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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1942)
THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY, NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant St OMAHA, NEBRASKA RHONE WEbster 1617 Entered as Second Class Matter Manch bo. 1927, at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. ^ Ford, Z ZT Z Mrs. Flurna Coope\ — — Vice Pres. C. C. Galloway, — Publisher and Acting Editor Boyd V. Galloway. — Sec’y and Treas. SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA < One Year — — — — $2.0$ Six Months — — — — $12$ Three Months — — . - .78 One Month — — •— .25 SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN One Year — — — — $2 60 Six Months — — — $1.5C Three Months — — — $1.00 One Month — — — — .40 All News Copy of Churches and all organizat ions must be in our office not later than 1:00 p. m Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy o. Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pre ceeding date of issue, to insure publication. National Advertising Representative: INTERSTATE UNITED NEWSPAPERS, INC., 545 Fifth Avenue. New York City, Phone MUrray Hill 2-5452, Ray Psck, Manager. CHUFCH OF THE UYTN'G GOD Motto C. W. F. F. 1906 No. 24th Street Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Rose Oliver, Reporter Sunday School, 9:45. Morning Worship, 11:30. Y. P. P. U.. 6:00. Evening Worship, 7:30. Wednesday Night Service, 8:00. Sunday I thought the day was grand. The pastor preached a very inspirational sermon, and did our hearts burn within. Sunday night our pastor was invited to preach to a white church on the South Side, where he preached to a large gathering. Many were healed. They really appreciate a man like Rev. Nichols. The South side church will be with him on Tuesday night. While the pastor was absent on Sunday night, Evan geles Marie Wright preached a soul stirring sermon. She really stirred our souls, everyone enjoyed her very much. Sister Dollie Mae Brown also made a beautiful lec ture which we enjoyed very much. Our pastor’s text for Sunday morning, August 16th, will be, ***** “And having Done All to Stand, Stand." Sunday night we are ask ing everyone to be out and hear Rev. Cooly of Bethel A. M. E Church. His subject: “Behold 1 Have Prepared My Dinner.” Don't fail to come out and hear him. Mrs. Willis Long gave the Y. P. P. U., the young people group, a carnival at her home last Satur day which was very successful ----- ST. JOHN’S A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. E. F. Riddiey Ruby B. Reese, Reporter. By the attendance in the morn ing services the general public and members were apparently in a receptive mood to receive the very elegant sermon which our pastor very ably delivered. The choir was out in full array and tried themselves in singing. Our pastor again urges every man and woman to take advantage of all the defense training opportunities that are before use. Thereby pre paring ourselves for the past war period which Will demand trained and efficient workers and to pro tect our occupation by being as sociated with a bonified trade un ion. Brother A. R. Goodlett was appointed to finish the unexspired term of Mr. Webb as Superinten dent of the Sunday School. Our Brick Rally started last Sunday and for such a short time it is beginning to show results. But by no means don’t stop as we are no where near our quoto. The first Sunday in September will be Women’s Day, at St. John’s, and promises to be an outstanding day. Mrs. I. S. McPherson, chair man. Friends who worshipped with us Sunday were Mrs. Alice Wright of Memphis, Tenn.; Hasia Robert son of Atchison, Kans.; Earnest Knox of Des Moines, la; Mrs. Leathia Davis of Columbus, Ohio; Clarence Brown, Atchison, Kans.; Mrs. L. H. McGee, of Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. Fred McDaniel, formerly of Los Angeles, Calif., but now a resident of Omaha, and also a re ent bride, Mrs. Jania Stokes, At dns, Ark.; Mrs. E. F. McCarrol of Birmingham, Ala.; Mrs. Nettie Rollins of the 3rd Seventh Day Adventis Church; Mrs. Susie Rob inson, Mt. Pleasant, La.; Mrs. Harry H. Hardy Portland, Oregon; Mrs. Alice Diggs, Chicago, 111.; C. A. Barnett, 2510 Corby street; Mrs. Dennis and Mrs. Jefferson and son from Arkansas; Syam Meeham of Alliance, Nebr., Mrs. Louise T. Clark, Kansas City, Mo.; sister of Mrs. E. T. Ridley, wife of Rev. E. T. Ridley. At the con clusion of our morning services Rev. Ridley gave a warming hand shake of welcome to each worship per as they left the church. The Junior Choir rendered a most ex cellent program Sunday night in honor of Mrs. Webb their direct ress. Outstanding was the ren dition of the Lord’s Prayer sung, by Hiram Webb. Our guest speaker for Sunday morning, Au gust 16, 1942, will be Dr. T. C Webster. Come and enjoy the serv ices with us at St. Johns . der call Market 2757, ph ase. Rev. R. Cooper was our acting pastor for the last five months. Due to his health he cannot stay any longer. We all loved him and will miss him. He performed won derful work during his stay. MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. William Clayton. Pastor Emma Wilson, Reporter Sunday School, 9.45. Morning Service, 11:00. B. T. U„ 6:00. Rev. Clayton of our church was elected. We all love him and are willing to do our part. Our Sun day School has a Dish Cloth Sale on, the plain white cloths are ten cents each, the ones with different color stripes are fifteen cents each. Rachel Wilson and Violet Curtis are the captains of this sale, and anyone wishing to put in an or CLAIR METHODIST CHURCH Rev. C. C. Reynolds, Pastor Jamie C. Norman, Reporter The District Conference held at the church from Tuesday through Sunday afternoon, was of much in spiration socially and education ally. The District Superintendent Rev. G. D. Hancock stated of the 36 Conferences he had attended, he had never attended one so in teresting and had so many youths. The session was like a garden of flowers, not just because there •>were flowers every where, but the lovliness of the young people. They were all active in the Institute even though one could see here and there a few yawning at the 6 o’elock morning watch as well as the early 6:30 class period and 7:30 breakfast hour. The Morning Watch was both reverent and worshipful. This hour was conducted by Miss Charlene Jacobs of Independence, Kansas, and Miss Wilda Chue of Omaha, assisting. Mrs. Inez Ballard of Wichita, Kansas, was the Dean of the Insti tute. Others on the teaching staff were Mrs. Myrtle Ray of Parsons, Kansas, on “The Use of Leisure”; Mrs. Georgia Goosby, Omaha, “Children of the World”; Rev. W. D. Lester, “Young Adults in Ac tion in the Church”; Rev. J. E Tunstall, “The New Testament in the Life of Today”; and Rev. C. G. Glaspie, "At Work for a Chris tain World”. There were many delegates from the state of Kansas as: Kansas City. Parsons, Wichita, Topeka, Independence. Chanute, Manhat ten and Coffeeville. One from Den ver, Colorado. Nebraska was well represented with 16 from Omaha at Clair Chapel, and several from South Omaha and Lincoln. Delegates elected to the Area Council to be held at St. Louis in September are: Mrs. Myrtle Ray and her alternate, Mrs Reynolds. Miss Charlene Jacobs for The Youth Fellowship, she was also elected president of the District Conference. Mrs. Reynolds was re elected District president. Miss Lucille is to serve as Miss Jacobs’ alternate. The Church expresses thanks to members who made it possible to enjoy such wholesome atmosphere and good food at meal times, and ministers and friends who gave of their possessions, service and those who accomodated the delegates so graciously. The Reynolds family are now located in the newly purchased parsonage at 2028 Miami Street. GOODWINS SPEND VACATION IN KANSAS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Good win spent 10 days vacation in Kan sas City, Missouri, with her brother and wife, Rev. and Mrs. F. D. L. McDonald. They didn't leave any stones unturned they made their stay a pleasant one. They attended the 21st Session of the Woman’s Mite Missionary Con vention, held at Kansas City, Kan. First church, Rev. S. H. Lewis, host pastor, Mrs. Edna B. Foster is president and she was re-elected. DO YOU Have trouble with your feet? Do they perspire too freely and crack the skin between the toes? Do they ache and burn? Are you troubled with painful corns, cal louses or Athlete's Foot? Then try I.D.I—an amazing new formula guaranteed to bring re lief—or double your money back! EASY TO USE—easy to buy; get IS) If «ID1 FRED WALKER, AGENT 984 N. 25th ST. —PHONE ATLANTIC 1689— Bertha’s barb-q AND HOME COOKED MEALS 1024 So. 11th St. Omaha, Nebr. * ( We Offer for Your Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EDHOLM &SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 JOIN THE ATTACK ON TOKYO, ... YOURSELF! * Every person in America may not fly over Tokyo, but every one’s dollars can help produce the bombing planes that do! You, you, you, can join the attacks on Tokyo by saving at least 10% of your pay in War Bonds—by joining your company’s pay-roll savings plan today or going to your local bank or post office and buying War Savings Bonds —at least 10% of your pay—every pay day. Remember you can start buying War Bonds by buying War Stamps for as little as 10c and that you get a $25 War Bond (maturity value) for only $18.75. U. S. TrtajMry Department ^ • ———- ' • I r - CHINESE HEROES AND JAP PRISONERS »vw*:'X*bb;• ■■■••» ■ <'• • ■ ••■:••• rwsrawww!: •• > ■ awisr unr ■■: MHi f CHINA—PIXPAGE—From the senior of the current wars come these photographs. At top a Chinese officer salutes heroic wounded Chinese after the underarmed Chinese forces had inflicted defeat on Japs in North Hunan battle. The lower photograph shows some of the 2,000 Japanese prisoners who were captured by the Chinese troops at • Changsha. YOU CAN HAVE LOVELY HAIR Keep scalp clean as the growth of your hair depends on it. Bring out its natural beauty and your loveli ness. special tmn OFFER * |UU! Hair & Scalp | j Treatment j 3 Items j HAIR POMADE SOc j SCALP j CREME SOc j PRESSING OIL 50c _____ 1 SI.50 1 i i SEND NO MONEY—Pay Postman $1.00 Plus Postage on Delivery. Send Your Order Today. SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED JESSIE KARE BEAUTY PRODUCTS COMPANY 507 FIFTH AVENUE (Room 9051 NEW YORK CITY i The session was very lovely. The Omaha District reported $291.83. and the total raised for both Dis tricts was $803.95. Mrs. Goodwin was re-elected to assistant sec retary-treasurer of the Young People’s Department of the Ne braska Conference Branch. Mrs. Goodwin wishes to thank the pas tor and wife, Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Ridley and members and friends of St. John A. M. E. Church for their prayers, their flowers, cards visits, telephone calls, and kind ness during her recent accident. SUBSCRIBE NOW! By Albert J. Bates v Under the spur of wartime need, American inventive and research genius is producing virtual miracles in the way of new products and new processes to meet combat aad do* mestic needs. With imports of several vital raw materials such as rubber and tin either drastically reduced or elimi nated, and certain domestically-pro duced items being channeled into the war effort, American resource fulness is flowering into full play. Scores of needs have already been met with synthetic products . . . more problems are being solved daily and it is only a matter of time before the most spectacular prob lem of all . . . rubber . . .is solved. The plastic industry, already great before the War, is making giant strides and producing hundreds of items to take the strain off of the critical material's supply. Other in dustries are “in there, pitching” with research, invention and innova tion. We have tinless tin cans, brushes with synthetic bristles, rubberless raincoats and a host of other new or substitute products too numerous to list, but all filling vital needs. And recently one great electrical company started the manufacture 1 of tiny drops of hard glass to take the place of imported sapphires re quired as jewel bearings for vital electrical indicating instruments. In these as in other ways, Amer- j : lea will win through. Keep Pitch- | ' ing, America! ♦Copyright. 1942. by Albert J. Bates, I L.a Crosse. Wisconsin* Ted Yates’ Column (LIGHTS* AC TION* CAMERA) Continued Read where Cab Calloway is do ing a big job to make it posisble for Negro bands to solve the bus solution problem. Could that be Publicity .Yarn No. 0987654321 ? ? ? ... In Lincoln, Nebraska, at Kings Ballroom, Jay McShann, the ork leader, has become Wham Man No. 1. Definition for "wham” is to have plenty of socko . . . Lucky Millinder’s vocalist (Trevor Ba con) has the gals all doing “aah” and that sorta stuff when he chirps at the Savoy nightly. Dig this: Cootie Williams got four hundred and fifty smackers for playing an hour and a half re cently at Colgate University. That’s picking up change, brother . . . Moe Gale, Harlem’s white father, has more artists and name attractions than any other artist representative in the business. He's also credited with being the first to put many sepia star in the five-figure bracket . . . Lucky Millinder a sensation (strictly tops) at Harlem’s Savoy Ballroom. — sijiipuojg ‘sp|03 45943 ‘543003 J04 NOISlfWOaUD ■qaeq Aauoui jnoA aABq 04 ajB noA jo qSnoa aqj sAbub Appjnb 41 Abm aq4 asjq jsnui noA SujpuBjsjap -un aq4 qjpiA uojsinuioajQ jo ai44oq b noA qas 04 4si23nip jnoA ipi sauBjq -uiaui snoonui jBtqouojq paurey -u; ‘japua4 ‘mbj [Baq puB aq4oos 04 ' ajn4BU pjB puB ‘uiSajqd uapBi uua3 ladxa puB uasooi djaq 04 aiqnoj4 aq4 jo 4B3S aqj 04 4q3jj sao3 41 asnBO -aq Ajjdmojd saAaqaj uojsjnuioajo u0 SireH 1BH1 Sp|09 U0UIUI09 UI0J| sqSnoQ 9J6M9g Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis READ The --- NATURAL PAGE BOY ATTACHMENTS YOU CAN HAVE YOUR HAIR PERFECTLY MATCHED FOR Latest Creations Easily Attached Human Hair All Shades SEND NO MONEY} lint tend temple of your hair or ttate color y PAY POSTMAN ST SO plot pottoge 4 on delivery PUFFS, WIGS AND BRAIDS (50c extra for Gray Hair) SATISFACTION OS MONEY SEFUNDED SEND YOUR ORDER TODAY JESSIE KARE BEAUTY PRODUCTS COMPANY 507 FIFTH AVENUE (Room 905) NEW YORK CITY Crochet Smart Summer Accessories WITH your crochet hook and a few balls of mer cerized crochet cotton, you can create smart accessory sets simply and inexpensively. Distinctive accessories will give a favorite costume a new lease on life. Now that Amer ican women are looking for new ways and means to con serve and stretch their ward robes, they are turning to their needles with renewed in terest. Many women who have never before wielded a needle or crochet hook are discovering the many lovely fashion adornments which they can make themselves. For simple, clearly detailed instructions on how to crochet this charming summertime version of the fashionable pill box and these smart two-tone gloves, send a stamped, self addressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper, specifying design No. 9802. Do You Want ••• rJUST TRY this L SYSTEM on your mswm hair 7 days and soo If yon aro really enjoying the pleasure of LONGER HAIR that so often captures Love and Romance. "HAIR GETS LONGER | when scalp and hair conditions are I normal and the dry, brittle, break* f ing off hair can be retarded, it has a chance to get longer and much more ) beautiful. Just try the JUELENI SYSTEM 7 days, let your minus prove results. Send $1. (If C.O.D. ' postage extra). Fully guaranteed. Money back if you are not pleased, ' Mail This Coupon tos pyjUEL COMPANY, Dept.fc-317 I S724 N. Clarti St.. Chicago. III. , II will try the JUELENE SYSTEM tm • T days. If my mirror does not show sstisfae* I Itory results, 1 will ask for my money back. I I Urn_j ■ cm_SWTE__ I OUR customers participate in free sifts I ^3^ v>i* \fd ’ k^ ,vv\^A ** &£** '!fVf^:;.-t>»-*s> v> Vs* a ^ , <**v*vfH 1 V* *VJ*^ " ^'gV* MONTHLY HUN which makes you CRANKY, NERVOUS It you suffer monthly cramps, back ache. distress of "Irregularities.” ner vousness—due to functional month ly disturbances—tryLydia Pinkham's Compound Tablets (with added iron). Made especially for women They also help build up red blood. ^Follow label directions. Try itI j TO RELEASE FLOW OF LIVER BILE Get a bottle of - Kruschen Balts tonight. Half an hour before breakfast, take as much as will Ue on a dime In a glass of water (hot or cold) or In your morning cup of tea or coffee and keep this up for 30 days. Kruschen taken this way helps relieve such symptoms as sick headaches, bowel sluggishness and so-called bilious Indigestion when due to In sufficient flow of bile from the (all-bladder. You can get Kruschen, a famous KngUsh formula made In the U. S. A., at any drug store. You must be satisfied or money back. NORTH 24th st SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 —POPULAR PRICES— LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. Our Half Soleing Method leaves No Repair Look on your shoes. We Use the BEST Material. — Fischer and Fischer, attorneys NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. Bk. 49, p. 123 NO. 22188. In the matter of the estate 0f Norita Love Robinson, Deceased: All persons interested in said mat ter are hereby notified that 0n tho 17th day of July, 1942 Thomas P. Chandler filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his fin al administration account filed here in be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as •*-^ -- - - - _ administrator de bonis non and that a hearing will be had on said peti tion before said Court on the 17th day of August 1942, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 17th day of August 1942 at 9 0 clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a de cree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, t0 the end that ail mat ters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined, Charles J. Southard, County Judge begin 7—25-42 ending 8—8-42. for Popular Brands ; | of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street f Always a place to park_ Furnish Your Entire House hold at the ‘Omaha Outfitting They carry Furniture. Washia* Machines, Radios, Travelling Bs*s, Jewelry and All Kinds of Coal. 2122 North 24th St Phone AT. 5652 JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Koiler, Mgr. HOTEL OLG* NEW YORK CITY 695 Lenox Avenue (Corner 145th Street) Select Family and Tourist Hotel Running Hot and Cold Water in Each Room All Rooms Outside Exposure —Service— Subway and Surface Cars at Door; Rates Reasonable. ED. H. WILSON, Prop. Tel. Aud 3-7920 EVERITE POULTRY - FEED -COMPANY LIVE, DRESSED POULTRY ALL KINDS OF FEEDS, REMEDIES 2520 N. 24th phone AT- 7884 * If you suffer distress from #■"** FEMALE WEAKNESS Which Makes You Blue, Cranky NERVOUS At such times if you’re troubled by cramps, headache, backache, a bloated feeling, nervousness—dis tress of “irregularities’’-due to functional monthly disturbances— try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound! It's helped thousands upon thousands of women and girls to go “smiling thru” such "difficult days.” Lydia Pinkham’s Compound is one medicine you can buy today made especially for women-to re lieve monthly pain and its tired nervous feelings due to this cause. And in such a sensible way! With nature’s own beneficial roots and herbs. No harmful opiates. Taken regularly - thruout the month—Pinkham’s Compound helps build up resistance against such symptoms. Follow label direc tions. Worth trying! UTEST STYLES 1942 . THE TWO GREAT HATE TH* "THf HARLEMITE" • "S&aAfiU* DESIGNED BY HOWARD ^ HARLEM’S LEADING HAT STYUST | MUT MU mi"^HABLEMfTr INTSODUCIN® O . . ,, 1941'* PACE-SETTER OflttAfUje HATS IN ALL SIZES-SHIPPEO ANTWHSU Writ* lot Booklet of HOWARD'S Compl«t* Lin* of IHl Styl*« HOWARD HATS J17 WEST 125th ST. DEPT TTI WEWTOH.M.T,