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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1942)
IT PAYS to advertise IT PAYS TO SHOP For whatever you have to sell, oi for whatever you want to buy— IN THESE COLUMNS RELIABLE INFORMATION' HOW TO GET A JOB 25c Postpaid DR. A MCDONALD P.0 Box 130 Alexandria. La. RYAN & SON NURSERY STOCK AND SEED 1509 CAPITOL AVE. HA. 4940 COMPLETE LINE OF SHRUBS. TREES AND ROSES. BIG RUMMAGE SALE SATUR DAY APRIL 4 at 2520 North 24ta St.. 5 o'clock A M Bargains Ga lore APT FOR RENT WE. C360. FOR RENT 3 Room Apt., furnished, private bath, *5.00 2430 Blondo JA. 09SS. FURNITURE FOR SAIF 2721 Hamilton St-, Phone WE. 2306 LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS __EDHOLM & SHERMAN 8401 North 24th WE. 605* EMERSON LAUNDRY <324 North 24th St. WE. 102* WANT TO BUI — Fom.ture of a., kinds—dressers, - -'ia, end tacHs, chairs and chest of drawers or complete home— s-partm*-nt furniihings Kettles and dishes. Sell us yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24tk & Lake Street—WE. 2224 FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 Join—Reliable Friendship Qub —For Marriage. Friendship, or . l-asore. Send Dime for member ’b.p blank. E. Brookes, "317 W«rs ieU, Chicago, III. —I ——11—111 ■IIIIIIHIIIBIIIIIII ■ KISMET LETTER KLUB Est. 1935. Membership only $1.00. Soldiers, men, women, all ages. A dime brings info. P. O. Box 602. Los Angeles. California Acid Indigestion What many Doctors do for it * When *scess SMmdl add caaees gas. sour itnmacfc or heartburn, doctors prescribe the fastest-acting medicines fcnumu for jymotnauiic relief—medicines IJte -hose m Bei-ina TaOieta. Try Beil-ana yourself, at Snt ugn of distress. They aeutraii* acid reiiefe gas. ami 3ring contort very guiefciy—yet are not a iaxariTe Only 25c. at drug stores. If your *ery Irst trial doesn't pn»e Beil-ins better return bade m & iml get double your money back. I LARGE SOLID OAK HAND CARVED BUFFETT— Suitable for recreation room: 1 guitar .reconditioned; 2 metal porch gliders. 3ENEFIT SHOP. 711 S. 16TH AT. 5519 »Mix Lemon Juice AT HOME I TO RELIEVE C/the MISERIES Mooe?Sac* tf ThisRnetmaticRecyMFails' Good news travels fast—many of toe thou sands of folks wnc now uie 1mm juics for rheumatic pain—have found that ov adding twc tabiespocnfala of AQmn to one tamespeccfu. of Lemon J'nce in a glass of water, they get faster relief for the aches and pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. It’s no wnhm either, for ABextru is a IS year old formula to relieve rheumatic aches and pains. In fact—tf it dees net heip —your mace? What could be fairer? Oet ABan today at any live cruggisu Only SB cents—Do it Now. Hw TESTIMONY of THOUSANDS: It s the HOTEL THERESA When ia NEW YORK may season ef the year ^701 he. at ITStli St. the Heart of Harlem 300 spacious, all outside rocrns: luxurious suites- The beautiful Orchid Room for iruc^. cocktail icurnj* sad bar: the iordy Mes* sar.: ne far relaxation. Ideal stmos •acr? far rest, study, sad comfort. • Latga rooatM with prrrata bath •2.00 SaCM -*2.50 MM at « Without prvrata bath •ISO Sag* —*2J)0 MB at a VALTXS V. SCOTT. Manama* HOTEL THERESA 7® tea. at 125® St- M tat «y R£AD The GllDE SOCIAL NOTES PRINCESSES The meeting was held at the home of Beverly Starr.s 1119 No 21st St We made plans for our meetings during the month of Apr ! il and a report was made on the result of our St. Patrick Day T-a. The next meeting will be held at the home of Betty Thomas 2210 I Charies Street. The meeting was adjourned at 5 p. m. and refresh i ments were served. Doris Pitt man. Pres.. Beveriy Stams, Report ?r. SALEM BTU Omaha, Nebraska. March 30. j 1942. The Salem BTU will spon sor an Easter Tea at the horn- of Mrs. Wm. Cooper 2624 Blondo St. Easter Sunday, hours from 3 to 6. A very appropriate program hr-, been planned to assure all of a pleasant afternoon Mrs. M. L. Cooper, Chairman; MNNMMfMMMPMN HELP US: HELP THE POOR CALL— THE VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA JAcfcson 2290 15th & Chicago Central Market 1608 HARNEY ST. EVERYTHING TO MAKE YOUR EASTER DINNER A FE AST ANNOUNCEMENT OF PARTNERSHIP We do hereby declare, exercise, and announce the fact of our in tention to form and perform a par tnership using- as our medium and business the HATTER CAFE located at— 2414 NORTH 24th Street Omaha. Nebraska. This [s in compliance with the Nebraska State law. William L. Davis. Mr. Delmar Burris, Co-Mgr. Dewey Matthews, Co-Mgr. Albert Johnson, Co-Mgr. Rev W. E. Fort. Minister. TO TEXARKANA Mrs. Mary Smith and daughter of Muskegon. Michigan who have (been in the city for the past ten ; days left March 29th for Texark anan. Ark., to visit her mother. Mrs. Smith is a sister of Mrs. W M Cooper of this city. MRS. EMMA L. NOLAN DIES Mrs. Emma LigOns Nolan. 2S21 R Avenue, died Tuesday evening j March 24th at a local hosp Mrs Noiar had been a residin' of j Omaha for sixteen years. 3h- is j survived by one daughter. Mjss Cleo H. Ligons. three sons. Sa! athiel, Charles E. Andrew L. | Mrs. Clara Davis Bo'den of Onu Ligons all of Omaha, two sisters, ha. Mrs. Carrie Martin. Calhcun. A'ahama. Funeral services were tula Friday afternoon frotr the B.-thel Baptist Church wit 1 Rev. C Q. Hickerson officiating, ' nr- J ial was in Gracelani Park Cede- j tery. Thomas Fun--a! Home ei 1 crarge of arrangem^ is March 28, 1942 I wish to take this opportunity to thank my many friends for the kindness shown me during the death of my beloved husband, es pecially Roosevelt Post No. 30 and also Buddie DeLoach of the po Ice Department where my husband last was employed. Mrs. Esther Hicks. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOO 2316 North 25th Street Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Rose Marie Oliver. Reporter Sunday school .9:30 am. Morning worship .11:00 am. Jr. Choir Rehearsal.5 pm. Bihle Band .6:00 pm Evening worship .7 30 pm Wednesday night Serv ce 7:30 pm Tuesday night choir rehearsal. .7:30 pm. Sunday throughout the day very inspirational and full of spinL The Pastor preached powerful sermons on both services. The Pastor preached on the subject Sunday morning The Wages of Sin is Death. Night The Three Hebrew Boys. Next Sunday morr. ing will be a special sermon held at 6:00 am. The subject will be The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and for the eleven o’clock, the sub ject will be : Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of j the world- The three o’clock ser- i vices will be r ndered by Prophet Hess. Come out and hear this great man of God. T'-e children’s Easter program will tin at 7:30 pm. There will be a~ adult pro gram following this one sponsor ed by Mrs. Billie Morrow “The True Adventures Program. This program is going to be plenty of fun. Anyone that cares to car, be on this program, and further in formation about th:s program cal' JA. 3229 or HA. 5701. We arc holding our services at 2422 ETs kioe St., until further notice Watch the paper for our new lo cation- Everyone’s welcome. WILLING WORKERS Omaha. Nebraska. March 30. 1942 The Willing Workers Club of ML Monah Baptist Church will sponsor an Easter Style Show at the Church Tuesday night April 7th at 8 pm. The club will meet at the home of Mrs. Susie Jones 2532 Blonpo St., Tuesday nigh. April 21st. Their next regt- ar riveting night. The Pastor en oaoraged the club to do great a FREE CALL and DELIVERY —DOWN TOWN DISTRICT •20 YEARS IN BUSINESS" LOUIS PALMER i the Hatter * I COMPLETE ONE STOP SHOP X HATS CLEANED AND REBLOCKED SjQC 0 Suits or Plain Dresses Cleaned & Pressed X SPECIAL—Invisible Halfsole-Ladies' Leather 0 or Composition Heels. w JAckson 9390 414 Sooth 17th Street \\ :his year for the Church Rev. D St. Clair, Pastor M-3 J, E. Lindsay. President. Mrs. W, L. White, Secy and Reporter. MISS LENA PAUL SEWING TEACHER After much difficulty, Mrs. T Morton chairman of the Adult Eu : ucation of Long School has sec or - | ed Miss Lena Paul as sewing v-a ! cher. Any one who would l:Ts.~ to learn to sew. knit or make over some garment is welcome to the class. It meets Tuesdays at 1 pm. at Long school. CHARITY NATIONAL DE FENSE ORGANIZATION Mr George H. Thomas made a wonderful speech on our Race in. general. He said “It will tak God to bring the people in unity" And he also spoke briefly on T_'r ion activities which will fort some of the people in unity. The chairman of the Chanty National Defense program was contacted at the meeting in reg ards of organizing the people in this community which was ex plained thoroughly to the audi-rms Organization has been since tie landing of th*- Pilgrims at Plym outh Rock. Mass in 1620. Ther ; fore it is nothing new. The chair man urged the people to join in this community for the benefit of the people. The Chanty tsationai uei- Program in response to a large number of requests in Doug'as County for information pertain ing to the organizing of the Char ity National Defense Program.— the writer has be n induced to prepare this brief outline- The contents of this brief are based on actual experiences in conn ct ion with the operation of the Char ity National Defense Program:— This organization was incorp orated in 1942. devoted to the civ industrial and commercial welfa e | of the people in Douglas County 1 Be r.g a community-wide orgar ■ z at ion. the membership of the Char ity National Defense is not limit ed to any specialized group such as business, professional. laborers etc., on the other hand any person. Or organization of good stand ng interested in the civic, commerc ial and industrial welfare of the community is eligible for mem bership. V Bailey. Chairman, Ruth Buxton. Secy. CHEROKEE TEMPLE GIRLS MARCHING CLUB Held a social senior. Mor lay night, March 30th at their club, rooms and served refreshme" ts, and lunch. Business concern4_ig the club was discussed. The club plans many activities for the sum met THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND BOYSTOWN EASTER CONCERT PROGRAM The Boystown choir under the direction of the Rev. Francis Schmitt win sing a one hour Sa cred concert Easter Sunday at 4 P. M in the Boys Town Dowd Memorial church. Fifty boys will take part in this special Easter program. PTA. The March meeting of the Long School PTA. which was held Mar ch IS. was opened by the saving of the Lord's prayer. Due to the ; illness of Mrs. E. L. Young acting president the business meet'ng was very brief. Mrs. R. Campo II membership chairman. reported 3S members. The 3 upper gra. :es presented a very delightful music al program. Mr. Charles Dick -- son Sr. gave a talk explaining .he Minute Mac and their duties. Mrs. C. Reeves gave a read ing on State day. Mrs. S. Hanger, chairman of the Ways and Means eommitte ar nounced a Tag day to be carried on all next month Mrs, Reg; presented a humorous play The Wrong Baby". taking part were Mesdames Skinner. Moms. Brow . Ree-ves. Beshears and daughter. Scott and daughter. The Long School mothers sing ers held their first anniversary party to celebrate the ergamzatio - of the chorus. March 30. AH rac thers of the members were invited as special guests. NEW ERA STATE The New Era 3Ua:„ Prayer Da will be had at th»- Morning Scar Q ME TO! “PEPPY” AS r~ ISE1 TO ! Or are yoo slipping—tack pep. rigor, tin easily—feel worn crat- Perhaps yoo asm more Iron and thiamin (r-tamin Bl) u make you feel pepped np like ~gola| piacen and doing things.” Try this for 3 weeks. Take Dr Thomas' Formula 158. 1 supples iron and thiamin tritamin Bll In ACTIVE doses—also contains cslctun glycerophosphate, often needed after 40 It's the formula of If. C. Thomas. M. D. well known New York DOCTOR-Yoo don risk a penny—its sold on a money bad guarantee' Start getting more oot of Iif< TODAY—with Dr. Thomas' Formula 158 Sent *100 GLENN PRODUCTS CO. DEPT L. 1". C LSERVER HIGHWAY HOBOKEN, N- J ■■HHK IN MEMORY OF MY DEAR SPEAR SANFORD I Husband. Who Passed April 3. 1941. Seep on dear husband. And take thy rest. I loved you but God loved you best, II think of you each day that pass— Tour Memory will linger with me until the last. MILNER SANFORD. Baptist Church, April 9th. 1942. from 10:30 tfl 2:00. Please come as we need more strength through prayer. Mrs. C. Haynes. Presid ent: Mrs. Bokh-n. Chairman. Mrs Butler, Secy. — I 3 FIRST AID CLASSES CONDUCTED BY URBAN LEAGUE Mrs. Herman Metz. Douglas County chairman of the American Women's Voluntary Services, re ports a large enrollment in the Omaha Urban League Unit of AW V5, which is headed by M:'?. Grayce Bradford. The Urban Lea gue unit is conducting three fi-st aid classes and a physical fitness training course- The physical fh ness class of 25 members meets at " W) pm. each Wednesday at tr. Urban League auditorium. M>s Doreee Holliday is chairman an Eugene Skinner is instructor. BABY SON Born tc Mr. and Mrs. J >cvp Carter 2"02 1-2 L ike St., was a c pound baby boy. Mother and s: are both doing n'-Vy. E*r D. tV. Go id, n. attending physician. PARAMOUNT CLUB The Paramount Club entertain ed with an Anniversary house coat party at 2S65 Ohio St. March 21st. Fifty guests were present. The house was artistically decor ated with the Club's colors. t large lighted triangle sign, with the Clubs name inscribed was ? ponded from the Ceiling. The iad ies made a lovely picture in their beautiful bouse coats. Refreshments were served, and the evening was spent in dancing and games. Mrs. E. Hayden. Pres.. Mrs. E Oliver, Reporter.. PORO CLUB The Poro Club will meet wi.-u Mrs Susie Lilard 2923 Erskiru- Sr. Monday evening 9:30 p. m. All members are requested to be pres ent. Mrs. Alberta Michiel. P;*es. Mrs. Ada Woodson. Reporter. This Week In Religion and Thought 3Y POST. L. MOODY VICTORY THROUGH THE LIVING CHRIST The world has recorded the names of many gr-at men. Vol umes have been written about their lives and valiant deeds. On various or special occasions, men journey to their tombs or some great memorial constructed in their honor. We stand there in awe with bowed heads in respect for those who have lievd, toiled and died gloriously. But these honored persons are Jet dead. Once each year we have a spec ial week which ends in a glorious day in which we honor the great est name in heaven and earth— the name of Jesus. We do not go to a tomb or memorial to give him complete honor. The tomb or worship has a deeper meaning for "He is not here He is Riser.i” We do not honor a dead hero b* t we worship the living Christ. Skeptics and infidels may thic k what they wish but there is hope for life as this presen* turbu.,nt •xistence.. We suffer many trials heartaches and defeats. t* u thanks be to God* every belie*, qi oas “Victory through our Lorn Jesus Christ.” Many may die dut ies this war. But the most glor 11 ious death is that which js in the j Lord- After Easter. let us I ve daily by the victory of His grace. ‘ ~ WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6453 f The Cottonwood Room at the ! Blackstone Hotel is a headliner and the waiters are giving top notch service at all times and Mr Avant the veteran room Serve— man is appearing on North 24th St. with his Easter outfit or let's all give him a hand. The Paxton hotel crew with the race horse headwater Mr Corberx are tops and we are always ready j to take time out to say hello as they are always all smiles, morn ing, noon and night and Mr Joyi Malloy can make it very pleasant for a certain high brown at a N. 24th St_ business bouse. Mr Archie Stewart of the H±t - | py Hollow Club was shaking hard? | with many of his friends in ? j Northside business house on Mon day afternoon. The White Horse Inn with the very fine crew Mr Branch. Mr. White Mr Dave Russ. Mr. Is ah Jon-eS.... are up to the minute on Modem service. We talked with Mr. Wm. Pac? on Sunday afternoon and was as sured that Washington DC., and the ocean breeze of Florida agrees with him. We would like very much to s- e Mr. Dorsey when he returns from Auburn, Nebraska. The Fontenelle waiters are go ing places and doing great things this season and the two front door men Mr. James Donley and Mr. Frank Shropshire are doing a very fine job. We are going to say “Hello” t. Brother John Evans some time soon as our friendship is of long standing. FLASH' Oh say did you read: I the March 28th issue of the Oma ha Guide. It was a headliner an,; as usual produced all the news. This writer made a visit to Capt Bums at the beautiful apt. at 2220 Charles St., and it was a few min utes of real pleasure to meet his lovely wife and mother.... both were using every effort to see that during bis illness, a!: of h:s wants and comforts were v--ry well taken care of and also the j star golf player Mr. Hodges ap- ] peared on the scene and Mr. Bus- , ter Algiers, a very friendly fellow i , worker paid their very best res ! Dects in a very lovely fellowship 1 way and we all hope Capt. Bums i a speedy recovery. This writer was one of the ex tra waiters at the Athletic Club on March 25th and 26th and the wide awake manager Mr. Jack Alger and his rery friendly assist ant manager, his son and the head waiter Mr. Ed Lee aid the two Captains, Mr. Buford and Mr. Sor. es and the rapid fire crew of w»;t i ers and cooks and the two front door men Mr Hiriam Greenx:e!d and Mr. Goldie Davis.. . . wer all cooperating in a very fine man's The Railroad boys are oat to the front as usual. Mr. Phillip. Mr. Artison. Mr. Luther Johnson, j and Mr. Rodney Williams and Mr. I Harrv Swein are all top men. _ We are mighty glad to see Mr Jess Hardin out again and hope to see him around with the hr for Easter. SUBSCRIBE if GROSS : l JEWELRY & LOAN CO. jj X formerly at 24th and Erskine St. 0 NEW' LOCATION- P 8 514N. 16th ST. Phone JA4635§ BASE BALL FANS There will be a Negro baseball team in the City league this sea son sponsored by Mr. McGill of ' the McGill's Bar at 24th and Lak ■ St- The team will be managed by Soup Lawsor. and Ernest Ritchie. The line up will start off with well known players as Bill Tapley, Suitcase Mason. Charles Crump Jim Hall. Fred Wakefield. Adolph Bolden. Bill Young. Jack Wright, and Ctannv Lee. MASSACHUSETTS GOVERNOR IN TOLERANCE PLEA Boston. April 2 i toy Jim Hewle*t for ANPk—In a special statement issued recently. Gov. SaltOnstall appealed to the peopl- of Massac husetts to employ persons without regard to their race, color, creed and national origin and to defeat the attempts of the enemy propa gandises to divide the nation here ''Massachusetts." said the gov ernor. “is determined to contribute her utmost to our country’s wa program. That means complet ( unity of spirit among the manv I anl various groups that compose our commonwealth. It also means complete use of our manpower. “Our war efforts demand th,. employment of all loyal and quali fied writers on the basis of their ability, without regard to race, color, creed, or national origin. Acceptance of this principle de pends alike on the attitude of em ployers, workers and p- opLe ge eraily. “We must enlist all our industr ial and agricultural resources as “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO'S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children's Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. i~1 — i1 — —. ALL WORK GUARANTEED “28 Years in Business" ECONOMY TAILOR Chas. M. Simmons. Prop. WE CUT. TRIM and MAKE SUITS TO ORDER Alterations for Ladies and Gents ! Cleaning and Repairing 1818 NORTH 24th St. Omaha. Nebraska TIME AND TIDE WAIT ON VO MAN—NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES RE BUILT. Quality Material & Guaranteed ! | Quality Work FREE DELIVERY Call AT. 7060 The LAKE SHOE SERVICE •>. I. .TAYLOR. PROP, j j __‘ quickly s possible to produce imum quantities of weapons nu food- It is manifest that di3c .ru ination against any classes of workers will deprive our aon* front of skili- d bands and willing hearts. The enemy seeks to div ide us by stirring up prejudice and unrest- To win our fight >r* defense of democracy, we must practiced sincerely and effectively This practice must have the fun support of every community There! I Urge employers, work ers. churches defense council*, schools civic organizations and others ti reaffirm this principle at every opportunity Mf ' FA ESA-OP* tS 7-OP... tT TASTES USE SPAMS/ Yes . .. 7-UP is that tangy. sparkling drink that tastes so extra good! Flayorfol ... crystal-dear... whole some ... a family drink. Next time yoo’re thirsty or tired, remember to . . . “«£SH-OP" WITH... A Extra ; EASTER SAVINGS f X AT SEARS! X Q ® Buy Your Complete Easter Outfit on Sears Q Q Easy Payment Plan. Q 8 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. 8 ft 30TH AT FARNAM ST. OMAH ' Q Men and Women WHO ARE ACCUSTOMED TO MAKE BIG MONEY— priorities may have abolished your job. sell Decalcomania - " v ‘CTORY EMBLEMS" for store windows, auto windshields etc. Timely proposition, hurry for exclusive territory. very small investment required. — write:_ CALIFORNIA PUBLICITY AGENCY, 815 SOUTH HILL ST.. SUITE 708. LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA. SEND $1.00 FCR SAMPLE Thrifty Service 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb. ^ w This includes the Ironing of all FLAT WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Jiut Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON - S ARATOGA 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 MIMEOGRAPHING ALL KINDS-24 Hour Service PROGRAMS - BULLETINS - MENUS, etc. Reasonable Prices — Satisfaction Guaranteed THE OMAHA GUIDE | 2420 Grant Street WE 1517 >i--i