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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1942)
EDITORIALS (Continued from nasre it ern-a against Mrs. Eldrjdge by i'o Hce Court Prosecutor A1 Raneri for five or six different offenses BUT MRS. ELDRIDGE WAS THE ONLY PERSON WHO WA.S BRUISED AND BATTERED. Sg*.. I Graham, had a mark on his hand j ! from a bite Mrs. Eld ridge gave him while he was twisting her arm | and causing her great pain. This 'of eouise, was an act of Self-de i on her part, wholly justified und..r the circumstances. Spring in Your Heart . . . Fashion on Your Toes with Jolene SHOES Fashion-Right . . . Priced Economically at only 1 Here are new shoe ideas... styled from expensive originals worn by Movieland's favorite stars. You'll like them in beige or beige with tan or brown, as well as the va I riety of bright colors popular this Spring. Kilpatrick's Basement—Where Quality Is Low Priced - ..— »■ I COOK MORE AT HOME.... with Gas the Perfect Cooking Fuel. Conserve tin and steel by cooking fresh vege tables in season on your modem gas range. Make plans now to can next winter's supply of vegetables for your family. New swift oven canning methods make canning easy and sure. Wartime America demands that you save and conserve everywhere. Let your modem gas service help you in your conservation program . . . save time, save money, save food, save energy. COOK MORE AT HOME! BUY UNITED STATES DEFENSE BONDS! j Lost —a cough due to a cold —thanks to the soothing action of Smith Brothers Cough Drops. Keep a box handy these days! Two kinds, both good, both effective, both deli cious:—Black or Menthol. And still only 5*. SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS ^BLACK OR MENTHOL- 5« who hate these Trying Years | THERE’S GOOD NEWS! If you-like so many women be tween the ages of 38 and 52 — find this period in a woman’s life makes you restless, cranky, nervous, so tired and blue at times, perhaps suffer hot flashes, dizziness and distress of ‘’irregularities” Start at once-try Lydia E. Pink hams Vegetable Compound. This is the best known medicine you can buy today that's made especially for women-f amous to help relieve such distress due to this female func tional disturbance. Pinkham’s Compound has helped thousands upon thousands of wom en to go smiling thru annoying “middle-age” symptoms. Also very beneficial for younger women to help relieve distress of monthly functional disturbances. Follow label directions. Lydia Pinkham's Compound is well worth trying 1 Why did not the Sergeant and the officer with him arrest Mrs. Eldridge and then put the hand cuffs on her and take her to the station? Why did not they call a doctor when they saw she was in jured from a cut on her arm ? How did it happen that nineteen officers Were present at the time Mrs. Eldridge was brought into th« station? Were they staging a show at the expense of Mrs. Eld ridge in the presence of her hus band? Why were several offic ers in the "Bull Pen” with her while she was being “booked” -- And where was the Police Capt ain during the show? Where were the Lieutenants and why did they permit the action taken by Graham. ? INDIA IN THE NEWS India is prominent in the daily news. Sir Stafford Cripps was there striving to win the support of the people of India for an all out war effort. He offered on be half of the British government, "Dominion Status and equality within the frame work of British Commonwealth of Nations”. This means, of course, loyalty to the Crown. Ganhi and Nehru, the most powerful leaders in India, and Jinnah the leader of the Moslem League, will have to be won to the plan. The Indian leaders are wary of Britain. They remember a sim ilar promise during the first world war which was not kept. Nehru wants action now, a declaration of the British Parliament concerning things to be given now and things to come. Gandhi submitted the promise made by Cripps to the All -India Congress and let them de cide whether to take it or leave it It is true, that Japan is at their gates. But this is not the fault of India, the Blame belongs to Brit ain. In fairness, too, it should be said, the present government of Britain now in power is not re sponsible for the Indian problem, but it must get action now or nev er. Britain Seems not to realize the tremendous influence radio has had on mankind everywhere; how greatly it has advanced public ed ucation in the. field of general in formation. The India of today js a very different India from 1917. Our wish is that the Indian prob lem may be solved now and that this land which gave to the world the founder of the Great Buddhist Religion may take the same proud place today she occupied in the Ancient World. If a “Free India’’ results from the war. that will be a very great gain and it will do much to dis cipate the “color complexes’’ which beset the world. THE TOWN HALL MEETING OF THE AIR Last week Miss Pearl Buck ap peared on the Radio “Town Meet ing of the Air’’ with a distinguish ed scholar from India, the Wash ington Correspondent of the Lon don Times and an American eco nomist, traveller and writer. Miss Buck set forth the case of China; the Indian the case for In dia, the London Times correspon dent the case for the British in India, and the economist made an apology for the Dutch in the East Indies. Everyne who heard Miss Buck understands why she is the WO MAN SHE IS. SHE HAS WHA r IT TAKES. And every person who is denied the boon of free dom and human equality has been helped and strengthened by Miss Buck’s compelling arguments. More than any individaul in the world today, Miss Buck is demand ing freedom for the non-white rac es, here in the United States and elsewhere in the world. “The Town Hall Meeting of the Air” has rendered humanity a very great service. We hope the attorneys in. Mrs Eldridge’s case will put a little more “zipp’’ into it when they reach the District Court and the City Council. Thanks. A BOOK ON THE NEW SOUTH A recent book dealing with the Those with tanned-dark skin. externally caused, who want it JH lighter, smoother, softer, should « try Dr. FRED Palmer's Skin g|| Whitener. Use? davs as directed. B8B If not satisfied MONEY BACK. H Sc at druggists. FREE Sample. Send 3c postage to GALENOL. w Dept. OS, Box 264, Atlanta, Ga. " Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener DR. FRED PALMER’S SKIN WHITENER COMPANY MAKEs| NEW 7 DAYS TRIAL OFFER TO CELEBRATE IT'S 44TH ANNIVERSARY Atlanta, Georgia, April l3t, 1942. The GALENOL COMP ANY, Inc., of this city, manufact urers of Dr. Fred Palmer’s line of cosmetics, among which is the fa mous DR. FRED Palmer's SKIN WHITENER, has just announced in celebration of their 44th anni versary in business, a NEW 7 DAYS Trial Offer that must get results or it costs you nothing. DR. FRED Palmer’s SKIN WHITENER is the product that lightens tanned, too dark, rough, coarse, weather-beaten skin so fast because it contains a special in gredient that is quick-acting. You no doubt have heard of it. starts to work the minute you ap ply it. This is one of the reasons why thousands upon thousands of folks all over the country use it, including the glamorous Harriet Calloway, the intednationally known lady band leader, Pauline Webster, Dean Gordon, Vivian Brown, Lovely Lane and other fa mous singers, entertainers and movie actresses. DR. FRED Palmer’s SKIN WHITENER is made from a for mula created by Dr. FRED Pal mer, one of Georgia’s well known doctors. For oved 44 years, it has stood the test of time. No chang es have been made in the original formula, except those which have been made from time to time to make it better and more effective Year after year it has been doing its work, lightening and brighten ing the skin of too tanned, dark people. The fact that its sales have constantly increased each year over the year before and that its use has spread from country to country, is a testimonial of its high quality. This is the 44th year that Dr. FRED Palmer’s products have been manufactured. In celebrat ion of this aninversary, the GAL ENOL COMPANY, Inc., the man ufacturers of DR. FRED Palmer’s SKIN WHITENER are making this unusual offer. To every per son with a tanned, too dark skin, who wants it lovelier, softer, smoother and lighter, they say: Try Dr. FRED Palmer’s SKIN WHITENER. Get a 25c box from your local druggist. Use it 7 days according to instructions, then if you don’t say DR. FRED Palm er’s SKIN WHITENER is just a bout the finest product of its kind you ever used or or ever heard of, problems of the New South, has been written by the Editor of the Richmond Times Dispatch- He calls himself a liberal, as indeed he is, compared with “Old Bob Toombs” of Georgia and Calhoun of South Carolina during the days when Negro slavery was the cap stone of American Agricultural economy. The book treats of the problems in the lands which lie “South of the Potomac.” It concerns itself chiefly with the Negro and his re lation to the whole economy of to day in that section of the country. The author does not like the Na tional Association for the Advance ment of Colored People any more than the ante-bellum South liked the New England Abolition Soc iety, even though he expressed his displeasure in more measured and polite terms. Many of the chapters in th° book however are as fair as one can expect from the pen of a sou thern editor. He teaches the Negro the letter A, but he does now fully realiza that that means, also, B. CONCENTRATION OF D’FENSE WORKERS OFTEN CAUSE OF TUBERCULOSIS Tuberculosis if often the direct result of concentration of defense workers, makeshift and crowded housing, poor nutrition and the in flux of women into factories, ac cording to Dr. J. Harry Murphy, president of the Nebraska Tuber culosis Association. Dr. Murphy made this statement in announcing the association’s early diagnosis campaign for 1942 conducted annually during April. "During war time tuberculous deaths increase. The United States is now engaged in a conf'ict that will require every ounce of manpower possible. It is the duty of all citizens to thoroughly under stand the facts about tuberculos is and to help fight this disease which can do so much harm ir> crippling our defense progress’’ Dr SPELLMAN —FUEL AND SUPPLY CO.— COAL & COKE 2002 IZARD ST. _JA. 0478 FUN AND GOOD FOOD AT THE GREEN LANTERN MR. DAVIS Some few weeks ago the Gree'i Lantern opened with a bang. Most everyone was there and the excite ment was high and that same crowd is still coming back for more fun and good food Join the crowd and make the Green Lan tern your place of recreation. I made an inspection tour over the town before deciding where to buy your food. Inspecting sanit ary conditions and considering tue advantages as well as opportunit ies. these places offer us as a race. A taste of Fairmont’s ice cream is all we ask for your seal of ap proval. Their long year’s exper-. ience in blending these delicious flavors make their cream just right. I chose Omar Br(ad for its last ing flavor and freshness and these beverages to add that certain fla vor to your meals or just a drink to make the day alright. Cleo Cola beverage, Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola, Calpo Vess beverages, Birely’.s 7 Up and Hires Ideal Bottling Co. We delivery steak, chicken and many other kinds of sandwiches amounting to $1.00 and up. return it and your money will be refunded. The general manager of the GALENOL COMPANY, Inc., stag es, this is the most outstanding of fer his company has ever made and feels that it will enable thous ands upon thousands of folks in every part of the country, who de sire a lighter skin, to try this a-1 mazing product without risking ] their money and perhaps win the beauty .success and popularity they have always wanted. If you are unable to secure DR. FRED ^Palmer’s SKIN WHITENER at your local drug store, send 3c to cover postage and handling to the GALENOL COMPANY, Inc., Dept 103, Box 264, Atlanta, Georgia and they will mail you a generous size FREE sample box. Murphy said. The disease also creates a ser ious financial problem, he said. Men infected are thrown out of work, their families become de pendent upon public support, and orphans must be placed in state institutions. People are often un aware they have tuberculosis. If is the purpose of the early diag nosis campaign to make them more alert in regard to personal health and to enroll their support in helping the Nebraska Tubercul osis Association eradicate the dis ease from the State Today every man is essential to the national defense program. Dr. ] Murphy emphasizes the fact that | for every man in the field eight een men and women in overalls are required. Just as the army and navy have an effective work ing program against tuberculoses so too should every community. Health officials know what to dc, but they need help and under standing. During war time their program must be strengthened. Throughout the month of April the Nebraska Tuberculosis As.xe iation, whose activities are finar.c ed solely by Christmas Seal funds is asking that everyone cooperate j GOOD BUYS FOR EASTER MENUS FIRST-GRADE HAMS EGGS LAMB ROAST PEAS, BEETS CRANBERRY SAUCE ASPARAGUS FRUIT COCKTAIL GELATINE TOMATO JUICE MARSHMALLOWS SOUPS ANGEL FOOD CAKE COCKTAIL CRACKERS CANDIES »and there’s something you’ve been looking forward to these many weeks you guessed it! Hot biscuits ’n honey, eggs over easy and a big, thick slice of bak ed ham! Get ready for this happy feast. Ask your Safeway market man to select a fine, lean ham for you. Guaranteed tender, good eating or your money back. THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant St OMAHA, NEBRASKA PHONE WEbster 1517 tmered as Second Class Matter Ma">ch 15. 1927, at ho Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. 4. J. Ford, — — — Pre*. Mrs. Flurna Coope’’,, — — Vice Pi«s. C. C. Galloway, — Publisher and Acting Editor Boyd V. Galloway. — Sec’v and Treas. SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA One Year — _ — _ J2.<* Six Months — —- — — $1.25 Three Months — — •*>» .78 One Month — — — ^ .26 SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN One Year — — — $2 50 Six Months — — — $1.50 Three Months — — — $1.00 One Month — — — — .40 m All News Copy of Churches and all organizat ions must be in our office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy ot Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pre ceeding date of issue, to insure publication. M. D. H,—Now here is my sad ness in life. There was only one man in my life and I am 47 yeard old now. This man courted m? 3 years and wouldn’t marry me so I married someone else- He wouldn’t let me alone. My hus band died and still this man would not let me alone. Now this has been going on for 35 years and I don’t know what to do with him Advise me? Ans: Marry the man. That is what y°u have wanted to do many many times but you just didn’t want to give in. He has worried you for 35 years and that seems proof enough that he won’t ever be happy until you give your con sent to marry. He realizes that he made a mistake not to marry you years ago.but when you married someone else, he couldn’t change things then — W. C.—I have a private prob lem I want to discuss with you which is very important. I do not know how to send the money. Please let me know if I can get my Astrology and how to Send this money? Ans: You may send 25c; in coin, or in stamps for the Astrol ogy Reading. Be sure to send your correct birthdate and address. In elude self-addressed stamped en velope for your private reply. A. & J. & W—We are readers of your column and want an ans wer in your column. We are 3 girls trying to be modern and at the same time trying to be de cent and respectful. The ques tion that puzzles us most is; we want to know if petting is wrong, why do We enjoy it ? Also how ' can we tell that we are selecting the proper mate if we don’t try ? ? Please help us? Ans: As long as you girls con fine your petting to a few kisses and clean fun-•••you have noth ing to fear. It is only natural that you should enjoy petting. I’m sure the boys do too. However, most young men and women over emphasize the part that sex rela tions play in choosing a mate don’t use the “trial method’ ’as an excuse for living an immoral life It won’t work girls. There are too many pitfalls and dangers for in protecting millions of war work ers by doing his share in helping find tuberculosis, treat tubercul osis and conquer tuberculosis. the risk. Have your fun.... but* draw the line at going too far. M. L. B.—My husband makes good money but I never know where it goes. He has treated me so bad- He leaves me but always pomes back and asks forgiveness. We have a four months old dau ghter and he stayed off two days and nights when he was paid off last and I left him. He has come to me and is begging me to re turn. I love him so much, tell me what to do? Ans: Go on back as that is the best thing for you and your dau ghter. Don’t leave again, ’ unless you make up your mind to quit him permanently. It’s just com mon to pack up and leave one day and move back another. Talk things over with him this time before going back and see if you two can’t get together and wo-k out a plan where you can live to gether in peace. J. P.—What did my wife mean by marrying me in her short name Since we maried, I find that all h er deeds, insurance and other pa pers ar-- in the name h.-r mother gave her when she was torn. She married me in the nick name WLat must i do ? Ans: She means no Y-rm what e'.y She mar-ied you un.djr the r- irii.; that everyone calls her by . whMi is just a short nick :.nn e f'r her own name gi*- n oar oi tilth She isn't trying to pull any thing over on you and I don't ;>-e why jou have anything to winy ai4uut M. C B.—Jly prob’ ;*n concer is m/ ciiurch- It seems like none of the officers will try io coooera'e and do anythmg at all. They ke^p up a fuss and a stew all of the time and never get anywhere when they have a meeting. Js there anything that could be dong . to help matters ? Ans: It Is regrettable that a group of grown people cannot get down to business at a church meet ing and handle the church busm ens v'ithout quarreling. You, their Pastor, will have to take it upon your shoulders to see that this b is iness is handled even if it is nec essary to appoint new officers. Have a special meeting and ex plain to the officers how import -, ant it is to work together... let them know they are getting no place by fussing continually. If b PLANTS FERTILIZER •EN SEED by using our New Seeds. Fruit and shade trees, of All Kinds. fDSCAPE SERVICE reet Tel. JA. 5115 you appeal to them as good Christ fans, it seems to me they will want to do a little better. Some cne must be firm ,ttat will have to be your job. EQUAL PAY’ SUIT FILED IN BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA New York—Continuing their fight against unequal pay for c qual qualifications and work in the South, Negro teachers of Bir mingham Alabama, filed suit in the federal court there on Friday, March 27, the NAACP said Jiis week In Florida, Judge Louie W. Strum has taken under advisement suits filed in Duval, Hillsborough Marion and Palm Beach counties for equal salaries. Judge Strum issued the first order denying in tervention in the Duval county suit to the white teachers on March 3; later, isued a similar or der in Marion county. READ The CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 2010/z N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 .Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. m. American & Chinese Dishes Real Shoe Man— FONTENELLE J . SHOE REPAIR ! Cash and Carry CLEANER 1410 North 24th St. CARL CRIVERa OMAHA OUTFITTING Furnish Your Entire House hold at the ‘Omaha Outfitting They carry Furniture, Washing Machines, Radios, Travelling Bags, Jewelry and All Kinds of Coal. 2122 North 24th St. Phone AT. 5652 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery—. WE. 0609 DUFFY PHAI,MACV awwwvwawwwjv Free Delivery from 8 a. m. to 1 a. m. JA. 9411 McGILL'S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS STRAICHTENS THE HAIR = TOR 20 DATS OR MORI | it jorimiaG tht iTirruti :N0Wq1y4Bc AT ANY DRUG STORE [ : POPULAR FOR 27 YEARS: }, KONCO CHEMICAL CO . he [_104 WEST 124th ST,_