The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 08, 1942, City Edition, Image 1

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Nabraska "SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1942 QUR i5th~YEAR-No: 26City Edition, 5c Copy
Critical Health Situation To Be Aired at Mass Me
President of The Nebr. Federation of
Labor Makes the Following Statement
“It hits come to my attention ■ v'-"'.t ]
the Editor of the Omaha Guide hits
also filed in the race for Senator
from the 5th District. This makes
this race somewhat complicated for
a voter to decide upon. I have known
Mr. C. C. Galloway for a number of
years. I have worked with him in
several campaigns and I consider
him a True Liberal who believes
fundamentally in the cause of the
working men and the efforts of or
ganized labor to help them.”
---— .- - -
It Is Your Patriotic Duty To Vote..6o to the Polls
^ /A LOUISIANA “Scottsboro Case9...
Chicago, Aug. 7 (ANP)—TacklingC
the problem of discrimination a
gainst Negroes by the railroads,
th“ Committee on Railroad Man
power of the Chicago Negro Labor
Win-the-War conference called a
district conference of Negro rail
road union leaders Wednesday at S
p. m., at the Quincy club.
Preliminary meetings of the Rail
road Manpower Committee, stated
Emmet N. Brooks, committee secre
tary, included representatives from
a number of local lodges of the
standard railway labor organizations
in the Chicago area.
According to the conference call
the principal question considered is
a national hearing and investigate
ion by President Roosevelt’s Com
mittee on Fair Employment Practic
es into the discriminatory policies
of the railroad companies against
Negro labor, and the urging o' gov
ernmental action prevailing .jOn
the railroads to abide by the Presi
dent's Executive Order 8802 in the
interest of mobilizing the nation's
full manpower for winning the war.
“The Committee on Railroad Man
power," Mr. Brooks stated, “is lay
ing plans to prepare specific cases
of discrimination to be placed before
the forthcoming hearings by the
President’s committee. Throughout
the country there are thousands of
such cases, waiting only to be writ
ten up. where experienced Negro
railroad men have been denied pro
motion to positions of machinists,
blacksmiths, boilermakers, carmen,
electrical workers, firemen, engin
eers and other railroad jobs, inspite
of the fact that they possess the nec
essary skill and seniority, but -lim
ply because they were Negroes.
“Aside from the obvious injustice
of this situation, and when America
is fighting a war for people’s free
dom and liberation all over the
world, the policy laid down in the
President’s Order 8802 to encourage
full participation in the national de
fense program of all citizens of the
United States, regardless of race,
creed, color or national origin, in
th efirm belief that the democratic
Deny Leaders Sent Gov. Dixon Telegram Endorsing “Race Theory” Statement
| Gadsen. Ala., Aug. 6 (ANP) —Th-'
local branch of the NAACP ann
ounced this week that its investiga
ting committee had reported a tele
gram allegedly sent to Gov. Dixon
Saturday. July 25, endorsing his
racial views expressed in a letter to
the Defense Supplies corporation
rejecting a war contract because it
contained a non -discrimination
clause, was not signed nor sent by
any one of the 12 Negro leaders ac
The telegram read in part: “Our
past and present relations with-out’
white people are satisfactory and
way of life within the nation can be
defended successfully only with the
help and support of all groups with
in its borders,” should be complied
with on the American railroads, as
is in many other defense industries
throughout the United States.”
"This question is vital to the suc
cess Of the American war effort and
it is not the problem of the Negro
railroad workers alone. In this
movement, white and Negro work
ers must unite, as the people all
over the world are uniting for de
mocracy. The Office of Defense
Transportation has predicted a short
age of 300,000 railroad workers be
fore the end of the year. If tni3 ,
shortage is not met there is a bog- ]
down in the railroad transportation
the whole war production program
may be thrown out of gear.
"Yet the workers to meet this
shortage are at hand, providing dis
crimination by the railroads against
Negro labor is abolished. Many of
them are already on the. railroads
and are equipped with the necess
ary experience and skill which they
are unable to use because they are
denied advancement and promotion
to higher skilled jobs. The answer
to the railroad manjower shortage
is compliance with President s
Roosevelt’s Executive Order 8802
to end discrimination against Negro
es.” v
f we do not want any strife to mar
o'ur pleasant relationships.”
Those accused of having sent the
telegram are Revs. Joel C. Carson,
W. J. Colvin, both Methodists and
the Revs. R. B. Martin, W. M. Mal
lory, E. M. Wilson, and S. N. Reid,
al] Baptists. Other alleged signat
ores were Drs. E. F. Barnes, J. B.
Towns, L. M. Donal, and Mack
Cummins, G. L. Kent and Thomas
H. Rhines.
After making its investigation the
NAACP committee found that the
local chamber of commerce origin
ated the telegram with one of its
own and sent both to the governor
at the chamber’s expense
Rev. Wilson is charged with hav
ing telephoned the leaders involv
ed from the chamber office, and
when each one answered turned the
telephone over to the chamber sec
retary to do the talking.
The secretary is said to have then;
asked the leaders to endorse a state
ment to Gov. Dixon in an effort to
avert a race riot he said was imm
inent. When some of the men ex
pressed reluctance to approve the
telegram the secretary, it is charg
ed, threatened them with ‘‘plenty of
According to the committee, the
telegram the 12 leaders endorsed
was never sent to Gov. Dixon, but
another statement substituted by
the secretary was sent in its stead.
The wire was sent at chamber cf
commerce expense.
The Rev. Wilson, pastor of the
Friendship Baptist Church here, de
scribed as the oldest Negro church
in the city, was reported to hold a
state appointment from Gov. Dixon
and is presently engaged in trying
to secure an army commission a3
One of the ministers interviewed
here said he was “tricked" into en
dorsement of the wire. He denied
knowledge of the governor’s “race
theory statement” at the time the
Chicago, Aug. 4 (ANP)—The 10th
annual East vs West baseball class
ic will be played at Comiskey park,
scene of all previous games, oh
Sunday afternoon, Aug. 16. From
the interest shown in the voting
plus the recent statement of Com
missioner K. M. Landis of organiz
ed baseball that there wasn't an/
rule barring Negroes from playing
in major league baseball, this year’s
crowd looms up as a record breaker
Last year nearly 50,000 watched the
East win 8 to 3 and take the lead
in the number of games won, 5 to 4.
Several big league scouts will be
in the press box watching the rop
notch performers on east team
Named as those who may get try
outs with the Pittsburgh Pirates
are Roy Campanela of the Balti
more Elites who will be behind the
Plate alternating with Jos Gibson,
Homestead Grays backstop, who al
so wall get a tryout. At second for
the East will be Sammy Hughes,
veteran second baseman for the Bal
timore Elites and who played last
year in Mexico. However, at the
present time, Ray Dandridge of the
Newark Eagles tops Hughes in the
(continued on page
Senate Comm. Hears
Poll-Tax Argument
. .Washington, Aug. 5 (AN’P) Before
a three man group of the Senate
sub-committee on the judiciary, the
Pepper Anti-Poll Tax Bill got a thor
ough going over as to its constitu
tionality with experts on the consi'
tution testifying in favor of the bill.
Sens. O’Mahoney of Wyoming.
Norris of Nebraska and Peper con
stituted the committee, although
Sen. Van Nuys of Indiana came in
to listen for a while as the argu
ments were presented.
First presentation was made by
Irving Brant, author of "Storm over
the Constitution” and several other
books, as well as editor of the Chi
cago S\m.
There was no doubt as to Mr
Brant's testimony which was char
acterized by Sen. O'Mahoney as a
"lucid and scholarly explanation '
and by Sen. Pepper as being a
“magnificent statement.”
Mr. Brant, wading through Pages
Of material, attempted to show that
the elasticity of the wording of the
constitution provided for congress
to act in any state at any time
where the citizens of that state
were being deprived 0f their rights
as originally set down by congress.
' The poll tax,” said Mr. Brant,
is an agency of political corrupt
ion” and here he injected a state
ment that the perpetuation 0f th
Crump machine is a direct result of
the poll tax system of government.
I It is a government of the minor
ity and not the government of a re
public," he added after showing up
(Continued on page fgp=3)
telegram was sent.
Another person forced to give
consent to the telegram said he did
so only after coercion. "If I hadn’t
Rev. Wilson would have gone back
and said something that would have
hurt my business.”
Member of Rev. Wilson’s church
are reported to be disgusted with
their pastor whom they regard as
working against their interests.
They claim the minister has been
attempting to have their wages
lowered, "and just after we havt>
given him a raise.”
Gasdon citizens are planning a
mass meeting to discuss action a
gainst the 12 leaders.
Washington, Aug. 6 (ANP) —It
has been learned from authorative
sources that a successor will be
named to the post recently held by
Ted Berry, Cincinnati lawyer, who
resigned as liason officer in the
morale group of former Office of
Facts and Figures, to return to jn.
vate practice.
Officials of the new War Inform
ation office which engulfed OFF
have been convinced of the neces
sity for having a man to coordinate
all of the colored departmental
heads and they feel that a successor
will soon be named since the neel
Is urgent.
Mr. Berry intimated recently his
desire to return to his private in
terests and gives this as the reason
for quitting the governmene.
Just who will be named to the
post is not known, although sever
al persons well known in public life
have been mentioned for the post
which pays $5,600 per year.
Marshall, Texas., Aug. 6 (ANP)—
The program of the mid-summer
baccaulaureat convocation of Bish
op colleges, scheduled for Wednes
Aug. 12 on the college lawn, has
been planned as a tribute to the wo
manhood Of the races in war times,
according to an announcement bv
President Joseph J. Rhoads.
The convocation address will be
delivered by Dr. J. H. Jackson of
Olivet Baptist Church, Chicago, and
the honorary degree of doctor of
humanities will be conferred upon
Mrs. A. B. Dement of Mineral Wells
Texas, who is president of the Na
tional Federation of Colored Wom
en’s Clubs. Mrs. Dement's honor
ary degree will be the second to be
confered by the college upon a
woman, and the 14th to be conferr
ed by the institution during the 60
years of its eventful history.
Twenty-five prominent young
women graduates of Bishop, from
all sections of the southwest, will
represent the institution in welcom
ing guests to the convocation
grounds, including a score or more
of the most distinguished women in
this section of the nation, who have
been invited to be platform guests
on that occasion.
The bachelor's degree will be con
ferred upon 50 candidates for grad
uation, ‘‘if nothing unforeseen in
tervenes”, President Rhoads stated.
Washington, Aug. 6 (ANP) Lloyd
Genus, employed by the Afro-Am
erican of this city, has been called
to report for military’ service on
Aug. 8. Genus is a favorite with
his co-workers and is cordially lik
ed by members of ‘V8 profession.
They regret seeing him leave his
post, although he is an advertising
man and not a reporter.
Alexandria, La., Aug. 5 (AN'P) —
A new Scottsboro case arises in A
This time the victims are three
soldiers of the U. S. army, men who
Joined up to fight for freedom and
democracy. At the time of this
writing they are likely to be rail
roaded on charges of rape by an all
white jury in a hostile court. If
found guilty one will burn in the
electric chair and two will be given
(Continued on napej^=,2)
• ••
As a major part of the present
health education campaign, The Co
ordinating Committee for Negro
Health is sponsoring a mass meet
ing on Sunday, August 16th, at 4:00
P. M. at the Zion Baptist Church.
Leading community speakers will
take part in the program, which
will feature Mr. John M. Ragland,
field representative at large from
Washington, D. C.
The public is invited to attend, to
learn how this community can stop
the tremendous sabotage Of manpow
er which is now crippling our war
This program haa the endorsement
of The Ministerial Alliance, The Ne
gro Medical Society ,and most of
the leading organizations.
Negro Leaders Meet With Red Cross
Business L’gue Convention to be
Largest In The
L*gue*s History
Memphis, Aug. 6, (ANP)—"It looks(
like a record-breaking attendance
for the Chicago convention of the
National Negro Business league,
Aug. 26th to 28th”, said Dr. J. E.
Walker, president on his return this
weekend from a midwestern speak
ing tour which included Chicago.
"With our country at war and the
United Nations facing a crisis in the
axis submarine warfare and threats
to Suez and the Russian front”, con
tinued Dr. Walker, "Negro business
has both an opportunity and res
ponsibility to lend support in this
emergency by converting our oro
duction enterprises to war needs, by
promoting the sale of defense bonds
and cooperating with all of the gov
ernment’s defense agencies and pro
In a letter to all local branches of
the league, Dr. Walker urges local
membership drives to increase na
tional memberships and he has of
fered a beautiful trophy to the city
which reports the largest national
membership for 1942. This trophy
will be presented during the Chic
ago convention.
A special invitation has been sent
to local organizations in cities which
have been host-cities to the busin
ess league conventions since its
founding by Booker T. Washington
42 years ago. Reports indicate
that representatives from most of
these cities will attend and further
augmen the increased delegations
from other local affiliated groups.
On Tuesday night August 11th,
at 7:30 Omaha citizen of the Long
School area will have their first Air
Raid Warden meeting. Located in
Bethel Church on Franklin Street,
in the 2400 block, they will hear dis
cussions on how this vital organiz
ation should be establish.
Principle speakers will be Mr.
Forrest Croxson head of the City's
Air Raid System, members of the
Red Cross Staff, and prominent civ
ic leaders. It is expected that the
ground work for the development
Of classes in First Aid, Blackouts,
Air Raid Warning System, and oth
er important topics wil be laid.
More than likely the wardens will
be given an opportunity to test
their skill in protecting lives and
property during trial blackouts as
the citys' defense preparations
reach their final stage. An effort
is being made to get as large a
crowd there as possible. Everyone
is urged to come.
I .. " 1 .
New York Soldier
Sought In Shooting
of White M P
Syracuse. N. Y., Aug. 6 (ANP) —
Staff Sgt. Willie Tucker, well known
here and the son of Edward M.
Tucker, a veteran of World War 1,
was being sought by local police last
Tuesday on a warrant issued by the
provost marshal of Fort McClellan,
Ala., following the shooting of a
white military police officer at the
Information indicated that Tuck
er had escaped from the guardhouse
after the shooting of the MP. Tuck
er St., said his son’s repo-ted des
ertion sounded "too mysterious” to
him and declared he would ask for
an army investigation.
The elder Tucker said he suspec ts
that "something happened” to his
son, something stemmed in the rac
ial prejudice of the south. He de
clared he knew through his own ex
perience as a soldier that his son
could not remain a fugitive in the
south for any length 0f time, that
he could never reach Syracuse
without an authorized furlough.
Tucker told Det. Sgt. Arthur Cas
ey, who was assigned to the cas>,
that he first learned of his son's
plight through a letter from a friend
of Willie, a Rochester man station
ed at Fort McClellan. ..
The Rochester soldier wrote that
about three weeks ago Willie was
sentenced to 90 days in the guard
house for the shooting. He did not
explain whether the MP was act
ually wounded Or whether Willid
had shot at him and missed.
The letter said in effect, “it was
a case of Willie shooting the MP or
the MP shooting Willie.”
The father declared, "Something s
gone haywire down there. I don’t
believe Willie could have escaped
from the guardhouse.”
Little Rock, Aug. 6 (ANP)—Presi
dent J. H. Clayborn of Shorter col
lege has cancelled a planned lec
ture-preaching tour through Atkih
sas and Oklahoma during August
it was anounced here- Reason for
the president’s cancellations was
said to be the pressing nature of
college affairs.
Shorter is a school sponsored by
the African Methodist Church
State Representative i
c c
*> Washington, D. C.— Discussing
wartime problems an program of the
Amtr'can Red Cross at a da .-long
conference In Red Cross
headquarters, thirteen rcpre.sentativ
es of leading Negro organizations
are shown here with officials of th»
Red Cross.
Left to right at the conference
table are: Mr. Jesse O. Thomas, De
fense Bond Section. Treasury De
partment; Dean William Pickens.
Staff assistant, Defense Savings
Staff, Treasury Department; Mr.
Richard W. Thrush, assistant na
tional director, First Aid, Water
Safety and Accident Prevention;
Miss Olivia' Peterson, assistant na
tional director, Nursing Service;
Mrs. Beulah Whitby, Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority; Dr. F. D. Patterson,
president of Tuskegee Institute and
member of the Red Cross Board of
Incorporators; Dr. Channing H.
Tobias, National Council, YMCA.;
Mr. V. D. Johnston, Howard Uni
versity; Mrs. Sloan Colt, assistant
national director, Volunteer Special
Services; Miss Minnie Harmon, as
sistant to the director of Volunteer
Special Services and secretary of
the conference; Mr. James L. Fies
er, vice chairman in charge of Do
mestic Operations; Mr. Claude A.
Barnett, Associated Negro Press;
Mr. Lester Granger, National Ur
ban League: Dr. Thomas M. Smith,
president-elect of the National Med
ical Association; Mrs. Estelle Mas
sey Riddle, superintendent of nurs
es, Homer G. Phillips Hospital, St.
Louis; Mr. Guy Emerson, chairman
Of the War Fund and Roll Call
Planning Committee; Brigadier Gen
eral Benjamin O. Davis; Mrs. Mary
McLeod Bethune, National Youth
Administration; Mr. G. James Flem
ing, President’s Committee on Fair
Employment Practices; Miss Doro
thy Bovee, assistant national direc
tor, Nutrition Service; and Mrs. R.
R. Moton, administrative officer.
Southern Division, AAA.
To the left of the head of the con
ference table are seated Mrs. Gra
ham Dougherty, assistant national
director. Volunteer Special Services
and Dr. Albert McCown, national
director, Medical and Health Servlc
es of the Red Cross. (ANP).
gro teachers won the right to be
paid the same salary as white tea
chers in a decision handed down
Monday by Federal District Judge
Elmer D. Davies, in what a white
school official described as a test
case for the entire state of Tenne
The suit was that of Harold E.
Thorrtas, Nashville teacher, who
sought an injunction forbidding the
city board of education from dis
crimination in fixing school salar
ies fr next year. The action was
brought against Louis H. Hibbitts,
president of the board of education
who is on leave of absence after
entering the army in June.
Said Judge Davies in his decision:*
“It has been the consistent policy
of the city board of education to
pay Negro teachers salaries that
have been considerably lower than
the salaries Of white teachers, and
the sole reason for this difference
is because of the race and color of
the Negro teachers.
A school board member, who de
clined use of his name, said the de
ceision would be appealed.