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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1942)
r IT FAYS TO SHOP For whatever you have to sell, 01 for whatever you want to buy— IN THESE COLUMNS HELP WANTED _ WANTED: Licensed Janitor. Good Salary. 3 Room Apt. f urnished. Call j Ruder. AT. 8927. j FOR SALE A 5 Room House, modern except heat. In good condition. Will sell at a Reasonable Price. Call— AT. 5690. j BENEFIT SHOP, Til SO. 10TH ST. | SCHOOL HAYS WILL SOON BE HERE. GOOD BARGAINS IN CLOTHING AND SHOES. LAD IES COATS REDUCED. FOR RENT — At a reasonable price to the right ' Party. 2 centrally located, modern j Store rooms at 24th and Maple. A j fine location for a Drug store, * Beauty Culture Farlor, or Shoe Re- j pair Shop. For furt’ information call AT. 6656. > * FOR SALE 1 Lounging Cot that can be used ' for a den or suitable for a spare bed in a Library room. Like new, price very cheap. Call Mrs. Sulli- j van, WE. 0475, 3319 Franklin St. ! POULTRY I Poultry Dressed—Fresh Eggs, — Everite Feeds. 2526 North 24th St. Phone AT. 7884. ROOMS. APTS FOR RENT I First Class Furnished room for men ' only—Phone AT. 7837. FOR RENT A modern Room, CalJ HA. 1368 between 4 and 9 p. m. FOR RENT, nicely furnished Room on car line for man only. Call AT. 6988. 2or 3 ROOM APT. FOR RENT. Own ymir home. Use our easy Payment Plan for 90 days. Put your money in escrow in some Bank or a Loan Company or with your attorney. 50 fine houses for sale cheap. E. M. DAVIS, LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER 2817 No. 24th St. WE. 1166 Join—Reliable Friendship Club— For Pleasure. Send Dime for mem bership blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wendell, Chicago, 111. One large front room for rent call WE. 2810 LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS | EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th WE. 6056 EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St WE. 10Pi' WANT TO BUT — Furniture of all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and cheat of drawers or complete home apartment furnishings. Kettles and dishes. SeH Ug yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24tk & Lake Street—WE. 2224 FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake 3t WEbster 2022 IMix Lemon Juice | AT HOME m TO RELIEVE ■the MISERIES JfcMv *•«* If Tfcb Rbmuttc Reap* Fait * pBSgSgSHffSg HOTEL OLC* NEW YORK CITY 696 Lenox Avenue (Corner 145th Street) Select Family and Tourist Hotel Running Hot and Cold Water in Each Room AH Rooms Outside Exposure —Service— Subway and Surface Cars at Door: Rates Reasonable. E5. H. WILSON. Prop. TeL Aud 3-7920 mmmmmmmmmmmmmma /A A WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY n. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 By H. W. Smith MaMa Mr. Frank Hughes of the High land Club rooms of the Paxton Ho tel is a real rapid fire service wait er. The race horse headwaiter Mr. Corbert of the Paxton Hotel is the top man on all sporting events and RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands | of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street sat ' * M —Always a place to park— MPPPPPPPWPffPP JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. KoMer, Mgr. CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 2010% N. 24th St. JAokaan 8976 .Open from 2 p.m. Until 3 a m. American A Chinese Dishes Fill Your Bin! HELP AMERICA WIN ALL GRADES COAL. COMP ARE PRICES Convenient Plans can be f Arranged DON’T DELAY Call or come in and see us. American Coal Co. 17TH & IZARD AT. 3670 Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. Phone JA4635 Add Indigestion doable yoar mommy back When excess (touch sad emuae palatal. eaSces* las saa. sour itomach and heartburn, dealers aeaall prescribe the fMtaW-actlnf medlcOas ft Tablet*. Nc laxative. Bell-ana brtnsr comfort la )UTy or doable your mono back on return at boti to as. Be it aU drnssUu. DM You Place Your FALSE TEETH In a Glass Last Night? Thousands do aad mender why their den turn remain dull aad etaiaad - why the. suffer with off so dins denture breath. The] fail to realise that water alcn* it dm a clean* ins a sent - but now. there! a fleet formuii perfected by a denoit. called Stere-Kleet that thoroughly clean* f*l*e teeth like magic ao brushing’ Simply put a little Stare-Kleei Powder in a glee* of water-soak - your teeth - now they tparkle are really clean and look like the day your dentist said. "Don’t they look natural7' Try Btecs-Kieen - last* long - co«ts only 30g- At all druggut*. Old Farmer • Recipt Mu Allenru end Lemon Juice to get quick relief from paint of rheumatics and neuralgia Druggut* have Allenru —grocer* have lemon*. gj | we are quite sure he will plunge i very heavy on the winner of the world’s series and Capt. Booth who is up from the LOne Star State is ! a streamlined party man, as he al ways knows how to do: what to do: and when to do: Mr. Earl Richardson has a sprain ed knee. He was trying to outrun j a street car. Mr. Richard McCain is making j good on the Railroad. He is a ser vice man. The Omaha Club with the famous headwaiter Mr. Frank Blackwell j and the streamlined captain Mr. j Earl Jones and the rapid moving ! crew of waiters are taking very good care of the members and their friends in a very fine way. We are all wondering if Mr. John Malloy became homesick, as we i don’t see very much of him in Om j aha's Harlem. Mr. Gip Gordon and Mr. Tom Phi lips are top men at the Hill hotel. — The White Horse Inn with Mr. j Louis White, Mr. Branch. Mr. Is j aiah Jones and Mr. Dave Russ ere all giving service with a smile. I * < All waiters should keep, in min*! | to ase our very best efforts-to please the guests and-always give them the benefit of the doubt. As the tm 1 rest of the people in these crucial I times is very serious, and we all are striving to help the good old U. S. A. win the war when we keep down dissatisfaction for we ore lending a helping hand is the right way. Always bear in mind when we are helping others we are do ing Justice to ourselves and making good history for the next generat ion that will take our places in the very important picture of our life. Now let’s pull together. THE WEEK— Libertyship Booker T. Washing ton to b« launched with U .S. mil itary honors. Marian Anderson. Christianing. Colored Capt, Color ed and white sailors. Colonel West A. Hamilton, of 3fi6 Auto Parts Wanted BURNED, WRECKED or DILAPIDATED. CARS AND TRUCKS. BRING ’EM IN PARTS FOR CARS CONSOLIDATED AITO PARTS CO. 2501 Cuming St. Phone AT. 5656 Omaha Reserves transferred to Prairia View College. Edgar G. ROugeau, Pittsburgh Courier War Correspondent cables from Egyptian battle front. j Judge Herbert T. Delane vof X. V. marries his former Secy, Willera S. Miskey. Arkansas colored teachers salary case ready for trial attorneys. Thurgood Marshall and Scipjc Jones has the case. Tw0 Southerners. Attorney Gener al Staples of Virginia. Frank Dixon of Alabama, oppose poll tax law. — J Third Officer Irma J. Clayton cf Chicago. 111., assigned to Wash ington. D. C. headquarters. Labor production chief Wendell Land, raps discrimination. Dr. Wm. H. Thomas dies in Lib eria. Wings Over Jordan in Omaha Oct. 7th. Read the Omaha Guide and keep posted. Golf Player headwaiter Mr Ches ter Hodges going to the army — James Cole at Camp Grant, HI. — Bud Green in Service at firebarn. _ Goldie Davis going to the army. Mr. Raymond Brown on' 24tll an ) Grant Street to S.e Dr. Peebles. The Women’s Division of Chris tian Service 0f Clair Chapel held a very important meeting and the up to date President Mrs. l. V. C ay presided in her very lovely and fellowship way and the streamlined I secretary Mrs. Magnolia D ’.die-} ] ' with her report was excellent and i all the auxiliaries were ready with their financial reports and it was a pleasure for this writer to sit in the meeting. All honor to the bright and shining Christian ladies. Mr E. A. KilUngsworth 0f Paris, Texas in Omaha. WeicCme to our city. Creep Lantern Caf» under new management. Many changes and very quick modern service will he given to all patrons anl if you are not pleased tell Mr. Bn*t and if you are pleased .tell other*. SL Louis Cardinals wCp 1942 pen ny nt In National BP league anl first game for world y champion* snip with the NT. Tankees Sept. 30. Touth Fellowship of Clair Chapel meeting SuDday even xs SeDt. 27. Capt- John P- Bovenfell, US t and L* Charlene May. Lt. Myrtle Ard ersos, Lt. Glendon Moore, presented Clair Chapel with a very beautiful American Flag at the Sunday morn ing service, Sept. 27. Sergeant Biv ens was master of ceremonies and it was a lovely service. Mrs. Mabel Poole of KC.P Mo., was the week end guest of her bro ther Mr. Earl Jones and it was a very joyful fellowship for sister and brother. And many good friends welcomed her to the city. virvi^i « Mi " | | GIRLS ON THE STREETS Reviewing the week with Girls on the streets-everything was strictly chezzling this week. Football season and street cars jammed is one way the studds and jitterbugs found to keep warm. Have you noticed how many ath letes weren't at the dance >los' the games have been at night -- • making the mos' of night life before the Blackouts come If it has ever been a stormy Mon day it was Saturday when Uncle Sam took charge of some more of our Harlem Cats.... the avenue is getting pretty lonesome. Yes. the station was pretty sad Sat. w-hen one of our main characters. "Loo^e Rye” better knswn as James Cal houn left also Dewitt Berry. Jitter bug King. Herman Franklin. Ike Carey, newlywed, Theasar Stone, one ef the Lawson guys and a num ber of others including Paul Briggs king of the singing ensemble. We imagine Laura Averett, Man Yancey and a number of characters whose cats left sometime ago. will be Xmas shopping this week. Early postage this year. Regardless of how everybody felt those midnight show entertainers were really the lick. The Ritz was packed to its capacity. Toung and old was there laughing just to keep from crying. .... and Sunday night that dance ....Louis Jordan moved every body way out on the outskirts of town. And everybody there was charged. Mob’ the guys were in off the road and those Bomber plant guys layed off (permanent) and what few rats were left really Jumped to "Knock me a kiss." Louis Jordan brought many new swing pieces and everybody had a Ball. Couldn’t help notice how Leroy Johnson can bugg! i South Omaha and Minnesota boys t filled the room. "Red” has been sene frequently | with Jeannette McGee. I Spotted Louise Gray cuttin’ the I rug with some mighty powerful I steps—picked them up in Shy. Willie Fontane was the charac E 1 It---- hi- 3 “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty ter this time that modeled that gen uine zoot quit tux, which made him plenty popular with the hep chics. It had a drapped shape, and gri I hips, and real pleats and cl ve sleev es. Willie, my lad—that is the l*st suit that will be mad?. It requires too much material for the waistline. Doris Pittman is really lonesome Kenneth Lcve is away to school, s « now her job is to wait cn his Li ters. Ralph Gray seems to he going steady with Frances Jenkins of Olathe, Kansas. It is rumored that they are engaged........The lick! That's all this week. Tore gals on the Streets. NEWBOLD MORRIS WANTS CITY COUNCIL ACTION ON FOOD COST LEGISLATION New York—NewboiJ Morris, pres ident of New York G'-ty Council toll the NAACP this week that it woui l be a long step forward if the coun cil would adopt legislation for the grading of meat and the alleviation of other problems facing the metro politan housewife. ! In endorsing the recntly released NAACP report of a survey compar ing the cost Of food in Harlem and ether sections of th? city, Mr. Mor ris mentioned Mayor LaGuardia's expansion of consumer advice serv ices of the Department of Markets through which shoppers may keep informed of the “best buys” as ah advance in consumer protection. The city council president also urged that the NAACP publication | called “Food Costs MORE in Har lem” be widely distributed among consumers as well as public offic j ials and legislators. The study shows that for every dollar the Har lem housewife spends for food she pays six cents more than housewiv es in other sections of the city where income is comparable. Chain; stores in Harlem, the report reveals frequently exact from five to twelve percent higher from Harlem cus tomers than from the other five sec tions surveyed. ( NORTH 24th st SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St WE. 4240 —POPULAR PRICKS— LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. Our Half Solelng Method leaves No Repair Look on your shoes. We Use the BEST Material. I ReTd McNT'TT ASSl'RES PROTECTION FOR FEPC | Washington. Oct. 2 lAXPi ifea finning the President's recnt p-on ise that the Fair Employment p- • | tice committee, transferred to the War Manpower comm ss on, woo be free of investigation and have *e substantial increase in personne Commission Chairman Paul V i Nutt last week stated: "Although the details of the ot- \ j garrization have hot as yet been; J worked out. the supervisory control { < exercised by my office will natur- j j ally bs? limited to the major qua •t ons Of organization and prncedu ' which have to do with th c not ation of work of the committee | with other unit* of the WMC. Ta. | •is no intent'on to exercise a det;. i ed supervision or control over an particular investigation which the committee may make into comp laints submitted to it.” i Do You Want > JKSHAIR SYSTEM an your hair 7 days and sea if yon an really enjoying the pleasure ol [“ LONGER HAIR that so oftes S captures Love and Romance HAIR GETS LONGER when scalp and hair conditions an normal and the dry, brittle, break ingoff haircanbe retarded, it has I chance to get longerand much mon beautiful. Just try the JUE.LENI SYSTEM 7 days, let your mirra prove resuitSL Send SI. (If C.O.D postage exrf”) Fully guaranteed ftp* Msijjf&sJZGUj*en to i ^ JuFl COMPANY* DcntsB-Hf 3724 N Ciark Chicrt.o. I.!. I will try the JUELFNE SYSTEM far 7 days. If my rmrror i oea not show satisfac tory results. 1 will ask for my money hack. - «C23 cm_STITT_ I cap CUSTOMERS PARTICIPATE 1H EE EE SIFTS READ The (^IDF, ELECT . . . ANTON J. TUS A COUNTY TREASURER Saved Douglas County Taxpayers Over $70,000 During the Seven Years He Served As Election Commissioner. It isn't TABOO any more for girls to know these truths Girls today can be grateful that some subjects are discussed mo.t fiMikly than they used to oe. 'ihat’s one . why thousands or wmijPn have cOrie to k-.ow al- at C; UI’s 2-way Hup. Some uke it, as directed, three days before "their time’' to help relieve periodic pain due only to functional causes. Others take it as a tonic to stimu late the appetite and aid digestion by increasing the flow of gastric juices, thus helping build up strength and energy for those de— manding days to come. A 62 year record says OARLH't may help. Try it, won’t you? _,n —___m_wt i i.-~ - -ii • . ■ ' •■ ■ M ■ —> Co*$ unfyit purdoy * Popup* $325 pur poo ■OSrrriA BOOM mm* BOABD- OrllATIIS I BOOM 1-UT HAMM ATIOB—MMTHUI - LAMBlTOtT BXAMIMATIOB—MATBBW1TT. Bncma - bubo eoar's rzss - BAMATOwina BBBEEITB— EMBBOEBCT AID-AMBUAANCB SEBT1CE - • Ml —■«■■■ a* a (US tm TIOII REOU1RED-CLAIM* PAID PROMPTLY-AVAIL ABLE TOR THE EMTUUB FAMILY. ACT NOW Yon can't afford an ba i lib on this l.on Coat protection* La the FEOFF A [ PLAN mm 9 I