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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1942)
ELDRIDGE CASE (continued from page 1) neither can successfully be invad ed by a public servant wearing a policeman’s uniform. There is widespread sentiment among the Colored people that the suspended five day sentences im posd upon Mrs. Eldridge should be appealed to the District Court and that the charges, civil and crim JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Koller, Mgr. _ ■ ———————— jnal, shall be pressed against Ser geant Graham with unrelenting. vigor. All the facts in the case will be I presented to the Mass meeting to night and everyone who can should attend and learn the story which he has not already heard. The fight in this matter has just begun. The charge of MAY HEM against Mrs. Eldridge, should she be convicted, carries with it, a penalty of from One to Twenty Years in the State Prison. And it is no laughing matter. Why the charge was filed matters lit tle; it must be met and beaten. To this battle we call all the Col ored citizens and all fair minded white one, as well. READ The "Gee whiz, a DOUBLE DECKER!” Right now, for a nickel a day, about one third of all American families light their homes, play their radios, run their vacuum cleaners. It's a fact that the average house hold rate for electric service is only about half of what it was 15 years ago. For two nickels a day, about two-thirds of all American families operate lights, radio, cleaner, toaster, percolator, clocks and washer. That makes the electric nickel just about the biggest double-decker in the world! How was it done? By good business man agement of the nation s electric companies! NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY All Out . . . for the U. S. A.! We Offer for Your Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Geaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EDHOLM &SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 I "■ ~ ~~ ■" —— LAUNCH IN VESTIGATION INTO FATAL SHOOTING OF NEGRO SERGEANT Little Rock, Ark., April 2 (ANP The fatal shooting of a Negro sol dier by a city policeman here last Sunday evening during a melee in the Negro district in connection with the arrtst of another colored; soldier has brought on two separ ate investigations to determine who was at fault, and whether the accounts of the principals involv ed in the altercation are true. The separate investigations were be gun early Monday, but neither militant authorities or civil auth orities would release any inform ation other than that a full report will he made public after the in vestigations had been closed The victim of the shooting was Sgt. Thomas B. Foster, 30 year old native of Zebulon, N. C., who enlisted in the army last May 31, at Baltimore. He was a member of the 92nd engineer battalion, which was sent to Camp Robinson here several months ago to do con struction work. According to city police, the shooting began with the unsuccess, fu] attempt of a crowd of Negro es, led by Foster, to liberate Pvt. Albert Glover, also of the 92nd en gineers, who had been arrested by MP’s for drunken.ess. Patrolman A. J. Hay, who shot Foster four times said that he and Patrolman George Henson went to the assist ance of two military police who had arrested Glover and were barred by a crowd of Negro civil ians from taking him ti their army truck. “I asked the MP’s to let me help them as I had been trying to hold the crowd back. I got hold of Foster and he threw me down on the ground and took my night stick. I jumped up before he did. I pulled my gun and shot him.” Foster was shot four times, two bullets entering his abdomen, one breaking his left arm, and the fourth entering his left side Eyewitnesses, however, tell a dif ferent version. They say the epi sode began when Pvt. Glover was ordered out of town by MP’s who charged that he was intoxicated. Glover agreed to leave as soon as he found a buddy, whose identity is unknown as yet, who would ac company him back to the post. Later he was accosted again by MP’s to whom he explained why he still remained in town. He was thereupon arrested. A sworn statement made by Gliver, who admits being drunk, states that the MP’s grabbed him and beat him, but that he “doesn’t remember civilian police having anything to do with his arrest and beating.” Reliable eyewitnesses, however, saw civilian police club Glover with night sticks, injuring him painfully. Glover had to be taken to the Medical aid station where first aid was administered. Still in custody of military pol ice, Glover was taken from tV state to the MP patrol car park ed about a block away Foste”, hearing of Glover’s treatment at ili'i",;!"u!iiii!’i;in irnw'TB I JOHNSON DRUG CO. I NEW LOCATION 2306 North 24th iVVe. 0998 Free Delivery! __ ‘ * Asthma Mucus Loosened First Day For Thousands of Sufferers Choking, gasping, wheezing spasms of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy. In gredients in the prescription Mendaco quick ly circulate through the blood and common ly help loosen the thick strangling mucus the first day, thus aiding natureln palliating the terrible recurring choking spasms, and in promoting freer breathing and restful sleep. Mendaco is not a smoke, dope, or in jection. Just pleasant, tasteless palliating tablets that have helped thousands of suf ferers. Printed guarantee with each package —money back unless completely satisfactory Ask your druggist for Mendaco today. Only 60c! MEN ADMIRE LIGHTER BRIGHTER,FAIRER , _skin a DON'T LET TOO DARK. ROUGH. DULL SKIN SPOIL YOUR HAPPINESS Why take a back teat—while ethers have all the fun? Why give up your just right to happiness, love and romance. Stop that embarrassment that too dark, uneven, rough skin usually brings. let ADMIROIA,—the Modem—Medicated Bleach Creme—come to your rescue. Use ADMIROLA as directed—and even in a few days—you should be delighted with the grand skin im provements your mirror will show. Remember ADMIROIA is net an ordinary cream. It contains special medication to help nature "flake off" the dull, too dark outer skin layers, let ADMIROIA bring out your lovelier, brighter, lighter underskin. ADMIROIA is sold on money back guarantee by druggists everywhere—or if your druggist cannot supply you use coupon and the big generous size ADMIROIA will be promptly mailed to you. Send no money. Simply pay Postman 50c plus postal charges. Remember, if you are not pleased, your money refunded. send NO MONEY HfblkL»LAM,Ij 0b‘*rv•, Hiflhwoy NDOEEEE# E^E* mm fl«s* tendI big 50 cent size ADMIROIA tteach Creme—I will pay postman 50< plus postal charaes NAME_ ADDBFSS rm» " * "r** ri Dark Laughter.* <* harrington | _. “NOW LOOK HERE BOOTSIE. YOU WOLF, I DON’T CARE IF THE GOV’T DOES WANT YOU TO SAVE ON TIRES. WAIT ’TIL YOU GET OUT’A THESE WOODS BEFORE YOU START SAV’IN ’EM” DEAN PICKENS VISITS QUAKERS ON DEFENSE SAVINGS TOUR Philadelphia, April 2 (ANP) — “The Friends” of Pennsylvania held a three day session with Dean William Pickens of US. Treasury department defense savings staff the hands of civilian police, stop ped the arresting MP’s to question them about the incident. His re fusing to move away without any explanation caused the MP’s to at tack and arrest him. Foster, determining not to be arrested, fought them off. Here conflicting stories are told as to the rioting mob. White dailies re ported that "a mob of Negroes was aiding Foster,” while eyewit nesses say that Foster was fight ing alone, with bystanders looking on. Six other MP’s joined the fight to subdue Foster, using night sticks. Civilian policemen, who followed the MP’s throughout the altercation, entered the fight and, Sgt. Foster was clubbed until he quieted By this time the scene had shifted across the street and about one fourth of a block from the medical aid station in front of thq Presbyterian Church. With his back against the wall, Foster was beaten Until he subsided. Policeman Hay is then said to have reached over the shoulder of the MP who had Foster by the shoulder and hit the defenseless soldier. Fostipfr- immediately re sumed his fight, this time attack ing Hay. Although he knocked Hay down, he was himself beaten to the ground by MP’s. Then Hay is said to have gotten to his feet, while Foster was lying on the ground in a semi-conscious state, and drew his gun and emptied five chambers, four of which struck Fister, the fifth going wild. Foster was removed to the Un iversity hospital where he was given an emergency operation. He died at the hospital at 12:30 am. Monday momin. According to eyewitnesses, at no time was Fos ter in possession of a club or pis tol. After the shooting, soldiers, in dignant over the treatment of their buddy, milled around ,but military officers quickly ordered trucks to remove the soldiers from the c'ty. The civilian investigation is be ing carried on by Chief of Police J. A. Pitcook, aid Dr. C- C. Reed. Jr, deputy coromer, who have al ready stated that it appears the officer was forced to shoot the Negro soldier as he had seized Hay’s nightstick and was advanc ing upon him.” Heading the army board is Brig. General Francis B. Mallont, Camp Robinson commander, who has working 7*ih him Col. Guy C. Rex road; Ca*pt. Ferris D. Evans, 1st Lt. Harry Lovings, and 1st Lt. Ilus W. Davis. A second board was named to ascertain if Foster died in line of duty, in order that h’S relatives might receive a pen sion. This board is composed of Joseph J. Reuter, Paul C. Rich mond ,and Lt. George M. Brown. last week, who visited Kennet square, Swarthmore college, Wil mington, Del.; and State Teachers college at West Chester, Pa. The todur was managed by Dr. Jesse H. Holmes, white, emeritus prof essor of philosophy at Swarthmore While Dean Pickens spoke at Swarthmore, and West Chester colleges, both institutions given over to education of whites, the president of Swarthmore spoke at Lincoln university, the Negro col lege After his lecture at Swarthmore Dean Pickens held a conference with students of the colege in one of the loges, where it was brought out that although students and faculty wanted Negro students in the institution, the board of man agers refused to allow Negro stu dents to attend. The dean told the students, “If you keep at it. you will win out, even if you have to wait for a few funerals.” The board of managers is composed chiefly of Quakers of the old line. Considerable attendance of Negroes was 'noticed at each of the four lectures given by the dean. ST. PAUL GROUP HONORS NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY St. Paul. Minn., April 2 (ANP) While visiting the St. Paul Urban League here last Sunday afternoon Lester Granger, executive secret ary of National Urban League and Major Samuel Ransome, re 'iiniiiiiiiniinMiiiiiinniiiniiiiiiiiiiiinimiiinnniiiiiiiimmniminrir:::Hmi ,iih""» im TEL. WE. 2022 We believe the larg;r percentage of our peopl * will select a moderately priced funeral and we have our services priced accord ingly. Thomas FUNERAL HOME 2022 LAKE ST. Omaha, Nebr. Cent ap'pointee to the government staff, were entertained by a rep resentative group of men at John son Tea room. Committee chair man for the event was Janies' Hughes, while C. W. Wiginton, architect, Served as master of ceremonies. Special guest for the meeting were S. Vincent Owens, executive Secretary of St. Paul Urban League, and C. W. Wash FIRST DELIVERANCE CHURCH BENEFIT STORE 2020 NORTH 24TH ST. (Across the Street from Ritz Theatre) NEW AND USED MERCHANDISE Clothes, Furniture and Furnishings “We Save You Money on Good Merchandise” WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE —Mrs. Jackie Bryant, Mgr. ^— Do You Want • • • -PH! HAIR SYSTEM on yonr bmm hair 7 days and see if yon are really enjoying the pleasure of LONGER HAIR that so often captures Love and Romance. HAIR GETS LONGER when scalp and hair conditions are normal and the dry, brittle, break- ' ing off hair can be retarded, ithasa chancetogetlongerandmuchmore / beautiful. Just try the JUELENE SYSTEM 7 days, let your mirror prove results. Send $1. (If C.O.D. ' postage extra). Fully guaranteed. y Money back if you are not pleased. ' Mail This Coupon to: | JUEL COMPANY, Dept. E-317 I 3724 N. Clark St., Chicago, III. I will try the JUELENE SYSTEM for • | 7 days. If my mirror does not jhow satisfac- I | tory results. X will ask for my money back. I , MW_I ADDRESS._ J CITY. STJTF I OUR CUSTOMERS PARTICIPATE IN FREE GIFTS | I YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO OUR X Spring Expositions OF FURNITURE § AND FURNISHINGS 8 Starting April 6th and Continuing through the 0 Month 0 Open 9:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Q NOT OPEN EVENINGS X All our Display Houses and Rooms have been V redecorated and refui'nished—Special attention X | is directed to the Young America Budget Shoo Q where the furnishing of Defense Homes is Q achieved. 0 j ORCHARD & WILHELM CO.j] ington, executive secretary of Minneapolis Urban League. “SEVEN UP” OPEN NEW PLANT The Seven Up Co., formerly at 1545 North 20th St., are now in their new and up to date home, at 2526 Dodge St- with Mr. Ralph’ Crawford, 3010 Burdette St., as head janitor. The manager stat ed to Mr. D. Wright, The Omaha Guide’s ace advertising salesman, who recommended Mr. Crawford NORTH 24th **■ SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 424o —POPULAR PRICES LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. Our Half Soleing Method leaves No Repair Look on your shoes. We Use the BEST Material. ~'*rn**>*k>**0i*imi0»*»*m*m HOTEL OLGj* NEW YORK CITY 695 Lenox Avenue (Corner 145th Street) Select Family and Tourist Hotel Running Hot and Cold Water in Each Room All Rooms Outside Exposure —Service— Subway and Surface Cars at Door; Rates Reasonable. ED. H. WILSON, Prop. Tel. Aud 3-7920 HOTEL FANE 205 West 135th Street Tourist Hotel New York City —“In the Heart of Harlem"— Running Rot and Cold Water In Rooms All rooms outside exposure Rates: $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 up FHone. AU 3-7730 Frank G- Lightner, Mgr. I BUY UNITED ^ STATES SAVINGS is/bONDS AND STAMPS for the position, that he was well pleased with Mr. Crawford's ser vices and to tell the public that they are invited to visit their new and up to date plant. We are yours for services. RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands | of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street B —Always a place to park— %W******t**t*W*l+\*l+l+1*U Raybonetla Spanish and American Dishes — Chili Tamales —Day and Nite— 2307 North 24th Street BUY YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. Get the Best in Quality at the» NEBRASKA PRODUCE Lowest Price PHONE WE. 4137 This KING of All Cough Mixtures —Acts Like A Flash The King of all cough medicines—Buckley's CANADIOL Mixture—has been used for years in over 70% of Canada's homes. Fast working, triple acting Buckley's Mixture quickly loosens and raises phlegm lodged in the tubes—clears air passages—soothes rasped raw tissues, one or two sips and worst coughing spasm ceases. You get results fast. You feel the effect of Buck ley's^lnstantly. At all druggists. (-:-1 If you suffer distress from i #«*» FEMALE WEAKNESS1 Which Makes You Blue, Cranky NERVOUS At such times if you’re troubled by cramps, headache, backache, a bloated feeling, nervousness—dis tress of “irregularities”—due to functional monthly disturbances — try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound! It’s helped thousands upon thousands of women and girls to go “smiling thru” such “difficult ^ days.” Lydia Pinkham’s Compound is one medicine you can buy today made especially for women—to re lieve monthly pain and its tired nervous feelings due to this cause. And in such a sensible way! With nature’s own beneficial roots and herbs. No harmful opiates. Taken regularly - thruout the month—Pinkham’s Compound helps build up resistance against such symptoms. Follow label direc tions. Worth trying! CANDIDATES FOR CITY COMMISSIONER Primaries on April 14th -i D. Wolf, 3332 Fontt-nUe Blvd ice Dolan, 3302 Fontenelle Blvd. ; A. Thorpe, 6701 Florence Bd. an Butler 3169 Fornam St. ’.r-y Knudsen 2910 No. 58th St. | Richard W. Jepsen, 2424 Newport i r i-o.isko, 5608 Farnam St. ! lay N. Towl, 506 So. 57th St. ohn Kresl, 4517 So. 20th St. Frank J. Riha, 1465 So. 14th St Ross Cook Defasi, 2211 Pacific St. lames LaHood, 2221 California St. Toseph J. GlOeb, 2922 Spring St. \l P. Smith, 205 So. 26th St. .-eorge S. Dolgoff, 3558 Dodge St Barry Trustin, 310 So. 55th St. S. Bob Cornett, 1805 Wirt St. NEWLY WEDS James H. Williams, 2816 Blondo and the former Miss Goldie Jor dan, 2920 Parker, were united in happy wedlock today. A reCeptoin will be held at his home next Sunday. Their new re sidence is not known at present. I MAKE EVERY * PAY DAY ' BOND DAY JOIN'THE PAYROLL. | l^vniaTjiiAjriJ LATEST STYLES 1942 " THE TWO CHEAT HATE -THE 'THE HARLEMITE" • "S&oa/u*" DESIGNED tv HOWARD A NAHUM'S UADING HAT STYLIST ^ SMAtT FAUKLT "<7A* HARLEMITE' INTRODUCING « cA a* *» 1942'* PACE-SETTER dfuUlfUe HATS IN ALL SIZES-SHIPPED ANYWHERE Writ# for Book lot of HOWARD'S Comploto Lino of 1942 Stylo HOWARD HATS r 217 WEST 125th ST. DEPT TY-I NEW TOPIC. N. T.