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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1942)
Ht pays to advef^se IT PAYS TO SHOP For whatever you have to sell, 01 for whatever you want to buy— IN THESE COLUMNS SELL CHEMICALLY TREATED PRESS CLOTH— Nationally advertised. The WEAV ER PRES-KLOTH is sold in all leading department stores. All cloths are individually enveloped, and distinctly priced at 69c. your cost is 35c. Send 35c for sample and full particulars. Marcus Cloth ing Co., 2130-34 Gravois Ave., St. Louis, Mo. HELP WANTED WANTED A WAITRESS AT 1402 North 24th Street. WANTED: Licensed Janitor, Good Salary, 3 Room Apt. furnished Gal] Ruder, AT. 8927. FOR SALE A 5 Room House, modern except heat. In good condition. Will sell at a Reasonable Price. Call— AT. 5690. FOR RENT — At a reasonable - ce to the right party. 2 centrally located, modern Store rooms at 24th and Maple. A fine location for a Drug store, Beauty Culture Parlor, or Shoe Re pair Shop. For further Information call AT. 5656. FOR SALE 1 Lounging Cot that can be used for a den or suitable for a spare bed in a Library room. Like new, price very cheap. Call Mrs. Sulli van, WE. 0475, 3319 Franklin St. ROOMS, APTS FOR RENT Modern Rooms for Rent, near ear line, 2422 Erskine St. Furnished Room for Rent, 2807 N. 24th St., WE. 2217. FOR RENT A modern Room, Call HA. 1368 between 4 and 9 p. m. Dandy three room Apt., 2130 North 28th St., Reasonable. 2or 3 ROOM APT. FOR RENT. Own your home. Use our easy Payment Plan for 90 days. Put your money in escrow in some Bank or a Loan Company or with your attorney. 50 fine houses for sale cheap. E. M. DAVIS, LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER 2817 No. 24th St. WE. 1166 LAu ND UlES&CLEANERS EDHOLM~& SHERMAN t401 North 24th WE. 80M EMERSON LAUNDRY -'.324 North 24th St. WE. 10^ WANT TO PITY — Furniture cf all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings. Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 IlMi'x Lemon Juice AT HOME M TO RELIEVE mlm MISERIES Money Back If This Rheumatic Recipe Fail* ' Good news travels fast—many of the thou sand* Of folks who now take lemon Juice for rheumatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoonfuls of Allenru to one lablespoonful of Lemon Juice in a glass of water, they get faster relief for the achea and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It's no surprise either, for Allenru Is a U year old formula to relieve rheumatlo aches and pains In fact—If It does not help —your money back. What could be falrert Get Allenru today at anjr live druggist. Only • aanU—Do It Now. Did You Place Your FALSE TEETH In a Glass Last Night? Thousands do and wonder why their den tures remain dull and stained - why they suffer with offending denture breath. They fait to realize that water alone is not a cleans inf agent — but now. there's a great formula perfected by a dentist, called Stera-Kleen that thoroughly cleans false teeth likemagic no brushing! Simply put a little Stera-Kleen Powder in a glass of water-soak ; , your teeth - now they sparkle, are really clean and look like the day your dentist said. •‘Don't they look natural?” Try Stera-Kleen - lasts long - costs only 30f. At all druggists. •Id Farmer s Rectpt: Mia Allenru and Lemon Juice to get quick relief from pains •f rheumatics and neuralgia. Druggists have Allenru — grocers have lemons. HELP US! HELP THE POOR CALL— THE VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA JAckson 2290 15th & Chicago WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SM1TU) WE. 6458 j The HR boys are on the up and go all the time with quick stepping waiters Mr. George Dean, Mr. Lu ther Johnson Mr. Harry Swain, j Mr. Rodney Williams, Mr. Roy Me Alister, Mr. Felix Metoyer—all first rate servicemen on wheels. The Fontenelle boys are still go ing along fine. The White Horse Inn boys arc giving out service with a smile. FOR RENT A SIX ROOM, MODERN HOUSE. NEWLY DECORATED. ONLY V/2 BLOCKS FROM CAR LINE. $25.00 PER MONTH. CALL— ATlantic 5988 Join—Reliable Friendship Club— .'or Pleasure. Send Dime for mem jership blank. H. Brookes, 3J7 Wendell, Chicago, 111. RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands I of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street j —Always a place to park— f^WPPWWWIWPIWPWppi JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Koller, Mgr. *«(«*** ill* HWiMtMMiiii CHOPSUEY King Yuen Cafe 201014 N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 .Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. in American & Chinese Dishes Fill Your Bin! HELP AMERICA WIN ALL GRADES COAL. COMPARE PRICES Convenient Plans can be Arranged DON’T DELAY Call or come in and see us. American Coal Co. 17Tn & IZARD AT. 367(1 Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. Phone JA-4635 Acid I- Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or doable yoar money beck When excess stomach acid causes painful, suffocat ing gas. sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Bell-ana Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ans brings comfort in a Jiffy or double your money back o.i return of bottle to us. 25c at all druggists. • _ The Hill Hotel waiters are all ready for the holiday trade. Brother John Evans is on the fir ing line of good service. The Paxton hotel waiters are very busy with their good service. We noticed some very prominent Roast Beef Knights in a northsid, business house Sunday evening. Capt. Langley, Capt. Burns and the musician headwater. Read the OMAHA OUIDE and keep posted. FLASH! Fellow waiters we have a very sick brother John Bragg;;. Let’s help him have a merry Xmas. Join the XAACP and he very good spoke in the wheel. The Omaha Athletic Club with the streamlined employees are already for the year 1943 and the service to the members and their friends will be better than ever. 1943 will be welcomed in from the front door to the office and the dining room and kitchen and as the' very pleasant little lady lady Miss Jennie Aldera will say to all A very Merry Xmas and A Happy New Tear. —and let us all be very thankful that we are here and always ready to lend a helping hand and feel that one for all and all for one feeling. For we can never tell when and where we are going. THIS WEEK Milton Gurviz school teacher - f Sanborn, N. Y. confessed setting fire to district school building. Lee Washington very active in his business. Real winter weather in Omaha. Colored woman conductor on St. Cars in Detroit. Father Divine’s hotel to be used by Coast Guard. Jasper Cole and young son in a north side business house. I Race leaders to teach street car etiquette in Memphis. Sight of Women Soldier’s is in spiration to enlisted men. Marine Corps seeks recruits to fill quota. The Coordinating council wasj addressed by Mrs. Bobbie Davis at the regular meeting at the Urban League NAACP has a meeting at Zion Baptist Church and election of of DO YOU WART A BABT1 New Vitamin Combination Brings Hop to Childless Homes Nothing equals a baby to bring com plete unity and happiness into the homa and tie husband and wife together in a stronger bond of enduring love and mu tual interest. Divorce is rare in the homaa of couples that have children. f— -m wm Unhappy wives, childless due to relieve* able functional weakness may now enjoy the desires and activity of Nature’s most wonderful creation—a normal, fully-de veloped, vigorous woman. A sensational new vitamin treatment specifically for women may be just the thing needed by the childless wife and quickly bring the happiness of a baby in the home. It is, of course, absolutely harmless. If you are childless due to functional weakness and lack normal vigor—if you wish to eliminate one of the great causes of unhappy marriages, by all means try Perlex for one week. To introduce this new vitamin combination to a million women quickly, the Perlex Company, 314 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois, will send a full $2.00 supply for only $1.00 and a few cents postage. Send no money —just your name and address. Perlex comes in a plain wrapper—directions are | very simple and no diet or exercise is * required. ---- : ficers. Read the OMAHA GT ILE and keep ]>osted. War plant gives employes free vacations in Florida. Cuban President visiting in Wash ington. D. C. Stopped at the Lin coln Memorial and gazed for sever al minutes. Bill Boosting Nurses' Pay sent to the House. Mayor LaGuardia donated a pint of blood to the red cross. Negro troops land in Liberia on Sunday. Miss Maude Casey and Miss Bar line Craig attend Sunday morning services at Clair Chapel. Happy Birthday to Mr. Ellis Har tley who Dec. 13th enjoyed the fel lowship of a few friends. Mr. Earl Jones the famous and active Capt. of the Omaha Club dar ing the illness Of Mr. Frank Black well. Dr. Jones the dentist, in Johnsons Drug store. Mrs. Luca A. Smith of Well-sville MO., passed peaceful and quietly a way on Saturday Dec. 5th. Mr. II. A. Smith of 1920 North 25th St-, one of her sons, attended the funeral. Vll friends extend their heartfelt Sympathy. Mr. Raymond Dorsey goes to the army. Mrs. L. V. Gray with her pleas ant smile. Mrs. C. C. Reynolds with a very lovely welcome to all and Mrs Wiley all of Clair Chapel are always on the helping end of mak ing it pleasant for our soldiers and Sgt. Bivens is always rendering Ser vice at the USO recreation center. Now let's all give them a big hand. We are moving on the threshold, of time and nearing the end of an other strenuous year filled with disadvantages, wars, surprising statements and we must remember' it in :n l eeping with what is in the Holy Bible and do we try to adjust ourselves to the right way of think ing. Careful thoughts bloom out to be v©ry helpful and we all should try and look and move in the right direction and ask ourselves what have we to contribute toward do ing as well as talking about what is going on in this good old ship of earth and also remember that all power is in the Hands of Our Crea tor .'ho docth all fhingj well. SOCIAL NOTES THE XORTHSIDE CHAUFFUERS’ CLUB Plans to place before the public. One of the finest clubs of this kind this side of the Mississippi river. With a very interesting and com fortable lounge and rest rooms in the city, and a place that "ill be op erated and sponsored by Chauffuers and men who work for the very best families in Omaha. Fall fes tivities are about to start. So watch for many affairs and dates. Election of officers will be held this week. OPTIMISTIC 13 The “Optimistic 13” met Wed. night Dec. 9, at the home of Miss Ruby Artison 2816 Hamilton St. A very interesting discussion on ‘‘Wa» Marriages” was carried on. Some interesting points on the subject were made by Our Big Sister Soror Asilee Dotson Turner. The next meeting will be Wed. Dec. 16 at the home of Miss Flor entine Goodlett. Rozella Thomas, Pres., Florence James, Reporter. CP TO DATE The Up To Date Club met Friday afternoon at 4:15 at the YWCA. A lovely program was given by the club. Names wpr drawn for the exchanging of Christmas presents I for next "reek. Final plans were made for their Xmas Party to bo £iven Friday, Dec. 18, 1942. Florentine Crawford, Pres., Bar bara Edwards. Reporter, Miss Roz ella Thomas, Sponsor. CLAIR CHAPEL CHURCH A large and appreciative congre gation heard the Pastor, Rev. Clar ence C. Reynolds last Sunday mom Ing deliver a very inspiring and thoughtful sermon on the “Milit ant Church”. A number of visitors were present of both in and out Of thq city. The pastor spoke again Sunday evening on ‘Walking with God”. This coming Sunday, De«. 20 the pastor will deliver his Christ mas Sermon at the Morning Wor ship Hour on “The Christmas Christ”. In the evening service the Clair Chapel Choir will render its Christmas Program. Clair Chapel will observe the Holi day Season as follows. Monday j night Dec. 21 Choir Christmas Party at Parsonage- Tuesday night Dt. 22 Happy Time Club Christmas Party. Wednesday night Dec. 2:; Women's Society Christmas Party, Thursday night Dec. 24 Sunda.* School Christmas Program and Tree Christmas Day 6:00 A. M. Union Service at Clair Chapel with Cleav es Temple, Beth l AME. ChurcV and all others desiring to unite. Sermon by Re'’. L. A. Story. Thursday night. Dec. 31 at ll:o‘l p. in. Watch Meeting Of Dove Feast and Fellowship. Short sermon lr Rev. Reynolds. Friday, January i. 1943 from 1:30 p. m. to 5:00 p. in. Open House at the Parsonage 2028 Miami St. to al] members and friends. A hearty welcome always greets you at Clair Chapel, from the smil ing Usher Trimble at the door to the genial and fatherly greetings of the minister at the altar. Jamie Norman, Reporter. ST. JOHN’S AME. CHURCH Rev. E. P. Ridley, Pastor, Ruby B. Reese Reporter. In spite of the cold weather there was a large crowd out to the morn ing Services. Rev. Thomas Rucker delivered a most inspiring sermor.. The choir rendered the music. s:v ter Sarah Walker of 25th and In diana avenue, is still confined at her home and would appreciate th members and friends calling on her. The visitors are as follows: Mr... Armstrong, Mother of Mrs. i:.•■ i Van Foote, Mrs. Littlejohn. !\,«K. Buckner. Mrs. Rose Mary Riley, Mr. Smart, Mr. Norris, M>\ M. V Murrell. Officer Stewart 3rd class Pvt. Wm. Hall and Pvt. Wendell Collins. The last two are former members of St. John. A great fin ancial success was out King Solo mon Wedding and we doff our hats to Miss Ruby Artison who by the virtue of bringing in the most mon ey was crowned Queen and congrat ulations to our new King, Mr. Wm. (Bill) Leonard. Much credit is al so due to the runnerup a new com er to Omaha, Miss Delores Wink field and to the other fine brides, through whose efforts this affair went over with a bang. We say many thanks St. John’s will have their Xmas services, Xmas eve-, on Thursday night, Dec. 24th at mid night. There will be special Xmas Music by the choir and the sermon will b? delivered by the pastor Rev. Ridley. You are always welcome at St. Johns. The Red Cross Nutrition Class is still open for enrollment from seven to nine P. M. Friday. Mrs. Francis Holm, Instructor. THE MADONNA’S CHOICE "ill be given Friday December 3 8. 1942 at 8 p. m. by St. Johns Christ ian Endeavor at St. Johns Church 22nd and Willis St- Teads Cather ine Ann Watts as ’^Maz” Mason % Devereaux Jr., “Shadow” supported by Sf. Johns Junior Choir and Ln deav0r who are assisting with the music. Mrs. Iola Holliday Direct ress. Public invited. Edna Blair, President. YOUNG PEOPLES FELLOWSHIP The Young Peoples Fellowship met Sunday at 6:30 at the home of Mrs. P. D. Crawford. The evening was well spent with the showing of a movie. War Pictures, News Reels. Sport Reels, COmicg etc. Next Sunday Dec. 20, 1942 plans will be made for the Fellowship Christmas Party to be Dec. 27, 1942 Florence James, Pres., Rozelli Thomas, Corres. and Assist. Secy., Mrs. J. D. Crawford.- Father G, A. Stams, Sponsors. THE DAMES CLUB The Dames Club met at the home of Mrs. NeOla Turner. The meet ing \vas called to order by the Pres. The club had its usual business, meeting after which the girls dis cussed what they wanted to do throughout the holidays. It was decided that the girls Use their Uext meeting to make cookies and send them to different camps to our boy*; in service. After the meeting the Hostess served a delightful lunch. The girls plan to do bigger and better things the oncoming year. Mrs. Frances Simms. Pres.. Mrs. Mae Lee, Reporter. SUB DEBS The Sub Debs met Saturday after noon at 3:00. A new Secretary was elected, who is Miss Vivian Mae Phillips. Names were drawn for the exchanging of Christmas pres ents which is to be at the next meeting. Truth o<r Consequences was played ,led by Ovalyn Grice. The next meeting will b? the Social Meeting Dec. 26, at the home of Miss Ovalyn Grice 1516 North 28th St. Rozella Thomas, Pres., Florence James, Reporter. IROQUOIS LODGE No. »2 Chief Antler I. H. Emerson is ex pecting ten members from Lincoln lodge co take the degrees in Coun cil No. 68. in the next few days. A gala evening is expected at this affair. Day by day the Honor Roll o* this lodge swells. Today Ir '. iuois l-<'’ge lias li members either in ihf a> my or navy. The roil has the names of Oorpl. -'urtis Jon s. Elm cr White, Glover Scott. Charier p.tukey, Randolph Stem* L o Out v Charles Hamilton Henry Hiddieu i Ahred DaviV .ugh Brown. J >11:1 : Anderson. Buf i Shipman, ’,ci i Thomas. Dav.d t,pawnee. La\ $\ Johnson. Lewis inwter. Ceremonies at the Elks Hall [BP OH '.'f AC. at the barp’i.g of the mortgage and otner outstanding notes amounting to $.'.000 00 was r very gala afair with the honored guest of J. Finley Wilson and B*ig adier General of the Antler Guard w. E. Po, i id of Ch ir>. |]1 lives ent, and Commissioners of th, city to address this great body. A wonderful address from the Grand Exalted Ruler on “What the Negro Means in this AVar and what he car. do by Buying War Bonds and Stamps.” All spoke of the great work accomplished by the Exalted Ruler Charles F. Davis and this kind of leadership must continue. Chas. F. Davis stated by January 1, this lodge will have $1200 in AA’ar Bonds, and will help keep ’em fly ing. Amos Thomas Of Ralph Bates Marching Club was given the Rank of Colonel. Presiding over two States Iowa and Nebraska. I Iroquois Lodge No. 92 37th Ann ual Charity Ball swang and swayed to the tunes of Lloyd Hunter’s rhythm •orchestra. The dance was attended by a large crowd. Every, one came early and stayed late. Thanks to the many friends and the public. FIRST MISSION OF THE GOD SENT LIGHT Sister Ora Robinson, Secy. Pastor 2734 Blondo St., The First Mission of the God Sent Light is still alive, doing great things for the Lord. Public still invited to these wonderful services conducted by the man of God. Come let us renew Our Spiritual strength together. With the many blessings of the week. One of the wonderful i wedding ceremonies ever witnessed the Honorable Private 1st Class, Melvin Grant was joined in wed lock with Miss Frances R. Childs. Both of Omaha by our pastor Pro phet Hess. It was a grand affair The groom was handsome and ner oic in his soldier uniform while tbf bride was daintily dressed in goi geous white satin. The gold Rod of God, was presented the groom while the bride was wrapped in the mantel of Love. The Spirit was high as the prophet in his hand some priest garments, administered the ceremonies. Tuesday night, healing. Thursday message and Sunday a message each night. Daily contacts by ap pointments- Services for Weddings Funerals and Baptisms. JA. 044N. OWI TO BAN SHOWING OF BIRTH OF A NATION Washington, D ,C.—Lowell Mel lett, Chief of the Bureau of Motion Pictures of the Office of War In formation, this week in response to continued protests against the ex hibition of the silent version of "The Birth of a Nation” stated in a letter to the NAACP: “W eare as sured that the War Activities Com mittee will take up the matter with any theatre already showing or com templating the showing of this pic ture, and there is reason to believe that representations by the Comm ittee will be sufficient in most cas es to prevent showings.” ‘‘Birth of a Nation” was recent ly picketed by the NAACP when shown at a mid-town New York theatre. DISABLED VET COMPOSES MILITARY MARCH No longer able to shoulder a gun for Uncle Sam George A. Williams' disabled Negro veteran of the last I war, has contributed his bit to the present war effort by composing a military march which has been a dopted as an official march at I’Ort Huachuca, Arizona. The composition, ‘‘93d Division March,” written by Williams over a period of six months, was orgin I PAGE BOY ATTACHMENTS For | Beautiful Hair Perfectly Matched i $j.50 ■ Send sample of hair or state color. $1.50 with order and save postage or pay postman $1.50 plus 23c postage on delivery. Braids, Puffs and Wigs. Gray Hair 50c extra. POSNER HAIR CO. 113 W. 128th St. N. Y. C. ■■■■ BIRSa NEW YORK, N. Y.—Soundphoto—Mrs. Eddie Rickenbacker, happy, over her husband’s rescue, gives smile and “V” for Victory for re-j porters and photographers. --- ally named the ‘‘Charles P. Hall March” in honor of Major General C. P. Hall, commander of the 5:>d I Infantry Division at Fort Huachuca. General Hall, in accepting the march for the division, asked that the, name be changed to ''93d Division March,” pointing out in a letter tc the composed that "thy. division will be here long sifter I am gone.” The “93d Division March” is the second military march composed by Wllams, who also wrote the ‘‘Sub set Funeral March,’ which he pres ented to CO! L. D. Davis of the 25th Infantry in 1939 and which COl. Da vis assured him would be played by the regimental band each Memorial and Armistice Day. At the present time he is working on a series of religious compositions. Williams, a resident of Tucson, Arizona, was a member of the IOth, Cavalry at Fort Huachuca for sev eral years. He saw service in the Philippine Islands, with the 9th i Cavalry from 1916 to 1921, was as sistant band leader of both the oth and 10th Cavalry and has been a member of the Detroit Federation of Musicians, Local NO. 5, AF of M , since 1909. A graduate of Wilberforce Univ [ersity in the class of 1900, he be gan his musical career soon after his graduation and passed the war NORTH 24th st SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 424U —POPUIJLR PRICES— LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. Our Half Solelng Method leaves No Repair Look on your shoes. We Use the BEST Material. McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop 2123-25 NORTH 24th SL WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. nt. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a m to lk.B. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS 1 rant officers’ band leaders examia I ation in l»28. He served as bami ^ leader for 12 years. ; SUBSCRIBE I NOW! i M§ 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery_ WE. 0<50<i DUFFY r"'K>,'rT Auto Parts Wanted BURNED, WRECKED or DILAPIDATED. CARS AND TRUCKS. BRING ’EM IN PARTS FOR CARS CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS CO. 2501 Cumins St. Phone AT. 5050 Omaha OMAHA OUTFITTING Furnish Your Entire House hold at the ‘Omaha Outfitting They carry Furniture, Washing Machines, Radios, Travelling Bags, Jewelry and All Kinds of Coal. 2122 North 24th St Phone AT. 5652 DO YOU Have trouble with your feet? Do they perspire too freely and crack the skin between the toes? Do they ache and burn? Are yon troubled with painful coma, oat louses or Athlete's Foot? Then try I.D.I—an amazing new formula guaranteed to bring re lief—or double your money backl EAST TO USE—easy to buy; get LDI/ ^IDI i£m FREI) WALKER, AGENT 984 N. 25th ST. PHONE ATLANTIC 1689— Help Wanted! I Wanted A Young man, 17 years or an older man, I who can be a Mechanical Helper in the shop. Good Pay. CALL AT — UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. 1721 Douglas Street , Costs only 3C per day : Pays up to $325 per year Accidents and Sickness strike quickly aad Hospitals demand Cadi. Federal^ Hospitalization Insurance meets this emergency promptly by providing HUSPITAb KUUM and dOAHO — UrEKATlRd (ROOM -X-RAY EXAMINATION-ANESTHESIA LABORATORY EXAMINATION—MATERNITY BENEFITS - SURGEON S FEES - SANATORIUM BENEFITS^EMEROENCY AID— AM BULANOI SERVICE — 1 total maximum payment op to |5M tor only be a day. NO MEDICAL EXAMINA. TION REQUIRED CLAIMS PAID PROMPTLY —AVAIL ABLE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. ACT NOW Yoa can’t afford to be wi^ one thit Low Cost protection. Let dm FEDERAL PLAN NT the bt’Ila. CM>*m Bank Building. Wilmington. DaL O. G. N. I Gentlemen:—Please mad me, without obligation, Ml Free detail* about roar Sc I | a day Hoapuai and Surgical Payment Plan. I aadcntaad no agent will calL