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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1942)
IN THESE COLUMNS SELL, CHEMICALLY TREATED PRESS CLOTH— Nationally advertised. The WEAV ER PRES-KLOTH is sold in all leading department stores. All cloths are individually enveloped, and distinctly priced at 69c. Tour cost is 35c. Send 35c for sample and full particulars. Marcus Cloth ing Co., 2130-34 Gravois Ave.. St Louis, Mo. HELP WANTED WANTED A WAITRESS AT 1402 North 24th Street. WANTED: Licensed Janitor, Good Salary, 3 Room Apt. furnished Call Ruder, AT. 8927. FOR SALE A 5 Room House, modern except heat. In good condition. Will sell at a Reasonable Price. Call— AT. 5690, Be A Detective work home, travel. Experience un necessary Detective Particulars Free. Write. George C-G Wegner, 2640 Broadway, N. T. FOR RENT — At a reasonable price to the right party. 2 centrally located, modern Store rooms at 24th and Maple. A fine location for a Drug store, Beauty Culture Parlor, or Shoe Re pair Shop. For further information call AT. 6656. FOR-SALE 1 Lounging Cot that can be used for a den or suitable for a spsre bed in a Library room. Like new, price very cheap. Call Mrs. Sulli van, WE 0475, 3319 Franklin 8i. ROOMS, APTS FOR RENT Furnished Room for Rent. 2807 N. 24th St.. WE. 2217. FOR RENT A modern Room, Call HA. 1368 between 4 and 9 p. m. Dandy three room Apt., 2130 North 28th St.. Reasonable. 2or 3 ROOM~APT. FOR RENT. Own your home. Use our easy Payment Plan for 90 days. Put your money in escrow in some Bank or a Loan Company or with your attorney. 50 fine houses for sale cheap.’ E. M. DAVIS, LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER 2817 No. 24th St. WE. 1166 LAl NDRIES ^CLEANERS EDHOLM A SHERMAN 4401 North 24th WE 606S EMERSON LAUNDRY *324 North 24th St. WE. 10?* WANT TO f!TTV — Furniture of ail kinds—dressers, jeds, end tables, chairs and che'.t of drawers or complete home apartment furnishings Kettles and dishes. Sell Ug yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart. 24th A Lake Street—WE 2224 FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 Mix Lemon Juice AT HOME | TO RELIEVE 15/the MISERIES Money Back H This Rheumatic Recipe Fails Good newt travels fast—many of the thou* aands of folks who now take lemon Juiea for rheumatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoonfuls of Allenru to one lablaspoonful of Leman Juice In a glass of Water, they get faster relief for the achee and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It's no surprise either, for Allenru Is a U year old formula to relieve rheumatte aches and pains In fact—If It does not help —yoor money back. What could be fairer! Get Allenru todar at any live druggist. Only • easts—Do it Now. Did You Place Your FALSE TEETH In a Glass Last Night? Thousands do and wonder why their den tures remain dull and stained - why they suffer with offending denture breath. They fail to realize that water alone is not a cleans ing agent - but now. there's a great formula perf acted by a dentist called Stera-Kieen that thoroughly cleans false teeth like magic no brushing* Simply put a little Stera-Kieen Powder in a glass of water—soak your teeth — now they sparkle, are really dean and took like the day your dentist said, "Don't they look natural?” Try Stera-Kieen - lasts long - costs only 30* At all druggists. •Id Farmer » Recipe Mix Allenru and Lemon Juice to get quick relief from pains gj rheumatics and neuralgia Druggists have Allenru — grocers have lemons. READ The (^DE WAITERS’ ! COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 0f*t*a*a*u0a*t*a*&t0t*t*iL The White Horse Inn waiters are I in the running yet again! — The Cottonwood room at the > BJackstone is going over big with wonderful service being displayed by the boys. The Fontenelle Hotel waiters are tops at quick service. The racehorse headwaiter and his fine bunch of Paxton boys are still doing fine at the Paxton, each and every day and night BENEFIT SHOP, 711 So7l6TH~ST. SCHOOL DAYS WILL SOON HE HERE. GOOD BARGAINS IN CLOTHING AND SHOES. LAD IES COATS REDUCED. Join—Reliable Friendship Club— -’or Pleasure. Send Dime for mem fership blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wendell. Chicago, IlL RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands | of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street '|j —AlwayB a place to park— JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Koller, Mgr. CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 2010'/2 N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. m American & Chinese Dishes Fill Your Bin! HELP AMERICA WIN ALL GRADES COAL. COMPARE PRICES Convenient Plans can be Arranged DON'T DELAY Call or come in and see us. American Coal Co. 17TH & IZ ARD AT. 3670 Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. | Phone JA-4635 Add Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or doable your money back When excess stomach add causes painful, suffocat ing gas. sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Bell-ana Tablets No laxative Beli-ans brings comfort in a Jiffy or double your money back on return of bottle to us. 25c a: all druggists. _ The Musician head waiter of the Chamber of Commerce dining room stands out sharply in his Palm Beach uniform. Capt. Langley seen on 24th and Charles St. The RR- boys are on the up and go these days of war and make it very pleasant for those who live on wheels. The Omaha Guide has all the news at all times. Borther John Evans is top mar: at the Rome Hotel. Boys don’t forget the Holiday Party the 4C club wij have in Dec. The Credit Union at the Urban League would like for everyone to take out some shares and help to build up a finance company of our | own to be operated under Nebrasl i State banking laws. ***** THE WEEK—BT H. W. SMITH Many soldiers on the streets and they all look neat. Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Montgomery on a visit to their old home in -Ala bama. 4C Club has a holiday party in the making. Mr. Buckner back in Omaha from sunny or is it rainy, Calif. Joe Thomas in St. Joseph hospit al. Armistice Day observed very ex tensively in Omaha. - ' - ..J. —■» —— %» s^m .. —A . . . . . j Thanksgiving dinner at St. Johns AME. Church in the making. W. W. Gray weights and meas ure inspector very busy. James Cole, and Glover Scott in soldier's camp in California Louis Vann at Fort Leavenworth Kansas. tv L. Myers on 24th and Grant Sts., says that Hitler is going to drop sandwiches. The Omaha Guide has all the interesting news. 1 * John Voner in Omaha. Lionel Hampton and his orches tra in Omaha. Ed. Killingswrth on the sick list. The Executive Board of the NA ACP had a business meeting. Federal Grand Jury indicts sugar corporation for peonage. DOYOUWMJABABT? New Vitamin Combination Brings Hep to Childless Homca Nothing equals a baby to bring com plete unity and happiness into the home and tie husband and wife together in a stronger bond of enduring love and mu tual interest. Divorce is rare in the homes of couples that have children. !---M ! Unhappy wive*, cMl-I1f*s due to re’ eve able functional weakness may now the desires and activity of Nature's most wonderful creation—a normal, fully-de veloped, vigorous woman. A sensational new vitamin treatment specifically for women may be just the thing needed by the childless wife and quickly bring the happiness of a baby in the home. It is. of course, absolutely harmless. If you are childless due to functional weakness and lack normal vigor—if you wish to eliminate one of the great causes of unhappy marriages, by all means try Pedes for one week. To introduce this new vitamin combination to a million women quickly, the Perlex Company, 3H N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois, will send a full $2.00 supply for oc.y $1.03 and a few cents postage. Send no money —just your name and addresa. Per lex comes in a plain wrapper—directions are j very simple and no diet or exercise ie ( required. Dr. Powell, ex-mayor of Boley Ok]a., died on October 30th. Win. L. Dawson elected to Con gress in the first district in Chi. LX. Colonel Frank M. Snowden 34 years in military service advanc ed to the rank of major. 4 men killed in powder blast in Coulmont, Ind. Charles Thomas Wingfield geti\ 25 year sentence for slaying of a soldier. Health Forum for a wartime dis cussion held at the Urban League Chairman T. P. Mahammitt lay Representative. Governor Edison probes N. J. Arrest Case. James B. Cushion named on Civil Service Commission by Mayor Kel ly of Chicago. — Lt. Mildred Osby WAAC officer addresses Woman’s Division of CIO in Boston. 12.000 persons Of all races eongratulatesGov. Elect Tho mas E. Dewey of N. Y. Mr. Frank Buford attends morn ing service at Clair chapel. On Friday evening Nov. 13th the coordinating council was address d by Lt. May of the WAAC recruiting force and she made a very plain ex planation of the duties of the lad ies in war work an devery one pres ent was very much delighted to lis ten and to obtain first hand infor mation of U. S. army duties. O' chids to Miss May. The Poll tax Bill is creating quite a flare-up in the U. S. Senate and from the way it looks the South ern senators are very much divid ed. Senator Barkley of Kentucky says if a man has to fight, he should not be required to pay to vote and in some states pay and then not be allowed to vote. Let all of us send letters and telegrams to our representatives to give their support in every way for the pas sage of the anti-poll tax bill, as the south has been sailing under false colors for many years and the X.’. S. has a constitution that all men are equal. Sam Grevious leaves for Calif fomia. Rev. H. D. Pigue preached a very wonderful sermon at Clair Chapel Sunday evening. XJnion Thanksgiving Services at Zion Baptist Church Thursday morn ing Nov. 26,th. Tuxedo Barber Shop closed..._. Gone to the army, both of them. FOR ICTORY ? _BUY UNITED STATES . BONDS»STAMPS iiiniiiiiisiiiliiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiin MY BLUE STAR (by Myrtle M. Good low) (Lovingly dedicated to my son all our boys who wear the kit k or the blue) ***** There s a Blue Star in my window That makes the tear drops st» : For the Blue Star in my window Is part of my heart. It seems only yesterday, That you were a child at play And having so much fun— With your toy wooden gun And had the enemy on the run In world war number one. And now my son in 1942 You are wearing the Navy blue. I And I am proud of you. There’s a Blue Star in my window Like countless others to show A father brother or a son. Is in the fight for freedom. A Star that gleams forever bright Yet pulls the heart strings ever tight. For the future shall unfold— Many a Blue Star turned to gold. Whenever we shall hear, “My Country ’Tis of Thee Sweet Land of Liberty” We want our boys to know— That we shall pray for them And all our countrymen. In the fight for freedom. And when we see Old Glory Waving high or passing by— There will always be a tear, a wiig;. For our Blue Stars—Everywhere As we breathe their name in prayer. I THE DAR (by Myrtle M. GoOdlow) Once again the DAR With their color bar, Did no more than we expected When they rejected Conditions laid down by Marian Anderson— Who wanted our race accorded The same rights as all, Who might attend a war benefit concert. In Constitution Hall. Has this organization nothing better to do, Than create dissension anew. Bitterness in a time like this. Adds fuel to the flame Discourages those who fight in freedom’s name. The foreparents of all Americans Came from foreign lands. And we are one of the many groups which makes Our beloved United States, True our foreparents didn't arrive— On the good ship Mayflower. For they were in slavery's cruel power. And to make the ocean trip Shackled aboard a slave ship. Nor did they land on Plymouth Rock, But on Virginia’s shores. And from that day to this. Hard knocks has been our ]ot— And our cup of bitterness. Filled and running o’er * God works in a mysterious wav His wonders to perform— It is His blessed Hand today, li! 'lilllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii U. S. War Dept.. Wait.. Dl a EXECUTIVE STAFF OF THE STATION HOSPITAL, FORT HI ACHI CA. ARIZONA Left to Right—seated. Major Mau rice M. Shaw, Chicago. Illinois: Lt. I [colonel M. O. Bocsi'iekl. Command- [ fng Officer, Chicago. Illinois: M ijar j .loan B. West. Chicago. Illinois; ' s'anc'irg Major Ralph B. Teabjuu. ! Kansas City. Mi-'souri: and Major j Arthur H. Simmons of Washington, i I). C. ___ Lifting croses we have borne Marian Anderson is content. To be His instrument. As she lifts her voice in Song. The voice of fifteen million strong. Is raised to God on high. And He has heard their cry! WAAC COMPANIES TO FORT HUACHUCA, ARIZONA The first continent of two Negro , companies of the Women's Army , Auxiliary Corps is Scheduled to ar- j 1 rive at Fort Huaehuca. Arizona on \ November 16, the War Department . announced. I Although WAACS a- already till i ing jobs in the WAAC Training Cen-1 ter at DesMoines. Iowa and Day tona Beach. Florida, in administra- j tive headquarters in Washington, j 1 and as recruiting officers in tt- .• | nine Service Commands, those re-1 ! porting to Fort Huaehuca will he ' the first to serve as units at an Army post in the field in the prim- j | ary WAAC function of releasing ! trained combat soldiers from tasks ! which women can perform. The newcomers will replace sold iers as post-exchange workers, post al clerks stenographers, switci ! board operators, drivers of light motr trucks, chauffeurs, dispatched bookkeepers and typists. NEGROES APPOINTED TO W VK INFORMATION STAFF Dr. Lyman Brysin, Chief of the ! Bureau of Special Operations. Of ■ fice of War Information, announc' 1 the appointment of William M. i Cooper and Robert E. Martin as j | Senior Field Representative and As j | sociate Field Representative o— hi- ' staff. Both appointees are already at | work in the Division of Community * Services developing programs fo ■ \ studying and meeting the inform- j niiMiiiiiiiiiiiiifinmiiiiiiniiPriiniM' > Shop Until &30 P. M. Monday, Thursday! Sale! Genuine Inaid LINOLEUM Regular Square $1 Quality! # C Yard Patterns go clear through can’t wear off! New patented back includes two layers of felt, for greater strength and resil iency. Can be applied to floor without additional lining felt - ■ and easily removed without damage. Smart new colorings, j New SHEL30URNE Carpeting f | Durably woven of select yarns, £ \ to give you extra service | 50% resilient wool, 50 long- | £ wearing rayon. Because of $ the rayon, the colors stand g | out more brilliantly, making $, $ sparkling, equisite patterns. | Available in 9-foot, 12—foot, £ $ and 27-inch widths. v ^ —SEARS—THIRD FLOOR— • $ *. $ SEARS, ROEBUCK and CO. South Omaha OMAHA-Farnam at 30th St. Council Bluffs i]iimi!iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|l|||||||||||||||||||||l||||||||||||||,|IIIIUil9l,!,m!.]t:at|{||..||m|ni]||||m|tm| aticm needs of typical communities and special groups in order to pro mote intelligent disc - siOn of war issues. Messrs. Cooper and M-irtin. will work with minority group' through the schools, churches, lab or organizations, and adult study bodies. Special attention will be 1 given to the Negro public through j ail of these groups. TO TRAIN 500 NEGROES IN TIIE MARINES AS OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALISTS, SEEK RECRUITS Plans for the immediate enlist ment of approximately 500 addition al Negroes in the United State:' Marine Corps Reserves to be train ed as occupational specialists wer» announced today by Marine Cerp Headquarters. Although enlistment for the new quota for Negro marines will be for general duty, special consideration will be given these i(ossessing the qualifications of the specialists tie sired. The new recruits will be trained in fifty different occupation al fields at the huge New River Marine Corps training center or at accredited schools. Civilian occupations correspond ing to specialist vacancies under this quota include, clerks music ians. truck drivers, mechanics, ac countants. telephone operators, ra NORTH 24th st SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 —POPULAR PRICES— LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. Our Half Solelng Method leaves No Repair Look en your shoes. We Use the BEST Material. McGILL’S — HAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop 2423-25 NORTH 24th St WINE, LIQUORS and CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to I a. n> Open fur Private Parlies from 2 te 7 p. m. —No Charges — WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a m Ui JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS dio maintenance and repair man, e lectricians. warehouse men, machin ists. and cook and bakers. .V«VWt‘.V.V.-.V.V V/ 24th AND LAKi. 8TRKEI a PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery— WE. <W0« DUFFY 1HARM'T W.W.V.VAV.V.VAV/M iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHtiiiiuiimiiiiiin | LOUIS | FINOCCHIARO, Inc. | 1 Fine Domestic 1 and Imported | (Wines | 1 1113-15 South 6th St 1 |—Phone JAckson 7004—| | Exclusive | Distriutors of | 1 SALUTE 1 I WINES | = Omaha, Nebraska jiuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii HOTEL OLGA NEW YORK CITY 695 Lenox Avenue (Comer 145th Street) Select Family and Tourist Hotel Running Hot and Cold Water in Each Room All Rooms Outside Exposure —Service— Subway and Surface Cars at Door; Rates Reasons Me. ED. H. WILSON, Prop. Tel. Aud 8-7920 BUY UNITED ^ STATES SAVINGS riONDS D SIAM PS *gT^7.->-ty r.* s.r<rc> .:~ « t.^zRig^q Help Wanted! Wanted A Young man, 17 years or an older man, # who can be a Mechanical Helper in the shop. Good Pay. CALL AT — UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. 1721 Douglas Street Costs only 3C per day s Pays up to $325 per year Accidents and Sickness strike qsickly and Hospitals demand Cash FederaTs Hospitalization Insurance nicest diis emergency promptly by providing HOSPITAL ROOM aM BOARD- OPERATIMO | ROOM X-RAY EXAMINATION-ANESTHESIA LABORATORY EXAMINATION—MATER NIT T I BENEFITS - SURGEON'S FEES - SANATORIUM I BENEFITS-EMERGENCT AID—AMBULAMCE f SERVICE - a aaai amna payiwi a* m tin tm NO MEDICAL EXAMINA TION REQUIRED-CLAIMS PAID PROMPTLY —AVAIL ABLE FOR THE ENTIRX FAMILY. ACT NOW Yoa eao't afford ao be «ab am tbu Low Cam protection. l Let the FEDERAL PLAN pap } the bill*.