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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1942)
NEGRO REGIMENTS WIN EAST ACCLAIM UJcntinued from page 1) restless Atlantic has succeeded :n denting the loyal determination 0f our famous colored guards. Did you know, for example, that colored troops are s0 efficient a’l along the eastern seaboard t^at c r NORTH 24™ ST SHOE REPAIR 1SU< IS. Z4lii ol. V* Hi. > — * -POPULAR PRICK* LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. Our Half Setting Method leave# No Repair Look on your shots. We Use the BEST Material. FIRST DELIVERANCE CHURCH BENEFIT STORE 2020 NORTH 24TH ST. (Across the Street from Ritz Theatre) NEW AND USED MERCHANDISE Clothes, Furniture and Furnishings “We Save You Money on Good Merchandise” WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE —Mrs. Jackie Bryant, Mgr. -tain civilians who have tried to ignor? military precautions have actually complained to the courts, yelling that the colored centcjes were too tough? Well, as you've probably read, the Courts have up held the sentries. The civilians were guilty! The case of the Cambridge pro fessor who tried to drive bi3 car by a colored sentry at the college gate is a sound example. One shot, resulting in a minor gun wound, changed the professor’s mind. A similar case allegedly happen ed up in Maine, involving a wom an driver, and again the sepia sen try fired so as not to fata’ly injure the offender. Yet this being war, a sentry can shoot to kill. Our boys are hard but humane. In a New York railroad yard one night, it is said that a white yard worker, carrying a lantern, walk ed On into the darkness ignoring the chailenege of a colored sentry. One rifle shot whisked the lantern out of the man’s hand and from that day, it is said, the railroad workers all whistled and sang loudly at the top of their voices whenever in the vicinity of coloi ed guards. They wanted all sen tries to know well in advance wh.i they were and that they were coming by. An interesting story picked up from Maine concerns a night fish erman challeneged at the water front and ordered by the colored sentry to extinguish a small hat light which might be seen by sub marines. The offending fellow obliged as long as he was n^a? shore, but when Well off the ~oasi 86PROOF. STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. SCHENLEY DISTILLERS CORP..N.Y.G. We Offer for Y«ur Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Ha ve Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EOUOLM&SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 $450,000 Damage to Telephone Lines by Snow and Sleet Storms Snow and sieet storms from March 16 to 28 caused more than $450,000 damage to telephone property of .Jthis Company and its subsidiaries in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. o The storms caused 52/000 breaks in telephone lines. Over 5,600 poles were broken or out of place. Nearly 10/000 telephones were out of service. More than 400 cities and towns were cut off from telephone com* munication with the outside world* About 700 telephone men worked to get the lines In service as early as possible, often in deep snow, un der blizzard conditions, and almost impassable roads. Except for some badly damaged rural lines, service is now restored. In the last five years, damage to the property of this Company and its subsidiaries from storms has amount ed to about two million dollars. We regret any inconvenience which may have been caused as a result oi these storms and greatly appreciate the tine spirit with which our customers accepted the unavoidable interrup tions of long distance and. in many instances, local service. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY in his fishing boat ,he flash on the offending light once again. As the story goes, the colored sentry armed with one of those new Gar and rifles, fired once after suit able added warnings. Not only was the light shot out, but the fisherman received a close hair cut and shave. Needless to say, all Maine fishermen now respect; the sentries. The superb shooting by th-v colored troops is one of the most encouraging pieces of this war signment. They are getting "one shot results” in almost an amaz ing manner considering that col ored soldiers are seemingly last in drawing bullet shooting opportun ities. Many of the sentries are crack shots holding all sorts of marksmanship medals. As in the last war, the enemy is going to be mighty surprised by the accurate ad amazing fire power of coloved American troops. Numerous white Americans have at first resented taking commands from our sentries. There have be< n home reports of civilian authorit ies reaching for their revolvers, an act which always drew a ring of army rifles. The men reaching fcr their revolvers have always had to reach for their hats and scram. Because the U. S. Army is not to be trifled with. Our boys in uni form beltfog to the U. S. army! Nuf sed! SPEED ACTION TO SELECT DOCTORS FOR NEGRO DIVISION (Continued from Dasre 1) secretary. Typical of the sort of physician, selected is Dr Elmer E. Collins of Oskaloosa, la. Dr. Collins is a graduate of the University of Iowa Medical school; interned at Prov ident hospital, Chicago; received his Ph. D. in pathology at Western Reserve Medical School. He ' taught for five years at Howard ' University Medical school before beginning his practice in Oskal oosa. Dr. Collins is expected to set up the laboratories in the new hospital and to have charge of them. There are a number of young1 physicians who finished the train ing school at the experimental medical training school at Carlisle, Pa. who are proceeding to Fort Huachuaca immediately. These for the most part will occupy jun ior positions in the set-up. The areas from which the doc tors were selected are as follows: Chicago 10; Washington, DC. 9; Philadelphia 8; St. Louis 7; Nash ville 3; Baltimore 2; Kansas City, Mo., 2; Durham. N. C. 2; Cleveland 1; New York City 1; Boston 1; Atlanta 1; Tuskegee 1; Passaic, N J. 1; Columbus, Ga. 1; Leaven worth, Kansas 1; Detroit 1; Mans field, O., 1; Charlottesville, Va. 1; Shaw, Miss., 1; Los Angeles 1; Ro anoke, Va., 1; Petersburg, Va. 1; Oskaloosa, Iowa, 1. The schools from which they came are: Howard university, Me harry Medical college; University of Illinois; Harvard university; Mush Medical college; University of Pennsylvania; Ohio State univ ersity; Temple university; Univer sity of Minnesota; Indiana univer sity; University of Chicago; Hahn nemann Medical college and Uni versity of Iowa. I FAMOUS FLORIDA CASE VICTIMS SEEK AID New York N. Y.Jack Wil liamson and Walter Woodard two of the four victims in the famous Chambers case, which lasted nine years through the Florida courts and the U. S. supreme court have appealed to the NAACP for aid now that they are free. The two men are living near New York, and declare they want to rebuild their lives, but lack ready cash. They are seeking em ployment. Two of the four men held in the Chambers case now in insane as ylums. One went insane before the men were freed, and the other went insane six days after freed »m was granted. This was the case in which Mr. Justice Black wrote the famous opinion of the U. 3 supreme court, issued on Lincoln’s birthday, 1940. The national office of the NA ACP is to confer with the men and' has pledged every assistance until they get on their feet. NEW RADIO SERIES ON THE NEGRO OVER BALTIMORE STATION COMMEMORATES BOOKER T. WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY Baltimore, April 9 (ANP) —A new radio series, entitled— “My People.... The Story of the Ne gro”, was inaugurated over Stat ion WFBR here Easter Sunday at 2:30 P. M., EWT. The program, to be presented every Sunday af ternoon, is under the direction of Dr. G. Lake Imes .former director of public relations at Lincoln uni versity, Pa. Easter Sunday’s program com memorated the birthday of Book er T. Washington, who was born on that date According to Dr. Imes, the idea behind the program is to present the story of Negro life and activ ities from the Negro’s point of view, and is to feature new st0ries, personalities, a brief good will chat and music by an orchestra and chorus with guest artists. Trip program has n0 commercial spon sor, the time on the air being paid for from private sources and pub lic subscriptions. RETIRES AFTER 44 YEARS OF JANITORY AND INTER PRETORY WORK Lorain, O., April 10 (by Johnny Willis for ANP)—Retirement of a janitor believed to be the wealth iest Negro in Lorain county took place this week when Edward Cop es, head janitor of the general of fice district of the National Tube company, reached the age of 65 to culminate 44 years of outstanding service. He left perhaps the most enviable record of unbroken serv ice ever compiled in a steel mill in dustry. Copes has lived in Lorain virt-v ually all his life, beginning work at the Loran subsidiary of the U. S. Steel corporation when he was 21 years old. When asked by this reporter whether or not he had ever been late for work, Copes re plied: “Not during the past 15 years ,and only once before that time." However his record shows that he has never been sick or lost any time from work for the past 25 years. So proud were National Tube officials of Copes insurmountable record that they spnsored a rec ent party in his honor at which time company officials presented him a Longines wrst watch with a bronze case. His name and years of Service were engraved upon the back of the watch. Among othtr outstanding gifts presented was a Parker Pen and pencil set (with engravings) and a stand lamp, all given by helpers. During 44 years of service Cop es proved to company officials that he was not a nonentity as far as janitorial services were concerned. It is recalled especially that dur ing steady flow of foreign immig ration into Lorain some years ago, It was Ed Copes who served the Keep Good Govern ment Re-Elect PRESENT City Commissioners MARK 0 THESE A AMES DAN B. BUTLER HARRY KNUDSEN WALTER KORISKO RICHARD W. JEPSEN JOHN KRESL ROY N, TOWL HARRY TRTTSTTN Primaries April 14 Election May 12 Be Sure To Vote - (Political Advertisement) j company employment office as in terpreter for Hungarian. Slevar ians, and Polish groups. He is still well recognized among local foreign-born Hungarians as one who can speak their native lang uage as fluently as the best of them. When asked of hjs future pian3, Copes said “Well, I’m still single, so I might have to go to the army (-?)". Although 65, he is decid edly young in appearance- HiiJ friends know him to be quiet ard reticent, but it is generally rec ognized that he a very shrewd business man. Owner of many homes in Lorain, it is expected that he will go a little m0re deep ly into real estate. However, ac cording to some of “Ed’s most in timate friends, he has recently been giving considerable thought toward opening a colored night club and summer resort_some thing which he says has been kind of “up his sleeves” for quite some time COLORED PRESS PHOTO GRAPHER EVACUATED WITH JAPANESE WIFE Los Angeles, April 10 (AJJP)—• As an unusual incident of the e vacuation of Japanese from this district, among the hundreds forc ed to leave last week was Charles Williams, a well known young colored photographer. Williams is married to a pretty Japanese gin, but had no dreams that she would be included in the ban on enemy aliens and still less that he would be placed in that category. The big surprise came last Friday morning when an FBI officer came to their little home with orders that they be ready by 6 o’clock that night to leave with the next contingent for the new Owens Valley concentration cen ter. Hurriedly packing and ar ranging their affairs as best they could, they were ready when the time came. All day Sunday in the colored district where many Japanese' have been living for years, there were scenes of hasty moving as the remaining Japanese availed of the last opportunity to leave vol untarily with the deadline up at ft p. m. After that they would have to remain under strict army juris diction and obey the curfew law until personally evacuated and placed by the army. Many bid other colored friends goodbye feel ingly while others kept the cus tomary stoical silence Williams was the official photo grapher for the Calfornia Eagle besides his other excellent business FOUR FREEDOMS by M. M. GOODLOW Surely America will not be blind Nor deaf to our plea for justice and liberty— When our fathers, brothers and sons, Are on the four corners of the earth Fighting for the four freedoms And dying for the land of their birth— Now is the time for America to right the wrong— We have suffered s0 long— With us there is no mincing Of words about barbarous lyn ching, Of our defenseless civilians Nor the ruthless killing of our men in uniform Protect them the same way They are defending America every day— Give us the freedom and liberty They are buying with their blood so freely On a foreign strand for the'.r native land. Not until America rights the wrong Can we sing sweet freedom's song For we are not free Till segregation, discrimination and jim crow Become past history of the loyal American Negro. CET FREE H* SAMPLES AT ONCE r**, Don't wait an othet minute. '•%£/ Earnings up to 55.0C Sr a day or S45 a week w possible. BeourAgents 7 and make Quick money ! in Full or Spare time. Sell Colored people our fa mous line of Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dressing. Face Powder, Bleach Cream. Incenee, Curios. Jewelry. Per fumes. Two Big lines— 50c and 25c goods. Sales madeon sight. Noexperi ence needed. Send name and address for FREE SAMPLES and FREE Big Sample Case Offer. VALMCR PRODUCTS COMPANY 2241 Indiana Ave., Dept. C-122, Chicago. III. Asthma Mucus Loosened First Day For Thousands of Sufferers Choking, gasping, wheezing spasms of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy. In gredients in the prescription Mendaco quick ly circulate through the blood and common ly help loosen the thick strangling mucus the first day, thus aiding nature in palliating the terrible recurring choking spasms, and in promoting freer breathing and restful sleep. Mendaco is not a smoke, dope, or in jection. Just pleasant, tasteless palliating tablets that have helped thousands of suf ferers. Printed guarantee with each package —money back unless completely satisfactory. Ask your druggist for Mendaco today. Only 60c. u. S. TROOPS ARRIVE IN IRELAND JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Koller, Mgr. -* ~ --- — - . JOHNSON DRUG CO. NEW LOCATION 2306 North 241 h ;We. 0998 Free Delivery OMAHA OUTFITTING Furnish Your Entire House hold at the ‘Omaha Outfitting | They carry Furniture, Washing Machines, Radios, Travelling Bags, Jewelry and All Kinds of Coal. 2122 North 24th St. Phone AT. 5652 LOVE PERFUME An enchanting perfume of irresist able allure, clinging for hours like lovers loathe to part. Just a drop is enough. One bottle $1, or C. O. D. plus postage. Money back if not satisfied. FRFF W*th every Ppe!Paid order: ^ Talismanic Seal 0f Love CONTINENTAL CO., Dept. C, 126 Lexington Ave., New York N. Y. _ FOR ICTORY BUY UNITED STATES BONOS*STAMPS Here's the New Amazing COUGH MIXTURE From Canada Druggists Report Big Demand Bucklev’s CANADIOL Mixture Is different— more effective—faster in action than anything you've ever used. Get a bottle today. Take a couple of doses, Instantly you feel its powerful effective action spread thru throat, head and bronchial tubes. Tickling—coughing ceases— phlegm is loosened and raised—clogged bron chial tubes open, up, air passages cleared. All druggists. Satisfaction or money refunded. DO YOU WANT A BABY? New Vitamin Combination Brings Hope to Childless Homes Nothing equals a baby to bring com plete unity and happiness into the home ind tie husband and wife together in a itronger bond of enduring love and mu tual interest. Divorce is rare in the homes pf couples that have children. Unhappy wives, childless due to relieve' able functional weakness may now enjoy the desires and activity of Nature s most wonderful creation—a normal, fully-de veloped, vigorous woman. A sensational new vitamin treatment specifically for women may be just the thing needed by the childless wife and quickly bring the happiness of a baby in the home. It is, of course, absolutely harmless. If you are childless due to functional weakness and lack normal vigor—if you wish to eliminate one of the great causes of unhappy marriages, by all means try Perlex for one week. To introduce this new vitamin combination to a million women quickly, the Perlex Company, 1207 Southern Bldg., Chicago, Illinois, will send a full $2.00 supply for only $1.00 and a few cents postage. Send no money —just your name and address. . Perlex comes in a plain wrapper—directions are very simple and no diet or exercise is required. Write today as this offer is fully guaranteed. _ i MAKE EVERY PAY DAY BOND DAY JOIN THE PAY-ROLL » SAVINQS PLAN t Northern Ireland, Pixpage This picture is one of the first receive d in America that shows the magni tude of the force that arrived here. It is the largest conting ent of AEF. to arrive in Europe sine? the war started. Photo shows U. S. troops disembarking from a tender. SUBSCRIBE now: $ $ MONEY $ $ LOVE * JOB STARTLING FACTS IN YOUR READING Will you be happy in love ? Successful in business? Win in games? Facts in re gard to business, love marriage, friends, en emies, lucky and un lucky periods, etc, revealed accord ing to Astrology. Get the facts now! Send me your name, address and birthdate. SEND NO MON EY! When your reading arrives, pay postman only $1 plus a few cents postage. You will be amaz ed at the remarkable accuracy of the predictions of scientific ast rology. CDCC with every order: Seal of High Destiny and Power believed to bring good luck. W. A. ASTURO, 24 E. 21 N. Y. you WANT ROMANCE! Keep your hair attrac tive. By using Posner.'s Hair Coloring your hair will have a sleek, youthful appearance. Curling, Marceling or Straightening will not rub the coloring off. ♦ SHADES: JET BLACK, BLACK and DARK BROWN ♦ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED ♦ If dates are few and far apart Because you don’t look young and smart If dull, gray hair is aging you POSNER’S Coloring is the thing to do! CAUTION: USE ONLY AS MORE FOR LESS MONEY DIRECTED ON LABEL 6 Capsules — 6 Applications ’ * ' 1 ; IF YOUR DRUGGIST DOESN’T HAVE POSNER’S HAIR COLORING IN CAPSULE FORM Send $1.00 Directly to I. POSNER. Ill W. 128th ST.. NEW YORK CITY W0MENi.4»s who hate these trying years! s. HERE'S GLORIOUS NEWS! If you-like so many women be tween the ages of 38 and 52—find this period in a woman’s life makes you restless, nervous, cranky, so tired and blue at times-perhaps suffer hot flashes, dizziness and distress of “irregularities” Start at once — try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound! Pinkham’s Compound is the best known medicine you can buy today that is made especially lor women —it’s famous to help relieve such distress when due to this female functional disturbance. Pinkham’s Compound has helped thousands upon thousands of women to go “smiling thru” annoy ing middle age symptoms. ALSO very beneficial for younger women to help relieve distress of monthly functional disturbances. Follow label directions. Lydia Pinkham’s Compound is well worth trying! LATEST STYLES 1942 i THE TWO GREAT HATS **TH( "THt HARLEMITE" * "Sta^ut" DESIGNED »Y HOWARD ^ HARLEM’S LEADING HAT STYLIST ■ 1MA8T FAU. KIT "*7A* HARLEMfTE INTRODUCING « fp , . „ 1942 * PACE-SETTER OflClAfUe HATS IN ALL SIZES—SHIRPEO ANYWHERE Wrtto for Sooklot of HOWARD'S Comploto Um of IM2 Slyfoi HOWARD HATS SIP WEST 125* ST. DEPT TY-I NEW YORK, N.T, - RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street —Always a place to park— Raybonetta Spanish and American Dishes — Chili Tamales —Day and Nite— 2307 North 24th Street BUY YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. Get the Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE Lowest Price PHONE WE. 4137 HOTEL OLGA NEW YORK CITY 695 Lenox Avenue (Corner 145th Street) Select Family and Tourist Hotel Running Hot and Cold Water in Each Room All Rooms Outside Exposure —Service— Subway and Surface Cars at Door; Rates Reasonable. ED. H. WILSON, Prop. Tel. Aud 3-7920 HOTEL FANE 205 West 135th Street Tourist Hotel New York City —“In the Heart of Harlem”— Running Hot and Cold Water In Rooms All rooms outside exposure Rates: $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 up FHone; AU 3-7730 Frank G- Lightner, Mgr