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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1942)
PAYS TO A DVEI 'TSE— IT PAYS TO SHOP For whatever you have to sell, 01 for whatever you want to buy— _ IN THESE COLUMNS HELP WANTED WANTED: Licensed Janitor, Good Salary, 3 Room Apt. furnished, Cat] Ruder, AT. 8927. FOR SALE A 5 Rorrm House, modern except heat. In £<>od condition. Will sell at a Reasonable Price. Call— AT. 5690. BENEFIT SHOP, 711 SO. 16TH ST. SCHOOL DAYS WILL SOON BE HERE. GOOD BARGAINS IN CLOTHING AND SHOES. LAD IES COATS REDUCED. FOR RENT — At a reasonable price to the right party. 2 centrally located, modern store rooms at 24th and Maple. A fine location for a Drug store, Beauty Culture Parlor, or Shoe Re pair Shop. For further information call AT. 6656. * FOR SALE 1 Lounging Cot that can be used for a den or suitable for a spr re bed in a Library room. Like new, price very cheap. Cal] Mrs. Sulli van. WE. 0475. 3319 Franklin St. POULTRY Poultry Dressed—Fresh Eggs, —• Everite Feeds. 2520 North 24th St. Phone AT. 7884. ROOMS. APTS FOR RENT First Class Furnished room for men only—Phone AT. 7837. Furnished Room for Rent. 2807 X. 24th St.. WE. 2217. FOR RENT A modern Room,-Cal; HA. 1368 between 4 and 9 p. m. FOR RENT, nicely furnished Room on ear line for man only, Call AT. 6988. 2or 3 ROOM APT. FOR RENT. Own your home. Use our easy Payment Plan for 90 days. Put your money in escrow in some Bank or a Loan Company or with your attorney. 50 fine houses for sale cheap. E. M. DAVIS, LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER 2817 No 24th St. WE. 1166 Join—Reliable Friendship Cluo For Pleasure. Send Dime for mem bership blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wendell. Chicago, III. One large front room for rent cal] WE. 2810 CAi NORIKS A CLEANERS FT)MO! M~& SHERMAN 8401 North 24th WE 605F EMERSON LAUNDRY *324 North 24th St. WE. 10r WANTTO BUY — Furniture of all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings. Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 21th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 FUNERAL DIRECTORS “THOMAS“FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 Mix Lemon Juice AT HOME TO RELIEVE Tlil MISERIES ^ir f f. fjjjj_ HOTEL OLGA NEW YORK CITY 695 Lenox Avenue (Corner 145th Street) Select Family and Tourist Hotel Running Hot and Cold Water in Each Room All Rooms Outside Exposure —Service— Subway and Surface Cara at Door; Rates Reasonable. ED. H. WILSON, Prop. Tel. Aud 3-7920 WAITERS’ | COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 By H. W. Smith **to***te*tr*e£mm*0i*mh*mm -Mr. Clifford Foster, back in O mnha after a visit to Hot Springs, Ark., . .-. . - .all the smmer clubs closed and all the quick stepping waiters located in town now. Cottonwood room at the Black j ■ - - if i A- retmw 'm\m~ i Hi RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands I of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street gj —Always a place to park— JACKSON 0288 ! FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard. W. W. Koller, Mg • ■*•*»«' 8Ti.<l4Lf 1 Stw F • -. •* <T"x * ^ v_ CHOP SUEY Kin# Yuen Cafe 2010^2 N. 24th St. JAckson 8575 l .Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. in | American & Chinese Dishes Fill Your Bin! HELP AMERICA WIN ALL GRADES COAL. COMPARE PRICES Convenient Plans can be I Arranged DON’T DELAY Call or come in and see us. American Coal Co. 17TH & IZARD AT. 3670 1—i—• / I Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. phontJA-4635 Add Indigestion Biliit«4 is 8 !■!■«>■ •* 4o«bU ymr mmttmj back Wtaa tiomteh uld wm gainful. nSaol tag goe. sour stomach tad heartburn, doeton welly prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Bell-one Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ana brings comfort in t Jiffy or double your money beak on return of bottle to us. 33o at all druggist*. Did You Place Your FALSE TEETH In a Glass Last Night? Thousands do end wonder why their den tures remain dull end stained - why they suffer with offending denture breath. They fail to realise that water alone is not a cleans ing agent - but now. there's a greet formula perfected by a dentist, called Stera-Kleen that thoroughly cleans false teeth like magic no brushing! Simply put a little Stera-Kleen Powder in a glass of water-soak your teeth - now they sparkle, are really clean and look like the day your dentist said. “Don't they look natural?" Try Stera-Kleen - lasts long - costs only 30g. At all druggists. Old Farmer's Recipe: Mix A lenru and Lemon Juice to get quick relief from poms of rheumatics and neuralgia. Druggists have Allenru—> grocers have lemons. | stone hotel going over big. I Fontenelle hotel waiters taking very good care of the fall trade. The two front doormen, Mr. J. Donley and Mr. John Dallas giving everything they got with a smile. RR. boys serving the traveling public in a very fine way. The Omaha Guide on top with all of the news. Subscribe Today! Some of the boys cashed in very heavily on the world’s series as the NY. Yanks are not champions any more. Mr. Johnnie Malloy has not been seen in Omaha’s Harlem for some time. Brother John Evans on the job at the Rome Hotel. Roy Glenn one of the Paxton ho tel’s quick steppers. Mr. George Thomas at a North side business house making the salesmen sit up and take notice. Mr. Leonard Owens doing busin ess with a northside dentist. Mr. Pierson and Mr. Buford on the job at the army and navy room it the Paxton hotel AA'e all would like very much to see Mr. Dorsey and Mr. Pace. Are you a member of the NAACP? If not. why not? THE WEEK— General B. O. Davis in London. Merchant Ship, Booker T. Wash ington launched, with Marian And erson doing the honors. FLASH! Daughters of American I Revolution invite Marion Anderson I to sing in Constitution Hall in Washington, D. C. Time brings many changes and how!!! * ' j Ernie Fields orchestra and show in Omaha. - i Chicago White Sox defeated the ?nbs three games in city series. Louis Conn Bout called off. Anti-poll tax bill being pushed to l vote. | i Two very prominent newspapers , he Chicago Sun and the St. Louis j J°*t Dispatch praise victory edit- * On of the Chicago Defender. Now et’s all give them a hand. Ritz Taxi cabs on the up ani go Jl the time and Mr. Pierce very ac- ' :ive. 1 _ 1 Jim Bell walking very good. i Mr. Mayo the barber always has i firm look on his face. Mrs. Allie Smith favors some lady lodge members by taking their dues and paying them to the Secre tary at the Masonic hall. Bud Green forced Mr. Taylor to pay a BB. bet to H. Smith. the two Killings worth brothers, looked on and smiled. Mrs. Lever Powell enjoyed a six Auto Parts Wanted BURNED. WRICKED sr DILAPIDATED. CARS AND TRUCKS. BRING ’EM IN PARTS Its OARS CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS CD. Uei Coming St. Phene AT. MM Omaha Girls! Don’t den; help because oi Just because an outworn modesty forbade discussing such subjects, is no reason why you should drag yourself through days of cramp like pain each month without see ing whether CARDUI may aid you. For 62 years many girls have sought relief in CARDUI’s 2-way help. Some take it as a tonic: It - ■■■ -_T week visit with her daughter \nd grandson at 2217 Ohio St. She left for her home on Oct. 5th at lndi pendence, Mo. Catholic Bishop hits racial dis crimination. Urban League plans equal rights drive! Ned Moore on 24th and Grant St. Wings Over Jordan has a large audience. Sam Grevious in Cleveland, Ohio. Lee Washington listens to WO’.u Series baseball games. _P St. Louis Caids shut out N. "S. Yankees at h°me. Omaha Guide very aiuch out in front with the news. Jasper Cole on 24th and Lake St. Lloyd Hunter orchestra has a new bus. Von Richard Trumble on the sick list. Stanley Goosby already for the opening of the pheasant season. Mt. Moriah Baptist Church mem- J bers very busy improving their ' church building. — Elias Hunter carries a pleasant smile at all times. Roscoe Knight and Cornelius Ben nett, t°P chauffers of Omaha. Musician head waiter has the ap pearance of a NY. business man ' visiting a Florida winter resort in his palm beach uniform. Dr. Wesley Jones on a very quick step at all times. M. M. Devereaux's house has a pew dress on and his brothers trail er is up to the minute. Between the Lines (Continued from page 1) serve as a crude measure of the probability of World War HI. If the NAACP cou d somehow crystalize a sentiment through the Negro press for this mixed regiment it would make one of its most sub stantial contributions to the cause if the Negro and democracy. C jr tainly there are white news that would join in such a movement. W hether we get the mixed regiment | ir not we certainly need one to ep itomize the struggling spirits of ly ing men. A pound of democracy in practice is worth a ton Of democ ■acy in theory. CHAT .JOE LOUIS MI DDLE It was one of the ha; piest devel opments when Secretary of War -'Jimson stepped into the propo.-vo roe Louis-Conn fight. He halted it md we hope it will stay halted. It s greatly to be feared that som*» >ody is bent on handing over the championship to some white hope! rhe military setting for Joe's traili ng and the absence of Chappy Mackburn make the time unprop titious for Joe, our fistic idol. Joe leserves a better fate. It would be nuch better for him to hand over he crown and go down in history is one of the greatest than to have :Ome stage set whereby he can be mocked off by some third rater. We do not want the fair face of iis fame to be scarred by some un lappy incident that may cloud a irilliant career. Joe is too fine to >e muddled at this late day by those ividently bent on commercializing lis fame and prowess. Joe is a | Heal ticket for not a few and it ivould be unfortunate to turn him over to them for unlimited exploit ation. It begins to look as if JOe dad better check Out while the checking is good. With prejudice as rampant as it is in this country it takes no sage to understand how irksome it must be for Joe to keep on beating and battering his way to fame and for tune both of which he has had full measure. Some way must be foynd to sara Joe Louis from his exploit ers. Secretary Stlmsoa has done Joe and the cauae a great service. It is our hope that Joe will stay out of the ring until he is hie own boss. Th« press that popularized Jos and his pugilistic prowes is ready for the next man as can be seen in the subtle satisfaction evinced in tell ing the "Joe Louis—is—slipping" j If yourself this: F an old TABOO usually stimulates the appetite, aids digestion by increasin' the f;ow of g^rtric juices; thus :t belts build cue. fry asd resistance a.r needed c*'s. Or yoj may prefer to take it. as directed, 3 days before “your time”; CARDUI then often aids in relieving functional pain. This time try CARDUI. . kitty WA n hamtic IHJI Willi isiiiiiiiji “VICTORY” FOR THE WINNER NEW YORK—Anne Jeffers, Princeton, N. J. leads Victory Son of Nlsie after he was given to President Ira G. Payne (right) of The . ,m. riean Jersey Cattle Club by Theodore G. Montague (left) Presi < cr.t of the Borden Company. Victory goes to the Waterloo Dairy Cattle Congress in Iowa, where he will be presented to Robert Houston. . ri. Tupelo. Mississippi, national winner in-the Victory Elsie contest. Robert sent in the signatures of 18,208 sponsors. THREE WORKERS FOR EACH RETURNED PRISONER m ■■ ■ mtv ' — -Jwmbju'11'11 ■ .——ye - ■ j'iy ■ ■ a < ■ : 1EGXE. FLAXCE—Three French able-bodied workers must go to Germany to work in order that on wounded French prisoner be released. These are the wounded prisoners returning. The inscriptions would make it appear that the returning soldiers are cheering Petain and Laval. When the train arrived, the workers were waiting at the station to take the train back to Germany. . MINI 1 mI'llmi,■ 1'11 .11 I mu ...u.. .. 1 .. ... ... stories. The press means no ham.; t is the way of heroes. The world s not favorable to heroes of too long tenure. Joe beware! BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS bONDS D STAMPS SUBSCRIBE NOW! UMHiiiiinililUlllllim lllliHIf!lllMllllllHHilIFHlllftll[!i;?rR?T rHilltritj. i|||| ,||i ' :||| TEL. WE. 2022 ♦♦ OUR PRICES are based on the cost of serv ice plus the cost of merchandise and a reasonable profit. Thomas FUNERAL HOME i 2022 LAKE ST. Omaha, Nebr. NORTH 24th SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St WE. 4240 —POPULAR PRICES— LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Da. Our Half Solelng Method leave* No Repair Look an your ehoea. We U*e the BEST Material. elect ::: ANTON J. ' TUSA COUNTY TREASURER Saved Douglas County Taxpayers Over j $70,000 During the Seven Years tie Served As Election Commissioner. weal adver-*se:a-;fsli HANDY WANTS MORE CREAT IVE MUSIC; STARS OF TOMORROW CONCERT HELD AT TOWN HALL New York <C)..‘‘Next year, I want to see more creative music", said the famed musician, W. C. Handy after the 3d Annual Stars of Tomorrow Concert was finished. The concert was presented by the Woman’s Council of the New York Urban League and W. C. Handy I with Arnold C. deMille as director, | and was presented at Town Hail, September 27th as a variety concert, j The program included an original compisotion written by two Phila delphians, Mrs. DuTrieuille and Mrs Harris, entitled "Hail Ye America”, sung by the Young Peoples’ Choir of Abyssinian Baptist Church, a na tive Afro-Cuban number, Babalu by Ruth Paseur and a song dedicated to Joe Louis, written by Ismay An drews, "Brown Soldier Boy" and sung by Prances Benson. Another original composition was sung by Charles Smith, baritone called "Dari ing". It was written by Prances Kraft Reckling, music teacher. Stars of Tomorrow showed New York that there are many talented musicians in the Negro race and we are looking forward to their 4th concert next September. WWVWVWWWWWa'SiVWWVV 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery— WE. 0609 DUFFY FHAB5tACT READ The QJJJDf Thomas Kilpatrick & Co. BETTS’ WAX Sanitary, Self-Polishing ^ne-half Time-saving . i . work-saving, pimply apply ccnd let dry. It ^ requires no polishing. Saves furniture, floors, et% * j Old English Scratch Remover" Scratches disappear cs you polish OC* the wood. 6-ounce bottle.. Sani-Slip Ironing Pad and Cover Soft knitted pad that absorbs moisture, Csmo Wall and Ceiling Duster Made of genuine lamb's wooL Ij 10 Complete with handle, only. I • I T Ingersoll Daybreak Alarm Clock Black or ivory case . . . fully AC guaranteed. Priced at.. «e aw Chimney Sweep Soot Destroyer Absolutely non-explosive, non-in- _ flammable. For chimney, flues, 10-oz. / :W Costs only 3S per day : Pays up to $325 per year Accidents ant) S' kness strike quickly and Hospitals demand Cash. Federal** *■ -- *■ ■■' uy piuviuiiig HOSPITAL ROOM and BOARD OPERATINO , ROOM X-RAY EXAMINATION ANESTHESIA— | LABORATORY EXAMINATION MATERNITY [ BENEFITS SURGEON S FEES-SANATORIUM BENEFITS EMERGENCY AID AMBULANCE SERVICE - a local maximum payment up to $325 lo* only 3c a day. NO MEDICAL EXAMINA TION REQUIRED CLAIMS PAID PROMPT! Y—AVAIL ABLE FOR THE ENTiKS FAMILY. ACT NOW You can't afford to be with out this Low Cost protection. Let tbe FEDERAL PLAN pay the bills. rJfWrJWvWuij AUJLIv ijklJiuJl^mfiuy^* ★ * ★ * *Jgl FEDERAL LIFE and BENEFIT ASSOCIATION Citizens Bank Building Wilmington, DeL l>. G. N. Gentlemen:—Please mail me. without obligation. Ml Free detail* shout row V I a day Hospital and Surgical Payment Plan. I understand no agent will call. Name___f Street ________________^_____________________ 1 City os Town________Jka*e 1 Alone Yesterday POPULAR TODAY! GRA Y HA IR iecolortd /« 29 Minutes Don’t let grey hair make a “stay-e-t-hosae" out of you. Color your hair with Godefrov’s Larieuse and look young again .;. have fun again. Larieuse goes on evenly, doesn’t rub off or wash out. Permits permanents, marcels and curling. Used for over 45 years. You must be satisfied or dealer will refund money. If he doesn’t have Larieuse, mail $1.25 direct to;:; Godefroy Mfg. Co., 3510 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. CAUTION! USE ONLY AS DIRECTED ON LABEL I I GODEFROY'i HAIR COLORING J