“You'll Feel Like New” Fraternity Barber Shop HAIRCITTING A SPECLALTY 2422 LAKE ST. Omaha, Nebr. SPELLMAN FUEL & SUPPLY COMPANY JA. 0478 JA. 0478 Coal, Lumber, Building Material Office and Yard 20th and Izard Streets “Our Stock of Coal Is Complete” REID’S PHARMACY PHONE WE. 1613 24th and Seward Streets _OMAHA Central Market INCORPORATED “Everything for the Table” Wholesale — Retail OMAHAS LARGEST MARKET 1608-10-12 Harney Street Telephone ATlantic 8720 Omaha, Nebraska Merry Christmas AND Happy New Year DRESHER BROTHERS 2217 Famam St. AT-0345 Neisner's SHOE DEPT. 308 SOUTH 16th St. DoY our Last Minute SHOPPING at ! Cooper’s 2418 North 24th Street I ••■■ffiffl “ "~Ti'HT'[irniiii[FTirmimii—mim iii' iiiih = I State I | FURNITURE f i co. i I 14TH AND DODGE | | OMAHA 1 CBBISTMAS (WPCt 1 DONOVAN | I brothers! —AUTHORIZED DEALERS— Coal - Gas and Oil Furnaces Air Conditioning — Furnace— Copper and Sheet Metal Work “OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED” Phone: Office AT-3700 Res. WA-4707 Office. Warehouse. Shop 1114 North 24th Street OMAHA. NEBRASKA iiiiiiinmmimritniiiiiiiiiiiimmilii. i Mimmimiiimiiimimiimimiimmii CROWN LIQUOR MARKET I “LOWEST PRICES IX OMAHA” 1512 North 24th St. PUaSCHMANVS, QT. 2.85 TEN HIGH. QT. .2 65 OLD DRI M. QT.2.Ti» WINDSOR, QT.2.50 j U. S. CLI'B, QT.2 85 I C ENTCRY CLI’B, QT.2.85 SPOT BOTTLE. QT.2.60 PINCH BOTTLE. QT.o .2.85 SWEET WINE, 5's ..55 ” ” PT..35 •Special Prices Quoted on Gal lons and half Gallons . •Above Prices Includes Tar iiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiii Xmas Greetings * to my many mid-city friends, Leonard Bergman, County Commissioner Greetings— RALPH UNDERWOOD 1522 North 24th St. To his many friends for the past 20 years. I SPECIAL HOLIDAY GREETINGS from MARSH’S MARKET 1622 North 24th imiiimiiimmiiiiiiiiimiiiimimiiii! SIMONS JEWELRY Pre-Holiday SALE ••• Save dollars on unre deemed diamonds, watches, Musical Instruments, etc. SAVE to 75% SIMON’S Jewelry Co. 1401 Douglas HA-2355 muwtiiJiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiin I FREE CALX and DELIVERY—DOWNTOWN DISTRICT I “EIGHTEEN YEARS IN BUSINESS” | LOUIS PALMER,,he Hatter ^ Complete One Stop Shop HATS CLEANED AND REBLOCKED gQc Suits or Plain Dresses Cleaned and Pressed SPECIAL—Invisible Halfsole —S1.00 LADIES’ LEATHER OR COMPOSITION HEELS 15c AND UP JA. 9390 414 SOUTH 17th STREET THE MERRIEST CHRISTMAS ! ROOSEVELT POST NO. 30 AMERICAN LEGION 24th AT BURDETTE ST, Omaha, Neb, Our Doors will be Open to You and Your friends for A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. —J. C, Carey, Commander \t a a a M a 5 a a $ a a a a ' * \ V i JOE’S ! I MARKET ! $2422 NORTH 24TH ST. § READ The ^[JIDE RIALTO DRESS SHOP 1516-18 North 24th St, ! iiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiii M. D. COLTON &SONS DRY 600DS SHOES FURNISHINGS 2503 North 24th Street (2 DOORS NORTH OF L.YKE ST.) PHONE J.V5757 OMAHA. NEBRASKA Himilllltlllllllllllllllllllllliiimiiiiiin Joyful tjttktide Sam Feldman GROCERY 24th & Blondo Sts. FINEST QUALITY MEATS — ‘ OPEN SUNDAYS’ — CALX. WE. 4515 oooooooooooc \ . | I I § 11116 OMAHA PUBLIC LEDGER I V V * ^ SENATOR SAM E. KLAVER, Publisher, ? I £ XMAS GREETINGS to my many loyal friends $>j ? of the mid-city section^. ?! I I1 I ll Christmas I Against the background of Christmas is the ideal ^ of a world at peace. This ideal has nourished the a Christmas joy of countless millions since the Q days when shepherds first tended their flocks on 0 the plains of old Judea. 0 It is this peace of spirit in all its fullriess that we Q j wish you now. 0 j MERRY CHRISTMAS! Q ; IROQUOIS LODGE NO. 92, I.B.P.O. ELKS OF W. 8 £ OMAHA, NEBRASKA [j I X ^ 1 I Give a Gift to Uncle Sam x There’s no better gift for Christmas, 1942 than a Q War Savings Bond or Stamps. It’s a gift to Q Uncle Sam; a gift to our boys in action and a Q gift to yourself. Give WTar Stamps and Bonds a for Christmas and buy them everyday for your- Q self. Q OMAHA WORLD-HERALD Jj North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL :24th & Decatur WE. 4240 BERNARDS GROCERY 2012 North 24th Street -WE. 1073 CHICAGO FURNITURE CO. —Where Thrifty Folks Buy— Furniture, Rugs, Floor Coverings and Stoves PHONE JA. 4411 EVENING PHONE WE. 2261 1833-35 NORTH 24th ST. IIIIIIIIIIMBBaiaiBBiaiiaiiaa.. ■■■■■■.. ......... jwnfcfoiij | BOSTON| IMarket [ | 516 N. 16™ | 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i 11111 iT Tuchman Food Stores, Inc. N- W. CORNER 24TH £ LIKE STS. —ESTAB. 1902— W E DELIVER—CALL WE. «402 I OFFICE AT. 9477 Ren. W E. 3*59 W. B. BRYANT j ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW 2314(4 North 24th Street Omaha. Nebraska am jai 3uti j,-.! j.»r t trV.rrFm l WESTERN j PAPER 1 CO. C FINE PRINTING PAPERS - ATlantic 9026 jj " 621 So. Fifteenth St, * p ' g OMAHA g E. L. WALTERS, MGR. I I AM* IM1 IMi MJM lug l«« *JMK «bi» »»«= . T Im . , I --- PHONE JA. 2982 EXPERT FITTERS CROUNSE Bootery ALSO MEN’S FURNISHINGS 1514 NORTH 24th ST. Omaha, Nebr. _OOor“i"y v % PHOTO STUDIO 2016 North 24th St. —S. H. Roske WUHIImilii,;..; mai.;iiiiii;'UiiHh:l i M-mnil;'-.’ ■■.... ... Crosstown LOAN CO. 1819 North 24th St. Telephone JAckson 0299 Omaha, Nebraska ... | (Ehrfetmas I 1 M I | WESTERN | I NEWSPAPER UNION I 1 NEWSPAPER SERVICE-STEREOTYPING | 1 -MATS-FOUNDRY TYPE, MACHINERY 1 | AND SUPPLIES | | 621 SOUTH 15th ST. AT. 9026 1 ..HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I “WISHING YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS jj AND A MOST HAPPY NEW YEAR [ SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. ! OMAHA—Farnam at 30th [ I South Omaha Council Bluffs 1