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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1943)
Classified Ads Get Results! FOR RENT One Room for gentleman Only, Call AT. 2350. FOR RENT AN APARTMENT FOR COUP I,FI AT 6281. FOR RENT—A nice modern room WE. 2365. ___ __ _j FOR RENT furnished rooms 2807 North 24th St., WE. 2217. BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS /BONDS ] AND STAMPS L LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM^ft SHERMAN £401 North 24th WE. 605f EMERSON LAUNDRY £324 North 24th St. WE. 10r WANT TO BUY — Furniture of all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home apartment furnishings Kettles and dishes. Sell ufi yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE 2224 Join—Reliable Friendship Club— I'or Pleasure. Send Dime for mem ’lership blank. H. Brookes. 317 Wendell. Chicago, 111. FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 BRONCHIAL COUGHS! Due To Coldi or Bronchial irritation Stop today at any good drug store and ask for a bottle of Buckley's CANADIOL Mixture (triple acting). Take a couple of s.p6 at bedtime. Feel its instant powerful effective action spread thru throat head and bronchial tubes. It starts at once to loosen up thick, choking phlegm, soothe raw membranes and make breathing easier. • Don’t wait—get Buckley’s Canadiol today. You I get relief instantly. Only 45c—all druggists. Did You Place Your FALSE TEETH In a Glass Last Night? Thousands do and wonder why their den tures remain dull and stained - why they suffer with offending denture breath They fail to realize that water alone it not a cleans ing agent - but now. there's a great formula perfected by a dentist, called Stera-Kleen that thoroughly cleans false teeth like magic— no brushing! Simply put a little Stera-Kleen Powder in a fleas ot water-soa* , your teeth — now they sparkle, •re really clean and look lUte the day your dentist said, “Don't they look natural?" Try Stera-Kleen - lasts long - costs only 30f. At all druggists. Old Farmer's Recipe Mix Allen ru and Lemon Juice to get quick relief from pains of rheumatics and neuralgia Druggists have Allenru — grocers have lemons. DO YOU Have trouble with your feet? Do bay perspire too freely and crack the skin between the toes? Do they ache and burn? Are you troubled with painful corns, cal louses at Athlete's Foot? Than try I.D.I—an a in a ting near formula guaranteed to bring re lief—or double your money back! EAST TO USE—easy to buyj 9*f LDJ/ "KDI FREI) WALKER. AGENT PHONE ATLANTIC 1689— 984 N. 25th ST. Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. Phone JA-4635 formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 We all extend our earnest hopes for oar fellow brother and cowork er Mr. Tom Phillips who is very ill and we truly trust a very speedy recovery soon. The RR boys are going over big and are giving real fine service at all fimes. We noticed our friend Mr. Sublet is very much in the running witn the extra waiters. Brother John van s ;s very much out in front at the Rome ho tel. Mr. McTasel always has a very pleasant smile for everyone. Mr. Gip Gordon and Mr. Jack Hall are top waters at the Hill Hotel. The Race horse headwaiter and the quick stepping crew at the Paxton Hotel are always in the front line in service. The Foment lie Hotel waiters are on the up and go at all times. We hope to see our good friend Mr. Redd with the comrade.! of roast beef knights very soon. Our oid friend James Griffin is quite a stranger on North 24th Street. FLASH! the NAACP has a mem bership drive on. Why not join now! How many- shares have you taken, with the Credit Union at the Urb an League. Mr. Brown would be very pleased to serve you. _ THE WEEK Cofte Nicholson at the barber shop and Rev. Adams of Paradisei Baptist Church and Perry Taylor have a friendly visit while having a hair cut. Mr. Mayo the barber out on th« street again. James Cole in Omaha again. Sanderson Brown of 29th and Burdette St., very much improved in health. Mr. Joe D. Lewis keeps a very neat appearance all around his place of business. Wm. Taylor of the UPRR enter tains Some friends in a northside business house. Roosevelt Post American Legion gcRng to a new location. Only 5o more signers needed to get the Anti-Poll Tax bill to force a vote on it. i i * ] > i yinit 1 I t I 1 ! *|il ■ Hlllfl'l Free Booklet Tells Of Thrilling Discovery; New Hope For Millions One of the most sensational scientific dis coveries of modem times is an anti-gray hair vitamin that re stores natural, nor mal color to gray hah In nature's own way. Scientific investigation has revealed that gray hair, in many cases, may be due to a vitamin deficiency Scientist* have also discovered the particular vi tamin that is necessary to restore col or to the hair in such cases. Reports ol tests made indicate remarkable results. Not a dye—not a tint—not a drug—not a medicine! It is a valuable food sup plement. If you are among the millions of, people who find themselves handi capped, in business or socially, because ol gray hair, mail coupon below (or write) for free booklet about this marvelous new vitamin discovery’- There is no cost or obligation, so send today. United Vitamin Products, 9 W. Washington St Chicago. 111., Dept. 5 Send me FREE BOOKLET about the new ANTI-GRAY HAIR VITAMIN. Address - .. . . .—r I Cdtf .. ~j±' • •. • Slat* I Attorney Arthur Garfield Hayes resigned from the American As sociation on account of discrimin ation. U. S. Senator Downey of Calif, asked the Senate Military Affairs Committee to investigate Jim Crow in the U. S. Army. Secy of War- Stimson says quali fications and ability is the only requirements for promotions of Colored officers in the U. S. army. The Omaha Guide can always furnish first hand news of current events of the race. Now why not take out one year's subscription: Two of the most famous Negro units in the U ,S. army air force are transferred from Tuskegee to S^if ridge, Michigan. Sheriff Claude Screws of Baker County, Ga., has been indicted for the death of a mob victim, Pvt. Sam Morris of Seattle Wa-sh ington wa sawarded the soldiers' medal for helping to save 10 peo ple when a bomb^- crashed in the Fry Packing Co. i James RobUnson takes his little daughter home from Sunday school James Woods and some friends on 24fh and Lake Sts. Holy Week Services wrell attend ed at Clair Chapel and Zion Bapt ist Churches. Large crowds will oe on north 24th St., to view the Easter parade if the weather will permit. John Dotson and his brother in law aj-e expecting to make a large crop on their farm. Charles Porter and Charles Mas on have their fishing outfit already Mr. McCowan the high powered insurance salesman on the job at ' all times. Essex Willems very much in the poultry game. C. B. Wilkes the streamlined Sunday school Supt. very busy making ready for Easter eggs fir the children. LEGION NEWS (BY JULIUS E. HILL) (Post Publicity Officer) The evening of April 15th, 1943 should be long remembered by members of Theodore Roosevelt Post No. 30 of the American Le gion; as on that date was held the first meeting in their new quar ters at 24th and Parker streets. The Ladies Auxiliary met with them. And Mrs. Milsap it’s secre tary, speaking for Mrs. Prestige, who was absent, made it clear that the auxiliary would give it’s full support to the program sponsored by Roosevelt Post. And it is sel dom that men fail in their efforts when fighting shoulder to should er with a group of hard working women, such as make up the mem bership of the LADIES AUXIL IARY. There are so many things that women can do much better than men. And In regards to a legion post—OUR POST to be more spec ific-they should be gi-ven more opportunities to lend their assist ance. For after all that is the pur pose of the organization; the very word AUXILIARY means to AIDE, to lend support to the main body. And >if the truth was known in this man's country there are legion posts still in existence that might not be were it not for the help they received from their LADIES AUXILIARY, believe it or not! And the program sponsored by ' Roosevelt Post certainly can use 1 all the help it can get from its S auxiliary! — Space will not permit of many j items of interest being mentioned in this column at this time. There fore the remainder of it will be con fined to one important plan made while the joint meeting was *in ses sion. It has to do with a program to celebrate the formal opening of the Post’s new home. Definite arrangements haven’t 3GWLLS "SLUGGISH? • Feeling like you lo;t your best friend — headachy-dull—all because of sluggish bow els? Why put up with constipation misery? Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT, the pleasant tasting chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in accordance with package directions. Next morning—thorough, gentle relief, helping you feel swell again. Millions rely on FEEN-A MINT. Chew like your favorite Burn. Tastes good. Try FEEN-A-MINT-a whole family ftunnlv met* rmlv 1 ft/* 10* FATHER VERY LOW SICK WANTS TO FIND DAUGHTER Mr. Homer D, Hightower and Mrs. Mae Laumpkin Hightower want to get in touch with their daughter. Miss Mary Lou Hightower. Anyne knowing the whereabouts of Miss Mary Lu Hightower, please get in touch with Mr. C. C. Galloway at The Omaha Guide office, 2420 Grant St., Phone Webster 1517. Card of Thanks We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all who so kindly assisted, and for the words of sympathy and consolation and the beautiful floral offerings extended at the death of Mrs. Gladys Councelbr Wigington. Mrs. Helen Belb (Sister), Mr. Frank Wigington, (Husband) Mrs. Josephirfe Holmes, (Aunt) yet been made. Tentatively how-! ever, something different Is sug gested for each day of what is so far planned to be a week of cele brating. Prominent men and women of both races will be on the programs as speakers and a musical program is being arranged in which some of the best talent Ifn the city will take part. It is asked that this paper be watchgp for further announce ments concerning this celebration. SOCIAL NOTES WILLING W ORKERS The Willing Workers Club of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church will meet Wednesday night April 2lst at the home of Mrs. Georgia De Cannot, 2204 Maple St. The presi dent Urges all members to be pres ent. The Victory Drive Rally is progflessing rapidly. Please help us to Crown our King. Bro. Miles Speese and the Queen Sister E. L. Crooms. A wonderful sermon was delivered by Rev. W. E. Fort of Salem Baptist Church. There will be Sunrise Easter Services Sun day morning at 6 a. m. also Bap tizing at the 11:00 a. m. Services. The choir will ponor an Easter Pageant Sunday night. Everybody 4s welcome to all these services. Mrs. J. E. Lindsay, Pres., Mrs. E. L. Crooms, Secy, Mrs, W, L. White, Reporter, Rev. D. St, Clair Pastor. MRS. GEORGIA MORRIS DIES Mrs. Georgia Morris, age G8 years, died Tuesday morning April 20th at the home of her son, 1431 North 24th street. Mrs. Morris had been ill for some time and is survived by a son Mr. Joseph Drake of the above address, a daughter, Mrs. Florence Norman of Gary, Indiana and other relativ es. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon from Thomas Funeral Home. Burial at Prospect Hill cemetery. JOY (BY MRS. H. R. GREENFIELD) Help to the helper if we but knew from day to day. So many troubled hearts to soothe So many pathways rough to smooth. So many comforting words to Say. To hearts that falter along the way. There is joy in one’s heart arul there is joy unspeakable for us at all times, under all conditions if we but realize it—joy in living, to breathe, to live for those we love. There is gladness in joy and mirth to be filled with exaltation. One ought to claim joy and happi ness for its the birthright of each, one to be joyful. Let it he express ed in song ,verse, in flowers, in music or serving others. There is joy to be with congenial friends in their rich, pleasant conversation. Where one is joyful there can be no sorrow. Just let Us remember there is a silver lining in every cloud. One must look for the Sil ver lining, for it is always some where ever present when one is burdened with unhappiness of whatever nature and soon there , will be joy in every heart and sing ing will take the place of gloom. (Joy in pictures, in good books, in the beautiful woods and forest. In the spring rains come—a joy of de light. we know not the why, as wc walk or work in the refreshing drops of rain it is like showers of , blessings. Let Joy rain completc | ly. it's a little taste of Heaven. Whatever comes let joy be sup | r€me and soon there will be no j room for one's dissolusions. Spend your time promoting joy in all your dealings and thereby dispelling every unhappiness in the world and everyone will smile again, just like your mirror will give back to you all you are in the mirror. Smile in the mirror and a smile will surely come back to you with joy unspeakable. MAN AS A UNIT We have been considering man ias a unit, showing how man, as a | spirit, has several bodies or ve ! h^les otf consciousness. Man is not only a unit, a separated Ent ity, however; at least, he is that only in a relative sense. For he is of a family, a community, a na tion, one of the inhabitants of the earth, related to other worlds. God Thou, has made me known to friends whom I knew not. Thou, has given me a seat in homes not my own; Thou hast brought the distant near and made a brother of a stranger. Through birth and death in this or other things where ever Thou leadest me it is Thy will just the same. Thou art the One, companion of my endless life! In the Word of God was Life; the Life is in the Word. The kind words we speak because although we speak them on the Physical Plane, they are the food from which the Spiritual essence is taken for the building of Etheric words. This combined with service builds the same body, which has its various organs correlated to the organs of the Physical Body. Being of a cos mic character Christ speaks in parables but hidden meanings were given to His Disciples in pri vate! This meaning was not gfiven to the ordinary of people or to make the Bible "an open Book of God!” It is generated by the mind given by the power of light and darkness (the Lord of Mind,) and whereby all nations are being slowly but surely drawn together in a Universal Brotherhood of Love, regardless of race, sect, or Color. The New Jerusalem with its pearly streets and sea of glass and all the other pious and moral fancies of the church people are there also. As an Aquarian Prayer for the Universal good we pray that the spirit of Divine good and brother hood may enter the hearts of the people of every country of the Earth. That God may send such a Spiritual power down upon us that it will awaken every soul to the value of Spiritual things. The value of creative efforts brings competition and greed and fear and jealousy of other persons or nat ions. Dissolve, O God, these qual ities from the minds of the races for without them we will banish Poverty, crime, incompetjency, waste and War from the Eearth. Study group and Temple Serv ice will meet at Mrs. M. E. Me | Donald 2215 North 29th St., WE. 4125, FOLKES' ACQUITTAL APPEAL REFUSED Albany, Ore., April 20—Circuit Judge L. G. Lewelling denied Rob ert E. Lee Folkes a directed ver dict of acquittal in the lower bertn 13 murder trial. Defense Attorney Leroy Lomas made his request for a directed verdict after the state had conclud ed its case against Folkes. charg ed with first degree murder in th. knife slaying of Mrs M.artha Vir ginia James on a Californja-bounc train before dawn. January 23. Lomax unsuccessfully contended the state had offered .‘insufficient evidence to link the 20-year train cook with the crime. Youths 17, Men 38 to 45 Are Eligible For Coast Guard WAAC BASKETBALL TEAM PRACTICING FOR LEAGUE GAMES—At Fort Huachuca, Arizona, these athletic girls hav« I strenuous practice. Left to right: Captain Frances C. Alexander. 32nd Company Coach and Commanding Officer. Toledo, Ohio; Lacy Johnson, Little Rock, Arkansas; and Reba Caldwell, Pittsburgh, Kansas WAR TIME RAILROADING ; HARD ON RAILROADERS j CHICAGO. April 22 (ANP) Rail road men and women here echoed agreement with the article on rail roads released by Sutherland Pen linger, chief of special services in Washington, last week in which he described the Rigors through wh'cn those who work on and with trains are experiencing. This city, the headquarters for more sleeping car porters than any other center, has beer, especially conscious of the difficulties facing Pullman men as well as workers in other cate gories. I Many Pullman porters are work ing with troop travel almost ex clusively. About 50,000 soldiers a day, 1,750,00 a month, are traveling hither and thither on government orders and this does not 'include the men going home on furlough. Sometimes it appears as though the high command was merely playing checkers and seeing how many troops it can shuttle about. About half of the total supply of Pullman cars and 17 percent of all day coaches in the country (about 3,000 are in troop use. If the war department insisted on having ail the Pullman equipment it could use, then civilians would have no sleeping accomodations at all for all the Pullman cars would be carrying troops. As it is they use tourist cars frequently and sleep soldiers two in a lower berth and one in an upper. About 250 lounge parlor and sleeping cars have been rebuilt with three tiers of berths and are used mostly for movi ig sailors, the berths evidently being somewhat Wke their hammocks. Pullman porters are working harder than ever in history. The great amount of baggage they have t ohandle. the constant mak ing-up and breaking down of b necessitated by the packed cars now running when frequently they Used to be half full; sleeping on j sofas and Settees instead of In “up- j per one” which used to be theirs j almost exclusively, there is plenty of work jn being one of “TTncle George’s boys” these days. Dining car waiters are equally hard pressed. Many of the most skillful men have been called bv S elec live service. Newer waiteis can’t give the same quick deft ser vice. Working long hours, on1 some days from 5:30 in the mom- j ing until one or two the next mom i ing, they serve continuously. For-1 merly if there were more than 100 persons on a train to be served, a second diner was added. Now a single diner crew of 10 to 13 men will serve as many as 700 meals a day with scarcely any let up be tween what were once meal Per iods. The traditional custom where by colored passengers coming in to a car were piloted to any empty table has likewise gone into limbo in most cases. Colored and white passengers, soldiers and civilians are thrust together and like it if they want something to eat, that is above the Mason-Dixon line. More and more Negro waiters are running in charge w-ithout white stewarts. Women are being pressed into service. Thus far no railroad has given a colored girl a job as a clerk or typist but Several are us ing them in handling light bag gage, the number of car cleaners is increasing, many stations are using them for lighter janitorial In the U. S. Coast Guard’s Ap*ii enlistment quota, largest of this year, qualified men 38 to 45 and youths of 17 will be eligible. Cap tain Stephen S. Yeandie, District Coast Guard Officer, St. 1,-ouiR, Ninth Naval District, announced. Good horsemen and rat’fo technic ians of all ages will also be accept ed, he said. Physical examinations will be re quired of all enlistees. Volunteer 17 year olds must have written consent from parents or guardian and evidence of an eighth grade elucation. Men 38 to 45 must also show educational credentials with proof of citizenship. They will be accepted into the regular branches of Coast Guard service with oppor tunities of advancement. „ Applicants can either write or visit one of the following Coast Guard Recruiting Stations: Room 317 Post Office Bldg.. Omaha, -Ne braska; Room 102 Old Federal Bldg Des Moines. Iowa; Room 110 U. S. Court House Bldg., Minneapolis, Minnesota; or Room 245 U. S. Court House. Kansas City, Mo. Horsemen volunteering for Coast Guard Beach Patrol work, and rad io technicians may apply through the Recruiting Station, Omaha, must submit a detailed written statement setting forth their qual ifications in these two fields along with two accupational references from employers or business assoc iates. An eighth grade education is also required, wfth written con sent from parents if the applicant is under 21 years. Enlist today!!! Every man in the U. S. Coast Guard is a volunteer. work and on at least one road the Illinois Central, there is a full fledged section crew made up of buxom women of cotor who are leported to swing sledge hammers with gusto. Despite the war there have been r.o increase in the strategic places as firemen. Negroes are not being hired and those still on the rolls frequently crowded off. No Negro has been paced on a Diesel engine run. READ^ GUIDE “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL’ MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children's Woik A Specially 2422 LAKE ST RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street —Always a place to park — !JOHNSON DRUG CO t NEW LOCATION 2306 North 241 h 1 [We. 0998 Free Deliver* r • I NORTH 'M™ 81 SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 2-Hii c>i. w iv -i_, —POPULAR PRICK LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. Our Half Soleing Method leave: No Repair Look on your shore We Use the BEST Material. 1 PAGE BOY ATTACHMENTS For ] Beautiful Hair Perfectly Matched i $1-501 Send sample of hair or state color. $1.50 with order and save postage or pay postman $1.50 plus 23c postage on delivery. Braids, Puffs and Wigs. Gray Hair 50c extra. POSNER HAIR CO. 113 W. 128th St„ N. Y. C. Chairs for Rent FOR ALL OCCASIONS. RE _«n» VABLfc PRICES. WE. 1517 j - 1 Assembly Hall tor Aent j BY NIGHT OR WEEK FOR CIVIC OR POLITICAL ORGANISE I ATIONS, SOCIAL CLUBS, CONVENTION’S AND ALL ANNUAL I AFFAIRS. AT A REASONABLE RATE. WE. 1517. Costs only 3C per day t Pays up to $325 per year Accidents Mid Sickness strike quickly “*d Hospitals demand Cash. Federat's Hospitalization Insurance meets «Kis emergency promptly by peoridia* HOSPITAL ROOM ol BOARD- C P E R A TIH • ROOM X-RAT EXAMINATION-ANESTHESIA— LABORATORY EXAMINATION—MATER N ITT BENEFITS -SUROEON'B FEES— SANATORIUM BENEFITS-EMERGENCY AID—A M B UL A N CB SERVICE - a mat ntna ■» m tin taa 3t**a NO MEDICAL EXAMINA. _ TION REOUIRED- CLAIMS fl PAID PROMPTLY—AVAIL. J l ABLE FOB TH* ENTIRE a. /CA FAMILY ACT NOW \Tm can’t afford an be wtib n« this Low Cost protection Las the FEDERAL HAN pm FEDERAL LIFE •»<! BENEFIT ASSOCIATION CMmm Bui Bnlldln* Wllntegm. Dai. O. G. N. Gentlemen:—Please mail me, wkboat obligation. M Free detillt moat * N a day Hoapual ami Sargicai Parana* Plan. J nnrirraanrl am ag»at mil cnli. ' O* * Toe*-—m ..