The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 21, 1942, City Edition, Page 4, Image 4
SOCIAL NOTES I PRINCESS TEA On Sunday Marcn lc, the °nrt- J cess Club h?ld a tea at ttye beau tiful home of Miss Pauline Edw ards. The table was beautifully arranged with a very striking centerpiece of pink carnations, pur -pie snapdragons and ferns. Mrs. Wilma Pegg, sponsor was hostess and wore a beautiful pink taffeta formal. The president Miss Doris Pittman wore pink chiffon with a corsage of pink carnations and col j orful snapdragons. Miss Beverly Stams had on a beautiful pink, taffeta formal trimmed with black bows. Miss Pauline Edwards, wore blue taffeta trimmed in black and Miss Florentine Goodlett was JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard, W. W. Koller, Mgr. | JOHNSON DRUG CO I M W LOCATION r.m North 24th P'V o. 0008 Free Delivery! DO YOU WANT A BABY? New Vitamin Combination Brings Hope lo Childless Homes Nothing equals a baby to bring com plete unity and happiness into the home ind tie husband and wife together in a monger bond of enduring love and mu tual interest. Divorce is rare in the homes »f couples that have children. Unhappy wives, childless due to relieve* able functional weakness may now enjoy the desires and activity of Nature’s most wonderful creation—a normal, fully-de* veloped, vigorous woman. A sensational new vitamin treatment specifically for women may be just the thing needed by the childless wife and quickly bring the happiness of a baby in the home. It is, of course, absolutely harmless. If you are childless due to functional weakness and lack normal vigor—if you wish to eliminate one of the great causes of unhappy marriages, by all means try Perles for one week. To introduce this .new vitamin combination to a million women quickly, the Perlex Company, 1207 Southern Bldg., Chicago, Illinois, will send a full $2.00 supply for only $1.00 and a few cents postage. Send no money •-just your name and address. Perlex comes in a plain wrapper—directions are very simple and no diet or exercise ja required. Write today as this offer it fully guaranteed. dressed in baby blue. The tea was well attended and everyone enjoy ed themselves. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST We want to announce A City wide campaign Revival Service, conducted by Evangelist Rev. S. V. Ivy from Oklahoma City, Okiia. Helpers: Mrs. Cages, and Mrs. Haynes of Chicago, Illinois. Service beginning each night at 8 o’clock. All are invited to join in this campaign. 1710 North H'-.ih St., Rev. G. I), liens .n. pus r SHOWER Mrs. Mercedes Franklin was the honoree of a lovely baby shower, given by the Misses Leona Edw ards and Mildred Greene at the residence of Mrs. Amy Hill 2204 Charles St., March 12th. Those present were the Misses Mary Yancey, Brycie Dorris, Vel ma Thomas, Leona Edwards, Mild red Greene, Mesdames Mary Gas kin and Mercedes Franklin. After a delicious repast was served, the beautiful gifts were displayed. Everyone reported having a very lovely time. I BROTHER MORGAN DIES Again the ranks of the Broth- j erhood of Sleeping Car Porters have been broken by the grim rea per, death. This time to remove our brother and co-worker Leslie Morgan. Brother Morgan, a faith, ful member of our organization had been an employee of the Pull man Company for 32 years, during which time he established a rec ord of perfect service. And the many friends he has made during his long career with the Pullman Company join us in extending sympathy to his widow and fam ily. While we shall greatly miss Brother Morgan, we have one con solation, that if we too will live a life of faithfulness we shall meet some day in that land where there will be no parting. He has made his last run. He has brought his train into the heaven ly terminal to be greeted by the general superintedent of the uni verse, to receive the coveted pra.ise of his life’s services, “WELL DONE”. Resolved that a copy of this condolence be tendered the family and widow of our deceased brother and a copy be spread upon the records of our organization for posterity. Respectfully sub mitted by the Omaha Division of ■*^*^"*—*—*— NORTH 24th st SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 —POPUIJVR PRICES— LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. Our Half Soleing Method leaves No Repair Look on your shoes. We Use the BEST Material. We Offer for Your Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EDHOLM &SIERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. S. W. Towles, President, Russell E. Reese, Chair man Resolution Comm. JOLLY MATRONS On last Sunday March 8th, the North side YWCA was a scene of beauty when the Jolly Matron." gave their pre-St. Patrick’s Tea, The Auditorium was decorated with green and white. Much credit is due Mrs. Sherwood and Mrs. Young for the very pretty table The beautiful white center piece of Clorks and sweetpeas was sel ected by Mrs. Charles Mayo. Those assisted at the tea were: Mrs. Raife Daily, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Kimbrough, Mrs. Mayo, Mrs. James Dortch, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. George Harris, Mrs. Jackson, Mrj. Oliver Johnson, Mrs. Rose John son, Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Combs. The attendance was 100. Mrs. Neola Combs, Pres, Minnie Dortch, Reporter. MUSICAL PROGRAM The public is cordially invited, to attend a musical program en titled “The Big Broadcast of 1942’’ Tuesday, March 24th at 8:15 p. rr.. sharp, at the Salem Baptist church 28th and Decatur St. The Program will consist of out standing musical talents of the city; solos, trios, quartets, chor uses and readings. We guarantee all an enjoyable evening. Mrs. Elma Ware, sponsor, Mr. Wm. Cooper, President, Rev. W, E, Fort, Minister. MRS. MABEL AUSTIN DIES Mrs. Mabel Austin, age 48, died Saturday morning March 14th at her home 1829 North 22nd Street. Mrs. Austin had been a resident of Omaha for tweity-nine years and was a member of St. John AME. Church. She is survived by her husband, Mr. Frank Austin, sister Mrs. Margaret Wright, both of O maha, brother Mr. Harry Ander son, of Louisville, Ky. Funeral, services were held Tuesday after-i noon from Thomas Funeral Home with Rev. E. F. Ridley and Rev. W. S, Metcalf officiating. Burial was at Forest Lawn Cemetery. ILLNESS Mrs. Dana Manley of 2715 Ohio Street, is confined to her bed with the flu. Her condition is much improved. Mrs. Leslie Edmonson of .722 Ohio Street, is now recovering from a recent sick spell. Her con dition is reported to be better. MOTHER’S COUNCIL The Mother’s Council went bowl ing Monday, March 9, and they all had a very lovely time. The [highest score was made by Mr3. Queenie Hurtado. The second, highest score was made by the Girl SeServe Secretary, Miss Jean Wright. They are having a Chicken Din ner Thursday evening, March 26, at the YWCA. RETURNS HOME FOR VISIT William Avant, teurned home this week for a short visit from Oakland, California where he is now living. He has been recent ly employed as a dining car wait er running out of Oakland. DEEP RIVER BOYS The Deep River Singers appear ed in a very lovely concert at Zion Asthma Mucus Loosened First Day For Thousands of Sufferers Choking, gasping, wheezing spasms of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy. In gredients in the prescription Mendaco quick ly circulate through the blood and common ly help loosen the thick strangling mucus the first day, thus aiding nature in palliating the terrible recurring choking spasms, and in promoting freer breathing and restful sleep. Mendaco is not a smoke, dope, or in jection. Just pleasant, tasteless palliating tablets that have helped thousands of suf ferers. Printed guarantee with each package —money back unless completely satisfactory. Ask your druggist for Mendaco today. Only 60c. MEN ADMIRE LIGHTER BRIGHTER, FAIRER ISKIN J DON'T LET TOO DARK. ROUGH. DULL SKIN SPOIL YOUR HAPPINESS Why take a back seat—while ethers have all the fun? Why give up your just right to happiness, love and romance. Stop that embarrassment that too dark, uneven, rough skin usually brings. let ADMIROLA,—the Modern—Medicated Bleach Creme—come to your rescue. Use ADMIROIA as directed—and even in a few days—you should be delighted with the grand skin im provements your mirror will show. Remember ADMIROIA is not an ordinary cream. It contains special medication to help nature "flake off" the dull, too dark outer skin layers, let ADMIROIA bring out your lovelier, brighter, lighter underskin. ADMIROIA is sold on money back guarantee by druggists everywhere—or if your druggist cannot supply you use coupon and the big generous size ADMIROIA will be promptly mailed to you. Send no money. Simply pay Postman 50c plus postal charges. Remember, if you are not pleased, your money refunded. SEND NO MONEY ADMIROIA, 110 Observer Highway Hoboken. N. J. 1 Please send big 50 cent size ADMIROIA Bleach treme-l will pay postman 50c plus postal charges. NAME.. ADDRESS rirv ~~ ^ ~ 75 NEGRO CARPENTERS TO GET WORK IN TENNESSEE An agreement that Negro union< carpenters will receive the first 75 of an estimated 200 new carpentry jobs in the construction of the Volunteer Ordnance Works in Tennessee was announced by Dr. Robert C. Weaver, Chief of the Negro Employment and Training Branch, Labor Division, WPB. This agreement wos reached on March 10, 1942, by representatives of Dr. Weaver’s office and the President’s Committee on Fair Employment Practice in a confer ence with representative^ of Ne gro and white carpenter’s locals in Chattanooga, with contractors, the War Department and the United States Employment Service. Forty-one Negro carpenters, in cluding two foremen, are already employed on the project which is being erected by the Stone and Webster Company. The 75 newt Negro carpenters will be in addi tion to the number already at work on the job. In reporting the development to Sidney Hillman, Director of tho. Labor Division, WPB, Dr. Weaver cited the cooperation of War De partment representatives in negot 5 iating the agreement. “Captain Henry L. Fox Con struction Quartermaster, and Lieut enant J. Shackleford, of the U. S. Army Labor Relations Section stressed the necessity of utilize ing the local labor supply,” he said. “They insisted that the lo cal labor market should be ex hausted before outside carpenters and other skilled workers were imported for the job.” The 75 Negro carpenters will be referred to the job by Local 2216 of Chattanooga, who had complain ed to the Negro Employment ami Training Branch and the Comm ittee on Fair Employment Pract ice that its members had been dis criminated against in recruiting of carpenters for the Stone and Webster project! Earlier comp laints tq Dr. Weaver’s office by O dell Lowery .business agent of1 Local 2216, had resulted in an in crease of colored carpenters to the 41 a twork at the time of the March 10 agreement. Following subsequent comp laints from the local, Dr. Weaver dispatched Cy W. Record of his staff to Chattanooga. Mr. Record arranged the conference which re sulted in the agreement that Lo cal 2216 would be permitted to place its full additional member ship of 75 carpenters on the job before another white carpenter was employed. L. U. DEAN OF WOMEN TO PRESIDE AT NAT'L MEET Jefferson City, Mo., March 14 — The fourteenth annual conference of the National Association of Deans of Women and Advisors to Girls in Negro Schools will con vene at Howard University in Washington, April 2 and 3 with Dean Ina A. Bolton of Lincoln Un iversity as the presiding officer, and Dean Susie A. Elliott and her staff as hostesses. - •’ , * JUNIOR LEAGUERS PLANS FOR 1942 CONFAB Chicago, March 10 (ANP) The anual conference of the National Junior league will convene in Kan sas City, Mo., July 30, 31, and Aug 1. Persons interested in forming a chapter in their city are urged to contact the executive secretary, Mrs. William E. King ,at 5120 So. Parkway, Chicago national office. Upon request, prompt information will be forwarded by Mrs. King. Baptist Church Sunday afternoon. The concert was enjoyed by all, who attended. They also appear ed during the week at a few of the high schools. ST. PATRICK’S DAY TEA | A lovely tea was given by the Ways and Means Committee of the Amaranthus Grand Chapter of the OES. Mrs. Cole was chairman of the tea, assisted by Mrs. Wheat ley, Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Carte'-*. The hostesses were Mrs. Vincy Walker, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Lenard, Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Burmell. Mrs. Eulem. Those serv ing at the tables were Mrs. Lydia Wilson, Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Hazel 1 Lewis, Mrs. Wade Green, Mrs. M. B, Gooden, Mrs. Cloma Scott. O nthe Program committee were Mrs. Venice Starms, Mrs. Wood son and Mrs. Kimsey. The pro gram was very njce and enjoyed by all present. 250 people were served at this tea. It was very successful. On Sunday, March 22, from 4 to 6 in the afternoon, the Home Nursing Committee of the Douglas County chapter of the Red Cross will be hostess at a tea in honor of Miss Anne Magnusson, field director of Red Cross nursing. Mrs. Malcolm Baldrige is chair man of the Home Nursing Comm ittee. The tea will be held at the Red Cross Chapter House and the guest hst contains principally the names of Omaha nurses. “The majority of our Home Nurs ing classes are taught by R« d Cross nurses who are volunteering their tme and servces as teachers” says Mrs. Baldrige. “We have six ty-six classes in progress at pres ent and many more will start dur ing the next few weeks.” Miss Magnusson plans to be in Omaha for four days. On March 23rd, 24th and 25th she will con duct a refresher course for nurses who wish to volunteer as Home Nursing teachers. Information a bout this course can be had by call ing Atlantic 9366, home nursing headquarters. When Miss Magnusson arrive* she will be taken to see the Home Nursing headquarters which the Red Cross is given, rent free by the Knights of Columbus. Next door to the Knights of Columbus building at 33rd and Harney, the entire first floor of an old home, has been arranged to provide both office and class room for the Home Nursing staff. Mrs. Leela Maloln .director of Home Nursing for the Douglas County chapter, says that classes are being held at this locaticn morning, afternoon, and evening. In addition to these classes, the school nurses at North, Central, and Technical High schools are conducting Home Nursing classes as a part of their school program. Three adult education teachfrs are presenting this Red Cross course and there are three Colored groups studying Home Nursing. Omaha parochial schools also offer sever al classes. _ SPEAKING ON CHARITY Charity in National Defense pro gram, Rev. G. Allen supt. of Neb. District of the Church of God in Christ, outlined the meaning of Charity and what it stands for to the audience. He also took the seven letters of charity apart and put them together again. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not char ity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal—13th chap ter of Corinthian. Mr. George Thomas retired po liceman brought out about our race in time of war. He always has been ready to serve when call ed upon to the colors ever since George Washington’s time. Charity Nat’l Defense program with surprise, had two cases right under their noses to iron out. Ono client 67 years old, seeking for Old Age Assistance for a long time which she has not got no con sideration at all at the County As sistance Office “but" before we take up cases for clients, the/ must show interest or take active part in the Charity Nat’l Defense: program and to help us win this war. Charity Nat’l Defense pro gram represents the Civic, Com mercial and Industrial interest of the people for all community act ivities affecting our group. Meet ing every Sunday at 8 p. m. In terdenominational Peoples Mission Church 1708-10 North 26th St. V. Bailey, Chairman, Miss E. Buxton, Secretary. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 2316 North 25th Street Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Rose Oliver, Reporter Sunday school.9:30 a. ,-n. Morning worship.11:00 a m. Jr. Choir Rehearsal_5:00 p. m. Bible Band.6:00 p. m. Evning Worship .7:30 p m. Wednesday night prayer service. .7:30 p. m. Sunday throughout the day was very inspirational and full of spir it. The Pastor preached on the subject: “Upon this Rock I will build my Church”. At three oclock, Evangelist Marie Wright sponsor ed a program with great succts.s. The Pastor’s subjects for Sunday, March 22nd will be Morning “Come and See”. Night .. “Do you know Him”. Come out and hear these wonderful subjects. The Pastor will have healing in each service. We are holding our ser vices at 2422 Erskine St., Every one is welcome. REVEREND JAMES S. ANDERSON SUFFERING FROM A DISABILITY Rev. James S. Anderson noted Evangelist and General Secretary-! Treasurer of the National Baptist) Evangelical Board, etc., Incorpor ated is suffering from an attack of: “Traumatic of his right side, neuritis, and mental and spina! disorders”. This is an aftermath of the accident he received last August in the “Tulsa Union Dep jot”, Tulsa. Oklahoma. Since that accident after hard preaching or physical exertions; he has had pains as a result of the injuries received in that accident. A few Sundays ago while preach ing the pains were so severe that, he could not finish his sermon! For several weeks he has b-r n treated at 2633 Seward Street, O maha, Nebraska by Dr. G. B. Len nox. Among other things, he earn estly requests all Christians t,-> pray for him as stated by Mrs. w. B. Johnson. W. I. JACKSON DIES Wallace I. Jackson died Mon day March 8th at his home 2529 Wirt St. Survived by his wifei Odessa Jackson. Funeral was held Wednesday March 11 from Lewis Mortuary. Mrs. May A. Jones of Kansas City, Mo., came to attend the fun eral. She is the niece of Mr3. Jackson. WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) WE. 6458 The Waiters unions had a very good meeting on Sun. March 15th and some very important and in teresting subjects were discussed. Mr. McKinley the wide awake: president used every effort to get all members to express their opin ion as it is the interest the mem bers take and regular attendance which keeps the organization out in front and this writer will al ways be ready to give them a hand. The Railroad boys were all very busy this week with their income) taxes. There is a northside business house that employs two very fine salesmen and when you make a purchase, they serve you with a smile and if you are in doubt they approach you with “May I help you”—they are Mr. Travis Lyles and Mr. Roy L. Williams. The Omaha Club with Mr. Blackwell the headwaiter and Mr. Earl Jones the fashion plate cap:, and Mr. Charles Solomon one of the leaders of the NAACP. Mr. Virgil Shobe, Mr. Frank Buford, and Mr. Dave Stevens and Mr. Chas. Vincent are all giving mod ern service in a very fine way. The White Horse Inn with Mr. Branch, Mr. Dave Russ, Mr. Louis White and Mr. Isiah Jones are top men at all times. We talked with Capt. Booth who Is up from that town in the lone Star State about 10 miles from the line of Oklahoma and has been one of the fixtures in the Paxton hot el dining room for several years I “Jack Abajian”| Oriental And Domestic Rug Expert Now With Dresher Rusr Dept. “Jack Abajian” 9x12 DOMESTICS $3.95 8.3x10.6 DOM.$3.00 ORIENTALS, Sq. Ft.....7c DRESHtR Bros. 50th & Dodge 24 & “L” 2217 Farnam AT. 0345 Double Help for WOMEN! What do you do when headache, nervousness, cramp-like pain, lack of energy and appetite, or some other form of periodic, functional distress begins to make you miser able? Why not do as thousands of women and take CARDUI? There are two ways to take it. First: To help relieve periodic pain and discomfort, start three days be fore “your time” and follow direc tions. Second: To assist in building energy, strength, through increas ed flow of gastric juice which helps appetite and digestion, take it by directions as a tonic. Women who use it both ways seem to be CARDUI’S most enthusiastic boo sters. 1 r and we asked him to take a mes sage to the race horse headwait er who has first hand dope on the winner of the Kentucky Derby. We will try and contact Brother' John Evans sometime soon as we are strangers but he always car ries a friendly greeting to all the boys now let’s all give him a hand. — The Omaha Guide is going over | the top in all the news and ad3 — and should have more subscribers. ’ The Fontenelie boys are quick stepping as usual, and the room, service is being very carefully tak, en care of by Mr. Hill, Mr. Earl Copeland and Mr. George Thoma^ and the very good crew of waiters and Mr. Underwood, the head party man is on the job at all times. All the waiters that work at I the summer clubs are smiling at the green grass and saying to themselves, it won’t be long now! On Saturday morning March 14 this writer enjoyed a very friend ly visit with the dining room and kitchen crew at the Omaha Cham ber of Commerce. Mr. Simon. Harrold the musician headwaiter, Mr. Chester Hodges who has a son who moved up from altar boy and is in the amknig of a priest, and Mr. Henry Moore who can teil how many table cloths are in a bundle without counting them and Mr. Bolanperti who is in charge Of the kitchen as Mr. Marchello the rapid fire chef was taking the day off with his very fine family at home and Oh say, did w» cn n^urTif rtnift—.t,. ! HOTEL OLGA NEW YORK CITY 695 Lenox Avenue (Corner 145th Street) Select Family and Tourist Hotel Running Hot and Cold Water in Each Room All Rooms Outside Exposure —Service— Subway and Surface Cars a* Door; Rates Reasonable. ED. H. WILSON, Prop. Tel. Aud 3-7920 rnm$mgmmw nr«w— HOTEL FANE 205 West 135th Street Tourist Hotel New York City —“In tbe Heart of Harlem”— Running Hot and Cold Water In Rooms Ail zooms outside exposure nates: $1.50, $2.00 and $2.60 up PHone. AU 3-7730 Fiank G- Lightner, Mgr I l——fi r—l—j—(TTjrr joy a very fine fellowship, and we shall always be ready to give them a hand. | | BUY YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24tb ST. Let the Best in Quality »>t the NEBRASKA PRODUCE Lowest Frier PHONE WE. 4137 ME YOI AS “PEPPY” AS YM ISEI 16 EE? Or in you dipping—lack pep, vigor, lira easily—feel worn out. Perhaps you »l4 Bore Iron and thiamin (vitamin Bl) im make you feel pepped up like "going places and doing things." Try this for 8 weeks. Take Dr. Thomas' Formula 158. II •applies iron and thiamin (vitamin Bl> In ACTIVE doses—also contains calcium glycerophosphate, often needed after 40. It’s the formula of M. C. Thomas. M. D.. well known New York DOCTOR. You don't risk a penny—it's sold on a money back guarantee! Start getting more out of life TODAY—with Dr. Thomas' Formula 158. Send 81.00. GLENN PRODUCTS CO., bEPT. L. 100 OBSERVER HIGHWAY, HOBOKEN, N. J. \e=>° c^xy°\ ^ac» a^o1> S$s v\^e . °\ fjO V* So> s AV «f>“' This KING of All Cough Mixtures —Acts Like A Flash The King of all cough medicines—Buckley's CANADIOL Mixture—has been used for years in over 70% of Canada's homes. Fast working, triple acting Buckley's Mixture quickly loosens and raises phlegm lodged in the tubes—clears air passages—soothes rasped raw tissues, one •r two sips and worst coughing spasm ceases. You get results fast. You feel the effect of Buck ley's Instantly, At all druggists. | Our Business Is Picking Up FREE ESTIMATE ON YOUR j 1 MOVING JOBS | f LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN MOVING YOUR FURNITURE, J * AND STORING YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS WITH COM- 3 PETENT, TRAINED MEN TO DO THE JOH. \ f ■ -ALSO AUTO STORAGE J | NORTHSIDE TRANSFER I —PRESTON II1ERONYMOUS, PROPRIETOR— | 2414 Grant Stri ct WEbster 5656 | ^ ^^ ^.. -- . . . . LATEST STYLES 1942 THE TWO GREAT HATS 'THE "THE HARLEMITE" * "SAaAftU' DESIGNED »Y HOWARD HARLEM'S LEADING HAT STYLIST I ^Atr mi HARLEMITE" INTRODUCING W I942-. PACE-SETTER OnaAfU£ HATS IN ALL SIZES—SHIPPED ANYWHERE Write for Booklet of HOWARD'S Complete Line of IM2 Stylet HOWARD HATS 217 WIST USth ST. DEPT TY-I NEW YORK. W.T. -