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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1942)
lT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IT PAYS TO SHOP For whatever you have to sell, 01 for whatever you want to buy— IN THESE COLUMNS HELP WANTED ' WANTED A young man. 18 years or older th*-'t can make deliveries and work in a Furniture Store. Salary to begin with $10.00 per week. Working Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Call at Omaha Guide Office. WANTED 4 men to work at Consolidated Auto Parts Co., 2501 Cuming Street or 1240 South 18th St. Wants two roustabout workers to move around and clean wreckage. Two exper ienced auto wreckers. If in good health, age doesn't matter. Roust tbout must be able to handle heavy parts of automobile. 2501 Cuming Street or 1240 South 16 th Street. FEMALE HELP WANTED A woman from 21 to 40 for clean ing and at times to help with cook ing. Birchwood Club. Call KE. 4000 or WA. 0378. WANTED Mr. George Pratt wants a girl to do work in his home. Call WA. 7206. RYAN & SON NURSERY STOCK AND SEED 1509 CAPITOL AVE. HA. 4940 COMPLETE LINE OF SHRUBS, TREES AND ROSES. FOR RENT — At a reasonable price to the right party. 2 centrally located, modem. Store rooms at 24th and Maple. A fine location for a Drug store. Beauty Culture Parlor, or Shoe Re pair Shop. For further information call AT. 5656. ROOMS. APTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Nicely furnished room 2^07 N. 24th St., WE. 2217. Join—Reliable Friendship Club— For Pleasure. Send Dime for mem bership blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wendell, Chicago, 111 EAL NDRIES & CLEANERS ” EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th WE. 605E EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. 10T> WANT TO BUY — Furniture cf all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings- Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart. 24th & Lake Street—\\ E. 2224 FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 Join—Reliable F'-iendship Club —Tor Marriage. Friendship, or pleasure. Send Dime for member •h-p blank. H. Brookes, 317 \\"n tell, Chicago, 111. This week’s Editorial Review THE TRIAL OF THE TRAITORS The traitors on trial in Washing ton, D. C. are faring much better than they would have fared in Ger many, jf they had been traitors to that country. There trials and exe cutions are rapid and sure. Suspic ion is enough. Here we give the ac cused the protection of the law, ev en in time of war. In time of war passions are deep ly stirred and but little evidence is required to produce summary ac tion. The safeguards of law, there for are necessary that certainty may be had and that only the guilty shall suffer the penalties provided. We hope the guilty are convicted and punished and that the innocent may be freed. THE B. S. DEGREE IN POLITICS The degree of Bachelor of Science is usually designated by the capita^ letters B. S. or B. Sc. When men are running for political office and describe themselves and th«ir at CHOP SUEY King l"uen Cafe 2010J4 N. 24th St. JAckson 8575 .Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. m American & Chinese Dishes i . =■ - i!= ■ ■ “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO’S BARBER SHOP l adies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. Mix Lemon Juice AT HOME I TO RELIEVE & the MISERIES Money Bock If This Rheumatic Recipe Fails ' Good news travels fast—many of the thou sands of folks who now take lemon juice for rheujpatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoonfuls of AUenru to one tablespoonf# of Lemon Juice in a glass of water, they get faster reUef for the aches and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. If* no surprise either, for Alienru is a 15 year old formula to reheve rheumatic aches and paina In fact—If It does not help —your money back What could be fairer* Get Alienru today at any lies druggist Onlv •5 cents—Do U Now. HEW! “BACTERIOSTATIC” FEMININE HYGIENE now finding great favor among women... M*ny doctors recommend regular use of douches as a precautionary meas ure for women who want to be dean, dainty—for women troubled by of fending odor or discharge Borne products may be harmful to delicate tissues. But not Lydia E. Pinkham s Sanative Wash! Pinkham's Sanative Wash is gaining great favor among women because It's NOT a harmful germicide. Instead — It's a mighty effective “bacteriostatic” (the mode-r. trend!. It not only discour ages bacterial growth «nd infection but thoroughly cleanses and deodor izes Very soothing — relieves minor irritations and discharge and has a tonic effect on delicate membranes. Inexpensive! Get your bottle of Lydia Pinkham’s Sanative Wash today. All druggists Acid Indigestion What many Doctors do for it # When excess stoma r. acid causes fas. sour stomach or heartburn, doctors prescribe the fastest-actin* medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Beii-ans Tablets. Try Bell-am yourself. first sirs of dlstreaa. They neutralise acid, relieve gas. and brine comfort very uuickiy—yet are not a laxative 1 Only 25c. at drug stores. I? your very first trial doesn't prove Beii-ans better, return bottle to os and ret double your money back Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. Phone JA-4635 Did You Place Your FALSE TEETH In a Glass Last Night? Thousands do and wonder why their den tures remain dull and stained - why they suffer with offending denture breath. They fail to realise that water alone is not a cleans ing agent - but now. there s a great formula perfected by a denust. called Stera-Kleen that thoroughly cleans false teeth hke magic nc brushing1 Simply put a littla Stera-Kleen Powder m a flaae of wam-ew* , your teeth - now they aparkle. are really dean and look lake the day your denttat said. "Don’t they look natural’ Try Stera-Kleen - laata loo* - coeta only 30* At at dru**tata Old Firmer » Recipe Mut Allenru and Lemon Juice to get quick relief from P*ln* of rheumatic* and neuralgia Druggist* have Allenru — grocer* have lemon*. complishments by the letters B. 8 . look out. These- letters may me*:: i what the French lassies describe ns to use an American phrase, "Zce BuD.” We wish we might define more fully the popular meaning of thes_> letters, B. S„ but the tender yeav*-' of many of our readers forbids it. One of these days when we are talk ing to grizzled old men we will cal! B. S. by its country- name. Let pol iticians beware And that reminds us the right to learn something in the years which follow- their granting, for God knows we are ignorant young things when first they are bestowed. But that B. S. is the worst one of them all. ***** THE LEGISLATIVE RACE Editor Omaha Guide: Three of the candidates for the legislature are between the ages r f 30 and 44. They are John Adams. Jr., Clifford Hammond and S. Ed ward Gilbert. The three are of military age even in the combat services. All three of them, there fore, should be in the army instead of politics. Of course it is their constitutiollal right to run for of fice: but it is their patriotic duty tc enter the army, if physically and otherwse fit. and help beat the axis powers on the battlefield. What 1 am preaching I practiced. When war was declared on April 6th. 1917. I prepared to enter the military service On June 12 th 1 volunteered and took the ”SOLI> IEE'S OATH”. Along with Other men of my age at the time clainii d exemptions or hid behind their we - es’ petticoats or babies' rompers. And to their everlasting honor, the wives said: Go and fight "THE GOOD FIGHT” and help to save the ideal of liberty for all men every where”. Are you going to ask the mothers and fathers whose sons are in th Army; sons not much younger than, you. to vote for you to stay away from the fight? (Members of the legislature are exempt from the draft). Our country is at WAR. Our first duty is to win it. I have offer ed my services when called, al though I am old enough to be the father of anyone of the three young men; Adams. Hammond or Gilbert. May I hear from you by return mail H. J. PIXKETT. THE ASSAULT ON ROLAND HAYES The assault on Roland Hayes in a benighted town in Georgia iast week constituted the best bit of news for Germany and Japan that has gone out of the United States since Hitler's rise to power. According to the news stories, Mr. Hayes' wife had a misunder standing at a store to which she had gone to make a purchase- Mr. Hay es went to the store to adjust the matter. Whereupon both he and his wife were arrested and thrown into jail, where he was beaten up Roland Hayes is America's lead ing Tenor Singer. His reputation is international. In manner he per sonifies humility and gentleness. And even he- could not escape the savagery of the deep, and damn d and blighted land of Talmadg - s Georgia. Such incidents as this serve Hit ler far more effectively than the boldest traitor. And in National Self-Defense, they must be stoPl^d all o'er the country. RealShou M an— FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR Cash and Carry CLEANER 1410 North 24th St. CARL CRIVER/v TEL WE. 2022 OUR PRICES are based on the cost of serv ice pins the cost of merchandise and a reasonable profit. Thomas FUNERAL HOME 2022 LAKE ST. Omaha, Nebr. Meanwhile, we offer to r.oha Haves Our deepest sympathy. We bow ou" hF‘«tds in utter shame lie cause such a thing has happened in one of the sovereign states of the Ve feral Union. If these bullies want to fight .they should hie them selves to the battlefront and match *h* real Nazis with the American brand. THE COLOR OF THE DEVIL VNI) HIS IMPS John Milton, who wrote “Pr. a dise Lost", upon which his great-st fame rests as an author, gave t Beelzebub, or Satan and hi® smpc'f ers. called Imps, the designation o black. Black was to him the sym bol of evil. All the ugliest thing - were imputed to these images of destruction. Milton assembles them in a Council of War against God and Heaven. In this Council he ha1' Beelzebub to say. ‘I would rath1 reign in Hell than serve in Heaven What we are wondering is this .if Milton were writing his gre ■ • [work now. while Hitler goes to and fro in the Earth, would he not dQs j ignate Beelzebub or Satan as a whit man with a tooth-brush moustache and Moloch as another so-called white man who poses Napoleonic ally If we had the power to write a" Milton wrote, we would pen a dra r..t in which the leading role of infamy would l>e played by Hitler, the white Satan, ar.u Mussolini, the Moloch a mong his imps, would be a perf-< blonde and leser imps would be -he white Quislings of every eonq e - land. But why all this business about color? God carves his image in ebony as well ;is ivory. 'The WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 We are all very glad to know that our good friend Mr. R. C. Price is improving as we miss him very much as he is one of Omaha's out standing business men. The RR. boys are going over trie top and Mr. George Dean and Mr. Felix Metoyer are in the running at a pool game. Mr. Frank Clemons one of the old school of roast beef knights vis one of the star waiters at the Ath letic Club during the Elks Conven tion. Mr. Lovejoy Crawford and Mr. Branch. Mr. Murray have promised to atend the next meeting of the 4 C Club. Brother John Evans continues to hold his own at the Rome hotel. Mr. George Thomas of the stream lined room service of the Fontenel’.e Hotel told- this writer that the boys are all wondering how this writer gets all the news and some Of the waiters don't like to see their nam es in print, but they will quite .n derstand that everybody goes wh'-n the wagon comes and how! - We are all very sorry to know that Mrs. Lena Patterson, grand mother of Mr. Glover Seott. ha passed and her daughter Mrs. Mer lene White was called back from KC. Mr. Sandy Wells and Mr. Dave Morrison are the star waiters for Mr. Pierson at the Highland Clun. The White Horse Inn waiters Mr. Branch. Mr. Louis White. Mr. Is aiah Jones. Mr. Dave Russ are or. the job and how. We would like very much to hear from Mr. Redd of the Fontene’.le Hotel and also Mr. Underwood. Do you take the Omaha Guide— If not start today' The Omaha Club waiters are all making plans for vacations and as they will all take long trips out o' the city—bon voyage. The Omaha Athletic Club is the headliner of Ala Carte and a party service is just up their alley for the wide awake crew of waiters and the kitchen force and the front doo; men and office crew. They all won fine together, like soldiers in a fier’t battle. Let’s give them a hand. The NAACP is looking for you: membership. Evangelist REV. W. C. WILLIAMS. Pasto aru4 Evangelist, under whose supei vision a series of spirtual Evangel istic Revival Services were held r his week lieginning July 20 and to be closed with a mas meeting on Sun day 26th at the I. D. Peoples Mis sion Church. 26th and Franklin Sts. The 4C Club requests all mem bers to be present at the very im portant meeting on Friday August 7th. Mr. McCowan will explain to you about taking out shares In ttu Credit Cnion. AUGUST 11, 1W2 IS THE DAY Dr. Willard H. Quigley, democrat, member of the board of director- o* the Metropolitan Utilities Distri-t. is seeking re-election in the Augu - 11 primary election. Agraduate of Creighton Ur;ver ity Medical School, former Creigh ton Athlete, and now a prominent Omaha Physician. Dr. Quigley com pletes six years as a Utility direc tor January- 1. He was chairman of the board in 1941, and signed the check which paid off the balance of the Water Department's bonded indebtness. leaving Omaha's municipal water works, va&lued at approxima'cly $15.000.000—free of debt. Dr. Quig ley consistently supports the trad itional policies Of the Utilities ‘ils trict drectors. low gas and water rates, with good service to custom ers. Dr. Quigley led the movement for cheaper gas during 1941. a step which reduced Omaha's gas bill ap proximately $155,000* a year. Pie sponosAtd reduced summer water rates for sprinkling, encouraged im proved scientific control of water processing for purer water, spon sored the “Utilities News.” a quar terly publication devoted to muni cipal news from the city's utility de partments. His record on the board has been one of a consistent friend of the small water and gas user and his interest has resulted in providing water service for many hundreds of small homes that would not other wise have been served. His six year's experience on the board aid his medical education ha re been of great value in administering the two vital municipal services— gas and water—for the Metropolit an Utilities District. Dr. Quigley h'ie never held any other public office, is not a politician. The primary election August 11, is final for the Utilities board, sincr the representative nominated from each major political party automat ically becomes a board member. Dr. Quigley is seeking re-election as ihc democratic member of the board. GEORGE WASHINGTON HELPING TO PROSECUTE SABOTEURS George "Washington is helping to prosecute the eight Nazi saboteurs on trial here before a Military Com mission . This was disclosed today by the I Department of Justice m anOune jng that the First President's near est living collateral descendent is assisting Attorney General Francis Biddle in presenting the Gove-n ment's case. The Department's George Wash ington is an attorney on the statf GOOD NEWS FOR COLORED SCHOOL TEACHERS Just before going to Press we re ceived the following information from Peter Mehrens. a member of the School Board. From several hundred applicants, white and col ored, three of our race have passed the examination and are now on the eligible list to be installed as | teachers in the Omaha Public j Schools. Thanks Mr. Mehrens for this in formation. We are very happy ever it and we hope that at last th color line has been broken down af ter so many years. The successful applicants wc^e Helen Garrett, Oskaloosa, Kansas Thelma Lee Maor. Red Oak. Iowa; Arthur Shropshire. Hannibal. Mo. PROGRESS IS OX THE MARCH ...VOTE FOR PETER MEHRENS. Of Assistant Solicitor General Os car Cox, who with the Attorney Gen era] an dthe Judge Advocate Gen eral of the Army is directing the prosecution. As a member of che team of civil prosecutors. Mr. Wash ington is one of the select few pe mitted beyond the heavily guarded entrance to the trial chamber in th Department of Justice biulding. Mr. Washington is a direct des cendant Of General George Wash ington's brother. Colonel Samuel Washington, e is also, somewhat deviously, related to Abraham Lin coln. Mr. Washington's grand mother. Jane Todd Washington, wa a cousin of Mary Todd Lincoln. Mr. Washington's participation in the trial of the eight Nazi saboteu-3 is, therefore, in the family tradition General Washington appointed the panel of offices which tried the fa mous Major Andre, brilliant Brit ish spy who was caught behind the Americanlin es during the Revolun tionarv War. General Washington also refused Andre request, after he was condemned, that he be shot rather than hanged, since the sold ier's code of honor regards shooting as far less ignominious, and there fore less appropriate, for a spy. President Lincoln also used mil itary commissions extensively thru out the Civil War. In 1865, the con spirators who plotted hie assassin ation by John Wilkes Booth were tried before a military commission. This was. incidentally the last mil itary commisson before the present panel. Addng to the historical atme. phere of the ctrrent trial is the fact that the Attorney General himself is directly descended from Edmund Randolph, the first Attorney Gen eral of the United States. Mr. Washington is 34 years oid. and a graduate of Tale and Oxford Universities. He practiced law in New York for a number of years be fore joining the faculty of the Corn ell Law School, in Ithaca, New York Mr. Washington is now on leave from Cornell. VOTE FOR Kelso Morpran FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY Republican Primaries. August 11th (Political Advertisement) M. L. Endres DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE For Metropolitan Utilities Director Has Demonstrated his honesty and efficiency in Public Office by service as County Treasurer and also Sheriff of Douglas County'. Give him a Vote of Confidence. I favor free water for schools and city Fire insti tutions, also, cutting wasteful expenditures now running wild. Give him a Vote for your protec tion. —Primaries August 11th— FILES FOR... State Representative “I C. C. GALLOWAY Mr. VOTER I am asking you to let me be your SERVANT. 1 am running for the non-partisan representative for the NebrasKa State Legislative from the 5th DU trict. Your vote on Aug. 11, will be appreciated by me and a host of your friends. C. C. GALLOWAY, ACTING EDITOR OF THE OMAHA GUIDE FILES FOR STATE SENATOR July 2nd Acting Editor C. C. *3 *1 loway, filed as a candidate In state Senator in the Nebraska Ler islature- He announces a brief and comprehensive platform, as fol lows: 1. Make an ALL-OUT effort to win the war. 2. Safeguard our theory of In dividual Liberty. 3. Continue to give labor a square deal. 4. Protect, defend and promo'e Agriculture. 5. Help LITTLE BUSINESS a well as Big Business. . No new taxes and no increase in old ones. 7. Provide ASSISTANCE FOE THE AGED. 8. Be prepared to meet the prob lems of the Post War Years In addition to announcing his platform, Mr. Galloway states that •many problems may arise during the war and afterward which will tax experienced men in the service of the state. My many years in business have taught me something about the difficulties encountered by the common man. as well as bus iness men. I believe I can !>e of service to the people of my district and my state when I am elected to the Legislature. I am one of eight candidates in the race in the Fifth. LegislativeDi strict. I especially de sire the votes of all men and wom en who at one time or another have been “hard up", or ••broke”. My competitors may have all the others. Almost Lost i Her Man | Won Him Back! GRAY HAIR ™h™b Doc t let gray hair ciuse you to lose your man. Keep him in love vrirh you — color your hair easily and quickly with Godefroy s Laneuse. It goes on evenly, doesn t rub off or wash out. Permits permanents, mirceis and curling. Used for over 45 years. You must be satisfied or dealer will refund money. If he doesn't have Laneuse, mail $ 1.25 direct to... Godefroy Mf*. Co, 3510 Olive St, St- Louis, Mo. MDCIMn HAIR COLORING —^ rtONOUMCEO lAarr.utf ————— UNHAPPY WIVES FIND NEW HOPE IN SPECIAL VITAMIN COMBINATION Clinical Tests Demonstrate Sterile Women May Be Aided—Happy Homes Are Dependent on Babies Hoiking equals a baby to bring com plete unity and happiness into the home and tie husband and wife into a stronger bond of enduring love and mutual in Many homes break up from lack of children and contribute to the amazing American record of one divorce for every five marriages. Unhappy wives, childless due to a vitamin-deficient finc ttonal weakness, may now enjoy the de nrres and activities of Nature's most wonderful creation—a normal, fully-de veloped, vigorous woman. Sensational clinical tests demonstrate (hat, in vitamin-deficient instances, a new vitamin of the B Complex groop has a striking effect on sterility. Twenty two women, with known sterility records for as much as five years were selected for the test. After weeks of heavy dosage with Paraaminobenzoic acid la vitamin of the B Complex group) more than half of these women became mothers. Many of these women had been told their condition was hopeless. The vita min is absolutely harmless and decided- I ly beneficial to general health as welL j Thus it is apparent that highly toni fied vitamin combination may be just the thing needed by the childless wife and quickly bring the happiness of n baby into the home. If you are childless and have even giv en up hope, if you wish to eliminate one of the greatest causes of unhappy mar riages, by all means give the Perlex Combination Vitamin System a short trial in the privacy of your home. To introduce this new vitamin combination quickly to a million women, the Perlex Company, 314 North Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois, will send a regular $2.00 supply for only 51.00 and a few cents postage. You need send no money _just your name and address. Periex comes in a plain wrapper—directions are quite simple, and no special o*ct or exercise is required.