The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 06, 1943, City Edition, Image 1

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    Good Reading 5 c
phL0f^l'.?5T;ha’ Nebra!lk‘ Saturday. March 6,1943 OUR 16th YEAR-No. 4 City Edition, 5c Copy
Lawy’rs Guild ask Full Negro-Integration
“Miss Dillard”
Says " Industrial Discrimin
ation Takes New Form”
Visit Omaha
Mr. John M. Sengs taeke. Presi
dent and General Manager of The
j Chicago Defender and Mr. Rudolph
Johnson, Mechanical Supt- of the
Defender plant, were in Omaha ■
Wednesday for a brief stopover.
While here they visited the plant'
of The Omaha Guide and discussed ;
various newspaper topics with Mr.
C .C. Galloway, with whom they
had dinner at King Yuen's Cafe.
They visited with Mr Edward Kil- !
lingsworth. -whose family and Mr. I
Johnson’s family are friends of I
, Jefferson City. Mo.. March I— i
Qualified students, majors in chem I
istry and physics at Lincoln Cm- I
versity now ha*fc available to them i
loans from the United States goAr- !
i ernment to assist them in acceier- |
ating their programs for the more i
j rapid completion of their studies,
it was learned from Dr. Walter It.
Talbot. Chairman of the University
Council of Defense.
This assistance—intended to aid
in meeting the shortage of trained
! personnel in certain fields in the
j war effort—is administered thru
j the United States Commissioner or
(continued page 2)
long acquaintance.
Mr. Sengstacke and Mr. Johnspn
who came down to Council Bluffs
to talk over mechanical problems
with George Fouts of the Council j
| Bluffs. Non-Pareill, left for Chic- j
I ago. late Wednesday night.
Appropriately chosen queen of MISS HELEN MATHIEU A sOp
beauty of Dillard university. New hmore, Miss Mathieu was selected
Orle;iH3. in a recent contest soon b>' the general vote of the student
sore< by The Crisis magazine, e/as body, and her Picture appears in
this Crescent City cr ole lasts ; the February issue The Crisis.
t New York. March 1 (ANP) Lor
enzo F. Davjs. industrial director
of the Brooklyn Urban League,
stated in an address at the Inter
racia cllub Friday that. ■Dsicrim
ination in industry has taken dif
ferent forms. While the Negro
worker is not being totally exclud
ed. his skin is definitely not being
Numerous skilled Negro work
ers. according to Mr. Davis, hu'-e
been referred to war industries
where they have been forced to
take jobs in janitorial or helper
capacities. In training. Negroes
have been barred in mnv instances
due to lack of part time courses
for those employed in other work
and because of regulations making
available training to persons who
have had previous industrial exper
ience before those who have been
barred fom industry in the past
were chosen.
Analyzing the problems facing
Negroes in securing war industry'
jobs, the speaker pointed out that
during the period in which FEPC.
controversy was at ith height and
at the time of issuing of the “work
Or fight” order, it was practically
impossible to obtain jobs for Ne
(Cont-nued on pagel^=4>
Wilberforce Lniversity Celebrates 87th Founders ’ Day
I ill DU ATE WO.I v
Wilberforce ought to start Plann
ing for post war education by op
ening a first-class college of en
gineering and by developing a real
university that would offer post
graduate training. declared Dr.
3 mdley Woodard, professor of ma
thematics at Howard University
and a Wilberforce alumnus of the
class of 1903. in a scholarly address
given on the 87th anniversary of
(Continued on page|^”41
UEV. S. K. NICHOLS of Chicago j
one of the world's greatest Evan- j
gelists and Divine healers through I
him Clod has healed hundreds of j
people and worked miracles and I
special miracles. His power is so
great that God heals over the
phone and out of the cities thru
(hi ggreat Divine- Call JA. 3229
or meet him at the Church of the
Living God. 1906 North 24th St.
He is in a great demand.
Rev. Harrell, the Secy of the
Brotherhood is calling him in
Kansas City to come and run a
nother healing meeting and Bishop
Scott of Oklahoma City and Bish
op Newsgrove of Tulsa, Okla. also
is calling him to come and run an
other 10 days meeting for him.
And Overs eering Elder Wiley
Scruggs of Topeka. Kansas- All
want him, so we that are here in
Omaha have something to be
proud of. We are having a great
healing service Sunday night Mar
ch 7th. Come out and b? healed
and helped by the power of dod.
Rev. Nichols received a tele
pohne message last night that Chi
cago needs him back home .b’lt
we say that Omaha needs him
Says DuBois
! Under the sponsorship of tl»e
Women's Defense Club, which was
organized to encourage the pur
chase of war stamps and bonds,
| a lecture by the noted lecturer and
' author. Dr. W. E. B. DuBois was
| held before an audience of approx
; imatelv four hundred persons at
the Pilgrim Baptist Church Sun
day- afternoon.
j Dr. DuBoise told his appreciat
' ive audience that the second world
war is in many ways a race war
and that the problems of race in
J equality cannot be ignored.
I “War has been constant for 40
! years." he said. “Why didn't we
recognize it? Because we believ
ed the series of wars were hammer
ing a new sort of order, a finer
“Our whole teaching was that a
small part of the world was gett
ing a great uplift and benefit at
the expense of the majority. Then
came the first world war. a tre
mendous jolt.”
He pointed out France was fac
ed with the race problem after
bringing in hundreds of thousands
of Sengalese to act as shock troops
in the first world war. England
had its Indian troops The United
States still hadn't quite decided
the status of its Negroes in the
armed services.
Social problems arise, he said,
when colored copper miners in the
Belgian Congo work at 30 cents a
day and whites in Montana mines
at *8 to *10 a day.
“I suspect that Mr. Churchill
spends as much for sigars in one
month as an Indian family spends
! in one year.”
A world traveler. Dr. DuBois is
head of the Atlanta. Ga., univers
ity's department of Sociology.
On Monday he conducted a con
sumer's cooperative meeting at the
, YWCA, at 2 p. m. and at 8 p. m, he
‘ held a second conference at the
Urban League Community center.
The net proceeds of the lecture
will be invested in war bonds and
New York, March 1 (ANP) Mrs.
Adah B. Thams Smith, one of the
organizers and former presidents
of the National Association for
colored graduate Nurses, died at
Lincoln hospital, on Sunday. Fun
eral services were held at St.
Marks church.
In 1936 Mrs. Smith was awarded
the Mary Mahoneu medal by the
national association of colored
graduate nurseB for her history of
‘Negro nurses, the "Pathfinder. '
Plain Talk...
The United States is preparing to
put 1LOOO.OOO men in its armed
forces. They will be the pick of
American manhood. physically
sound and mentally alert. They
will receive a course of training,1
the like of which has never before
been given to American soldiers.
They will be trained to undergo
extraordinary hardship, to master
a hundred different ways of killing
othe men.... by rifle and machine
gun fire, by hand grenades by
planting mines, by bayonet, and
knife thrusts, by clubbing and
strangulation. They are going to
be trained to face death in a thou
sand horrible forms and to keep
going. They will be tough men
prepared to fight at the drop of
the hat in Africa or Asia, or Eur
j ope. under the burning rays of the
i equatoial sun or the icy blasts of
he arctic circle.
These are the kinds of men who
I have conquered the world, who !
drove the Indian from his hunting
grounds in North America and
South America, and who crushed
the native peoples of Africa and
India, and Australia, and the Is
lands of the Sea and put them to
work so that they, their conquer
ors. could take gold and silver and
precious stones and timber and ev
ery other form of natural wealth
back to their distant homelands.
These are some of us who say:
“We should worry if we are not
permitted to fight. Let the white
folks do the fighting if they want
to. Let them pay for their racial
and color prejudice, For every
colored boy who doesn't have to
fight, a white boy must fight and
perhaps die."
This doesn’t make sense.
We want complete participation
in this war as Americans. We are
opposed to the Jim Crow Army be
cause a Jim Crow Army is compel
led to be less efficient than an
Army where the color and race of
a soldier is not a badge of infer
iority. But above all we want to
fight wherever the fighting is.
We know what we can do. We
Know that if given the proper
training and a chance, colored boys
will meet the best fliers of Japan
and Germany and oUtfly them .out
fight them, outgame them and
knock them out of the skies.
We know that if given the train,
ing and leadership colored boys
will drive their tanks to the rim
of hell and back again_..and
when it comes to rough work in
close, to clubbing, strangulation,
the deadly use of the bayonet and
the knife, colored boys will take
the Germans and Japs to school
Grade I B. But a great fighting
unit must have the spirit and will
to fight. And segregation with its
inevitable inequalities and insults
chills the fighting ardor of Amer
ica's colored soldiers.
And Yet:
We hope that at least a million
American colored men will be tak
en into the armed forces and sub
jected to training no matter how
rigid it may be. We want combat
troops, trained as other Americans
are being trained. And we want
to see them get their chance on
the battle front, wherever the bat
tl efront may be- We know that
many will be woundei and maim
ed and killed_but we also know
that some will return.
And those who return will be
tough men, for they will have en
dured hunger and cold and weary
marches and engaged in fierce
battle and looked with unblinking
eyes upon death.
Peace demands men no less
courageous than war. And when
this war is over perhaps more than
any time in its history America's
colored population must have in
its ranks tough men who are not.
—E. A. C.
New York March l (ANP) — Ap
pointment of Maxine Lane as Sec
retary to the dean of Manhattan
ville College of the Sacred Heait.
has caused a disturbance among
many of the alumnae since the in
stitution opened its doors to Ne
groes only a few years ago.
Miss Lane has until recently,
served as secretary t° the editor
of “The Crisis” magazine. She at
tended the Harlem YWCA busin
ess and secretarial school where
she won many awards for effic
Manhattanvilie stresses th •
study of Negro history and Baa
sponsored many interracial meet
CHICAGO, March 2 CANP) Judge
William Has tie was cne of seven
vice presidents chosen by the Na
tional Lawyers guild at the term
ination of a three day convention
during which the guild went on
ercord for the ‘'complete inegtra
tion of Negroes into all phases of
our national life.’’, urged abolition
of the poll tax and the w-hite pri
mary an dthe continuance and
strengthening of the FEPC and
condemned all discriminatory prac
tices and Segregation in the armed
forces and in industry. A half
dozen prominent Negro lawyers
from various parts of the country
were named to the national execu
tive board.
Formed seven years ago, the
guild, contrary to the policies of
the American Bar association and
other national organizations of at
torneys, has always admitted Ne
groes to its ranks and has consist
ently spoken against Jim Crow.
One of the points made by Robert
W .Kenny, California attorney gen
eral and president of the guild, in t
his presidential address, was that 1
all organizations of attorneys in- 1
dicate their support of democracy
by erasing color bars in their con
stitutions. Negro delegates to the
convention included: Sidney Jones,
Euclid L. Taylor and Earl B. Dic
kerson of Chicago: Elvin Daven
port. LeBron Simmons of Detroit:
Thurgood Marshall of New York
and Loren Miller of Los Angeles.
In its resolution condemning
dicirimn \
discrimination against Negroes I
an dother minority groups .the
guild was emphatic in calling for
the gnting of commissions to Ne
gro lawyers ir. the offices of the
judge advocate general and the
provost marshal and for their em
ployment in all ranches of the gov
ernment particularly in war agenc
ies such as the Office of Price Ad
ministration. It also urged that
cifortP Of southern congressmen
t oeut off appic priations for Me
rro ad’ isors an-i consultants to
various government bureauh and
departments he defeated, asserting
that where they rad performed
their functions t* e yhad beet, r-f
great assistance .n defeating dis
criminatory me-sc res in govern
ment and in integratig Negroes .r,
to industry
Supgort of the i . in iot a mix-„d
army division was -ils., voiced hy
the vuild us a i - -: jiv^rd the enc:
i'jg rf segregation ja ti e arm d
In its rcsolmio i • rging con and i i ren: i h.» mg of the
fair Employment I rakes imm i
ittee. the guild asseted that the na
tion cannot be mobilized for total
war unless the services of all A
mericans. without regard to rue .
creed or color, are utilized and
pointed out that the FEPC had
• continued on page£5g^2)
‘TuneIn’ for Our Radio Broadcast Over
CBS., Saturday, March 6th; 2:30 P. M.
; IN 1827, BY JOHN B. g
' RU^WOR^1' I
_-- . . —_—- - .."**J*~*a-y™
Old Folks Home Assn Starts
Membership Drive for Year
The Board of Directors of the 3
Colored Old Polks’ Home Assn.
Inc., has authorized a drive for
memberships to begin Feb. 21 and
ending March 21st- A report of
this effort will be announced at an
informal open house reception at
the home 933 North 25th St.
The drive will be conducted un
der the chairmanship of Mrs. Thos
Goodwin and a committee consist
ing of Mesdames John Albert Wil
liams. Herbert Wiggins. C. R J
Singleton. L S. McPherson and C.
W. Jewell |
The membership fee is one dol
lar per year and is open to men
and women. Any member nay
vote and hold office. The Colored
Old Folks Home Assn, is a Com
munity Chest Agency from which
it received $1,624.30 last year for
the general upkeep of the Home.
No funds however are provided for
the care of the property itself
The funds derived from this drive
will be used for this purpose.
The Colored Old Folks ASSn. was
organized 25 years ago by the late,
Mrs. Martha Taylor-Smith and a 1
group o fearnest women, who felt
there was a crying need for a
Place such as this, in which the
aged members of our group could
find shelter and comfort in the
evening of their lives.
The first Home was a humble
six room house at 3029 Pinkney
Street. The present Home is a
spacious, strictly modern, fully e
quipped 12 room house, located at
--— — — — — —■-- — - — — -
933 North 25th St- Living there
are nine regular residents under
the loving understainding care of
Mrs. Florence Johnson, the effic
ient Maton. A nominal fee is re
quired for board and lodging. Any
one wishing to enter the home may
obtain the necessary information
by calling Mrs. Johnson at JA.
The officers and directors of the
Old Folks Home' Assn ate aS f"l
lows: Mrs. John Albert Williams,
Pres.. Mrs. P. H. Jenkins, Vice |
Pres. Mrs. C, H. Singleton. Secy, 1
Mrs. Gertrude James. Asst Secy.
Mrs- Vera L. Harris, Treas.
Mesdames Pearl Brummel. Thos
Goodwin, Evelyn Murray, Cecelia
W. Jewell, Herbert Wiggins, Jen
nie Scott, Gussie McPherson and
Florence Riggs.
Messrs: H. W. Black, J, D, Lewis
Chas- Solomon. Rev. L. A, Story,
and Rev. G. A. Stams.
The Assn meets the first Thurs
day in each month at the Home
from three to four o’clock. Tho
public is cordially invited.
Rev. G. A. Stams has been con
ducting a Bbile study for the past
year. Rev. L. A. Story will be
chairman of the committee on re
ligious services this year.
The Board of Directors wiste3
to thank all of the many friends
and clubs for the many favors i
shown the Home during tha past
year. Please lay aside one dollar
for a membership in the Colored !
Oju Folks Home Assn, the only
social agency in the state of Ne
braska founded, owned and oper
ated by oUr own race.
Do not pay membership to any
one not provided with identifying
credentials and stamped receipts.
Washington. March 2 (ANP) -
Once again, Congressman Frances
P. Bolton of Ohio took the floor
of the house and lashed her fellow
representative with - clear logical
argument over the matter of over
time pay and hour.
Deamnding the end of bickering
in congress, Mr3. Bolton declared
that the war must bs won and that
nothing elsec ounts. save proto:
tion of the economy.
Mrs. Bolton appealed to her col
leagues in a floor speech to eval
uate everj- bit of legislation “chal
lenged by the thought of our nie.i
The Ohioan, who is noted for her
many benevolences to Negroes and
her intense interest in their pro
gress and welfare, has two sons
in the army, both of whom have
given splendid accounts of them
ing huge Post Card sent to Pres
ident Franklin D. Roosevelt Sat
On Saturday’, February 20th, the
St. Louis Unit of the March on
Washington Movegnent employed
a dramatic technique in sending a
giant post card to President Rooee
■velt. protesting the cancllation of
the Fair Employment Practices
Committee railroad hearings. This
card carried the names of 32 or
ganizations representing over 13,
000 St. Louisians including the
leading labor, fraternal, religious.
urday, February 20th. 1943. Com
mittee from left to right read.:—'
Mrs. Thelma Grant. Mr. N. A.
Sweets, Mr. E. J, Bradley. Mr. T,
character building and civic wel
fare groups of the city. "This ap
peal” sa-d T. 1;. ..itNeal, Chair
man of the Unit. ts e'peca’ly sig
nificant because it reveals a now
and progressive unanimity of think
ing of Negroes on vital issues af
fecting them”.
The huge card, 60 by 40 inches,
was Sent as first class mail and
required $3.51 postage.
Thousands of telegrams and let
D, McXeal. Miss N't • n .we!;.
Atty David M. Oran*. M*- Leyton
tVeston, Mr. Harold W. Ros3 a id
Mrs. Marie Fanc
iers and also delegnt ors from all
over the country, voicing the in
dignation of the Negro people at
the lfagra~t vo'ation cf nteit
and spirit o1 Ex-cutiv Order N .
8802, have preceded this card.
The St. Lou's N^gro ■•'’-imuni'y
remains aroused and gravely con
cerned .and will continue action
designed to have th* FEPC. res
tored to the position originally in