The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 09, 1942, City Edition, Image 5

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Office of the Commissioner of Police and Public Saftey
402 City Hall
May 8, 1942.
John J. Pszanowski.
Chief of Police,
Central Station.
Dear Chief:
As you know charges have been filed and are now pend
ing before the City Council, alleging that Sgt. John W. Gra
ham recently made an arrest in which he used undue force.
This matter was set for hearing before the City Council this
morning, but owing to legal complications, of which the Coun
cil had no control, it was necessary that the matter be con
tinued until a later date.
Statements have been made by parties interested on both
sides that the matter has been continued by the City Council,
because of political implications. This, of course, is ridicu
lous and is not true.
In view of those statements, however, I want it distinctly
understood by the members of the Omaha Metropolitan Po
lice Department that neiher I nor he members of the City
Commission will tolerate any arrest made in any manner
which is contrary to the law's of the State of Nebraska. Mem
bers of the Department must understand that the law re
quires them to make arrests without the use of undue force
and we propose and insist that the laws of the State must be
obeyed at all times.
Yours truly.
Richard W. Jepsen
Inspector Jewel Rose, Omaha's
firht Neg’-i Fire Inspector, who
works out of the Cheif's office at
19th and Harney Sts. Ros has been
a member of the Omaha Fire De
partment for 23 years, and is highly
praised for his efficiency by Fire
Cheif Olsen.
Before being assigned to his pre
sent duties as Inspector he was Ju
ior Captain of Engie House No. 4
for eight years.
The Inspector resides at 1310 No.
49th Avenue, with his wife, Mrs.
Blandina Rose and two youngest
children, Jean and Clifford. He has
three other children who are mar
ried, they are: Mrs. Geraldine Har
ris, Mrs. Irving Davis and Jewel
Rose, Jr. He is a member of St.
John AME Church
Hugh E. Wallace
Cliff Whitney
Mrs. H. O. Yontz
Ernest Young
Irving Zorzan
S. C. Dodson
Mrs C L Andrews
Mrs W. F .Adamek
Hugh Armstrong
Don B. Amsden
Maee M. Brown
Ernest Bihler
Thos. A. Bryan
Dr. W. E. Brennan
Joseph Brunikz
H. H. Byers
Mrs. H. H. Byers
Dr. E. E. Benson
Earl Brown
Mrs. Earl Brown
Kenneth F. Baker
Dr. F. A. Breeze
Earl H. Berlinghoff
Ruben H. Brown
Harry S. Byrne
Malcolm Baldrige
George B. Boland
Sam Beber
E. W. Bedford
Mrs. Margaret Bremers
Mrs. S. P. Bloom
Mrs. R. W. Bostwick
Steve Barker
Jack Ban
Forrest C roxson
Gerald Collins
W. J. Curran
W. F. Cozad
Wm. Campen
Mrs. Pat Connell
Henry Cordes
Mrs. Frank Cerveny
Dr. R. H. Cook
E. M. Connor
Mrs. E. M. Connor
E. L. Cook
Harry B. Cohen
Einar Christensen
Mrs. Einar Christensen
V. P. Chiodo, Sr.
Albert J. Covert
John A. Changstrom
Ralph V. Carlson
Hank Christensen
Ralph G. Coad
Mrs. W. H. Campen
Mrs. Leo J. Crosby
W. W. Carver
W. W. Carmichael
Stanley Davies
Frank Dougherty
Tom Dimitroff
Eddie Dygert
Fred G. Dinkel
E. AA. Drieier
E. V. Delaplane
C. H. nail
Phillip Downs
Mrs. M. L. Donovan
Robert C. Druesdow
H. A. Wolf
James G. Wilson
Mrs. Emil Willrodt
O. A. Wilson
Vincent Emmanuel
Mrs. Lucille Shaggs Edwai
Mrs. John Flynn, Jr.
Charles E. Foster
E. J. Fitzsimmons
Harold P. Farber
A. D. Frank
W. C. Fraser
Frank E. Frost
G. Crawford Follmer
Mrs. Eliza Forrest
Miss Regina Fitzgerald
John Fernstein
Mrs. Paul Gallagher
Mrs. Joe Gold ware
Mrs. Carrie Grace
Tony Gross
Mrs. Thos. Goggin
Thos. Goggin
Earl L. Gillette
A. M. Gibson
J. J. Greenberg
David Greenberg
John Gatchell
J. E. Gorrell
Ned Goddard
Leonard A. Hammes
Emmett Hinchev
John W. Herdzina
Mrs. John W. Herdzina
A. Haddad
Mrs. Mary Hoffman
Mr. C. 0. Hurd
Mrs. C. 0. Hurd
Gene Holmes
Henry Hamann
Dr. L. E. Hanisch
Yale C. Holland
Simon Harrold
Clarence Heath
Floyd Hunter
Jesse Hardin
Virgil Haggart
John Hazen
M. H. Harris
J. W. Halstead
Claude M. Howell
Chris Henningsen
John W. Hughes
Roman L. Hruska
Thomas Izzen
Mrs. J. C. Iwerson
Mrs. Joseph Jelinek
Dr. Frank Jelen
Verne M. Johnson
Mrs. Verne M. Johnson
C. C. Johnson
Robert Jakwav
Mrs. Robert Jakwav
W. H. Justin
J. M. Jensen
John G. Jamieson
Paul W. Jacobus
Milton Johnson
Mrs, Hobart M. Ward
Paul Wohlner
Clement L. Waldron
Frank Wheeler
Bernard Jacobberger
ds Mrs. Cecilia W. Jewell
Mrs. Charlotte Melchoirs J
Mrs. Peter Jolly
Mrs. Harry Kulakofsky
Dr. F .W. Klusmire
J. J. Krajicek
John Kratky
Leo Kowalski
Mrs. James Kane
H. E. Knppinegr
_____ Fred Kremer
Louis Kavan
Frank Krajicek
Dr. Harold C. Kappus
Phi M. Klutznick
Mrs. Nick Keating
Chris Lyck
Frank Lepinski
Al. E. Lewis
R. W. Linstrom
David Lozier
Arnolad O. Linder
Lyle Lamphier
Redge LeBron
Henry G. Lee
Dr. G. B. Lennox
John Legenza
Mrs. Frank A. Meyers
Mrs. Kathryn McArdle
Gena Malarky
Leo L. Miskovsky
Felix Melonis
Frank Melichar
John Martig
A. R. Milo
L. J. Marcotte
Arthur F. McCaffrey
Peter Marchetti
Dr. Floyd J. Murray
Bernard A. Martin
Dr. John Mach
M. M. Meyers
Paul E. Martin
John J. Matcha
E. W. McGowan
Cleo Mortimer
Mr. Robert Marmet
Mrs. M. J. McDonald
H. A. Nead
Mrs. Louis Neveleff
Walter C. Nichols
Arthur W. Nelson
Charles D. Nolen
Robert D. Neeley
Mrs. J. E. Oberreuter
William O’Neil
Mrs. L. O’Brien
Miss Marie H. O'Keefe
Fred Painter
Charles Peterson
Mrs. Charles Payne
Mrs. P. H. Pagett
Mrs. Joe Pulte
George C. Pardee
Boris Visty
J. C. Van Avery
Clarence D. White
Mrs. Clarence D. White
A. J. Paddack. Jr.
George Petersen
enkins Walt S. Peterson
Jess Purnell
Dr. W. W. Peebles
Mrs. Florentine Pinkston
Mrs. Ruth Payne
Mat Pascale
J. H. Price
R. W. Perkins
Thomas Quinlan
W. A .Robinson
W. E. Reed
Earle C. Reynolds
Mrs. Cassie Riley
Wm. Ritchie. Jr.
Mr. Gorton Roth
Mrs. Gorton Roth
Simon J .Robinson
R. E. Robinson
Dr. Robt. H. Rasgorshek
Mrs. Robt. H. Rasgroshek
John B. Rapier. Sr.
Charles L. Rhamey
Mrs. A L.Rhode
Mrs. J. Gordon Roberts
Dr. O. A. Runyan
Robert E. Strehlow
A. C. R. Swenson
Wm. Saba
George Steinheimer
Mrs. Simon A. Simon
Bernard R. Stone
Mrs. Bernard R. Stone
Charles H. Sprague
Elmer Sorenson
W. J. Stewart
Jacob H. Sievers
Robert C. Strehlow
Bernard Stahmer
Hugo Schmidt
Arthur E. Swanson
Dr. C. H. Schroeder
Miss Anna C. Smith
Miss Edna Stoll
Seymour Smith
Mrs. Myles Standish
Mrs. Mont Shinn
Mrs. Lucille Skaggs
Fred Shearer
G. H. Thomas
Anton J. Tusa
Lad V. Tesar
Dr. J. A. Tamisea
Fred W. Thomas
R. H. Thorpe
Jno. W. Towle
Mrs. Viola Turner
John W. Towle
William H. Thomas
Dave Uldin
Mrs. Verne Vance
John Gwynn Vaughn
Gerald M. Vasak
Mrs. W. F. VanBurgh
Jacob Vollmer
On the Alert
I: I
Six members of Engine House No. 4 of the Omaha Fire Department. Reading
from left to right: Kittral Hudson, Jr., Captain Winifred Freeman, Sr. Capt
ain Alonzo Jackson, Clarence Davis, -Jasper Cole and Harry Speese.
The efficient Negro Unit of Oma
ha's Fire Department is composed of
three ranking officers and a crew of
six. They are; Alonzo Jackson, Sen
ior Captain; Jewel Rose, Fire In
spector; Winifred Freeman. Junior
Captain: Harry Speese, Pipeman:
Robert Green, Chauffuer; Kittral
Hudson, Pipeman; Clarence Davis,
Chauffuer; Jasper Cole, Pipeman;
Emmanuel Cook, Pipeman. These
Alert Firemen have done their p.irt
in making Omaha one of the safest
cities in which to live. Help them to
get a lving wage by voting for the
Restoration of their pay on Tues
day, May 12th.
> »
The Omaha Guide and the Acting Editor, C, C, Galloway unhesitatingly
endorse the Restoration of former salaries to the Firemen and Policemen of
Omaha. We need trained and efficient Men in our Fire and Police Depart
ments. We can’t keep meh of this high quality in our Fire and Police Depart
ments working for as low as 32c per hour when corporations and industrial
I plants are paying common labor from 60c to 80c per hour and skilled workers
with ability to perform craftsmenship w^ork, from $1.25 to $1,80 per hour, If
you think that can be you are just asleep at the switch. It is absolutely impos
sible to keep our experienced and efficient Firemen and Policemen on the job
under their present low wage scale. It is up to you Mr, and Mrs, Voter, to keep
men who know how and when to do the job; to protect life and property.
In this War, no City City is immune from the deadly and destructive missi
es being hurled from the sky. We need Firemen and Policemn capable of deal
ing with all eventualities. Don’t be robbed of the eficiencv of your Fire and
Police Departments. Vote “YES” on the Restoration of Fire and Police pay
checks, and keep what you have for your preservation.
Acting Editor of The Omaha Guide.
i ! -- .. 1
Etiicient Employees Are
Entitled Xo Fair Pay
The Firemen and Poicemen represent OUR PERMANENT HOME DE
FENSE. They are the guardians of our lives and property, 24 hours each and
I every day, That they may adequately meet the increasing demands on their
limited salaries, caused by the Rising Cost of Living, they are asking, Not for
a Raise in Salary, but for A Restoration 0f their Regular Pay.
Your Firemen have for the past eight years, reduced the previous yearly
fire losses by half a million dollars and that reduction has reduced your year
ly insurance costs. Last year, Omaha had the lowest crime and traffic acci
dent rating of any City of its size, enabling Omaha to be awarded the National
Traffic Safety Plaque.
Your Firemen and Police work longer, furnish more equipment and re
ceive less pay than Firemen and Policemen in neighboring cities of smaller
They are proud, as patriots, to meet the additional demands of Nation
al Defense work which has been added to all of their duties. But they could
serve even better if not hampered by below—the—standard—wages.
Their work is dangerous. They risk their lives and limbs to protect your •
loved ones.
They voluntarily took a cut of $60 per month in 1932 in order to meet the
conditions of the Depression. They arenow asking the Voters of Omaha to re
store to them this $60 per month in order that they may meet the conditions
caused by the Rising—Cost—of—Living of 1942.
They have been fair in the matter of wages, as well as efficient in their
work. Now let us deal fairly and efficiently with them by voting “YES” for a
Restoration of their Salaries on Tuesday May 12th.