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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1942)
iT PAYS TO ADVERTISE— IT PAYS TO SHOP For whatever you have to sell, oi for whatever you want to buy— IN THESE COLUMNS RELIABLE INFORMATION HOW TO GET A JOS 25c Postpaid DR. . MCDONALD P. O. Box 130 Alexandria, La. For Rent 1 room furnished $2.50: 1 Kitchenette $4.00 2406 N. 21st St , E. Williams. For Rent furnished room 2914 N. 25th St., WE. 2863. FOR RENT-—One or two furnish ed Rooms 2406 North 21st Street. FOR RENT Five neatly furnished Room $4.50 a week, water and telephone bills paid. Edward King, 2706 Maple Street, phone WE. 6402. APT FOR RENT WE. 0360. 6 Room House For Rent 3290 Pinkney. Inquire or write at 3024 W. M. H. Young. >_ Furnished Room and Apt. For Rent 2877 Binney St. JA. 2877 FOR RENT 2115 North 30th St. 1-2 Room Apt $3.50; 1-*» Room Apt. furnished, $4.50. Utilities paid JA. 0986 Kaplan Produce formerly locat- 1 ei on No. 24th St. is now located at 1804 No. 20th St. We have a large selection on Poultry and eggs. We deliver, Phone JA. 6537. Kap lan Produce Co. extend an invita tion to his old customers to pay j Jim a visit at his new location. LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS ! EDHOLM & SHERMAN , 8401 North 24th WE. 6056 EMERSON LAUNDRY $324 North 24th St. WE. 10?> MEN! WOMEN! USE YOUR CREDIT to get all the stylish new apparel you need. Great values. Enjoy terms made to order for you. Peoples Store, 109 South 16th St. Fine, clean reconditioned cloth ing, furniture, and shoes, Good will, 1013 North 16th. Purchases at Goodwill make jobs for needy.’ WANT TO BUT — Furniture of all kinds—dressers, | beds, end tables, chairs and chest | of drawers or complete home— j apartment furnishings. Kettles and I dishes. Sell ufi yours. IDEAL Furniture Mart, 24th & Lake Street—WE. 2224 . _t. _ I Woman will care for children in a Christian Home by the day or the week. Call JA. 1745. FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 j HARDWARE— DOLGOFF HARDW ARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. Wed* glazing and make window shade* to order 1822 N. 24th St. WE. 1007 - _ Join—Reliable Friendship Club —For Marriage. Friendship, o. . leasure. Send Dime for member »hip blank. H. Brookes, 317 W-n tell, Chicago, ill itfMftMlMiartttfK&adtiadirtMfMNsfacfc HELP US! HELP THE POOR CALL— THE VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA JAckson 2290 15th & Chicago The TESTIMONYof THOUSANDS: It’s the HOTEL THERESA When in NEW YORK any season •f the year 7th Ave. at 125th St ,..ln the Heart of Harlem SOO spacious, all outside rooms: luxurious suites. The beautiful Orchid Room for dining; cocktail lounge and bar; the lovely Mcr ganine for relaxation. Ideal atroos A there for rat, study, and comfort. Larga rooms with prirata bath •2.00 taU» -*2.50 Barth art ap Without prirata bath <U0 M|h—*2j00 Barth art * Walter w, boott, Ma«a»r HOTEL THERESA |ansaum»t.«siSsfr HtjAU .... t GIRLS ON THE STREETS • • • The world is made! Can you imagine what they have asked us to do now.... Because so many have made complaints about our name “Girls on the Streets” we have legally asked to change it. This KING of All Cough Mixtures —Acts Like A Flash The King of all cough medicines—Buckley's CANADlOL Mixture—has been used for years in over 70% of Canada's homes. Fast working, triple acting Buckley's Mixture quickly loosens and raises phlegm lodged in the tubes—clears air passages—soothes rasped raw tissues, one or two sips and worst coughing spasm ceases. You get results fast. You feel the effect of Buck ley's instantly. At all druggists. Mix Lemon Juice AT HOME TO RELIEVE the MISERIES money Back It This Rheumatic Recipe Fails : Good news travels last—many of the thou sands of folks who now take lemon juice tor rheumatic pain—have found that by adding two tablespoon! uls of Allenru to one tablespoonful of Lemon Juice In a glass of Water, they get faster relief for the aches ood pains caused by rheumatism, lumbago. I i It's no surprise either, for Allenru Is a IS year old formula to relieve rheumatic aehas and pains. In fact—If It does not help £-your money back. What oould be fairer? Qet Allenru today at any live druggist. Only pi its Do it mw.r ' Asthma Mucus Loosened First Day For Thousands of Sufferers Choking, gasping, wheezing spasms of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy. In gredients in the prescription Mendaeo quick ly circulate through the blood and common ly help loosen the thick strangling mucus the first day, thus aiding nature in palliating the terrible recurring choking spasms, and In promoting freer breathing and restful sleep. Mendaeo is not a smoke, dope, or in jection. Just pleasant, tasteless palliating tablets that have helped thousands of suf ferers. Printed guarantee with each package —money back unless completely satisfactory. Ask your druggist for Mendaeo today. Only 60c. Oh Unhappy Day! Sigh! we are only writers for it. The name was there before we began. The orig inator who is no more, got the name from Foster May’s “Man on the Street” broadcast. We are not on tbe street as many thought but we write what goes on. The question we are asking our public is whether to: Change our title or, shall we remain Your Girls on the Street? At the present we will remain GOTS. Last Thursday evening about 6 o’clock those U. S. Studds swept Bronzeville into a million pieces. They had irons in the fire all over the avenue and they were warm ing up (the irons). One of the hundreds and fifty was the most handsome Charlie Johnson; wo really must compliment^ BookeS Washington for his fine personal ity and seeing that every soldier was properly entertained the f.-w hours they were here. Walterine Wright, who said it was a dog that bit her way up by her eye brow, has been seen with a fine hepped Cat (I. D.) in places Omaha has to offer. What’s the lick and hereafter be careful of the3e dogs. Good looking tired acting Will iard Wright has at last started go ing steady with cute Shawn Ed mondson. We wonder how that romance goes on without a phone. He calls her fifty times per day. (War time). And while we are yet mention ing Wrights we may as well con sider Joe Wright. At last he fully" admits that Bertha is his only love It was about time he admitted it. You see they are an ideal match. - I Are we hearing Bells or is it rumors that Elvia Avant and Fred Fathering are about to be marr ied? We are sure it will be bells. Oh Happy Day! Strange as it seems, two South Omaha Stewart girls (Mary and I Lucille) married the two Liggins brothers in the same month of February.... and neither of the girls were sisters. More rumors that Venita Swan cey and Ponco King are married and also Claude Harrison. To be married is Connie and Joe Milton. It seems that Sally Wells is com pletely ignoring the novt. state ment, “Shortage of P 'bba’’ She rides home every eve^ng with a fine cat.... and On rubber. We wonder if by chance, if Mao Franklin was ever introduced to Clair Anderson’s cute girl friend from KC. Lorrane. You know i NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Dark Laughter . . . . sr 51. harrinoton I 11 ** 1 .. ■ —1 '■ . “NOT SO FAST MR. BOOTSIE NOW YOU SAY YOU CAN GET ME A JOB IN THE NA TIONAL DEFENSE. WELL WHY AIN’T YOU GOT ONE FOR YOURSELF?’’ PEARL BUCK WRITES (Continued from page 1) think of vengeance, as the sma’l man does. Remember rather, as the great remember that which they unjustly suffered, and det ermine only that such suffering shall not be possible again for any human being anywhere. I ask you, colored people of the United States, to stand by this great mass of your white country men in this imperfect democracy of ours, where nevertheless the hope of democracy is still clear est. They need your help. By all that you do, help them to see and believe that white people need not Mac has been there quite a bit- (to KC.) If you see Bernice Murdock look ing all glassy eyed and dis-roman-, tic; you can he knowing that its all because Uncle Sam has the best go with Claude. Claude ev en wears his Uncle's clothes. Sigh. WANTED BY GEO. STATION A girl friend who will be will ing to love him (mercy me) des pite the fact that he is so tight with the “bing” (that’s legal ten der). We wonder now who is Ernest Britt really playing the field with. He was seen with E. L. as much as he was seen with Helen King. Both girls are intimate friends. A few weeks ago Lola W. w<s in the show all by her lonesome. Seemingly her boy friend was in K. C. This week she was with him. The Lick! Meanwhile Henry Davis, who hoped in vain to be deferred, pass ed the examination and will leave sometime in March. Everyone thinks it will be a good idea to send him off happy so there will be a farewell party for him some time in the future.... buckle up your boots for we want everyone to be there when the wagon com es. The Musicians Ball was fine (as usual). Onebelle King loves Roy Doug las. He is tops in her heart. In closing we want to leave this thought with you. Help us to de cide whether to change our title, j After all, we have given you the situation and want a reply from you. That’s All this week.. Your Girls on the Streets ALL WORK GUARANTEED “28 Years in Business” ECONOMY TAILOR Chas. M. Simmons, Prop. WE CUT, TRIM and MAKE SUITS TO ORDER Alterations for Ladies and Gents Cleaning and Repairing 1818 NORTH 24th St. Omaha, Nebraska GETS HIS ‘HUNTING LICENSER Los Angeles, Calif.,-—Pixpage— Signs reading “Jap Hunting Lic enses Issued Here—Open Season Now—No Limit” is shown at the U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting of ' fice here. William E. Abney, (right), ex-Marine from Dalias, Texas—got his “license” from Staff Sgt. Milton Cooper by re-en listing. _ be afraid in a country whose cit izens whatever their color, are e qual in all ways. Every time one of you conducts himself, as so many of you do, with honesty and magnanimity and dignity, you ara helping white men and women to ward a real democracy. If you are aware of the struggle in the average white person, you will be patient with him as he gropes to ward the meaning of freedom and human equality. It is a difficult ! and unfamiliar road for most white people, and they are fearful because they are being driven a long it by the trend of world ev ents.. You will help them to reach the right end more quickly if you determine that though you will not cease to press for the free dom and equality in all respacts j which are your rights without a I doubt, yet that you will assert | those proper demands not in a spirit of hatred aud revenge and selfishness, but in a spirit which by the very manner in which it shows itself proves you the equal of any human being. I know that this is no small thing to ask of any people. Cer tainly it is asking you to be bet ter than the white man has been. But indeed you must be better than the white man has been. For if those who have suffered learn nothing from their suffering, then the world is lost indeed. Who can fight so well for freedom as those who know what it is to be deprived of it? It is essential now that Colored Americans see what the white man cannot see. Your vision must be clearer than his. You must not let him for a moment be satisfied with less than our American ideal of freedom for every one. For there will be no freedom for the white man either if there is not freedom for the colored. If de mocracy did not win, the white peoples would have to make them selves into a great standing army, highly traine<|, constantly prepar ed to keep the colored peoples sufc dued, and there could be no great er slavry than that necessity. 7t is possible, in this grave moment, that in such a place as Australia there might be white people made slaves by their conquerors, just as white people now ar slaves in cer THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WE. 2022 1 (J GROSS JEWELRY & LOAN CO. S formerly at 24th and Erskine St. r I NEW LOCATION- [ 1514 N. 16™ ST. Phone JA-46351 V. | LISTINGS OF THOSE TAKING RED CROSS TRAINING Mrs. Julia Galloway, Precinct 18 chairman, 2814 North 28th St. 1 Pearl Hieronymous 2820 North 26th St., WE. 1097 First Aid In structor; 1 Mrs. Bernice Marshall, 2812 North 26th St., AT. 2595 First Aid Instructor; 1 Minnie Dortch, 2611 Binney St., We. 6096 Stand ard Course; 1 Florida J. Hunicau, 2627 Binney St., WE. 2466 Stand ard Course; Beatrice Jackson, 2908 North 26th Et-, JA. 6113, Standard Course; 3 Katherine F. Manley, 2711 Ohio St., Standard Course; 4 Edrose Willis, 2712 Ma ple St., JA. 4671 First Aid course; 4 Aline Gray, 2716 Corby St. WE. 6053, Standard Course; 4 Herbert Cole, 2723 Corby St., Standard Course; 6 Bemice Rabiole 2613 North 28th St-, Standard Course; 12 Mrs. Bertha Williams, 2810 Mi ami, WE. 5317 Standard Course; 13 Clay Parker, 2919 Miami St., Standard Course; 13 Thelma Dic kerson 2610 North 28th Ave. Home St., WE. 1135, Standard Course; Nursing; Lillie Hardy, 2805 Ohio 14 Mrs. C. Jorgensen, 2910 Lake St., HA. 4863 Standard Course; Mrs. Bertha Rudd 2886 Ohio St., AT. 4286 Standard Course; Mr3. Harry Leland, 2824 North 26th St., JA. 0306. I tain countries and no less slaves because their rulers are other white men. The issue today is not One of race, colored or white. It is freedom. You know most bitterly what it is not to have freedom should therefore consecrate yourself to the crusade for freedom and equal ity and you must enable the cru sade by the way in which you car ry it on. It is not only an Amer ican is a human crusade and you are in the van guard of it today an dnot the white people. Those who have de prived you of your rights and havo tolerated and encouraged your ir responsibility as citizens so that you have been injured by patron-* age as much as you have by in justice, they are the ones who have failed the ideals of our country. It may be well that in the future now very close the peoples of Asia and Africa will look to you more than to any other Americans to i see to it that the world does not divide as Japan would have it on the false line of color, but solely on the single issue of freedom for all. It is you who carry the flag. i&nnijUiise iff ***•■ ['Penny Sense—Good Defensen • ..i— in — —.. • Stockings and socks pulled on and off by the toes wear longer than when tugged by their tops. Teach the "littlest one' to treat socks gently— Careful handling of stockings will ease the strain on silk supplies and save you money to invest in DIFBN&B SAVINGS STAMPS! War at—Mnnnl rrr;, i “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. F=:-". 1E=:" . IE==~1 RABE’S BUFFET for Popular Brands | of BEER and LIQUORS 2229 Lake Street 1 —Always a place to park— LITTLE DINEH Quality Plus Service Fot Corn Bread or Biscuits with Your Orders without Extra Charge. 24th SL At Willis Avenoe TIME AND TIDE WAIT ON NO MAN—NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES RE BUILT. • Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work FREE DELIVERY Call AT. 7060 The LAKE SHOE SERVICE J. L .TAYLOR, PROP KISMET LETTER KLUB Est. 1935. Membership only $1.00. Soldiers, men, women, all ages. A dime brings info. P. O. Box 602, Los Angeles, California ■WIMHIininniniHWHWHM'iniiillli'IIHMMMIMIMRMNniUHniiiniiimimiNN ^Scratching ^ For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete's foot, scabies, rashes and other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D.D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or your money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D, D. PRESCRIPTION. In ex. for INS. Thrifty Service 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY qQc AND ONLY I 7c For Each Additional lb. ^ w This includes the Ironing of all FLAT WORK with wearing Apparel Returned Ju*t | Damp Enough for Ironing. EMERSON - SARATOGA 2324 North 24th St._ WE. 1029 ~~ MIMEOGRAPHING ALL KINDS-24 Hour Service PROGRAMS - BULLETINS - MENUS, etc. Reasonable Prices — Satisfaction Guaranteed THE OMAHA GUIDE 2420 Grant Street WE. 1517 WOH N £.40 , who hate these trying years! v. HERE'S GLORIOUS NEWS! If you-like so many women be tween the ages of 38 and 52-find this period in a woman’s life makes you restless, nervous, cranky, so tired and blue at times—perhaps suffer hot flashes, dizziness and distress of “irregularities” Start at once — try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound! Pinkham’s Compound is the best known medicine you can buy today that is made especially for women —it’s famous to help relieve such distress when due to this female functional disturbance. Pinkham’s Compound has helped -dF & ;3«1? thousands upon thousands of women to go “smiling thru” annoy ing middle age symptoms. ALSO very beneficial for younger women to help relieve distress of monthly functional disturbances. Poll • label directions. Lydia Pinknai Compound is well worth trying