—^ x r * . Good Reading LARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AND NORTH OF KANSAS CITY —MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS .Entered as Second-Class Matter at The Post Office, Omaha, Nebraska SATURDAY AUGUST 15th 1942 OTTR 1 nthYEAR—?7 rjfv Edition Sr fnnv .Under Act of March 8, 1874-Business Phone: WE. 1517 UUit 1DM I JiAXV No 27 Illy 11,0111011, PC IQPJ COMING AUGUST 20TH, EARL “FATHER” HINES Earl Hines who will bring his famous 19 piece orchestra to the Dreamland for a return engage ment Thursday Aug. 20th. Hines, will feature his vocalists, Billy Ec steing and Madeline Green, as well as his famous trio, “The Three Va rieties.” JOHN ADAMS WINS WITH BIO VOTE IN 5TH Senator John Adams, Jr., pop ular northside attorney, led the field in the 5th Legislature Dis trict with more than 1,200 votes. Harry Foster was again the run ner up with 867 votes. S. E. Gil bert and C. C. Galloway finished in the bottom bracket with 275 and 189 votes. 1 --V .. —H-|» . Jt. . AIR RAID W ARDENS MEET Air Raid Warden meet for First Aid training, Tuesday, August 18th at 7:30. The meeting will be at Long school for all people in the Long school area. PEARL BUCK SPEAKS AGAIN Pearl Buck has supplemented her letter to the New York Times with an even more admonitory note in her address a few evenings ago at a Book and Author Lunch eon in New York City. As she pointed out: “The Col ored American . . . even in defense of his country, is not allowed his share of work . . . Thanks to an ed ucation in democracy, he now really wants to see his country a democracy. When he defends the United States of America he does not want to do so segregated and limited. This contradicts his idea of a democracy. He has grown up a good deal since the last World War. He is willing to fight and die again, but not for something he does not himself possess. “. . . Democracy, if it is to pre vail at this solemn moment in hu man history, can do so only if it purge itself of that which denies democracy, and dares to act as it believes.” Dire Possibilities Ahead It is now apparent what is ahead of us in this “new kind of war, which is different,” as the President has said, “from all other wars of the past". The months ahead are pregnant with dire possibilities. They call for a national unity that shall purge our war intolerance and bigotry, and that shall not be lim ited by any of the traditional hates and prejudices of the past. The denial of fundamental rights and privileges; the denial of nearly every concept of true democracy, and the rights of freedom to peoples of constant loyalty and devotion to our country and its institutions, is, in truth and in fact, a crime against every profes sion of our sincerity that we are at war to spread simon-pure de mocracy throughout the world. — FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with ra dio, for men, HA. 1521. ***** r $ MARINE CORPS QUOTA PRE VENTS ENLISTMENT OF WEST COAST NEGROES New York—Enlistment of Ne groes in the U. S. Marine Corps is based on the quota system which shuts out all Negroes in the Pa cific Coast area from serving, the NAACP learned last week, when the Marine Corps told the Asso ciation that “no allocation has been made to the Western Recruiting Division because of the smallness of its Negro population.” The information came in a mem orandum from the commandment of the U. S. Marine Corps, and was signed Wethered Woodworth. The memorandum also states that if there were recruits from the Wes tern division they would have to be transferred to the recruit cen ter, New River, North Carolina. The NAACP said this is another illustration of the evil of the quota system which restricts and, in this instance, completely debars serv ice of Negroes in a branch of the armed forces. The NAACP also pointed out that there are more than 100,000 Negroes in the Pa cific Coast area. WAR SHOW STARTS AUGUST 24th The Army War Show, gigantic and spectacular display of Amer ica’s armed might will move into Omaha on the week-end of Sat urday August 22nd, for a 4-day performance stay. The War Show will be presented in Creighton Stadium in Omaha on August 24, 25, 26 and 27th. The Army War Show Task Force of 2,000 men and officers has played to capacity crowds”in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Pitss burgh, Akron, Detroit and Mil waukee. It will be in Des Moines immediately before coming to Omaha, which will be the western most stop on the nation-wide tour. More than 955,000 persons have seen the show already. The Army War Show is being sent around the country by the War Department to show the people of America their army. Feeling that very few of the people have an opportunity of getting to posts and stations where they can see the Army at close range, the War Department decided that the people should have a small portion of the Army brought to them. The Army War Show, called by Collier’s magazine “a blitzkreig with the fangs removed,” has everything from a “jeep” parade to the blast of the big 155 milli meter howitzers. In between are the “walkie-talkies,” huge tanks and even bigger tank destroyers, the motorized calvary, and a squadron of the Air Force fight ing planes. Climaxing the show is a real battle action in which all the guns boom and America gets a chance to see the deadly Ameri can War machine operate on the field of battle. The Army War Show takes Force is commanded by Colonel Wilson T. Bals, former Assistant Chief of Staff of the Service Com mand in Omaha. The War Show Battle Depot, an exhibit of all the U. S. Army arms and services will be displayed at Ak-Sar-Ben Field, where the troops will bivouac while in Omaha. Tickets are now on sale, with general admission at 55 cents, and admission to the Battle Depot at 25 cents. It’s a show no Ameri can . . . man, woman or child will want to miss. INK SPOTS RETURN TO NEW YORK’S PARAMOUNT THEATRE, SINGERS. NO. I IN THEIR FIELD, SET PRECEDENT By Ted Yates New York, (TYP.)—No band, no act. and not a single performer can vie with the Four Ink Spots, who are next week (commencing August 5th) put themselves in a class by themselves when they take to the stage of the New York Paramount Theatre. It will be the fifth time in two years that the boys have appeared at Amer ica’s leading playhouse in the very heart of Times Square along the Gay White Way that is dimmed out for the duration. Dimmed-out on the surface but inside of the Paramount all will be bright ’n’ gay when the boys begin to go tc( town with a number of tunes—old and new. The boys who make it their business to sing, and singing is their business, oddly enough, were once porters at the Paramount. It’s a different story now. Six years ago when the genial Moe Gale picked them up they were kids—wanting to go places. This Gale helped them to do. "You Know, Ted,” Gale told me last Wednesday, "the Ink Spots are still kids They’ve got everything.” And, he wasn’t kidding. PRIMARY ELECTION WINNERS State Races Republican Democrat United States Senator Kenneth S. Wherry Foster May Governor Dwight Griswold Charles Bryan First District Congress Carl G. Curtis Ralph G. Brooks Second District Congress Howard Buffet Chas. McLaughlin Third District Congress Karl Stefan (unopposed) G. Hally Fourth District Congress Dr. A. L. Miller Tom Lanigan Secretary of State Frank Marsh Harry Swanson State Treasurer Carl G. Swanson Walter Jensen Lieutenant Governor Roy W. Johnson Harry Conklin Attorney General Walter Johnson Michael’ McGlaufliiTT unopposed) State Auditor Ray C. Johnson W. Marsh (unopposed) Railway Commissioner Clarence M. Davis F. A. Good State Superintendent (Nonpolitical) Charles W. Taylor and Wayne O. Reed (two nominated). County Winners Republican Democrat 1st District Commissioner Frank C. Best Peter Mehrens 2nd District Commissioner Joseph F. Steiger Edward Jelen 4th District Commissioner H. B. Bergquist Thomas J. O'Cornor Attorney Kelso Morgan J. T. English Sheriff W. H. Dorrance C. Con Heafey Treasurer Ernie Adams Anton J. Tusa Clerk of District Court Robert Smith Henry Payne Assessor Joe Stolinski Frank Tesar Surveyor Louis E. Adams Bill Green Superintendent (Nonpolitical) J. G. Masters Henry M. Eaton Legislative Fourth District William J. Norman Fifth District John Adams, Jr. Harry A. Foster Sixth District Sam Klaver Patrick W. O’Connor Seventh District Charles F. Tvardik Eighth District Peter P. Gutoski Harold P. Caldwell Ninth District Elmer E. Thomas Sidney J. Cullingham Tenth District Cliff N. Ogden George E. Cornwell Metropolitan Utilities District (Equivalent to Election) Directors Allan A. Tukey Dr. Willard H. Quigley Democratic Vacancy Eugene D. O’Sullivan Omaha School Board Dr. Herbert E. King Dr. Claude W. Mason Myrtle I. Ross Earle C. Reynolds Frederick H. Bucholz Harold J. Grove Edward B. Crofoot Garrett P. Wiig Bessie R. Saxton Melvin Kennedy Francis M. Casey Ruth H. Rees Short Term Vacancy William Kunold Lawrence G. Welch Jasper A. Savage >>BE YOUR OWN FIREMAN If civilian defense activity is to achieve maximum results, the pre vention and control of fire must be stressed at all times. No one knows whether fire bombs will ever rain down from the skies upon our cities, towns, farms and industrial centers. If tnat does happen—and never forget that it can happen—the very life of this country may depend upon the ef ficiency of our fire fighters, both professional and volunteer. If it doesn’t happen, a public which is trained in the basic principles of fire prevention can be of inesti mable service in reducing the vast toll of fires which occur “normal ly.” It has been said that many com munities have relaxed their civil ian defense fire training simply be cause they couldn’t obtain as much fire-fighting equipment as they’d like to have. Any community which does that is asking for de strution. It would be very fine if every town could be supplied at once with all the apparatus it wants. But that is obviously im possible. And in the meantime, every community should be pre paring volunteers to handle equip-^ ment when it comes—and to fight fire in other ways if it doesn’t come. }/r^ WAITERS’ COLUMN ammma mv/ (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 The Omaha Atheletic Club is always a headliner in using good ideas and efforts to bring about results and as there are more of our race employed there than any other business concern in Omaha, they have added three very fine young ladies as elevator opera- j tors and we truly hope they will make good. As all the employees in every department from the of fice, the dining room, kitchen and front door men are on the up and go at all times, and we should all give the general manager, and the assistant manager a hand for add ing Miss Cleo Mills, Miss Marjorie Johnson, Miss Margaret Gray to the elevator service. The 3 R. R. boys are tops at all times and are taking care of the service in a very fine way. Mr. Roy McAllister, Mr. Herman Smith, Mr. Lindwood Hall, Mr. Luther Johnson, Mr. Hopkins, Mr. Rodney Williams, Mr. Philips, Mr. Ben Gileland. Mr. Louie Ardison, Mr. Jimmie Woods are very much out in front. The Omaha Guide is like a Government tank it is going over the top. We had the pleasure of riding down town on one of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Streamlined Bus’s with Superintendent Booth of the Paxton Hotel, and he said the race horse head waiter and the fire crew are going places and do ing many things. And the Army and Navy room, with Mr. Buford and Mr. Peerson in charge are going over the top. Keep the good work up, boys. This writer had the pleasure of talking with the musician head waiter and his brother, Mr. Charles Harold, and some more big shots on Friday evening, August 7th, they were parked on North 24th Street in front of big business houses that sells merchandise and delivers it in bottles and glasses. They asked many questions and received many quick answers as we always make it snappy on items of that kind. The White Horse Inn waiters are on the up and go at all times. And say boys in working up always do unto others as you would have others do unto you, as we all have | to live. Now boys be broad' . minded. Brother John Evans is [ always out in front at the Rome Hotel. The Fontenelle waiters can shift gears at any time when it comes to modern service. Mr. George Thomas and Mr. Earl Copeland on room service, and the two front door men, Mr. James Donley and Mr. John Dallas, are taking care of the service in a very fine way. The 4 C Club will be entertained by one of the mem bers at the next meeting, and the Club’s Annual Smoker will take place later on, and the special din ner to honor the Chairman of the Sick Committee. Mr. Smith also will be one of the early full party’s, and all of the members will please take notice of how many shares have you in the Credit Union. ANNE BROWN IN PHILLY CONCERT By Ted Yates (Staff Correspondent) New York, (TYP.)—Making her first concert appearance since leaving the George Gershwin suc cess, “Porgy and Bess,” Anne Brown appeared in an all-Gersh win program with Oscar Levant and the Robin Hood Dell Sym phony Orchestra on Thursday eve ning in Philadelphia. Edwin Mc Arthur was conductor. SOUTHERN POLITICIAN TELL OF FASCIST PLAN TO DESTROY DEMOCRACY AND RIGHTS OF NEGRO PEOPLE; WOULD BEGIN IN ALABAMA Bessemer, Ala.—The preamble to a treason-born blueprint for fascism designed to guide the friends of Hitler in this country in their efforts to destroy unity of the American people behind I the Roosevelt Administration’s war effort, and with it, the Negro people’s win-to-war demands for full justice and freedom, was read here July 22 by Horace Wilkin son, one-time political machine boss of Birmingham. Wilkinson, acting as a front man for powerful reactionary indus trial and farming interests, gave the background for this blueprint in a speech before the local Ki wanis Club, whose members com prise some of the leading employ ers now working on war contracts here and in other key production centers of the South. The speech called upon those industrialists, together with poll taxers and other Ku Klux Klan elements to back a pro-Hitler pro gram whose main points include: incitement to violence against Negro people in civilian life, in the armed forces, in war indus tries, in the ranks of organized labor, separation of the southern people from the national adminis tration through the false slogan of “maintaining white supremacy,” and by implication, setting up a pro-fascist party against both the Republican party and New Deal Democrats. The speech made it clear that such a program could effectively sabotage the work of the Presi dent’s Committee on Fair Employ ment Practices (FEPC), and thus nullify Executive Order 8802, which abolishes discrimination in all war industries and in govern ment agencies. Wilkinson left no doubt in the minds of his listeners as to his position on the treasonable action of inciting racial violence. Open ing with a statement about an al leged conversation between him self and a bus driver in Birming ham, he said: "We were standing on the corner discussing the World War. A street car stopped and a number of Negroes crowded around the entrance, attempting to get admission. This man point ed to the group of Negroes and said to me, ‘Right there, Mister, is where the next war will break out and it might start before this one is over’.” Attempting to give proper cam ouflage to the point he was mak ing, Wilkinson continued: "I re garded this as an ovei statement of the situation, but I was im pressed with the man’s sincerity when he detailed numerous recent incidents of insolent, impudent conduct on the part of Negro pas sengers that necessitated ‘calling the law’ as he expressed it, Wilkinson then proceeded to cite a number of “instances” of his own, including the legal lynch Mng of Odell Waller, the attack on the noted artist Roland Hayes and his family, the War Department’s placement of Negro trainees at Tuskegee and other southern cen ters. He used the recent speech of Wendell Willkie, broadcast from the NAACP Convention in California, as a platform from which to indicate his position on the Republican party and the New Deal membership of the Demo cratic party. “Willkie,” he said, "advocated a program that, in my judgment, would inevitably result in two things, namely: the destruction of segregation and the amalgamation of the races, and as I see it, the difference between Mr. Willkie and the national leadership of the op posing party is the difference be tween Tweedle-dee and Tweedle dum." Then, indicating the real fascist line which reactionary poll taxers and other friends of Hitler are to follow, he declared: “These in stances, like boils on the body, are indicative of a condition that needs attention. They are not mentioned purpose of showing you that the for the purpose of arousing feeling against the Negro race, but for the purpose of showing you that the time has arrived for discussion that will provoke serious consid eration of the situation in Ala bama and the south and bring forth suggestions for a solution of the problem within the law and un der the Constitution of the United States.” Citing Tuskegee as one example of ho wa “solution of the problem” can be worked out “within the law”, he declared: “One man in whom I have great confidence, told me that practically every re sponsible male citizen in the town was a special officer of some kind.” And then, by way of cau tion, he added: “Extra-legal methods (Lynchings and burnings of Negroes—GBMJR) however necessary they may have been in days of yore, are not to be re stored to now.” Wilkinson gave further indica tion of other “constitutional” methods to be used, when he de clared that Supreme Court deci sions which freed Negro victims, including four of the Scottsboro boys, on the ground that Negroes were excluded from the convicting juries, were judgments that were “erroneous from a legal and con stitutional viewpoint,” because the “criminal element among the Ne groes has accepted these decisions by our highest court as a license to murder and ravish and rob.” He then launched a direct at tack on the President, under the guise of discussing the work of the FEPC in attacking discrimination against Negroes in war industries, government agencies, and in those unions that bar Negroes from membership. For this, he pro ceeded to attack the War Depart ment’s Program of stationing Ne gro troops in the south, concluding this part of his speech with a lying statement reflecting on the cour age of Negro soldiers. With sufficient emphasis to let listeners know that the pro-Hitler level of a Negro must organize. If there is room in this country for National Association for the Ad his listeners know that the pro Hitler program was by no means to be restricted to the South. Wil kinson outlined the following as first steps to carrying out a com plete bule-print of American fas cism: “My first suggestion”, he said, “is that we organize state wide, South-wide, nation-wide. The white men of the south who oppose dragging white men down to the vancement of Colored People, there is need for a League to Main tain White Supremacy. . . . The time to act is now. An organiza tion should be formed, so strong, so powerful and so efficient, that this menace to our national secur ity and our local way of life will rapidly disappear. It can be done. It should be done. Alabama must lead the way. “This is neither th.e time nor the place to discuss details. That must be done by wise leadership around the Conference table and followed by constitutional action. However, it is not too early to let the world know that we will not allow a group of Negroes to des troy national unity by forcing the Negro into channels in the south that are closed to him and which will remain closed to him in the south as long as we think our way of life worth living.” THE PRINCESSES The meeting was held at the home of Florentine Goodlett, 2726 Binney Street, on Saturday, Au-1 gust 8, 1942. We discussed plans ' for a theatre party to be held soon. After various other business was discussed, the meeting was ad journed and refreshments were served. Doris Pittman, President, Beverly Stams, Reporter. PERKINS ENTERTAIN Mr. and' Mrs. William Perkins of 2504 Lake Street, entertained at a 10:30 a. m. breakfast, honor ing his foster mother, Mrs. Wil son of Baxter, Kansas. Covers were laid for ten. INDUSTRY PERSISTS IN EXCLUDING NEGROES Labor Shortages Threatened But Refusals Continue—Future Possibilities Discussed By Emmett J. Scott Wasington, D. C. — As na tional mobilization of man power proceeds, it becomes increasingly evident that a labor shortage in the United States is in the offing forecast to occur between July 1, 1942, and July 1, 1943. The conversion of industry to war production will call for a schedule of 10,000,000 additional war production workers, and an additional 2,000,000 men for con tingents of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps. This startling revelation gives some notion of America’s colossal war preparation now underway, calling for 4,200,000 men in uni form, and 15,000,000 other to be employed in turning out the im plements of war by December of this year. Coincident with the release of this information comes a survey study of employment prospects for Negroes in armament industries , just published by the Reports and Analysis Division of the Bureau of Employment Security of the So cial Security Board. Summary of Findings A summary of its findings in dicates that Negroes were not con sidered for employment in 51 per cent of 282,245 openings that oc curred in selected establishments in defense industries during the period September, 1941—Febru ary, 1942. Questioning of employers by Employment Service interviewers revealed that the degree of exclu sion is even greater at the higher skill levels. A? all skill levels there are occupations with heavy defense labor requirements in which most employers expect to continue to exclude Negroes. Considerable differences in em ployer responses among the vari ous industries and in various States were noted, it is stated. The least exclusion was reported by employers in the shipbuilding in dustry. (During the last World War record for driving rivets was broken by a singing Colored crew in an American shipyard—at Nor folk, Va.) This is a depressing state of af fairs after the struggles made dur ing the past 8 months to focus attention on the exclusion of Ne groes from defense industries. The right of this group to participate fully in the defense program has been buttressed by an Executive Order from the White House. Gov ernment defense contracts which forbid discrimination against Ne groes have been issued. Enlight ened public opinion has expressed itself. Still the practice continues. GEMS OF REPUBLIC Stars on the Horizon By Ted Yates Gene Autry, America’s No. 1 cowboy, was inducted into the Army last Wednesday amidst pomp . . . “Flying Tigers’’ with John Wayne, Anna Lee and John Carroll, will just about top all of the war epics . . . Alexander Granach, who was chased all over Europe by the Axis secret police and finally escaped to America, played a Gestapo agent in “Joan of Paris” . . . Lillian Randolph is the newest sepia star of Repub lican pictures. Incidentally, Re public has done the. best job of bringing Negro cinema players to the front . . . Charles Reed Jones, publicity prexy at Repub lic’s New York office is an ardent Canada Lee fan. They both hob knobbed and gabbed about show biz when Lee visited the studio last summer . . . Jane Withers is a Buy Bonds Baby. i nr, w r.r.iv By H. W. Smith EM Killingworth and Bud Green both say their injured ankles are improving. The 4 C. Club had a very inter esting meeting. American Legion State Meeting in the making. District Conference at Clair Chapel Methodist Church a com plete success. Mr. Edward Lee on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Holcomb of Lincoln, Nebr., were in Omaha over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carr vis ited the Veterans’ Hospital in Lin coln, Nebr. Miss Forrest the Streamlined Stenographer of the Urban League is out in front in attending to bus ines. And how Miss Jones, the helpful fire school teacher of Dallas, Tex., entertained very royally by Omaha Society. Miss Lorain Crawford left for Bolena, Miss. The Boy Scouts returned to the city with General Mahamit in command. Let’s give them a hand. Mr. Jonnie Maloy at the Athletic Club. Dr. Wesley Jones walking fast on 24th Street. Mr. Brown of the Urban League has a very pleasant smile for every one. Primary election over. Some winners and many losers. The N. A. A. C. P. membership drive going over the top. 1 Pegler Good old Pegler has come back not once, not twice—but three times. Each time stronger—with a complete turnabout—for the Ne gro. Why ? Pegler who has found, like many a wise metropolitan editor, that “a line about a Negro in the white press means a long line forming at the news stands.” Newspapers like the New York Daily News, Herald Tribune, P. M„ the Wash ington Post, Cleveland Plaindeal er, to name a handful, have always been kind and gentle in writing of and about Negroes. As a re sult they have a guaranteed news stand circulation in sales from race readers. More people are now reading Pegler than ever be fore. The Negro Press that Pegler claimed was not really (?) to be considered journalistic in any sense now is giving Pegler much space in re-Writing in part or whole his articles that are now in favor and not against Negroid policies. The whip, my friends, now has become the golden rule and our editors, educators, schol ars, and the race as a whole—that has become an ardent reader of Pegler now—is attending school. Prof. Pegler no doubt chuckles to himself when classes are out. And why shouldn’t he? He has found that if you step on the clutch too hard that the going will be rough. Ease down on it slightly, lightly ’n’ politely—and, well, you know the rest. BETTE DAVIS, ETHEL WALTERS HONOR NEGRO SOLDIERS Bette Davis, Ethel Walters, Hat tie McDaniels and a galaxy of stage, screen and radio stars paid homage to one of America’s most famous military units Tuesday, July 28, 1942, when Teddy Roose velt’s old Negro Regiment cele brated 75 years of uninterrupted Army service at Camp Lockett, California. The gala show highlighted a full-day anniversary celebration tor the veteran Negro Regiment whose spectacular history includes participation in the Indian wars and Philippine Insurrection, as well as the famed San Juan Hill charge of Colonel Theodore Roose velt and his Rough Riders in the Spanish-American War. General John J. Pershing also served with this regiment during the Mexican Border Incident and used it t<) pursue Pancho Villa into Mexilo. The 75th Anniversary Celebra tion began with a regimental for mation and review at which the commanding officer presented the Shipp Memorial Trophy to the outstanding soldier in his first year of enlistment Winner of this year’s award was Staff Sergeant Frank Steel of New York City who enlisted in 1940. NATIONAL CONVENTION OF COLORED RAILROAD TRAINMEN AUGUST 27TH Kansas City, Mo.—Twenty-five hundred men, employed by six dif ferent railroad companies, will be represented in national conven tion which will convent at Y. M. C. A., Kansas City, Mo., August 27 and 28th. According to the National Brotherhood official, the Brother hood of Trainmen, Incorporated, have become merged and are inde pendent standard railroad labor unions not affiliated with either the A. F. of L>. or the C. I. O., it has been found that the latter organizations offered no substan tial protection for colored railroad, trainmen, brakemen, porters, switchmen, firemen and other railroad groups of the Negro race. During the session, all national officers will be elected a.s the term of office of those now heading the Brotherhood ends in August. The list of executive board and repre sentatives as announced by Pres ident Steve Bennett, who are ex pected to attend this annual con vention are: Vernon C. Coffey, Di rector-General Attorney, L. H. Hoyl, Director-General Chairman both of Kansas City, L. W. Fair child, Director, Poplar Bluff, Mo., S. Li. Howard, Director, Memphis, Tenn., John Benion, Director of Organizations, St. Louis, Mo., P. Moppin, Ass’t to Gen’l President. St. Louis, Mo., R. L. Pettis. Vice President, St. Louis, Mo., Ira Sa ville, Vice President, Little Rock, Ark., William Eldridge, Vice Pres ident, Omaha, Nebr., Harold Mc Pherson, Ass’t to Gen’l President. Springfield, Mo., Omak Ezell, Vice President, Mobile, Ala., Henry T. Kum, Vice President, Hugo, Okla., W. B. Mitchell, Vice President, Oklahoma City., Okla., Hurley Bibbs, Vice President, Valley Park, Mo., B. O. Crayne, Vice President. Kansas City, Mo., George Hiram, Vice President, Oklahoma City, Okla., Henry Winston. Vice Pres ident; Springfield, Mo., Clinton Messengale, General Treasurer, Springfield, Mo., U. V. Weathers, Ass’t Director or Orgon. St. Louis, Mo., Frank Gilliam, Vice Presi dent, New Orleans, La., Leory A. Tease, General Secretary, Okla homa City, Okla., J. F. Price, Sec retary Missouri Pacific System, and representatives from all local lodges.