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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1943)
Classified Ads Set Resuits! NEIGHBORHOOD FI RMTIBE £ CLOTHING '•HOP 56* Ladies Dresses Reasonable. lt«' Pairs of Shoes—No Stamps. Rugs of All K.nds. Radios, etc. We Buy and Sell. Tel. AT-1171 1715 NORTH :«Sth ST. ROOM FOR RENT TOR RENT Front Rotor WE. 2*10 LA LN DRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM A SHERMAN 8401 North 24th WE. 606* EMERSON LAUNDRY <324 North 24th St. WE. 10?> want to i t » Furniture cf a.I kinds—dressers, beds, end tab! s, chairs and chest af drawers or complete home— apartment inn;.things Kettles and fishes. Sell ug yours. IDEAL Punwtjre Mart. 24th & Lake Street—WL 2224 Join—Reliable Friendship Quo Tor Pleasure Send Dime for mem iership blank. H. Brooke*. S17 Weadell EL FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbstsr 2022 i^efense BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS /BONDS I AND SIAM PS k ' ! _ --—_ , Johnson Drug Co. I, «: 2306 North 24th ( !; We. 0998 | BOWELS SLUGGISH? • Feeling like you lost your best friend headachy—dull—ail because of sluggish bow els? Why put up with constipation misery? Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT. the pieasan? tastmg chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime. **krT».g only m accordance with package directions. Next morning—thorough, gentle relief, helping you feel swell agam- Millions rely cn FEEN-A MINT. Chew hke your favorite gum. Tastes good. Try FEEN-A-MINT—a whole family 10= ^Scratching/H. For qnar» relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot. scatws. tamrSra and other itching cncditzms. use o«sre. coding. medicated, bqturi D. D. D. PVESCRieTio*. A doctor's formaJa. Grezsetess and stainless. Soothes, comforts and ; qosdtly <niir»s intense itching. 35c trial bottle ' proves it. or money bach. Doe't aider Askycmr \ (ir-jgjast today for D. D. D. PRESCRimo*. 1- ex. for INS. 1 TTAVE yon tried AIca-S«i^^ T #5 ^1 n ter for Go on Stamxrh, 1(9^4 Stomach. “Morning T ¥ ** v§ After'* and CaU Bistro*? 4 l f If not, why not? Pleasant. prompt in action. eSeetrre. 3^aV^A Thirty cents and Sixty ^■£i' I cents. ..Sfe NERVINE FOE relief from Fractional Ner eooa Djstnrbanees ascc as Sleep Imiiw, Ctukiiua, Excitability, Jierraaa Heartache and Nemo* la dixestior. Tablets lit and Tic, LiOmd lie and SljM. Bead direc tions and use only as directed. 4 SINGLK Dr M3a Asti- 1 Pais Pill often relieves ' Heads rtae. MoaeaJar Pains J •r Fonctioaal MtirHiir G Patau — IS for 2S«, 123 ’ forSl.M. Get them at toot . drac store. Bead directions a Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. Phone JA-4635 formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. The WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. MSB - -___ .. Vacation tise is here and all of the boys are asking who goes next! The Fontenelle waiters are on the up and go at ail times. Capt. Davis of the Field dub is quite a stranger on North 24th St. Musician headwaiter of the Green Trees and Cornfields which can be seen at Happy Hollow club is on the job. Paxton Hotel with the Race Horse headwaiter and quick, step ping crew are in the running on fine. ...very fme service. White Horse Inn and Regis Ho tel waiters are top notchers in any one's notch. Omaha Athletic Club with the beadwaiter from the Show Me t State, and the Second man from the Razorbaek Ho? State ana the new waiter from the Arkansas State College and the crew of old timers am very m t.-h out in the f'ont. AH of the Chicago waiter* who stop in Omaha, don’t seem to make the grade as the is on a rapid fire order retinue. Blackstone hotel room service man Mr. Avan: will soon retire and we are quite sure he will draw a heavy pension. Brother John Evans is t-5p man at the Rome Hotel. THE WEEK ..... Trade at the Omaha Outfitting Co., and the 9 Center and help them to get ready for the 1943 fail business also buy your groceries from Houstons fine modern store. Visit Carey’s streamlined and up to date grocery and market and be sure to drop in on Rev. Adams on ' North 26th St. and when your shoes need repairing the Lake j S! e shop will give you servica with a smile. Montgomery's Gro j eery store will always make you welcome and serve you with a rapid step. EJdholm and Sherman and the j Emerson laundry can always take , giAid care of your laundry and give you Cut rates on cash and < carry. Louie Armstrong and his fine __ mighty fine band in Omaha and i ‘Stormy Weather at the Para mount.._very good entertainment 14 freighter cars were derailed near Fort Dodge. Iowa or the Great Western Railroad. The peorle of Nebraska and neighboring states have sen twc n 'iiion cigarettes to service men. Airs El _h Le_n Thornton of W heeling. West Ya will plead rn suuity of k? Inacping when she j goes to trial in Los Angeles. CaT f. Ned Moore ;i hna’ia. Pleasant Gr^n Baptist church all dressed Up ■». Ji white paint. Read the OMAHA GUIDE sud g£~ all the new.- f ist hand. I General S r Harold Alexander military Ge uf Sicily, decreed— tU laws wn C- discriminate a ; gainst race, creed or Color' arc : TeL WE. 2022 i | Considerate. Dependable. Dig i nified Service. It is for the * family to decide what the funeral $ cost shall be. I Thomas 5 FUNERAL HOME | XrtO L.VKE ST. Omaha. Nebr. “Broadway Rhythm** Going Full Speed at MGM NICHOLAS BROTHERS OUT OF STEP FOR THE FIRST TIME LKFT TO RIGHT: T-5th Fayard Nicholas. Thetma Thurston Gordon Post Feature writer and Harold Nicholas. The interview revealed that they may soon be in step a gaan if L'ncie Sam changes his mind about Harold. Nicholas bros out of step for the first time head please LOCAL NOTES SIOUX CITY GIRL JOINS THE WACS Fort Des Miones. la.—Auxiliai y Dorothy Elizabeth Walker. 523 D’ St.. South Sioux City. Nebraska, is one of the Negro women who have started training in the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps at Firs* WAC Traiinng Center. Fort Dee Moines. Iowa. Her rating is the WAC equivalent of Private in the Army. a 'nulled. George Thomas on a 42nd Grand Street Car. Zion Baptist Church choir re-, d- ed a very beautiful song sen 1 ire. M. M. Devereaux. Roy Gienn. and H. W. Smith on a Park East Street car. Heavyweight champion Joe Lou is produced a smile when a famuy photo was taken. FBI observes 33th birthday and J. Edgar Hoover Says just wha» the FBI was to the world s, was just what it is now: — Baby boy David Sands off 3 303 Harney street had an early Sun day morning fall from the window to the sidewalk. He was slightly bruised and frightened. There are 27 thousand women in the navy. Secy of War Henry L. Sums- n preparing soon to leave England for Africa Three men killed and 6 injured in a train wreck on the Atlantic Clast line near FayettesviHe. X.C. Thieves broke into a brewery in Springfield. 111., rolled out a bar rel erf glue. They thought it was beer. Read the Omaha Guide and take notice to the streamlined news makeup: America's first ail Negro ar fighting squadron on combat duty in North Africa, blasted Axis plan es from skies over Sicily. We are asked many questions a bout the WEEK column, and ve truly hope our readers will con tinue to give the news the once over as we are always open to ' suggestions and citizens, it is ocr earnest aim and desire to pick m the news items which will pleas-’ the public and also keep in touci with news which will attract read ers at all times, as everyone at this day and time should keep posted: i MAS, SARAH BUSH WiLKEP' Mrs. Sarah Bush Walker, age 57. 9S4 North 25th St., died July 27, ai a local hospital after an extended illness. Mrs. Walker had been a resident of Omaha 18 years. She is surviv ed by her husband. Mr. Fred Walk er, of Omaha. Funeral Services Saturday at 2 pm. from St. John s AME. Church with Rev. E. F. Rid ley officiating. Burial at Prospect Hill cemetery. Arrangements by The Thomas Funeral Heme. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 1906 North 24th St.. Rev. S. K. Nichols. Pastor Rose Oliver, Reporter Sunday school_.—_..9:45 am. Morning Service _ -1136 am. TPPU. __._.6 pm. Evening Service _..730 pin Wednesday night Service 730 pm Friday night Women' s Work .. .... _.8:00 pm Sunday throughout the day was grand. The Pastor preached a soul stirring sermon both morn ing and night. The Pastor’s sub ject for Sunday August 1. 1947. will be morning: "Servants what soever He say unto you you do it.’' St. John 2:5. Night "The Church j Matthews 16:18. Bishop Scott cf Oklahoma City will be here Fnday July 30th throughout Sunday nite. The public is invited to com-, out and hear him. The Women's Work will meet at the home of the Chaplain Sis ter Etsie Laster 2618 Biondo St., at 8i)0 pm. Sister Willie Long. Pres:den i Sister Ester Brown. Secy. Siste. Elsie Laster. Chaplain. MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. David St- Clair, Pastor. ‘‘His Lord said unto him well done good and faithful servant: thou bast been faithful over a few things. I will make thee ruler over many things. Enter thou into the joy of Thy Lord.” Services for both the morning and evening worship period we-e 1 spirit filled and interesting. Two wonderful gospel messages were brought to Us by the Paster. Of special note was the sermon delivered at the evening worship period. Matthews 25:23 the text— The subj-c*. "The Faithful Serv ants Reward." The Sunday school and BTTJ. de partments are progressing n.cely with Sister E C. mil as Sup:, of he SS. deparnner* and Bru. C. j Stewart as p-eeid :n: of the 6TT. (a me and visit each of these de partments. The BTU. dear reports the en rollment o-' three new members. August 1st murks the beginung "f the Pastor- f • xt Anniversary. Sunday afternoon m 3 o’clock the fcradise Baoi st church and Pas ter. Rev. Ad-n-s will bring the message. I Everybody = invited to co-i.i 'out and wj-sxj: with us. Vjn ors are always v elcome. :<TELLAR ADDITION TO FORT HIACHUCA ENTERTAINMENT FAMILY Entertainment possibilities tn the Fort Huachuca Special Service Division have reached an unprec edented new high with the recent addition to its personnel of a num ber of talented persons from the entertainment field. One of the latest stellar addit ions tc the special service family is Cpl. Fayard Xcholas. eldest of the twinkling -toed dance team of in national fame. Nicholas arrived at Fort Huachuca early in the month from Camp Van Dorn, Jliss.. ac companied by his attractive wife, Jerry, and Pfc. Eddie Hughes, saxaphcnist. and clarinetist, and Pvt. James F. Bowdre. singer. Hughes and Bowdre have also been assigned to the.-Special Service Div ision. Fayard recently had a visitor when the other half of the renown ed dance team joumed to Fort Huachuca for a brief reunion. As a result of that visit, it's being buzzed around the Special Service Office that maybe sometime in the near future Fort Huachuca will have not just one Nicholas broth er, but “the Nicholas Brothers.'’ FIRST MISSION OF THE GOD SENT LIGHT Ora Rcbinson, Reporter Prophet Hess. Offieiator. Wishes to extend his many thanks to bis many friends and editors of the Omaha Guide and other papers for their cooperation for the past 2 years. On leaving for as unlimited stay in his home. He and his daughter, Miss Ray den S wader who visited for the past three weeks. After a needed rest, the Prophet and his daugh ter plan to go to Detroit. Cleve land. Ohio and New York. The Prophet wishes to clear the mis take of the Omaha Star in the news of last week. The word quit was (Gull)—Thanks lovers of the Lord and God bless you and if God sends you.... you will be cannot quit The Home of Pro phet Hess will be occupied by two lovely families. Mr and Mrs. j Jack Williams of Omaha and Mr. ' and Mrs. Watkins of Oklahoma. , Many blessings of the Lord be with His people.—Prophet Hess. Held Over! From Thurs. to Wed, ; I Lena Horne. Bill Robinson in , ; “Stormy ; Weather” , MOVED TO THE ; OMAHA THEATRE RELAX ENJOY READ The (JUJJJg “W ENS HER MASTERS" Miss Alberta Foster, on leave Tuskegee Institute. during the academic Fear, 1MS-2M3, for ad vanced study, has been awarded the degree of Master of Education from Winnetka graduate Teachers College in Winnetka. III. This Col lege is regarded as one of the most progressive edutgition-l institu tions in this Country and Miss Foster has the distinction of being it first Negro graduate. Miss Fos ter is a native of Anderson, S.C. (Press Photo Service». “UN-AMERICAN” (by MYRTLE M. GOODLOWi Organizations preaching racial prejudice and hate, Shouldn't be allowed to operat In our own United States. Hitler and his henchmen, an excellent example. How men can trample Kingdoms and nations into dust, i When their cause is unholy and unjust— Will America let the Klan con tinue to operate? Preaching racial prejudice and hate? Or has she profited by Europe': mistake, There is no difference in Hitler's plan. Nor the Ku Klux Klan. Since both work against God and man. They are the instruments of Satan— To confuse and divide our nation. If the Klan is doing good. They wouldn't need to hide behind a hood.’ And wait till the dead of night. To commit their deeds of fright. Loyal Americans and Christians Worthy of the name. Bow their heads in shame— As the un-American kiu klux klan, Use the biessed cross of Christ The emblem of love and mercy To commit their crimes of infamy j Against God and man. Like Hitler’s crooked cross. The emblem of prejudice and hate. The cross of the ku klux klan is unholy and un-American. With death and ruin in its wake And a burning cross of shams To every Christian and American— ■» Worthv of the name ' !i THE ART Of GOSPEL • ;i SINGING TAUPHT BY j A S, POLK ] DIRECTOR ZION BAPTIST CHURCH CHORUS Thelma S. Polk, teacher of Gos- | j pel Music, has been chosen Pianist [ Director for the Gospel Chorus at i ; Zion Baptist Chureh. Mrs. Polk, a native of Chicago, [ comes to Omaha very much pre [ pared in this line of work having (served in Union Baptist and a number of other prominent church ! es in her home town. OPENS STUDIO The Rev. S. K. Nichols, tyjct-r of this fine young woman, has opened for her a studio at 2424 Erskine street, where she win teach Gospel Singing exclusively. For inform ation CAUL JA-3229. S__Ha*eI Scott started at MG1I on I June 21 in her role in “Broadway Rhythm’. f Xot only does she play the piano i in her inimitable fashion, but she ' | complicates'’ the lovelife of Lena | Home and Eddie “Rochester a - : lersou. Roy Del Ruth is directing | the musical, which producer Jack Cummngs is bringing to the screen. Lena Horne, the thrust who de witches Rochester in “Cabin in the Sky", celebrated her bir: =d v j June 38, by rehearsing “Tele a j Tete at Tea Time" with Rochester ; for the big musical which introduc es Ginny Simms and George Mu-- ! pay as a romantic team. CLEAVES TEMPLE PRESENTS "An Evening of Song'* With the -John S. Williams Choral Ensemble. SUNDAY, AUGUST 15, 3:3# p.m. At Pile rim Baptist Chnm ' Patron Tickets $1.10. Gen rai 1 Adm. 55c. Children 2Sc. Tick 1 ets must be secured by Aug 112th. See members or call the Pastor, WE. 6251. * ^ ^ C & C- 0 Want an eyeful, an earful of entenam nSent? ★ * * * Then go see and hear M-G-M’s wonder ful musical “Du Barry Ros A Lady.” * ★ ★ ★ It’s a mad dream—in Technicolor! * ★ ★ ★ But who wants to wake up when the showiest of show rings out with the music, sings out with the songs, gives out with the beautiful girls? Red Skelton, with red-headed Lucille Bail and Gene Kelly head up the cast! •* ♦ * ★ Which includes such beautiful girls that we think a beauty column reviewest ought to go on from here! ♦ ♦ ★ ★ Go on about those hips, those lips, those eyes, those , ankles! ★ ★ ♦ ♦ “Du Barry” appeals *c ah the senses. ★ ★ * * It’s full of delightful^' non-sense, too! ★ * * * Including witty, wonderful tunes like these: mDo I Loo* You"Friemdskipr mMadm■*. / Like Yomrr Crepes StutZes." ‘“Du Barry Has .4 Lady - “Saurme, " **/ Loo* An Esqztxre GdrLm ★ ★ ★ * With Tommy Dorsey 2nd His Orchestra bringing yon grand-stand musk! w w w ir Not since the “Zkgfeld Girl” has there been such a sparking, scin tillating musical on the screen. * * ★ * M-G-M has something here! * * * * Something for yon. w w w w Ask Leo. He’s in a heauzifui wood! -Jm TS. Any Bonds today? W Lena HORNE, Bill ROBINSON and Cab CALLOWAY and His Band head the me dazzling lineup of topootch entertainers m !"*l°**Y WEATHER, the hep m hep happy musical that also features W WaTnZ^n!,am and H«rTroupe, Fats «*«*wiTtf £ ° w. " "“rr* /* __ * —tj Boa jr:~fc. Atiaata. DR. FRED PALMER'S SKIN WHITENER Auto Parts Wanted BURNED. WRECKED or DILAPIDATED. CARS AND TRI CKS. BRINY; EM IN PARTS FOR CARS CONSOLIDATED AITO PARTS CO. 53®1 Cumins St. Phone AT. NORTH 24th STREET SHOE REPAIR 18Q7 N. 24th St. WE-I240 —POPUI-AK PRICKS - LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO'S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children's Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. REAL DISCOVERY FOR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Dangerous High Blood Pressure (Essential Hypertension) is usually marked by distressing symptosu such as dizziness, throbbing head aches, sleeplessness and nervous* ness. If disregarded, this may lea< to Heart Trouble, Stroke, Paralysis; Hardening of the Arteries or Kid ney Trouble. Diamonex, discovery of a heart specialist, is designed te quickly aid in the relief of thess distressing symptoms. A Chicago resident says: “I suf fered from High Blood Pressure foi several years with increasingly severe throbbing headaches, dizzi ness and shortness of breath- 1 showed the Diamonex formula tc my doctor and, on his advice, tried the treatment for two weeks undes identical conditions as previous treatments. Within only three days my bad headaches and dizzy spells were gone. My high blood pressure was reduced and I sleep fine.” Diamonex goes directly to work in'three different ways to sad iz the relief of these dangerous symp toms. Results are speedy—within as short a time as two weeks suf ferers often find that Diamonex has accomplished 75% of the total re duction possible with this formula. If you suffer from High Blood Pressure you may try DIAMONEX without risking a penny. To intro duce this wonderful treatment to a million new sufferers this liberal trial offer is made fo:r a limited time only. Send only $1.50 to the Diamonex Company, 318-A North Michigan Ave., Ch.eago, Illinois for a full TWO weeks supply uf genuine DIAMONEX, prepaid. IIse Dia monex according to the simple di rections for only two weeks. If, at the end of that test period you are not delighted with results your money will be refunded immedi ately on request. There are no strings or conditions—you owe it to yourself to make this wonderful test at once. Write today as this offer is fully guaranteed. NEW! “BACTERIOSTATIC” F E Cair-ing Great Favor With Women! 9 Many doctors urge the regular use of douches far women who want to be refreshingly dean — for women troubled by offending odor, itching or discharge. Some products may be harmful germicides which bum. harden and damage sensitive tissues. But NOT Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash! Instead—Pin kli am's Sanative Wash is an effective “bacteriostatic” (the modem trend). It not only discourages bacterial growth and infection but cleanses, deodorizes, relieves minor irrita tions and discharge- Has beneficial effect on delicate membrane* Inexpensive! Alka-Seltzer ABC METHOD A — Alka-Seltzer, start taking it ~*at once to relieve the Dull, Aching Head, and the Stiff, Sore Muscles. B—Be careful, avoid draft* and sudden changes in tempera ture. Rest — preferably in bed. Keep warm, eat sensi bly, drink plenty a£ water oc fruit juices. Be sure to get enough Vitamins. C — Comfort your Sore,' Raspy ' Throat, if caused by the cold, by gargling with Alka-Selt zer. If fever develops, ac symptoms become mare acute call your doctor. ALKA-SELTZER is a pain re lieving, alkalizing tablet, pleasant to take and unusually effective in action. Take it for Headache. Muscular Pains and for Indigestion, Gas on Stomach, when caused by excess stomach acid. At your drug store — Large package 60*, Small package 30*. by the glass at soda fountains. •