GIRLS ON THE STREETS m • • • What’s buzzin’ Cuzzin? Of course every studd and jitter bug that was there at the big local frock and farmer dance knows it was the solid lick and every studd STORE YOUR Furs IN OFR Freezing Vaults CALL AT. 0345 FOR A— DRESHER BROTHERS 2217 Farnam Street Slightly Used Made to Sell I p to $12.95 Imagine getting a com plete dress wardrobe for less than you expected to pay for a single dress * Popular up to the min ute New York styles. Every dress dry cleaned and pressed to look and wear like new. Assorted colors Send 50c deposit, balance C. O. D plus postage. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or money back Orders filled in order of receipt Rush yours now! Mention size de sired. 210 other clothing bargains for ev ery members of the family. ILIA'S TRATED CATALOG FREE. AMERICAN SALES CO.. Dept. A M.. 367 Suter Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y NEW TREATMENT FOR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Dangerous High Blood Pressure (Es sential Hypertension) is usually marked by distressing symptoms such as dizzi ness, throbbing headaches, sleepless ness and nervousness. If disregarded, this may lead to Heart Trouble. Stroke, Paralysis, Hardening of the Arteries or Kidney Trouble. Diamonex, new formula of a heart specialist, is designed to quickly aid in the relief of these symptoms. • A Chicago resident says: "I suffered from High Blood Pressure for several years with increasingly severe throb bing headaches, dizziness and shortness of breath. I showed the Diamonex for mula to my Doctor and, on his advice, tried the treatment for two weeks un der identical conditions as previous treatments. Within only three days my bad headaches and dizzy spells were gone. My high blood pressure was re duced and I sleep fine.” Diamonex goes directly to work in three different ways to aid in the relief of these dangerous symptoms. Results are speedy—within as short a time as two weeks sufferers often find that Diamonex has accomplished 75% of the total reduction possible with this formula. If you suffer from High Blood Pressure you may try DIA MONEX without risking a penny. To introduce this wonderful treatment to a million new sufferers this liberal trial offer is made for a limited time only. SEND NO MONEY—just your name and address to the Diamonex Company, 316 No. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois for a regular $2.00 treatment of Diamonex for only $1.00 and a few cents postage. Use Diamonex according to the simple di rections for only two weeks. If, at the end of that test period you are not delighted with results your money will be refunded immediately on request. There are no -strings or conditions— you owe it to yourself to make this wonderful test at once. Write today as this offer is fully guaranteed. got their kix The part for us to write up is the show— A very smart couple was there from, shall we say the “Barrel house”—The crowd made quite a walk around the steps they cut— until—Mr. Luther Jitterbug and his partner Mrs. Arista "Jitterbug” Tay lor cut those steps into a million pieces—And Frank Brown and Edna Taylor cut the most finest steps in Jitterbug's kingdom. Out came Wendell Jenkins and Lilly Ander son.—You can imagine the excir.e met. Last but ot least the Bug clown appeared Boy Floyd—The wall got thin and the studds cut out on the floor. Clowning must not be the lick. A BRAINING QUESTION Is it lawful for Corrinne Seay to go into E. & E. and play all the good out of “Somehow”. Have a little consideration there chic! STOPPED A FEW HOURS AND A JUMP only long enough to finish jump ing the whole night with Walterine Wright. A solid soldier to be, who left af ter the frolic Monday night to get into a uniform—he left for Calif ornia to get fitted. Take it from an honest person—he was on, eh W alterine? CONGRATULATIONS To Ruth Harris and Marvin who * will be by' the time this paper gets out-Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kel logg. THE LAWFUL THING TO DO : Altho Rudolph Jones did buy Jesse Turner a sparklin’ diamond— he gotta wait until another birthday Eh Jesse? CLUBS IN THE NEWS Last year the Dolmites won the flame as being most popular but this year the Dolmites gotta Go! W.WfW.w.V.V.V.Vf/ 211 h AND LAK17 STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery_ WE. (W0° PHARMACY : ' -AY ’ V AV.V. TIME AND TIDE WAIT ON NO MAN—NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES RE BUILT. Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work FREE DELIVERY Call AT. 7060 The LAKE SHOE SERVICE •1. L .TAYLOR, PROP. McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop 2423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m Open lor Private Parlies I rum 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charg* ■« - WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a in in 1am JA. 9111 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS fcai Do You Want m pHHAIRi hair 7 days and see if you are really enjoying the pleasure of ^ LONGER HAIR that so often ' 3 captures Love and Romance. HAIR GETS LONGER when scalp and hair conditions are normal and the dry, brittle, break ing off hair can be retarded, it has a chance to get longerand much more beautifuL Just try the JUELENE SYSTEM 7 days, let your mirror prove results. Send $1. (If C.O.D. postage extra). Fully guaranteed. Money back if you are not pleased. i tory results, 1 will ask for my money back. ■ | NAME___ I ADDRESS.__ J CITY--STATE_. ! j^OUR CUSTOMERS PARTICIPATE IN FREE GIFTS | ^.HERE’S GOOD NEWS! If you-like so many women be tween the ages of 38 and 52—find this period in a woman’s life makes you restless, cranky, nervous, so tired and blue at times, perhaps suffer hot flashes, dizziness and distress of “irregularities” Start at once—try Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. This is the best known medicine you can buy today that’s made especially for women- famous to help relieve such distress due to this female func tional disturbance. Pinkham’s Compound has helped thousands upon thousands of wom en to go smiling thru annoying “middle-age” symptoms. Also very beneficial for younger women to help relieve distress of monthly functional disturbances. Follow label directions. Lydia Pinkham’s Compound is well worth trying l WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 The Goodwill Spring Musical at the City Auditorium on Sunday af ternoon April 26 was a complete success. The 4th Brigade Choir of Camp Funston, Fort Riley, Kansas, directed by Mrs. Mabel Avant was It’s the “Flamingo” they got it Soon they will be having dances, picnics and parties that is the lick. GOING STEADY Phercy Roundtree and Darlene Morris is going together now They make a very nice pair. \YE SAWED IT . .Two chics—pulling on Preacher's coat at the outfit!. Watch that stuff —His girl friend was in the building. LATIN LEADING CATT Helen Bradley is having stiff comp, since Roosevelt Latin drap pes so much—Eythel M. was giving him the once over. FONTANE WAKING UP Robert Fontane has decided to let the drags rest awhile and get down to earth again. He’s shooting i.hc jive (solidly) to Stello Mae Butler— now. TAKE IT SLO—HOSS Robert Greenfield is making a ha bit of it. Walking home from school with Dorothy Lawson. i _ North Omaha is slipping—pract ically every other ‘'Broad” got a South Omaha boy friend. The dance was full of cats from the other side of the bridge. North Omaha better come on And act like you use to. The South is taking possession of the North. Meanwhile we hope Dorothy Wat son who injured her foot—gets on foot again—so she can cut some more of her flyee steps. WHY Din IT AFFECT NATE Whether Jack Hoard was with Betty or Whodennia—why should Nate get flustered. We can see why Frank Brown should want to know. SOMETIMES . We wonder—who was the rhic that Charlie Williams likes so well tl at he actually passes by a cer tain joint. (Could it be Margaret?). . CORRECTIONS: ISN’T IT STRANGE THAT One word can change a whole meaning. That’s what happened last week. The situation read: Helen King just can’t get Johney Harrison. Corrections: Helen King just can’t forget Johney Harrison. We are very sorry. DON’T GET ME WRONG Why was Willard Wright saying ‘‘No matter who paid they love him. or, he loved them, it ain't but one— (Keep Kool Jeff). The one is Al berta Booth. THAT'S ALL this week. Your GIRLS on the Streets.— PORO CLUB The Poro Club will meet at the residence of Mrs. Brooks 2216 Nortn 25th St., Monday evening at 8 pm. May 4th. All members are asked to be present. Mrs. A. Michiel, Pres., Mrs. A. Woodson, Reporter. MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor P. Burroughs, Reporter “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Attendance for both morning and evening worship was very good. The sermons were both inspiring and filled with food for spiritual thought The presence of the holy spirit man ifest itself and the persons that it touched were living witnesses to- the fact that Jesus liveth because He lives within my soul. We* are inviting men and women boys and girls to come out and heai this gospel messenger who not only preaches but sings as well. Installation services May 4 thru the 10th. VALMOR PRODUCTS COMPANY 2241 Indiana Ave., Dept. C-122, Chicago, III. one of the very finest demonstra tions of singing ever witnessed by an Omaha auditorium and all the Church choirs were at their very best. Now let's all give Mrs. L. L. McVay a good hand. This writer had a very pleasant visit with the very fine manager and the dining room and kitchen crew at the Chamber of Commerce on Saturday morning April 25 a>:d we were informed that Mr. Chester Hodges Jr., of Camp 4717 CCC at Parson, Kansas, was making a very fine record and Mr. Chester Hodges Sr., was all smiles as chips of the good block always fall in the right place now. Let’s give father and son a very good hand. The Omaha Club with Mr. Black well the very fine headwaiter and the rapid fire crewr with Mr. Eatl Jones, the wide awake captain who has been suffering with a severe cold, but they all continue in the front line ex. for INS. I r POPULARITY I I I i STRAIGHTENS THE HAIR rOR 20 OAT* OR MORI • T toritNINC THE irirmtst IIoMc AT ANY DRUG STORE POPULAR FOR 27 YEARS B,*,CT *ROMl r,oY.°„Y;:!,"> »*«*tra I P°»TAO| ltj RACKING “ >IBt-“'I KONGO CHEMICAL CO Inc 204 WEST 124th ST. NEW YORK CITY~ mmummasiwA