SOCIAL NOTES • •• HOME OX FURLOUGH Home on a furlough last week was Sgt. James B. Crumbley. He BUY YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. <»et the Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE Lowest Price PHONE WE. 4137 CHECKED ■ TWl-orMon^ck For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete’s foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid W.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctor’s formula. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Iv ex. for INS. J is stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma in the Ordnance department. Since Ihis enlistment in the army in April he has been promoted to Technical Sergeant and is in charge of the ammunition magazine area. During his visit home, Sgt. Crum bley enjoyed a short, but pleasant visit with his wife, family and many friends. Everyone regretted to See his furlough draw to a close, but we all hope that he will return home safe and soon. May God olesa him. LEAVES FOR HOME Mrs. Estelle Gray 215 0 Lake St. Apt. 36 gave a party on Sunday af ternoon for Morline and Silly*r;ob inson of Detroit, Michigan. Hub ert Gray II and Yvonne Jean Per | ry her granddaughter, who has been i visiting her for the past two months I She left on November 13 for her | home in Los Angeles. Calif. FAREWELL PARTY I farewell party was given by Mrs. Mary Coleman in honor of her hro | ther Mr. Willie Kimsey who leaves ' for the army. The party was given —wT»umMU4imaiiHui»Mi»yiuwiniuiwnwMtn«ugttaui—iwHmnwnwim4iiin*»nTEE RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE CO. J -STta ^ImeTAMILY *** 0mm J 1*2 State Straat, Itaneed, Indiana POLICY have genuine life *,0° * I Inaunmca on your awn Hfe. „_££!£*» ! “°“U' ^*°-W*lr PohcJ'- *w‘“t ^ Mall coupon today For FREE payalaraatba I inspection ofTer. . | ... —- J amwnMRHnnnipnaMIPnvRAl ■ a:ia»l.,LUN>««I»I.,RHilNJtT,^m' AVrfraae-----I IkfMgwipflfMPpWfnMMVI fYOU GIRLS .WHO SUFFER^ 9 Distress From • a* FEMALE WEAKNESS And Want To Build Up Red Blood! Take heed If you, like so many women and girls, have all or any one of these symptoms: Do you on such days suffer cramps, headaches, back ache, weak, nervous feelings, dis tress of “irregularities”, periods of the blues — due to functional monthly disturbances? Then start at once—try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Compound TABLETS (with added Iron)—made especially for women. • Plnkham's Tablets are famous not only to relieve monthly pain but also accompanying weak, nervous feelings of this nature. This Is be cause of their soothing effect on V ONE OP WOMAN’S MOST IMPOR TANT ORGANS. Taken regularly— Plnkbam’s Tablets help build up resistance against such symptoms. Thousands upon thousands have re ported benefit. 4, Also, their Iron helps build up red blood to give more strength. Pink ham’s Tablets are also a fine stom achic tonic! Follow label directions. ---J