The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 31, 1942, City Edition, Image 4
Waiters’ CO JMN i (BY H. W. SMITH) This wr;ter talked ' with Mr. Frank Hughes, faithful custodian of the Highland Club rooms and he is just as active as he was when he went on the job there some years ago. He is a most re liable man and Mr. Pierson i3 on the job with him and both of them are always on the up and go. The Athletic Club continues to be a headliner on large parties and Mr. Ed Lee and Mr. Ed 311 ford are minute men on taking reservations and knowing the lo cations of their different guests as they arrive and that wide a wake crew are always right be hind them in giving service. The Chef supreme, Mr Reno and the Other cooks in their beautiful kit chen are keeping the place in the front with their delicious.... nun . . . .food. The two front doormen WORK comes in BOTTLES! clean painted surface* WITH CONCENTRATED PAINT CLEANER Harmless to paint and hands. Pour u little in water, wet surface, wipe and SURPRISE! The Job is Done. at your Drug, Hardware. Paint, or Grocery Store. If your dealer does not stock send 25tf and a *4 stamp to W.B. CHAPMAN Laboratory Colorado Springs, Colo. p«»wppiMPpnpppi Mr. Hiram Greenfield and Mr. Goldie Davis are real topnotchers in their lines. We had a very friendly visit with Mr. Earl Jones of the Om- j aha Club and we stilly find him the real man of the hour, as we also do Mr. Blackwell the noted headwaiter and his up and going crew. They keep the club’s high standard—standard. Mr. John Evans of the Rome ho tel is holding his own in a very big way and he always can toll what going on and what it’s all a bout. The Railroad boys are holding their own as usual and Mr. Lin wood Hall and Mr. Luther John son and Mr. Jones and Mr. Feiix McToyer and Mr. Philips are still going strong. We would like to see Capt. Louie Artison as he ic an old timer and knows every mile post on the road out of Om aha to Ogden, Utah. Mr. Sam Patton, formerly of U maha, but now of some nice warm place in sunny California.... was in Omaha a few days ago between trains. The White Horse Inn is still in the running and the waiters are on the up and at ’em at all times and Mr. Louis White and Mr. Branch and Mr Dave Russ are on the job. On last Monday night, Januaiy 19th, this writer had areal visit with the very fine crew at the Chamber of Commerce. The t J ways friendly Musician headwat er Mr. Simon Harrold, the Star Golf Player, Mr. Chester Hodges, the ex-serviceman Capt. Burns, the Star Ladies man, Mr. George Thomas and the gentleman who has the appearance of a French man Capt. Davis, who is up from We Offer for Your Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EDHOLM&SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street r ' WE. 6055 l mmm’a HEALTHY FAMILY... Healthy Eyes! Modern families enjoy greater health than any others have in history; modern science has given us countless ways to protect our health. And one of the most important develop ments is modern light-condi tioning. When eyes are neglected, head aches and nervous fatigue often result. Delicate eye mechanism can affect our health in many ways if mistreated. Don't let your family run the risk of eye strain. Make sure the eyes of young and old alike are safe with light-conditioning! This Information Furnished by YOUR ELECTRIC DEALER AND NEBRASKA POWER COMPAN^ Georgia and that rapid fire orde: 11 Chef Mr. Marthellow and his very friendly assistant Mr. Bolamperti made my visit a real all around one of good fellowship. FLASH, The Omaha Guide is moving forward and we can help by taking a one years subscription) .... How soon do we move in your direction. ARE YOU A Union waiter. . . .if not, why not? FINDS LEMON JUICE GOOD FOR RHEUMATIC MISERY The Alle-Rhume Company, mak ers of Allenru for rheumatic painrf have found that lemon juice addf 1 to the Allenru prescription works wonders for folks with the hoir ible pains and misery of rheumat ism, lumbago and neuritis. Allenru, a 15 year old remedy has given remarkable results by itoself, but it is found that the ad dition of one teaspoonful of lemon juice mixed with two tablespoons.1 ful of Allenru gives much speedier relief. This home recipe was first ad vertised in Norfolk, Virginia with such good results that other lead-; ing paers, including this paper, are being considered to carry this important message to sufferer:?. SOCIAL NOTES WEEKEND VISITORS Mr. Edward G Craft, a postal employee and his charming wife Mrs. Sammie Craft of Linco’n, were week end visitors in Omaha having motored here Saturday ev ening and attended the Orpheum theatre, where Erskine Hawkins and his aggregation were making their appearance. Mrs. Craft's niece Mrs. Vera Simms and hus band Mr. Eddie Simms are mem bers of this fine troupe. After having spent a pleasant week end together the Crafts returned homa Sunday evening. PASTORS’ WIVES HEAR MRS. J. D. LEWIS ‘‘It is Christianity that will do the work,” said Mrs. Joseph D. Lewis, in her address on the “Min isters’ Wives and Civic Affairs”. Mrs. Lewis was guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Inter denominational Pastor’s Wives Council of Omaha, held recently with Mrs. Mary Carter as hostess at 1004 North 24th St. Other features of the program include: an excellent chapter book review by Mrs. Clara Williams and Mrs. Hazel Reynolds; parliam entary drill by Mrs. Hattie Adams; roll call on community problems; devotions led by Mrs. Mary Rey nolds, chaplain. Mrs. Addie Green is a new member of te council. Te Council will meet again on February 4, with Mrs. Mattie Fort at 2622 Charles St. Mrs. O. L. Mosely and Mrs. Myrtle Metcalf will have the chapter book review, “How to Banish Worry”. Roll call will be facts about Frederick Douglass. There will also be a discussion on Negroes in the De fense Program. President, Mrs. Clara Williams; Reporter, Mrs. Isabel T. Ridley. GOLF CHAMP IN OMAHA Mr. Lonnie Thomas, Central States Golf Champion of Lincoln was a week end visitor in Omaha, renewing acquaintances and get; ing about. Mr. Thomas is err. ployed by the Continental Nation al Bank of the capitol city. LEAVES THE CITY Mr. Clarence McDavis, 2520 N. 25th St., left Omaha Thursday, night for the Conservation Camp. He is also stopping at Marsha. 1, Mo., and many other small towns in Mo., His stay is indefinite. BIRTHS January 21, 1942 Abe and Betty Pitalis, 1418 1-2 N. 24th Street, male. January 24th, 1942 William and Sybil Anders, 2932 North 25th St., male. DEATHS— Mrs. Willa Parker, 50, 2516 Ham ilton St. MRS HOOD SUCCUMBS Mrs. Willa Parker Hood, died Monday January 19th at her home 2516 Hamilton street after an ex tended illness. Mrs. Hood had been a resident of Omaha for 37 years. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. LaVera Rice Hardy, Mrs. Glenna McCormick of Omaha, one son, Mr. Joseph Rice, Washington, D. C., four sis ters, Mrs. Addie Thomas, Denver. Colo., Miss Ella King, St. Joseph. Mo., Mrs. L. Stout, St. Paul, Min' AUTO PARTS WANTED Burned, Wrecked or Dilapidated Cars and Trucks. Bring ’Em ,n PARTS FOR CARS CONSOLIDATED AUTO PART CO. 2501 Cuming St. Phone AT. 5656 Omaha C Mrs. Viola Macklin Cartherage. Mo. Funeral services were held j Saturday afternoon January 21. i 1942 from the Thomas Mortuary I with Rev. A. J. Thomas official- j ing, burial Prospect Hill j ery. / " - PTA. Long School PTA. held its Jan uary meeting January 15th. The meeting was opened by a salut/i to the flag by Lester Corbin. Lil lian Speece, Frank Sanders, Len ore Pierce, Juanita Hanger, and Mary Wilson. Lester Corbin, Lil lian Speece and Frank Sanders sang God Bless America, accom panied on the piano by Lenore Pierce and Juanita Hanger. Tho Mother singers sang three num bers. Mr. Marty Thomas gave an interesting talk in Value of Recre I ation in the Community. A short business session was held at which Mrs. Campbell mem bership chairman reported 66 paid up members. After this the meet - ing was adjourned. NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Seward Street Rev. J. T. Carter, Pastor Florence Ellis, Reporter Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. BTU., 6 p. m. Evening worship 8 p. m. Minor Society Monday 2 p. m. Mid-week Prayer Wed., 8 p. m. Choir Rehearsal Friday 7:30 p. in. Sunday school opened at the us ual time with Supt. in charge. Morning worship was well attend ed. Our pastor preached a very beautiful sermon from Matt. 13-7. It was inspiring to everyone who attended the services. BTU. had a very good attendance. Evening worship our pastor delivered A Powerful sermon, which was veiv inspiring to us all. Using for his text Matt. 6-23. Subject the Body is A Lamp of Death. Visitors are I always welcome. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 2316 North 25th Street Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Rose Oliver, Reporter Sunday School . 9:30 Morning worship.11 a. rn. Junior Choir. . .. .5 p. m. Eible Band . 6.00 Evening Worship .7:39 Wednesday night service-7:30 Healing in each Service. Service throughout Sunday was grand. Our pastor preached on the church and it was inspiring Sunday night his subject was ‘En lightening’. also full of the spirit. Sunday February 1, 1942 the Pastor’s text will be for Sunday morning “What Shall We say then Shall We Continue in Sin?” Sunday nights text “A Fixed Heart”. Don’t miss hearing these subjects.. The Good Samaritan Club met at the home of Mrs. Charles La3 ter 2884 Biney St. All expressed themselves as having a delightful time. We are having a Fish and Chit. terling Dinner Saturday Jam 31, 1942—beginning at noon and until ....??? Chitterling dinners 30e. Fish dinners 25c; Place 2426 Ers kine St. Come and get your din ners or call Ja. 3229 and we will deliver them. We are having a program Sun day at 3 p. m. Mrs. W. Long is sponsor. Come out and see and hear this great program. We are holding services at 2122 Erskine St. Everyone welcome. Healing each night. MT. MORIAH BAPTIST Church Rev. Clayton Acting Pastor F. Burroughs, Reporter Last Wednesday evening ended a te nday revival period conduct by Rev. David St. Clair of Em poria, Kansas. As a result of this effort ten persons were added to the church. Come out Sunday1 morning and witness the baptiz ing of some of these candidate^ for Jesus. Sunday at the morning worship period the congregation had the pleasure of listening to Rev. C. Q. Hickerson Pastor of Bethel Bapt LINCOLN NEWS 'M.M HEED 6-48 South 20th St. Phone 5-7S59 Visiting the city last week was Mr. and Mrs. Chester Harris of Atchinson, Kansas. Slie is the sister-in law of Mrs. R. G. Huston. ****** The Newman Church held a pro gram Sunday January 28. The program was as follows: George Evans, Master of Cert monies. i Invocation,. W. M. Hawes Scripture Reading T. T. McW il liams. Song.. .Congregate “The Outlook for the American i Negro" .Mrs. O Miller i Instrumental Solo Miss Barbara Kelly. Adult Education Mrs. Burt New ton. Song.Congregation “The Negro in the National De fense Program’ Mr. M_ T. Woods Remarks’ .... Rev. C. A. Shaw “The Great Day” Rev. Trago McWilliams Jr Offering_ Mrs. Gibson, Dist. Supt. ****** The De Lisa Debs Club held: their election of officers at their last meeting, they are as follows: Betty Patrick, Pres.; Ruby Hub bard, Vice Pres.; Alice Hopkins, Secy; Mildred Wilson, Treas ****** The Charity Club met at the Ur ban League Monday January 26tli They are planning a Treasure Hunt in the near future. Mrs. Maude Johnson president. ****** The “Go Getters” are annoin c-> ing the marriage of Miss Clyde Malone to Mr. Burt Newton, Fri day February 6th—hour 8:30 p. m. Mr. Richard Houston will tie the nuptial knot. Admission 10c —refreshments 15c. Miss L. H. Colley, President. ****** Many attended the reception at the Urban League for the boys i who were going to the army. Joe j White Bear, Buster Davis, Leon White, Cecil Jones, Ira Gibson, I Jessie Ford. ist Church. His preliminary re marks were particularly interest ing after which he delivered a powerful sermon. The appealing subject was “Victory with a Small Weapon”. I Samuel 17th chapter was the text. The BTU. ended their member ship drive Sunday evening. The) Red side won having brought in 14 new members. At the evening worship we a gain listened to another good ser mon delivered by Rev. Clayton. We extend a cordial welcome to the visitors from Bethel, Taber nacle, Pleasant Green and other Churches who worshipped with u= Slyvester Beasley is now con valescing at his home. Sister Ethel Johnson is still on the sick list. THE FIRST MISSION OF THE GOD SENT LIGHT OF THE WORLD Prophet Hess, Officiator Sister Robinson, Reporter The First Mission of the ab sent Light is growing of which we do thank the Lord. Our Bible Class is asking for new memb.-rs. All Nations are welcome. Don’t fail to attend our special services for the nation, ordered by God Friday, February 13th. One hcur 8 p. m. to 9. A light to be lighted for every passed on soldier and ev ery son at sea and in the services and a prayer for peace. All pray ing hearts are invited. Regolar services Bible Class Sunday 2 to 4 p. m. Evening services 8 p .r.t. Tuesday night Healing and Mes sages. Thursday always a mes sage for everyone. Special advice daily —Healing private by appointment by phone JA. 0448. 2010 North 23rd St. “WATCH THAT | STUFF ! INTRODUCING OURSELVES We do not attempt to out write other columnists. We merely i*-v to give you the news as we see it, leaving out long preliminary sar castic introductions. ****** MY, MY, MY! Delores Williams has a real heart throb at last. .. .little Chaun cey Gilmore. *5 **** TRUE LOVE NEVER RUNS SMOOTH Evelyn and Harry falling out over Grace. Charlotte and Joe (boxing). Velma Murrell and Snookie f,.s sing. Eloise and Jasper quarreling— (like mad). Gloria and Edgar Alford thrash ing it out. Cottrell and “Jooks” not speak ing. Elwood Hicks and Joyce Blair always scrapping. ****** NEWS NUGGETS Herman Stevens, better known to most of us as ’‘Cowboy” is up to his old tricks again. Look out girls, spring’s just around the cor ner. What is Herman Franklin’s story? Who was that little girl you are always hugging out to the Omaha U? What’s happened to Gloria Jean lately? She has completely van ished from the stroll. Don’t be too sure of Capell, Ad olphia. Someone might slip him Graduated this semester are:— Rose Mary McWilliams from Sen ior High school; Jin Beck, Vern Wilson, Sherily Neales, Francis Lewis, Geraldine Smith, Victor Me Williams, Marie Thomas, Howard Bean, Woodsen Colly, Marjorie Campbell from Jr. High school. ****** The Allen All Stars, organized by Mrs. Dorothy Lewis and Rev. Goolsby. They will meet at Mr3. Lewis' on Monday at four ocIock. Phyllis Holcomb, President, Don ald Botts, Secy, and Donovan Ga tus, Treas. ****** Mr. Wm. Perkins is ill in the Methodist hospital in Omaha, for a minor operation. Mrs. Ernes-i tine Woods is ill also. Miss Spicer is at the bedside of her mother. ****** Deaths— Mrs. Katherine Houston buried her aged aunt down in Kansas this last week. ****** Mrs. J. R. Edwards and Mrs. Ida Hassel, represented Quinn iChapel at Westminister Church Thursday morning at the Council of Church Women. ****** The Optimist Club will give a ^ Amateur program some time in ■ the near future. ****** The Boy Scouts helped in the paper pickup last Friday and Sat urday morning. They will also give a Scout VeSper Service Feb. 8th at the Newman Church. All are invited. ****** The Mt. Zion Baptist Choir will reorganize under the direction of Mrs. E. Davis and Helen Wilson, pianist. right out from under your nose. (He looks good to us, but don't worry.) You too, Colleen. Roy is all right with Evelyn Morrow. Watch that stuff! Kenneth Young. You have, many feminine admirers. Give ’em all a break. You only live once. Girls, get you a man and hold him. These army wives and girl friends are desperate. ****** SONGS AND LOVERS My Wish.Eva Dorris I Got It Bad and That Ain’t Good.Betty Jones Let’s Try Again.. Edith Cotrell to J. B. Lover Come Back To Me. .Addie Hall to Mr. Locke You Done Lost Your Good Fling Now.Virginia Key What’s the Mater with Me ?.... ...Helen King to J. K. I Left My Baby_Phillip Love Chattanooga Chu Chu. .June to Glen Anders ****** WE WONDER (You Answer these questions— We Can’t)— Why is Frieda always talking a bout Pete West? Why is Florence Murrell so crazy about Mitch? Who is John Harrison's hea-t beat? Why doesn't Russell Rudd get him a nice girl friend and settle down ? When is Chariotte Preston go ing to find something permanent?! How did Josephine manage to get such a grip on Russell Lewis?' Does Clara Anderson really go with Bobbie Rudd-? When is Chauncey Barnette go ing to work upon something per manent ? How is Brycie handling Mr. Dean? When will Estelle and Joe Na than break up? SO LONG, see you next week, —WATCH THAT STUFF ! |JOHNSON DRUG CO f. NEW LOCATION 2306 North 241 h |We. 0998 Free Deliver' | ^Wiillii!ljsilmmi[iiiiilil!llllllllTl!i!!ll!!llliilH!llill!|l|llll!lllllllllllli:!!il.;!'lllii KISMET LETTER KLUB Est. 1935. Membership only $1.00. Soldiers, men, woman, all ages. A dime brings info. P. O. Box 602, Los Angeles, California MminiiBiiBiiinniiiiiiHiiBiiKiHiui!iiiiiiii!iiiiiiiHiiiii!:ii![iiiiiia«itii.ii;!ii!;;in"t!.-.' BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS fBONDS AMD STAMPS t READ The QJJIDF A Popular Laxative Has to be Good! The hardest test of any products is the use-test! It is especially true of a laxative, which is used under all kinds of conditions. Yet one herbal laxative has been tested in use by four generations, and proved so good that today it’s a standby with thousands of fam ilies—BLACK DRAUGHT! This ^picy compound of veget- j I ----—— - able ingredients has proved itself. The basic herb is an “intestinal tonic-laxative’’ which helps tono lazy intestinal muscles. Other herbs in the blend make BLACK DRAUGHT easy-to-take and gen tle in action. When you need a laxative, give BLACK-DRAUGHT the use-test. MEN LOVE WOMEN m BEAUTIFUL HAIR! Dull, Cray or Faded Hair Is a woman’s great despair For hair loveliness and allure POSNER’S Hair Coloring is a cure Keep your hair attractive. By using Posner’s Hair Coloring your hair will have a sleek, youthful appearance. Curling, Marceling or Straightening will not rub the coloring off. SHADES: JET BLACK, BLACK AND DARK BROWN SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED IF YOUR DRUGGIST DOESN’T HAVE MORE for LESS Money POSNER’S HAIR COLORING CAUTION: USE ONLY IN CAPSULE FORM Send $1.00 Directly to AS DIRECTED ON LABbu I. POSNER - ill WEST 128th STREET - NEW YORK CITY 1301 N. 24th St. WE. 1137 Metropolitan Produce Co. HOME OF LIVE CARP it HUM' A 1.(1 A. A. Rosschaerf, Prop. H.ii»nnmiiniiHiiiiniiiniBiiiiii|iiiiimilllllinilHllimilHIHU|[UIWHBHmiWMM— How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis Raybonetta Spanish and American Dishes — Chili Tamales —Day and Nite— 2307 North 24th Street COAL Lowest Coal Prices AND LOOK NO EXTRA CHARGES ON HALF TON 2408 Lake St. AT. 7225 BUY YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. Get the Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE Lowest Price PHONE WE. 4137 MACK HERMAN * e?&tWimrJ4k GreatestMmjieim* i pmls HIS ANCIENT Secrets Black Herman it alleged to h#v# said that by foityWf ing th# secret instructions reveeled In this vpluMAt anyone may obtain money, love, power, success, fobh •nd happiness ... for it. is said thet the secrets w reeled in this volume would unlock a store-house el Inewledge and power ... If you never thought if possible te get results ... if yoi/r luck never seemt to reach* you ... if your loved ones seem to be drift* ing «wey ... if you seem to be persecuted . . . It you seem to be carrying en evil condition thet’s held* (ng you down . . here is your opportunity to do Away pith ell these. For et sure el the sun rises every morning you can now get the Amesing Secrets of Black riermen tg help you overcome these condition*. Not for the f6 00 marked in every volume, but for tho emeiingfy low price of only $1 00. Don't wait until conditioni |et you down. Rush your order for this wonderful rolume NOW end start to benefit by the blessingi I'ven you by Black Herman, your Friend end CouA* THIS BOOK PURPORTS TO TELL YOU HOW TO Gain love of opposite sex Make people do your bidding Be lucky in any game Cast a spell on anyone Better your condition Unite people for marriage Remove source of unhappinett Interpret dreams numerically Gain mastery of occultism Develop your psychic powers SEND NO MONEY Order C O D. end on dejivari pay postmen $1 plus few cents postage. If you remit $1 with order, we will pay postage end shipping eottt MONEY BACK GUARANTEE FAITH COVEY 26 East 91st St.. New York. N. Y* s PAGE BOY ATTACHMENTS FOR BEAUTY Hair Matched Perfectly Send Sample of Hair or state color $1.00 with order and Save postage or pay postman $1. plus 23c postage on delivery. (Gray Hair 50c extra.) Braids, Puffs, Wigs POSNER HAIR CO. 113 W. 128th St. New York City ‘Satisfacton or money refunded’