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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1943)
Classified Ads Bet Resuits! FOR RENT One Room for gentleman Only Call AT. 2350. FOR RENT AN APARTMENT FOR COE* PEE - AT €281. FOR RENT:—A nice modern rcum WE. 2365. FOR RENT furnished rooms 2807 North 24th St.. WE. 2217. BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS ► ONDS D STAMPS LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM"& SHERMAN 8401 North 24th WE. SOM EMERSON LAUNDRY <324 North 24th St. WE. 1Q*< WANT TO BITK — Furniture of all kinds—dreaders, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart. 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 Jo‘n—Reliable Friendship Club— For Pleasure- Send Dime for mem .jerahip blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wendell. Chicago. 111. FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake SL WEbster 2022 COUGHS Dae To Colds or Broachial Irritation Here s good news far tne people of the U. S. A. Canada s greatest cough medicine is now being mad* and sola right here, and if you have any doubt about what to take this winter for the com mon cough or bronchial irritation get a bottle of Buckley's CANAOtQL Mixture. You won't be disap pointed—it's different from anything else you ever used—one little sip and you get instant action. Only 45c—all druggists. Satisfaction or money back. Did You Place Your FALSE TEETH In a Glass Last Night? Thousands do and wonder why their den ture* remain dull and named - why they suffer with offending denture breath They fail to realize that water alone is not e cleani ng agent - but now. there i a "eat formula perfected by a dentist, called Stera-Kleen that thoroughly cleans false teeth like magic - no brushing' Simply put a little Stera-Kleen Powder in a glass of water-soak your teeth - now they sparkle, are really dean and look late the day your dentist said, “Don't they look natural?’* Try fttera-Kleer. - lasts long - coeis only 30« At all druggists. •Id Farmer s Reop- Mix Aiienru and Lemon Juice to get quick relief from paini of rheumatics and neuralgia Druggists hove Allenru — grocers have lemons. do you Ham taonjbie with your Mi? Do flMy percpure too freely and crock Am non between tne toea? Do they acbe and barn? Are yoe teouhled vita painful coma, eai kmeee or AtbW. fool? Than try LD.I—an « maxing eew kwmnia guaranteed to bring re bel—or double your money badd EAST TO US—eaay to bey, gat LDu' jSr ~ID1 FRED WALKER. AGENT PHONE ATLANTIC 1689— 984 N. 35th ST. Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. phone JA-4635 formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. I MEN WANTED TO TRAVEL Good reliable firm wants older men to travel. Bonus and weekly | check. Exper. unnec. MCBRADT. 11047 Van Buren. Chicago. Th* WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 All waiters should read the menu and keep themselves well posted on the different kinds of food and the trimmfcngs that go along with it and be ready to give a very quick explanation if it is requested by the guest as it shows the wait er is always truing to be a high powered salesman. It makes a good impression with the people he has to serve. At times many of the guests are at a lost as to know what they would like to eat. The Omaha Club waiters are very much out in front with mod ern servce at all times. The Paxton hotel with the race horse head waiter and the rapid fire crew are very quick with the fine service displayed for the hign i class guests who continue to stop in at the noted hotel We would like very much to see Mr. Redd of South 13th St. — The Cottonwood Room at the Blackstone hotel is one of Omaha's headliners and the waiters are on the up and go at all times. The Fontenelle hotel waiters are "Let Me Get You Some ANTI-PAIN PlU^i WITH YOUR responsibilities, can yon afford to let a Head ache, Muscular Pains, Functional Monthly Pains or Simple Neural gia slow you down? Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills have been bring ing relief from these common dis comforts for nearly sixty years. Countless American housewives consider Anti-Pain Pills almost as much of a necessity in the medicine cabinet, as is dour in the kitchen cupboard. They have Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills in the house, many of them carry these little pain relievers in purse or hand bag. They are prepared for these minor aches and pains that some times occur in almost every family —ARE YOU? Dr. Miles Anti Pain Pills are pleasant to take and do not upset the stomach. Get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills at your drug store. Regular package 25 tablets 25*, Economy package 125 tablets SI.00. Read directions and use only as direc ted. Free Booklet Tells Of Thrilling Discovery; New Hope For Millions One of the most sensational scientific dis coveries of modern times is an anti-graj hair vitamin that re stores natural, nor mal color to gray halt in nature’s own way. Scientific investigation has revealed that gray hair. in many cases, may be due to a vitamin deficiency Scientist* have also discovered the particular vi tamin that is necessary to restore col or to the hair in such cases. Reports oi tests siade indicate remarkable results. Hot a dye—not a tint—not a drug—not a medicines It is a valuable food sup plement. If you are among the millions ot people who find themselves handi capped. m business or socially, because oi gray hair, mail coupon below (or write) for free booklet about this marvelous new vitamin discovery. Thee is no coat or obligation, so send today. United Vitamin Products. 9 W Washington St Chicago. DL. Dept. 5 Send me FREE BOOKLET about the as* ANTI-GRAY HAIR VITAMIN. E4d-ta .. Tiny Parham, 530 Pound Musician, Dropped Dead in Wis. Caband “Ivory Queen* Broadcast For *ChiV Bond Drive Chicago, (PPS, Inc., “His Royal Highness" Cab Calloway, and trie “Swing Queen of the Ivories”, Dorothy Donegan, were top-notch ers on WGN’s Mutual broadcast j program for Treasury Center on Wednesday. Ap9il 14th. On a Coast to coast hook-up, reaching 204 stations in various cities. Cab i and his entire band sent sizzling, synocapting tunes through the eth er lanes so hot that he has Since been showered with fan mail from every corner of the nation. Round ing- out a successful engagement at Hotel Sherman's Panther Room Cab will soon leave the city to Play eastern theatres. Miss Donc gan is considered America s Num ber One swing flianist. and at the age Of 18, has brought to light a new style of her own. which ha3 j garnered her *ritic's applause. Dorothy is currently starring at the Garrick Lounge's Down-Beat Room in “Chi's” Loop, and will ap pear in concert at Orchestra Hall in May. Major C. Udell Turpin. Deputy administrator. War Savings Bonds md Sumps. U. S. Treasury Depart men; .secured the artists for the program. on the improve at all times and continue to take very good care of the service. THE WEEK. The Lake St. fire station is ail dressed up and has been for some time and we should all drop in and j say a word of encouragement to the boys and let them know we are all very proud of them as it is a credit to our race and we should think kindly of them at all times. _ All of the business houses of our race were very busy during holy week and good Friday was a beau tiful day. We all used our high est respect and we shall alwaysi keep in mind (it is our duty to think kindly of it. The five nights of service at the .Clair Chapel church was a compl ete success and we are extending many thanks to the miijsters. Capt. Langley on north 24th St. and Capt. Burns had a very snappy appearance on good Friday. Brother Tom Phillips is report ed improving and we all hope to see him out again. _ Dr. Hawkins the new president of the Omaha branch of the N.U CP very busy on the membership drive and Goldie Davis will bring in the largest number of members. Colonel Henry Black very busy beautifying his home. Major League BB opening games get under way with a good start. ! Cincinnati Reds give the St. Louis Cardinals two shut outs which was a big surprise. E Chester Hodges in Omaha to stay ; Did you notice the size of the I April 24th issue of the greater O maha Guide. Take one year's sub scaption and be a good spoke in the wheel of progress. James Roberson attended Easter Sunday school services at Clair Chapel also Mr. and Mrs. James Colland, Mr.- an Mrs. Jam-es Woods at morning service®. Prof. Robert L. Moody and son and a visiting little girl were in the Easter parade and a very large number of young people were out BOWELS SLUGGISH? • Feeling like you loet your best friend headachy—dull—ail because erf sluggish bow els? Why put up with constipation misery3 Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT. the pleasant tastmg chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only m sccordance^witt^pBckage directions. Next to show their beautiful costumes and their conduct and behavior was good. Lewis W. Clymer specialist with the war manpower commission of Kansas City and Thomas A. Web ster secretary of the Kansas City L'rban League spoke in Omaha at the Negro Youth Post war meet ing. IT. S. Navy to have one hundr *1 j thousand colored men. Recorder of Deeds office in Wash ington DC., to be taken over hy T. S. Commissioners. _ Keel of the steampship Freder ick Douglass is being laid at RSeh mond. Calif. _ Lord Halifax and Lady Britisn \ Ambassador to the IT. S. visit Tus- j kegee. — Are you a member of the NAA- ‘ CP? If not. why not? All the Colored Churches had j lovely Easter programs and were | well attended and the Sunday j schools with so many beautif ul ' little boys and girls should be giv en good support. This writer had the pleasure of attending Clair Chapel SS. program and morning services which were extremely lovely. Rev. C. C. Reynolds delp'-) •red a streamlined Easter sermon j as it was the closing of the Confer- ' ence year, and the evening ser vices all the auxiliaries made ex cellent reports and the Bishop will see that Clair chapel is very- much, out in front. SOCIAL NOTES TOWNSEND CLUB j Townsend Club Xo. 11 met Mon day night April ?6 at the Urban League. Business was suspended and time taken for entertainment which was enjoyed by those pres ent Owing to the inclement wea ther there was not as many pt«.s nt as might have been. Our district manager and wffe, i Mr. and Mrs. Kinnear was with ns showed moving pictures which was | very interesting and historical. Miss Irene Morton rendered a solo which we all enjoyed. Many tbanks to her. Ilope when they again come to ns we will have a full house. Program will be repeated in near : future. Everybody is cordially invited to attend our regular meetings every Monday night at Urban League. Come and bring your friends. L. W. McDonald. Pres.. Edith. Harrison. Sec. TO BEDSIDE OF RELATIVE The Prophet Hess was suddenly called to St. Louis to the bedside of a relative. Watch this paper for his return home. MORNING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH 2608 Franklin "Street. Reverend L. W. Anderson Pastor Vera E. Hopkins Reporter. We wish to thank our many friends for their cooperation dur ing our revival meeting. We also wish to thank the Om-1 aha Guide for the publicity. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 1906 North 24th St.. Rev. S. K. Nichols. Pastor Rose Oliver. Reporter Sundays chool ... 9:45 am. Morning Service __11:30 am. TPPU... 6 pm. Evening Service_..7:30 pm Wednesday night Service 7:30 pn: Friday night Women1 ’s Work . .. ..... ..8:00 pm We had a grand time on Sunday being Easter. We had a lovely Sunday school and a grand attend ance of 34 pupils which was very good. Morning service was grand Our Pastor’s text was 1 The Res urrection.” It was a rather sad sermon about the death and the ■ Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Sunday night we had our Easter exercises. We had a crowded house. Oh. what a time we had in the Lord. All of the children play ed their part in this program. We had a great number of vis itors present. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Farmer gave us a beautiful duet which we en joyed very much. Our pastor es were added to the church for made a short lecture five candidat baptism. We truly thank the Lord for this blessing. We will have Baptizing the first Sunday in May. We have 7 for baptism. OUr pastor's text for Sunday morning. May 1. will be 'Except a man be bom of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” For Sunday night "For if we have been planted together in like ness of ihs resurrection,” we are inviting everyone out to hear these sermons. Milwaukee, Wis_ (PPS, Inc) - I Hartzell Strath dene fTiny) Parham the 43 year old, 530 pound music ian. arranger, organist and band leader dropped dead in the swanky Kilbourne Hotel Lounge of this city, at mjnight- Thursday, April 15th. “Tiny' , the featured orggn j ist at the famous host-dry had tak en a rest period from the huge Hammond instrument and was at tempting to return when his body -dumped to the floor. His last words were, “I’ll be alright”. Mil waukee’s coroner. Dr. Frank J. Schmitz .used every available men od In his attempt to save Parham. “Tiny" was born in Winnipeg. Canad a,and was taken to Kansas' City. Missouri at an early age to live. MuSjcfally inclined herself, his mother sent him to one of the City’s most capable conservatories of music. He discontinued his mu- j sieal career to attend Strode Med ical Academy and Union College ih Lincoln. Nebraska. Parham soon discarded his medical studies to take up automobile mechanics, and later returned to music. He tarvelled vaifious theatrical cir cuits as accompanist for actors-. This work took him to Mexico, Canada, Honolulu and Cuba. Coming to Chicago open active* of his friends. Tiny was given a po sition as arranger for Ed Fox of Grand Terrace Cafe. He later cre ated for himself one of the bands in Chicagoland .which later played in the most exclusive spots and catered only to those who rec ognized and appreciated the finest in music. His band was the one selected to follow Guy Lombard* is in Quodbach's Cranada Cafe, back | in the good old days; he has been featured on extended engagements at the Merry Garden Ballroom. : Club Southern. Cooney’s Royale Frolics, iLncoln Tavern (subbing for Duke Ellington), Regal Theatre Savoy Ballroom and many other places of distinction. He made the Ritz Hotel .Chicago ,Iiis home f**r the past 15 years. His body laid in state at the | West Town Funeral Home. Chic < ; go until funeral services, which were held from the First Church of Deliverance on Saturday. AppJ 24th. the church’s pastor, the Re.*. WAR RATION BOOK NO. 3 War Ration Book No. 3 will he distributed through the mails tr more than 120,'>00.000 indivjdur ;. beginning late in June and ending ft July 21. the OPA has announced, ilailme win leave postcard appli cation forms at every home be tween May 21 and June 5. The P< .stcard properly filed out by the Head of the house and mailed to [ OPA, will bring Ration Book No. " Prentiss Brown. Price Administra tor. emphasized that Book No. 3 is a replacement book only, ocn taining a new supply of stamp* to take the place of those now being used up. He said if any more ra tioning programs were necessa-v thera would be official notice by the government. I SC. NEGROES REQFEST (HANGE IN POLL TAX P WMENT Columbia, S. C. April 28 <AVFr— La>t week I. S. Leevy, undertaxc' and Frederick H, I>edmond, cbr r rran and secretary of a committee rf five, went before a judiciar; committee of the house and request ed tint a bill be intiod’red to ab ofe-,i payment of pop taxes as a prerequisite to voting in South Care *na. They also asked tear the tax be retained .as a means of revenue if needed, to be collected along with personal property tax --- NORTH 24th st SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 424‘, —POPULAR PRICES— LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. Our Half Sofeing Method leave* No Repair Look on your shoes. We Use the BEST Material. NATURAL PAGE BOY ATTACHMENTS YOU CAN HAVE YOUR HAIR PERFECTLY MATCHED FOR Potest Creations. J) 1UU Easily Attacked # Homan Hair— ™ All Shades £5r SEND NO MONEY; J<m tavnpN pi >w hair pr not* coin Vl PAT POSTMAN SI SO pin .ml,,,. ( pi Aim Pum. WIGS AMO MAIDS SiNO row OKDM TOKAT JESSIE HIRE BEAUTY PRODUCTS COMPANY 507 FIFTH AVENUE (too* VOS) NEW TOOK CITY DE SEVERSKY ENTERED l. S. 25 YEARS AGO LAST WED. FLIER CELEBRATES ANNI VERSARY IN HOLLYWOOD BY APPEARING IN ‘ VIC TORY THRU AIR POWER” Twenty five years ago today, n April 21. 1*12, Major Alexander F. dt Seversky, then the equivalent of a Lieutenant Commander in tile Russian Imperial Navy, arrived in , the United States for what turned out to be a permanent stay. K;-; port of entry was San Francisco. Already famous as a flying ace. j de Seversky has become identified j with many of the advances in av- j iation made in the past quarter century. His recent best-se'l .v. j ‘‘Victory Through Air Power ' is [ being made into a combination animated cartoon-live action Tech i 'color film by Wait Disney for United Artists. De Seversky vtfHLll celebrate the anniversary in Hollywood, where he is making his screen debut as an a. tor in the movie version of ' h s v ite ly (fjsvussed book. Clare®.'* H. Cobb officiated. He was laid to rest at Burr Oak Cem etery. Chicago. He left no surviv ors. 5 s L » «f AM We predict that the whole town will be talking about Saroyan’s THE HUMAN COMEDY—the unusual story about human beings and how they/#*/ and act and tkmk about everyday things lilt* war and love and work and hope! * * * * They’ll be talking about the wonderful and understanding production which Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer has given this great picture. ★ * ★ * They'll be talking about the telegraph boy who pedals fist with good news slow, with bad! J And how a couple of girls in a small town make a rainy night something to remember for three lonely soldiers. * * * ★ And the once-in-a-lifetime performance# given by Mickey Rooney and Frank Morgan—to mention two of the inspired cast! And M-G-M's new small-boy wonder Jackie Jenkins. He plays Ulysses and steals your heart! WWW The Human Com edy is now in its third big month at the Astor, New York. It’s the warmest, tenderest, most un forgettable picture ever! * ★ ★ ★ Remember to see THE HUMAN COMEDY! ★ * ★ ★ And don’t forget to buy extra War Bonds and Stamps. —Lu. “IT FAYS TO LOOK WEI.;. MAYO’S BARBER SifOF Ladies and Children's IPwlt A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street —Always a place to park — JOHNSON DRUG CO.j NEW LOCATION 2306 North 24th * We. 0998 Free Delivery Chairs for Rent FOR ALL OCCASIONS. RE -Vi.-VABI.K PRICES. WE. 1217 Assembly Hall tor ftent BY NIGHT OR WEEK FOR CIVIC OR POLITICAL ORGANIZ- I ATIONS, SOCLAL CL CBS. CONVENTIONS AND ALL ANNL.AlI AFFAIRS. AT A REASONABLE RATE. WE. 1517. Costs only 3C per day x Pays up to $325 per j w HOSPITAL BOOM mm* BOARD—OPERA TIBS BOOM — X-RAY EXAMINATION - ANESTHESIA— LABCRATOBY EXAMINATION—MATEB■ ITT BENEFITS -SURGEON'S FEES— SANATORIUM BENEFITS—EMERGENCY AID— A M BO L A N CB SERVICE — • w . | | ^ <a NR M • Mr. NO MEDICAL EZAMlIUk TION REQUIRED—CLAIM* PAID PROMPTLY—AVAIL ABLE FOR TVS CUTIS* FAMILY. ACT NOW V (« tins Low Cam prowcnoA 11<*| FEDERAL PLAN PR A Aw bilk.