For whatever you have to sell, 01 for whatever you want to buy— IN THESE COLUMNS FOR RENT 8 Room House for 2 Families, All Modem, $25.10 per month. Available to Party able to buy furnishings at $250-00 cash. 2204 Maple Street. Call evenings JA. 6416 One Apart ment Now Rented for $25.00 Per month. FOR~RENT Furnished Room in Modern Home 231# North 22nd Street. ** HELP WANTED HELP WANTED COLORED WANTED EXPERIENCE DISH WASHER. GOOD WAGES AT THE MAYFLOWER CAFE, 29th ST. AND PARK AVE., HA. 7222. Use The Omaha Guide As A— Medium of Advertising WANTED TO CARE FOR CHILDREN Experienced woman at 2320 North 28th avenue, for further information call JA. 0762, Mrs. Arthur Hahne. WANTED A WAITRESS AT 1402 North 24th Street. WANTED: Licensed Janitor, Good Salary, 3 Room Apt. furnished. Call Ruder, AT. 8927. LAUNDRIES-* “CLEANERS ~ EDHOLM & SHERMAN 1401 North 24th WE. 6068 EMERSON LAUNDRY *324 North 24th St. WE. IOP'j WANT TO BITY — Furniture of all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chost of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings- Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 FUNERAL DIRECTORS ~THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 Lemon Juice AT HOME TO RELIEVE the MISERIES Money Back If This Rheumatic Recipe Fails' Oood newt travels fast—many of the thou Rnds of folks who now take lemon Julc# r rheumatic pain—have found that by tddlng two tablespoonfuls of Allenru to one tblespoonful of Lemon Juice In a glass of water, they get faster relief for the ache* •nd pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It's no surprise either, for Allenru is a la year old formula to relieve rheumatlo aehes and pains In fact—If It does not halp r-rour money back. What could be fairer? Mat Allenru today at any live druggist. Only • eeot»—Da It Mow. Did You Place Your FALSE TEETH In a Glass Last Night? Thousands do and wonder why their den lures remain dull and stained — why they suffer with offending denture breath. They fail to realise that water alone is not a cleans* inf agent - but now. there's a great formula perfected by a dentist, called Stera-Kleen that thoroughly cleans false teeth like magic no brushing! Simply put a little Stera-Kleen Powder in a glass of water-soak your teeth - now they sparkle, are really clean and look lUce the day your dentist said. “Don’t they look natural?” Try Stera-Kleen - lasts long - costs only 30* At all druggists. Old Farmer's Recipe: Mix Allenru and Lemon Juice to get quick relief from pains of rheumatics and neuralgia Druggists have Allenru — grocers have lemons. do you Hat* trouble with your i*et? Do they perspire too ireely and crack the «Hn between the toes? Do they ache and burn? Are yon troubled with painful coins, oai jousee or Athlete's Foot? Then try I.DJ—an amaiing new formula guaranteed to bring re lief—or double your money back! EASY TO USE-easy to buy; get UDlf n ^I'DI m$bc6>e4it“ I FRED WALKER, AGENT PHONE ATLANTIC 1689— 984 N. 25th ST. Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back When excess stomach acid causes painful, suffocat Ing gas. sour stomach and heartburn, doctor* usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known foi symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Bell-am Tablets. No laxative. Bell an* brings comfort in i juffy or double your money back 0:1 return of bottli lo us. 25c at til druggists. WAITERS’ COI^MN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 MttfNMitfeMlMaMMHIH Mr. William Edgerton is back in Omaha. Many waiters sending valentin es, candy to their sweethearts. RR boys wondering if they will be in Omaha on Easter Sunday. Brother John Evans very much out in front at the Rome hotel. The White Horse Inn waiters OMAHA OUTFITTING Furnish Your Entire House hold at the ‘Omaha Outfitting They carry Furniture, Washing Machines, Radios, Travelling Bags, Jewelry and All Kinds of Coal. 2122 North 24th St Phone AT. 5652 Join—Reliable Friendship Club— j 'or Pleasure. Send Dime for mem >ership blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wendell, Chicago, 111. i RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands | of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street 3 —Always a place to park— Fill You* Bin! HELP AMERICA WIN ALL GRADES COAL. COMPARE PRICES Convenient Plans can be Arranged DON’T DELAY Call or come in and see us. American Coal Co. 17TH & IZARD AT. 367(1 WptpllMMMWWwipippi JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Roller, Mgr. MaiMMMMHIIMMMH King Yuen Cafe CHOP SUEY 2010*4 N. 24th St. JAckson 8575 .Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. m American & Chinese Dishes Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. phoneJA-4635 formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. | have a quick step at all times. Fontenelle waiters very much in the go along. Musician headwaiter and Capt ain Burns entertain some friends at a northside business house and when this writer appeared on the scene said “put it away.” All waiters should take some shares out in the Credit Union. WAKE UP boys and live. Omaha Club headwaiter and his crew taking very good care of the service in a fine way. We noticed Mr. Moss of the old school of roast beef knights ming ling with the boys. Race hore headwaiter and the quick stepping crew at the Pax ton hotel are tops on good service. Uncle Sam says we should all work together and win the war. FLASH.—we should all attend church on Sunday as we owe it to our Creator and it shows that we are very mindful of our duty. THE WEEK GONE BY Omaha Urban League held the 15th annual meeting and round table discussion. S. B. Danley spoke on the value of “Woman Power” and the human side of man power. John Factor sentfJiced to ten years in a federal prison on a one million dollar whiskey fraud. Can goods rationing to start on March 1st. Miss Estella Careys’ body was found in a blazing flat in Chicago. She was an auburn haired model. Rev. \V. C. Williams in the Lake Street shoe shop. Mr. Mayo the barber’s condition *1*1*——— HELP US! HELP THE POOR CALL— THE VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA JAckson 2290 15th & Chicago •mu———mm——» DO YOU WART A BABT1 Now Vitamin Combination Brings Horn to Childless Homos Nothing equals a baby to bring com plete unity and happiness into the homa and tie husband and wife together in a stronger bond of enduring love and mu* lual interest. Divorce is rare in the homes of couples that have children. j Unhappy wives, childless due to relieve 1 able functional weakness may now enjoy the desires and activity of Nature’s most wonderful creation—a normal, fully-de veloped, vigorous woman. A sensational new vitamin treatment specifically for j women may be just the thing needed by 1 the childless wife and quickly bring the happiness of a baby in the home. It is, of course, absolutely harmless. If you are childless due to functional weakness and lack normal vigor—if you wish to eliminate one of the great causes of unhappy marriages, by all means try Perlex for one week. To introduce this new vitamin combination to a million wromen quickly, the Perlex Company, 314 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois, will send a full $2.00 supply for only $1.00 and a few cents postage. Send no money —just your name and address. Perlex comes in a plain wrapper—directions are very simple and no diet or exercise is required. Something New in the Bread Family— Tangy Orange Bread Favorite “goodie” r of the lunch box • “Mom, put in more of those good orange bread sandwiches,” the youngsters will say—“Johnny ate most of mine last time.” Made with the new enriched flour, this honey-colored loaf is packed full of health-giving values for every member of the family. And what a wonderful flavor! De licious orange juice and rich can died orange peel, blended through out the loaf make every slice a treat. That’s because the flavors really do come through in the fin ished loaf, when you use Spry, the flavor-saver shortening. Try this easy recipe! Everybody wants more Orange Bread. Chil dren beg for it, husbands raid the bread box for it. Serve it for breakfast, toasted and buttered; for sandwiches, after-school snacks, for tea. Better clip the rec ipe right now. — ORANGE BREAD i *4 cup Spry 1 teaspoon salt % cup sugar 1 egg 3 cups sifted flour ^ 3 teaspoons baking powder % teaspoon soda cup orange juice 1 cup milk 94 cup candied orange peel, cut fine Blend Spry, salt and sugar. Add egg and beat well. Sift flour with baking pow der and soda. Add to first mix ture, alternately with orange juice and milk, mixing after each addition until smooth. Add orange peel and blend. Pour batter into 9x5x3-inch Sprycoated loaf pan. Bake in moderate oven (350°F.) 65 to 75 minutes. (All measurements in recipe are level) is improving. Marion, Indiana creamery swept by $150,000 fire. 4 Nuns tell of escape an hour a head of Japs. Red Cross sends 3 truck loads of food to Libya. Colored woman gets $25 judge ment against Lincoln, 111. depart ment store for refusing to let her try on a hat. 4 C Club bad a good meeting. Captain Jones of the Omaha Club talks with some friends in a northside business house. Mt. Moriah Baptist Church ]o0U^ very good as the finishing touches are taking shape. Read the Omaha Guide. _ Union Services at Zion Baptist Church well attended. Five persons were killed by a blast in a t°rpedo plant in Rich mond, Calif. Lack of steel caused the Amer ican Shipbuilding CO. to suspend the entire third shift. The following persons attended Sunday morning services Feb. 7 at Clair Chapel, Mrs. V. B. Cheeks, WAAC fr°rn Charleston, W. \’a., Mr. S. C. Mitchell of East St- Lou is. 111., Pvt. FC Albert Curley of 2 CDS. Ft Riley, Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. McClair of 2806 Corby St , Rev. Reynolds had all the congre gation wave their handkerchefs at the opening of the service. Also there was Mrs. Lewis Haw kins of Zion Baptist Church. President Roosevelt urges that boy scouts be maintained. The Chicago Negro Opera guild will repeat its performance at the Chicago Civic Opera house on Sun day night Feb. 21. Gov. Dewey of New York acta against Navy discrimination bar ing Negroes from special training. Rep. Ewin F. Kenswi of St. Lou is introduces Civil Rights bill in Mo. Legislature. Mrs. Rachel Herndon, first Ne gro woman, passes Georgia bar i and is admitted to practice law. j Elder Rosser of the CME. church mnnii: Hilling iHilH.iiiiiniiM. riWiiiii:iiiiiiiii;»iiMiminiiiiiiMBiiiiimiii;mmiiniin When you’re choosing a laxative these Questions are importani Ques. Should you choose vourj laxative for thoroughness. prompt ness. or gentleness? Ans. You should look for all three qUailties. Ques. What laxative has been a really popular favorite with four generations because it usually is gentle, prompt, and thorough when directions are followed? Ans. Good old Black-Draught. Ques. Is p Black-Draught easy to take? Ans. You bet! Particularly in the new granulated form. * Black-Draught is purely herbal. Economical, too—25 to 40 doses only 25c! Be sure to follow label di I rections- Get this “friendly laxa i tive” in the familiar yellow box today. in Omaha at Cleaves Temple Sun day last. Twelve people killed and many injured in Georgia and Alabama tornado. AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION MAKES BOLD MOVE (Continued from page 1) relations as a direct technique; 3. the growing power of the labor unions and politics, which in the north very seldom call in reilgiojs and uplift bodies for direction; 4. the realistic attitude of people who do not believe in the conference method as a primary technique; 5. the nostalgic resistance of AMA. graduates and former students io whom AMA. means first and last a, good school. An interpretation of these changes is clearly stated in a re cent release by the AMA. “Our purpose is to begin an era in the Association’s history of more dir ect .cooperative service, looking, first toward the securing of the full rights and privileges of citiz enship to American Negroes, al ready guaranteed by amendments to the constitution of the United States, and second, not to build more schools, colleges and church es for a disadvantaged people, but rather to work with them in util izing public and private institu tions, movements and agencies which seem to establish just and peaceful relations There is a small but increasing group of magnanimous, sincere persons, par ticUlarly in the south, who are ready for such cooperation and who are prepared and disposed to go clean to the end in this busi ness We are expecting no mir acles .not even relatively rapid I changes Regardless of how long the struggle lasts, we have a sense of Urgency about the situation both at home and abroad’’ The Congregational people are to be wished well in this great ven ture of faith.just as great as the forming of the AMA., the building of its schools and colleg es. the inevitable retrenchment and the rather not glamous task of standardization. Certainly :ew ventures have had more of the blessings of concentrated money, of long ExPei'ience and prestige, and the services of such a qualif ied and proved technician as L>r. Charles S. Johnson. The ventu-.e is indeed bold. There are many grounds for doubt, but there are just as many auguries for success HOTEL OLGA NEW YORK CITY 695 Lenox Avenue (Corner 145th Street) Select Family and Tourist Hotel Running Hot and Cold Water in Each Room All Rooms Outside Exposure —Service— Subway and Surface Cars at Door; Rates Reasonable. ED. H. WILSON, Prop. Tel. Aud 3-7920 OUR FEBRUARY I FURNITURE SALE i INCLUDES THE CORTE CORZINE STOCK ORCHARD & WILHELM CO. j that have ever attended any ven ture in rac erelations. Certainly a planned, studied and financed new day ought to have its chance. CHICAGO POLICEMAN NAMED LIEUT. BY COMMISSIONER CHICAGO, Feb. 10 (ANP) —Sgt. Harry Deas, a member of the Chi cago police force for the past 28 years, has been eleveated to the rank of lieutenant by Police Com missioner James P. Allman, ac co'rc^ing to an announcement of promotions this week. Lt. Dea3. assigned to the Stanton avenue station, becomes the fourth Negro officer to hold this rank. Other police lieutenants were the late William Childs and Will iam Middleton and Capt. John Scott commanding officer of the Stanton avenue station. Besides the captain and lieutenant, Chic ago has 10 Negro sergeants on the police force, among whom is Sgt. Ca-1 Nelson, former bodyguard to heavyweight champion Joe Louis. Lt. Deas joined the department Feb. 22, 1915, and became a ser geant in July, 1938. His rise from i a patrolman was marked by three ! creditable citations. ’ The officer is married and has a son in the army. Mrs. Eva Deas is socially prominent, and active in the South Central division of the American Women’s Volunteer ser vice. Her son, Milton B., is a first sergeant attached to the 795th Tank Destroyer battalion. TWO RED CROSS AIDES ARRIVE IN AUSTRALIA WASHINGTON, Feb. 11 (ANP>— The safe arrival overseas of 17 ad ditional Red Cross workers, two of whom were Negroes, was announc ed this week by the American Red CrOss. Five of the mercy aides arrived in Cairo, Egypt and 12 in Sydney. Australia. The Negro workers are Sylves ter Lee Reeder ,and James G. Ty son, Of Washington, D. C. Both have been assigned as assitanti field directors in Australia. Reeder attended Storer college. Harpers Ferry, W. Va„ and How ard University, Washington. He had been employed by the Red Cross at national headquarters for the past 10 years. Tyson has been a practicing at torney for the past eight years. 1 He attended the Howard university law school and received his degree from Howard. Among profession NORTH 24th st SHOE REPAIR 18U7 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 —POPULAR PRICES— LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. Our Half Soleing Method leaves No Repair Look on your shoes. We Use the BEST Material. imimiMmimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimi' Photos Candy SPECIAL VALENTINE BOXES Photos 3 for a Dime and Larger Candy for All I Occasions Bring the Babies “Open Evenings” ROSKE PHOTO STUDIO 2016 North 24th St. I PAGE BOY ATTACHMENTS | For Beasttfol Hair Perfectly Matched $1.50 Send sample of hair or stale color. $1.50 with order and save postage or pay postman $1.50 plus 23c postage on delivery. Braids, Puffs and Wigs. Gray Hair 50c extra. POSNER HAIR CO. 113 W. 128th Sf.. N. T. C. al organizations he held member ship in were the Washington and the National Bar associations. During spare time Tyson served as manager and lifeguard for the Francis Swimming pool here. He will assist in the direction of Ne gro troops for the Red Cross over seas. IF HITLER CAN CHANGE NAZI CHURCH CAN CHANGE PREJUDICE NEW YORK. Feb. 11 (ANP) Dr. Charles Young Trigg, minister of Salem Methodist Church. Harlem, told the New York Methodist Prea chers Forum meeting Monday morning that if Hitler could | change the whole ideology of mil-1 lions of people during his 10 yra. of leadership that it should be pos sible for the churches to change the race prejudices and abolish dis criminations in a decade. Said Dr. Trigg, “I am sometimes impatient with people who say we must be long-suffering, who think it will take a long time to correct these injustices .and that we must be satisfied with slow progress. If the dictators can quickly alter longstanding attitudes for the worse, Christians ought to be able just as quickly to alter them for the better.” Political demagogues were blam ed by the Harlefn pastor for much of the misunderstandings. “They > keep the fires burining," he said, “in some sections every time a I Ijohnson drug co.i NEW LOCATION 2306 North 24th S JVVe. 0998 Free Deliverj a Auto Parts Wanted BURNED, WRECKED or DILAPIDATED. CARS AND TRUCKS. BRING ’EM IN PARTS FOR CARS CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS CO. 2501 Cuming St. Phone AT. 5650 Omaha senator or governor is elected there is a revival of race feeling.” Before coming to his New York pulpit last spring, Dr. Trigg was a pastor and district superintend ent in Baltimore. I_^ to. Gkicaqo Lv. 12:15 and 10:00 pm, 1.15, ?:30 and 7.15 am to Kastial City Lv. 9:00 am 4:30 pm, 11:45 pm to Lv. 4:15 pm, 10:50 pm, 1:35 am WARTIME TRAVEL SUGGESTIONS ★ Travel during the middle of the week, thus avoiding week-end travel peaks. ★ Secure tickets well in advance and accept accommodations available. If plans are changed, cancel reservation immediately. ★ Travel light. Take onlv neces sary luggage aboard the train. ★ In planning trips, allow for possible delays. War traffic has the right of way. Advance planning is highly im portant. Burlington representa tives are available for travel advice; you can profit by the counsel of travel experts. J. W. SHARPE, General Agent { Farnam at 19th Atlantic 6E31 ,• When a cough due to a cold drives you mad, Smith Brothers Cough Drops give soothing, pleasant relief. Smith Brothers’ contain a spe cial blend of medicinal ingredients, blended with prescription care. Still cost only 5^:—yes, a nickel checks that tickle! SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS < P CLACK OR MENTHOL— 5* fl j Chairs for Rent j FOR ALL OCCASIONS. RF -SwWABLL PRICES. WE. 1517 Assembly Hall tor (tent BY NIGHT OR WEEK FOR CIVIC OR POLITICAL ORGANIZ ATIONS, SOCIAL CLUBS, CONVENTIONS AND ALL ANNUAL AFFAIRS. AT A REASONABLE RATE. WE. 1517. Costs only 3C per day t Pays up to $325 per year Accidents and Sickness strike quickly and Hospitals demand Cash. federaTa Hospitalization Insurance meets this emergency promptly by providing HOSPITAL ROOM a>d BOARD-O P E R A T IN O A ROOM—X-RAT EXAMINATION-ANESTHESIA— i) LABORATORY EXAMINATION—M ATE R N ITT ■ BENEFITS - SURGEON'S FEES - SANATORIUM V BENEFITS—EMERGENCY AID-AM BUL ANC* f SERVICE - a total Baximna pajrm*« a* to 1525 to* ao# Sc a da*. NO MEDICAL EXAMINA. TION REOUIRED-CLAIM* PAID PROMPTLY-AVAIL ABLE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. ACT NOW Yog cu't afford to be with X out this Low Cose protection \ Let tbe FEDERAL PLAN pep J the bilk. ICltianaa Bnaak Bnlidtng Wilmington. DO. O. G. N. Gentlemen:—Please mafl me, wkbont obligation. Ml Free details above yom * I a day Hospital and Surgical Payment Plan. 1 underseaod no tecs* shit call. I I I