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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1943)
TT PAYS TO ADVEr^SE IT PAYS TO SHOP For whatever you have to sell, 01 for whatever you want to buy— IN THESE COLUMNS SELL CHEMICAIAY TREATED PRESS CLOTH— Nationally advertised. The WEAV ER PRES-KLOTH is sold in all leading department stores. All cloths are individually enveloped, and distinctly priced at 69c. Your lost is 35c. S«nd 35c for sample and full particulars. Marcus Cloth ing Co., 2130-34 Gravois Ave., St. Louis, Mo. HELP-WANTED WANTED A WAITRESS AT 1402 North 24th Street. WANTED: Licensed Janitor, Good Salary, 3 Room Apt furnished. Call Ruder. AT. 8927. FOR SALE A 5 Room House, modern except heat. In good condition. Will sell at a Reasonable Price. Call— AT. 569(1, FOR RENT — At a reasonable price to the right party. 2 centrally located, modern Store rooms at 24th and Maple. A fine location for a Drug store, Beauty Culture Parlor, or Shoe Re pair Shop. For further information call AT. j (656. ( FOR SALE j 1 Lounging Cot that can be used I for a den or suitable for a spsre bed in a Library room. Like new, price very cheap. Call Mrs. Sulli- ' van, WE. 0475. 3319 Franklin St. ROOMS, APTS FOR RENT Modern Rooms for Rent, near car line, 2422 Erskine St. Furnished Room for Rent, 2807 N. 24th St., WE. 2217. FOR RENT A modem Room, Call HA. 1368 between 4 and 9 p. m. Dandy three room Apt., 2130 North 28th St., Reasonable. 2or 3 ROOM APT. FOR-RENT, i Own your home. Use our easy Payment Plan for 90 days. Put your money in escrow in some Bank I or a Loan Company or with your attorney. 50 fine houses for sale cheap. E. M. DAVIS. LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER 2817 No. 24th St._WE. 1165 LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS I EDHOtM~& SHERMAN j *401 North 24th WE. 6065 EMERSON LAUNDRY ' <324 North 24th St WE. lOJr*! W ANT TO BUY — Furniture of all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings Kettles and dishes. Sell ug yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 J iMix Lemon Juice AT HOME to TO RELIEVE Wm MISERIES Money Back If This Rheumatic Recipe Fails Good news travels lost—many of the thou sands of folks who dow take lemon Jules tor rheumatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoonfuls of Allenru to one sablespoonful of Lemon Juice m a glass of Water, they get faster relief for the aches nod pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It's no surprise either, for Allenru is a II year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains In fact—If it does not help —your money back. What could be fairer! Bet Allenru today at any live druggist Only to cents—Do It Now. Did You Place Your FALSE TEETH Sn a Glass Last Night? Thousands do and wonder why their den tures remain dull and stained — why they suffer with offending denture breath. They fail to realise that water alone is not a cleans ing agent - but now. there's a great formula perfected by a dentist, called Stera-Kleen that thoroughly cleans false teeth like magic— no brushing? Simply put a little Stera-Kleen Powder in a glass of water—soak your teeth - now they sparkle, are really clean and look like the day your dentist said. “Don’t they look natural?” Try Stera-Kleen — lasts long — costs only 30g. At all druggists. Old Farmer* Recipe: Mix Allenru and Lemon Juice to get quick relief from pains of rheumatics and neuralgia Druggists have Allenru — grocers have lemons _ HELP US! HELP THE POOR CALL— the volunteers of AMERICA JAckson 2290 15th & Chicago cTke WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 MMaMiAMaMMMa Waiters are all back to themselv es as new year's eve., is over and the all night up and go is Just his tory now; Capt. Burns on a 24th and Kansas Car. Chester Hodges in an army camp in Va. White Horse Inn waiters are on FOR RENT A SIX ROOM, MODERN HOUSE. NEWLY DECORATED. ONLY V/3 BLOCKS FROM CAR-LINE. $25.00 PER MONTH. CALL— ATlantic 5988 Join—Reliable Friendship Club— 'or Pleasure Send Dime for mem •ership blank. H. Brookes, SJ7 Wendell, Chicago, HL RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands | of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street j —Always a place to park— •JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Roller, Mgr. CHOPSUEY King Yuen Cafe 2010'/* N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 .Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. in American & Chinese Dishes Fill Your Bin! HELP AMERICA WIN ALL GRADES COAL. COMPARE PRICES Convenient Plans can be Arranged DON’T DELAY Call or come in and see us. American Coal Co. I7TH & IZARD AT. 3670 — Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. Phone JA-4635 Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back When excels stomach acid causes painful. Buffoc at ing gas. sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like those In Bell-ana Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ans brings comfort in a jiffy or double your money back on return of bottle to us. 25c at all druggists. the job morning and night Fontenelle waiters are doing a fine job in giving good service Signs in California restaurants say “Please Treat Our help nice, -cause helps hard to get.” Cottonwood room at the Black stone hotel very much out in the front. Paxton hotel waiters up to the minute on service at all times. FLASH! All waiters should ap pear neat and well groomed at ail times as the guest always look you over. The RR. boys give service to a large number of soldiers and they all carry a USA. smile. Read The OMAHA GUIDE as it is the Guide Post to go forward and we all should look up to that point. Now let us all hope and help the New Year to give us more know ledge and a better view and a brighter understanding. As the mill will never grind with the wat er that has passed. ***** THE WEEK Union Services at Clair Chapel Christmas morning well attended. Some New Year resolutions al ready broken! Musician headwaiter and H. W. Smith had a friendly chat in a northside business house. Dr. Hawkins attended Sunday morning services at Clair Chapel. Streamlined stenographer on the job and attending strictly to busi ness at the Urban League. w. W. Gray sells the Omaha Guide in Johnson’s Drug store. Mrs. H. D. Wiley having trouble with her teeth. New officers of the NAACP to take over on January 6th . George Watson on 24th and Lake St Very- heavy rain followed by big snow storm on Dec. 27th. Lee Washington always on the job attending to business. Dr Wesley Jones calls for Mrs. Jones at the close of Sunday morn ing services at Clair Chapel. Union Services for the winter to start at St. Johns AME. Church on Sunday evening January 2 with DO TOD WAAJ A BABfl New Vitamin Combination Brings Hap to Childless Homes Nothing equals a baby to bring com plete unity and happiness into the home and tie husband and wife together in a stronger bond of enduring love and mu tual interest. Divorce is rare in the homes of couples that have children. Unhappy wives, childless due to relieve able functional weakness may now enjoy the desires and activity of Nature’s most wonderful creation—a normal, fully-de veloped, vigorous woman. A sensational new vitamin treatment specifically for women may be just the thing needed by the childless wife and quickly bring the happiness of a baby in the home. It is, of course, absolutely harmless. If you are childless due to functional weakness and lack normal vigor—if you wish to eliminate one of the great causes | o! unhappy marriages, by all means try Perlex for one week. To introduce this • new vitamin combination to a million women quickly, the Perlex Comnany, 314 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois, will send a full $2.00 supply for only $1.00 and a few cents postage. Send no money —just your name and address. Perlex comes in a plain wrapper—directions are I very simple and no diet or exercise ia I required . # **** tOVi Udvice ON THE ***** PROBLEMS OF LIFE eoo««f amd nonurioM to too who im mot 'fc. AMD ttflOAHCI IN Orr»COaUHC tOUt TaOUtUJ «p _ABBE' WALLACE SERVICE •♦ABBE’S 1943 ASTROLOGY READINGS ARE NOW READY** Note: YOUR problem will be analyzed in this column free. Simply in clude a clipping Of the column with your letter. For a "Private Reply— send a Quarter (25c) for ABBE’S NEW ASTROLOGY READING covering your birthdate: you will receive with your Reading a free and conf.dent ial letter of sound advice analyzing three (3) Questions in private. Phase sign your full name and correct address to all letters: give your birth date; and please include a self-addressed, STAMPED ENVELOPE for your "reply.” Explain your case as fully as you fee] necessary and con fine your problems within the scoi>e of logical reasoning. Wrap a Quar ter with your questions and mail today! Write to: The ABBE' WAL LACE SERVICE, P. O. Box 11, Atlanta, Ga. MY NEW 1943 ASTROLOGY READINGS ARE READY! K. L.—Tell me if I will be suc cessful in the business I am plann ing to enter the first of next month It will require practically all of my savings, and that is why I am a lit tle skeptical. Ans: Under ordinary conditions. I would say. Yes. go into business for yourself. But war conditions put you in too complicated a position to make th's advisable- You arc in good physical conn'tion and arc likely to be drafted soon and would have to give up this business as your wife could not run it for yo l. Save every dollar possible, buy War Stamps and Bonds... so you will have something to jail back or when the war is over. J. W. T.—I am the father of t'» < small girls. My wife is cold toward me. I love my babie.- and my home out I feel like .eaving sometime. If 1 would leave, 1 would provide for them of course. Is this the thing tc do? ■Ans: It is very unfortunate that you and wife are not very compat i'.ble ._but at the same time it would be tragic for your children to have to pay for your micuruler si»n< mgs. and they invariably are tie ones to suffer if a divorce is had. Altho your wife is not oi a very affectionate nature, she has the best interest of her home and family at heart .. . .wiiicu in the long run is the very essence of a successful marriage. Clair Chapel minister and choir. East Side of North 24th and Bur dette St., looks much better with the old shed tom down. Two Pullman porters entertain a lady in a northside business hous-. I - I Omaha Guide's New Year edition a very beautiful paper. All business houses to offer many bargains and they all extend many thanks to the public for trading heavy for Christmas. Police Officer Foxall on north 24th street with a pleasant smile and a Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all. Start the new year right by tak ing some shares in the Credit Un ion at the Urban League. Many visitors in the city for the holidays. Mr. Taylor of the Lake Shoe Re pair Shop very busy. Y. W. Logan on the sick list. WAAC heads visit Mrs. Bethune at Daytona Beach training school Philadelphia quartermasters de pot employs many colored women. _ Fort Sill. Okla., Colored Soldier edits newspaper. Southeranaires win suit against Sagamore hotel in Rochester, N. Y. 3,500.000 men to be drafted in 1943. Major League BB teams getting ready for training camps. Perry Taylor the barber is on the job all the time. We should all visit the sick. If ever you meet a poor fellow who tries to battle the world and its frown; Just lend him. a hand and pray do not try to push him down. e Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes, Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the wav it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds. Bronchitis M. E. Q.—My husband and ! nip expecting a baby so->n He quit his job Saturday an has put his car on the taxi lines and is driving it himself. I told him when he quit work that I was going to get some of his money every night when he comes home from driving the taxi. Should I or not? He has been drinking a lot lately and he says he drinks to keep from worrying about me having this child. I be I lieve he drinks because he is runn ing with women who drink too. He is young and right nice looking. I ivamt you to tel] me what to do? AHs: You are in no position to : m ike a change at this time. Try to accept the fact that your husband is exceedingly young and enjoys the attention and flattery of the ladies. But also realizes that he ll soon wake up to the fact that there i no money in the taxi business when he uses it for a good time, aud I there is no profit to be received if he rides the ladies gratis. Wnen. the money runs out. they will leave him alone. Then he wi.l be forced to get a job. As for getting his money, I guess that you get vou hands on as much of it as you can and hold to it. . .as you will nee-, it for your near future expenses. H. S.—I certainly enjcy reading your column. Conditions at home are not the best. I love to sing, but a girl who is not in school does not have chances like the rest. How could I get someone to lister, to my voice and give me a trial9 Ans: Not being in school is no reason why you shouldn’t have your chance- You have the ad vantage of living in a large city where there are numerous bands and orchestras- Contact some of -the leaders and ask -for an audit ion. You might offer your servic e sfree for a week's trial to get the experience. You have what it tak es they will help you get lined up. You are attractive and you do know how to sing. Now learn to overcome your stage-fright and “give out’’ with the personality. L. H.—I'm a lad of 20, an athlet ic and a fair student. I’m not ah nice looking as most glamour boys but I am well built and have al ways dreamed of the day when I could meet a girl who is true and whom I could love.. wholeheartedly. I’m searching for a girl who will come up to my expectations of personality .sincerity, physical charm and charcter. Tell me if my second year at college will be as successful as my first? Ans: You can make the kind of record at college that you choose to, for you certainly have the abil ity. You passed the first year with flying colors, and there is no rea son why you can't keep up the good work. I don’t doubt that that you will eventually meet the girl of your dreams. You must Use dj. eretion in choosing your girl friend-* an dassociate with the type who comes up to your expectations. . T ” "*MMI TES SENTENCE OF TEAMSTER (Continued from page 1) Vork f-u-te declared that the s n-_ eEi-e .vj.s “excessive and unreas n a'dc' ; id reducer, tue prison i<r«u to f:ve to ten years and wiped out the Coe suggesting that apn h .c ion for executive clemency be nuute. The Governor's action came nine days ff .ei he met, cn December 10, a joint AFL-CIO delegation led by Laurence T. Hosie, chaimaii of the Workers Defense League. Gth ’rs who met in Albany with r-e Governor and his assistant counsel George Xanfhaky to urge Gi'.rrore s were Nathaniel Minks** Sct reiai y-Treasurer of the N. y. ! Dress Joint Board, ILGWU; Samuel | Baron. Assistant Manager, ur. y. . .ViVrtW.WVVAVWWW *4th AND I AKF STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery_ WE. 0609 DUFFY II1ARMAtT Auto Parts Wanted BURNED, WRECKED or DILAPIDATED. CARS AND TRI CKS. BRING ’EM IN PARTS FOR CARS CONSOLIDATED ALTO PARTS CO. 2501 Cuming St. Phone AT. 565fi Omaha £ i "A TOUGH JOB. LAD,— BUT YOU CAN DO ITT Joint B'c.ard. Textile Workers On ion. w!,o represented the N. T. State ■ 'lO; w. H. Bowe, chairman Orga.n i..' .g Committee. Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Po ~t ^rs; Morris S'u: ii ,nat-i nal counsel. Workers ue Dn.le ' ^l-pue. and Alice L. Do’,;e, national administrative s c retury of the League, who handled ! the paidon carnt>' gn. liev Hosie declared that the O'v !er or's action helped to set rig’i. . a glaring injustice.” In applauding the Governor s ac tion. I.i- lis Milgiam, national soc ietal y of the Workers Defense i.(a gup declared •‘Govprr.or Poletti has ‘ ide ihe word justice mean sveet ! liberty to an in i < ent man. We f<t- however .that he deserve-., a pardon, end after Mr. Gilmore na.3 been Dee a year we shall apply lor one.' Mr. Gilmore, who is thirty, will live and work in New Tork Cifv. where the Workers Defense Lei’, if has ebrained employment for i. iu A home was found for him by 5 be Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Bor ers. — I $207,356 SPENT FOR FIGHTING INFANTILE PARALYSIS AT TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE A grand total of 207,356 has been spent for Infantile Paralysis work at the Tuskegee Institute Paralysis Center, Tuskegee .Alabama, it was announced this week by the Nat ional Foundation for Infantile Par alysis. A thirty-five bed Infantile Para] \ - Bis hospital was officially opened on January 15. 1941. If forms a special unit of the John A. Andrews Memorial Hospital which is located on the beautiful campus of Tu3ks The TESTIMONY of THOUSANDS: | M's (he HOTEL THERESA When In NEW YORK any season ef tbe year 7th Ave. at 125th St the Heart of Harlem 300 spacious, all outside rooms\ luxurious suites. The beautiful Orchid Room for dining; cocktail lounge and bar; the lovely Mo* sanine for relaxation. Ideal atmos r^ere for rest, study, and comfort. laris rooms with prirmtm both •2.00 Si8g*-»2.50 Donate art a» Without prirmto both •ISO Slip*—•too Ohm art a WALTER W. SCOTT. HOTEL THERESA 7* A»a. at 125* St, Rwr Yoit City PAGE BOY ATTACHMENTS I For | Beautiful < Hair Perfectly , Matched i $ j .501 - ^ Send sample of hair or state color. $1.50 with order and save postage or pay postman $1.50 plus 23c postage on delivery. Braids, Puffs and Wigs. Cray Hair 50c extra. POSNER HAIR CO. 113 W. 128th St. N. T. C. tatmfottiam or motto y rofomdml \ gee Institute. It consists of a three story fire proof building equipped with the most up-to-date facilities including | a gymnasium with treatment pool, whirl-pool arm and leg baths and electro-theropeutic machines, a chief surgeon’s room, plaster brace-fitt ing and physical therapy treatment rooms .spacious su ndeck, patient wards and laboratories. In addition to serving us a treat ment center for Infantile Paralysis the hospital will be a research and training center for Negro doctors and nurses who will become Infant ile Paralysis specialists in their various communities. Study at Tuskegee has shown the great need NORTH 24th st SHOE REPAIR! , 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 424t. ! —POPULAR PRICES— LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. j Our Half Soleing Method leave* No Repair Look on your shoea We Use the BEST Material. McGILL’S — BAR&BLLE ROOM E. McGill, Prop I ?423-2.'> NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a m to 1 a. b. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS for such specialists as 20 percent of all the crippling among Negro child ren has been due to infantile Par alysis while the facilities for aiding victims of this disease has been woefully lacking in the past OMAHA OUTFITTING Furnish Your Entire House hold at the ‘Omaha Outfitting They carry Furniture. Washing Machines, Radio*. Travelling Bags, Jewelry and All Kinds of Coal. 2122 North 24th St Phone AT. 5652 do you Have trouble with your teet? Do k*7 serspire too freely and crack the akin between the toea? Do they ache and burn? Are yon troubled with painful corn*, oei loueea or Athlete's Foot? Than try I.D.I—an ainaiing new formula guaranteed to bring re lief—or double your money back) EAST TO USE—easy to boy; get U>lf : ^IDI FREI> W ALKER, AGENT 984 N. 25th ST. PHONE ATLANTIC 1689— SUBSCRIBE NOW! 3 Help Wanted! I Wanted A Young man, 17 years or an older man, who can be a Mechanical Helper in the shop. '■ Good Pay. CALL AT — M UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. I 1721 Douglas Street . Costs only 3C per day s Pays up to $325 per year Accidents and Sickness strike quickly and Hospital* demand FederaTa Hospitalization Insurance meets this emergency promptly by providir^ HOSPITAL ROOM and BOARD— OPERATING ROOM X-RAY EXAMINATION-ANESTHESIA LABORATORY EXAMINATION-MATE RN ITT BENEFITS SURGEON S FEES - SANATORIUM BENEFITS-EMERGENCT AID—AM B UL A N Cl SERVICE — a local ■arimom payment mp m $325 tm •air 3c a dap. NO MEDICAL EXAMINJL TION REOUIRED CLAIMS PAID PROMPTLY—AVAIL. ABLE FOR THE ENTIRS FAMILY. ACT NOW Yob can’t afford to be witb om this Low Cost protection. Let the FEDERAL £lAJS par the bills. l^^ff^BTTrWrTlTMrTT/i . wr.f Tf, f ^ ^ V i V F” A 4Fw**w0mAlm/mtJUAi*aBgp66jB&akda£auhti&HSmmaddm+ij&Jm PtllfiVMtl^All^LlAy » *••»★** FEDERAL LIFE and BENEFIT ASSOCIATION Cltimana Bank Building Wilmington. DoL O. G. N. Gentlemen:—Pleas* mail me, without obligation, fun Free detafls about roue V I a day Hospital and Surgical Parma* Plan. I understand BO agent will t»h Natna __ ••rear___-_jf Cat or Town_Scat* __ I i—.—-——-r