The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 08, 1942, City Edition, Page FIVE, Image 5

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.Elmer Thomas
To my Friends in the
Fifth Legislative District:
One of the candidates for ih^
Legislature from your District is
C. C. Galloway. I have known him
for more than 20 years He is the
editor of the Omaha Guide, the col
ored weekly newspaper.
Mr. Galloway has martyr blood in
his veins. He never learned such
words as defeat and discourage
ment. although he has carried a
heavier load than anyone I know.
The Hebrew children who were cast
into the burning, fiery furnace at
tained immortality for their brave
act of a single day. For 20 years
he has gone through the furnace
and the smell Of fire is not upon his
He is the guide of his people. I
hope to see him receive one of the
two nominations in your District.
He is able, fearless and stands for
the right. May I ask you as friends
of better government to give him
your vote on the Primary day next
Tuesday, August 11th?
The Way to Elect
A State Senator
In the 5th District
First, vote for C. C. Galloway: if
not for him, then another colored
man and thus nominate two colored
The sentiment among whites, as
well as colored persons, js that a
colored man should be elected. All
good Americans believe that should
be done—"IN THE NATION'S
For nearly forty years C. C. Gal
loway has served the colored peo
ples and the community through
good and had days, without com
plaint and without price. He asks
your votes on August 11th that he
may continue that service even
more helpfully.
Mr. Galoway knows the problems
Of workers and business men. He
has come all the way as Farm
worker, hotel worker. Restaurant
proprietor. Real estate operator,
newspaper publisher and civic work
er. He has been a leading spirit in
every effort for race and commun
ity betterment in Omaha and th?
state for all the years of his man
hood. Whenever and wherever
possibe he has always helped the
persons who stood most in need of
his aid. no matter how lowly.
In his thinking on public matters
he is a liberal, a friend of the work
ers and a champion of economic
and social progress. He has "The
strength to serve and the Patience
to Suffer”, and still go on.
If elected, I believe the Fifth Dis
trict will have a Senator who will
work for the common good, not for
getting anyone, no matter what his
creed Or his color or race.
We cry aloud for DEMOCEACr.
Let us prove our faith in it by el
ecting C. C. Galloway, the host
qualified aspirant in the District.
“You Know the
Problems of
the People”
.Irving W. Gray
Chicago, Illinois,
C. C. Galloway, 2420 Grant St..
Omaha, Nebr.,
I endorse you as a most worthy
candidate for State Senator in the
Nebraska State Legislature election.
I don't believe there is a man in the
great State of Nebraska, who is
more familiar with the problems of
all the people in the State than you.
I know what you stand for.... Fair
Play for all the people in all walks
of life.
Hotel Delprado.
Chicago. 111.
The aspirant should be educated!
;n practical politics, through the ,>ne
nrd only school. Th.- School of K <
pe n fl..f
He shouil e the courage •«-;
fight for the principles of true ad
vancement and not to be a Horn
Tooter or a Band Wagon Hitchh:k
He should be aggresive. but nut
vain or egotistical.
He should be honest and tru>t
He should have the respect and
coperation of the men he will be
associated with in the event he is
elected, otherwise the whole pur
pose is lost.
He should have the semblance of
being a Native Son, that his True
Record and past, whether good, bad
or indifferent, may be thoroughly
known to the Voting public.
He should not be selfish or ap
proprjative. One way rides are out.
He should be willing to make per
sonal sacrifices in the interest of
public welfare, rather than to sacri
fice public welfare in the interest
of personal gains. Whomsoever he
may be who assumes and magnifies
the glory and responsibility for th'
worthwhile efforts and achievements
Of a group or groups and disclaims
any personal responsibility for the
failures, is an appropriative person
an* not qualified for leadership
lie should have courage and d, •
termination, he should have the
courage to carry on when the cards
are stacked against him and not be
a quitter. He should be able to ac
cept defeat with a smile and victory
■with grace.
He should put the interest of the
public high and above the Dollar
Sign interest. It takes a strong
man and even a stronger character
to do this. Tou can ballot on this
one item alone and never go wrong
A candidate having 'she “Shouid
not be or have” qualities can be el
ected by applying such methods de
viously on an unsuspecting public.
A candidate having the "Should be
or should have" qualities can be de
feated by not keeping the public On
the alert.
Some of the "Should have” and
some not have or be” qualities can
perhaps be found in any of tile sev
eral candidates for this office. But
there is one who stands out from
the rest in the “Should be and
should have” qualities.
It would take volumes to enum
erate the good deeds and works of
C. C. Galloway, but they have sel
dom been broadcasted. He has a
distaste for bragging and fourflush
ing. When there is a JOB TO BE
DONE, he doesn’t stop to take the
second look to make sure that lie
has an audience, nor does he ring
cow bells or blow Fog Horns to get
an audience- Is such efforts be
thinks he is only doing his duty
. .a duty to his people, something
that any other upstanding man o:
woman would do under similar cir
cumstances. And not to gloat over
_His only object being to “take
our boys and girls from behind dust
cloths, dish rags, mops, brooms and
Out of give them a
chance along with other qualified
bo vs and girls.”
Whenever and wherever in the
State of Nebraska, the welfare of
the Colored people has been at
stake.You have always found
C. C. Galloway in the Front line or
in the Front seat... .calm, fearless,
and unafraid: Ready to do battle
"For my People". No matter what
the sacrifices would he to his per
sonal fortune Fighting Times Re
quire Fighting Men. Elect a fight
er. proven and true blue
If C. C. Galloway had his youth
today and whatever freedom his
people did have was being threat
ened by an egotist like Hitler and
if he had no tangible dependents he
would not be seeking a cause to re
main on the home front. C. C. Gal
loway is a fighter for your rights,
with or without pay or reward, it
is part of his being- his life
This is the kind of leadership we,
can’t get enough of. We have slept
too long Voters. "Tis deeds we want
not nojee.
C. C. Galloway has sacrificed an
unbelievable persona] fortune in art
effort to better the lot of his peop'e.
But yet. even if he had to walk ten
For You and Yours
Mark Your Ballot
C, C. Galloway ■
Fassj '-■e-igEH'jiwwo'wam
miles to defend a woman, or man,
who had been unjustly mistreated
He would do it, He has done It.
Remember the Race trouble In
1919. Remember the Teamster's
Strike,.... Times like these call for
men. C. C. Galloway didn't hide in
the cellar.He helped to calm
the situation. There's been sim
ilar situations before and after. C.
C. Gajloway was there. He didn’t
blunder, he knew most nearly what
to say and how to say it.
There is no Better Proof of C. C.
Galloway’s /ualifications for public
office than the fact that he holds
the respect of most of Nebraska s
public officiate, friend ano foe alike
They respect him because they know
that he is Honest and Sincere in his
Desire to advance the welfare of
hi* people- They know that any
man who has remained unshaken in
his faith and convictions for more
than 40 years is entitled to respect
whether he gets it or aot.
As an example of what we mean,
by sacrificing personal wealth, we
refer you to the Testimony of Tom
Crawford at one of Omaha's Biggest
Trials. "How we helped to frame
Galloway*'. There was a lot of
money tied up in that deal Ten sub
urban Acres and a $30,000 bldg......
and it all came about because C. C.
Galloway wanted better living con
ditions for our boys and girls and
consistently refused to Play ball
with the boys who wanted to pawn
souls for personal gain. ..
Others succumbed under the pres
sure, but C. C. Galloway and a few
more strong men stood their groun 1
and finally won out: making Om
aha a better place fo- you and your
loved ones to live in. But in spite
of the vile and underhand propa
ganda that has ben used by his en
emies to break his spirit and to dis
credit his deeds, he has came
through like the Veteran Warrior
he is; and today heads the largest
first and only complete publishing
house or manufacturing concern at
its kind in the State. Visit it and
see for yourself.
Tou can get good legislation only
from the man who puts your inter
est above everything else. Elect C.
C. Galloway. He is sincere He
is capable. His unwavering cOtr
age should be rewarded.
C. C Galloway is a life long resi
dent of Omaha and here to stay, to
share with you The Storms as well
as the Sunshine. His enterprises
have paid thousands of dollars jn
taxes and salaries. He is one of the
pioneers in the building of Omaha
and making it a better community
in which to live. There is not one
park bench, cobble stone, corner
light, or grain of alphalt paid for
through local taxation that does not
have some percent of his tax mills
invested therein.
Some of C. C. Galloway's out
standing efforts in behalf of hit ra.e
will never be known, becau*^ of
tfecir confidential nature. C C.
Galloway works with or withyu* an
audience. His heart is in his work.
He is a sincere Race Man.
“I Hope You Will
be the Next
-- Triplett
Cheyenne. Wvo.
July 21. 1942
Mr C. C. Galloway.
2420 Grant Street.
Omaha. Nebraska
My Dear C. C.—
1 see you are yet campaigning for
State Senator, that I am proud of
and I hope when the votes are
counted, it will be Senator C. C.
Galloway Square
I hope to get some write ups from
the U.S.O. and send to you. The L\
S. O. Is grand.
I have a very nice Job here, the
work is pleasant, and so are the
Tour Friend.
cio Supt.’s Office,
U. P. Railroad Co..
Cheyenne, Wyo.
An example Of his ACTION and
HOT WORDS deeds was brought to
light a few years ago when jobs
were Hard to Get- A large place
ment of girls were made in desir
able jobs. A year later the manag
er of the store asked the girls ff
they knew who was responsible for
their placement.They didn’t
know.even after a year. C.
C. Galloway was responsible The
men who organized Omaha’s first
worthwhile Community House, say
that C. C. Galloway was the prime
figure in bringing it about. He has
not grasped this as a means to glor
ify himself. When there is a labor
srortage. as is the case during the
present work or fight' era, he has
dozens^ of calls for help placement
but he does not try to impress thosa
hired that they are obligated to
When he was president of the
NAACP it ran up a membership in
four figures.he was working
for the uplift of his Race the same
as the rest of the members.
An active Race deputy sheriff in
Douglas County was only a distant
dream to many^ people until C. C.
Galloway took the “bull by the
horns’’. As you know, he has been
an outspoken exponent of Pro-rata
employment for 40 years. The first
question asked by him of any candi
date who asks him for assistance
is Not “How Much Money Can You
Let Me Have;-But “How
many of 'my people' will you em
ploy?” Ask the candidates_ It
would take volumes to enumerate
the deeds of C. C. Galoway.
A veteran Omaha, merchant -said
recently: C. C. Galloway would oe
a wealthyman had he not chosen to
be a humanitarian..Countless
times C. C Galloway has bent over
backward to help those who wen
down and Out. He has taken money
badly needed by his own business
and against the advice of friends
and used it to clothes, house ai.d
feed those who had asked him f ir
assistance. The reciptants have
shown their appreciation in differ
ent ways.some have been grate
ful while others have just forgotten
about the whole thing, while others
have turned and bit the help jig
hand, with vehemence. Some -if
far as to justify themselves by
spreading tales which more aptly
describes themselves. C. C. Gallo
way simply says “A person needing
help has been helped, you can nev
er tell what they will do when they
get up on their feet end get their
bearings again. I don't want anyone
to feel obligated to me, that is not
the spirit of assistance, we all iTed
help at some time or another.” C.
C. Galloway is a public spirited man
in fact, he is interested in the prob
lems of the individual and collective
public. Let’s help to elect him
State Senator fro mthe 5th District.
He will give unselfish and unstint
ing public representation. Vote for
C. C. Galloway.
He who claims to be perfect Is
not trustworthy
C. C. Galloway puts forth no such
claims. But never in his long ca
reer has he committed any premed
itated misdeeds or errors calculated
to advance his own cause at YOUR
EXPENSE. He has never offered
accepted any in an effort to elevate
himself to public office. And You
may rest assured Mr. and Mrs. \rot
er. that if ever elected to office, it
■will be down the straight paith
and through the power of your vet
Will Give C. C. Galloway Their
Mr. Joe Tretiak and Son-in-Law,
Inspecting the appearance of Mr. r.
C. Galloway’s from a newspaper
clipping that Mr. Tretiak’s had cut
from a local newspaper. Mr. Tre
tiak stated to friends and acquaint
ances he had known Mr. Oalloway
for 27 years, and that he considered
him one of Omaha’s greatest citiz
ens and that he was going to give
Mr. Galloway his wholehearted sup
port in hi? campaign race for the
State Legislature Representative rf
the 5th District.
Mr. Tretiak is a successful busi
ness man, he is the proprietor of the
Omaha Jobbing Company at 317 So.
15th St. He has ben in business jn
Omaha for 31 years. Mr. Tretiak,
his wife. 2 daughters, and son-in-'aw
are out plugging 100 percent in the
interest of Mr. Galloway's election.
C. C. Galloway IS FROM THE
RANK AND FILE of everyday
working people and proud of It. All
of his worldly goods have been
earned through Sweat-Toil and
Proven m»rit. He is not a Diploma
"Waving. Better Than Thou, Soft
Berth Seeker. He has won hie
■purs on the Proving Grounds of
life itself. He does not have the
feeling of stooping below his dignity
In solicitude, when he shares with
you, your Joy and sorrows. Tour
problems are his problems. He un
» y Y v—-v—■■
derstands the problems of labor «*s
well fis business, because he came
up the Hard way... From the Fields,
through the Kitchens, until at 32
years of age he was proprietor of
the 2nd largest Hotel cafe in Metro
politan Omaha That was years a
go-lie has continued to grow with
the times and to make the best of
his positions of trust. His City
and State wide contacts and ac
quaintance? have qualified him to
better serve you.
Herman Friedlander
“He has always stood and fought
for what is right”
es alone- When elected, he will be
responsible to YOU. THE PUBLIC
and no one else.
C. C. Galloway does lay no claim
to being a one man wonder show;
capable of doing everything while
Others do nothing He realizes ard
Is glad of the fact that other pat
riotic Omahans have worked Just as
unselfishly for the advancement of
our community. These men and
women have worked together and
separately and in their own partic
ular way. but their mutual goal has
always been the same. A Better
Omaha, and not a better I AM.
Voters, be not fearful to think for
yourself. Right is might. A person
who does things unselfishly, is an
unselfish person. We need unself
ish leadership. Vote for C. C.
.—Galloway for Senator Committee
.... of Omaha, especially to my
fi lends in the 5th district. I have
known C. C. Galloway for the past
3i> years. I have found him to be
a high class gentleman... .a man
wbo keeps his prom -se good ... a
man who calls a spade a spade. ...
a man whostands for justice to his
race-a man that is a credit to
th- Colored iace and a c'cdit to our
Therefore. I who am always in
teiested in the welfare of tin Col
cred race will appreciate your vote
for our friend, C. C. GALLOWaT
formerly at 2414 N. 24th St.
8211 Myrtle Avenue
Mr. C. C. Galloway is a candidate
for State Senator of the 5 th District
Mr, Galloway not only deserves our
vote, but we should take it upon
ourselves to see that our friends
ind neighbors go to the polls and
vote for him alongside of other de
serving candidates.
I have known Mr. Galloway more
than 25 years. He has always bean
Interested in civic affairs and con
tributed much of his efforts to
make Omaha a better place to live
In for all of ua.
C. C. Galloway was not always on
the winning side but he stood for
what he thought was right Let
me cite you a few instances as an
illustration of his good judgement
of his farsightedness.
Many years ago and now. he was
an ardent supporter of Senator Nor
i ris and his predictions that Senator
, Norris will go down in history as a
1 great champion and exponent for
human liberty. His prediction came
1 true- when the Senator introduced
J the unicameral system. Mr. Gal
loway supported this plan and
. brought the Senator to a meeting
on north 24th street, but people die
not care to listen to him-they fear
ed the unicameral system would
prevent a colored man to be elect
ed to the Legislature- Mr. Galloway
knew different and the results a Ne
gro has been elected ever since
Mr. Galloway enjoys the respect of
many prominent citizens all over
the city too numerous to mention
How well do I remember his devo
Jtion to his good friend H. B. Zim
j man when the Brandeis store d<—
To Enumerate the
Deeds of
C. C, Galloway
C. C. Galloway is a charter mem
ber and one of the organizers of the
NAACP in Omaha.
Was President of NAACP during
KKK era, helped to fight and expose
Instrumental in bringing Many
National and World Wide Notables
to Omaha in the interest of Advanc
ing the Negro's Cause. Among
them being: the late Booker T.
Washington, to form Business Lea
gue; George W. Schuyler to form Co
operative Movement; Robert S. Ab
bott, to fight against discrimina
tion; Senator W. E. King; Mary
White Ovington and Wm. Pickens
for NAACP; Bishop Walls; the late
Bishop Grant; Judge George; Judge
Hastie, and many others.
Active on Scores of Committees
for Better Employment.
Investigated Urban League act
ivities in Chicago at own expense.
Worked with Samuel Caldwell in
establishing Urban League in Om
Founded Married Men's Labor
Council with assistance of Caldwell
and others. Also secured the use of
th« Telephone Exchange Bldg,
which is now the home of the L
ban League Community Center.
Helped to organize Omaha's First
Negro Musician's Union.
Chairman Of board which acquir
ed First Elks property holdings.
Has been active in every move
for Good Government. Has held
numerous political chairmanships
including State Chairman of Negro
Republicans. Helped to Introduce
Kenneth s: Wherry to Omaha.
Has, for 25 years, interviewed ev
ery presidential nominee in the in
terest of the Negro- Has also in
terviewed all County, State and City
Office holders.
Has spent own funds to bring a
bout election of desirable officials.
Appeared in Person.not over
the telephone,.... before a city wide
and threatening Mass meeting of
striking Teamsters and brought a
bout a peaceful settlement.
Was President of Lincoln Real
Estate Co., controlling more than
$75,000.00 worth of property.
Headed largest recreation Busin
ess in the middle-west combined
with other businesses.
• ••*•
Helped to establish and still main
tains. largest printing house among
Negroes in the History of Nebras
Many of Omaha's successful busi
ness and civic leaders, received
their early training in his enter
He tried for ten years to entice
qualified colored projectionists to
Omaha and ended up by helping to
qualify two local boys for these jobs
(Continued on page 8)
elded to give the Jobs for elevator
operators to colored girls I don't
know who claimed the credit but I
do know that only through Mr. Gal
loway’s influence with Mr. Zimmaa
was it accomplished.
The Community Center Of which
I also was a sponsor, may not have
been here, were it not of the assist
ance and efort of Mr. Galloway ahJ
had Mr. Galloway been retained as
head of the Center, we would have
had a larger Center today.
Mr. Galloway is also a great
friend and supporter of the candid
acy of Senator Wherry for United
States Senator. A promising lead
er in America’s present and future
I have only mentioned a few of
the many points why Mr. C. C.
Galloway deserves the support of
every true American.
In this crisis which our country
is facing, it is our duty more now
than ever before, to pay attention to
our elections. It is our duty to ex
ercise our right to vote—to encour
age our friends to vote and above
all to find out who the candidates
are before we go to the polls.