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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1943)
LOCAL NOTES W. B. BRYANT RETURNS FROM VETERANS HOSPITAL W. B. Bryant. Attorney, whos" office is at 2314 North 24th Street, has returned from a two months’ stay at the U. S. Veterans Hospit al at Lincoln, Nebraska. He is glad to report that his health is much improved and that he will be at his office, as usual, from now on. Mr. Bryant wishes also to ex press his appreciation for the many letters, cards and flowers which his friends sent him while he was in the hospital. GRADUATE MOTOR CORPS Ft. Desmoines ,1a., Sept. 3 Auxil iary Mable Virginia Nevels, 614 South Ninth Street, Beatrice, Ne braska is one of the Negro memb ers of the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps graduated recently from the Motor Transport School at First WAC Training Center, Fort Des Moines. Ia., She has been trained to drive arid care for many typos of vehicles so that she can replacei a soldier as a non-combat driver and motor mechanic. THE NEW VICTORY BEAUTY SALON NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS There are four spacious booths and three efficient operators, Hat tie Johnson a Poro Operator, Rose Roach a recent graduate of the Northside Beauty School, Cloone Macklin Harmon, Operator and manager, a graduate of the Alt house Beauty School. The management wishes to take this means of thanking all who made it possible for her to open co soon: Mr. Davis of the Omaha Outfitting Co., Mr. Buckner, Car penter and others. Please come in and look us over. 2118 North 24th St., WE. 5217. OMAHAN PROMOTED Camp Lee, Va., Several promot . ions were announced recently in the 9th and 11th Quartermaster Training Regiment. Among these was one Omahan, Henry McCarrell, who was promoted from Technic ian Fifth to Sargeant. SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH Salem Baptist Church was host to the Omaha City BTU. Sunday at its 5th Sunday meeting which was well attended, with Morning Star winning the attendance banner on percentage and Salem the Loving Cup on Finance. Today was Mission Day and the Women were in charge all day pre senting a delightful program at 11 a.m. with Rev. Fort delivering the message. His subject “Jesus Only.” St. Matt. 17:8. The 8 pm. Service consisted of Special Music S“lect ions two rendered by Mrs. Slaugh ter Gospel Singer of Kansas City. Our BTU. Director Mr. Wm. Coop er, will report for final examinat ion for induction into the arm^ on Saturday Sept. 4, in view of this fact the BTU. Study Course will have lesson VII in BTU. Sunday, Sept. 5th at 7 pm. in order to com plete the present class in the next two weeks. Lest We forget the Revival will start Sunday Sept. 12, conducted by Evangelist O. R. Short DD. of Bonham, Texas. So RABE’S : Buffet \ for Popular Brands J of BEER and LIQUORS ® 2229 Lake Street % —Always a place to park— % TIME AND TIDE WAIT ON I’ J’ NO MAN—NOW IS THE TIME j I !;to get your shoes re-;| ; J BUILT. 1; ; Quality Material & Guaranteed ; ■ Quality Work !; FREE DELIVERY Call AT. 7060 i: The LAKE SHOE ! | i SERVICE J. L. TAYLOR, PROP. \\ irfHElRTlFloSPEri :: SINGING TAUGHT BY . i: THELMA S. POLK. j DIRECTOR ZION BAPTIST CHURCH CHORUS Tl'.elma S. Polk, teacher of Gos pel Music, has been chosen Pianist Director for the Gospel Chorus at Zion Eaptist Church. Mrs. Polk, a native of Chicago, comes to Omaha very much pre pared in this line of work having served in Union Baptist and a number of other prominent church es in her home town. OPENS STUDIO The Rev. S. K. Nichols, uncle of this fine young woman, has opened for her a studio at 2424 Erskine street, where she will teach Gospel Singing exclusively. For inform ation CALL JA-3229. follow the crowds to Salem. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOT1 1906 North 24th St., Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Rose Oliver, Reporter Sunday school_9:45 am. Morning Service . .-11:30 am. YPPU. . 6 pm. Evening Service_..7:30 pm Wednesday night Service 7:30 pm Friday night Women"s Work .. .. .. ..8:00 Pm Sunday throughout the day was grand. Tile Pastor preached a soul stirring sermon both morning and night. Sunday Sept. 6. There will be someone else here to deliver the sermons. Everyone is invited to como cut. TOWXSENI) CLUB No. 11 The Townsend Plan is still grow ing strong. Certainly our Clubs holds for us the best there is in genuine fraternalism. Yes it is important tt) all living Americans and to all Americans who are to live that our way of life shall be preserved. Let us work for the advancement of our cause. We are fighting for a universal ann uity insurance for citizens. Let this be our battle cry, America is going to have A Universal Annu iety Insurance for all her citizens. You can tell that to your friends to your critics, to the skeptics. Well our two days conference whih was held at the Rome Hotel on August the 21st and 22nd was a grand sucess and if you were not with us I am sure you missed a treat. Our program was carried out to the letter. We had between 8 and 9 hundred attendance and 2 hundred an five were served at the Banquet tables and Oh what fun we did have. We still have our drive on for more members and more clubs. Our club No. 11 is still meeting. Every Monday night at the Urban League Center 2213 Lake St. Come out and bring your friends. Visitors are always wel come. L. W. McDonald, Pres., J. VV. Dallas, 1st Vice, Mallory West Brooks, 2nd Vice, Mrs. B. Hawkins, Treasurer, Mrs. Edith Harrison, Secy. MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. D. St. Clair, Pastor Worship services throughout the day were well attended at the morning service and two persons were united with the Church. One as a candidate for baptism. This proves that in spite of the strong forces of evil within the world to day, that somebody is thinking ef their souls’ salvation. At the evening worship Rev. Hurd a young minister brought the message to us from Act. 11:26. Sub ject ‘‘A Christian.” Among the visitors present was Rev. O. W, Robinson of Desmoines, Iowa, Mod erator of the Iowa-Nebraska and Dakota State Convention. We all enjoyed the remarks coming from Rev. Robinson, also present was Rev. Nicholson. Sunday school and BTU. depart ments are still marching on. The program sponsored by the U. group was very good. Both of these de partments are inviting each and everyone to attend their services. The State rally sponsored by the Mission Society was held in the af ternoon at 3 O'clock. The program was very interesting and enjoyed by' aU. Everybody is welcome to ail of the services. Your presence is an inspiration to us. A special invit \ ation is extended to men and wom en in the Armed forces. Come one :ome all—Come learly and leave early. AN OPEN I^ETTER Mi. C. C. Galloway, Editor, Omaha Guide Omaha, Nebraska. Dear Mr. Galloway: The Baha’i Group of Omaha wish to thank you most sincerely for your kindness in printing in your paper the articles submitted in re gard to the Baha’i Faith during the months of June and July. We trust the enlightening words you have helped us spread will ease the rough path for some in a troubled world today. We pray the blessings of God be bestowed upon you and yours, Very truly yours, EUNICE BAKER, Sec'y Baha’i Group, of Omaha, 530 Medical Arts, Omaha. __ CLAIR METHODIST CHURCH Services were well attended last Sunday with sermons delivered both morning and night by the pas tor Rev. Reynolds. Mrs. Oma Ow ens united with the church during the evening service. The church raised over $300 for redecorating the church. This coming Sunday, Sept. 5th 13 orr Second Quarterly Meeting. Tne Rev. R. H. i ’owell of Lincoln, Ne braska, will serve as District Sup erintendent, and will preach both morning and night. The Rev. I'r. Powell is a very ' forceful gospel preacher and one of our most suc cessful pastors. The Rev. L. A. Story and choir of Cleaves Temple Church will have charge of the service Sunday afternoon at 3:30 WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 The RR boys are up to the min ute on service on the wheels. ***** Mr. Thomas A. Willis and Mr. Bennie B. Cowans are rapid fire* private car men. Mr. Linwood Hall Mr. Roy McCallister, Mr. Luther Johnson, Mr. Rodney Williams, Mr. James Robinson, Mr. Gordon Hopkins and all of the boys are on the job. ***** The Paxton with the race horse head waiter and the quick step ping crew are taking care of the service at their place in a fine manner, you can lay to that. ***** The Omaha Club waiters with Capt. Earl Jones are on the rapid step with a smile while serving their public. ***** The Fontenelle Hotel waiters are ! on the up and go at all times with their good service. ***** The Regis Hotel and the White Horse Inn waiters are tops and very much out in front when it comes to service with a smile. ***** All waiters should read The menu carefully and keep posted on any changes that might occur as at always avoids a delay when you can explain what is served with the different dishes as waiters are supposed to be ready to give quick answers to all questions and lhe guests notices and gives Close at tention to the way they carry theirselves. > ***** THE WEEK Bishop John A, Gregg completes a 27,627 mile trip to the South Pac ific battle area. Returns to his home and goes on to Washington DC., to make a report to army head quarters. I The movie picture “This is the Army” was shown in Washington, DC., to a crowded house and as the Champion Boxer Sgt Joe Louis was on the stage with a group of army officers. ***** Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune started her educational work 40 years ago at Daytona, Florida. ***** General McArthur tells Bishop Gregg the Colored soldiers are great. All honor to the General at all times. ***** Sponsors of the Anti-poll tax bill are asking a special week in Oct ober to push the bill to a vote and passage. ***** Salon H Bryan of Arlen, NC., says no southerner should be at the peace table. ***** A small group of Colored busin essmen of Cleveland, Ohio pooled their cash and purchased a very valuable business corner on the East side. ***** A. Philip Randolph addressed an overflow crowd at the Second Bap- | tist Church is Los Angeles, Calif. ***** Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt con tends that discrimination should be discontinued for all times to Come. ***** A TRIP TO LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS Leavenworth, Kansas—This wri ter had a very' pleasant vacation in the historical city with the very lovely people and it was a very friendly greeting from everyone. We met and we attended serv ices at the Independence Baptist Church on Sunday morning and! all the members extended a Christ ian welcome with a smile. We had the pleasure of meeting two of our friends from Little Rock, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Baskins. It was a great surprise. On Sunday afternoon we attend ed a mass meeting of the NAACP. at Bethel^AME church which was erected in 1865. Attorney James Weldon Johnson was the guest rpeaker. One we always wanted liiiiiiimmiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiniiiiiiiii o’clock. We extend a cordial in vitation to all pastors and church es to attend this service. Work of repairing and redecor ating will soon begin at Clair Chap el Church. Bids on the work are now being received. Rev. and Mrs Reynolds will attend the Area Council of the Columbus Area meeting in St. Louis. Mo., Sept. 10 to 13th. THE NBC. WOMEN’S HOUSING COMMITTEE Chicago, 111.,—When Dr. D. V. Jemison and his thousands of Na tional Baptist delegates arrive in Chicago, the Women’s Housing Committee will have Comfortable lodging for everyone. Shown s bove are members of the unit. They are, reading left to rigat: standing, Mrs. ^t. Whilus, Mrs. R. 1 ^ mmmmm Pollard. Mrs. M. L. Davis, L. V. K. Johnson. N. Bibbs, and M. Norris. Seated left to right are: Mrs. Irene Jemison, Mrs. Georgia Jackson, Mrs. A. L. Shelby, Chairman Bell Fuller, and Mrs. V Will i is. The convention will convene in Chicago September 7th through the 12th. Dleegates have already be gum arriving :here. (Press Photo Service.) -—--—--— — m to hear. He made one of the great i cst speechs we ever heard or lis tened to. Mrs. L. E. Hanna and her dau ghter Mrs. Inez Lang entertained Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Porter, and myself at a lovely dinner on Sunday afternoon Aug. 22. The table decorations were extremely beautiful and the food was extr? fine. On Tuesday evening Aug. 21 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Porter of 410 Pawnee St, entertained eight guest with a very delightful dinner. The table was beautifully decorated and the flowers and the lace table cloth cover were of the very latest design and the menu of the very latest selections very carefully pre pared as Mr. Porter is one of the modern Chef cooks. A very en joyable evening was passed by the guests relating travelling exper iences and friendly greetings. Those present were Mr. H. W. Smith, Omaha, Nebraska, Mrs. O Nelia Byers Day, Leavenworth, Kansas and her sister Mrs. Mary Byers Richardson of San Antonio, Texas, Rev. S. L. McNeil, pastor of Bethel AME church, Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Baskins all of Leavenworth. And Sgt. Albert Linn, Mrs. L. E. Hanna. Orchids to Mr. and Mrs. Porter. We found the people very congenial, friendly and accommo dating, and they are working to gether for the good of all concern ed. On Wednesday evening Aug. 25 we enjoyed a sight seeing tour of Fort Leavenworth and we were over delighted as we viewed so many fine looking buildings and men from all parts of the U. S. in their neat uniforms and as all of our party Mr. and Mrs. Porter, Rev McNeil, Mrs. L. E. Hanna and my self agreed, it is a very neat city. As the U. S. always makes the best for the soldiers. All honor to Old Glory! Dynamite ■ (by H. GEORGE DAVENPORT) I Chicago, 111., For i Press Photo Ser vice) In 1917 I came to Chicago full of vim and vigor with a de termination t o make good. I had six letters of introduction t o various leaders of my race, met three and tore up the other three later on X met the others with out mentioning the letters. At that time Chicago had just recov ered from the shock of electing its first Negro Alderman; after that, two were elcted in the second ward We boasted of a ward committee man, two state representatives and other minor officials. Jesse Binga had a small bank at 36th and State St., Overton was do ing business on South Wabash Avo later on these two men became the most powerful financiers of my race. Bishop A. J. Carey was a spiritual as well as political leader and Commanded a lot of respect from the other groups. Rev. L. K. Williams, Baptist Minister, also dealt in politics, in fact the unscru pulous white politicians with the help of a few Negro ministers low ered the dignity of the churcn by using the pulpits to further then political ambitions. Ed Wright and Oscar DePriest were the topnotchers in politics and swayed the Negro vote .Louis B .Anderson, Bob Jackson and Shadrack Turner were next in line after Senator Marks died, Adelbert Roberts was elevated to the State Senate. Through the years, Con gressman Madden (white) died and DePriest got word of his death and hurried to Chicago, to make a long story short, he eventually was el ected to Congress, our first Negro Congressman since reconstruction days. Shortly afterward the pow ers saw fit to get rid of Iatuis B. Anderson. Oscar DePriest, Will iam E. King, Charles Jenkins, Ad elbert Roberts, William L. Dawson, Roscoe Simmons, and other small er fry dethroned Anderson and the WAC CHAPLAIN First Lieutenant King, D. Red dick, of 1231 Street, S. W. Wash ing, DC., has been assigned to duty as a Chaplain at First WAC Train ing Center, Fort DesMoines, Iowa. She is one of the advisors for the Women’s Army Corps at Fort Des Moines, Iowa. (Press Photo Serv ice). Him ii miiiiiiiiii!i ini iiiiiiimii!ii mu i Chicago Negroes went on record as having the strongest political set up in the country. Theh the fun began, Dawson ac cused King, King was committee man of the 2nd ward, DePriest was committeeman of the 3rd ward, those Negroes fought and suuao bled until they destroyed the best political organization Negroes ev er had. Negroes had prestige then. Carey, DePriest and Wright had but to use the telephone to get things done. I will not go on rec ord as ito say that these men men tioned above were real leaders, but with all of their faults (and they had plenty) Chicago Negroes were better off under that regime than they are today, notwithstanding at present setup. In those days it' took thousands of dollars and res pectable jobs to swing an election, today a case of cheap whiskey and the average of $30.00 a precinct and very few decent jobs does the trick. Negro leadership in Chicago Politically, Financially, and Spirit-' ually is on the DOWN-GRADE. CARE OF C HILDREN IN WAR TIME DEVELOPING APPRECIATION THROUGH MUSIC AND ART Rhythmatic play and appreciat ion of music are as important in the development of the young child as in the adult, Rhythmatic move ments are a great pleasure to most Children—singing, marching, keep ing time to music with hands and feet or bodies. Thus they learn to appreciate and respond to rhythm, to recognize and reproduce musical sounds. Such activities help to develop love of music as well as skillful use of the body. In schools it is called “training the ear” or ‘music training”, but ev ery child who plays the singing, dancing games of childhood is get ting his ear as well as his muscles trained. Ball bouncing games and hopping games are also of the rhythmatic type. At the Howard Kennedy Nursery School we teach the child to en joy form and color, to draw, how ever Crudely and to make colored blocks. Children learn to develop their sense of touch by letting the sand run through their fingers, shaping mud pies, or tenderly smoothing a piece of satin or vel vet that they find in the sewing box. Even a very young child may get great pleasure out of beautiful sounds and shapes and colors. Mu sical instruments are a part of the nursery equipment. The Childrf n enjoy marching to the piano and listening to the victrola. One cf the most enjoyable activ ities at the Howard Kennedy Child Care Center is the rhythm band. Tots from 2 to 6 years old are in cluded. It is remarkable how prac ticing these simpie instruments to gether brings out rhythmic qualit ies that had not been discovered in the children. ROBBIE DAVIS, Director Howard Kennedy Center. TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIMI'II'M THE OMAHA GUIDE IS YOUR PAPER— READ IT WEEKLY. "Vte €UtcC 'Dottfo” Cc V \ Continental Features LAST OF SOUTHERN “HAMITS HEEDS” WEDS Scotlandville, La., Aug. 31 (ANP) Miss Meryl Albert Pearry, the last of the popular "Kampus Heeds was wed Saturday to John ,T. Hedge mon, registrar at Southern univ ersity. The wedding ceremony, was solemnized in the campus home of | the bride’s mother, a member of i the school faculty, and was read by the Rev. Richard Calvin of Lake Charles, La. The bride who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Pearry, is a descendant of the late Dr. Joseph Booker, former president of Aik ansas Baptist college. The groom is the youngest son of Mrs. Susie Hedgemon of Delhi, La. Mrs. Hedgemon holds a degree in physical education from Southern university, and has done graduate work in that field at Northwestern university. She formerly taught in the East Baton Rouge School sys tem and is a member of the Delta Sigma Theta sorority. Hedgemon a Southern university graduate, furthered his studies at the Uni versity of Nebraska. He is a mem ber of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity. ST. LOUIS CATHOLICS PLAN ESTABLISHMENT OF DAY NURSERY ST. LOUIS, Mo., Sept. 1 (ANP) — Aside from busying themselves With the regular routine of church duties, the Rev. Ralph W, Warner S. J. rector of St. Malachy’s Cath olic Church, and his two assistants the Rev. James M. Preuss, S. J.. and the Rev. Thomas D. Donohue, S. J., will take on the additional task of overseeing a day nursery which the church plans to estab lish in the basement of the old St. Malachy school here. The nursery which will care for children between the ages of two and five and one half years, h«3 been approved by the most R. v. John J. Glennon, archbishop of St. Louis. It is also planned that the same quarters will house a modern Clinic, supervised by comp-tent medical authority, to attend to the health of the children in the nur sery and for nursing and expect ant mothers. A fully equipped playground will be built adjoining the school. St. Malachy’s parish was trans II- If-: ! “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST =- ~1F= H--, -* 0 ft 0- *r. fi 0 0 0 w * ^ ir I Johnson Drug Co. 1 2306 North 24th ! I FREE DELIVERY f_We, 0998. If You Suffer From CONSTIPATION! Try This Famous British Medicinal Salts Now Being Made in U.S.A. In a glass of hot water put one teaspoon ful of Kruschen Salts and drink about half an hour before breakfast. 15 to 20 minutes later follow with your usual breakfast cup of hot coffee or tea. Usually within thirty minutes you get prompt and effective relief and should begin to feel bright and re freshed again. Be sure to follow the simple easy directions. Now’ keep this up for 5 straight days— just see if you too don’t discover why thou sands have found hot water and Kruschen Salts so beneficial In relieving that dull con stipated “out-of-sorts” headachy feeling. Get Kruschen Salts today—at all drug stores. ECZEMA EASE THAT ITCH SUCCESSFULLY! Don’t bear the torments of eczema another day. Do as thousands of happy people have—use Poslam for quick, dependable relief. At night, when itching is worse, one applica tion of this CONCENTRATED ointment brings soothing comfort and lets you sleep. 18,000,000 packages sold during 35 years show It must be good. Recommended by many doctors. Sold from coast to coast. Only 50c at all druggists. ferred to the Jesuit Fathers for ser vice in the Negro slum area two years ago, and within that time the old school building which had been idle for years, has been renovated and put m worKing order. The school now has an attendance of more than 200 grade school boys and girls, where they are served a full meal each day at the nomin al price of five cents. Tuition is but 50 cents per month, and when two or more children attend from the same family the tuition for each additional child is but 25 cents St. Louis police records indicate that crime in such improved slum areas is steadily on the decrease. j: Race Owned Establishment. Expense Is entirely a matter '' ; > of choice and when necessary || ! | extended payments may be ar- ! ] i! ranged. For memories of peace. 1 ;' and beauty. J | !; Thomas II : FUNERAL HOME j: Tel. WE. 2022 2022 LAKE ST. Omaha, Nebr.;! j Subscribe Today! I, Mix Lemon Juice AT HOME W TO RELIEVE Mi) RHEUMATIC PAINS Money Back—If This Recipe Fails Good news travels last—many of the thou sands of folks who now take lemon Juice for rheumatic pain—have found that by addin* two tablespoonfuls of Allenru to one tablespoonful of Lemon Juice in a glass of water, they get faster relief for the aches and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago It’c no surprise either, for Allenru is a 15 year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains. In fact—if It does not help —your money back. What could be fairer? Get Allenru today at any lire druggist. Only 85 cents—Do It Now. Don’t Gamble Cuts, Scratches, Burns I Benlse.Guard against infections which may "lay j you up.” Cleanse wound instantly. Then apply j effective, inhibitory antiseptic Oll^O-SOL.Used for over 40 years in thousands of factories, garages, industrial first aid stations, fire depart ments and homes. Pleasant to use. Combats infection; quickly helps relieve pair.. Only 50c at your druggist's. Must satisfy you or your money back. Get Mosso’s OIL-O-SOL today. Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back When excess stomach acid causes painful, suffocat ing gas. sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usual]} prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like those In Bell>ans Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ans brings comfort in a Jiffy or double your money back on return of bottle to us. 25c at all druggists. EVERYBODY must have VITAMINS I Of course everybody gets SOME Vitamins. Surveys show that mil lions of people do not get ENOUGH. • | f \l LJ a pleasant, conveniens economical way to bo | Ta/W® sure that you and your 7n «i family do not lack essen *' - , tial B Complex Vitamin is to take ONE-A-DAY brand Vitamin B Complex tablets. An insufficient supply of B Complex Vitamins causes In- " digestion. Constipation, Nerv ', ousness, Sleeplessness, Crank iness, Lack of Appetite. There are other causes for these conditions, but why not guard against this one cause by taking a ONE-A-DAY brand Vitamin B Complex Tablet everyday? » Important — Get your money** worth, always compare potencies and price. _— DNElflW We Offer for Y«ur Approval *.< Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EDHOLM&SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 NATURAL PAGE BOY ATTACHMENTS YOU CAN HAVE YOUR HAIR 4 PERFECTLY MATCHED FOrJ COEf) Latest Creations w «P g vU Easily Attached # Human Hair— C "" All Shades i* SZ SEND NO money/’ Jnt tend sample of your hair or state colot VI PAT POSTMAN SJ SO pin postage on delivery Mr PUFFS, WIGS AND BRAIDS £ SATISFACTION OR MONfY RSFUNDTO (50c extra (or Gray Hair) SIND YOUR ORDER TORAY * ' JESSIE RARE BEAUTY PRODUCTS COMPANY $07 FIFTH AVENUI (Room 905) HEW YORK CITY TO ALL OUR READERS-FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Here at last is a special low-cost, all-coverage policy with benefits up to $1500-00 fiat death. $1500.00 for dismemberment. Hospital, Doctor and JUobolanca Foo Daoaflti and even a $100.00 emergency allowance included for every policyholder, all aa pro* vided for in your FREE policy. Read it in the privacy of your home. No obligation QUICK CASH WH ™mtN!EED You never know when tragedy might strike. Accidents are more common than JSt think. Play safe. Let Independence Insurance give you quick cash to help pay those many bills. No waiting period. No red tape. No delays. Mail coupon today. PREMIUM lc A DAY • NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION Last year on* person in every 14 was painfully disabled thru accident. We nmNM know who'll be nest. A whole year's premium only $365—a penny a day—leap than one day's stay in a hospital. No increase in rates. No doctors’ fTsmiaatir—h We take your word. No matter how old or where you work, apply today. SEND NO MONEY-NO OBLIGATION no, STRONG RELIABLE INSURANCE You deal direct—save agents' commissions. Remember, there are thousands and thousands in U. S. Government Bonds back of In dependence policies. Your regular full-sire policy sent postpaid if you act now. ^ WrflWTflfWWTTTTM 'mM > i " » t a A >. INDEPENDOICC WSURANtf CO. »»ACm Otft li. LOUISVILLE, HEHTUaiY WILL CMi Please send my Independence poHcy for FREE inspection at once. No oblicrion of any kind. I