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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1942)
EDITORIALS e ntinued *rom page J ) giving opportunity to colored cit izens in the teaching and custod ial services. Fpr many years various groups and committees have urged the Board of Education toward this step- And aL) the men and worn- . en who have done so may Justly share in the credit for the gain thus made. Now, we wish to see them prac- ; tice what they preach by appoint* I ing teachers and custodial workers t Real Shoe Man— FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR Cash and Carry CLEANER 1410 North 24th St. CARL CRIVET'w' Free Delivery from 8 a. m. to 1 a. m. JA. 9411 McGILL’S — PAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop 2423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS It’s nature’s "fresh-up” time ... time for you to "fresh-up” with 7-UP ... the sparkly, bubbly, crystal-clear drink that’s so delicious and whole some. Young and old like 7-UP . . . and it likes them. LODESTONE LIVE AND STRONG Are you unlucky in games of j chance, love, mon | ey, business ? ! Legend says an . cient wise men I and occult people r TT T TTT T f 1 carrier a. T ^ -- STRENGTH MAGNETIC LODE STONES which they believed to be a_ POWERFUL LUCKY CHARM one alleged to attract good luck to numbers in money, love, games of chance, and work, the other be lieved to keep one safe from bad luck, evil, the jinx and bad break3. No supernatural claims made. Sold as genuine magnetic stones only. EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED alive- Now, you, too, can get a live pair of these strange, amaz ing curios. DRAW, COMPEL, AT TRACT. Sent postpaid for 0nly $1.15 per pair ,or C. O. D., plus postage. rnrr with every order: Talism rnLlI anjc geaj 44 (alleged seal of Good Luck at Play and Games). Rush your order today. A. LODfE, 26 East 21 St-, New York, N. Y. from our group as rapidly as pos sible. Applicants should be qual ified scholastically and otherwise. First class material is available and may be obtained on short no tice. Thank you ladies and gentlemen of the Board of Education. We have the theory and await the call to practice. THE OMAHA NAACP. You are doing the right thing in the Eldridge case- More than that, you are doing the patriotic thing, for we cannot have unity either in our community or coun try where race hate and police brutality are tolerated in official circles. THE ELDRIDGE CASE AGAINST POLICE SERGEANT GRAHAM In cases of this character it must first be remembered that the powers of a police officer are very limited. It must also be re membered that Sergeant Graham did not place Mrs. Eldridge under arrest, legally or otherwise Sergeant Graham appeared up on the scene and tried to prevent her from entering her home. And here began the trouble. Mrs. Eld dridge ran into her house, and once she was there. Sergeant Graham had no right to enter without a warrant, and what he did to Mrs. Eldridge in her home was a wan ton and illegal assault upon her. Afterward, Sergeant Graham push ed her into the patrol wagon and attempted to strike her. She was then turned over to the two offic ers in charge of the patrol wag on. It was their duty to take Mrs. Eldridge into the “Bull Pen” search her and book her on the charges advised by Graham. Charges have been filed against) Sergeant Graham with the City Council by Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge and the Omaha Branch of the MA ACP. They should be pressed with unrelenting vigor. And oth er charges in other tribunals should be filed and pressed. Already the appeals have been taken from the findings of guilty against Mrs. Eldridge for “Disturb -ing the Peace” and “Resisting Ar rest”. The hearing on the charge of “Mayhem’ ’is set for April 14tn, 1942. This is a felony case and the question to be determined by the examining magistrate is whe ther or not there is “probale casue’ to believe that such a crime has been committed and whether or not Mrs. Eldrige committed it. Thus, if Mrs. Eldridge should be “Held for Trial” it does not mean she is guilty. That will have to >»e determined by trial in the Dis trict Court before a Jury. The charges against Graham was read by the City Clerk in open. Council meeting Tuesday 10 a. m. [ and hearing set for April 23, 9 a.m. i In the Council Chamber 3rd floor of City Hall 18th and Famam SL OPEN LETTER 2919 Q Street, Omaha, Nebraska March 26, 1942 Mr. Arthur McCaw, Dear Sir: We The Home Defense Girls Or ganization denounce the brutal treatment of Mr. and Mrs. Eld ridge by Officer Jack Graham. Be it resolved that the NAAOP. investigate and persecute each and every person connected with this brutal assault to the fullest ex tent. Be it further resolved that the Home Defense Girls Organization give an all out support to aid the NAACP in the persecution of the case. Signed by. Geraldine Jarretts, Pres., MA. 0737, Alberta Starnes, Secy ,MA. 1047 Lovetta Burch, Chairman of the LIGHTENS \ TANNED r|/|QJ DARK el%IN Lightenstanned dark .blotchy ' skin, externally caused, this j easy, quick-acting way. Use . Dr. FRED Palmer's Skin Whitener 7 day3 as directed. If notsatisfied, MoneyBack. 25c at druggist?. Free Sam ple. Send3c postage. Galenol. , ' Dept. CT, Box 264. Atlanta, Ga. DR. FRED PALMER'S SKIN WHITENER R. B. J—I’m so tired of living, like this: I want to buy me a bed room suit and want to know if I will be successful What can I do to make my husband do better ? Ans: Your husband doesn’t seem to have the slightest idea how to handle his money My sug gestion is to work out a budget and try to show him how much money it takes to run your home and how it is spent. Before buy ing a bedroom suit you should get out of debt_but you are going to have to go to work and help pay off this indebtness as he won’t be able to do it alone. M. L. B.—My husband and I want to adopt a child We love L children. We have one daughter who is grown and we are only in our early 40’s and feel we want another child We could give some child love, care and a good home as we own our place and do rather well. How can I find a child to adopt ? Could I write you privately about this matter too? Ans: Get in touch with your doctor and ask his assistance in i finding a child. You might call on ! the orphanage in your district and see if you can’t arrange to get a child for adoption. I’m sure that it will be very easy to find a child if you handle it thru the doctor or orphanage. It is a wonderful thing you and your husband have) in mind doing and I do wish you all the luck in the world with the child you choose. If you like you may write me privately. Send 25c for my Astrology Reading and I will be glad to give you my frvei opinion on three problems. F. O. W.—I met this man I am with last June. He and I have been together for 2 months. He promised me that we would mar ry. I want to know why he does not keep his promise to me? Ans: There seems to be anoth er party involved, .his WIFE. H? can’t marry you until he gets his freedom from her. Better talk this thing over right now and Set tle it as you are very unhalppy liv ing as you are and I don’t think you will be happy to live that way any long period of time neither. D. F.—My first marriage was to Contact Committee, MA. 1047, Lillian Wright, MA. 1047, Rowena Sudduth, Publicity Chr. MA. 4681. V CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 2010)4 N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 .Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m American & Chinese Dishes f THERE GOES PEMBROKE . f ASAIN-AFTER A | X^ROSERTS PAlRyWAGON^ Everybody goes for Roberts natural-flavor Homo milk! It’s creamy-rich, dairy-fresh, abundant with health-building vitamins! Great for the young sters! Grand for cooking, too- Set your table with the best by ordering Roberts Homo Milk today! a fellow who wrecked my life. He was so low down until I could not stay with him a single night. I am married to a fine man now, but uneducated by treats me with, kindness. I wish to know if the old fellow ever thinks of me? Ans: Didn’t you get enough of his unbearable tt-dntmenit when you married him? Make up your mind to forget him once and for all. The man you are married to now is a perfect gentleman. He may not be a polished and educat ed as your first husband but I as sure you that he has more charac ter than the first man. Your present mate is honest, refined in his way, and above all a wonderful mate. .. .you owe it to him to for get the fact that he isn’t educated. Some of the smartest men in the world has had had very little schooling. Appreciate the fact that your husband is smart enough to provide a good living for you. Z. Z. Z.—At the present I am going with a frivolous twype 0f wo i man an jt appears that I cant get shed of her unless it causes me serious trouble- What must I do to get shed of her? Ans: Since you realize that she isn’t the type woman for you, it is ali the more important that you free yourself of her- It can’t be done overnight without a rowdy j brawl. My sugestion is to ease! away from her gradually. Cut down on the luxuries, and make yourself unattractive to her. ' No doubt in time she will soon tire of your neglect and seek companion ship elsewhere. G. L. B.—I have a small store but I am not running it at present. Must I go back into store business jr sell it and buy the place I am renting how as my garden? Any suggestion will help me to make up my mind. Ans: Sell the store if you can get your price. Continue to rent the garden space and if and when you get the money to buy it... .do so. You can make enough veget ables grow on that particular plot to feed your family for a whole year. Staying in a store day in and day out is too confinig for you. BUY j UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS AND STAMPS U M.135E-3 HE DID NOT RUN tar. William H. Metcalfe who lives at 2425 Spencer Se., and who has lived there for 30 years and who has two sons in the world r war number 2 and who himself V.VWWAWVWtWMV 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery— WE. 0<50« DUFFY PHARMACY Vote tor William H. METCALFE 2425 SPENCER STREET -FOR CITY COMMISSIONER -(Political Advertisement) Government Restrictions Affect Telephone Users The telephone business is now operating under definite government orders restricting the instal lation and replacement of telephone equipment. Some of these restrictions are: la Wall and desk telephones can not be replaced with hand telephones. 2 a Extension telephones in residences can be installed only under certain circumstances. 3 a Party-line service is the only service which can be provided in some localities for new applicants and for those who move. 4b Replacements and improvements, which under ordinary conditions could be made, now have to be deferred. These restrictions will affect many tele phone users but we shall do everything in our power to provide as adequate service as is possible under existing war conditions. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY o LOOK CHICK, THAT S£NT7?Y^ f OUT THERE MUST BE KNOCK ED OFF IF" WE WANT THAT plane, we've got to puppy Before von brock Anp pis ! STORM TROOPERS COME SWARM |Vg GOT AN IDEA CHICK. /?EMEM0ES^^B J How You USED -TO CHANGE ^ Your voice at school, anp THE FELLOWS THOUGHT IT WAS A DAME CALLING ? LET'S TRY IT ON THAT SENTRY Out there . he'll probably nATTrv mi I II t SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA THE OMAHA GUIDE 0„ Ve„ _ _ _ _ A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Si* Month, - - 11.28 Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant St Three Months — — **• *76 OMAHA, NEBRASKA 0ne Month “ ~ ,25 PHONE WEbster 1517_ SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN tillered as Second Class Matter Ma oh 15. 1027, at One Year ~ $2 50 the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Monthg _ _ _ * 1.00 tongpress of March 3, 1879. One Month — — .10 „ r Ford-_— — — Pres. All News Copy of Churches and all organiznt ’ iqns must be in our office not later than 1:00 p. na. Mrs. Flurna Coope’% — — Vice Pies 'jir.nday for current issue. All Advertising Copy o> „ _ „ .. D , „, A-tino. Frtitur Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pre C. C. Ga.loway, - . Publ.sher and Ed.tor ^ Qf ^ pubIication Boyd V. Galloway. — Sec’v and Treas. . . -- ---- . served in world war number one, is a successful business man. No he did hot run to Dundee or any other place when Negroes be gan to move northward near hi 3 home at 2425 Spencer St. Should the citizens who live in the midcity section of our city, have a city commissioner elect d .... well some people say yes and why not. Mr. Metcalfe is in the race for city commissioner and he says that every ob can be done better and if he is elected he will try and do the ojb that is placd to his care, "better- Mr. Metcalfe olso says he will be thanful to you if you will crcnc plants is ObbUd FERTILIZER | SAVE ON GARDEN SEED by using our New Crop Bulk Garden Seeds. Fruit and shade trees. Vegetable Plants of All Kinds. HOME LANDSCAPE SERVICE 924 North 24th Street Tel. JA. 5115 Everyone knows the cost of practically every* thing has gone up/ But your home electric ^ rates are still the same. Keeping electric rates down is not easy . . • our cost of doing business, like your home expenses, are increasing steadily. For instance, our tax bill has increased 48% during the past four years alone. In spite of these increases, we are going to do our utmost to keep your electric service good and your cost as low as possible. Our entire organization of more than 800 men and women is co-operating to make this possible. NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY All Out , . . for the U. S. A.! OH. JOY. What a joy to get relief from a cough due to a cold. Get it with Smith Brothers Cough Drops —the famous drops that contain a special blend of soothing ingredients. Two kinds, Black or Menthol. Only a nickel checks that tickle. SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS j 1 tradXJIWbLACK OR MENTHOL-5 —;--- i H MM... SOUNDS LIKE A Filly. Guess one twe skirts -from town FEELS K/ND'A AMOUCOUS — give him your vote on April 14. Well why n0t-you do need new blood in your own government ev ery now and then, so on April 1.4, vte fr William H. Metcalfe. GIRLS ! who suffer bFEMALE MISERY Which Makes You Weak, Cranky, Nervous, Blue! If at such times you suffer cramps, headache, backache, tired, nervous feelings, distress of “irregulari ties” — due to female functional monthly disturbances—try Lydia E. PinJcham’s Vegetable Com pound—the best known medicine you can buy today that’s made especially for women. Pinkham’s Compound is famous to help relieve pain and nervous ness of women’s “difficult days” due to this cause. Taken regularly — it helps build up resistance against such symptoms. Thousands upon thousands of girls and women have reported gratifying benefits. Just see if you, too, don’t bless the day you heard of Lydia Pinkham’s Compound. Follow label directions. WELL WORTH TRYING! Lydia E. Pinkham’s VE8ETABIE COMPOUND NEW TREATMENT FOR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Dangerous High Blood Pressure (Es sential Hypertension) is usually marked by distressing symptoms such as dizzi ness, throbbing headaches, sleepless ness and nervousness. If disregarded, this may lead to Heart Trouble. Stroke, Paralysis, Hardening of the Arteries or Kidney Trouble. Diamonex, new formula of a heart specialist, is designed to quickly aid in the relief of these symptoms. A Chicago resident says: “I suffered from High Blood Pressure for several years with increasingly severe throb bing headaches, dizziness and shortness of breath. I showed the Diamonex for mula to my Doctor and, on his advice, tried the treatment for two weeks un der identical conditions as previous treatments. Within only three days my bad headaches and dizzy spells were gone. My high blood pressure was re duced and I sleep fine.” Diamonex goes directly to work in three different ways to aid in the relief of these dangerous symptoms. Results are speedy—within as short a time as two weeks sufferers often find that Diamonex has accomplished 75% of the total reduction possible with this formula. If you suffer from High Blood Pressure you may try DIA-_ MONEX without risking a penny. To introduce this wonderful treatment to a million new sufferers this liberal trial offer is made for a limited time only. ,SEND NO MONEY—just your name and address to the Diamonex Company, 316 No. Michigan Ave.,‘ Chicago, Illinois for a regular $2.00 treatment of Diamonex for only $1.00 and a few cents postage. Use Diamonex according to the simple di rections for only two weeks. If, at the end of that test period you are not delighted with results your money will be refunded immediately on request. There are no -strings or conditions— you owe it to yourself to make this wonderful test at once. Write today at tbit offer is fully guaranteed. STRAIGHTENS THE HAIR FOR 20 OATS OR MORI tT «OM£«l*G THt ITirritttt AT ANY DRUC STORE POPULAR FOR 27 YEARS ir ordering direct from FACTORY. SERB 25« EXTRA lr°* FOIT10I «»<l PACRIMO addriii. I KONGO CHEMICAL CO., be _^04 WEST 124th ST. B NEW YORK CITYfM JgW IMAH BB 25< «tfc