HEW TO THEUNg IARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AND NORTH OF KANSAS CITY —MEMRER OF THE ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS ■Under Act of March 8, 1874—Business PWie^WE. ?5ivha’ Nebraska Saturday, Sept 26, 1942 Our 15th Year, No. 33 City Edition, 5c Copy “If You Can’t Go — GIVE” if you camV co GIVE MS'MMtA»«l«»fT* tvni MfNM HELP YOURSELF BY HELPIN'*" THE U S. WAR AND COM MUNITY FI ND CAMPAIGN WAKE UP MID-CITY—LET US GO OVER THE TOP. A nimportant part in the Uni War and Community Fund Camp aign to raise $800,090 from Octobe" j 3 9 to 29 will be taken by Division H. of which Mrs. Walter Ervin is chairman. Mrs. Ervin is shown here discussing the official camp aign poster with Mrs. W. J. Mo Martin, the general chairman Of all residential district divisions. Ben fit'ing from the d-ive will be the Urban League. th> Colored Old Folks Home. North Sde branch of the YWCA., and Woodson Center in South Omaha. In addition to these Omaha Community CheBt ag encies, the fund will be allocated to war service groups se-ving th armed forces, and to relief agencies helping civilian victims in our alli ed nations, Mrs. Ervjn, formerly the execu* iv- of North Sid* Branch of the YWCA., recently returned to Oma ha from New York where she serv ed On the national board of the YW , supervising its work with Negroes over the nation. Speakers are available to explain facts about the drive at meetings of civic and private organizations. Tel ephone Speakers Bureau, JA. 8232. LITTLE ROCK TEACHERS CASE MAY BE HEARD BEFORE JURY Little Rock, Ark.First open | trial in a suit to equalize teache's’ salaries since the famous Norfolk, Va.. teachers salary ca e. will p-oo ably be held here soon, according to Thurgood Marshall, NAACP spec ial counsel, in this city last week to confer with attorneys for the scho il board and with the Negro teachers' association. The case will be tried on its isst es. and Mr. Marshall stated that the school board's lawyers have agreed to waive rules fir taking deposit ion. thereby making possible sp. en action in the suit. The Little Rock school board hr s consistently resisted efforts hy the teachers to obtain equalization, a. :• wering the first petition filed by the [ Negro teachers for equalization by . distributing some extra funds on an unequal basis, making the differ ential even greater. The ieaciieti. came back jsjib suit filed in Feb-uary of this year. Again the school board attempted to scotch equalization with a mot ion to dismiss which was heard on May 20 and which was not upheld. In this latest action, the issues will be brought into the open. Mr. Marhhall. who with Attorney Sclp jo A. Jones, is handling the case for the teachers, States that after rec ords have been checked, the teach e-s will be ready to go to trial. * LEGAL REDRESS FOR BAPTIST MINISTERS MAPPED BY XAACP LEGAL COMMITTEE New* York......Plans for legal re dress for assaults on the Reverends J. C. Jackson. Hartford, Conn., and S. A. Young. Washington, D C. who were attacked and beaten by white passengers in a Memphis bound train. September 8, will be mapped at a special meeting of the XAACP national legal committee in tue Washington Bureau of the Associat ion this week. The Association has announced that it w ill throw every bit of its machinery behind the ministers to bring their assailants to justice Reverends Johnson and Young with Walter White. XAACP exe cutive secretary, went to Washing ton, Monday, September 21. to con fer with F. S. Attorney , General Francis Biddle, although it was stated that there is considerable question as to whether a federal law was violated in the attack. The XAACP national office assert el that both the attorney gene-il and the civil liberties division of the Department of Justice, headed by Victor Rotnem. are concerned a bout the over-all picture of violence against minority and particularly against Negroes in the South. ' If attacks on two distinguished clergymen can go unpunished," Wa[ ter White stated, “then no Negro is safe in the South." Governor Robert A. Hurley of Connecticut. Reverend Johnson's home state, has plelged his help to the ease and hts made a contriou tion to the prosecution fund. NORTH CAROLINA GOVERNOR TO OFFICIATE AT NEGRO COLLEGE Durham. N. C.. S-pt. 24 (ANP) — GOv. J. M. Broughton, of No-t' Carolina will officiate Sunday at t’’1' first off’C’C.’ vesper serv’ces of t’ e new school year at North Carolina ! College for Negroes The institu tion open?d Monday with a heavy enrollment which indcated that dcs pite the demands made upon yo me- j Negro men in the state by the draft last year’s regular enrollment 784 "u-^ents might b exceeded. The gov"rno~. who has visited the in-t’ tutioi on several occasions, has shrwn deep interest in Negro edu cation. President James E. Shepard, who has headed the institution sine? its founding in 1910, called attention to the fact that the North Carolina College for Negroes is the only tax Supported college of liberal arts es tablished in the entire south. It is, therefore, the logical place for graduate work to develope insofar as this state and region are con cerned. “North Carolina", said Dr.j Shep ard, "has made every effort to carry out the Spirit and interpretation of the directions of the United States Supreme court in the Gaines decis ion. which reads: ‘‘That Negroes shall have the same educational fac ilities as those of the white people." This has bee nmade possible here through the close cooperation of Duke university and the University if North Carolina, both located ad jacent to our institution." ‘ Faculties of both neighboring universities are represented upon the staff of the colored college and faculty members of the white ins‘i tutions direct graduate courses and in law. Dr. R. L. Flowers, presid ent of Duke university, is chairman of the board of trustees at Dr Shepard’s institution. Dr. Shepard is vitally interested in the cultural, religious, and civic interests of the community, state and nation as well as in his educational work. It is the recognition which has come to him nationally and with out seeking on his part, which at tracts attention to his utterances upon public questions. i WOMAN CONGRESSMAN AIDS 1*01-E TAX MEASURE Washington. Sept. 22 (AXP) The opportunity to vote upon the Pep per-Geyer anti-poll tax bill drawr. nearer and nearer as one more and then another congressman sjgn the petition to discharge the bill which has been held up in committee. The latest to sign the petition is Congressman Frances P. Bolton, noted philanthropist and friend of the Negro from Cleveland. Mrs. Bolton, who has always refrained from sgnng petitions for withdraw al, broke her rule for the first time because she felt that injustices Were being perpetrated upon Negro es and poor white groups in the south. She made a brief speech and am ong other things said: “I want to register my attitude upon the poll tax. I trust we shail show that intolerance in this eoun try is something we will no longer . —^ __. .* NEGRO NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOC. BEHIND “ALL-OUT” SCRAP DRIVE September 22, 1942 Dear Publisher: I have been request?d by our Pr -r ident. Mr. William O. Walker, to write you about a matter which ir -erious and of vital importance to our war effort. As you p-obald -now. the War Production Board a confronted with a very urgen »ed for scrap me.al. Recently ,lr. Donald Nelson, Chairman cf the War Production Board, called a meeting of newspaper executives to liscuss this problem and to solicit ■■.he cooperation of all newspapers 1 an “All-Out Salvage Drivr”. 1 attended this conference, and it is my pleasure to pass on to you the information discussed at the se - siohs which were held in Washing ton on September 4th As you have probably noted i | the daily press, the American New. I paper Publishers Association has a1 ready begun its campaign. It is the sincere hope of Mr. Donald M. N l son and Mr. Walter M. Dear, Pre i lent of the American Newspttter Publishers Association, that :•!! newspapers, white as well as N?grr* will cooperate together to achie' the ends of this drive in their res pective communities. This is the first time the Federal government has called upon us to undertake an important over-all «,b in our war mobilization. Therefo-e this invitation should serve as a challenge to cur Association. Inasmuch as the campaign is bas ed largely upon the initative of ihe local newspapers in the several com munities. no nation-wide plan h < been developed for the scrap col’e* ficn. It is suggested that you ear "Act your reg;onal salvage manage far suggestions and ideas. The al tached list will tell you tit? nam sui add pss of your regional oft", ed. One point. b-'W’ver. is v? important. -and that is you sho •]' and maintain the leadership in your Own community. We can make a definite contribu tion towards the war effort ini show the real power of the Neg-c Press. Start the work today by contacting your local salvage com mittee and let me know your pro gress, for it is important that we know the total amount of scrap col lection stimulated through our As sociation. If you have any further questions, please feel free to get in touch with me. Sincerely yours, John M. Sengstacke. permit, that we will move toward a true democracy, thafr we will regis ter ourselves as wanting to give full citizenship to everyone, so that Our boys, all our boys, whether i this or some other country, will have the opportunity of expressing their preferences and judgements in all matters pertaining to their gov ernment.” Mrs. Bolton has been a staunch friend of Negro measures in the nai' of congress whenever she has fel* them sound an dhas supported m«a? ures which were liberal regardles> of their effect upon people of any particular group. DRAFT LAWS LOWER WILBERFORCE ENROLLMENT Wilberforce. O. Sept. 25 (ANP 1— More than 160 freshmen registered during ‘ Freshman Week” according to an announcement this week hv officjals of Wilberforce university. Over two thirds of the registrants were women. Demands of the draft apparently diminished the male en rollment. Despite the small number of met returning to school this fall. Col. Hamilton, in charge of ROTC train ing at the school, said a concent i ted program of military tactics would be in full swing beginning next week. The annual convocation exercis?3' begun six years ago will be held on j Monday, Sept. 28. in Shorter hall on the campus. ANOTHER OMAHA GIRE HAS MADE GOOD Miss Mary Heddy Wiggins who has recently graduated from the St. Agnes School of Nursing has been appointed as school nurse for Pal mer Institute at Sedalia. North Car olina. FEPC Under Virtual Dictatorship of Manpcwer C^rrmission FEPC TO ABSORB WEAVER GROUP; GET $500,000 ^ ^ ^ ----— — — —-—-... . «... . . . ; BETWEEN THE LINES i (BY DEAN GORDON B. HANCOCK FOR ANP) THERE IS CONFUSION The old adage, “Be sure you are right and go ahead", sounds goo I but will not stand close inspection. One can never be sure one is right, for it will take a thorough unde" standing Of all creation to make nr.t sure that one is right. Hegel ha ' it right when he said that every tn sis has its antithesis and Ella Wheeler Wilcox was approaching the truth when she said, “I know as my years grow older And my eyes have clearer light; That in each rank wrong some where There lu-ks the seed of right" The person who debates with h-m self too long the matter of bying Vseti- rig't is lost at the beginn fcg- Very often we must get right s we go ahead. In the eurren'. conflict wherein the natiins are looked in mortal combat, it wouid be fine to have time to really ascer tain more nearly just “who is who'' in the realm of right. The axis na tions and the United nations botn cannot be right. From where we stand the united nations are right and upon this conviction we proceed even unto the death. Dorothy Thompson said in one of her recent releases that a soldier from the fornt wrote her that he was confused. As with him most probably it is with millions of sold." iers along the far-flung battle fronts in many lands. It is even so here at home that many of us are conf . ed. There are reasons for fighting and there are reasons for not fig.it ing: but when we consider the con sequences of not fighting with those of fighting, we resolve to fight un'.o death. But this resolution does not resolve our confusion. Why would English soldiers be confused when Great Britain refus es India the very thing for which she is fighting: Why would not A merican soldiers be confused wh-.i the resurgence of Xegrophobism i l this country runs counter to all the orinciples which commit them to n litter war unto death against the foreign elements which complement the Negrophobes in this country. There is confusion when isolation ists with their isolationism threaten to hand over our nation to Hitler m his henchmen without a struggle There is confusion wherever nations xnd men will not do unto others what they want that others do unf) them. There will be confusion a long as one man wants to lord it over his fellowmen. Let us cease doing our utmost un til all issues are clarified and all confusion is dissipated. We have the long, long, future to untangle issues but we must win this war o have a hand in the untangling. Wo> unto us if we have to sit at the Beautiful Gate of the nations while Hitler and his henchmen ponder the grave issues of human destiny. Con fusion will be less confounded with victory for the united nations! “SUBVERSIVE ELEMENTS" Wherever there is more than or dinary commotion among Negroes the attention of the country is dir ected towards ferreting 0ut the ac tivities of ‘subversive elements”. Whenever certain Negro elements become restive under the chafing pressure of prejudice and seek re course to measures of resentment the work of ‘‘subversive elements” is suspected. It seems as if sight is lost of the fact that Negroes are human and seek like humans to re lieve in time of crisis the painful Randolph Recognizes Violence In Capitol March ANESTHETIST MRS. EOLA LYONS TAYLOR, who resigned her position as direc tor of nurses, Flint-Goodridge Hos pital, New Orleans, to give full time to thp hospital's department of an esthesia. She is one of the .’3 v few Negro Nurses qualified to ad minister anesthetics. pressures to which they are relent lessly subjected. Sociologists tell us that in times rational upheaval, the subject elements of a nation must struggle for relief. During the current war even as World War I, the leadership of the race was well w ithin the pro vince of reason when they made and are making efforts to improve tile Negro's status. The Negro is w.!\ within the province of self preserv ation when he therefore strives in dividually to improve his lost even though such attempts may run coon ter to the traditional mores. When the Negro gets restive then in times like these it were useless to invariably suspect “subversive elements” when the KuKluxKlan is riding Or ‘Georgia's Terrible Talm adge” is doing his stuff. There aie little Talntadges all around and they are stirring within the Negro a re sentment that stands out in bolder j relief in times like these. The most dangerous 'subversive elements” are not foreign but domestic. One Talmadge is more “subversive” than a hundred Hitler henchm n. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY SKYROCKETS DURING WAR ACCORDING TO PM. New York....That juvenile de linquency has sky-rocket in Amer ica during wartime, what has brought about its increase, what is being done about it and what can lie done about it. is revealed in a ser ies of four articles published in t'~e New York Daily. PM beginnnjng Monday. September 21. and running through Thursday. Septtmber 24. Judge Justine Wise Polier. of the New York Domestic Relations com t has written the first of the series is New York's children. This art icle was followed by a report on th nation ot large by PM's national news staff. Special attention is called to th series by the NAACP which stated that the problem of juvenile delin quency is esp ecially serious am ong the Negro population. NAACP branches, it was suggested, might well give considerable thought to the problem and its solution in their communities. Negro To Command Liberty Ship Named For Booker T. Washington Marian Anderson, cele brated contralto, will be on hand to Christian the ship when the 10,000 ton vessel is launched. Washington, D. C., Sept. 23—The Liberty Ship Booker T. Washington named for the late Negro educator, will be placed in charge of a Negro captain, the maritime commission announced The commission Hug Mulzac of Brooklyn, the only Negro to hold a mtster's certificate, had been assign ed to command the vessel. The Booker T. Washington’s crew wiU be composed of both white and Ne gro officers and men. > (by ERNEST E. JOHNSON) (3 New York. Sept. 23 (ANP) Philip Randolph .national director of the March on Washington move ment, gave clear recognition to the possibility of violence in any pro jected march upon the capitol when he addressed 3,00 persons at a meet ing in the Golden Gate ballroom here Friday, but heavily underscor ed his determination to stick to the objective. “It is written in the scripture,” he declared ominously, “that there is no remission of sin without the shedding of b’ood.” :I? said this immediatelp following a recitation of the sins of government that have been practiced against Negroes. The meeting was sponsored by the local division of the MOWM for the purpose of permitting the national director to make his undelivered , speech, orginally scheduled for the : Madison Square Garden demonstr.v tion in June, and to permit the p b- J lie to s?e the play presented that night which told eloquently of the Negro's complaint with democracy in America. Mr. Randolph began with a hope and desire for a victory of the Uni ted nations over the axis but saw no “certainty” of a new order” in such a victory unless we press now. He held that the conference ap proach to a solution is now inade quate. that pressure must be exert ed. Thus th? establishment of the movement. He justified its exist ence by citing similar methods be ing practiced by the American J c gion, the famous bonus army, the Daughters of the American Revolu tion .labor organizations and other special groups. He criticized to. transfer of the Fair Employment Practice committee to the War Man power commission. Mr. Randolph called the federal government itself the "carrier" 0f the "germ of race discrimnation" and pointed to the tendency of Am erican soldiei. abroad to transplant their home grown prejudices to ;he soil of ordinarily unbiased cuntr:e made and what shall be done with the results of the investigations, goes beyond the powers even hela by the President. The situation ha* reached the point where it would almost be beter to have no Commit tee on Fair Employment Practice, than to have one which is ham strung and completely controlled to fool people into thinking that it will protect their rights.” WRITE TO FDR TO RESTORK FEPC' TO INDEPENDENCE .Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C.Every organization, labor union, frat ernal and religious group and every branch of the National Association for the Advance ment of Colored People and in terested individual is urged by the National NAACP office to send telegrams or to write strong letters appealing for the restoration of the Committee on Fair Employment Practice to completely independent statu* with an increase in staff. The leters or telegrams should he addressed to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, The White House Washington, D. C. The NAA CP. states that the FEPC can not be effective under the con trol of the War Manpower Com mission. FEPC TO ABSORB WEAVER GROUP GET §500,000 MANY STORIES FOLLOW' “SECRET” MEETING W'lTIC McNutt Washington, Sept. 22 (ANP) Con flicting stories without confirmation circulate throughout Washington concerning the issues of utmost importance to colored America. What did Paul V. McNutt do about the President's Committee On Fair Employment Practice when he mot with that group on Friday? It is reported that the full comm ittee did not meet with Mr. McNutt of the War Manpower commission under whose administration tbc eomrr.ittee now functions. Pres ent. according to information were Chairman Malcolm McLean and committee members Brophy, Dick erson and Webster. Some state ment was made by Mr. McNutt bat it is further reported that a special meeting of the full committee is fad ing called for next week. A sidelight on this situation ex pressed by a close friend of the* committee was that this attendance showed an intent of breaking dp the group. A second “inside information’’ said that the FEPC had been grarrt ed all 0f the power it requested!. That it has been given a budget of half a milion dollars; that it had absorbed all of Dr. Weaver's sta’f now distributed among the man power commission regional offices; that it had absorbed his office per sonnel. files and correspondence (continued on pagejPer*2)