The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 15, 1942, City Edition, Page 3, Image 3
IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE— IT PAYS TOSHOP For whatever you have to sell, 01 for whatever you want to buy— IN THESE COLUMNS HELP WANTED_ BOYS WANTED for World -Herald Paper Route? Must be 14 or over. Cash bond net es3ary Apply:—Station F 2629 Cuming®. Phone 3 A. 7692 or Sta. B. 2513 No. 24th JA. 7565. VV ANTED A young man, 18 years or older that can make deliveries and work in a Furniture Store. Salary to begin with $10.00 per week. Working Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Call at Omaha Guide Office. WASTE D 4 men to work at Consolidated Auto Parts Co., 2501 Cuming Street or 1240 South 16th St. Wants two roustabout workers to move around and clean wreckage. Two exper ienced auto wreckers. If in good health, age doesn’t matter. Roust Ibout must be able to handle hea\y parts of automobile. 2501 Cuming Street or 1240 South 16th Street. FEMALE HELP WANTED A woman from 21 to 40 for clean ing and at times to help with cook ing. Birchwood Club. Call KE. 4000 or WA. 0378. WANTED Mr. George Pratt wants a girl to do work in his home. Call VTA. 7206. BENEFIT SHOP, 711 SO. 16TH ST. SCHOOL DATS WILL SOON BE HERE. GOOD BARGAINS IN CLOTHING AND SHOES. LAD IBS COATS REDl CED. FOR RENT — At a reasoaahlejirice to . the right party. 2 centrally located, modern Store rooms at 24th and Maple. A fine location for a Drug store, Beauty Culture Parlor, or Shoe Re pair Shop. For further information call AT. 5656. FOIi S VLE 1 Lounging Cot that can ba liw ’ for a den or suitable for a spore bed in a Library room. Like new. price very cheap. Call Mrs. Sulli van. WE. 0475. 3319 Franklin St. ROOMS, APTS FOR RENT Apartment for rent, man and wife, Mrs. S. J Watson, 2627 Decatur St.. AT. 6281. f and 3 Room Apt., for Rent, all modern. Call KE. 0752 furnished or uttfurnished. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room 2807 N. 24th St.. WE. 2217. Join—Reliable Friendship Club— For Pleasure. Send Dime for mem bership blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wendell. Chicago. 111. One large front room for rent call WE. 2810 LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24tb WE. 605‘ EMERSON LAUNDRY *324 North 24th St. WE. 107 WANT TO BUY — Furniture of ail kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings. Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS ^FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake SL WEbster 2022 Join—Reliable Friendship Club —Txsr Marriage. Friendship, oi »'-?asure. Stnd Dim*- for member •b.p blank. H. Brookes, 317 W*r iell, Chicago, 111. H-Mix Lemon Juice AT HOME Wk TO RELIEVE 'the MISERIES Moaey Bach If This Rheumatic Recipe Fail* Good news travels last—many of tne thou sands of folks who now take lemon juice tor rheugiatic pain—neve found that by ■* Alien ru to one tablespoon'* of Lemon Juice in a glass of water, they gel faster relief for the .en.. and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It ■ no surprise either, for Allenru u a M year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains In fact—if it does not he Id —Tour money back What could be fairer? ^ Only •.. riaJvuis*^OtU7iin\xfr BEBUiy ^RomnncE ' BMWffBSMSMIWB Lnrlemi heoy Berea* mas established by the { Godefroy Manufacturing Company to study methods of preserving women’s natural beauty, and to make the results of ttus research available to the public. An honest woman will admit that she uses cosmetics to enhance her ap;>eal to the opposite sex. An honest man. questioned on the sub ject. will tell you that he prefers "naturalness’' in women's make-up. W hich, like the sum of two and two, adds up to an obvious conclusion. Yet arithmetic and obvious conclu sions fail to make allowance for the peculiarities of womankind. So in stead of “naturalness,” the prefer ence of the man whom she wishes i to please, women frequently appear in harsh, crudely applied cosmetics, which defeat their very purpose. In Hollywood, and everywhere in : today’s busy world, stylish women j are presenting faces that look as if i they had been freshly scrubbed with ( old-fashioned soap and water. And 1 into the development of that simple, ; freshly scrubbed look, has gone the | brains and research of foremost I beauty scientists. A too prominent i jaw recedes under the properly guided treatment of its possessor, with the aid of cosmetics. A little rouge under the eyes removes the puffy look of a woman no longer young. Dark and light shades of powder correctly blended and ap plied, can help create the illusion of symmetrical features, which are even more rare than the world suspects. And thus we offer hope to both sexes simultaneously. If he is deftiy fooled, a man will never quibble over a woman’s eagerness to improve her looks. And a woman can employ the most elaborate artistry, if the result is subtle and unobtrusive. This need not be an expensive process, the most important step being a proper appraisal of one's own features, and a little patient experimenting. Women whose dressing tables are cluttered up with creams and lotions they will k.i ______ never use. know that it is smartest to buy a product with an established reputation. Follow directions as they appear on packages. If the de sired effect continues elusive, con sult your cosmetologist. Her trained services are a good investment, pay ing high dividends in personal sat isfaction and public approval. Don't buy face powder by looking at it in the box. Experiment with different shades on your own skin, until you know which shade is ex actly right for you. Don’t buy a lip stick because it is the type your best friend is using and is so be coming to her. It may be the wrong texture for you; too greasy or too dull. Don’t use brown eye-shadow because a newspaper advertisement says that it is stylish; or creams, just because they are sold in at tractive jars. The wrong kind may be drying to your skin, resulting in wrinkles before your time. All these are hazards the beauty ex perts have learned to correct with scientific exactness ... and thrilling results to the careful seeker after beauty. Even war has never made woman put aside her blessed vanity. The beauty which results is undoubtedly a contribution to maintaining mo rale in these trying times. Let’s make ourselves as lovely as time and science will permit, yet appear to give the credit to Mother Nature This is only fair considering how frequently Mother Nature is blamed for unlovely things which are actu ally the fault of man What are your beauty problems? W rite: Marie Downing, Larieuse Beauty Bureau, 3509 LmdeU Bird., St. Louis, Mo., and she will be glad to answer them. Be sure to enclose a self-addressed, M stamped envelope. fffllDDLE-AGE\ WOMEN (££) HEED THIS ADVICE!! IX you’re cross, restless, suffer hot flashes, nervous feelings, dizziness— caused by this period In a woman's life—try Lydia E. Pink ham‘s Vege table Compound. Made especially for women. Thousands upon thou sands helped- Follow label direc tions. WORTH TRYING! V*___J Gross i JEWELRY & ! LOAN CO. formerly at 24th and Erskine St. I NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. Phone JA-4635 Acid Indigestion What many Doctors do tor it # When “iress stomach ncid eaimcs fas. sour stomach or heartburn, doctors prescribe the fastest acting medicines known far symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Bell-ans Tablets. Try Beli-ans yourself, ax first sign of distress. They neutralise acid, relieve gas. and bring comfort very auidtiy—yet are not a laaative! Only 25c. at drug stores. If your very first trial doesr.; prove Bell-aas better, return bottle to us and get double your money back Did You Place Your FALSE TEETH In a Glass Last Night? Thousands do and wonder why their den tures remain dull and stained - why they suffer with offending denture breath. They fail to realise that water alone is not a cleans ing agent - but now. there's a great formula perfected by e dentist, called Stera-Kleen that thoroughly cleans false teeth Uke magic - no brushing' Simply put a little Stera-Kleen Powder in * (law « water-sons your teeth - now they sparkle are really clean and look li*e the day your dentiat said. ‘‘Don’t they look natural?" Try Stara-Kleen - laets Ion* - coats only 30* At all druggists_ Old Farmer » Recipe Mi* Allenru and Lemor Juice to get Quick relief from pains of rheumatic* and neuralgia Druggist* have Allenru — grocers have Umon*. It's 1 Time 1 to Cool j Off... ! W • ■ **TZ BREWING CO. * OMAHA. NXBR Real Shoe Man— FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR Cash and Carry CLEAN Mt l 1110 North 24th St. 1 ARL CRIVFR,, f TEL, WE 2022 OCR PRICES are based on the cost of serv ice r-!ns the cost of merchandise and a reasonable profit. Thomas FUNERAL HOME 2022 LAKE ST. Omaha, Nebr. NOTICE- PAY UNION DUES ONLY AT LABOR TEMPLE OR AT UNION OFFICE AT MEAD. NO MAN ON THE JOB IS AUTHORIZED TO TAKE MONEY. There are Only Four Authorized Men in Local 1140. They are Pete Bell, Walter McClelland and Kelly Gates at the Omaha office, and Henry Schaefer at the Mead office. | Exquisite Crochet Tablecloth Adds Charm and Beauty to a Room THIS effective accent to dining hospitality offers quick results for nimble fingers. The geometric pattern in filet crochet makes a dis tinctive background for important entertaining. Your own exquisite handwork can maintain the charm and beauty of your home, so set yourself to the pleasant assignment of a square a day—and watch this treasured cloth unfold before your eyes. You’ll find it relaxing and economical Directions for crocheting this tablecloth may be obtained by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Needlework De partment of this paper, specifying design No. 7388. RAT'ff! BOOKS ISSUED/ticRc. •‘You mean / can’t have some extra gas to go visit mg mother-in-lawf" UNHAPPY WIVES FIND NEW HOPE IN SPECIAL VITAMIN COMBINATION Clinical Tests Demonstrate Sterile Women May Be Aided—Happy Homes Are Dependent on Babies Nothing equals a baby to bring com plete unity and happiness into the home usd tie husband and wife into a stronger bond of enduring love and mutual in Many homes break up from lack of children and contribute to the amazing American record of one divorce for every five marriages. Unhappy wives, childless due to a vitamin-deficient finc tional weakness, may now enjoy the de sires and activities of Nature's most wonderful creation—a normal, fully-de veloped, vigorous woman. Sensational clinical tests demonstrate tot, m vitamin-deficient mnaacq. a new vitamin of the B Complex group has a striking effect on sterility. Twenty two women, with known sterility records for as much as fire years were selected for the test. After weeks of heavy dosage with Paraaminobenzoic acid (a vitamin of the B Complex group) more than half of these women became mothers. Many of these women had been told their condition was hopeless. The vita min » absolutely harmless and decided ly beneficial to general health as welL Thus it is apparent that highly forth fied vitamin combination may be jost the thing needed by the childless wife and quickly bring the happiness of a baby into the home. If you are childless and have even giv en up hope, if you wish to eliminate one of the greatest causes of unhappy mar riages, by all means give the Periex Combination Vitamin System a abort trial in the privacy of yoer home. To introdnce this new vitamin combination quickly to a million women, the Periex Company, 314 North Michigan Ave* Chicago, Illinois, will send a regular $2.00 supply for only $1.00 and a few cents postage. You need send no money —just your name and address. Periex comes in a plain wrapper—directions are quite simple, and ao special diet m [exercise is required. l id KSDEFENSE BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS ^BONDS AND SIAM PS \ KEEP N Tjrctfm AMERICA By Albert J. Bates An empty expanse of prairieland se comes a vast airplane engine manufacturing plant . . . where a tew months ago a factory engaged in the peaceful pursuit of hairpin making, it is today turning out parts tor deadly guns ... a belting com pany of yesterday is the producer if tank parts today. Industry is writing its most bril liant chapter of achievement and conversion since the dawn of indus trial America. Marvels of conver sion, production and speed are go ing on under our eyes . . . marvels too great to appreciate while they are m the making. It will take the perspective of years to gain a true appreciation of the accomplish ments. Not many months ago the auto mobile industry was geared to turn 3ut more than 4,000,000 motor ve licles annually. In the greatest con version job of all time . . . achieved in an unbelievably short period . . . it is now producing millions of arti cles of war ranging from small parts to complete tanks, airplane engines, howitzers, and other war equipment. Other plants, and in some cases entire industries, have changed al most overnight from peacetime pur suits to arsenals of war. New plants, non-existent a few months ago, have sprung up to add their I capacity to our rapidly expanding production. And everywhere new production records are being estab lished, in many cases double and treble the original figures. Keep Pitching. America! (Copyright 1942. by Albert J. Bate*, ba Crosse. Wisconsin' CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 201054 N. 24th St- JAckson 8575 .Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. in American & Chinese Dishes klightens TANNED r|/iy DARK »ivm Lijrntor? tar. red dark r ^B skin, externally eausec tni? e^B easy. Gn’ca-aetinp way Use fM Dr. FRED Palmer's Skin w Whrtener T days as directed. M If not satisfies;. MoiwyBack W 25c at dmCTrists. Free Sam I pie. Send3c postage Galenoi " Dept. CT. Box 26-i. Atlanta. Ga OR. FRED PALMER S SKIN WHITENER ^ j Those with tanned-dark akin, V externally caused, who want it M Iwhter, smootner, softer, should try Dr. FRED Palmar's Skin H Whit oner. Use 7 days as directed. M If not satisfied MONEY BACK. V 25c at drtnrsnsts. FREE Sample. Send 3c postage to GALENOL. ^ Dept. CS. Box 364. Atlanta. Ga Dr. Fred Pabner's Skin Wbrtener JOHNSON DRUG CO. * NEW LOCATION 2306 North 24th ■We. 0998 Free Delivers I i _ _ FIRST DELIVERANCE CHURCH BENEFIT STORE 2020 NORTH 24TH ST, ( Across the Street from Ritz Theatre) NEW AND USED MERCHANDISE Clothes, Furniture and Furnishings I "We Save You Money on Good Merchandise” WE BUY. SELL AND EXCHANGE —Mrs. Jackie Bryant, Mgr. A Dress Which You Can Make Yourself r”S not only practical but it’« patriotic to sew yonr own clothes, la keeping with the war-time conservation program, women throughout the country are now enjoying the economies, styie-rightness and persona, satisfaction that comes with home sewing. Here is s dress which you can make yourself, easily and inexpensively. The pattern features a printed tutting line with clearly detailed instructions, so that it is simple foi even the novice sewer to follow. For further information about it and a free leaflet “Helpful Hints on Hemming,” send a stamped, self addressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper, specify ing design No. 4686. YOURS OHS OF THE MANY LUCKY ONES “IF YOU ALREADY-/ HAVE YOUR ELECTRIC RANGE Homemakers, who cook electrically, are Indeed fortunate these days! War work, plus regular duties, keep homemakers on crowded schedules —so time saved means much. No need to tell you how much better electrically prepared foods taste . . . and there's a good reason. Electric cookery retains precious viia* mins—doesn't allow them to be cooked away! Make the most of your electric range ... let it save extra hours for other duties every day. Its automatic timing, deep well cooker, and other valued features are doing a big JqJj by saving time, health and energy! FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE YOUR ELECTRIC DEALER OR NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY The Omaha Guide i ■