EDITORIALS I (Continued from pasre 1) on the battlefields and in the factor ies. And they must share equitably in the fruits of victory. For theirs will be the task to rebuild a broken world. Not here in America, alone, b it all over the earth. "We thank the distinguished men and women who gave their time and talents to the Institute. Especially are we mindful of the good will shown by Dr. Witman and the fine approaches made by the leaders of organized labor in this area. Arid thanks to Judge Hastie and Dr. Philip Randolph. Come often and again. “WHEN FREEDOM LOVING PEOPLE MARCH, THEY WILL BUILD AN ENDURING PEACE” The above was the subject of a speech delivered May 8th before the Free World Association at New York, by Vice President Henry A. Wallace. It was at once the most scholarly and statesmanlike utterance, deliver ed thus far by any statement any where in the world in the present crisis. And while it lacked the elo quence of a Churchill and the per suasiveness of a Roosevelt, it as sumed the lofty plane which remind ed one of the Sermon on the Mount in its all-breaking scope That we must and will win the war, be was sure; that we will also win the peace, he was confident. But he urged that we must win it for the comon man throughout the world. And that we must make very sure that never again shall Satan, in the form of a future Hitler sally forth in the world to destroy the peace and security of men. Only a statesman could have giv en utterance to such profound truths for the welfare of all humanity. It would be a great good fortune, if that speech could find its way' into the minds of every person in the world. He implies that the common man is on the march and will move ever forwrad until mankind everywhere shall have won the “Four Free doms”, but shall have also assumed the four duties: 1. The duty to pro duce to the limt, 2. The duty to transport as rapidly as possible to the field of battle; 3. The duty to fight with all that is in us, and 4. The duty to build a peace—just, charitable and enduring. And he would banish poverty and Ignorance from the world and make sure that the common man will ev erywhere attain the dignity which is the birth-right of all children of men. THE EVER PRESENT COLOR LINE If. the world war results in blotting out the “color line”, the cost, how ever great, will not be too great. Here in the United States, accord ing to “Modern Industry”, a mouth piece of “Vested Interests” a mil lion Negro workers immediately a vailable for war work, are excluded from work in the war industries solely on account of color. Some times the fault lies with labor un ions; sometimes with employers. Imagine, if you can, such a situa tion in Russa. It would simply be non-existent. There workers would be workers and every one one of them would be at work on the firing line or in the factories in a migh.y effort to beat the Axis Powers. We are not. making an all-out ef fort unless w-e utilize all our re sources cf men and materials. We are not good allies of other powers unless we do. Here again Germany sets a fine example in the fighting field. S.ie made Japan her ally; she made It aly her ally. Speaking of Japanese, Those with tanned -dark skin externally caused, who want it am lighter, smoother, softer( should mm try or. F B E D Peln^r'e Skln Whltener.yse7daysasdtr«ted. MK If not satisfied MONEY BALa. 25c at druggists. ,FHJFf SjTJoL T® ^pl^rBof^, Atlanta. 1 br.FredFalmer'sSkinWhitener ^ A MESSAGE TO -GALLOWAY (Continued from oatre 1) School that were chosen because of their record of scholarship, leader ship and service, were both colored. (I believe this is the first time that recognition has been given colored children.) The children are, Miss Jean Mc Rae, daughter of the fascinating widow, Mrs. Beatrice McRae, 2624 Decatur Street, and Miss Juanita Hanger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hanger, of 1915 North 28th Street. I needn’t tell you C. C. that S. C. Hanger is president of the Urban League Board and is active in all civic and charitable work. Vocat ionally he is a government meat in spector, and privately he is an as piring young attorney. Miss Juanita also distinguished the family, and the race, by being the only colored partcipant in the musical appreciation class recently held at the Joslyn Memorial. Isn’t this one item alone, C .C. a good answer for why there should be a colored press and why each family should become a reader of it? —CCM— And if we didn’t have a colored press ,C. C. how would we know of the many interesting things happen ing to colored residents from week to week? For instance, during the week, I ran across the following bits of interesting copy—interesting to colored readers—and I leave it to you to answer if you would know of it but for the colored press. —CCM— For weeks, ever since I’ve been in Omaha, I ’ve observed the members of the Mt. Calvary Comunity Church, pastored by the Rev. R. VV. Johnson, 25th and Grant, remodel ing and working around the build ing. I observed the ladies working in the hot sun around the church yard, beautyfying the grounds, planting flower seeds .etc., and any one could observe that the work was a labor of love. During the week they completed their improvements and Sunday af ternon they had a sort of glorific ation program, commemorating the conclusion of several months work. I attended. Hitler, knowing full well they are Brown in Color, nevertheless says they are Aryans because they wor ship similar pagan gods. And they have made the swarthy Italian “pure” Aryan, also. Here in Amer. ica we even hesitate to give dark men work. In this lies the answer to Axis’ successes thus far. In the interest of civilization we must slay this monster of COLOR PHOBIA, here in America anrl throughout the world. For there can be no successful termination of the war and no winning of the peace while this monster goes to and fro in the earth. Let America lead the way and rid itself of this Image of Evil and Des truction. This done, we shall win the war and the peace and thereaf ter keep the peace through the corn ing years. ***** THE POISON PLANT WITH FLOWERS OF FLAUNTING BEAUTY Long ago a widely read American writer called "Temptation” “A Poi son Plant upon which Hang Flow ers of Flaunting Beauty”. If that may be said of Tempta tion ,may it not also be said of AM BITION, manifested chiefly by an overwhelmng desre of many men and women to be “PROMINENT”. Down through the years we have noted this phenomanen and have tried to find a remedy for it, with out success. In many men and women it is so pronounced as to a nntount to madneas.. Psychologist have probed it and dilated upon it, but all have failed to solve it. We shall leave it as we found it, in the bright sunilght. ‘A* Poison Plant Flowers of Flaunting Beauty’*. ^ Many have plucked it; others will, until we learn the better way. We Offer for Your Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EBHOLM &SNERMM 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 Have you been inside the remod eled church, C. C? No wonder they should rejoice and be proud of their efforts Everything is clean arid freshly painted. Indirect lighting predominates. The altar, choir fa cade, and general rostrum, beautif fully finished with mural crosses on the walls, as well as on the walls all around the church. A beautiful neon light with the words, “Jesus is the Light of the World” is across the front of the altar. For this special program Rev. L. W. Anderson, pastor of the Morning Star Baptiht Church, 26th and Franlkin, together with his deLght ful choir, were in charge. You know what I think of Rev. Anderson’s discourses, C. C? I like his style of delivery for he connects his text with the present everyday problems of his listeners. I, for one, however, do not understand how he can talk so bluntly, and so critically of his listeners, and yet keep them in his fold, unless it is that they just say “Amen” on Sun day and then put their religion “on the shelf” for the balance of the week. I have only one disturbing thought in connection with my visit to Mt. Calvary and that is that whoever designed those trellis-like arches, or posts, that extend upright in front of each dais made a slight mistake, at least in my opinion. When I go to church to listen to the preacher, or other talker, I like to concen trate on what he, or she, has to say, and not be mentally disturbed by having, he, or she, bobbing back and forth behind some post or other ob struction, even if it is open-work or trellis-like. —CCM— I overheard someone connected with the Pilgrim Baptist Church, lauding some quartette, the South ern Breezes Quartetee, I believe. They said that the quartette was singing on one of the church pro grams when some radio people were in the audience and the radio people immediately booked the quartette for radio auditions. Have you heard anything about this, C. C? What was the outcome? —CCM— Jimmie Jewell, the popular Om aha promoter that brings all the na tionally-known orchestras and bands to his prominent Dreamland Ball Room, 24th and Grant Streets, was in the office one day, C. C, and he gave a standing invitation for me to drop in at the Dreamland any time I desired. It seems that I am beginning to be recognized as a member of the Omaha Colored press. —CCM— And being recognized as a member of the press I want to thank Serg eant George Bivens for the invita tion that he extended for me to at tend the supper at the Masonic Hall that he was promoting, in behalf of the Bethel A. M. E. Church, I be lieve. —CCM— I met a Miss Elizabeth Jamerson of Mason City, Iowa, but for the life of me I can’t remember now whom she was visiting. —CCM— I do remember meeting Mrs. Mar garet Grant, 2502 Lake Street, how ever. I couldn’t forget meeting her because she lived in Minneapolis ihe same time I did and naturally we could talk and talk of old acquaint ances. Mrs. Grant has only been in Om aha for about a month and she has one of the nicest homes I’ve seen. She has a few lovely furnished rooms for rent for gentlemen who prefer something classy. I think she said her phone number is AT lantic 7837. —CCM— Sunday afternoon I saw the pret tiest sight just sitting here at my ' desk looking out the window. That church across the street, C. C.—the St. Benedicts’ Church, I believe— was holding some kind of special services. It was either a confirm ation service, or a mock wedding, I don’t know which, but all of the little children—there must have been fifty of them—were costum -1 so prettily in their various kinds of robes. After the services the priests took pictures of the little cistumed children in every conceiv able combination. You ought to run some of the pictures in the GUIDE. —CCM— I learned from Mrs. J. W. Gordon, 2932 North 28th Stret, that her little granddaughter, Stenola Jones, 4 years old. the daughter of Mrs. Lummie Jones, 2815 Franklin Street, is ill in the hospital with pneu monia. —ecu— No relation—that is as I know of —but one Jones reminds me of an other, Mr. Fred Jones, of 2427 Ohio Street, several weeks ago made an appointment for me to call at his house at a specified time. On the day of the appointment, several hours ahead of time he stopped me; paid me what he agreed; saying that he wouldn’t be at home at the ap I . pointed time and he didn’t want me to make a trip for nothing. Now that’s what I call a real man and a real subscriber. TOOK “TOWN MEETING” TO HOWARD GEORGE V. DENNY, JR. One of radio’s most famous forums, "America’s Town Meet ing of the Air", was broadcast from Howard University, Wasp. ing, D. C., on Thursday evening, May 28th. It was the program’s first broadcast from the nation’s capital city. Accepting the invitation ex tended by Dr. Mordecai W. John son, President of Howard Univ ersity, George V. Denny, Jr., the founder and Moderator of “Am« r ica’s Town Meeting of the Air’ and President of Town Hali, Inc. New York City, took the entire program to Howard on that even ing, where the discusioh of the topic ‘‘Is There A Basis for Spir itual Unity in the World Today?" was carried over station WMAL and the largest network ever carrying a sustaining broadcast— 129 stations of the coast to coast hookup of the Blue Network. The speakers on this nation wide Howard University Town Meeting were Dr. Johnson him self and three members of the Howard faculty, Doxey Alfonso Wilkerson, Assistant Professor of Education, Leon A. Ransom, Acting Dean and Professor of Law, and Alain LeRoy Locke, Professor of philosophy. Dr. Johnson and Dr. Wilkerson tak en the affirmative side of the question, and Dr. Ransom an.l Dr. Locke, the negative. Mr. Denny acted as Moderator, and the latter half of the program’s hour on the air was thrown open to questions from the audience in the Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel. Along this line of thought, C. C. I might record that many have made definite appointments with me but they forget to keep them. That is quite discouraging at times but of course it is all in the game. It is nice, of course, to keep a record of those whose record is reliable and those who are not. —CCM— That journalistic discussion about who has been on one job for a long time has not come to an end yet. For instance I learned when call ing upon Mrs. C. Kirtley, 2622 North 27th Street, that her husband, Cu’ tis Kirtley, has been with the Pull man company for thirty ye^frs, and twenty-nine of those years they have lived right here in Omaha. —CCM— Remember the slogan I adopted last week, C. C. about dropping in to the GUIDE office to use the phone? Well, Cecil Chiles, 2815 De catur, apparently, took advantage of this offer and before he left he put his name down as a GUIDE reader. —CCM— The name Chiles reminds me of old Nick Chiles of Topeka, Kans3s. Remember him, C. C? A quarter of a century ago he was noted as one of the most militant colored journ alists in the West. I visited with him at his house in Topeka along a bout that time. During the week I met Mrs. Bessie Clark, 928 North 25th Street. She is from Topeka and we takled about many old mut ual friends in Topeka. —CCM — Are you psychical, C. C? I had a peculiar experience during the week. I called on Mrs. Pearl M. Alexand er, 2312 North 27th Avenue. Before I could introduce myself she called me by name. The peculiar feature of this feat is that Mrs. Alexander is, and has been for seven years, ail invalid. She has been unable to go beyond her front porch and never before had I passed her house. Her explanation was that she reads the GUIDE regularly and she has been reading this message to you and she just pictured in h°v mind what this writer was like and when I called she immediately ad dressed me by name. Is that one for Bob Ripley, C. C? I have learned since, C. C. tha Mrs. Alexander was the first color ed person in Omaha to open a beauty shop here. That was years ago, and for many years she was not only a leading beauty, but a leading beauty culturist. She operated a Mme 0 J. Walker school. —CCM— Someone told me about an unique | old-timer who just passed away, lijs J name is Wesley Thomas and they | tell me he was known around O maha for over forty years. His mother, Mrs. Erma Thomas, I b*. lieve, just passed away about three months ago. He leaves two broth ers, Theo and Clyde Thomas. —CCM— Where is 30th and Spencer, C. C? I have a handbill before me adver tising the West Bros. Shows who will be there for eight days start ing May 30th, under the auspices of V. F. W. —CCM— One advantage ,if an advantage it is in having traveled a lot, is in the fact that no matter whom you might meet, nor where they are from, you can always strike up a conversation about old mutual acquaintances. Such was the case when I saw Mrs. S. C. Hanger busily engaged in assisting her husband in remodel ing, and repainting, their home at 1915 North 28th Street. Before she was married, C. C. you know she taught school in the Sum ner High, St. Louis, Mo., and we knew many old acquaintances in cluding a beautiful creature of the feminine sex with whom I was at one time much enamored. —CCM— Somewhere I picked up a clue to a really worthwhile project that is now being formulated. It seems that a group of prominent ladies are organizing a Day Nursery pro ject so that accommodations may be had for the working mothers. I’ll try and get the details for this for you, C. C. so you can publicize it in the GUIDE. —CCM— The very attractive Mrs. VerneUa Mills, 2313 Charles Street, was rec ently visiting in Cheyenne, Salt Lake and Denver. At one time or anoth er I ’ve known all three places and I’m sure Mrs. Mills enjoyed herself while on her trip. —CCM— One of your subscribers C. C. Mrs. Evelyn Stevens, 2802 Seward Street, asked me if I knew where her niece Georgia Mae Mitchell, (no relation to me) could get a job. Do you know of anyone, C. C. who would like to give an eighteen year old girl at least a part time job as house keper, or what have you? —CCM— Most people put on a good front. That's human nature, isn’t it,C. C? Well, I know one family who not only puts on a good front, but their backyard is even better looking than their front yard. I’m thinking of the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott's of 2872 Binney Street. I was ad miring Mrs. Scott’s efforts in beau tifying her front yard one day when she retorted that I should see the garden in the rear. Well, I did see it, and it was lovely to behold. —CCM— C. C. here’s a message that I’m not even going to try to edit. There’s really something to it. It is from one of your subscribers, Earl C. Jackson, 2114 Lake Street. It reads: “Coming home from the Cudahy Packing Company, of South Om aha, one evening I overheard two ladies talking on the bus. One was telling the other that she knew a lady with 200 lbs. of sugar. She said that this lady was determined to get her regular sugar ration books also and just have what she ■wants regardless of how the rest of the country gets along. This lady hires a maid. She said some-De should reoprt her for being so un patriotic. Now, I ask you is that the right spirit? We, of the Cuda hy Plant, are buying bonds and more bonds. Sending our money and our boys out to fight this war and it’s pretty hard to sit still ana hear that kind of talk. What can be done about it?” Can you answer that one, C. C? —CCM— Here’s a patriotic little -wife. Mrs. Charles Panky, 3110 Corby Street, wanted to cancel her subscription, pay for it and send the GUIDE to her husband, Charles M. Panky, Jr . Company D. 6th O. T. B. Aberdeen, Proving Grounds, Maryland, as she couldn't pay for two subscriptions. As a patriotic gesture I just told her to pay for the one and the GUIDE would voluntarily send the paper to her husband as long as he is in the Officers Trainng School. WTas that OK, C. C? —CCM— Thanks to THE SPECTATOR, Michigan’s Leading Weekly, for sending me their paper each week. I read every word in it. —CCM— And also thanks to an old friend. A real friend. One who cooperated with this writer for years. He s from Michigan also. He says in NORTH 24th st SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4Z4< —POPULAR PRICES - LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. Our Half Soleing Method leaves No Repair Look on your shoes. We Use the BEST Material. / part: "Dear Cliff: I was pleased to receive your let ter and I am glad to hear you are doing so well. Also I am receiving the GUIDE and I like your writing. Mrs. Althouse expreses the same opinion. I am glad to hear that you are finally doing something, or rath er that you are able to do something definite with your books. (Six books that I propose to put on the market this year, to be published here in Omaha.) I see no reason why they won’t sell, and I hope you will receive good financial returns from their sale, because I know how hard you worked to get them writ ten. I hope you will write to rie again sometime soon. What I did for you while you were here I was happy to do because I kind of lik ed the cut of your jib.” Thanks, Paul Althouse, a friend like you is worth more than gold. You have proven it. I hope to prove worthy of such friendship. —CCM— The adorable Miss Margaret Crav ens, of 912 North 9th Street, Fct Smith, Arkansas, is visiting friends for the summer in Omaha. She is staying at 2518 Caldwell Street. —CCM— Did you know, C. C. that Mrs. Mary Dotson, 1814 1-2 North 27th Street, fell down on the ice last Jan uary and she hasn’t been able to work since? —CCM.— Mrs. Nancy Andrews, 1713 1-2 North 25th Street, has left for a three weeks visiting trip to Fort Worth, Oklahoma City, Dallas, and Austin, Texas. You know she and Miss Mildred Bunn, perform as extras, as a dance duo. Quite recently they were at the Club Rosso. —CCM— Thanks to Mrs. Bertha Hawkins, 2210 Ohio Street, for dropping by and leaving me a copy of the Town send National Weekly. She also invited me to one of their Monday night metings which are held at the Urban League, 2213 Lake Street. Glancing through the paper I notice they are publishing Edward Bel lamy’s book, “Looking Backward” in serial form. If you haven’t read that book, C. C. you should do so. It is the dream ideal of a perfect economic system with justice and equitableness to all. —CCM— Here’s a note that says something about Wendell Williams' mother rec ently dying. I apologize for not getting the full story. —CCM— Here’s another note. It says something about Mrs. Pearl Mon day, of Kansas City, Kansas, being sick. Is there any connection be tween that and your subscriber, Mrs. W. M. Monday, 1502 North 28th Street? I’ve forgotten now. Come to think of it I believe I Jo remember that Mrs. Monday aaid something about having to go to Kansas City because of this illness. I need a secretary, C. C. to keep til these notes straight. Will you loan me yours? —CCM— Somehow or other I am attracted to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell. They, sort of symbolize what I have been longing for all my life. That js a life partner who would be interest ed with me in building up a busi ness. I’ve never found one but Mr. and Mrs. Bel] are the ideal couple, in my opinion. They are taking over the general store business for merly operated by her parents, the Montgomery’s at 2531 Lake Street, who for seventeen years operated at | that same address. That is ideal— a young couple starting together to carry on, and build up a business. I believe their grand opening is some time next week. I've passed their store every day and the two of thfm have been busy rearranging, paint ing, and preparing the place for the future. FIRST DELIVERANCE CHURCH BENEFIT STORE 2020 NORTH 24TH ST. (Across the Street from Rita Theatre) NEW AND USED MERCHANDISE Clothes, Furniture and Furnishings “We Save You Money on Good Merchandise” WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE —Mrs. Jackie Bryant, Mgr. GIVE LIVER BILE! FLOW A BOOST-! Snap out of Sick Headaches, so-called Bilious- , ness, Poor Digestion with that half-sick, soar j feelina—get a bottle of Kruschen Salts tonight. | Take naif a teaspoonful in a glass of water (hot or cold) half an hour before breakfast, and keep it up for 30 days. Now you'll know what it is to get up feeling fit and ready for a real day’s work. Try Kruschen for the next 30 days and see what itrneans to you when Bile Flows Freely. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. All druggists. C. C. I will have to admit ihet you seem to have some kind of pol itical influence hereabouts. I wou.d suggest that you use some of it in at least trying to have some of the sidewalks repaired in the colored district, even if you can’t get lhe streets repaired. I walk these side walks everyday and my feet already : have been drawn into fantastic J shapes trying to tread these uneven and shapeless sidewalks. —CCM— For the benefit of your inquiring subscribers who want to know where I was born and my parsnr age, etc., let me quote from my birth certificate: Born, Minneapolis, Minnesota; date (wel that’s immaterial for I'm trying to be younger than I actual ly am.) Father, Z. W. Mitchell, Mother, Alice Gordon Mitchell. Father’s occupation—Editor. (Per haps that explains why I have been in the newspaper game all my life. It’s in the blood. My sister was likewise. And two uncles are pub lishers, or were, for one of them is dead.) I went to public schools in Minn eapolis. Later to public schools and college in Edmonton, Alberta, Can ada. And since the first World War I’ve traveled all over the entire Western Hemisphere. This information will save a lot of questioning from some of your subscribers as I call on them. —CCM— A number of your subscribers, C. C. have expressed to me their deep sympathy because Mrs. Nelie Wil liams, principal of Long school, is in the Mayo Brothers hospital at Roch ester, Minnesota, for an operation of a tumor on the brain. Apparently, Mrs. Williams is lov ed by all the students, and the stu dent-parents of Long School. Ilay Mrs. Williams soon recover and return to her loved ones—the students of Long School. —CCM— I met Dr. J. J. Jones, who* has dental offices at 2308 North 24*h Street, and who lives at 2417 Binney Street. Also his wife, Mrs. Mattie Jones. They have the ideal remedy for spending these sweltering week ends. They go out camping each week-end. —CCM— Mrs. Mattie Crawford, mother of Mrs. Joe Eva Williams, 2518 Cald well Street, fortunately, just success fully underwent an operation. —CCM— Imagine me attending a spiritual meeting, C. C? Mrs. Roxie Morris, 2624 Caldwell Street .invited me to attend one of her regular Thursday night meetings at 8 o'clock. —CCM— Happy is Mrs. Jessie Tompkins, 2710 Caldwell Street, who has been sick for a long time for she is aoie to be up and around again. —CCM— While calling on Mrs. Lafayette Robinson, 1414 1-2 North 24th Street I met her demure niece, Miss Edna Taylor, who said she formerly work ed for you and would like to come back and work again as she prefer red typing to sewing. Can’t we use her, C. C. when we get our book pro motion work started? — CCM— Mrs. Catherine Sanders, 2880 Bin ney Street, sister to Mrs. Ida Willis, 2025 Ohio Street, is in Alcorn, Miss issippi, attending the graduation exercises of her son, Henry James Sanders, who has been attending the nationally known agricultural school there for the past four years. Mrs. Sanders will bring her son back to Omaha with her. —CCM— From Atlanta, Georgia, I met ’ Theodore R. Mallory, a former O- i mahan, and we chatted for a con-11 I aider-able time about Atlanta ac quaintances and their progress in the world. Mr. Mallory stopped off in Cin cinnati, Ohio, on his way to Omaha, to attend a Labor Convention. You know he is the Special Representa tive for the United Transport Serv | ice Employes of America. At the I present time the only Omaha affil iate of this organization is the Red Caps Corp at the Burlington Sta tion. j The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. I R. Mallory, 2221 North 25th Street, 1 Miss Elsie Mallory, is now attending Spellman College, but is expected in Omaha within a week or two. She was just elected Parliamentarian of her class, and for some time she has been chairman of the Student Coun •0. The Mallory’s son, Theodore, Jr. is quite a talented soloist and ex pects to go on a concert tour dur ing the summer months. Mr. Mallory has now returned to Atlanta but those who would like to communicate with him can do so by writing to him at 40 Jeptha Street, S. W. Atlanta, Georgia. —CCM— Now, C. C. I ask you, in all fair (Continued on pagejc^=4) RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street —Always a place to park— but TOUR POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. Get the Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE Lowest Price PHONE WE. 4137 OMAHA OUTFITTING Furnish Your Entire House hold at the ‘Omaha Outfitting They carry Furniture, Washing Machines, Radios, Travelling* Bags, Jewelry and All Kinds of Coal. 2122 North 24th St. Phone AT. 5652 JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Koller, Mgr. flOHNSON DRUG CO.i NEW LOCATION 2306 North 24th I We. 0998 Free Delivery HOTEL OLG> NEW YORK CITY 695 Lenox Avenue (Corner 145th Street) Select Family and Tourist Hotel Running Hot and Cold Water in Each Room All Rooms Outside Exposure —Service— Subway and Surface Cars at * Door; Rates Reasonable. ED. H. WILSON, Prop. Tel. Aud 3-7920 * If you suffer distress from FEMALE WEAKNESS Which Makes You Blue, Cranky NERVOUS At such times if you’re troubled by cramps, headache, backache, a bloated feeling, nervousness—dis tress of “irregularities”—due to functional monthly disturbances— try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound! It’s helped thousands upon thousands of women and girls to go “smiling thru” such “difficult days.” Lydia Pinkham’s Compound is one medicine you can buy today made especially fcr, women-to re lieve monthly pain and its tired nervous feelings due to this cause. And in such a sensible way! With nature’s own beneficial roots and herbs. No harmful opiates. Taken regularly - thruout the month—Pinkham’s Compound helps build up resistance against such symptoms. Follow label direc tions. Worth trying! iSRSfirmnwr THE TWO MEAT HATE *TM “Tm HARLEMITE" * "S&pi/ui* designed »r HOWARD a HARLEM'S LEADING HAT STYUST | »At..tam.'"7X.MlEWTr INTRODUCING « ep , • •• i*4i t pace-setter OnaAfue HATS IN All SIZES—SHIPPED ANTWHEU Writ* far Rooklrt ef HOWARD'S Compfat* 11m of IN) Stylrt ‘ HOWARD HATS IIP WEST 115th ST. * DIPT rr-l NEW TORE. N.T, -