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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1943)
cUu WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 Brother John Evans top man at the Home Hotel. ***** Til© White Horse Inn and the Regis Hotel waiters are tops on service at all times. ***** The HR boys are up to the mil. uto on quick service. ***** The Omaha Club waiters a-a on the job at all times. ***** The Fontenelle waiters are /erv much out in front on fine serviti . j The Race horse head waiter and | his high-powered car are a north , 24th street sensation and the rapid fire crew of waiters are going over the top on service at all times. ***** The Hill Hotel waiters are on the front line on service. ***** Mr. Travis Gaiters is on the job after enjoying a fine vacation in i California. ***** I« RABE'S 1 Buffet for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street — Always a place to park— ' TIME AND TIDE WAIT ON ij NO MAN—NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES RE- j | BUILT. :; I ; Quality Material & Guaranteed ;! i Quality Work | j j ’ FREE DELIVERY Call AT. 7060 The LAKE SHOE SERVICE J. L. TAYLOR, PROP. H. W. Smith is trying to work out a plan to visit Leavea^ortii, Kansas again. There is a reason. ***** The Musician Headwaiter after enjoying the breeze of the green »reas on west Pacific street and tlia Happy Hollow Club, is back <n the city at the Chamber of Comm erce and the streamlined chef who has been a wet goods salesman at the Field Club is all-ready to serve large parties in double quick time. All-right boys we are already to give you a great big hand! ***** THE WEEK— Mr. Dorsey, one of the U. F. star chefs on North 24th street and Mr. Wm. Pace one of Omaha’s rap id fire chef cooks is regaining his strength and we hope for him a real comeback. ***** Mr. Hudson one of the U. P. star dining car waiters and Rev. Ben son and Dr. Wesley Jones at the streamlined barber shop. ***** Many soldiers and sailors in the city. ***** Guy Robbins at the Ritz theatre. ***** Dr. Peebles and Bill Sones on a shopping tour. ***** Read The Omaha Guide for all the news! ***** Count Basie at the Dreamland on Sept. 6th. ***** The following beautiful ladies are barmaids at a northside busin ess house—Berniece Aright, Her tha E. Johnson, Mildred Higdon, Marie Brooks—Waitresses, Monty Taylor, Evettie Oatis, —Bart ndcr, Otis Hayes. Dr. Johnson the druggist very liysy. Omaha had many Labor Day cel jbrations. ***** Read The Omaha Guide Cor all :he latest news! ***** Lee Washington on 24th and Er skina St. ***** Walter White, executive secret »ry of the NAACP says we have a jig job ahead of us as a race. ***** The National Association of Wo men Lawyers admitted three col ored women and the American Bar Association admitted a colored la# rer. ***** U. S. Attorney General Biddle plan to bar Negro migration from the south is a dead issue. ***** Little Shirley Ann Hurst made a Serving the Nation VIZ NORTHWESTERN BELL EMPLOYEES IN ARMED FORCES Some serve on fighting fronts half a world away. For others, there is service nearer home. Each day, millions of telephone calls are helping to' speed the production of war materials and the move-] ment of men and supplies. The 14,200 Northwestern Bell men and women on the home front are providing service foe many more telephone users and handling many more long distance calls than ever before—at a time when the shortage of materials prevents addition of lines and equipment Each day, they are skiving to make the best possible use of the facilities we have and to do the telephone Job so that it will contribute Its full and vital part in the united drive for victory. i I For your patience and understanding in these days' when telephone service is not always up to normal peacetime standards and when many civilian telephone needs cannot be met, we are sincerely grateful. NORTHWESTERN * REU * TELETHON! COMPANY' Back the Attack With War Bends INVEST IN EXTNA BONDS IN SND WAN LOAN THREE O’CLOCK . . . AND I HAVEN'T SLEPT A WINK" WAKEFUL NIGHTS — how the time drags! Minutes seem like hours, we worry over thing*. done and left undone. After such a night, we get up in the morning more tired than when we went to bed. Nervous Tension causes many a wakeful night and wakeful nights are likely to cause Ner vous Tension. Next time you feel Nervous and Keyed Up or begin to toss, tumble and worry after you get to bed —try DR. MILES NERVINE tuquia or juiervescent tablets) DR. MTTJCS NERVINE helps to ease Nervous Tension —to permit re freshing sleep. When you are Keyed Up, Cranky, Fidgety, Wakeful, take Dr. Miles Nervine. Try it for Nervous Headache and Nervous Indigestion. Get Dr. Miles Nervine at your drug store. Effervescent Tablets, large Package T5*, Small Package 35*; Liquid, Large Bottle $1.00, Small Bottle 25*, both equally effective as a sedative, both guaranteed to satisfy or your money back. Read directions and use only as directed. Meet Senator FILIBUSTER ' / /' J This is Senator Filibuster ... Senator Filibuster doesn’t want ten million American citizens in eight Southern states- to vote. It means little to him that the poll tax holds back the war effort. It’s nothing to him that our — enemies use the poll tax to discredit us among our colored Allies “ j Senator Filibuster doesn’t like anybody who tries to make democracy work. Senator Filibuster was “elected” by a hand ful of voters. A “permanent” politician, he keeps coming back to Congress term after term ... and he has a death-like grip on important Congressional committees. In the last Congress, he killed the Geyer-Pepper anti-poll tax bill in the Senate after it passed the House. He has threatened to filibuster again this fall—for 15 months if necessary—to keep the Senate from voting on HR 7, the anti-poll tax bill which passed the House in May of this year by 265-110. YOU PERSONALLY CAN LICK SENATOR FILI BUSTER. His endless speech making can be stopped. It is called invoking cloture and it takes a 2/3 vote of the Senators. Millions of Negro American citizens must write i their Senators to vote for cloture—and CONTINUE to vote for cloture until debate IS limited. In September, the Senate comes back to Washington to go to work. If you, your friends, and every Negro organization write their Senators today to vote for cloture and passage of HR 7, the poll tax and Senator Filibuster will go down to defeat. MAKE DEMOCRACY WORK. ASK YOUR SENATORS TO VOTE JTOR j CLOTURE AND PASSAGE OF HR 7. (' For further information communicate with the NATIONAL COMMITTEE TO ABOLISH THE POLL TAX 10 Independence Avenue • 1 Washington 4, D. C t P ' i i - -||B||B|,m speech over the radio after Buying | a bond at the Bud Billiken picnic in Chicago. ***** Negro Business Men’s League ends biggest session in Baltimore. ***** ^Baptist open 63rd Session in Chi cago with a very large attendance. ***** Are you a member of the NAA >P: If not, why not? ***** Daniel Webster former white house coachman and chauffeur has retired and is living in Washing ton. DC. ***** Gov. Martin Mike Conner was de feated for the nomination for the Second term in Mississippi. ***** Figures from a reliable source estimate that there will be four million Negro voters in the 1944 Presidential election. ***** Capt. Sarah Emett Jackson of Chicago w'as assigned Battalion Commander of the 3rd regimnet of the WACs at Fort Desmoines. ***** M>s. Ben Gray and her daughter have been in Omaha for the last few weeks. They now reside in Los Angeles, Calif. ***** Colored Elks meet in Chicago in 1944. \ ***** Housewives’ League closes 6th Annual meeting in Baltimore. ***** The following persons attended morning services at Clair Chapel Sept. 5th, Misses Della Mary Tones, Red Oak, Iowa: Leccas Montgom ery, Clarinda, owa; Miss LaVanne Manese, Pierre, South Dakota: Miss ... ! A GREAT SPIRITUAL READER Tells you all you want to know. Answers all questions. If you are in need of good. Spiritual help and advice, let this God-sent woman help you to gain Love, Luck. Suc cess, Happiness, and Health. No matter what your troubles are. see REV. MADAME LUCKEY from New Orleans, La., at 2124 North £4th Street. READINGS DAILY 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. HIIHIinilllHIIIIIIIUIIIIIlUHIiliHimiM | THE ART OF GOSPEL !i i; SINGING TAUGHT BY 11 THELMA S. POLK. ii DIRECTOR ZION BAPTIST CHURCH CHORUS Thelma S. Polk, teacher of Gos pel Music, has been chosen Pianist Director for the Gospel Chords at Zion Baptist Church. Mrs. Polk, a native of Chicago, i comes to Omaha very much pre pared in this line of work having served in Union Baptist and a number of other prominent church es in her home town. OPENS STUDIO The Rev. S. K. Nichols, uncle of this fine young woman, has opened for her a studio at 2424 Erskine •treet, where she will teach Gospel Singing exclusively. For inform ation CALL JA-3229. Geraldine Reeves, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Seaman Tyree Price, Hast- j tag, Nebraska; Miss Else Jones of Zion Baptist Church; Walter Her bert Besgart, NAD, Hasting, Neb.; Porter Stewart Smith, NAD, Hast - ing, Nebraska; Mrs. Floyd Cobb f;nd I Billie. Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. Nora Miller, Omaha; Mrs. Fred Hicks, KC.t Mo.; James Lovt, Hast irgs, Neb.; Alonzo Phillips, Omaha; Mrs. Ashley Simmons, Zion Baptist Church; Joe Louis King, S2C NaD. Hastings, Neb.; George Williams, NAD. Hastings, Neb; Jack D. Sim mons Zion, Baptist Church. ***** Except for fatal train wreck, the Holiday death toll for the Labor Day weekend was very low. ***** Julian Wm. Mack, jewish leader retired Judge of U. S. Circuit court President of the World’s Jewish Congress, died in New York Sept. 6th. ***** We all extend our heartfelt sym pathy to Mrs. Wm. M. Taylor in the death of her beloved and and may we say her lost is heaven’s gain. Our hearts are very sad— Our voices all are still. A place is vacant in your home, that lever can be filled. Sleep on brother ; Taylor in that blessed sleep f'om i which none ever wakes to weep. 'nt:i>!iM4ri!!nii>>Niiu;iii!mHiiir,iiiiiliifitni>imnmmiiTTiimnKiT!Tn)iiituninmi«Bi LOCAL NOTES SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY A beautiful surprise birthday party was given in honor of Mrs. Mollie Barnes, 2518 Blondo St., sponsored by Mrs. Margaret Bowl es. Eight ladies were present. The afternoon was spent singing beau tiful hymns and praising God. Re freshments were served. Mrs. Barnes received some beau tiful cards and presents. The host esses were Mrs. Ada Vaughn and Mrs. Edith Curtwright. The ladies present were Madam Lee, Mrs. R. Austin, Mrs. G. A. Cooper, Mrs. Garr. CORPORAL WOODS HERE Corporal Delmar Woods, weli t known in Omaha and Lincoln soc ial circles, was home to visit with his wife, relatives and friends Tor a few days last week. He visitc.i his mother and father in Lincoln. Nebraska last Saturday. IN RESERVE ARMY | Technical Sergeant Charles Pank.v j has been released from the army but still is held in reserve capac ity. He came home last week to • rejoin his overjoyed little family, and will soon resume his railroai ing work as before being inducted into the army. He is the husband of the fonn e.' Mao Allen. NAVY BOY HOME Sampson Junior Brown, son ofj^ “dancing” Sam Brown, was horn* j on a furlough from the Navy last c week. ; e -- c PARADISE BAPTIST CHURCH s Thursday evening Mission No 2 at the Church and Rev. Spenc> r r will teach the lesson. S Wednesday evening regular pray t er meeting. Friday evening business meeting at the Church. Sunday morning the pastor will preach from the subject “By The Grace of God I am what I am". I Corn. 10th verse. Madame Luckey, Guest Speaker SPIRITUAL, SCIENCE FRST CHURCH OF DELIVERANCE 6124 North 24th Street. Rev. Madame Luckey from New ins, Louisiana is guest speak er. Rev. W. M. Garnett of Kansas City, Mo., will also be present to Assist in the meetings. There will be services every right. At which time there will be devine healing, everyone who at tends these meetings will be bless ed. The Rev. Alfred Thomas is min ster. EVANGELIST MARIE WRIGHT IETURNS FROM EXTENDED TRIP Evangelist Marie Wright, 2520 North 25th Street returned Tut a day from her extended trip in the sunny South. While on her trip she visited many relatives and many years. In touring southern friends whom she hadn’t seen for cities Evangelist Wright covered quite a bit of territory, where she .eld some wonderful programs ar.d neetings as well as attending them ,nd they do have some most out tanding meetings. Among the cities she visited are Vtmore, Ala., Oceans Springs, Miss, lastleberry, Ala., Flomaton, Ala., i and Pensaaola, Florida and several ^ other cities in the state of Florida, Mississippi and Alabama. She reports that the old sunny South extended many courtesies n her honor and that she had a wonderful time during the few months spent touring the sunny south. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 1906 North 24th St., Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Rose Oliver, Reporter Sunday school_...._. .9:45 am. Morning Service _11:30 am. YPPU. __...6 pm. Evening Service ...._..7:30 pm Wednesday night Service 7:30 pm Friday night Women’’s Work .. .. ... ..8 00 Pm Sunday throughout the day was jrand. We had a grand time in .he Lord. Sunday night Evangelist rVright preached a soul-stirring .ermon. Her subject “Was Wilt Thou be made whole.” Evangelist It used to be TABOO for girls to discuss this kind of help Many a girl has suffered from ramp-like pain and other distress* s duo only to periodic functional auses simply because that was a ubject people didn’t talk about. Nowadays, thousands of women ely on the 2-way help of CARUt I. tithed days before the time and xken as directed, CARDL'I should help relieve purely functional peri odic pain. Used as a tonic, it often perks up appetite, increases ‘lie flow of gastric juices, thus aiding digestion and thereby helping tc build up strength and resistant for the time it’s most needed. CARDUI may help you. A G’ year record says it’s worth ,\ tr:.U Marie Wright returned home from her Evangelistic tour through the South where she visited -nany points. She finds that there is plenty of work to be done there. Vhe people of Nebraska should he glad to praise God because in the south is not like it is here in Ne braska. Evangelist Wright ex plains that she could write a book of experiences while in the south, and she don’t mean a small one. The Women’s Work will meet at the home of Mrs. Ann Oliver 2424 Erskine St., Friday night Sept. 10, at 8:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to como out. Who Does Your Thinking? by KITH TAYLOR “Hold on” you are going to say. I “I do my own thinking. No one tells me what to say!” Perhaps that is true—but is it your head or your- heart or your cussedness that dictates what you think? We are no nation of regimented | slaves. What restrictions we have j placed upon us. What regulations 1 we obey, we accept of our own free . will. They are OUR laws, and we j will obey them because they are traffic signals at a langerous curve in tho road. We are no nation of group think ers—an American Europe, drawn each way by conflicting interests ' and hamstrung at every turn by j barriers of age-old misunderstand ings. We are free men who coop erate but who do not belong in groups. Under our demociatic form of government, we are free to determine our own thoughts, rind, that implies a personal responsi bility as to what we let rule our thoughts—our head, our heart or our cussedness. When our head rules, we can think calmly and dispassionately and determine what is the logical course to pursue for our own !n terest. When our heart rules, we follow our emotions, too often mis taking the will’o the-wisp of fancy for the steady flame of idealism. iWhen our cussedness rules, we o bey our prejudices—prejudices bas ed on lack of knowledge of our brothers’ needs or motives. Just as we need three branches of government to check the usurp tion of power by any one, so we need to let the three—head, heart and cussedness—rule our thoughts. Unquestionably we must first think with our heads, for we need clear and logical thought. We need to face and assimilate facts, to be realistic and practical in time of national tension. But we must also think with our hearts, that we may add the leaven of compassion to our thoughts, that we may have faith and hope and charity, that we may work in harmony with our fellow Americans because we think in harmony with them. To these two we must add the spice of cussedness, turning it from personal prejudices against peopl0 to an active determination to fight athing— an evil which seeks to di vide and disrupt, to set religion a gain religion, race against .-ace, class against class—and color a gainst color—an evil which socks to control by destruction of nat unity which is democracy. Who does your thinking? You are but one—but as YOU and YOU knd YOU think, so will the nation act. The responsibility is grsat— and it is up to you! i- . ir- if=- —i •IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL’ MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. t=. HE—11 11=-■ CONSTIPATED? Don't Force! Don't Strain— Thus Risking Hemorrhoids TRY THIS FOR 5 DAYS Here’s one right and proper way to moist en hard dry passages and obtain more gen tle “easy” movements. Every morning for 5 days, 15 minutes before breakfast, drink a glass of hot water to which one teaspoon fUl of Kruschen Salts has been added. While you are eating breakfast the hot water and Kruschen will be feeding moisture to those bard, dry passages. They become soft, moist, easier to expel. No need to strain and thus risk painful rectal Irritation. Usu ally within 30 minutes wastes are expelled smoothly and gently. You feel gloriously fresh again. Be sure to follow the simple easy directions. Don’t delay—you can get Kruschen Salts at any drug store. MRS. RCSA BROWN BRACT, Dir ector of field operations of the Na tional Negro Business league and assistant to the executive secret ary, Albon L. Holsey, whose field activity aided greatly the success ;of the recent convention at Balti more. During the past year she organized 10 local leagues and re vived 16 others. (ANP photo.) ASKS MOKE RESPECT FOR CHURCHES, MINISTERS Atlanta, Sepi. 3 (ANPj—Mori? re spect for the church and its min- i isters was asked here Sunday by the Rev. Marshall Shepard, Phita , delphia, former member of the 1 Per.nrylvania legislature, who <h ■ ' livered tfhe 73rd anniversary serm on at the Greater Wheat Street Baptist church Sunday. The Rev. j W. H. Borders is pastor. Wo’U never beccme a great e ! Unless v.-e learn how to apprer aie | the church and its preachers,” at- j serted Dr. Shepard, who attracted j nationwide attention during the I 1936 National Democratic conver.- i ion when Sen. "Cotton Ed” Smith 1 o£ South Carolina walked out < i 1 the hall as the minister was j:ra\ - ■ ing. The church, he said, is the four.- I dation of all progressive business fend educational institutions. Brac ing the work of the FEPC Dr. i Shepard contended that the comm ittee couldn’t do everything. “We I Race Owned i; ;; Establishment. o Expense Is entirely a matter ! of choice and when necessary ; !; x • n.l ti payments may be ar-i|i oranged. For memories of peace;! ; - and beauty. ;; i! Thomas i :: FUNERAL HOME | Tel. WE. 2022 2022 LAKE ST. Omaha, Nebr. j!| ought to form a program to help Negroes stay on th«'ir jobs ,• ml treat their job? right.” ii* said The Itev. Mr. Borders amvxii’c d that $2,900 had been raised during the anniversary observance. LMix Lemon Juice AT HOME ■ TO RELIEVE Sw RHEUMATIC PAINS Monev Back—If This Recipe Fails Oooa news travels fast—many of the thou aanda of folks who now take lemon Juice for rheumatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoonfuls of Allenru to one tablespoonful of Lemon Juice In a glass of water, they get faster relief for the aches and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It's no surprise either, for Allenru Is a IS year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains. In fact—if It does not help —your money back. What could be fairer? Oet Allenru today at any live druggist Only as cants—Do It Now. Don’t Gamble SSTfiT? Cuts, Scratches, Burns Be vrise.Guard against infections which may "lay you up.” Cleanse wound instantly. Then apply effective, inhibitory antiseptic Ol L-O-SOL.Used for over 40 years in thousands of factories, garages, industrial first aid stations, fire depart ments and homes. Pleasant to use. Combats infection; quickly helps relieve pain. Only 50c at your druggist's. Must satisfy you or your money back. Get Msuo'i OIL-O-SOL today. Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back When excess stomach scid causes painful, suffocat Ins s&s, sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usuallj prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known tot symptomatic relief—medicines like those In Bell-ana Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ans brings comfort In a jiffy or double your money back on return of bottle to us. 25c at all druggists. ^YAlka-Seltzer] Try Alka-Seltzer for “Morning After*’ Aching Acid Indigestion. Pleasant, effective, 30# and 60#. \ > High Vitamin potency at low cost— ONE-A-DAY Vitamin Tablets. A and D tablets in the yellow box—B-Com plex tablets in the grey box. > , DR. "MILES -*»>, ^LNERYINE^ Dll PC OITSmDY ■# II h \ RELIEF FROM ■ ■ blaV ITCH AND BURN THIN WALK AND SIT IN COMFORT Use Poslam—the CONCENTRATED ointment — ns thousands have. The oily base HOLDS P os lam’s medication on the smarting skin to cool and soothe that agonhslng Itch and bum. Sold from coast to coast for 35 years. Ask your doctor. Only 50c, all drug stores mr We Offer for Your Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EDHOLM&SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 NATURAL PAGE BOY ATTACHMENTS YOU CAN HAVE YOUR HAIR . PERFECTLY MATCHED FOR i COM Creations m <P BVU Easily Attached ft /, Haman Hair— L All Shades SSSt SEND NO MONEY J| wiapte af yon hofar ar Mata color PAT POSTMAN SIM pin pnlopa m Aalivary ^Tj PUTTS, WIOS AND MAIDS ft StmtACTION OR MOMT •MUNDCD (S«c aotrp Tar Gray Hair) SINO TOUR ORDER TORAY ■ '_J IaA A A a a. a - a. a. a JESSIE RARE BEAUTY PRODUCTS COMPANY •#7 FIFTH AVENUE (Room 90S I NEW TOM CITT TO ALL OUR RFAOERS-FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Here at lest is a special low-cost. aH-coverage policy with benefits op to HSOfcM hr death, J1SOOOO for dismemberment. MaapitaF. Doctar and WdllM Tea giaanw ar.d even a $100.00 emergency allowance included foe Cray policyholder, afl as pew vided for in your FREE policy. Read it in the privacy of your homo. No obligation QUICK CASHw^tnm°oust,ee,> You never know when tragedy might ttrikr. Accidents an non common then jm think. PUy uk Let Indepeodenc* Insurance give you quick each co help pay those many bdU. No waiting period. No fad tape. No delay*. Mod coupon tedqr. PREMIUM lc A DAY • NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION Law year one permit in every 14 waa painfully (Seabled dm aeodewL Wa aavew know who'll be eect. A whole year', premium only $J.4J—a penay a lay IMP than one day s stay m a hoapital. No increase in ratta. No doctors' esaaapastsaaav Wa taka your word. No mattar how old or where you work, apply today. SEND NO MONEY-NO OBLIGATION DIG, STRONG RELIABLE INSURANCE You dea! direct—save agents’ commission*. Remember, there •re thousands and thousands m U. 3. Government Bonds back of Independence policies- Your regular fuil-aue policy sent postpaid if you art now. ^ MDEPBOOIS WSSMWX M. ""SI t<«t IL IMBVUI, EOTKX1 «IU. CHI Ftwac Mnd my Imitpmdemea pdkef fcr fttt in^actMi at «■«. H+ ****** «T «r ■1-rMt)-,r,-r-1-Bmtmmf Mr<i.. 4MTM. ...-■—■■ — CHr.^.-.»l» , , ,j»