The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 02, 1943, City Edition, Image 1

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N<’trask‘~ Saturday, Jan. 2,1943 Our 15th Year^No. 47 City Edition, 5c Copy
We have done our best to serve you in 1942. And we promise to do our best to serve you *
even better in 1943. May the next twelve months bring you blessings beyond your
most hopeful expectations.
First to Land in Africa
U. s. ARMY MEETS LIBERIA—Napoleon Edward Taylor, privat«
jfirst class of Baltimore, Maryland, first U. S. Engineer to land 01
African soil in Liberia, meets admiring native Liberians.
WUM1NA11S 1313 itUAKl)
New York, N. Y._ _. .Announcing
Its 35th Annual meeting to be held
at 2 o'clock January 4th, at the N
AACP national office at 69 Fifth
Avenue, the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People stated this week that the
record shows 1942 to have been the
year of greatest activity, in the as
sociatitfh's history. Organized in
1909 the Asosciatipn is one of the
country’s most powerful civil rights
organizations and has a paid Up na
tion wide membership of 160,000
citizens, Negro and white. There
are throughout the country 603
branches and youth councils and
more than ninety percent of the NA
ACP’s financial support comes from
Negroes themselves.
Among its major 1942 accomplish
ments the NAACP lists the setting
up of its Washington Bureau in the
nation’s capital to serve as a
“watch-dog” of the interest of Ne
(Continued on pagejg^=4)
John Bowman Omaha Boy in Clerk School
mi—in——— hi Tin hi 11 > mni n ' ——B—1^————
fe,. vc . ^ -KH-X - • —
Cl ERRS’ SCHOOL IN ARMY PROCEDURE—Members of an Engineer battalion in training al
Camp Edwards, Massachusetts. Seated around the table from left to right are: Corp. James Hicks,
Pittsburgh, Pa.; Sgt. Edward Bell, Chicago; Pfc. John Bowen, Omaha, Neb.; Pvt. Robert Cross, Louis
ville Kv.‘ Pfc. Criswell Hardy, Waco, Tex.; Corp. John Bennett, St. Louis, Mo.; Sgt. Alvin Rountree,
East St Louis, 111.; Corp. Jesse Taylor, Jr., Little Rock, Ark.; Lt. W. H. Schermer, St. Louis, Mo.;
Pfc. Charles Muse, Danville, Va.; Tech. Sgt. James Barker, Lovejoy, I1L_
Iiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiii£i2iiii3iii9iiit:iiiiiirii>r■uirriHaninmimn.itun ■■rausMaimKim .. _nj_.
New York, N. Y... Will the Ar-<
my and Navy impose upon north
ern and border state colleges to be
used in the recently announced pro
gram for the training army and
navy men its traditional limitations
based on skin color, the NAACP ask
ed this week.
Reminding the War Department
that to date the Navy has refused
to permit Negro students to partic
ipate in the V-l program the NA
ACP in a wire to Henry Stimson
Secretary of War and Frank Knox.
Secretary of the Navy, said:
“Grave questions of policy at
fecitng educational systems of col
leges .universities, professional
and technical schools in northern
and border states are raised bv
plan of Army and Navy to train
teen age draftees in. medicine, en
gineering and related sciences as
well as older members of armed
services in these schools. We ask
War and Navy Departments to for
mulate and make public what
they propose to do with respect to
trainng of Negroes. Will Navy
continue to exclude Negro stud
ents from V-l program in north
ern universities attended by both
white and Negro students? What
practices will be required by arm
ed services with respect to train
ing of Negroes in pubilc and priv
ate schools selected in southern
states which now exclude Negro
es? What plans do Army and
Navy have for utilizing and com
missioning Negro educators in
implementation of training pro
gram? In asking these questions
we d0 not suggest establishment
of Jim Crow units. Instead we
I - -.. ..1——
Louisville ,Ky...The motion to
dismiss the action taken by the
NAACP against the University of
Kentucky in behalf of Charles La
mont Eubanks here will be argued,
January 23, 1943, it was announced
this week by ThurgOod Marshall
and Prentice Thomas, NAACP Spec
ial Counsel.
This case filed in the Federal
Court at Lexington is one of the
Several in which the National As
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People has taken part in
a natempt to equalize educational
facilities throughout the country.
Eul>anks. an honor graduate of
Central High school, Louisville, Ken
tucky, is asking damages of lhe
registrar of the University of Ken
tucky for refusal to permit him to
register for courses leading to a de
gree in Civil Engineering.
The suit included a prayer for de
claratory judgement and permanent
injunction against the policies and
parctices of the University in re
fusing to permit qualified Negroes
to courses not offered to them else!
where in the state.
Since the filing of the case num
erous pleading have been entered,
one of which was a recent motion ]
for judgement on behalf of the
plaintiff. The defendants answer
has been continuously delayed pend
ing the adjustment of certain legal
technicalities as to proper parties. |
ask regarding the utilization of
members of the armed forces and
civilian instructors on the basis of |
their training, experience and
character. There are many Ne
groes who have qualifications e
qual to and, in some instances,
superior, to Americans of other
races already invited to serve.
Finally we register most emphat
ic protest against introduction of
pattern of segregation and dis
crimination of deep south into
northern and border states where
up to this time there has been no j
such segregation or discriminat
Washington, D. C.Learning
Paul V. McNutt, chairman of War
Manpower Commission had person
ally addressed a meeting of the
Capital Transit workers in an ef
fort to balk any conflicts stemming
from feeling against the employ
ment of Negro street car and bu»
drivers as ordered in the recent
I'EPC directive the NAACP sent
this week the following wire to Me
“Our congratulations on your
reepnt address to members of the
Amalgamated Association of St.
Railway and Motor Coach Unions
With the President the NAACP
lakes the stand that all available
manpower must be utilized <o
make real the winning of '.he
peace and toward this accomp
lishment. discrimination and se
gregation must be absolutely
I send you the following inform
ation concerning lynehings for the
| year 1942. I find, according to the
information compiled in the De
partment of Records and Research,
there were 5 persons lynched in
1942. This is 1 more than the num
ber 4 for the year 1941, the same as
the number 5 for the ear 1940, 2
more than the number 3 for the
year 1939, and 1 less than the num
ber 6 for the year 1938. One of the
Persons lynched was dragged thru
the streets behind an automobile
and body burned. Another body
was dragged through the streets be
hind a speeding automobile to the
edge of town and hanged from a
cotton gin winch. In one case, the
person was taken from the jail and
There were 15 reports of instanc
es in which officers of the law pre
vented lynchings. one of the re
ported instances was in a western
state and 14 of the reported instanc
es were in southern staees. In 13
instances, persons were removed
or guards augmented or other pre
cautions taken. In 1 case, a lynch
ing was restrained by wives of the
[ would-be lynchers. In another case
the sheriff dissuaded the mob. A
total number of 17 persons—4 wnue
men and 13 Negro men—were thus
saved from the hands of mobs.
All persons lynched were Negro
es. The offenses charged were' At
tempted criminal assault, 1; sus
pected attempted rape, 3; received
life sentence when jury failed to
agree upon the punishment on a
murder charge, 1.
The states in which lynchings oc
curred and the number in each
state are as follows: Mississippi, 3;
Missouri, 1; Texas, 1.
Very truly yours,
F. D. Patterson,
Both w. D. Mahon, president of
the AFL Amalgamated Association
of Street Railway and Motor Coach
Unions and J. G. Bigelow, presid
ent of the Unions’ Washington local
appealed to white workers to ac
cept Negroes in their ranks.
Governor Charles Poletti of New
York has commuted the five to ten
year sentence of Carl Gilmore, Ne
gro teamster of Binghamton, New
York, to the two years he has serv
ed on a charge of assault. The
Governor’s action was warmly ap
plauded by Rev. Laurence T. Hosie,
chairman of the Workers Defense
League, which handled the pardon
Gilmore, a member of local 693 of
the International Brotherhood of
Teamsters, was jailed in August,
1940. charged with assaulting a
strikebreaker. He was charged
with assault in the third degree, a
misdemeanor, and released on $200
bail, but when the indictment was
drawn, it was for assualt in the Sec
o.'id degree, a felc-ny, which is .'ar
more serious.
Convicted, Mr. Gilm ,re was fined
$1,00 and sentenced to an indeterm
ined term Of nine to ten yea^s jn
jail. On appeal ’he Appellate Div
ision of the Supreme Court of
(Continued on page 3)
“Resolved: To live with all my
might while I do live.”
Such a resolution is worthy of the
keeping, for it calls for the best
that each and everyone of us lias
to give. Philip Brooks once wrote
"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray
to be stronger men. Do not pray
for tasks equal to your powers.
Pray for powers equal to your
tasks. Then the doing of your
work shall be no miracle, but you
shall be a miracle.”
That is what we need to do this
comnig year—to rise to the demands
that will be made upon us—not to
translate those demands into what
we want to do. Most of us can
do a lot mroe than we are doing—
most of us can give a lot more than
we are giving—in our homes, our
unions ,our communities, our nat
ion. We must live with all our
might today when the fight for
right is at our very doorsteps.
Overseas the helpless people of
the conquered and subjugated na
tions are forced into acts utterly
foreign to their own religious and
national ideals, while in the totalit
arian countries .the souls as well
as the bodies of men are regiment
ed. They hate and worship at thej
nod of a power-drunk dictator. But
here we are still free to think. No
one can make us do anything we
do not want to do. No one can
make us lie, or cheat .or steal, or
be cruel, or intolerant, or bear false
witness against our neighbor. We
are free to make our own decisions
and we are free to do right. We
ca nmake a resolve—and we can
Keep it
It isn’t particularly important
what happens to us as individuals
if we stand firm ready to fight or
to die for those things which we
know to be just and right. But it
is important what we ourselves are
If we shirk on the job, if we fail
to cooperate ,if we grouse hard
ships, or if we don’t lift our end
of the load, we are not only hurt
ing others, we are hurting oursel
ves—and we are not living with
all our might. We aren’t doing
the best of which we are capable.
Let's make a now resolve this
New Year. Let's make this world
a better place just because we are
in it. Let’s work to the best of our
ability and then do a lot more. This
is our world—and it will be just
what we—you and I and our neigh
bors. rich or poor, Black or White,
Protestant, Catholic or Jew, in shop
Dr office or home—make of it.
Let’s LIVE with all our might,
carefully distinguishing the false
issues from the real, while we
strive with every effort to do and
preserve what we know to be the
New York, N .Y.Voicing vig
orous opposition'to-the Red Cross'
plan to continue with the introduc
tion and extension of segregation in
England and other places by labell-1
ig certain Red Cross clubs as "ex
clusively for Negroes in the Europ
ean theatre Of Operations". The
NAACP this week stated in a let
ter to Mr. Norman H. Davis, Presi
dent of the American Red Cross;—
‘‘It is our information that prior
to the above action Negro soldiers
have eaten, used the recreation!
rooms, lounges and shower rooms
and all other facilities of non-seg
regated American Red Cross Clubs
without difficulty of any sort with
but a very few exceptions. This
makes all the more indefensible and
inexplicable the attitude of the A
merican Red Cross- Insistence up
on it of Jim Crowism not only is a
needless irritation to Negro sold
iers and officers who are, presum
ably, in the American Theatre of,
Operations to fight for democracy
but it will inevitably accentuate
prejudice or ignorance on the part
of some American white soldiers so
far as Negroes are concerned. And
I need only mention here the wide
spread and growing resentment of
English people at the fostering of
American racial segregation pat
terns on Englishmen and English
territory. We further understand
there are a considerable number 0f
white Red Cross workers wh0 are
bitterly opposed to this introduct
ion of segregation which more ac
curately fits a Hitlerian than a de
mocratic way of life.”
Marian Anderson, noted Negro
contralto, will sing at a special
ceremony at the Department of the
Interior on January 6, it was an
nounced by Secretary of the Inter
ior Ha'-old L. IckeS
Miss Anderson will appear in file
auditorium of the Department or
the Interior building for a cerem
ony to be attended by a group of
prominent Federal officials, mem
bers of the diplomatic corps, civic
leaders, outstanding Negro repres
entatives .and other prominent per
sons. The occasion will be the for
mal presentation to the Federal
Government of a mural painting
representing Miss Anderson’s first
concert in Washington when she
sang on the steps of the Lincoln
Memorial on Easter Sunday, 193J.
While all details of the program
for January 6 have not been com
pleted .Secretary Ickes said that
Mias Anderson would sing several
Selections. The program will be
conducted in recognition of the
great contributions made by Miss
Anderson Secretary Ickes said.
The mural to be presented was
ararnged for by the Marian Ander
son Mural Committee, under the
chairmanship of Edward Bruce. It
depicts the scene at the Lincoln
Memorial at Easter, 1939, when Miss
Anderson sang an outdoor concert
to a crowd of 75,000 persons gath
ered before the Lincoln Memorial.
Use of the Memorial was granted
by Secretary Ickes at that time fol
lowing refusal of the use of Con
stitution Hall for a concert by the
Negro singer.
To memorajize that event, the
Marian Anderson Mural Committee
was formed. Funds tq finance a
painting were raised by thousands
of contributions from school child
ren and others throughout the na
tion interested in the strengthening
of racial relations. Mitchell Jam
ieson was chosen to paint the mural
after a national competition. The
mural has been installed in the De
partment of the Interior building,
and will be formally presented to
the Government on behalf of thq
Mural Committee. It will be ac
cepted for the Government by Sec
etary Ickes.
Complete details of the program
will be announced later, Secretary
Ickes, said. In addition to partic
ipation of Negro leaedrs in the e
vent, plans are being made for the
attendance of a representative
group of Negro school children who
will appear on behalf of the many
children who made small contribu
tions to the fund which financed
the painting of the mural.
Miss Anderson’s appearance at
the Department of the Interior aud
itorium will precede her initial ap
pearance in Constitution Hall when,
she sings there on the following
night, Thursday, January 7, on be
half of the United China Relief.
Bayonne, N. J.Following ar
raignment on charges of disorderly
conduct and prostitution subsequent
to their dismissal from Hudson
County jail, five of the ten Negro
women who had been held incom
municado for six months as "wit
nesses” to the operation of local
vice establishments were released,
into the custody of Wiliam George,
Hudson county prosecuting attor
ney, who appeared in their defense
here and who is responsible for the
original Hudson County jailing of
the women, Donald Crichfon, XAA
CP counsel announced this wee*.
Growing out of the Donovan.
Hague fe'ud ,the Bayonne arrestn
of the women were based on then
own forced testimnoy given at the
Jersey City trial of tavern owners
on vice charge. George, the prose
cuting attorney, who held the wom
en in the Hudson County jail has
been their only adviser since la^i
June and has repeatedly told them
they did not need a lawyer, Crich
ton reported.
Encourage your white neighbors to subscribe:1
to THE OMAHA GUIDE and learn what the dark-'!
er one tenth of the American population is think-:'
Ing and doing. ;!
A 4 * A A A * * - * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . . - - -
The Omaha Guide, A Paper with A Purpose, hounded on the Principles of Service to Our Race, to Our City, v, our State, and to Our %
VbS 6MB v. S. Treasury Department
>>> *
“The Man with the
Funny Horn”
SNUB MOSLEY, will be at th*
Dreamland Hall with ^his funny
horn, January 3. 1943. Yes: Yes:
Hot stuff boys and girls: Come on
out and hear him and his Dtcca Re
Cording ojohestra. A big evening
and plenty of fun:
New York, N. Y.Acknowledg
ing receipt of a telgram from Will
iam Green, President of American
Federation of Labor, in which Green
promised that an inquiry would be
made this week into the segregated
uinon proposal of Tom Ray of Lo
cal 72, Boilermakers Cnion at the
Kaiser shipyard, the NAACP ex
pressed surprise at learning that
the NAACP was the first to inform
Green of Ray's proposal.
The NAACP pointed out that dis
crimination in the Portland ship
yard had been widely publicise, <1 in
the press for the past two mouths
and that the AP of L. represented
by John Frey .the AF. of L. had
Participated at a November confer
ence in Portland at which repres
entatives of the War Manpower
Commission, the War Production
Board, and the Maritime Commis
sion met to take action on the sit
Green’s telegram to the NAACP
stated: “Your telegram conveys to
me first information I have
ed regarding race discrimination at
Portland .Oregon. Iwiil inquire
into matter immediately becau-,e it
is the purpose and policy of the A
merican Federation of Cabor to 1> e
vent race discrimination and n
stead to establish and maintain ('.»
exercise of all rights of workers i r
gardless of race .creed or national
If they are indicted oa the d $>r
dgrl> conduct and prostitu! 10.1
charges .they will be tried by G 'a
rge .the prosecuting attorney, che
same person who ''advised” them,
kept them in jail six months anl
into whose custody they have now
been released.
lynching poll tax spur
New York. .. .Prodded by 1912 s
six lynchings. and increase of 0n.»
over 1941 and the falure of ar.ti
POll legislation. Negroes and pro
gressive white throughout the coun
try made their profits known this
.'■ear in a iecord pin chase of 117
■ 00 NAACP Christmas seals, -he
National Association for the \dv
aucement of Colored p*,ple an»
ounced this week. P.oc eds from
toe sale of these stamps each y?ai
int° the NAACP genra! fundi
to help in the fight for wiping out
<1 *. -a rual inequalities, the
W:.t- i-r’ina*ies and 'or the pi d-nir
°f anti-lynching. anti-po]l tjx and remedial legislation. Larg
est sale of seals according to the
reports reaching the national ofricj
so far was made by the San p.-an
cisco, California branch.