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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1942)
Pn^r pays to advertise IT PAYS TO SHOP For whatever you have to sell, 01 for whatever you want to buy— IN THESE COLUMNS HELP WANTED WANTED A young man, 18 years or older th-’t can make deliveries and work in a! Furniture Store. Salary to begin with J10.00 per week. Working Hours 8 A. SI. to 6 P. M. Call at Omaha Guide Office. WANTED 4 men to work at Consolidated Auto i Parts Co.. 2501 Cuming Street or j 1240 South 16th St. Wants two j roustabout workers to move around i and clean wreckage. Two exper ienced auto wreckers. If in good health, age doesn't matter. Roust tbout must be able to handle heavy parts of automobile. 2501 Cuming Street or 1240 South 16th Street. RYAN A. SON NURSERY STOCK AND SEED 1506 CAPITOL AVE. HA. 4940 COMPLETE LINE OF SHRUBS. TREES AND ROSES. ROOMS, APTS FOR RENT For Rent, three room modern apt., 21S0 North 28th Street. I ROOMS FOR RENT-2 rooms for Rent. 1314 North 25th St. AT. 4086. THREE ROOMS. MODERN. $13 PER MONTH 2130 X. 28TH ST. I Join—Reliable Friendship Club— For Pleasure. Send Dime for mem bership blank. H. Brookes, 317 Wendell, Chicago. HI. LAL.NDRIES &. CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 8401 North 24th WE. SOM EMERSON LAUNDRY *324 North 24th Sl WE. 10i» WANT TO BUI — Furniture of all kinds—dressers,! beds, end tables, chairs and chest j of drawers or complete home—1 apartment furnishings. Kettles and ditrhes. Sell ua yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 Join—Reliable Friendship Club , —For Marriage. Friendship, or i . Icasure. Send Dime for member i «h:p blank. H. Brookes, 317 W®n lell, Chicago. Ill Acid Indigestion What many Doctors do for it 0 When excess stammer, acid cajwi (is soar stomach j or beartbur:. doctors prescribe the fastest-acting kn«»wr for symptomatic relief—medicines like those m Bell-ans Tablets. Try Bell-gns yourself. mi first aigr. of distress They neutralise acid, relieve gas. and bring comfort very quickly—yet are not a laxative? Only 25c. at drug stores. If your very first trial doesn't prove Bell -ar.s better, return bottle to j us and get double jour money back. LMix Lemon Juice AT HOME | TO RELIEVE /the MISERIES Money Back If This Rheumatic Recipe Fails * Good news travels fas:—many of the thou sands of folks who sow take lemon Juice lor. rheuipahc pals—have found that by adding two tablespoonfuls of Allenru to one tablespoon! • of Lemon Juice in a glass of water, they get faster relief for the achea and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It's no surprise either, for Allenru is a 15 yea," old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains In fact—a it does not help —your money back. What could be fairer? Oe; Allenru today at any live druggist Only •» —b Do is Xow. NEW! “BACTERIOSTATIC” FEMININE HYGIENE now finding great favor among women... Many doctors recommend regular use of douches as a precautionary meas ure for women who want to be clean, dainty—for women troubled by of fending odor or discharge. Borne products may tie harmful to delicate tissues. But not Lydia E. Pink-ham s Sanative Wash! Pinkham's Sanative Wash is gaming great favor among women because it’s NOT a harmful germicide. Instead — it’s a mighty effective •'bacteriostatic” (the modem trend). It not only discour ages bacterial growth and infection but thoroughly cleanses and deodor izes Very soothing — relieves minor irritations and discharge and has a tonic effect on delicate membranes. Inexpensive! Get your bottle cf Lvdia Pink ham's Sanative Wash today. All druggists. This week’s Editorial Review SONGS CHANGE WITH THE TIMES Rudyard Kipling wrote a famous poem once which contained the lin es: East is East and West is West. And Never the Twain Shall Meet. When he wrote the lines he believ ed them. He was then the singer for the British Imperialists. Now, we may parody Kipling and say: There shall be no East. There shall be no West. For someday the twain shall meet. They shall come by land and Air and Sea, And wherever they meet they shall Brothers Be _ THE AFRICAN QUESTION Last week a group of distinguish ed Americans laid the African Prob lem before the world. In doing so they demanded that Africans be given some of the democracy they are working and fighting for. And j they mentioned, in passing, the Col ored People of the United States. These patriotic taen and women not only wish to win the battles; they also desire to win the war. and, afterward, the PEACE OF JUST ICE for all men everywhere. BENEFIT SHOP 111 SO. 16th ST. NICE LINE OF FURNITURE, BABY CARRIAGES, ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT O F CLOTHING — REASONABLY PRICED. .— -- '= , -IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. ■ ’j ■=! ' =)' l— ......- ««.'•» KISMET LETTER KLUB Est. 1935. Membership only $1.00. Soldiers, men, women, ?ll ages. A dime brings info. P. O. Box 602, Los Angeles. California Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. Phone JA4635 Did You Place Your FALSE TEETH In a Glass Last Night? Thousands do and wonder why their den tures remain dull and stained - why they suffer with offending denture breath They 1 fast to realise that water alone is not a cleans ing agent - but now there s a great lorrnuU oerfected by a dentist, called Sters-Kleen mT: thorough lv eleens false teeth hhemagic no brushing Simply put s little Stera Kleen Powder in a *la» o1 water-roe* your teeth - now they aperkle. arc reaily clear, and look li*e the day your dentrat aatd. •'Don't they look natural? Try I Stere-Kleer - laltr Ion* - COatl only 30* At all dru*grr«s. Old Farmer's Recipe Mix Allenru and Lemon Juice to get quick relief from P""1 of rheumatic* and neuralgia Druggist* have Allenru — grocer* have lemons. I We are in the grip of a World- ■ Revolution. At its end. we shall ! have done with present day Imper- ! ialism. In its place we must have | cooperation between and among j peoples and governments, based up on the principles of right and jus tice for all. When the Atlantic Charter was promulgated by Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt it contained a provision for the ac cess to “RAW MATERIALS” equal ly by all countries. Where are the “raw materials". Africa has them in greater abund ance than any other country. India has them and South America has them. Nothing in particular wa: said about the natives of the count ries mentioning sharing the “raw materials”. The language was the language of the Imperialist: not the language of democracy. It is because of these statements | and the knowledge of the practice of Imperialist Governments, that the Friends of African natives have taken a hand. They want “raw ma terials” developed as well for tQe use of the natives as other peoples. They would see the natives devel oped. Indeed, they must be devel oped in every way; their standard of living must be raised to higher levels. They must be educated to serve humanity, not to exploit it. Such is the meaning of the World j Revolution. THE OMAHA WORLD HERALD MAKES ITS BLACKLIST IN LOCAL POLITICS Local politics are coming to the fore. Sunday last the Omaha World Herald “led off” with its list of •> cal legislative unworthies. One cf the men on the blacklist was the well known State Senator, John Adams, Jr„ According to the World Herald, Adams “got out of line”: that is. he did not support the two measures closest to the “heart” of the World-Herald, so-called “Home Rule”, embodying the County Man ager Plan, and “Modernization' ; machine bookkeeping. One thing the World-Herald writ er made clear was the fact that John Adams, Jr., IS A NEGRO. The article puts him down as "a j Negro Attorney”. We think that fact does not justi fy his defeat or election. And. we surmise that the writer of the “blacK list” article knows that John Adams Jr., is one of the best qualified members of the Nebraska legislat ure. We opine, also, that Mr. Mor row knows, as we do, that qualific ations in themselves are colorless and raceless. It may be just as well that tne question has been raised by the World-Herald. The Britjish raised the same question in the Far Ea-'t and other places. Thoughtful men and women everywhere now realize Britain made a mistake. Frankly, we do not believe the citizens of the 5th district will de feat John Adams. Jr., because he happens to be an American of Col or. Quite the contrary, we think they will rather regard his racial stock as an asset “at the present time” and “in the present circum stances”. brought about by the War Emergency. We have not always been entnus istic about John Adams. Jr., but the World-Herald will make us get that way. if it persists in making COL OR A TEST FOR OFFICE. In a world sense, and things may be judged ere long in that way, such a philosophy would be fatal to white men the world over. Let merit, not color be the test. ‘ ABILITY. NOT POLITICS" Mr. Robert H Moses. America s formost authority on the science of Parks and Landscaping. Slum Clearance and so on. recently made TEL. WE 2022 nm trices are based on the cost of serv ice plus the cost of merchandise and a reasonable profit. Thomas FUNERAL HOME 2022 LAKE ST. Omaha, Nebr. i — GIRLS ON THE STREETS • • • Last year we heard comments from two romantlcal character complaining about the light from the Creighton stadium.. here’s hop ing the fire works won't be to® much for critters who plan to do their bit of sparking: Moon up after the Races and Elmwood park July 4th. Specially during the shortage per iod. the gals should give Blick a warm welcome, who's home from the coast. FAMOUS COUPLES OF THE MONTH Eva Doris—Warren Phillips. Hazel Montgomery—Kenneth Toung, Maggie Johnson—Charlie Williams Roosevelt Layton—Helen Bead lev, Harrison Brown—Jessina Brooks. Corrinne Seay—Kappel Curtis. Colleen Kincaid—Buddy Kellogg. Cleone McAllister—Hobart Kav, Darlene Morris—Percy Roundfee Off with the old. on with the new. that seems to be Adoiphia Kincaid and Delores Williams motto now s days. Here's hoping the best of luck to r<Ma Nelson and V.bgr. Wright who rt-cently tied the matrimonial Knot, also Lillian Brown and Ralph Ar dora. a very bold statement about our war effort;. He declared: Ability, Not Politics. Will Win the War ’. And he went on to say that vert- able men have offered their services to the government and have been re jected because they have not always agreed with the present Adminis tration. He reminds us of the wis dom of Lincoln who sought the aDl est men in the country for his cu!> inet posts, whether they had always agreed with him or not. And Mr. Moses pointed out that what we need is ability in every place NOW. He would have the ablest men given cabinet posts and all other posts re quiring ability. And he would give them power when once appointed. In this way. Mr. Moses, points out. the various bureaus could be di s pensed with and the President, him self. would be freed from crushing burdens. The statement by Mr. Moses ap peared in the Washington Post. Washington. D. C. Mr. Moses is Commissioner of Parks and Boulevards in New York City. He has supervised improve ments in this type of work all ov er the country. What he says is im portant. because he is one of Amer ica's great Executives. IT HAS COME AT LAST A suit was filed on the Pacific Coast in a Federal Court which seeks to win a court decision to the effect that only so-called Caucas ians are eligible for citizenship in the United States. Thus, while we fight for "Wrold Democracy", we have with us men who dare to as sert that this is the white man's country. The truth is the whire man is a new comer to America. Lief Ericson was the first one here, so far as records go. He came in ; the year 1000. Four houndred and ninety-two years later, according to the ‘‘Press Agents", Columbus dis covered America. Funny thing, when Ericson and Columbus came they found the country populated by BROWN PEOPLE, called In dians. For at least a hundred years before Columbus came, Portugese Negroes had explored the continent of North and South America and have been here as residents or ex plorers continuously since 1350 A. D The time has come for members of the white race to take a ‘ searching look at the world today. When they do they will find human beings in Africa, China India. Russia. Eng -land. The Americas and the Isles of | the Sea. have HUMAN POSSIBIL ITIES of equal degree, all things be ing equal. Men everywhere who raise suen silly questions are. consciously or not, enemies of civilization. The: S read contemporary history wita their prejudices an dnot with their eyes. They do not know that it was this attitude which has ended Brit ish Imperialism. Their debacle in the Far East establishes this con | elusion. The lawsuit referred to will re : ceive the treatment it deserves when it reaches the Supreme Court of the j United States. t ~j You can imagine how that r;:nr it Willie McDavis felt the other week when he was buying ‘ Two Pleas* ' «* m! the other hen <*» on the sc a*ie and shah we say grabbed the dow payment. Sweet miseries of life. IT MI ST HE LIT. V. • don’t seem to so* Percy Round tree skipping from one iuv to an other: Darlene Morris must he the answer to that problem. _ Cool, calm and collective. Miiar Martin brother of Mable and Luba Martin is here visiting cousins art sisters. He’s from Pens^gola, Fla. Willie Fountain seemingly sent a message to one chick R. T. and at the same time he was with another j Y. K. Don’t take advantage of tCe shortage, shorty. , Where could Poachie Mease and Jack could have been going after sun down one night? SEEING IS BELIEVING ..Roselia .Thomas enjoying .the company of new cat in the .drug store Sunday night.—will there be some changes made?. FADS AND F ASHIONS The former Hartellse Pitts wea Ing an adorable two tone summt r ! dress. Velma Murrell in a very becoming I bobby suit. Katherine Taylor's white “Fisk jacket. Lawrence Bowden in brilliant yel low assessories. — NICKNAMES I. Herman “String beans'" VerdeU, 2.. .Violet “Coaga" Curtis, . 3.. .Henry “Skins” Davis,. 4.. .Roscoe “Stump” Brown, .. _ 5.. Roy “Buddy” Kellogg. 6.. William “Blick” Avant. “.. Maggie “Termite” Johnson. 8.. . James “Loose Eye” Calhoun. 9. Leota “Leedie” Levjson. 10. William “Preacher” Quarre -. II. Charles “Chuck the duck” Wil liams. 12. Mac “The Duke” Franklin, 13. Roscoe “Jerk” Mitchell. “Shout Brother Shout” seems to i be the go now in the music shop downtown—even the other people is buying the record by the Irk Spots. ' Don’t fail to get that record. Everyone is shore to have a good ^ outting Julj 4th and we hope yc do. TORE GIRLS on the Streets. OVERHEARD When little Jimmy Costen who works around the Guide office came back from lunch, he was heard to say to Robert (Bobby) Allen Jr., and his brother Charles Costen, said he — “Did you hear about the big wreck last night?” And when they answer ed “nor’ He said. “Lake Street ran into 24th Street.” Some fun eh? SOCIAL NOTES STUDY COURSE The Salem BTU. Study course will meet On Fridays as usual next week. Meeting 8 p. m. 7-10-42. How ever due to a change of the Church program this week, the Course was held on Tuesday evening June 30th. All students are urged to prepare for general review as well as lesson >»'■■. 7. The Public is always welcome. Mr. Wm. Cooper. General Instruc tor. Miss Ruth Crain. Ex-Secy. PURPLE CROSS UNIT The Purple Cross Xurse Vnit of Elks Cherokee Temple No. 223 have turned out their Second Class of First Aiders. Lists of Students fin ished are as follows: Daughters Evelyn Sims. 1823 No. 23rd St.. Jessie Brooks. 225 Erskine Street. Katherine Moore. 1203 Pa ific Street. Clara Campbell. 232' 2320 Paul Street. Cora Jackson 2619 Grant Street. Jeanette Moor?. 1218 South 17th Street. Grace Nich olson. 2620 North 24th Street, Beu lah Watts, 2520 Decatur Street. Mi. garet Harrold. 2208 No- 23rd Street. Lulu Moore. 1218 So. 17th Street, The instructor of the class w is Lola Mae Jackson. 2717 Parker St. Mrs. Ida Moore left June 23 for Denver. Colorado, to spend the sum mer with her sister. Mrs. Moore will join her daughter there. Mrs. Clark, who left June 16. for Los Angeles, California, but stopped in Denver to spend a few days with her aunt. We hope they will have a pleasant summer. Mrs. Mary Short of Minneapolis. Minn., is visiting her brother, Uad Perkins for a few days. WEDS Miss Saddie Batts, the lovely niece of Mr .and Mrs. Jess Nicholas. 2221 Willis Ave., became the bride of Mr. Earl D. Smith of Chicago, on Friday, June 26. Miss Korea Clark, 2204 Ohio Sc.. was the maid of honor and Mr. Le roy Allen of Chicago, the best man. I A reception was given in th^ir honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas. The b ide wore a love’.v white satin wedding gown and Miss C'ark wore a beautiful pink jersey formal The couple will make their home in Chicago. SOCIAL NOTES OF THE PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Sire. Esther Smith. 3230 Evans Si. mother of Sister Heron is visiting the city from Pine Bluff. Arkansas. The Primitive Baptist Church is looking forward to electing delegates to go to the Association which wid convene in Detroit, Michigan. La t year it met in Cleveland. Ohio. The delegates were Sister Annie Dunc .n and Brother Oliver, her father. Sister Bessie Wright and Ovaline Grice went to the convention as 'the delegates from Freestone Primitive Baptist Church. March. 1942 and were looking forward to elect d“'e gates for 1943. The two granddaughters, WtUa Lee and ELa Marie Johnson, wer visiting their grandmother Sister Pinkie Oliver at 2830 Corby St. Frank Brown, the son of TV. E. Brown, 2855 Wirt Street, went to visit his two brothers in San Fran cisco. California. The Primitive Baptist Churcn will have a picnic. July 16. The tic kets are 30c. Everyone please come an dhelp us and have a joyful time The daughters of Mrs. Robinson. 2878 Corby Street. Dorothy and Anna Robinson, left the city to vis it their father in Waterloo. Iowa. MRS. MILDRED DAVIS Mrs. Mildred Davis, age 38 years died June 19th at a local hospital. Mrs. Davis had been a resident of Omaha seventeen years. She is survived by her husband. Mr. John Davis, Detroit, Michigan, throe daughters, Mrs. Betty McCruder, Claudia May. Norma Jean Davis, two sons. Willie and Jerry Davis, one sister Mrs. Roma Irvin, all of Omaha, one brother Mr. Otis For bush. Rockford. Illinois, cousin Mrs. Young. DesMoines, Iowa and other relatives. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, June 24th from Thomas Funeral Homo, with Rev. C. C. Reynolds officiat ing. Burial Prospect Hill Cemeteiy. FIRST MISSION OF THE GOD SENT LIGHT Prophet Hess. Pastor Our pastor preached a wonderful sermon Sunday night. His text was “He that betrayeth me is at hand." Subject. “Snake in the Grass. God wants true workers. He knows all. sees all. You may fool man, but you can’t fool God. So let us all wake up and serve God and not man. The public is invited to attend a festival. July 4. at 2734 Blondo. 8:00 o'clock p. m. Be sure to come out Sunday at 3:00 o'clock to a special occasion. Monday Developing class. 8:30— 108)0. Tuesday—Healing and Readings. 88)0 o'clock. Thursday, Regular Services 8:00 o'clock. Reporter Mrs. Carter. THE MEMO ( LI B The Memo Club closed or complet ed its class in “First Aid" last week with most of the members and sev eral non club members receiving Certificates for the same. The class held its meetings in the Harriet s Beauty Salon, owned by Mrs. Mat tie Moore, the president of the club and was taught by Mrs. V. Shear ron. They closed the class with an entertainment for the teacher, and presented her with a. beautiful piece of lingerie as a gift in appreciation of her vert- fine service- The club will now resume its regular meet ings on Tuesday night. The WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 This is the day we celebrate and we should all bow our heads .aid utter a short prayer and thank God that we are living in a great and glorious free country of the lovely ITS A., where we all can enjoy the , good blessings of the Almighty at | all times, and use every effort to take advantage of any opportunities that may develop around us. As it | is the fatherhood of God and th“ brotherhood of man is what we aie CHURCH OF THE HYING GOD Motto—CVfTF. 1906 North 24th Street Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Rose Oliver, Reporter Sunday School .. ... 9:45 Morning Worship.11:30 YPPU.. SWI 1 Bible Band .. _ _.6 .-00 Evening Worship .7'11 Wednesday night Service. ... 7:30 Thurs. Nigth Choir Rehearsal. .8:00 Sunday throughout the day was grand. Our pastor preached a very Inspiring sermon. It was sweet and short. His subject were: ‘‘He that Climeth up some other way, the same as a thief and a robber.” He made it so plain that a child could understand. Sunday night Evang. Marie Wright preached a grand sermon. Her sub ject was “Love.” which everyone en joyed very' much. Our pastor preached Sunday night for Mrs. Duplex a white church on the Southside, and many were healed there. He had a full house. Tey were carried away with Rev. Nichols and his great work. They are to be with us on Wed nesday night. Our pastor will leave for the Gen eral Assembly which wil convene in St. Louis. Mo., July 7-12 fr »tn which he will go to Decatur, 111. to be with Bishop Fonville and from there he will leave for his home in Chicago. He will be there for a few days, te nto Gary, Indiana and then from there he will return home to Omaha. ^ looking forward to in bringing about a lasting peace among all nations— in joy and love and good fellowship. ***** The summer clubs are in full bloom and the streamlined head waiters are very much out in front. Mr. Fleming, Mr. Hodges, Mr. Har rold and how they all are up and go ing. Let’s give them a big hand ***** We noticed our good friend Bro. John Evans, the dean of the roast beef knights, last Sunday afternoon. He was fellowshiping with the boys on North 24th street and all in all it was a very joyful contact as we all can learn something to our ait vantage and welfare in talking with him. ***** We would like very much to see our old friend Mr. Redden, the Fon tenelle hotel man. as he is one east ern boy who holds his own at all times, and Mr. Underwood, the out in front party man is tops. ***** The Omaha Guide is in the front line with the news and ads. and we should help to keep it in the runn ing. ***** We are all delighted to know that the race horse headwaiter and his crew were the sensation of the aft ernoon at the Employees picnic giv en by the Paxton hotel. ***** The Omaha Athletic club is on the improve at all times. The very congenial manager and assistant manager, the headwaiter, the chef cook, the two front door men and all the employees are using every effort to give service with a smile. Are you a member Of the NAACP If not you should take out a mem bership and help the race. ***** The 4C Club—and the Credit TTn ioh is going over big. and are very much in need of your support to help carry on. CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 2010'/2 N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 .Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. m. American & Chinese Dishes Real Shoe Man— FONTENELLE SHOE REPAHl Cash and Carry CLEANER 1410 North 24th St. CARL CRIVEKi\ READ The QIJ1DF swrT" ™ 32 Oi WAX7S 16Conserve Bottk Caps! Men and Women WHO ARE ACCUSTOMED TO MAKE BIG MONEY— priorities may have abolished your job, sell Decalcomanja— “VICTORY EMBLEMS’" for store windows, auto windshields etc. Timely proposition, hurry for exclusive territory, very small investment required, —write:— CALIFORNIA PUBLICITY AGENCY, 815 SOUTH HILL ST., SUITE 708, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. SEND $1.00 FOR SAMPLE CLIMB ON THE BOND WAGON That’s right, buy a bond.then another. Climb up and join your neighbors, your fellow workers, your own family ride with your head up, your conscience clear, your heart aflame, Climb on the Bond Wagon 911Y Defense Stamps ***** ■ Defense Bonds SEARS, ROEBUCK and CO. Council Bluffs OMAHA South Omaha