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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1942)
S|PTt PAYS TO ADVERTISE— P^ IT PAYS TO SHOP For whatever you have to sell, 01 for whatever you want to buy— IN THESE COLUMNS RYAN & SON NURSERY STOCK AND SEED 1509 CAPITOL AVE. HA. 4940 COMPLETE LINE OF SHRUBS, TREES AND ROSES. ROOMS, APTS FOR RENT Furnished room for Rent WE. 2217 Room For Rent 2807 North 24th St., WE. 2217. FURNITURE ~FOR SALE~ 2721 Hamilton St, Phone WE. 2306. LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM&SHERMAN £401 North 24th WE. 6056 EMERSON LAUNDRY *■324 North 24th SL WE. 10& WANT TO BUI — ~ Furniture cf ail kinds—dressers, beds, end tables, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— apartment furnishings Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 Join—Reliable Friendship Club —For Marriage. Friendship, or . Irasure. Send Dime for member *h.p blank. H. Brookes, 317 W«n ieU, Chicago, Hi. Acid Indigestion What many Doctors do for it # When excess Stomach acid causes gas. sour stomach •r heartburn, doctors prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relie*—medicines like those in Bell-ans Tablets. Try Bell-ans yourself, at first sign of distress. They neutralise acid, 'elieee gas. and bring comfort very quickly—yet are not a laxative! Only 25c. at drug stores. If your very first trial doesn't prove Bell-ans better, return beetle Is us snd get double your money back HELP US! HELP THE pOOR CALL— THE VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA JAckaon 2290 15th & Chicago Asthma Mucus Loosened First Day For Thousands of Suff erers Choking, gasping, wheezing spasms of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy. In gredients in the prescription Mendaeo quick ly circulate through the blood and commas It help loosen the thick strangling mucus the first day. thus aiding nature in palliating the terrible recurring choking spasms, and in promoting freer breathing and restful sleep. Mendaeo is not a smoke, dope, or in jection. Just pleasant, tasteless palliating tablets that have helped thousands of suf ferers. Printed guarantee with each package —money back unless completely satisfactory. Ask your druggist lor Mendaeo today. Only 60c. LMix Lemon Juice AT HOME | TO RELIEVE K/THE MISERIES Money Back If This Rheumatic Recipe Fails' Good newt travels last—many ol the thou* sands of folks who now take lemon juice for rheumatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoonful! of Allenru to one tablespoonful of Lemon Juice In a glass of water, they get faster relief for the achee and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It's no surprise either, for Allenru It a IS year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains In fact—If It doee not help —your money back. What eould be falrert Get Allenru today at any live druggist. Only ■t tents—Pa It Mow. The TESTIMONY of THOUSANDS: I It's the HOTEL THERESA When In NEW YORK any season •f tfte year 1701 Are. at 125th St. the Heart of Harlem 300 spacious, all outside rooms; luxurious suites. The beautiful Orchid Room for dining; cocktail lounge and bar; the lovely Mex aanine for relaxation. Ideal atmos phere for rest, study, and comfort. Large rooms with private bath •2.00 Slagle—*2.50 OoutMt art op Without private bath *1X0 Sut&e —*2.00 Baas ttf S WALTER W. SCOTT. Nutfw HOTEL THEBESA 7» A**, at 125U« SL. Hot Y«t Cttj SUBSCRIBE SOCIAL NOTES Dl TCH TREAT J The 3C’s will have a Dutch Trcrt at the home of Alophia Kincaid Sat urday May 23, at 3:00 o’clock p. m. at 2861 Corby Street. We wish all members to be present to discuss very important business for the fu j ture. Please come and be on time! Peggy Anderson, President, Betty I Jones. Reporter, Lutisha Neely, Act ! ing Reporter. I - REGISTER FOR STATE WIDE ' MI SICAL PROGRAM Notice—We are asking all part icipants to regi. • iT with Miss Ethel J> ift 220y Miane St., Harney VS6 for the Statev ,'le 1. usical to be he<o v ith the Pilgr'm Paptist Chur;h, 2Fih and Hamilton Sts., Thursday evening May 28th sponsored bv tbs New Era State Convention, Educa tional Department. Mr. Wm. Cooper, Chairman, Miss Etht] Jones, Directress, Rev. C. Q. Hickerson, Moderator. SALEM BTU. The Salem B. T. U. is sponsoring a study course in Church Training, using the national Baptist Conven tion (inc.) Textbook and Manual (bv Isaac). Classes every Friday 8:45 p. m. to 10. Al Christian workers are welcome and urged to attend. | Mr. Wm. Cooper, General Direct 1 or, Rev. W. E. Fort, Minister. TO HOLD COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES AT BOYSTOWN SUNDAY, MAY 31ST, 1942 On Sunday, May 31st, at two o' clock, graduation exercises for the Senior Class of Boystown, will he held. I LUNCHEON HOSTESS Miss Dorothy Bryant. 2702 Ersa lne Street, was hostess at a lunch eon, Monday, May 11th, honoring guests from Des Moines, Iowa. Covers wree laid for four. Those present were Miss Gracie Turner, Mr. Paul Green ,and Mr. Delbert Morrison. After the luncheon the couples spent an enjoyable evening playing records and dancing. Later they went automobile riding. PRATER MEETING The New Era State Prayer meet I ing was held at Mt. Moriah Church : 24th and Ohio St., Thursday May 14 ] and w-as largely attended, and the ! spirit of the Lord ran high. Don't I miss this wonderful service when it is held next month. Come and get your soul revived. Sister St. Clair the wife of our beloved Pastor gave us some fine encouraging remarks of which was very inspiring and appreciated by all present. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD .Motto CWFF. -1906 North 24th Street Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Rose Marie Oliver, Reporter Sunday school .9:45 ' Morning Service. .11:00 1 TPPU . ’.'....5:00 Bible Band .6:00 Evening worship.7:30 p.m. Sunday throughout the day was i grand. The pastor preached in the j morning. Elder E. Clark preached a sou] stirring sermon Sunday night and did our hearts burn within. The Pastor's subject for next Sun day morning will be ‘'The Lord s Supper.” Night “If You Abide in Me and My word Abide in you. Ye shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you.” Sister J. K. C. Buckner, wil ibe with us on June 1. She is a prophetess and healer and a gospel speaker. Everyone is wel come to come out. COMPLETE FIRST AID COURSE Another group of persons have completed the Standard First Aid Course and were awarded certificat es. This class was held at the Lo gan Fontenelle Center with Mrs. Pearl Hieronymous .instructor. A demonstration in Artificial Respir ation was conducted with the class participating by Captain Moran, Fire Station No. 3. The class was also given an opportunity to inspect the Iron Lung and the newly equip ped First Aid Rescue Car at the station. Captain Fields and Mr. Walters were in charge of the class es at the Fire Station. Those completing the course and receiving certificates were: Mesdani es Mary Ellen Barton, Mabel But ler, Lorraine Dickerson, Pearl Flet cher, Audrey Fitzpatrick, Lois Gord on, Mary Alice Grant, Ernestine Kerr, Olivia Kirtley, Sara Walker, Georgiana Wesley, Dorothy Frye. FIRST MISSION OF THE GOD SENT LIGHT The First Mission of the God-Sellt Light wishes to announce that Prophet Hess is still in the mist of us. The Lord is blesing his people through him. Many are being hea’ ed. Our service will continue as fol lows: Regular Service Sunday even ing 8 p. m. Monday evening Devel oping Class from 8:30 to 10:30. All nations are welcome Tuesday evening Regular Heal ing and Test night. Thursday Reg ular Service of Healing and Preach ing 2010 North 23rd Street, Pro phet Hess JA. 0448. Reading Dai‘y by appointment. Officiator Sister Carter, Reporter. A MESSAGE TO -GALLOWAY (continued from page 1) —CCM.— Tou know our old friend. Rev. F. P. Jones ,of Detroit, formerly of O maha? His lovely wife was in the city last week. I talked with her over the phone. Did you meet her? —CCM— I met J. R. Martin. 2602 North 30th Street, during the week. He is the father of lovely Doris Martin who got married on the 20th. He is also a Spanish War Veteran. He told me that the Allen Allenswortn Camp Number 25, LT. S. W. V. w'll hold their memorial exercises prog ram at 1710 North 25th Street, on Sunday May 24th. Tou know that Henry McCassell is Commander of the Post, and J. R. Martin is the ad jutant. —CCM— Do you know what’s harder to find than a needle in the havstacc in the colored district here, C. C? I’ll tell you. A bootblack. I’t« found doctors, lawyers, merchants, barbers, and whatnot, but I have never been able to find a bootblack before 9 o’clock in the morning. If you know where one is before that hour, C. C. let me know and I’ll surely patronize him. —CCM— And speaking of service. C. C. ;Your Patriotic Duty | ) EVERY BODY WHO HAS NOT CHANGED FROM PALIN A 1^ WHITE FLOUR TO ENRICHED WHITE FLOUR SHOULD DO Q SO AT ONCE AS A PATRIOTIC DUTY. DO NOT ACCEPT X ANY WHITE FLOUR THAT DOES NOT HAVE THE WORD Q ‘ENRICHED’ ON THE LABEL. IF YOUR GROCER DOES 0 NOT HAY'E ENRICHED FLOUR INSIST THAT HE GET IT FOR A YOU. IT IS EASILY" AVAILABLE TO HIM.”— Q —DR. W. H. SEBRELL. JR.. X U. S. Public Health Service. X Washington, D. C. V Vitamin-Enriched | OMAR Wonder Flour | i Dark Laughter • • . , by ol harrington “THAT’S BOOTSIE AGIN. EVERYTIME THAT WHISTLE BLOWS FOR LUNCH HE GETS EXCIT ED” I’ve tried them up and down the avenue—the restaurants I mean— and why is it that when you order something in advance so that you can save time that they rarely W’ll perform that kind of service? —CCM— What's the name of that laundry on 24th Stret where all those pretty col ored girls can be seen working? Is that the Edholm & Sherman Laun dry. 2401 North 24th Street? —CCM— And speaking of girls did you see the array of pretty girls that were working a short distance from all the Polls on election day? I’m sorry I didn’t have a vote for I surely couldn’t have resisted the pleas of all those charming workers. —CCM— Mrs. Clara Speese, 2864 Miami Street, was happy last week because her daughter, Mrs. George Simp son, of Scottsbluff, Nebraska, was visiting her. —CCM— I didn’t know until I called on Mrs. Jessie Morris, 984 North 25th Street, that her husband had strain ed the ligaments of his foot when he fell out at the Bomber plant whce he has been working. He should b« able to go to work again in a few weeks. Let’s hope sol —CCM— I liked to talk to Mrs. Neal John son, 1408 North 23rd Plaza, for she had just arrived back in Omaha from Chicago. And, of course, any one knowing Chicago can get a con versation out of me any day—< r night. Well. I don’t have to tell you C. C. why Chicago once interested me? Anyway, Mrs, Johnson told fe of the party given in her honor at the new club “DeLjsa” and that is a club too, C. C. Very swanky. She also attended a breakfast pari; there. Among the prominent friends she visited in Chicago, included: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown: Mr. ami Mrs. Lawrence Lewis; and Mr. and Mrs. Prater. —CCM.— Thinking of the charming Mrs. Johnson and her equally charming home in the project apartments le J minds me that I saw a tall smok'1 '■ stack somewhere, on 22nd Street. I believe. What is that plant? Is that the central heating plant for the whole project? — CCM— You remember “Maizie” of the movies? Well, I didn’t meet her but I did meet Mrs. Maize McCarroll, of 1906 North 26th Street. She J looked real attractive, early in the | morning, working in her flower g*ir \ den. I complimented her upon her =^=JE=- .11== ‘‘IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO'S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. ^ -ir .q KISMET LETTER KLUB Est. 1935. Membership only $1.00. Soldiers, men, women, ell ages. A dime brings info. P. O. Box 602, Los Angeles, California garden. Can you imagine her repiy? She said she was only fixing it so her neighbors would have something to talk about. What motives nat ure doth inspire. —CCM— Do you eat in the E & E Little Diner Cafe. 2314 North 24th Street. C. C? Well. I do, occasionally. And when I do I always put o nickel on number ten in that juke box. Is that what you cal] them?) The number is, “I guess I’ll be on my Way.” Why, do I like that num ber? Well, for over thirty years I have travelled over almost every foot of the entire 'Western Hemis phere and just as I get acquainted, and get to liking some lady. I seem to always be on my way. Maybe I’ll stay planted though in Omaha for awhile for none of the fem..le sex seem to know that I even ex Is*. Or if I do exist that I am human. If I am wrong in this C. C. maybe someone will correct me. Thanks! —CCM— I owe an apology* to someone. I received a garbled up message one evening, on arriving at the office, and I never did get it straightened. I’ll record what I received and if it is wrong, the apology* is given. Lavem Burnell, 2629 Parker Street, had Sioux City visitors Sun day. And, I believe, Robert Young, and George Tillman, were also visiting frienls. Maybe it was Jessir.a Brooks, 2626 Parker Street? I hope whoever sent in this message wjl forgive the garbling. —CCM— Somebody must be jiving me. A message comes to me, reading like this: Mr. Billie Wafford that Jives on North 25th Street could be seen making time in the rain although he couldn’t work in the rain. What hind of a message is that? It sounds as though it should have been in the “Girls on the Streets” column? —CCM— Here’s a good one, C. C. Do you remember Airs. S. E. Alontgomeiy that runs the store at 2531 Lake Street? Well, I met her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Bell, the Sunday I attend ed Cleaves Temple. In fact I right next to her. Then, I met her again at the Lake Street address. It appears that Mrs. Bell and ho husband are taking over the gen eral store business long conducted by Mrs. Montgomery. Perhaps we can help her build her business up? What do you think? —CCM— Funeral are quite frequent. C. C.'. Do you know what they remind me of? The days spent in the West Indies. Would you believe it if I told you that a funeral is one of their happiest occasions? Well, it is. It seems that the average West Indian native lives only ifl preparing for death. He is she will belong to one lodge; if kind of prsperous may be more and they pay their weekly dues in the knowl’ge that when they die it is compulsory for every other lodge member to attend the funer al. The women all dress in whit’. The men in black. At least one band will attend every funeral. Ev erything is strictly sedate until the corpse is in the ground and then the celebration starts. The band will play ‘‘hot” music all the wav back from the burial grounds, and will march around and around for the balance of the day, collecting native marchers all along the way. Each member of the band will b« provided in advance with a goodly supply of rum and the celebration lasts long into the night until tee band members fall out, one by one. Along about midnight you wou.I think it time for a mass funeral for ail the band members but not so, the next day they are ready for anoth er funeral and the only difference in them is the amount of rum im bibed. I never saw people so happy TEL WE. 2022 OCR PRICES are based on the cost of serv ice plus the cost of merchandise and a reasonable profit. Thomas FUNERAL HOME 2022 LAKE ST. Omaha, Nebr. GROSS | JEWELRY & LOAN CO. | j < formerly at 24th and Erskine St. 0 I Q NEW LOCATION !j 514 N. 16th ST. Phone JA-4635 \ in my life as at funerals in the West Indies. —CCM— Mrs .Cora Herrington, 3132 Bur dette Street, is happy. Her sop, Arthur T. Herrington, Jr., 19, will be home from school—Lawrence, Kansas, in a few days. During the summer he will worn out at the Bomber plant and ‘hen if Uncle Sam hasn't grabbed him by fall he will return to Lawrence. —CCM— Tou must have relatives all over Omaha, C. C? I met Mrs. lone Fel lows, 2713 North 26th Street and she told me that she was your niece9 —CCM— Remember last week I mentioned something about the Newland’s? Imagine my surprise when I bump ed right into petite Doris Newland who has been working for Uncle Sam in Washington? She was home on a short vacation and she certain ly must have visited al her Omaha friends for I met her in all sections of the city. Tou know her mother, and sister .live at 2908 Frank'in Street. —CCM— I've got the note here, C. C. hut I’ve forgotten what it’s all about. It merely states something about the month old. Marie Eleanor Camp bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell. 2526 Seward Street, being a bit chirpy for her age. —CCM— While walking along North 22nd Street, to be precise at 1829, I saw a party moving in. I got acquainted. Her name is Goldie Tanzymoon*. Anyway she is a GUIDE reader from now on. —CCM— A Mrs. Lillian Green, 2739 Cald well Street, learning that I was ac quainted in Detroit, wanted to kno v if I knew her brother Oliver Walk er, who would be about 35 or 40 years old, and who was a waiter hy profession, and up to five years a go, lived ju Detroit. He might even Real Shoe Man— FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR Cash and Carry CLEANER 1410 North 24th St. CARL CRIVERi» - ■ _" —a be a meat Inspector by now. Well, T was sorry to inform her that De troit was quite a large place and jay acquaintance was limtied. I'll try and Icate her brother though. I'll write to the Waiters and Musiicians Club on East Adams Street in De troit and if he was ever a profess ional waiter, anywhere in Detroit, I can at least get some kind of a line on him. I’ll let Mrs. Green know if I learn anything. —CCM— C. C. Here’s a new slogan! When you want to phone stop in at the Guide office. You want to know why I have adopted that slogan? One evening while working late, Mrs. Laura Edden. the beauty eul turist. at 1701 North 24th Street, dropped in to use the phone. And imagine! She paid for a GUIDE sub (Continued on pQfej^=4) McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24th SL WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Bine Room Open 8 p. n. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a. m to 1a.m. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS - a r ALL WORK GUARANTEED “28 Years in Business” ECONOMY TAILOR Chas. M. Simmons, Prop. WE CUT, TRIM and MAKE SUITS TO ORDER Alterations for Ladies and Genta Cleaning and Repairing 1818 NORTH 24th SL Omaha, Nebraska StchTniSS For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete’s foot, scabies, rashes and other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid D.D. D. Prescription Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it. or your money back. Ask yotr druggist today for O. D. O. PRESCRIPTION. -N ’n ex. for INS. I Men and Women j WHO ARE ACCUSTOMED TO MAKE BIG MONEY— priorities may have abolished your job, sell Decalcomania— VICTORY EMBLEMS” for store windows, i.uto windshields I etc' ^ely proposition, hurry for exclusive territory, very small investment required, —write:_ CALIFORNIA PUBLICITY AGENCY, 815 SOUTH HILL ST., SUITE 708, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. SEND $1.00 FOR SAMPLE Thrifty Service j 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY j LAUNDERED FOR ONLY C£c AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb. ~ w This includes the Ironing of all FLAT WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Just j Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON - SARATOGA 2324 North 24th St. _WE. 1029 MIMEOGRAPHING ALL KINDS-24 Hour Service PROGRAMS - BULLETINS - MENUS, etc. Reasonable Prices — Satisfaction Guaranteed THE OMAHA GUIDE 2420 Grant Street WE. 1517 I Our Business Is Picking Up Free estimate on your MOVING JOBS ’ LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN MOVING YOUR FURNITURE. ' , AND STORING YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS WITH COM ■ PETENT. TRAINED MEN TO DO THE JOR. , ; -ALSO AUTO STORAGE- ; NORTHSIDE TRANSFER —PRESTON HIERONYMOUS, PROPRIETOR— I | ; 2414 Grant Street WEbster 5656 1