NEW ARRIVALS AT FORT HUACHUCA —Here are new inductees and WAACS as they appeared on the first day of their training period at the famous Arizona Army post. The boys have been provided with their issue of uniforms and hasten to the barracks. Tbe girls seem well pleased with their new outfits. Uncle Sam’s soldiers are the best dressed in all the world. USO"CENTER NEWS ‘ SOLDIERS AND SAILORS RECREATION ROOM Christmas definitely was in evi denced at the Soldiers and Sailors Recreation Room Christmas nigh" A mammoth tree bedecked with var ious colored lights, covered with snow and icicles surrounded in many gifts attractively wrapped, HUY YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. Let the Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE Lowest Price PHONE WE. 4137 and other decoration throughout the Center carried out the mot f of Christmas. Candies, nuts and home made cookies were placed on tables about the spacious room lor the pleasure of the soldiers. Th * Pinkham’s Compound Is famous to relieve such distress. Taken reg ularly—It helps build up resis tance against such symptoms. It also is a fine stomachic tonic! * Thousands upon thousands of women — rich and poor alike — have reported benefits. Also bene ficial for younger women to help relieve distress of monthly func tional disturbances. Follow label directions. Worth trying! COMTINEJTAI^ FEATURES