The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 01, 1942, City Edition, Image 1

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Xebrast> SATURDAY. AUGUST 1. 1942 OUR 15th YEAR—No.25City EdHion, 5c Copy
Mr and Mrs. William Lawson. Sr.
Of 2511 Corby Street, celebrated
their fiftieth wedding anniversaiy
Sunday. July at Kim wood Park,
with a picnic and family reunion.
Six of their ten children were pres
ent; Mrs. G. Blair, Mrs. Dorris, Mrs
Moore. Mrs. Joe Rice of Chicago and
Messrs. Clifford and Lyle Lawson.
Twenty-one grandchildren and ore
great grand child also helped Mi.
and Mrs. Lawson to celebrate their
anniversary. Other children are;
Mrs G. Stanley of Denver. Color
ado, Mrs, E. Morrow of Los Angel
es, Calif.. Mrs. LaVerne Delesprtie
Of Kansas City and Mr. William
Lawson of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson united in
Holy Matrimony in 1892 in Council
Bluffs. Iowa. All of their children
were bora in Nebraska, two in T in,
coin, the others in Omaha. Mr.
Lawson is 75 and Mrs. Lawson. 70.
Mr. Lyle Lawson, the youngest son,
leaves Saturday to join the armed
forces. He will be the second mem
ber of the immediate family serv
ing his country. Robert Blair, a
grandson is now- in Australia with
Negro troops.
‘Color Prejudice’ Is Crux Of
World Struggle Says White
Los Angeles.... More than 9.000s
persons attending the closing meet
ing of the 33rd annual conferencQ i
of the NAACP held in the Sh-ine I
auditorium on Sunday July 19, !
heard Walter White describe co’o-' I
prejudice as the basis of the world ;
conflict today. In masterful fash- ^
ion Mr. White reviewed the vicious- ]
ness of British imperialism in India,
Asia, and Africa, pointing out thel
pattern of racial superiority eyoiv-1
ed there contined to hold even in !
the face of the formidable defeats
handed the United Nations by the
Axis. He voiced hoped that Amer
ica at this crucial moment would
give up its general conceptions of
the Negro and the other colored
peoples of the world as being sec
ond class citizens, since the positive
support and loyalty 0f these peonies
is vital to victory
Mr. White said in part:
“I sometimes wonder why it
should be so, thank God. the Me
-gro's faith and loyalty continue to
rest in the American ideal of hu
man decency. Despite all the temi- j
tations to cynicism and revenge j
the Negro has resisted every at
tempt of Japanese or other anti- j
American propaganda to capital
ize on the Negro's discontent. The J
few exceptions have been of an in
finitesimally small number of Ne
gro racketeers whom we of the NA
ACP repudiate and condemn without
reservation. We continue to buy
war bonds and we are going to in
vest every penny we can in them.
We continue to fight for the right
to fight for democracy. We loathe
Hitler because we have known in
oar own land for three centuries
and more what racial bigotry like
Hitler's means. We hate the im
perialism of Japan just as we hatg
that of white nations from which
we have suffered. And we are go
ing to continue to raise our voices
and to use our organized strength a
gainst Hitlerism in Nazi Germany,
in Tokyo, in Mississippi, in Wash
ington. D. C. and in Los Angeles,
■California. We are going to con
tinue to work with the forces of c-n
lightment in the desperate struggle
to overcome the head start the forc
es of greed and intolerance Jjave
Los Angeles. July 3(j—Because of
ihis rich experience and extensive
knowledge as a result of long activ- I
ity in the labor movement as a lea- |
der and executive of the Brother- i
hood of Sleeping Car Porters, as 1st
International Vice President, if. P.
Webster who is a member of the
President's Committee on Fair Em
ployment Practice, officially pres
ented for the consideration of the
Fair Employment Practice Comm
ittee. the deplorable plight of the
colored locomotive firemen on the
railroads in the Southeast and
Southwest of the country, such as
the Sea Board Air Line?. Louisiana j
and Nashville. Southern. Atlantic !
Coast Line. Louisiana and Arkan
sas. Illinois Central. Central of
Georgia. The Georgia and a num
ber of others. Mr. Webster called
for a thorough and complete inves
tigation of the whole problem of dis
placement of Negro locomotive fire
men by white firemen of lesser sen
iority rights and the policy of Ne
gro firemen who have died, hive
been fired or retired. According to
Webster the program will be to
hoi: hearings o: the Committee
where various parties to this ques
tion of the elimination of Negro
firemen from the railroads will be
brought before the Committee foi
examination and testimony.
By this method it hoped that the
I secret contracts negotiated by the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire
men and Engine-men with various
railway carriers containng non-pro
moti*)n clauses that provide that no
| worker should become a fireman
who is not eligible also to become
lan engineer on the railroad. Since,
of course. Negroes are not eligible
to become engineers, they cannot be
come firemen in as mucsh as the
neat step of promotion from a fir»
mac is that of the engineer, stated
A. Philip Randolph, who is the
Chairman of the Brotherhood of
Sleeping Car Porters Provision*!
; - :
Committee for the Organization of
Colored Locmotive Firemen.
Los Angeles—The resolutions a
dopted by the delegates attending
the 33rd annual conference of the
ffAACP held here July 14—19. voic
ed interest in. and complete sup
port of the war effort, but insisted
upon complete integration of color
ed Americans and other minorities
in every phase of it. The preamble
to the resolutions cited the respon
sibility of the Association in secur
ing and protecting the rights of all
citizens, pointing out that unless de
mocracy could be made to work for
America's largest minority group, it
could not and would not work for
any others. Excerpts from the
strong resolution on AVAR AND
NATIONAL POLICY are quoted be
“The war against Axis aggression
into which our nation has been.
Plunged along with Russia. China.
Great Britain, and twenty four oth
er nations is a war in which racial
minorities in this and other Linus
have a great stake. We in the NA
ACP. know that the racial ideas of
Nazism are directly and completely
contrary to everything for which
we have stood and stand today. We
remember well Hitler's contemptu
ous reference to Negroes as half
apes. We know that the destruct
ion of all civil rights, the rights of
free speech, press, and assembly,
the right to worship without state
interference, and the right to held
elections after free discussion, are
all slated for destruction if Nazism
is victorious: and that if Nazi doc
trines prevail in an America de
feated by the Axis, then the XAACP
would itself become illegal.
"We are therefore squarely be
hind the war and especially support
j the ideals proclaimed by the Vice
President Wallace.
“We Negroes of America.demand
no special privileges. But we do
demand from America al! the rights
accorded to our white fellow citiz
ens. the rights to which we would
be entitled if the professed democrat
ic ideals of equal rights for all re
gardless of race, creed .or color were
really carried out. We demand the
right to live and work for otrr coun
try in the defense industries and
otherwise, and the right to die for
our country without segregation or
discrimination in the armed forces
and on the same basis as all other
citizens —... .
“Therefore, we do raise and will,
continue to raise with all the vigor
of which we are capable, these is
sues of discrimination and segrega
tion in the armed forces, denial of
i employment in war industries, bru
tality against Negro soldiers by pre
judiced military and local civilian
police in some areas, and denial in
some sections of the right to vote
and to serve on juries: police brut
ality against Negro civilians, dis
crimination against Negroes in gov
ernment and diplomatic service
lynching railroad jim crow car
and educational discrimination
which condemns Negro children to
totally inadequate schooling in the
places where most Negroes live, and j
all the other evils against which
our organization contends.
“We raise these issues because we
j stand for justice; we raise them now
with special vigor and energy be
cause this is a war against aggres
sion and for peace against dictator
ship. and for freedom, and against
' the Nazi master race ideas, and for
the ideal of equal rights for all.'
Equally strong resolutions wer“
adopted oh the Poll Tax. Lynching.
Housing Dies Committees. Rent
Control, and Discrimination by Un
ions and Employers- Other resolu
tions included those denouncing the
present Policy of the Red Cross on
blood: discrimination in public con
veyances and the evacuation of al
iens solely on an arbitrary and col
or basis. A resolution also endorsed
the movement to have the Federal
government establish a park or
The Topeka District Conference
Conventions of the Youth Fellow
ship. and Women's Society of Christ
-ian Service, and Worker’s School
will convene at Clair Chapel church
Tuesday, August 4 to 9. 1942.
The Conference Sessions will be
presided over by District Superin
tendent Dr. D. G. Hancock of Kan
sas City. Kansas. Miss Charlene
Jacobs of Independence. Kansas is
District President of the Youth Fel
lowship. and Mrs. C. C. Reynolds is
District President of the Women's
Society of Christian Service- Min
isters and lay-delegates will be in at
tendance from Colorado. Kansas and
Nebraska. Mrs. Inez Ballard of
Wellington, aKnsas is dean of the
Worekr’s School offering the fol
lowing courses: “The New Testa
ment In the Life of Today”: "How
To Finance the Small Church": At
Work for A Christian World";
"Children And the Changing World”
"Young Adults In Action in the
Church”: "The Use of Leisure”.
Sermons will he delivered each
day at 6 a. m., 11:30 a. m. and S p.
m. The Revs. L. A. Story. F. C.
Williams. C. Q. Hickerson and J. E.
Blackmore will deliver sermons dur
ing the Conference.
The pastors and members of all
churches are cordially invited to at
tend all the Sessions and services.
For further information call Rev. C.
C. Reynolds, WEbster 1937.
memorial in honor of Dr. Georgei
Washington Carver.
Attorney General Francis BiddF
announced today that he had order
ed an FBI investigation into the
lynching of 'William Vinson, Negro,
by a mob at Texarkana, Texas, on
July 20.
According to information in th»
hands of the Civil Rights Section of
the Department of Justice, Vinson
is alleged to have attempted to rape
a white woman at the Red River
Ordnance Depot trailer camp, near
Texarkana. While being captured
he was shot and criticelly wounded,
e was then taken to the Texarkana
Hospital for treatment, where, it is
charged, he was left without a
guard or police protection.
It is reported that in the early ]
morning hours of the following day ;
a mob of approximately 50 men en
tered the hospital took Vinson from
his bed. tied one end of a rope ar
ound his neck and the other end to
the rear bumper of an automobile, j
and dragged him through the streets .
of the town. When the calvacade
of several automobiles reached the ,
grounds of the Texarkana Cotton (
Oil Corporation. Vinson’s body was ,
hanged from a winch on the loading
The investigation ordered by the |
Attorney General is for the purpose
of determining whether the identity
of the lynchers can be learned and
whether the yean be prosecuted un
der the Federal Civil Rights Statul
Detroit, July 25 t ANP> —At the
opening, last Tuesday, by Henry
Ford. motor magnate, of his new
food experimental laboratory' to be
used for develping new food uses
for agricultural products. Mr. Ford s
guest of honor at his Dearborn la
boratories was his old friend. Dr.
George Washington Carver. Tuske
gee Institute scientist whose devel
opement of the lowly peanut has
brought his worldy wide fame.
Mr. Ford and his guest took oc
casion to deny that Dr. Carver's re
searches at Dearborn would be con
nected with synthetic rubber, as
had been rumored.
On display was a platter of sand
wiches made of soy bean mixture of
weeds which Dr. Carver called wild
vegetables. The weeds were wild
bergamot, narrow leaved plantain,
purslane, pigweed, milkweed, dan
delion. lamb's quarter and wild rad
Austin W. Curtis. Dr Carver's
What Is A Blood lest?
This is the third of a series of
Articles on Syphilis and Gonor
rhea by doctors of the local med
ical society.
This article is by—
• ••
Fortunately for the 6,500,000 suf
ferers from syphilis and for the half
million new cases each year, science
has found a way to detect infection
i ntime to cure most cases, and to
prevent the spread of new infections
It will come as a surprise to many
that you cannot tell by looking: at
a person that they have been infect
ed with syphilis.. In fact, it will be
be a greater surprise to learn ‘hat j
even a physical examination by a
competent doctor will often not lis
elose syphilis in its latent stage.
The best way to discover syphilis in
this stage is to have a blood test as
a part of the physical examination.
The actual technical operation of
the laboratory work on the blood
test is too difficult to describe here
Science has discoverd that the jyp
, hilis germ changes the composition
of the blood stream so that when
the blood is given certain chemical
tests, the blood of an infected per
son reacts differently than that of
one whose blood is not contaminat
The taking of the blood sample is
a simple and painless procedure.
The arm is bared above the elbow
and pressure is applied to make the
veins stand out. A hollow needle
is inserted in the vein and a small
amount of blood is drawn. This
blood is placed in a small vial pre
pared for it. The laboratory work
is done in duplicate to eradicate the
possiblity of error, and if the re
sults are in doubt, a second test i*
conducted. All possibility of error
is removed as nearly as is possible j
| If the test is returned as positive,
the doctor may ask for a second test
, if there are ab*«iutely no sign-.
! symptoms or history which would
indicate the correctness of the test.
The identity of the person is con
fidential, and there is no need for
anyone to know the results except
the physician arid the patient.
Because so many people are in
jected and so many of those infected
are unaware of the Infection, even
in the beginning, the blood test is
the greatest step toward the wiping
out of syphilis since the discovery
of the treatment.
The day will come —and if we
work steadily it will be soon—when
a blood test will be as regular and
necessary as vaccination for small
pox. When each person accepts
this fact, then syphilis will he as
rare as smallpox, because no one in
his right mind, upon discovering it,
would refuse treatment and cure
Negroes In Major
League Ball Sport
Three Negro baseball players will
at last after a long time of eontinu
ally pounding at the baseball sport
ing world s door, will receive a try
out August 4 with the Pittsburgh
Pirates, according to an announce
ment Sunday in New York by Sports
Editor Nat Low of the Daily Work
Low picked the date after a con
ference with William Benswanger,
Pirates’ president.
He identified the trio as Roy Cam
panella. 20 year old catcher with the
Baltimore Elite Giants and last
year’s most valuable player in the
Negro National league: Second base
man Sam Hughes o fthe same club
and Pitcher Dave Barnhill, winner
Of 18 games and loser of three for
the New York Cubans last season.
Benswanger said “there still are
many problems to be ironed out.”
Manager Frank Frisch told report
ers. “I’m only the manager. I do
what I’m told.”
In the light o the statement syn
dicated under Chicago date line of
July 17. by U. P. News Service of
Baseball Commissioner Kennesaw
M Landis in which he says: “There
I is no rule against major clubs hir
ing Negro baseball players.’ H»
went further and said: “ I have
come to the conclusion it is time j
for me to explain myself on this
important issue: ‘Negroes are n '.t I
barred from organized baseball by j
the Commission and have never!
been since the twenty-one years I J
have served. There is no rule in
the organized Baseball prohibiting
their participation to my know- '
If Durocher. any other manager.
S5 Negro players it is all right with
or all of them want to sign one or
me- That is the business of the
manager and the club owners The
business of the Commissioner is to
interpret the rules and enforce them.
This statement from Judge Landis
was provoked by an alleged state
ment by Durocher. manager of the
Brooklyn Dodgers in which he said:
“he would hire Negro players if h‘-'
were permitted.”
This is one of the most import
ant comments that has yet be-:a
made on the question of Negro
baseball piajrers entering the major
*Continued on page O** 2)
Mr. John A. Hickman, who has
lived in Omaha for some SO years,
and was Employed as caretaker at
the First Methodist Church at 2<>th
and Davenport Sts., and recently
employed at the Westminister Pres
byterian Church at 30th and Wool
worth Ave.. dropped dead at Eudra.
Kansas. July 28th. at 11 a- m.
He leaves to mourn his loss, a
wife. Mrs Zenobia Hickman and a
son. Emory Hickman who resides at
3402 Wool worth Ave-. Omaha. Xebr.
assistant, explained that Dr. Carv
er has for many years been exper
imenting on the use Of weeds as
foods, and believes wartime ro.jd
shortages wil make wild vegetabl
es” popular.
Discussing synthetic rubber. Ford
said rubber can be made out or
many plants, some of which can be
grown right here. A Ford spokes
man hastened to add. however that
the Ford Motor company is not en
gaged in synthetic rubber produ.
tion in any way.
Dr.Carver sai dthat while rubber
can be made out of 10 or 15 plants,
there is trouble in processing it on
a large scale. The dandelion and
the milkweed contain the essence of
rubber, he said, and he made rubbe
from petroleum and sweet potato^ i
20 years ago.
New York..__The NAACP. hn-»
been asked by the War Manpower
Commission to assist in finding
qualified skilled Negro workers for
certoin specific jobs in war indus
try. There exists almost immediate
openings for those with as little as
one year s experience in the types
pf work listed below-. Individuals
who think they can qualify are
asked to mail name and address to
Edward Lawson, Field Assistant,
War Manpower Commission, New
York City. Applicants are asked
positively not to visit the office as
it is not equipped to take care of
applicants except thru correspond
ence,. Some of the jobs available
call for: Bench Hand. Metal Pat
terns; Boilermaker; oBring-Maehine
Operator, Automatic: Boring- Mil!
Operator; Centerless-Grinder Oper
ator: Cylindrical-Grinder Operator;
Die Maker; Die Setter; Engine
Lathe Operator: Eternal-Grinder Op
erator: Forming-Press Operator:
Geor-Hobber Operator; Machinists;
Lathe Operators: Sheet Metal Work
ers: Millwright: Toolmaker. Per
sons having the qualifications are
asked to WRITE to Mr. Lawson at
the Commission Office, 122 E 42nd
St., New York City.
Atlanta, July 30 (AXP)—Eugene
Talmadge. governor of Georgia, is
sued a public statement Thursday in
which he advised any Negro who
objected to the state’s segregation
laws "To stay out of Georgia.'
Talmadge made the statement in
his political weekly, The Statesman
as a comment on numerous tele
grams of “indignation' he bad re
ceived after the brutal beating by
police at Rome of Roland Hayes, in
ternationally famous tenor
"We are going to keep the iim
crow laws and protect them and
will not allow the whites and the
blacks to be taught in the same
schools and colleges in the state of
Georgia," said Talmadge.
Whites and blacks in Georgia, he
contended, approve of the star • s
separation laws in hotels, restau
rants. and other public places
1 NASHVILLE, July 28 (ANP) The
above pictured comm itee chairman
and officers of the Capitol City Den
tal association, Aug. 10-14. The na
tional president. Dr. Leon A. Reid.
Richmond, Va_. advised the local
to go ahead with the convention
program because the office of th«
director o' defense transportation,
J .M. Eastman Assured that there
would not be any curtailment cf
passenger railway traffic in the
near future. Also the inland loca
tion of Nashville is away from the
over crowded eastern coast
Highlighting the meeting is the
military first aid course offered ty
Dr. Leo Holton. Washington .at
which sessions the dentists will b<*
instructed in first aid measures to
carry on with the physicians ard
nurses. Outstanding faculty mem
bers of Meharry Dental College are
to give clinics and exhibitors will
show the latest and most improved
types of dental equipment and m . .
The social program includes a
picnic barbecue, stagg and grant
ball with special plans for the den
tists wives and the dental hygient
Shown in the group reading from
le't to right are: Dr. William II.
Watson chairman exhibits and fin
ance committee and faculty mem
ber; Dr. D. H. Turpin, chairman,
scientific program committee, fac
ulty member and vice president. Xa
tionai Dental association; Dr. C. W.
Eneas, faculty member; Dr. R. F.
Sandford chairman, local program
committee, vice .president. Capitol
City Dental society and secretary
faculty; Dr. J. F. Perkins .ahair
man. housing committee and secre
tary, Capitol City Dental society;
Dr. J. B. Singleton, chairman, enter"
tainment committee and faculty
member; Dr. S. C. Freeman .presid
ent, Capitol City Dental society and
faculty member