IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE— IT PAYS TO SHOP For whatever you have to sell, 01 for whatever you want to boy— IX THESE COLUMNS HELP WANTED WANTED A young man. 18 years or older that' can make deliveries and work in a Furniture Store. Salary to begin with J10.00 per week. Working \ Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. 31. Call at Omaha Guide Office. WANTED 4 men to work at Consolidated Auto Parts Co., 2501 Cuming Street or l£%t South 16th St. Wants two roustabout workers to move around and clean wreckage. Two exper ienced auto wreckers. If in good health, age doesn't matter. Roust Ibout must be able to handle heavy parts of automobile. 2501 Cuming Street or 1240 South 16th Street. RYAN A SON NURSERY STOCK AND SEED 1509 CAPITOL AVE. HA. 4940 COMPLETE LINE OF SHRUBS, TREES AND ROSES. FOR RENT — At a reasonable price to the right party. 2 centrally located, modern Store rooms at 24th and Maple. A fine location for a Drug store. Beauty Culture Parlor, or Shoe Re pair Shop. For further information call AT. 5650. ROOMS. APTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Nicely furnished room 2807 N. 24tn St., WE. 2217. Join—Reliable Friendship Club— For Pleasure. Send Dime for mem bership biank. H. Brookes, 317 Wendell. Chicago, BI LAL Ndries"& CLEANERS EDHoLM & SHERMAN €401 North 24th WE. 6056 EMERSON LAUNDRY *324 North 24th St. WE. 10^ want to but — Furniture of all kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest oi drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings. Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart. 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 Join—Reliable Friendship Club —For Marriage. Friendship, or pleasure. Send Dime for member «h;p blank. H. Brookes, 317 W*r leii, Chicago, III. Mix Lemon Juice AT HOME I TO RELIEVE .'the MISERIES Money Back If TMs Rheumatic Recipe Fails Good news travels fast—many of the thou sands of folks who now take lemon juice for rheuipauc pain—have found that by adding two tablespoanfuls of Alienru to one taalespoonf* of Lemon Juice In a glass of water, they get faster relief for the achea and palna caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It's no surprise either, for is a IS year old formula to relieve rheumatic acres and palna In fact—If it does not help •—your money back. What could be fairer? o-t Alienru today at any hv« drugs si Only N cents—D* it Now. NEW! “BACTERIOSTATIC” FEMININE HYGIENE now finding great favor among women... Many doctors recommend regular um of douches as a precautionary meas ure for women who want to be clean, dainty—for women troubled by of fending odor or discharge. Borne products may be harmful to delicate tissues. But not Lydia E. Plnfcham's Sanative Wash! Pinhham’e Sanative Wash is gaining great favor among women because it s NOT a harmful germicide. Instead — it's a mighty effective ‘ bacteriostatic” (the mode-n trend). It not only discour ages bacterial growth and infection tout thoroughly cleanses and deodor izes Very soothing — relieves minor Irritations and discharge anri has a tonic effect on delicate membranes. Inexpensive! Get your bottle of Lydia Pinhhams Sanative Wash today. All druggists READ The GUIDE This week’s Editorial Review LEADERS AMONG THE DARKER RACES Four great leaders bulk large up on the world horizon. Gandhi End Nehru of India, Chiang Kai Shek of China, and Felix Aboue of French Equatorial Africa. Gandhi and Nehru arc the lead ers of four hundred million Indian*: Chiang Kai Shek of five hundred million Chinese and Felix Aboue is the actual and potential leader of three hundred million Africans. Bboue is a black man and is at pri-s ent Governor-General o." French E quatoriai Africa which is under Free French rule. Together these four great man lead people, more than half the population of the globe V.'hat they say and do now is of world-wide importance, what tney may say and do in the years immed iately following the war will be ev en more important. All the leaders mentioned here bare been educated in the best schools of the modern world Chia“ ; Aai Shek was educated in the best schools of China: he studied also ;r the best schools of Japan and Eng land. Both Gandhi and Nehru are ^rsauates of Oxford University and the Inna of Court. Both are schol ai\? w’i^ers and lawyers of i-o? first rank Felix Abcue is an or Graduate Of St. Cy-. the best mil itary s*h'.o' of France. He ha- been in Ftench Colonial se> '■ ice for many years finally ris ing to the Gorernor-Generalship Of tile Luke Ch :d Province, which now “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO'S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children's Work A Specialty “422 LAKE ST - ■ —' -i <"."•c!!'ltttWi|pw»iiitlpil|i,'llt!:- lUliiMininillBB KISMET LETTER KLUB Est. 1935. Membership only $1.00. Soldiers, men, woman, all ages. A dime brings info. P. 0. Box 602, Los Angeles, California ..•innittsiin’m ***<• MWliPni'Wmmiiti inn ir inm Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16™ ST. Phone JA-4635 Did You Place Yoar FALSE TEETH In a Glass Last Night? Thouaands do and wonder why their den ture, remain dull and .tamed - why they suffer with offending denture breath. They fad to realise that water alone is not 0 cleam ■ng agent - but now -here s l greet iormute Perfected by a dennst called Stera-Kleen that thoroughly cleans false teeth like magic - no brushing’ Simply put a little Stera-Kleen Powder m a glass of water—soak fa. —^ your teeth - now they sparkle. \ r In reall: dean end look like L——if the day your dentist said. ] "Don t they look natural’ Try Stera-Kleen - lasts long - costs eely iO* At ell druggists- - Old Farmer s Recipe Mis Alteriru and Lemon Juice to get ouick relief f*e**P<J~* of rheumatics and neuralgia Druggtata have Alienru — grocers have Itmnne embraces s i of F r;ch Equatorial Africa. He is familiar with the rrotlem of color and race the world over Mor«Over, h is acquainted with toe leaders in the lands of oth er colored laces. Ma* k it well, these names will be come mere and more significant as the da'* s and months go by. RUBBER FROM GRAIN The Oil Barons insist upon having a monopoly of the manufacture cf synethie rubber. Leaders of agric ulture, however, are insisting that synthetic rubber can be made much more cheaply and more more quick ly 'rom grain than from petroleum, but the Petroleum leaders seem to have sold their ideas to the govern ment and the grain producers to date have been left out. If the advocates of the grain pro • ess are right in their contentions, the government should utilize to the full the products of agriculture and it should be done now. Certainly, this is no time for “playing favorites" about rubber production, if the need for rubber is as serious as claimed by government representatives. SUGAR AND OTHER RATIONING Sugar rationing regulations are being liberalized a bit. Gasoline ra will be nationwide There is a por tioning is being extended and soon sibility that rationing may be ex tended to many foodstuffs. And after they are brought within the things to be rationed, production of liquors anl beers may be put on the list. Thus we will have both the things we eat and drink limited by the government, in the interest ef the war effort. Countries which have been at war for sometime have fully learned a bout rationing. The countries con quered by Hitler have learned more than that. Let the worst come to worst and j we will meet it. THE SOUTH AWAKENS World War Two is causing an a wakening in the Old South. That section is learning that they have been wrong down there by denying education to the colored population. The cause of their enlightenment is the standard set by the United Stat es Army for draftees. This stand ard requires all draftees to have at least fifth grade schooling. The whites have it: the Negroes do not. Therefore, in Mississippi, South Carolina and Alabama, in the coun ties where the Negro population is as large as the white population. Negro draftees are being rejected be cause of illiteracy, while white boys are being sent into the army. Thus, they ate paying with the lives of their sons for their color prejudice' After the war shall have ended in the defeat of Hitler in Europe, his principles will have to be beaten i.i the deep south. Hiter and his Axis comrades must be beaten on the battlefields of the world and in the deep south in the United States Of America. Fortun ately, thoughtful southern men in these backward areas are speaking out against Nazi policies and prac tices here in the 1 nited States They are speaking out in Mississip pi, which means much. Messrs Mark Ethridge and Her bert Agar of the Louisville Court Journal have been touring the coun try. south and north, calling attcn tion to these wrongs toward th* principles for which we fight.—Je mocracy within the Republic. Anc at long last they are gaining sup port where it is most needed, in th deep south. mmmhmmv nuimanmnw^'^^ "TL r !” GUIDE GIRLS ON THE STREETS | • • • We are buzzin' again this week all of Bronzeville's news-reels and jive. Special calendar for this week Count Basie and his orchestra at the ; City Auditorium. July 14th. Meanwhile—Those fine cats pm* the Fiddle are at the Beachcomber this week. WHAT EVERY CHIC SHOULD KNOW Do you know what the Black I Beauty is-It is a car from Min. . .which contains six Studds. .Jamts I Boogherv. who operates the 'Beaut’.’ | . .. .Jack Bell, who is havin' trouble already with the women ... George Teal. Raymond Rice, both rather super handsome... .and Robert Rudd, an old pioneer, who these fine cats are stopping with. . . . .Harold Robinson and Russell Averett were two of the six t hat have been here and gone. .....Boo-T ilery who is a cool cat. really thinks a lots of Dale Philips and David Hughes who is working with h; a at the Bomber plant. So girls here are five more guys to add to your duration list. Par the fine Robert R. a visit, that's one shore way of Raging one. PARTNERSHIP FOR UNCLE SAM Speaking of cooperating d-uring the shortage. Oladvas Taylor and | Betty Jones are two of the first ! chics to make a settlement. They take certain nights in the week to see Jack Hoard.... Gladyas' night was July 4th... Betty’s July 5th. TVhatta man for Uncle Sam's armv. ***» To ucan imagine how delieatasity “Stomp” is acting since the ne.v girl from Texas is here. Her nan‘ is Ossie Price and she's very hepnei and charming indeed. **** Who does B. Kellogg see every other night? **** HEAR IT FROM AN HONEST MAN To find out a girl's faults, praise her to her girl friends. **»* The “Host" club of young cats such as “Jeff” Weldon and etc., had a picnic Sunday and invited their chics—The couples were: Norman and Alberta B.Weldon and Dor is Curing.... Marice and May Riley —Elliott S. and Neomi Downs and Clifford and his chic. These young couples were situated out at Elm wood park enjoying everything hfe has to offer. (Especially things the ' large basket on the table contained > i **** | HEARD A very unnecessary sharp studd j j calling a pistol cop. Dan Dunn... _ ' Seemingly the bomber plant crew , has also given that name to the | ! cops. MM SO FAR AWAY BIT YET SO XEAR Xo wonder Russell Rudd don r ; have time to share with Girls in 'V mafaa... .he has to consetrate on 1 Doris Ware who lives in Aeon. 1 Minn. Evelyn Stewart who just a few moons ago arrived from Detroit, .is really gained a fine wardrobe, If he was out to the park modeling those new eelloloid slippers and a beauti ful blue dress. Harry didn’t List her either. *«** GUESS TO SAY SO LONG Lorraine Steward's farewell party Sat. night was a very fine situation. All of her many friends from So. D. and North Omaha was there enjoy ing themselves as Lorraine packed her grip to Antro to Michigan. Sol Hardman and his chic was really in the groove. ‘ Dolly” John son sam eon like a life and to say nothing of every character that was there. **** W AS LONESOME But not anymore. Adolphia Kin caid said she really did miss Cap pell Curtis those weeks Corrine Set.. had him. but once more cupid shot the arrow and Adolphia was all smiles and Corrine was again witn Johnathan again. Is everybody Happy? **** ALONG THE STROLL Peter Lorrie and his chic really do look fine in their brown drapped slack pants for a blouse and shut .... both are wearing beige silk witn their engraved initials. **** Wesley White is now cornin’ on like a buzz. A very fine chic is nuts about him. Watch that stuff! **** Big time Crip is slipping. He had the nerve to let a chic quit him. Of all the women it had to be J. H. »*** Glad to see along the walks Harold Lane who recently went to Chicago oh a little vacation. G. M. missed him a lots we can see that. A little matter like money ha been worrying us for weeks, .won dering what the guys are doing with $51 a week-so this week I interviewed a studd. He makes $51 a week and he is 18 years old he said: I have a year and six months until I get drafted. I am sav:ng twenty percent of my check, buying clothes and they will be worn out in a year's time_buying defense stamps.. helping my mother nr.d spending the rest on the hens end chics. This week for Count's dance he aims to clear $7 bucks. The Dolmites came on the 4th m brown and beige slack suits. *•** Laura A. has an admirer in So. Omaha. **** Meyer S. really does look except ionally fine in his little black car. **** Charlene Brown seems to have won the good old composition bat tle,.. She was seen with Edward Morrow the 4th. Lushing up a breeze. Charlotte Lawson and Nathaniel Shields really did make a fine couple Sunday going down Lake Street. That's all this week. .. . Tour Girls On the Streets. HERE HE IS jj IN PERSON THE JUMP KING V OF SWING” U COUNT BASIE 1 AND His Orchestra 0 City Auditorium g Tuesday July 14 Q Advance Sale 90c g Door $110 0 —HOURS 1# TO 3— Q TICKETS ON SALE AT Q JOHNSON DRUG CO. Q 33#6 NORTH 24TH A ff The WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY’ H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 The railroad boys are on the up and go at all times. Mr. George Dean. Mr. Felix MeToyer. Mr. Har ry Swain. Mr. Roy McAllister and all of the crew are on the firing line in giving modern service to the traveling public at all times. "We noticed Mr. Pace and Mr. Jones are visiting with the boys on North 24th Street. The Omaha Club waiters are tops on service at all times and we are very glad that Mr. Earl Jones is on the job after having a sick spell We got a look at Mr. Frank Bu ford at church Sunday morning anl Mr. Virgil Shobe can be seen parked in his car by the laundry in the ev enings. Mr. Butler enjoys his pipe FIRST BUYER OF RATIONED GAS NEW YORK — PIXPAGE — The first day of gasoline rationing on the eastern seaboard, was just one minute old when Mrs. Elizabeth Berry pulled up at Jack Felder man's Gas Station on New York’s 36th St. and made the first pur chase of rationed gas. She has an “A” card. Her buy was three units worth—nine gallons. Add Indigestion Wbat many Doctors do for it # When excess stomach acid caueas gas. soar stomach or heartburn, doctors prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicine* like those in Bell-ans Tablets. Try Bell-an* yourself, at first sign of distress. They neutralize acid, relieve gas. and bring comfort very quickly—yet are not a laxative! Only 25c. at drug stares. If your very first trial doesn't prove Bell-ans better, return bottle to us and get double your money back. ■ - 1 BRIGADIER GENERAL »«~ JAMIN O. DAVIS, of tile I2*p«. General's Department, Vaanin." • inspects Company D of the 66th In fantry Trailing Battalion at Camp Wolters, Texas. These troops are said to have made a remarkable good showing in a comparative!} short training period. FOOD FOR VICTORY UNION GROVE, WISC.—This might have happened 100 years ago— but actually the scenes above were photographed last week at the 72nd annual meeting of the Old Settlers Society. This celebration marked 100 years of progress in threshing and farm power here, near the placn where J. I. Case, founded the company now bearing his name. Show* above are a Case threshing machine and steam engine built in the lahn 60’s but still able to do their part in the Food for Victory campaign todaj. car an 24th and Lake Street, while he is waiting for the street ! The fourth Of July of 1942 ha gone down in history and we notice everyone was in a very patriot! ■ mood as we all should keep up the spirit and do our bit. The OMAHA GUIDE is always out in front to be of good service to rile good old USA. and we should all be a good spoke in the wheel to keep the good work up. Subscribe now. The Johnson Drug store is in the ice cream business (three ways win show and place) and from what this writer observed. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Wiley and all of their salesman j •ould use two pair of hands at times. FLASH::: The membership drive fo rthe NAACP is going over b;g. Are you in the running? If no’, why not? CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 2010'/2 n- 24th st- JAckson 6575 .Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. m. American 4. Chinese Dishes Real Shoe Man— FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR Cash and Carry CLEANER 1410 North 24th St CARL CRIVERi*. ■ !!■■■■■/ "LEARN HOW TO CAN WITHOUT SUGAR!” \-. Are you afraid you will not have enough sugar to do the canning you want to do this summer? Actually, most fruits can be canned without sugar. The Home Service Department of the Utili ties District is offering FREE instructions. ATTEND HOME CANNING INSTRUCTION CLASSES TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS 12 P. M. TO i P. M. AT GAS BUNGALOW" Utilities Building, 18th and Harney Streets Aii-Conditioned for Your Comiort! \ I, I I Yesterday... .— POPULAR TODAY! GRA Y HAIR Recolored in 29 Minutes Don't let gray hair make a “stay-at-home” oat of you. Color yoar hair with Godefroy’s Larieuse and look yoang again ... have fun again. Larieuse goes on evenly, doesn’t rub off or wash out. Permits permanents, marcels and curling. Used for over 45 years. You must be satisfied or dealer will refund money. If he doesn't have Larieuse, mail $1.25 direct •o ;;. Godefroy Mfg. Co., 3510 Olive St., Sc. Louis, Mo. CAUTION: USE ONLY AS DIRECTED ON LABEL , HIDE CRAY HAIR IN 2 EASY STEPS 1 M imnamm a 1C BOX.