautiful Lounge and Bar room of the Roosevelt Post No. 30, Americ an Legion, which will be open “24 hours a day” to accommodate visiting Legionnaire delegates, auxil iaries, and friends, during the American Legion Na tional Convention here. Sept. 20-23, 1943, ! * Prominent Omaha Citizens Serve on / ost s Committees To Assure Delegates, and Visitors A Grand Enjoyable Reception LOUNGE TO REMAIN OPEN TWENTY FOUR HOURS A DAT Theodore Roosevelt Post No. 30, The American Legion has complet ed its plans to care for and enter tain its many visitors to Omaha during the National Convention, Septemebr 20 to 23rd. The Post’s modern Lounge win be the center of activities and will remain open 24 hours a day during the Conven tion. To assure the delegates and vis itors a most enjoyable visit the Post has appointed the following persons as Members of the National Convention Committee: Ray L Wil liams, Director of Colored Activ ities, National Convention Comm-' ittee, Inc. ~ VICE CHAIRMEN: J. C. Carey, Commander Post No. 30, Aaron Glass, .. dward Bearcat Wright, Webb Alston. Dr. W. W. Peebles, ast Commander. Edward Turner, Adjutant Post No. 30. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE: Julius Hill. Publicity Officer ost No. 30, C. C. Galloway, Editor The Omaha i Guide, Mrs. Miidred Gilbert, Edit or Omaha Star, E. W. McCowan, Frank Austin, Sgt. George E Biv ens, U.S. Army retired. RECEPTION COMMITTEE: Dr. W. W. Peebles, Chairman Frank Blackwell, Bernie Cowan, Mrs. Lydia Rodgers, Miss Doras Haw- I kins. Stephen Bridges, Albert Wright, Leroy Childs, Rev. B. F. Jones. Larry N Peoples, George Althouse, Mrs. Lula Bryant, Mrs. Susie Taney, Mrs. Lulu Roundtree, Edward W. Kiilingswortil, Tom Jones, Frank D. Payne, Sherman. 1 Parker, Mrs. Mary Zeffers, Rev. J. H. Harrison. Miles Speese, Rev. B. K, Nicholas.. REGISTRATION COMMITTEE: — Dr. P. L. James, Chairman, Ear! i Thomas, Terry Cole, S. L. Cham bers, Major Underwood, Cl-eve Lock hart, Mrs. Virginia Lardon, Mrs. Reta Wade, Mrs. Helen Ward, Ruf us Long, C. C. Foster, Hugh Pol lard. Mrs. earl Louis, A. C. Cunny j Wilson. HOUSING COMMITTEE: John Curtwright, Chairman. Fred Hun ter, Colie Jaco, Sgt. George E. Biv ens. Mrs Zodie Gardner, Mrs. W. L. Butler, Henry W. Black, Vice Chairman, James Cole W. L. But ler, Wendell Thomas, Mrs. Pearl Brummell, Mrs, Aaron Glass. ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE: Charlie Williams, Chairman, Olin Prestige, Vice Chairman. William H. Davis. H. L. Preston, Edgar Smart, Joe Smith, Leroy Childs, H. C. Comaas, James Walker, Mar vin Price, Craig Williams. Mrs. Craig Williams. Arthur Moore, Hoi land Harrold. Jesse Miisap. Miss Beulah Bates, Lloyd Hunter, Mrs. Mary Jane Butler. WELCOMING COMMITTEE Ralph Underwood. Chairman. James Walk -er Vice Chairman Albert Wright. E. M. Wiley. Wliliam H. Gordon. Philip Barge. W. L. Sen ter. Henry Johnson, Leonard Norris, Porter Johnson. Mrs. Bessie Williams, Wil iam Pearson. R. E. Howtower, W. W. Gray. Richard Bailey, John Fleming, Emory Hickman. Grant Green. HEALTH & PROTECTION COMM ITTEE: Det. Sgt. Harry Buford, Det. Sgt. Leroy Jones, Det.Sgr. U. S.Matthews. Det. Sgt. P. M. Jen kins, Police officer Pitman Fosall. AUXILIARY POLICE: William Ev ans. J. D. Crawford, A. C. Wilson, Raymond R. Brown, Rufus Long, Harvey Carter. Dr. W. W. Peebles, Henry W. Black, J. C. Carey, Sav bert Hanger, Wendell Thomas. CITIZENS COMMITTEE: Welcoming-Housing and Enter tainment of Distinguished Guests Dr W. W. Peebles. Chairman. W. L. Myers, ®igene MciGlI, Cleo Mortimer, Jesse Hardin, Lee Washi ngton, J. D. Lewis, C. C. Galloway, Henry W. Black. James C. Jewel;, Jr., S. S. Solomon, Dr. A. L Haw kins, Dr. G. B. Lennox, Dr. Wesley Jones. Dr. Price Terrell. Dr. C. H. Singleton, Dr. Craig Morris. Aity. Charles F. Davis, Dr. Milton John son, Dr. D. W. Gooden, Dr. Her bert Wiggins, Dr, W. W. Solomon, Edward Fletcher, Wendell Tromas, Charles B. Dickerson, Thomas P. Mahammitt. H. J. Pinkett, Arthur B. McCaw, Ralph Adams. Raymond R. Brown. W. B. Bryant, Charles i J. Coleman. Paul S. Holliday. SAFETY SCHOOL ON WHEELS Service men who have enjoyed the facilities of CSO clubs through u.t the United States have been interested in the Safety School on Wheels, an educational project of the National Woman’s Christian Temperance union. The school. *ire< ted by James and Eleanor Kil iip. emphasizes the importance of ifcysical fitness and the effects cf fatigue and alcohol. TVsts are given for Reaction. Coordination tad Vision. “It's the Brain that I Counts" and other alcohol eaocat j ion motion picture sound films and j shorts are shown. The Safety School cm Wheels ; traveled in 30 states, covering 1*, I WO miles, visiting over 190 camps i area.- during a recent nine-month trip. The photograph shows .service j men taking scientific tests under {the direction of Mr. KtUip in the | South Broad street USO, Philadel ! phia, Pennsylvania, which is in ; the former home of the famous I lawyer, John G.Johnson.