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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1942)
WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) The Wike Awake Crew of wai ters at the Omaha club have had some illness and this writer talked with Mr. Earl Jones on Saturday January 31 and he was on his way . to work and we have been inform- | ed that he returned home as he ' I JOHNSON DRUG CO. g NEW LOCATION 2306 North 24th § |We. 0998 Free Delivery| NORTH 24™ SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 —POPULAR PRICES — LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do. Our Half Soleing Method leaves No Repair Look on your shoes. We Use the BEST Material. Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or jtou are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis suffered the second attack. And the other men that were indisposed are back on the job and we hope all of thm a speedy recovery as aU of us are subject to get sick. The Waiters union is going over big and the streamlined president Mr. McKinley and the wide awake secy Mr. W. A. Davis and the thrifty going members are very good spokes in the big union wheel Are you a union waiter? Brother Joun Evans of the Rome Hotel is on the up and go at all times and he is in the front row at all times and we all should give him a big hand. The Fontenelle boys have start ed the ne wyear with a very rapid pace an dthey are on the jon at all times and as time brings chang es they are improving the 1942 service in many ways and they show it in many angles and the two front door men Mr. Jame3 Donley and Mr. Frank Shropshire are right on the job now let’s all give them a hand. The Railroad boys are as active as ever an dare kept very busy on the road and as we were told the maids would be reinstated the traveling public with the ladies and children receive the very best of attention as all the employes use every effort to give service with a smile, and read the Wait ers column and all the news in the Omaha Guide and Mr. Felix Mc AUTO PARTS WANTED Burned, Wrecked or Dilapidated Cars and Trucks. Bring ’Em !n PARTS FOR CARS CONSOLIDATED AUTO PART CO. 2501 Cuming St. Phone AT. 5655 Omaha We Offer for Your Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EDHOLM&SHERMAR 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 gg ms m mm a AMERICA NEEDS GOOD EYES.... Protect Precious Eyesight for the Extra Tasks Ahead It's a big job — the job ahead of us. It's going to take boundless energy ... it's going to take good eyes! A united America says: "We are going to win this war!" And we are — no matter how long or how hard the task. Already homemakers are giving freely of their time and talents, to serve where they can. Remember — extra duties will bring extra work for your eyes. Make sure your home lighting is right— have it actually measured with the scientific light meter. Just call the Ne braska Power Company— ATlantic 3100, extension 317—and ask for a free home lighting survey. Don't let eyestrain hinder you/ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE YOUR ELECTRIC DEALER OR NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY * |UY U.l SAVINGS BONOS mi STAMPS IcWHUfcM StHHSr SOCI AL NOTES TRIANGLE CLUB The Triangle Club met at the home of Sister Jack 2615 North 24th Street. Opened with a song and prayer by our manager Bro. Phillips. The club will have a Valentine Carnival on Saturday., February 14, 1942. After busin ess meeting, the Club was served by our President. Sister W. Will iams. Pres., Sister F. Thompson. Reporter. I ACTIVITIES OF ST. JOHN AME. CHURCH 22nd and Willis Streets. Rev E. F. Ridley, Pastor. Holy Communion wa3 held last Sunday and a large num be- was present. The Pastor’. Text: ‘This do in the remembraneo of me.” The Pro Valentine Tea given b" the Sunshine Charity Club at the Church parsonage, Sunday, Feb~ i:a-y 1st, was a very beautiful af fair, well attended and a dec'.de.’ success. The Special Instruction Classes given on Tuesday nights in Class Meeting, by the pastor, is still con tinuing as previously announced. Great interest is shown in these classes. An All Request Recital, featur ing Mrs. Carrie Carter, Dramatic Toyer made it known by becoming one of the subscribers and will ask the other boys to do likewise. The Paxton boys with the race horse headwaiter and Capt. Booth who is up from the largest state in the U. S. and Mr. Theo. Thom as from the razor back hog state also Mr Johnny Malloy who has a diploma from or.e of the States Schools south of the Mason-Dixon line and Mr Owens, Mr. Gaiters, and Mr. Jerry the Streamlined party man'. All of them are very much out in front at all times. The Omaha Guide carries all the news and business ads of our race and should be given unlimited support at all times. As the many years of experience in news paper activities enables them to deliver the goods at all tims. Now let’s all wake up. And be one of the good spokes in the wheel by tak ing one ear’s subscription. We all extend our heartfelt sym ! pathy to the family of Mr. Wm. 1 Gainer in the lost of the husband | and ather as their lost is Heavens j gain. Oar hearts are very sad. Our j voices all are still. A place is va I cant in your home, .that never can be filled. Mr. Foster Nelson of the Nelson Real Estate Co., passed away. Our heartfelt sympathies are extended to his bereaved family. The NAACP has a membership drive on and hopes to see all the former members renewed. Mr. Arthur McCaw should have your help to keep the Omaha branch out in front. FLASH! The Credit Union of the 4C Club would like for every I ont to take out some shares. I _ Tha Brotherhood Club of Clair Chapel Methodist Church will spon sor a program on Sunday aftar noon Feb. 15th at 3:30 p. m. Will you kindly help us by attending . as this is our first effort. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Dangerous High Blood Pressure (Es sential Hypertension) is usually marked by distressing symptoms such as dizzi ness, throbbing headaches, sleepless ness and nervousness. If disregarded, this may lead to Heart Trouble, Stroke, Paralysis, Hardening of the Arteries or Kidney Trouble. Diamonex, new dis covery of a heart specialist, is designed to quickly aid in the relief of these symptoms. A Chicago resident says: “I suffered from High Blood Pressure for several years with increasingly severe throb bing headaches, dizziness and shortness of breath. I showed the Diamonex for mula to my doctor and, on his advice, tried the treatment for two weeks un der identical conditions as previous treatments. Within only three days my bad headaches and dizzy spells were gone. My high blood pressure was re duced and I sleep fine." Diamonex goes directly to work in three different ways to aid in the relief of these dangerous symptoms. Results are speedy—within as short a time as two weeks sufferers often find that Diamonex has accomplished 75% of the total reduction possible with this formula. If you suffer from High Blood Pressure you may try DIA MONEX without risking a penny. To , introduce this wonderful treatment to a million new sufferers this liberal trial offer is made for a limited time only. SEND NO MONEY—just your name and address to the Diamonex Company, 1077 London Guarantee Bldg., Chicago. Illinois for a regular $2.00 treatment of Diamonex for only $1.00 and a few cents postage. Use Diamonex according to the simple di rections for only two weeks. If, at the end of that test period you are not delighted with results your money will be refunded immediately on request. There are no strings or conditions— you owe it to yourself to make this wonderful test at once. Wrrite today as this offer is fully guaranteed. READ The Reader, will be given at the church February 12th. No admission at ( the door. St. John’s AME. Church’s Tag Day, February 12, 1942. A Pat riotic Tea, February 8th, by the Progressive 24, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Goode, 2820 North 25th St. Silver offering. | A Man!e33 Wedding, February 11th at the Church, by the Senior Choir. A Musique Soiree, February 16, at the Church, given by the clubs of St. John's, under the auspices of the Progressive 24. ‘THE HUMAN FAMILY” (by Myrtle M. Goodlow) In the human family How can there be A superior race of men Or an inferior—when From one blood God created all men. And commanded them to love one another as a brother. But sinful man in order to please himself — Put part of God’s word on the shelf, And only believed what he wanted to receive. Because man failed to keep the laws of God and Christ The world is in a sorry plight. Nations have sealed their fate — Through prejudice and hate And willfully destroyed, All they once enjoyed. For man’s evil deeds of lust and greed Has turned the world into a battlefield. With death and destruction on every side, Because God’s law was cast aside Lasting peace shall never be until all men are free. So in the crucial hour to come We pray O God, Thy will be done, For the cries of war shall not be stilled, Till Thy sacred word has been fulfilled. For Thy word O God still stands, And the fate of nations in Thy hands. PRINCESSES The meeting was held at the home of Archie Mae Young 2624 Binney. We made plans for the months of February and March. On February 28th we are going to initiate the new girls. We have postponed our party indefinitely. Refreshments were served and the meeting was closed at 4:45 p. m. Doris Pittman, Pres., Beverly Stams, Reporter. ALPHA ETA CHAPTER HOLD MEETING The Alpha Eta Chapter of Kap-* pa Alpha Psi Fraternity held its regular meeting at the home of Atty Ray L. Williams last Mon day, Dr. W. W. Solomon, pole march, presiding. High apprec iation was voiced for the “Kappa Sermon” delivered by the Rever end brother E. F. Ridley to the Kappas and Silhouettes. Brothers Wanasebee S. Fletcher and Jess Hutten were named chair men and temporary chairman of the rules and program committ ees respectively. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 2316 North 25th Street, Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Rose Oliver, Reporter Sunday school .9:30 a. rn. Morning worship .11 o’clOi'K Junior Choir.5 p m. Bible Band ..6 p. m. Evening services.7:30 p. m. Wednesday night service 7:30 p. m. Services throughout the day was inspirational and full of spir it. Sunday at 3:00 p. m. was grand. Mrs. W. Long really did put over a wonderful program. Those that didn’t come out really missed a treat. The pastor’s sub ject for next Sunday morning will be: Preach the Word; Sunday night: Face to face with God. Don’t miss hearing these subjects The Pastor will have healing in, each service. We are holding our services at 2422 Erskine St. Come one, come all. Visitor :i always welcome. THE WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Theme: “I Am The Way” The World Day of Prayer v iil be observed February 20 at Pleas ant Green Baptist Church 27th and Franklin St. from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. The guest speakers will be for the Morning Hour Rev. E. S. | 'Ridley, for the afternoon Hour Rev. Clarence C. Reynolds our lat est ministers to arrive in the city. Our Goal is 500 persons in attend-* ance. We have been meeting each week to perfect our plans in patt ing over this program for the World Day of Prayer. The follow ing homes have been graciously opened for our meetings Rev. and Mrs. F. C. Williams, Rev. and Mrs Fort, Rev and Mrs. Story and Mrs. Dixon. Ten churches have been represented all churches are solic-. j ited to be a part of these services. Officers and committees elected are: Mrs. C. Haynes chairman; Mrs. O. Brown secretary; Mrs. J, Grievous, treasurer. Program Committee: Mrs. L. Story, chairman; Mrs. Ridley, Mm Green, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Dixon, Miss Sullivan. Music Committee: Mrs. Stamps Chairman; Mrs. Grievous, Mrs Metcalf, Mrs. James, Mrs. Gray. Registration Committee: Mrs. Robison chairman, Mrs. F. Moore, Miss Sullivan. Publicity Committee: Mrs. H. Reynolds, chairman; Mrs. A. E Goodwin, Mrs. C. Jackson.. Prayer will be held at the Old Folk’s Home also that day by Mrs. Hattie Adams and others. Our last meeting will be held February 6th at Mrs. Lewis 2310 North 24th St. The choir for this day will re hearse Sundays February 8 and 15 at Pleasant Green at 5 p. m. Par ticipants in the World Day of Prayer Service will be used from all churches. May we count on you? THE SUB DEBS The Sub Debs met Saturday af ternoon at the home of Vermta Hall. Very definite plans were made for a party on February 14, to be at the home of Rozella Tho mas. Miss Florence James was voted in as a member of the Sub Deb Club. Rozella Thomas. Pres., Bertha Davis, Secy and Reporter. THE PORO CLUB . .The Poro Club met at the resid ence of Mrs. Lillie Thompson 1914 North 27th Street.. .After the rout Ine of business was transacted, a splendid repast was served by the hostess... M rs. Alberta .Michael, Pres., Mrs. Ada Woodson, Report er. OLD TIME CITIZEN DIES W. C. Mallord, 5217 South 29th Street, died Wednesday January 29, 1942. The funeral was held at Allen Chapel Monday and the funeral was held at Allen Chapel Monday and the burial at the Graceland Cemetery. Mr. Mallords nearest relative in the city of O maha was Mrs. Lulu Thornton, cousin by marriage. Mr. Mallord lived in Omaha for some 35 or 40 years. He was employed at Ar mours Packing Company for 25 years. He retired some years a go and began in South Omaha Real estate. He was 75 years old. Mr. Mal lord was born in Palestine, Texas, where he has a brother, Mr. Jam es Mallord, who was expected to attend the funeral. Mr. Mallord’s closely associated friend in South Omaha was Mr. M. W. McClinton. Mr. McClinton lived at the home of Mr. Mallord for a number of years. BUSINESS MAN CALLED TO ' BEDSIDE OF SICK MOTHER Mr. Charles D. Young, who is in business on North 16th, was called to the bedside of his mother Mrs. Young. He informed his son Hutton Young that his mother had died and that he would remain for the funeral. TO FIGHT IN GOLDEN GLOVES Lawrence Watson, former Gold en Glove champion will fight Feb ruary 17-18 intending to win. If he wins on February 17-18, he will go to Chicago .. from Chicago* to Cincinnati, Ohio, there Lem Franklin’s father will take him over and put him in training. If everyone takes as much interest as his manager Robert F. Payton he is bound to win his hext fights. He has one of the finest managers in the game. To whom it may concern: When Charlotte Preston starts looking for a permanent boy friend. It certainly won’t be your responsibiity to find him. The Guide (Watch that Stuff' MORNING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH 2608 Frankin St., Rev. L. W. Anderson, Pastor Mrs. Vera E. Hopkins, Reporter Sunday School . 3:30 Morning Worship.11 o’clock BTU.6 o’clock Evening Worship .8 o’clock Wednesday night Prayer Meeting . 7:30 Sunday night February 8th, there will be an all request Music al Program at the Church. Time 8 o’clock. Come out and hear your favorite song. Mrs. Bernice Gray, and Mr. J. W. King were baptized Sunday at Pilgrim. Visitors always welcome. OMAHA NEGROES SIGN UP FOR CIVILIAN DEFENSE You May Join At The Urban L’ge 2213 Lake Street Praise for the wholehearted par ticipation of Omaha Negroes in the defense program is announced by executives of the Civilian Vol unteer organization, which is en rolling citizens for defense duties at 620 World-Herald Building. Lists of volunteers include several hundreds of Negroes enrolled at the downtown office and many more who signed up recently at j Long, Lothrop, and Howard-Ken nedy schools, officials reported. They said that among these were numerous members of Roosevelt, Post of the American Legion. The enrolled volunteers include all members of the staff of the Urban League, it is announced by R. B. Brown, executive secretary. Mrs. Grace Bradford, neighbor hood secretary of the Urban Lea gue Center .reports that members of the league are attending def ense classes in first aid and in mo tor car duties, and that other groups are engaged in Red Cross knitting. The first aid classes are held at the Center, 2213 Lake Street, each Wednesday night, un der the instruction of Mrs. Pearl Hieronymous. It is announce 1 that Mrs. Charlotte Crawford has completed the course for motor corps service. Five Girl Scout troops are tak ing part in first aid, finger print ing, and Victory Garden activities. Steps have been taken for organ ization of a unit of the American Women’s Volunteer Service, with cooperation of Urban League mem bers. One of the planned activit ies of this organization is the con ducting of nutrition classes under direction of Mrs. Thelma Hancock. Laxative v Important F Three things most people want a laxative to do are: Act punctually act thoroughly; act gently. This one usually fills all three requirements; brings happy relief from constipation’s bad breath, loginess next morning if taken at ' bedtime by the directions. The way BLACK-DRAUGIII • ■■mwm-^^m>m ■ tmmmmm m Officials of the Civilian Volunt eers said that Negro enrollment to date demonstrates that Negro es will be found cooperating whole heartedly in volunteer duties in all phases of the defense program. Additional enrollments are request ed at 620 World-Herald Building for classes of instruction in def ense activities and to complete or ganization of defense units. NORTHSIDE HEALTH CENTER FREE BLOOD TESTS AT 24th & BURDETTE ST. Opening— Monday, February 9th, 1942.. 7-9 p. m. Tuesday, February 10th 1942..1-3 p. m. Thursday Febr uary 12th, 1942..7-9 p. m. Fri day, February 13th, 1942.. 1-3 p. m. —Omaha Health Department. FOOD STAMP PLAN SURPLUS COMMODITIES BULLETIN— (effective: February 1 to February 28, 1942, inclusive) During the period beginning 12:01 A. M., EST., February 1, 1942, and ending midnight Febr uary 28, 1942, the following Agri cultural commodities and products are hereby designated as BLUE STAMP FOODS and, subject to applicable regulations and condi itions, may be exchanged for Blue Food Order Stamps in any eligible retail food store participating in the food stamp program in design ated stamp plan areas. .. ivebraska is a designated stamp area. Shell eggs, corn meal, Driei Prunes, Butter, Pork**, wheat Flour, Enriched Wheat Flour, Self Rising Flour, Enriched Self Rising Flour, Whole Wheat (Graham Flour, Hominy (Corn) Grits, Dry Edible Beans, Fresh Vegetables, including Potatoes, Fresh Pears, Fresh Apples, Fresh Oranges, Fresh Grapefruit, •Self-rising flour is wheat flour which contains soda, phosphate and salt. **Pork includes all cuts, fresh Including chilled or frozen, pickl ed, salted, cured or smoked, but not cooked or packed in^metal or glass containers. TO INDUCT 175,000 NEGROES INTO ARMY During the current year War Department and Selective Service plans contemplate the induction of approximately 175,000 Negroes. This is based upon the overall in crease in the Army and the per centage of colored to white regis trants. Due to the present exist ing shortage in housing facilities, it is probable that this increase wil lbe distributed rather lightly in the early months of the year, but will increase materially dur ing the late spring, when construc tion projects will have been com pleted. The War Department plans to distribute Negroes to the various units of the arms and ser vices. One . additional Negro Division to be organized, Raybcnetta Spanish and American Dishes — Chili Tamales —Day and Nite— 2307 North 24th Street ith Three eatures generally benefits users is mainly due to its chief ingredient, an “in testinal tonic-laxative" which helps tone lazy intestinal muse'es The millions of packages used prove BLACK-DRAUGHT’s mer it. It’s a purely vegetable medic ine. And economical, too! 25 to 40 doses cost only 25c. MEN LOVE WOMEN m BEAUTIFUL HAIR! Dull, Gray or Faded Hair Is a woman's great despair For hair loveliness and allure POSNER'S Hair Coloring is a cure Keep your hair attractive. By using Posner's Hair Coloring your hair will have a sleek, youthful appearance. Curling, Marceling or Straightening will not rub the coloring off, SHADES: JET BLACK, BLACK AND DARK BROWN SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED IF YOUR DRUGGIST DOESN’T HAVE MORE for LESS Money POSNER’S HAIR COLORING T™ IN CAPSULE FORM Send $1.00 Directly to as DIRECTED ON LABb* I. POSNER - 111 WEST 128th STREET - NEW YORK CITY KILPATRICK’S j A dainty, lacey " figure pattern* this rayon frock, trimmed with neat white pique. Sleeve* less locket, a d |nst able draped front 6.98. Keep Your Secret a Little Longer in These Flattering Maternity DRESSES s5 $10 Clever draping at the front is ad justable and controls the fullness in the skirt, insuring continued comfort and fit. Rayon prints, with or without sleeveless Jacket, and plain rayon sheers. Copen. ro«e, black, or navy. Kilpatrick's Fifth Floor Dress Sectloe ~ =:: i i I [j BUY YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. (jet the Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE Lowest Price PHONE WE. 4137 .y jw "W — m- » PAGE BOY ATTACHMENTS FOR BEAUTY Hair Matched Perfectly Send Sample of Hair or state color $1.00 with order and Save postage or pay postman $1. plus 23c postage on delivery. (Gray Hair 50c extra.) Braids, Puffs, Wigs POSNER HAIR CO. 113 W. 128th St. New York City ‘Satisfacton or money refunded’