The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 09, 1942, City Edition, Image 1

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    - \ Je l&ik I - r . ..
10c -^
at your largest accredited negro newspaper west of Chicago and north of Kansas city —member of the associated negro press
Drugstore • m
Entered^Tsecond-cuss Matter it The Post office, Omzh*, NehrMka,Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, May 9,1942 OUR 15th YEAR—No. 13 City Edition, 10c Copy
Under Art of March 8. 1874— Business Phone: WE. 1517 ’ ___ _ _
Mrs. Margaret Metoyner, who is a j
member of St. Benedict Church and
| who is formerly from Florida and
now resides at 2218 Willis Ave., will
be married in the near future to a
Lieutenant in the army and will be
leaving the city a few days after her
marriage on her honeymoon.
Mrs. Metoyner will be remember
ed as a former employee of Herm
an's Grocery Store. She is now an
elevator operator at Brandejs.
LT. Oliver Lewis is the fortun ite
young man.
Mr. and Mrs. Rederick Brown and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carter 2919 Ers
kine St., wish to announce the en
gagement of their cousin. Miss
Leona Edwards, to Mr. Theasar
Stone, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Del
roy Moore. 2858 Burdette St.
The wedding dote has been set
for June 14, 1942 at Zion Baptist
During the past week local and
national Labor leaders, commun.ty
workers and some welfare agencies,
met and outlined a definite program
for the forthcoming initial gathering
of the Omaha Labor Institute to be
held at the Omaha Municipal Univ
ersity, Saturday, May 23rd. and
Sunday May 24th.
The motive of the Institute is
aptly described in the following quo
tation from the Institute promot
er's prspectus:
I “We are all seeking the achieve
ment of victors'- This Institute is
devoted to the study of how best
the Negro can make his contriou
tion with Labor towards that vic
The need for any study that will
arouse new interest, or new oppor
tunities. for Negro labor, especial
ly at this time, is quite apparent,
and it can readily be assumed that
the findings of such a study can he
put to actual practice when the re
sults are called to the attention of
the proper channels for it has been
decreed, from the highest authority
of the land, that labor from all
walks of life, races, creeds, etc., is to
be fairly and equitably used in Ar -
Mr. and Mrs. J .D. Lewis wish to
announce the coming marriage i e
cepUon of their daughter, Charlgne
Irene and Mr Clyde McEff Harris->n
on Sunday evening, the 31st of Ma..\
1942, from six to nine o'clock at
2310 North 24th Street, Omaha, Neb
Mr. Arthur Allen, age 39 years,
former resident of Omaha, died
April 28th in St. Paul, Minn.
Mr. Allen left Omaha in 1933 and
from 1934 to 1936 was managing
editor of the Minneapolis Spoke -
man and St. Paul Recorder ar.d
from 1936 to the time of his death
he was a sales representative of the
Anger Supply Company, one of the
largest retailers of household appli
ances in the Twin Cities. Durlag
Mr. Allenh connection with th;s
company, he made an admirable re
cord as a salesman and had receiv
ed meritorious recognition from h:s
Mr. Allen had recently assisted in
the decorating of the Pilgrim Bap
tist Church of St. Paul. He was
a member of the St. James church.
He is survived by four sisters.
Mrs. Bonnie Madison, Langston,
Okla., Mrh. Louise Brakie. Spring
field, Ohio. Mrs. Hallot Barnett. Mr>
Alma Gibson of Omaha, two broth
erh, Mr. Frank Allen, Chicogo. K .
Mr. Clarence Allen, Omaha and o‘h
er relatives.
The body arrived in Omaha Sun
day and lie in state at The Tbum -
Funeral Home. Funeral servbvs
were held at 2 P. M. Tuesday, from
Cleaves Temple Methodist Churca.
| with Rev. L. A. Story officiating.
Burial was at Forest Lawn Cem
erica’s “All-Out” program.
The complete program for May '
and 24th, together with the spon
sors. will be found in the OMAl‘A
GUIDE in the issue of May 16th.
Los Angeles, Calif.,—Three yotn g
West Coast artists voluntarily d
nated part of their proceeds from :•
program in which they appeared t
the NAACP. 'William Grant St?
distinguished composer, conduct? >1
and musician, his wife, Mrs. Van? ?
Avery Still and Mrs Marjorie Brigi *
McPherson, sent *33 to the N v
York office recently “to help furth
er its work in promoting inter-ra .1
understanding in the United State
Review I
• ••
Join the NAACP. Join it now.
We need a branch of five thousand
members. It draws no COLOR
LINE’’; it welcomes all men and
women of all races and creeds and
colors who believe in LIBERTY
lieves that there can be no salva
tion for America or Britain or China
or India, unless all men are to be
made free and given equality of op
portunity. It believes that America
cannot survive ultimately half slave
and half free. And it fights to make
her free; to see that she does not
aeglect one-te*th of her population
now set apart on a “color basis"
from all other human being? in the
land. It has fought these things
for a third of a century. It has
fought for Negroes who have been
unable to fight for themselves; it
fights for them here and all over 4
tnenca. And it challenges hi'P»
cracy and the “color bar” where
ever they op pear. It is a badge of
honor to belong to it. It is calling
America bafk to first priridples^lt j
is reminding her that INDIVIDUAL !
are the RIGHT Of every American.
It declares OUR COUNTRY must
realize this and make it. in fact, its
practice and its creed.
Join us now and help us save A
merica. Afterward, we may go to
help to bestow the boon of liberty
(Continued on pager^F^)
A City-Wide and All State Music
al Program will be sponsored by the
New Era State Association Thurs
day May 28th, 1942 8:30 p. m. to be
held with the Pilgrim Baptist
Church 25th and Hamilton Streets.
This promises to be an outstanding
The Educational Committee. Mr.
J. W. Dacus, Chairman. Rev. C.
Q Hickerson. Moderator.
reverend b. f rookes of
Lincoln. Nebr.. May 6—Reverend
B. F. Rooks of Colorado Springs.
Colorado, was appointed pastor ef
Newman Methodist Church of Lin
coln at the Annual Central West
Conference held in K. C. Mo.. April
22 through the 26th. Rev. Rooks
is an alumnus of Kansas State uni
versity, Lincoln university at Jeffer
son City. Mo., and a seminary at
Little Rock. Arkansas Rev. Rooks
preached to appreciative audiences
Sunday morning ond evening. He
will move his family t6 Lincoln in
the near future. He succeeds Rev.
C. A. Shaw
Washington, D. C.. .
May 4, 1942 9:15 p. in..
To the Editor:
Contrary to reports that have
reached office of the Price Adminis
tration, there has been no Negroes
appointed to its staff of Consult
The present • staff consists of
Frances Williams. Advisor on Con
sumer Problems of Negro People.
Working with Miss Williams are
Sunni Steele and Laura Daly.
Tou will be advised immediately
of any new appointmnets as consult
Chief of Information.
Office of Price Administration
s .
Rioting Again In Detroit
Detroit, Michigan May 7—The mil
itant spirit of Detroit Negroes has
flared up again. Intensely smart
ing over many local injustices De
troit Negroes are avenging in blood
each new incident.
Last week. Henry Rollin. during
a verbal tiff, in a white restaurant,
was shot and seriously wounded.
Immediately, Negroes from all ar
ound. gathered and began rioting.
resulting in several policemen being
severly injured, and two white res
taurants almost completely demor
alized through rioting, looting,
firing the premises.
However, there was no connect
ion between this riot and the recent
Detroit riot over the Sojourner
Truth project as this latest riot oc
curred miles away in a different
part of the city.
| Houston. Texas—All anyone has to
do to become a member of the "De
mocratic party in Texas is to be
white and think he is a Democrat.
And even if a person is not a mem
ber of the Democratic party, he can
vote in the Democratic primary
if he is white.
These admissions were made by
the top officers of the state Demo
cratic Executive committee, E. B.
Germany, chairman, and C. A. But
cher. secretary, on the witness stand
(Continued on page 2)
TOP HONORS Won by Negro
To Arms
To Arms. To Arms. Americans
Down with the Fascists, Jana and Huns
A call to Arms, Patriots True,
At Home—Abroad, cross the Ocean Blue
Let us win this war for Liberty.
And Guard the rights of our family;
Our Honor and Pride in Freedom s light.
Arise. Brave Heroes, and show your might
Spare no bullets, brave soldiers of our ranks
Defeat the land enemy with guns and tanks.
To Arms, To Arms. Americans
God has given us the right to win.
God's given rights, we must defend:
Our mountains, meadows and trees of green.
Our fertile valleys and clear blue streams.
Through our bravery we shall redeem.
From the evils of Der Feurer's schemes.
Fly high, daring pilots of the heights
Down the Japs with our ‘Winged Might
To Arms. To Arms. Americans
Rise to your colors, tried and tru?
Your Flag, our flag, the Red, White and Blue
From every City and Village Farm
This is your batle, your call to Arm,
To toil and sweat with brain and tears
Worthy of your kin of other years.
Sail On. Brave Sailors, in the distant seas.
Weaken the enemy with you.- victories.
To Arms, To Arms. Good Americans
We are soldiers all: brave and true,
i Whatever the task. ’Tis ours to do.
Strive through-out the day till early morn’.
Give your all until this war is won.
War takes money, give all you c-’n spare.
Buy more Bonds and Stamps. Do Your Share.
Top honors in the Red Cross First
Aid Class of which he was the only
Negro member, were won by De
witt O. Webber, of Philadelphia this
week. Photograph shows Mr. Webb
er receiving congratulations and
certificate from Frank Cohen, or
ganizer and one of the offcials of
Empire Ordnance Corp.. where Mr.
Webber is employed as a machin
ist’s assistant.
Empire Ordnance, which has
plants throughout the nation, mak
es 7S millimeter cannon, steam en
gines for Liberty ships, armor plaie
for tanks, etc., and is solely engag
ed in defense work.
Mr. Webber received the highent
grading in the entire First tid
Class, which was made up of wor
kers employed at the Wissahickon
Tool Works. Philadelphia affiliate
of Empire Ordnance. Standing next
to Mr. Webber is Elwood Dutbill.
guard at the plant, who finished sec
ond in the course.
“By attaining the highest grade in
the class." Mr. Cohen, pho is a noted
industrialist, told Mr. Webber in
presenting him with a Red Cross j
certificate, “you prove what all
thinking men know, namely, that no
one race, or color, or religion, has
a monopoly on brains, ability and
Mr. Webber and other successful
members of his class received an
Increase of approximately S100 per
year each, as a result of their pass
ing the course, as a bonus and Jn
cenative planned by Mr. Cohen.
It is interesting to note that Mr.
Webber's wife is following in her
husband's footsteps, and next we-sk
expects to graduate from the Red
Cross First Aid Course she is now
completing. The couple has a 12
year old daughter.
Mr. Webber is a graduate of the
Lincoln Academy of North Carolina
and has been employed at Empire
Ordnance for about one year. I-lis
home is at Pechin Street. Philadel
■ 1
i I
J f.
! I
Clifford C 777tichtll
New York. N. Y.—Westbrook Peg
ler, sour columnist for the Scripps
Howard papers, was challenged this
week by the NAACP. to prove that
the Negro Press is subversive and
opposed to the war effort.
In his column printed tn New
York April 28. Pegler told of his ex
amination of the Pittsburgh Courier
and the Chicago Defender, and
strongly intimated that these and
other Negro papers were in the same
class with Father Coughlin's Social
Justice, which has been denied the
use of the mails because of alleged
subversive tactics. Pegler made
some criticisms of the two Negro pa
pers, but twice mentioned Social
Justice, and twice pointed out that
Negro papers were read by colored
soldiers in Army camps.
After characterizing Pegler’s ob
servations on the Negro papers as
superficial, the NAACP. letter to the
New York World Telegram declared:
‘ We challenge Mr. Pegler. or any
one else, to find a single disloyal or
^subversive line in any Negro paper.
We challenge him to find any slurs
upon President Rosevelt. We chal
lenge him to find any slurs upon
President Roosevelt. We challenge
him to find any assertion that the
Japanese were provoked into this
war. We challenge him to find any
praise of Hitler or the Axis powers.
We challenge him to find any sug
gestion that America ought to have
stayed out of the war....that this
is not our war. We challenge him
to find any reflection in the Negro
press of the Axis propanganda line.
“The Negro press has urged loyal
support for the war effort. It has
never been critical of the war effort
but only of the way in which Negro
American citizens are being deniel
an opportunity by their country to
participate fully and on an equality,
and with dignity in that war effort.
So the Negro press resents the
shooting and beating of Negro sold
iers in uniform: it complains justly
and logically against the restricted
quota of Negro flying cadets for the
army at a time when the army is
seeking desperately to enlist 2.000.
000 men in the air forces; it com
plains of the niggardly treatment
Negro citizens have received from
the U. S. Navy; It yells protest af
ter protest at the denial of employ
ment to Negroes when Donald Nel
son is begging for more and more
production: it resents a lynching on
a Sunday morning 44 days after
Pearl Harbor as being inconsistent
- ith the professed war aims: it re
sents. also, the doctrine of segregat
ion which has fathered many of the
inequalities and mistreatments
which the race suffers.
‘‘Does Pegler say that these pro
tests are subversive?”
navy RECRrrrrvG officers
New York—Secretary of the Navy
Frank Knox told the press on April
7 that Negroes will be enlisted in the
Navy .but he evidently hasn’t yet
told the Navy.
This week. Walter White. NAACP
executive secretary, inquired of the
Navy as to when the enlistment of
Negroes as seamen in the Navy will
begin. Mr. White said: ‘Numerous
reports have been told by recruiting
stations they have no official know
ledge of any change in policy."
The New York Herald Tribune, on
May 1. reported that Commander B.
B. Ralston, in charge of recruiting
in the New York area said, no in
Although the heading over this
copy distinctly reads “A Message to
Galloway’ ’it appears, C. C. that
others, besides yourself, have been
glancing over it because quite a
number of persons have contacted
me, directly and by phone, concern
ing portions of last week’s message.
At least I thank those who ap
proached me but after all, C. C. are
you going to have other people
reading your message?
In reporting that item to you ’ast
week about one Rev. C. Petties, it
has been called to my attention that
I am woefully lacking in knowledge
concerning ministerial practices.
The Reverend called my attention to
the fact that he is not the pastor at
the Second Baptist Church in Clar
inda. Iowa. He merely goes there
every Sunday to preach. Appar
ently. there is a fine dividing line
of fact in that statement. While he
preaches every Sunday he is only
a probationary preacher (or what
not) and has not as yet been offic
ially ’’called” as he explained to me.
At least I know he is a spiritual de
■\\Tlile speaking of preachers, C.
C. I met the Rev. S. K. Nichols who.
so he says, divides his time be
tween his church at 1906 North 24th
(Street, and another church in Chi
cago, which. I believe he said, is in
the immediate charge of his wife,
Mrs. S. K. Nichols of 4225 St. Law
rence Avenue, Chicago.
You know that squib I had last
week, C. C. about Leroy Gude being
on one job for nineteen years?
Well. I've personally met two others
who can beat that record.
E. R. Fletcher of 3115 Franklin
Street, has been on the same job
with the H. A. Wolf and Company
for twenty-three years.
And Richard Turner, of 3018 Bur
j dette Street, has been on the same
job with the Ford Motor Company
for twenty-one years. Incidentally,
the government took over the Om
aha branch of the Ford Motor
Compony on May 1st to use as a
government supply depot. Richard
Turner still remains on the Ford
payroll until June 1st and he has
been assured that the government
will retain him thereafter in his
same capacity.
: I haven’t met him. but one of
j your readers was telling me that
,there is a man here who has been
working for the Union Pacific Rail
way. on the same job for thirty-five
j years. If that is true, C. C. and
! you no doubt will know who it is.
then, certainly he should settle the
job longevity question, for surely no
reader will come up with a longer
record than that. By the way. wh:>
! is this man. C. C?
What were the details of the em
barrassment of E. R. Fletcher’s son
when he was sent to a government
military camp, as an inductee, last
week? From what I heard it did
not reflect creditably upon a so-call
ed all-out unity program for democ
—CCM —
Rev. D. Xicholason. of 2527 Blondo
Street, was called to the Southland
because of the death of a maternal
relative in Oklahoma. He also vis
(Continued on pagrel^=>2>
strnctions have been received as
yet on Xegro enlistments.'' The
Herald Tribune said Ralston stati-d
no word had come from Washing
ton as to the prospective date when
such enlistments will commence,
and that he added that “he presum
ed that plans for training centers
were being set up.”
2® V0TE- M.fKE4Y0L;R 0VVN CHOICE-BIT ABOVE ALL.—V 0 T E- TUESDAY, MAY 12th U Election Day. Every SeTf-Respecting Citizen will go to the p 11s and vote on
^May l-th_and_thank God for the privilege to vote. JPnndreds of Citizens are being shot t day because they were unconcerned on Election Day. What are Y'u Going to Do on May 12th?