Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1943)
Urges People Not to Break Faith with NPC Employees in Armed Services “What about the 160 Nebraska Power emloyees in the armed forc es fighting for their jobs and their homes?" asked Sam W. Reynolds, past president of the Omaha Cham ber of Commerce, in an address last week on the question of polit ical ownership of the power comp any. He urged the people of Om aha not to break faith with these employees and other Omaha men serving their country. “Maybe they will want those jobs when they come home, and want those jobs left just as they were— not turned into political job3,” Reynolds said. What about all the thousands of other Omaha boys in the service. This is their town. They are coming home to live and work here. Maybe they have some ideas as to what kind of a city they want.” After getting a good look at gov ernment ownership of industry in Germany, Italy and Japan, Reyn olds said he believes Omahans How in the armed forces will want to retain the old-fashioned Amer ican way of private enterprise. "Surely they are entitled to a voice in the matteor,’’ he said. “To socialize one of Omaha’s biggest industries while they are out fight ting and have no vote certainly would be breaking faith with them. Reynolds pointed to the effect of complete political Control of the electrical industry in ..Nebraska that would result if Nebraska Pow er were converted to political own ership. "Do we want Nebraska, the so ar m - - - — — — — -—- — — - - — - BUY YOUR POULTRY j AT THE | NEBRASKA PRODUCE | 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. | Get the Best in Quality at the | NEBRASKA PRODUCE j —LOWEST PRICE— Phone WE. 4137 ; ('called White Spot of the Nation, to become the proving ground for state socialism?” he asked. “With | the great electrical industry 100 per cent politically operated, soc ialists, dreamers and economic ex perimenters will be quick to seize upon Nebraska as a laboratory for all the new guinea pigs. Try it out in Nebraska’ will be the ciy.” he said. “You can’t get managerial skill in politics. You can’t take advan tage of opportunity hy destroying opportunity, and you can’t provide industrial jobs by turning these Jobs into political patronage,” Rey nolds declared. “When this war is over, this na tion will either return to private enterprise or embark on full scale state capitalism,” he concluded. This war Can be won on the battle field and lost on the home front. I want my home town and homo state to lead the way back to pri vate enterprise. The first step on that road is to leave Nebraska Power company alone.” ATLANTA CBS STATION BANS ANTI-RIOT BROADCAST Atlanta, Aug. 3 (ANP) A sample of the hush policy in the matter of bettering racial relations adopted by many southern newspapers and radio stations was shown Saturday night when radio station WGST re fused to carry its regularly sched uled Columbia Broadcasting sys tem program, ‘Man Behind the Gun’. Decision of the local station to substitute dance records for the 30 minute network program appar ently grew out of the fact that Saturday’s program dealt with ex posing dangers of race hatred :n America. The program, featuring commen tary on the race relations issue by Wendell Willkie, was completely cut off. The station received so many calls from listeners, it was necessary for the announcer to as sure the public that “Man Behind the Gun" would not be heard until next Saturday. No System of Political Ownership Can Produce Goods, or Furnish Service, or Raise Living Standards as Does Our Country's Present System of Private Enterprise! These words echo what is in the minds and hearts of the great majority of Nebraska men and women. Nebraska ... all America . . . was built by men and women who knew they would be jusily rewarded for their labors. The early pioneers broke the virgin soil of Nebraska, not because an iron-fisted dictator stood over them, but because they knew they were building for their future security. To have and to hold these same American heritages, our brave heroes are fighting on the battlefields oi the world. While they are gone the least we at home can do is to protect these sacred rights of free enterprise, private ownership and the right of a man to take the job oi his choice and build security ior hint self and his family. WHAT IS MEANT BY FREE ENTERPRISE No believer in American Free Enterprise, no busi ness or professional man opposed to government in business, can afford to sit idly by when ANY business or industry is endangered. No man's business or profession is safe, nor exempt, from this program of socialization. Every man with a job should be on guard. Today the "politicians^ in-business" program touches the electric business. Tomorrow it may be the grocery business or any other. Who knows who's next? NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY Help Hasten Victory—Buy U. S. War Bonds and Stamps rWHY GIRLS BY THOUSANDS^ prefer this way to relieve distress of - =FEMALE WEAKNESS With Its Cranky, Nervous Feelings— Take heed If you, like so many women and girls on such days suffer from cramps, headaches, backache, weak, nervous feelings, distress of “irregularities”, periods of the blues —due to functional monthly dis turbances. Start at once — try Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It's famous not only to help relieve monthly pain but also accompanying weak, nervous feelings of this nature. This Is because of Its soothing effect on ONE OP WOMAN’S MOST IMPORTANT organs. Taken regularly—Plnkham's Compound helps build up resistance against such symptoms, rr helps jiattire. Thousands of women report benefits. Also a fine stomachic tonic! Fol low label directions. I' Lydia E, Pinkhanrs VEGETABLE COMPOUND Photo-Highlights of East-West Baseball Game More than 51 thousand fans wit nessed the East-West Baseball tilt in Cicago Sunday, Aug. 1. The West won the classic 2 to 1. Pic tured above are some of the offic ial players and fans as seen thru (the eyes of th camera. IS? m Reading left to right are Mr and Mrs. William “Little Jack’’ Jack son, secretary-treasurer of the fa mous Palm Tavern (Chicago) Beau Jack, the sensational pugilist, Al derman Oscar DePriest, Larry Am adee, (Beau Jack’s trainer), and Mrs. Paul Foster, Jr, wife of the Midwest Post’s editor of Indiana polis. Second row: Dr.. J. B. Mar tin. president of the Negro Amer ican League, Tom Walker, presi dent of the Negro National League, Dave Barnhill of the New York HOLD YOl'R JOB COMMITTEE GIRDS FOR DEMONSTRATION NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS URGED TO PARTICIPATE Washington, Aug. 3 (ANP) Local and national organizations through out the country were being urged this week to join with the Nation al Hold Your Job committee in holding mass meetings in the in terest of employment security Sept. 12-18 when the committee is sched uled to sponsor such observances. Miss Jeanetta Welch, exic tive secretary, said that parades, leer ures, leaflets, exhibits and various other community activities will feature the demonstration*. Plans, to press for “security in employment for Negroes now and in the post war period” have been accelerated by the mounting rac ial tensions and frequent flareups between Negro and white groups stated a release from th NHYJC. Pointing out the relationship of race amity to increase and con tinue job tenure for Negroes, the statement declared it viewed “with, great alarm the possible mass un employment of Negroes in the post war period,” and churches, news papers and speakers’ bureaus, and labor unions put into action now a broad program which will definitr ly soften racial tensions between workers on the job, and in the community, this possibility will be come a reality.” Organizations that have not been reached by the national committee are requested to contact headquar ters at 1812 Ninth St„ NW„ Wash ington, DC. Prominent citizens and leaders who have endorsed the hold your job program are A. Philip Rand olph, Walter White, Dr. Mary Mc Leod Bethune, Dr. Robert C, Wea ver, Claude Barnett, John Senge stacke, Frayser T. Lane, Austin - - - ---- RABE’S Buffet for Popular Brands Of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street —Always a place to park— Jl'ST A “HUG” FROM JOE Flanked by Sgt. Joe Louis Bar row, the "fistiana” king, and Har lem’s Billy Rowe, a national news paper columnist, pretty Gwendolyn Saunders appears to be enjoying it all. It happened a few nights a go in the famous Rhumboogie cafe in Chicago, where “cute Gwen” is employed as a 26-girl, and the Sgt. ; and Billy were guest of honor. ‘ Gwen” lost a “hug bet’ to Billy and Joe explains the “aqueesei pla>” shown in the above picture. (Press Photo Service.) w> w w v v m v w v v :w w 91 Scott, Willard Townsend, P. L. Prattis, Lester B. Granger, Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Dr. Charles! iam C. Walker, C. A. Franklin and S. Johnson, Louis C. Martin, Will Horace Cayton. CONN, DIMAGGIO AN RUFFING TO TOUR ARMY CAMPS WITH LOUIS Chicago, Aug. 2 (ANP) When Sgt. Joe Louis .world heavyweight champion, tours army camps he will be accompanied by three other famous sports world figures it has been learned. Louis, in Chicago on furlough from a Cavalry unit at Ft. Riley, ans., said he would probably be in a party including Cpl. ily Conn., who came closest to defeating the fistic kingpin than any other fight er; Pfc. Joe DiMaggio, home run swatter for the New York Yankees and Pvt. Chaorles “Red” Ruffing, ace hurler for the Yanks ball club. The proposed trip was recently postponed by the war department I for an undisclosed reason, but with Louis’ statements it is apparent that the junket will take place. Purpose of the tour is to boost the morale of fighting men through lectures and athletic exhibitions. Louis and Conn will probably en gage in boxing bouts and Ruffing and DiMaggio will demonstrate the intricacies of baseball. The heavyweight champion said he and his colleagues would prob ably tour United States army camps for a period of four months before embarking for foreign shor es. PENSACOLA PUTS NEGROES’ NAMES IN JURY BOX Pensacola, Fla., Aug. 3 (AN) —The result of a bitter court battle over the issue during the last term of court, the board of county comm issioners for the first time in the memory of most residents last week placed the names of Negroes in the jury box. Judge Ernest Mason severely Criticized Atty. Bert Lane, white, for raising the Negro juror issue during a murder trial at the last term of court. Judge Mason’s con tentions was that it would cost tne “county too much money’’ to in clude the names of Negroes in the box from which juries are selected. Mr. Lane cited that failure to in clude Negroes was a clear viola tion of a supreme court decision 1 Cubans is shown being tagged at first base by Bankhead. Lowetl left photo shows Satchel Paige in one of his typical hurling poses. Extreme lower right is Mrs. Joe Louis (left) and her party of friends. WEST BEATS EAST 2 TO 1 AT CLASSIC IN' CHICAGO 51,723 FANS TURN OUT; BUCK LEONARD GETS A HOMER Chicago, Aug 1 (Special (Press Photo Service) The Eleventh An nual East and West Classic was held at Comiskey Park here on Sunday, August 1. Fifty one thou sand seven hundred twenty three fans stood up, yelled and roared with thunderous applause through out the game as the West won a 2 to 1 victory over the Easterners. The weather wis nice, the sun was shining, and there was an occas ional cool breeze from nearby Lake Michigan. The crowd was orderly, the players were good sportsmen and everybody had a grand time, except the 10,000 prospective cus tomers who were turned away on account of a full house. Satchel Paige hurled the first three innings for his Westerners and was relieved by “Lefty” Mc Kinnies of Birmingham and Theo lic Smith of Cleveland did the fin al hurling. The hurlers for the East were Dave Barnhill, Day of Newark, Jr. Wright of the Greys, and Harvey of Baltimore. Since the All Star Classic was1 established in 1933, the East has held the edge in victories. Buck Leonard of the Homestead Greys took high honors with the fans when he drove the ball into the right field stands for the only home run of the game. Dr. J B. Martin and Tom Wilson, presidents respectively of the Ne gro American League and the Ne gro National League, said that they were well satisfied over the general outcome of the classic. (Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii handed down several years ago in the Scottsboro case. If You Suffer From CONSTIPATION! Try This Famous British Medicinal Salts New Being Made in U.S.A. In a glass of hot water put one teaspoon ful of Kruschen Salts and drink about half an hour before breakfast. 15 to 20 minutes later follow with your usual breakfast cup of hot coffee or tea. Usually within thirty minutes you get prompt and effective relief and should begin to feel bright and re freshed again. Be sure to follow the simple easy directions. Now keep this up for 5 straight days— Just see if you too don’t discover why thou sands have found hot water arid Kruschen Salts so beneficial in relieving that dull con stipated “out-of-sorts” headachy feeling. Get Kruschen Salts today—at all drug stores. NNIA TO SPONSOR RADIO SHOW FOR RACIAL GOODWILL Chicago, Aug. 2 (ANP) Delegates to the 23rd annual convention of the National Negro Insurance as sociation that recently closed here unanimously approved a plan for a series of radio program on a na tionwide hookup to foster bettor race relations. Booker T. Brad shaw, the newly elected president, was authorized to set up a comm ittee on arrangements. The programs will feature the most popular artists and outstand ing speakers of both the white and Negro race, and will be financed by funds solicited jointly from pol icyholders and insurance compan ies. “The officers of the insurance companies realize that in case of riots and disturbances the loss of life to the Negro is always ex tremely heavy, therefore they feel that they should do verything within their power to protect tho lives of theirp olicyholders and the property of many of those to whom the companies have made loans in the form of mortgages. “We believe that such a program, featuring the best artists in the race and the liberal thinking men : both of our race and the white race, could do much to bring about a better feeling, and if it resulted in the saving of a single life it would be more than worthwhile.” I TO ENLARGE NEGRO SECTION OF HOSPITAL Macon, Ga„ Aug. 3 (ANP) The con struction contract for an entirely new Negro section of the Macon hospital has been awarded and J work on it is expected, to be start ed next week, it was announced by W. C. Turpin, Jr., chairman of the ihospital commission. Facilities of the new unit will include 40 beds, a new children’s ward, a deiivei y room and space for handling out patients. • <VrriV.-.-.VA‘.Vt%V^AV; 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery_ WE. Of,09 DUFFY PHARMACT V.V//.V.,.V/WAV.,.W.V ;| TIME AND TIDE WAIT ON!;* ;|no man—now is the time!: :: to get your shoes re. ; j : > built. !; !; Quality Material & Guaranteed ; \! Quality Work j; I ’ FREE DELIVERY Call AT. 7060 ii The LAKE SHOE ! SERVICE J. L. TAYLOR, PROP. The $50,000 project was financed by the Federal Works agency, which in approving the grant for the Negro unit, turned down a sim ilar request for the white facility. HIRES NEGRO STAFF TO END LABOR SHORTAGE Louisville, Aug. 3 (ANP) Owners of the Fulton Fish market hero has found a solution for the ex treme shortage of competent help. 25 Negro girls, a complete stalf, have been employed as cashiers, clerks and stenographers, setting a precedent in this city. The mar ket is located in a completely whit® neighborhood and is one of the largest in the city. Don’t Gamble KSKS Cuts, Scratches, Burns Be vdse.Guard against infections which may "lay you up.” Cleanse wound instantly. Then apply effective, inhibitory antiseptic OIL-O-SOL.Used for over 40 years in thousands of factories, garages, industrial first aid stations, fire depart ments and homes. Pleasant to use. Combats infection; quickly helps relieve pain. Only 50c at your druggist’s. Must satisfy you or your money back. Get Mosso’s OIL-O-SOL today. Acid Indigestion Relieved in S minutes or double your money back When excess stomach acid causes painful, sulTocst lng gas. tour stomach and heartburn, doctors usual!* prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like thoae In Bell-ana Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ans bring* comfort in a Jiffy or double your money back on return of bottle to us. 25c at all druggies. 9 According to the beat authorities, the mini, mum daily A, D and B Complex Vitamin re quirements of the aver age person are: A 4000 USP Units, D 400 USP Units, B1 333 USP Units, B2 2.000 Micrograms, and ap proximately 10,000 Micrograms Nico tinamide. The required amounts for other B Complex Vitamin* have not yet been established. Many people do not get enough of these essential Vitamins. DO YOU? Why not play safe by taking -A-DAY BRAND -M-UM I VITAMIN TABLETS 1 Each ONE-A-DAY Vitamin A and D Tablet contains 25% more of the cod liver oil vitamins than the mini mum daily recommended quantity. • Each ONE-A-DAY Vitamin B Complex Tablet contains full mini mum daily requirements of Vitamin* B1 and B2 and 10,000 Micrograms at Nicotinamide together with a sub stantial amount of other B Vitamins, f ’When you buy Vitamins, compare potencies and prices. Note how ONE A-DAY Tablets conform to the average human requirements. See bow reasonable the cost. Get them at your drug store. We Offer for Your Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done iNow! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EDHOLM &SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 NATURAL PAGE BOY ATTACHMENTS YOU CAN HAVE YOUR HAIR PERFECTLY MATCHED FOR Latest Creations Easily Attached Heman Hair All Shades £Zr «ND hn» md ample ef pm I PAT POSTMAN ST M plee peetape Ot ee delivery | PUTTS. WIOS ANO MAIDS SATMTACTION OR MOMT CMUWOf» (50c a * Ire Ter Oder Hair) SIND TOU« ORDER TORAT < - _A_^ JESSIE KJtRE BEAUTY PRODUCTS COMPANY 507 FIFTH AVENUE (Room 905) HEW YORR CITY \ TO ALL OUR READERS-FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY A Here at last is a special * death. $1500.00 for dismember: \A and even a $100.00 emergency r Vi vided for in your FREE policy. ; A QUICK CASH TSSir You never know when tragedy might strike. Accidents are more common than ym « think. Play safe. Let Independence Insurance give you quick cash to help pay \A those many bills. No waiting period. No red tape. No delays. Mad coupon today \ PREMIUM lc A DAY • NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION H Last year one person in every 14 was painfully disabled thru accident. We never know whom be next. A whole year’s premium only $3.65—a penny a day—lean *?***£*+ JA than one day's stay in a hospital. No increase in rates. No doctors’ examinations. _^gsgg* We take your word. No matter hop old or where you work, apply today. BIG, STRONG RELIABLE INSURANCE You deal direct—save agent*' commissions Remember, there are thousands and thousands *n U. S. Government Bonds back of Independence policies. Your regular full-size policy SCNDNO MONEY-NOOBLIGATION INDEPENDENCE INSURANCE CO. » *«« Daft 11, MNSMUI, KKTDCM "IU- CAAl Plciie lend «y Independence policy farm inspection at once. No oUi«atioa of any kind. Name... Omf of «WA-t TT ...wnna|