SEVEN THOUSAND i CAPSULES DRAWN With the largest Selective Serv ice Registration by any one local board on February 16 totaling 5,839, there were 7,000 capsules drawn in the Third Selective Serv ice Lottery on Tuesday evening, March 17, it was announced today by National Headquarters, Select ive Service System. The drawing, which will determ ine the order numbers for the Feb ruary 16 registrants, were drawn at 5 P. M Tuesday and it is esti mated that it took about 12 hours. It was held in Departmental Aud itorium, 12th Street and Constitu tion Avenue, Northwest, Wash ton, D. C., where the October 1940 and July 1941 lo,. *ies also were staged. The largest registration 5,839 was reported by a local board in California. The capsules drawn from the goldfish bowl at the lottery will contain the Serial Numbers T-l T-2 and so on up to T-7,000, to in clude and somewhat exceed the highest Serial Number assigned to CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 2010^2 N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 .Open from 2 p. m. Until 3 a. m American & Chinese Dishes i "theckTmd1 THE NEGRO WATCH THIS COLUMN EACH ..WEEK FOR THE TRUTH A BOUT THE NEGRO AND THE CIO; DIRECT FROM H. Q, WASHINGTON, DC. — **** The CIO is the strongest force in American labor today because its unions have consistently refus ed to let racial or religious or na tionalist disunity weaken them. any February 16th registrant by a local board. The extra numbers will be included to take care of men who were unable to register February 16 because of absence from th country or other reasons and who still must register. The Order Numbers assigned to the registrants in the sequence in which their Serial Numbers are drawn in the lottery will begin, with 10,001 so that they will fol low after the approximately 9,000 order numbers drawn in th<. Octo ber 1940 lottery and the 800 drawn in the July 1941 lotery. This means that the first Serial Num ber drawn at the lottery Tuesday was given Order No. 10,001, the Second Serial Number was give i Order No. 10,0002 and do on tOAME HIGH QUALITY was NOW ONLY... For Samm High Quality I h HOT 88PROOF. STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. SCHENLEY DISTILLERSCORP..N.Y.C. Good Eyesight Is Vital to America's Defense Every homemaker's defense work starts at home—pro tecting her family's precious eyes. For their country's sake and for their own sake, make sure the members of i your family are free from harmful eyestrain. The year ahead is going to make heavy demands on the eyes of every member of your family. Be ready to take your new tasks in your stride, with bright, healthy eyes ready for the Job. Check your lighting, today! FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE YOUR ELECTRIC OEALER OH NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY * Buy U. S. Defense Bonds and Stamps A TRADtXjHI Lost —a cough due to a cold —thanks to the soothing action of Smith Brothers Cough Drops. Keep a box handy these days! Two kinds, both good, both effective, both deli cious:—Black or Menthol. And still only 5i. SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS . ^black or menthol- 5*J That is one basic reason why the CIO has organized more than five million American workers, why it has won billions of dollars in wage raises, why it has been able to serve the people of America mere than any other organization in tile nation. And it is a basic reason why tn> CIO t°day is a great force for vie tory, why the five million men, and women of the CIO are able to give so much to their nation an -t to our allies in the war for free dom from fascist slavery. The men and women of the CIO are at work today in the arsenal of democracy, turning out tanks and guns, planes and ships the Un ited Nations need to crush Hitler ism. They are the soldiers of production, the people who stand beside the machines that are dig ging Hitler’s grave. The CIO is organized in the bas ic industries of America, in coa and steel, in machine building, in electrical industry, in oil, in alum inum, ;n copper and other vital metals, in textf,es, in packing. }r the maritime trades, in the thous and and one industries working io arm our nation ;nd the nations with us. FOUAU VOICE In tvery one of these unio Ne gri v Aprs take their plate a members with the same democrat ic rights, with the same voice as all other members. The United Mine Workers or America has union shop contraers with nearly every coal mine in tin; country. Negro workers have a! ways stood side by side with white workers in this union. Only rec ently the Mine Workers struck a great blow for the Negro peop'e when they abolished the different ial pay scale between North and South. The Steel Workers Organizing Committee has contracts covering more than 00,000 workers. Negro workers in the SWOC have equal voice with all others. The United Automobile Workers of America has contracts covering over 700, 000 workers. Negro members have equal voice in the UAW-CIO with all members. In all these unions, Negro members can and do take official positions, are el ected to places of leadership by their fellow members. All of the unions of the CIO have won benefits for their mem bers. The CIO has raised and maintained the standard of living for many millions beyond its own membership. Between 1940 and 1941, the CIO added one and a quarter billion dollars to the annual payroll of American workers. This has mesant a better chance for the kids, an easier job for the wif who has to stretch the paycheck to meet the cost of living. And important it means better health and higher morale for Am erican workers—health and mor ale we desperately need to defeu* Hitler and Japan. The CIO policy of higher wages does not stop with gains already won. Today rising living sosts make wage increases more than ever necessary. The CIO is press ing its drive for wage increases ;n every industry where workers hi - GET FREE SAMPLES AT ONCE Don’t wait an •r^By other minute. Earnings upto$5.0C B a day or $4S a week M possible.BeourAgents F. and make Quick money in Full or Spare time. Sell Colored people our fa mous line of Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dressing, Face Powder, Bleach Cream, Incense, Curios, Jewelry, Per fumes. Two Big lines— 50c and 25c goods. Sales made on sight. Noexperi ence needed. Send name and address for FREE SAMPLES and FREE Big Sample Case Offer. VALMOR PRODUCTS COMPANY 2241 Indiana Ave., Dept. C-122, Chicago, III. STRAIGHTENS THE HAIR YOB 20 DAYS OB MOBS *T SOFTENING THE STITFNESS Niglyttc AT ANY DRUC STORE POPULAR FOR 27 YEARS KONGO CHEMICAL CO.. Inc. 204 WEST 124th ST. S NEW YORK CITY pi MBW BUU SB 25s FLOOD TIME IS HERE Napa, Calif., Pixpage—Inundat ed automobiles parked along the curb show where Pearl street runs or flows, rather, through the heart of Napa. That north bay city was hit hardest by the storm and floods that struck many central California communities. Illinois has reported floods in Illinois Riv er valley, the highest in 26 years. is listeninj He wants to know what you know KEEP IT TO YOURSELF I WHAT YOU DON’T SAY THE ENEMY CAN’T USE_This, in effect, is the message of this rec ent poster issued by the Office of Facts and Figures. Not only workers in war production plants but all workers and non-workers have been warned by the Army and other government agencies a gainst talking about production figures, what’s going on in the neighboring army camp, even a bout weather predictions. What seems harmless to you may be important to the enemy. Silence is golden. It’s a lot more fun to make your knowledge a secret and stay alive to tell it to your grandchildren. Copies of this pos ter, in colors, may be had on writ ten request to Division of Inform ation, War Production Board. organized in CIO unions. In every case, the CIO makes sure that Negro workers receive the same benefits. In every union the Negro worker and his family have the same chance to win a bet ter life that the white worker has. In every union auxiliary Negro women and white women unite for this same end. (Continued next week) This Week In Religion and Thought BY ROOT. L. MOODY “THEY GOT WINGS” “You got wings, I got wings All God’s children got wings.” These words .became literally true for five courageous and stud ious Negroes on March 7th. They were the first to graduate from the 99th Pursuit Squadron Air base. We encounter so many discour aging and disgusting reports and experiences, we become exceeding ly glad and hopeful when our peo ple make progress in new fields. These five comissioned pilots have proved the way and we hope that they will be multiplied by one thousand before many moncne hence. Every Negro (especially Texan) is very proud of Dorrie Miller 22 year old Texas farm boy, who fired the machine gun on December 7 at Pearl Harbor. As we remem ber Pearl Harbor and Colin Kelly we also shall remember Dorie Mil ler, a messman. who was willing to fight with a machine gun al though he had been denied train ing in such tactics. One wonders FIRST DELIVERANCE CHURCH BENEFIT STORE ! 2020 NORTH 24TH ST. I (Across the Street from Ritz j Theatre) NEW AND USED MERCHANDISE Clothes, Furniture and Furnishings “We Save You Money on Good Merchandise” WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE —Mrs. Jackie Bryant, Mgr. I why this story is not published widely in all Amercan newspapers and broadcast over every station. This would be a good device for the “Moral Builders.” Why can t we get an official report from the Navy and let that Department honor Dorie Miller with alLothers ? CITY ANNOUNCES NOTICES FOR EXAMINATIONS Notice of examination for posi tion of Stationary Engineer. Statement of qualifications. Applicants for the position of Stationary Engineer- for the City of Omaha should be skilled mech anics able to take charge of steam pressure plants. They must be responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of steam plants, including emergency re pairs and any other work necess ary to the maintenance of the building in which they are employ ed. They must have had at least one year’s experience in steam plant operation. They should have a common school education. They must have licenses as sta tionary engineers from thj City of Omaha of a grade required by the City Ordinance. Salary $90.00—$110.00 per ’no. Time of examination: 9:00 A M., March 24th, 1942.- Place of ex amination: Office of Personnel Director, Room 203 City Hall, O maha, Nebraska. Notice of examination for posi tion of Testing Station Attendant. Statement of qualifications: Applicants for position of Test ing Station Attendant for the City of Omaha should have a high school education. They must bo between the ages of 24 and 30 years. Applicants must have been a resident of this city for at Dast five years. Thev should he exocieoeed dri vers of automobiles and trucks and have ordinary knowl- dge of the mechanics of such vehicles. Salary $20.00 per vr mum. Time of examination: 9:0!) A. M. March 25th. 1942. Place of examination: Office of Personr. 1 Director, Room 203, City Hall, O maha, Nebraska. NOTICE— All persons wishing to qualify for these examinations must apply in person to the of fice of Personnel Director, Room 203, City Hall, Omaha, Nebraska THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant St OMAHA, NEBRASKA PHONE WEbster 1517 fcniered as Second Class Matter Manch 15. 1927, at he Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of congress of March 3, 1879. i. J. Ford, — — — Pres. Mrs. Flurna Coope’’, — — Vice Pees. C. Galloway, — Publisher and Acting Editor Boyd V. Galloway. — Sec’v and Treas. SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA One Year — — — _ $2.0# Six Months — _ — — $1.25 Three Months — — .75 One Month — _ ■_ .25 SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN One Year — — — — 52 50 Six Months — — — SI.50 Three Months — — — 51.00 One Month — — — — .40 All News Copy of Churches and all organizat ions must be in our office not later than 1:00 p. ru. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pre‘ ceeding date of issue, to insure publication. Dark Laughter .... kol harrington A O' — V Lp\s AN’ DON’T EVER BOTHER ME NO MORE—I DON’T WANT NOTHIN’ THE ARMY TURN ED DOWN. MY REU I REM ENTS IS HIGHER THAN ANYBODY’S ARMY”. on or before March 23, 1942. 4 ^EAVtrJ A teacher, explaining infla tion, [ts after effects and causa tion, Advised all her scholars To save up their dollars And buy bonds to safeguard the Nation. S Help teach the Jape a lemon! Put erery dime and dollar you can into U. S. Defense Bonds and Stamps—erery , P»7 day. ‘ 1 USE OF DEFENSE STAMPS OR BONDS TO STIMULATE TRADE BARRED SAYS BUREAU Nse of defense stamps or bonds as premiums in connection with the stimulation of trade has been barred under a policy adopted by the Retail Advisory Committe of the United States Treasury, ac cording to an announcement by Robert J- Bauer, president of the National Association of Bette* Business Bureaus. At the request of the Treasury’s Retail Advisory Committee, the Better Business Bureau through out the United States will super vise the enforcement of this policy with retailers in all sections of the country, Mr. Bauer said. The new ruling states that De fense Stamps and Bonds “shall be sold for cash or on salary deduct ion plan only; that under no cir cumstances should defense bonds or stamps be used as premiums, discounts, gifts, trade stimulators, or be in any way associated with the promotion of merchandise”. Ths policy adopted by the Re tail Advisory Committee is an ad visory one, it is pointed out. Exe cutive action with the Defense Savings Administrators in each of the various states. ... . I John Adams Sr., and John Adams, Jr. PROBATE NOTICE Bk. 60, P. 271, No. 28541 In the matter of the estate of William C. Mallard, deceased. Notice is hereby given: That creditors of the said deceased will meet the Administrator with Will Annxed of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 6th day of May, 1942 and on the 6th day of July 1942, at 9 o’clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for exam ination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 4th day of April 1942. Charles J. Southard, County Judge. 3 t beg. March 14, 1942 end March 28th incl. Is Your Laxative A Popular One? In laxatives, as in people, it takes “something extra” to get to the top and stay there. BLACK-DRAUGHT has been one of the popular laxatives with four generations of Americans. That is one reason you ought to try this all-rvegetable medicine next. You’ll discover an all-around good laxative. Spicy, aromatic, easy-to-take. Punctual and thor ough, yet usually gentle in its ac tion when simple directions are followed. The main reason for all this is j a “tonic-laxative” ingredient in | BLACK-DRAUGHT that helps to tone lazy intestinal muscles. Real Shoe Man— FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR Cash and Carry CLEANER 1410 North 24th St. CARL CRIVERa OMAHA OUTFITTING Furnish Your Entire House hold at the ‘Omaha Outfitting They carry Furniture, Washing Machines, Radios, Travelling Bags, Jewelry and All Kinds of Coal. 2122 North 24th St. Phone AT. 5652 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery— WE. 0G09 DUFFY PHARMACY fWVWJW.'.WW.V.V.VW Free Delivery from 8 a. m. to 1 a. m. JA. 9411 McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop 2423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Blue Roem Open 8 p. m. t