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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1942)
GIRLS ON THE STREETS • •• AJtho Tuesday night of last week brought us rain, Father Hines got the usual mob. The hall was pack ed and if we must say so—it should rain more often. Rain seems to have had a great efect upon the drags and fighters. Neither were present at the stomp and E-V-E-R-Y B-O-D-Y just naturally knocked themselves out on—Skylark, Some how—Jelly, Jelly—Sally Won’t You Pleez Come Back, —The Jersey Bounce an dmany other of Earl’s mos’ popular records. ***** Meanwhile the rest of the weed, The Avenue was Deserted! All the thick traffic was going north to 30th and Victory Gardens Street to the Taxed Carnival. As we all knowed it was so good that all un der six couldn’t understand it and all over sixty could’t stand it! ***** We must give Omaha Cats credit for keeping the shuck in airculation CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 2010N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 .Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. m American & Chinese Dishes IW.V.-W.VWAWWJ'AWW For Tired and Aching FEET — USE LAUGHING FOOT POWDERS ORDER NOW—50c a Box OINTMENT—50c a Jar LAUGHING FOOT PRODUCTS CO. 3105 Haverford Avenue. Philadelphia, Pa. —This Week there were two dances at the Dreamalnd Hall and by *he time you read here there might be another carnival on the old grounds. ***** Chicken ain’t nothin’ but a bird, is it Leroy J. When a fellar gets to bo a chicken—he’s got a soft heart and needs to get treatments FROM THE DOCTOR! Do you fol low? Savay! They looked for you yesterday and there they found you today! ***** HONDA KIMSEY What kind of doings are you do ing—which Fontane do you go with? Course you have quite a decision— All of them are handsome. But take it slo cutie! ***** Everyone just naturally kilt then selveh at the Ke-No Party Saturday night, and you can bet the ale was in good circulation, the solid night long. ***** To the girls who patronize Brass Button and Stripes. Where were you the night of the soldier dance at the American Legion, the poor fellars were quite alone. Was that the American spirit or was you hold ing out for the duration. ***** Who was the tall-tall-army cat seen with Bertha Davis? Could he be the one that caused Joe Wright to sing, “Somebody’ else has taken my place.” • ***** In case anyone wants to know what the big-to-do w-as on the cor ner of 24th and Lake Saturday night —it was only a disromantical shai p Sioux City cat discovering that he was M. J.’s cousin. ***** There w-as a spark from Georg > Deen and Eva Dorris. Old flames never-die—we spotted George eniD ing all his won articles into Eva s arms at the carnival. ***** Wonder what sort of doings was Leota Levison doing las’ week? Go ing to the Carnival escorted by a V. S. Soldier—Inside with a number of tuddh—and letting the U. S. soldi r escort her home. Mabe she thought she would meet a Jap! ***** Just what did happen to the rom ance between Capeil Curtis and Ad olpha Kincaid, and the short rom *noe between Deloris William and ecrne plants ■ WLLUfl FERTILIZER | SAVE ON GARDEN SEED by using our New Crop Bulk Garden Seeds. Fruit and shade trees. Vegetable Plants of All Kinds. HOME LANDSCAPE SERVICE 924 North 24th Street Tel. JA. 5115 Freedom of Speech! {One of the Essentials of a Democracy) Freedom of speech is but one of the many important rights America is fight ing for today! Our free speech is as American as Valley Forge. Fostered by our Pilgrim Fathers, it was protected by the life-blood of the Colonials and finally written into the Bill of Rights as a sacred, inalienable right of the American people. Lose it now? Never! To us freedom of speech is still worth fighting for. Like individual initiative, free speech has helped make America the greatest nation in the world. It took courage, foresight, and hard work to build the great private Business enterprises that have made America’s standard of living the highest in the world. And those same qualities— personal sacrifice, hard work, individual initiative—will again make America vic torious in this fight for freedom! NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY -flAZ&HC7DH “BROTHER BOOTSIE. THERE IS A COUPLE OF GENTS OUT HERE WITH A NOTE FOR YOU. AN’ I GUESS YO' HAD BETTER BRING YOUR HAT AN’ COAT WITH YOU” Don aTtum. Both girls are spotted with different studds now days. ***** In case some one is inquisitive a bout the cute little family setting in the Ritz Sunday night, it was none other than Kenneth Young, baby Mary Lou and Hazel Mont Life can be wonderful!!! ***** We can readily understand why Charline Brown continually comet to North Omaha. With compotisli un like Joyce Hall. Who wouldn't It’s all over Herb Daily. Naturally. ***** As we were saying—That Ke-No Party: One Studd—South Omaha, lost his bank roll—It was all his fault—he hasn’t learned yet that experience is the best teacher. But he will. Slo but Sho! ***** Stanley Edmonson is reaching for the wrong ch:c—even if her name is Wright. Floyd Young yet has a * sayso ***** Johnathan is covering new ter ritory now. He used to skip from one old flame to the other old flame but mabe the old gray mare ain't what he used to be. ***** Well, another love line is about to knot. Girls you will have to check Harry Best off your list of eligible*. ***** Here’s the striking news girls— Emmett Corbin left Omaha Friday for Seattle, Washington. Don’t know if he’ll excite as many chics there as he did here. Can’t say! ***** Seems as though George Station who carries unbuyable post cards around with him was with Juanita Agee at the carnival. (Score). ***** Lee Moffett has a number of girls on his short string now—his line must be solidly the lick! ***** The ‘LeiSuretts” Club is coming on like a rose—They are gradually budding out into fame. What could you expect with a fine president like Mursedes Turner and hep chics .. as Sally Wells. ***** Wonder who will Charlott Preston invite as her esaort to the Prom. A bit of gosip spread that she might invite a friend of a friend of ours. Of course no one will go out of the-r way to be with anyone, we are sure. ***** “Mutt" Smith had quite a choice to make whe nit came to the ban quet situation. He had to choose be tween Dorothy Hill and Eythel Mich eal. _***** Glamorous Jean Dunn and Stunn ing Roberta Avant are having quite a outting.Frank Wells must have thought he was an all around mail. After solidly jiving both girls Then came the sho-down. Who \\ ill win? The cute girl from Tech or the charming Centralite.? ***** Why is Eva Dorris so interesred in putting Neomi Downs with Chancey Gilmore. Could she be us ing Xeomi to get Chancey back? — Sometimes we wonder. ***** Wiilie Kimsey had better watch that stuff. He's been making some unnecessary creeps lately. What’s the score Ked? ***** Charlotte Lawson, as we said be fore—The fashion plate from Pitts burgh was really looking fine Sun day—Red and white accessories ai d a two piece drapped blue suit. ***** Upon closing we couldn’t hem but notice a short sentence in this paper asking a question. We be lieve the question was: "What is that pavillion like building on 26th between Erskine and Grant Street? We feel that since we know the answer, we shall answer. That Mr. question asker. is a well known—well attended and most hon orable place in the world to us. It is thy Church of God in Christ. We don’t expect an anchore! THAT’S ALL this week. Your GIRLS on the STREETS. UUIIIIIII'llirillliliiiiiimimimiimiiiMiiinnimiimiiiiimiiiniimiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiumiiMiiKi Costs only 3C per day : Pays up to $325 per year Accidents and Sickness strike quickly and Hospitals demand Cash. Federal’* Hospitalization Insurance meets this emergency promptly by providing HOSPITAL ROOM and BOARD - O P E R A T IN O ROOM -X-RAY EXAMINATION - ANESTHESIA LABORATORY EXAMINATION—MATERNITY BENEFITS - SURGEON'S FEES — SANATORIUM BENEFITS—EMERGENCY AID—A M B U L A N C E SERVICE — a total maximum payment up to $325 for only 3c a day. NO MEDICAL EXAMINA a-* TION REOUIRED CLAIMS PAID PROMPTLY-AVAIL l ABLE FOR THE ENTIRE V- family. ACT NOW You can’t afford to b* with l out this Low Cost protection, k Let the FEDERAL PLAJM pay m the bills. j Citizens Bank Building Wilmington, Dal. <». (i. X. ^ I Gentlemen: Please mail me. without obligation, full Free details aoout your Sc I . a day Hospital and Sut jcal Payment Plan. 1 understand no agent will call. | I Naina _ I • Street ——I ” Tnwa--State _J WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 The Happy Hollow Club had a very grand opening on May 23rd and the musician headwaiter was very much out in front with the crew of fine waiters and of course the headwaiter always takes very much pride in giving the crew of waiters uptodate instructions as h\s very careful efforts and late modern ideas with his pleasant smile al ways bring good results. The Fontenelle Hotel waiters are 1 on the improve and Mr. Redd the headwaiter and the Room Service Crew, Mr. Copeland, Mr. Hill. Mr. George Thomas and we notice Mr. George Lipton is on the job again, along with the two front door men Mr. Donlevy and Mr. Shropshire. Good service men of very wide ex perience and how! Flash!—The Omaha GUIDE has all the good news and if you don’t hurry you cannot get a copy and if you will take a one years subscrip tion you will not be told at the drug stores they are all sold out! This writer had the pleasure cf j riding on the same street car with some of the Roast Beef Knights on Saturday morning May 23 and two of them were from the Razorback Hog state. We were instructed not to write names. The White Horse Inn is going strong and the boys are in the run ning on modern service from A to Z. The NAACP should have the good support of everyone as the member ship drive is going over the top. Are you going over with the crowd —If not. Why Not. I We all extend our heartfelt sym pathy to our good friend and bro ther Mr. Goldie Davis in the loss of his beloved wife and we say to him our hearts are very sad, our voices all are still. A place is vacant jn your home that never can be filled. The Paxton hotel waiters are to^s on modern service at all times and the race horse head waiter and The -wide awake head party man are in the running on good service. This writer talked with Captain -- - - -- THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant St OMAHA, NEBRASKA PHONE WEbster 1517 Entered as Second Class Matter Maxh 15. 1927, at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. «I. J. Ford, — — = Pres. Mrs. Flurna Coope’’, — — Vice Pies. C. C. Galloway, — Publisher and Acting Editur Bovd V. Galloway. — Sec’y and Treas. I I SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA One Year — — — — 12 C# Six Months — — — — $i.26 Three Months — — • .75 One Month — — — » .25 SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN One Year — — — — $2 50 Six Months — — — $1.50 Three Months — — — $1.00 One Month — — — — .40 All News Copy of Churches and all organizat ions must be in our office not later than 1:00 p. na. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy oi Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pre‘ ceeding date of issue, to insure publication. IF I HAD KNOWN BY RUTH TAYLOR This war can only be won ty the active participation and all out effort of everyone of us. There are no longer any non combatants. We are all in it. Wars are won by all the people, not by any one group. We canot afford differing or disunity among our own people— the thinking in terms of groups, the demanding of special privil eges, the constant asking for special favors or concessions. How can we hold out for pers onal advantages when we con sider the sacrifices being made by those who are fighting to keep the enemy from our shores? Their lives are laid down for us, and it is up to us to put aside differ ences and critical discussion of each other to get together and back up our soldiers. We cannot afford to be separ ated. We have seen what seek ing nations who listened to the singers of hatreds, of jealousies, of disunity. Assuredly we shall all hang separately if we do not hang together. Thysen learned it in Germany when the monster his money had helped create de voured him. The French work ers learned it when the trade un ion movement was dissolved jn France. There is one paragraph quoted in many papers today which I wish we all had to learn; “What does that Frenchman— soldier, workman, politician, or business man think today? Prob ably it’s something like this 'I wish I had been less greedy for myself and more anxious for my country; I wish I had realized you can’t beat off a determined invader by a quarreling, disunit ed people at home; I wish I had been willing to give in on some of my rights to other Frenchmen instead of giving up all of them to a foreigner; I wish I had real ized other Frenchmen had rights too; I wish I had known that pat riotism is work, not talk; giving not getting.’ ” We must stand together. We cannot afford the luxury of stand ing on our rights. We must work today for a common aim, for the good of al of us if any of us is to survive. We do not want to have to say “If I had known” when it is too late. Burns of 2220 Charles St., on Maj 19th. He had just returned from the Government hospital at Lineo'n Nebraska and he was very much improved. We all look to see him on the avenue visiting with friends, ns he always has a good word and a pleasant smile for all. A MESSAGE TO -GALLOWAY (continued from page 2) ness, would you have known about all of these things if there wasn’t a colored press? You know you wouldn’t have read about them in the white press? And don’t you suppose, C. C. that your readers ap preciate this and that they will read the colored press more because of it? They might even tell their friends; might even urge their friends to also read the colored press and it might be that by such SPECIAL Your Fur Coat Stored in Our Freezing ^?O00 Vaults and Insured for $100.00, Only ^ V Nothing To Pay Until You Take the Garment Out in the Fall. -Call AT. 0345 for a Dresher Bonded Man. Dresher Brothers 50th & Dodge 2217 Farnam 24th & L AT. 0345 BEBUTH^ROmnnCE MIHBE33Z53QXZEMHBHP The Lorieuse Beauty Bureau was established by the { Godefroy Manufacturing Company to study methods of preserving women's natural beauty, and to make the results of this research available to the public. The men In service have spoken! A voting recently in camps through out the country brings to light the fact that men do NOT like to see women in dark, drab dresses. They DO like color around to brighten up their world of khaki. Thus, quite naturally then, the key to today’s fashion picture is color—gay, invigorating color to make us feel young, gay and beau tiful ! However, before you go com pletely overboard for the lovely, colorful frocks and accessories that are shown in all the shops, you’ll want to make certain that your hair is looking its youthful best. The combination of bright patterns and gray hair is UNLOVELY and one that, thanks to the reliable hair dyes on the market, can be avoided simply by consulting your beauty shop and getting it touched up a little to give you as youthful a look as you deserve. And with your hair restored to its original beauty, you’ll not only look younger but actually feel youthful and dashing enough to slip into a gorgeously colored dress and go out and do your part to brighten up the horizon. This year you have the widest imaginable choice of fresh looking colors from which to choose your most complimentary color. And the secret is—that no matter which you choose, you’re bound to be smartly dressed. Personally, we think it’s a good thing that cheerful clothes have finally come into their own. Gone are the days when the height of fashion and sophistication meant a completely black outfit from head to toe, and for this we are thankful. We never did think a nation dressed in mourning was particularly in spirational to any cause, no matter how great. So let’s look gay and gallant. Red leads the fashion parade, and right ly It should, because for genera tions red has symbolized courage— one thing all the women of America have. There are all kinds of reds to select from—bright red, Fireman’s red, Stop red and many others—all are bright and true reds. Then, be cause blue has always been man’s favorite color, women are wearing lots and lots of “true blue”, and your choice of blue runs all the way from baby blue, that soft deli cate pastel blue that Is so compli mentary, to the ever popular spring and summer favorite, Navy blue. For our love of the Irish we’ll proud ly wear Kelly green, a vivid shade that is dramatically beautiful with red or white accessories. And, of course, the gorgeous purple shades can be combined with many colors —(I even saw a purple hat with bright red flowers jauntily perched on top, and it was lovely). Another popular color we haven’t seen a great deal of for some time Is yel low—and yellow seems to be the answer for a truly dainty, feminine color that “he” will like. Of course, for summer we like the snowy pur ity of white for every woman, and perhaps the old adage that white is a symbol of peace may have a special meaning for us all. Besides, there is nothing so lovely as a frosty white ensemble on a sultry day. So if you haven’t brightened up your wardrobe yet—it’s high time you did. Remember, the women rule the morale of the nation, so let’s give the nation something real ly gallant and gorgeous to look upon. What are your beauty problems? Write: Marie Downing, Larieuse Beauty Bureau, 3509 Lindell Bird., St. Louis, Mo., and she will be glad to answer them. Be sure to enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. persuading and by continually print ing all the news available about your subscribers that eventually the GUIDE will be received, and wel eomely, in every colored home in Omaah? Let’s believe so anyway. And let’s hope that you will await my message next week eagerly and patiently for I shall surely have one. I’ll tell everything I see, hear, ex perience (at least part of it), or even wonder at. Will be seeing you then. MAKE EVERY PAY DAY BOND DAY JOIN THE PAY-ROLL ★ SAVINGS PLAN ★ Summer Sandals White—Red— Multi-Color Sizes 3 to 9 MEN’S ZIPPER Slippers Leather or Rubber Soles NEISNER’S BASEMENT 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery_ WE. 0609 DUFFY PHARMACY TIME AND TIDE WAIT ON NO MAN—NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES RE BUIlT. Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work FREE DELIVERY (Jail AT. 7060 The LAKE SHOE SERVICE J. L .TAYLOR, PROP. TRADERS Lost —a cough due to a cold —thanks to the soothing action of Smith Brothers Cough Drops. Keep a box handy these days! Two kinds, both good, both effective, both deli cious:-Black or Menthol. And still only 51. SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS , Fblack or menthoi-5$J MAJIK