The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 31, 1942, City Edition, Image 1

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at vour
Drugstore largest accredited newspaper west of Chicago and north of Kansas ctit —member of the associated negro press
Entered as Second-Class 874—Busing phone°5i7h*’ Nebraska’ Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, *-y 31,1942 OUR 14th YEAR—No. 46 City Edition, 5c Copy
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ETTA MOTEN brought happiness
to the members of the famous 25th
Infantry regiment upon the occas
ion of her appearance in concert
there. Miss Moten sang to a cap
acity house in the post theatre.
She was the guest of Mrs. Mary
Carter, senior hostess at thp fort,
and was the recipient of many
graceful courtesies upon the part
of the veteran colored officers of
the post and their wives.
Miss Moten, who was enroute
east from Los Angeles, left fon
Chicago and a series of engage*
ments which include, El Dorado,
Ark., Jan. 22, Camden, Ark., Jan.
23; Langston university, Jan 26;
Oklahoma City, Jan. 27; Tulsa,
Okla., Jan. 30; Muskogee, Okla.,
AKA’s, Feb. 1; Sumner High
School, Kansas City, Kan., Feb.
3; Camp Livingston, La., Feb. P;
Ruston, La., Feb. 10; Lufkin, Tex
as, Feb. 11; Galveston, Tex., Feb
17; Waco, Texas, Feb. 20; Mont
gomery, Ala., Feb. 24; Tuscaloosa,
Ala., Feb. 25; Florence, Ala., Feb.
Says Walter White
No Enduring Peace Unless Race
Factor Settled Right, Freedom
House Is Told —
New York... .‘‘There is no hope
whatever for an enduring peace in
the world until the right to full
participation in government and
to equal justice is accorded black. |
brown and yellow races, as well as
white,” declared Walter White,
secretary of the National Associa
tion for the Advancement of Col
ored People last week, in a broad
cast from Freedom House at its
formal dedication. Recognition of
this fact by the sponsors of Free
dom House was hailed by Mr.
White as a hopeful sign.
Mr. White pointed out that the
white peoples of the world should
remember that they are the min
ority; and that the majority, com
posed of non-whites, would not for
ever accept a world in which col
or relegated dark people to infer
ior status.
“Lynchings, discrimination in J
the defense program ,and other
manifestations of racial bigotry
are being used by anti-American,
propagandists to label the United
States as a hypocrite. Twenty
four hours after white military po
lice attacked Negro soldiers at
Alexandria, Louisiana, on January
9. Japanese short wave broad
casts were heard in the United
States citing the Alexandria riot
as proof of what would be done to
colored peoples if the democracies
won the war. White America and
white Britain must ,in enlighten
ed selfishness, wipe out every ves
tige of racial discrimination with
in them own borders or they may
suffer defeat and humiliation.”
Mr. White was one of a number
of persons who spoke at the ded
ication of Freedom House which
is designed to be a center of act
ivities against totalitarianism)
throughout the world. Wendell
Willkie declared that, “Free men
know how to be tough, free men
know how to win.” Others broad
casting were Dorothy Thompson,
columnist; Richard G. Casey, Aus
tralian Minister to the United
States; Dr. Frank Kingdon, cc
cbairman with Miss Thompson of
Freedom House; Herbert Agar of
the Louisville Courier Journal; Dr
Francisco Castillo Najera, Mexi
can Ambassador to the United
States; Validimir Hurba, Czecho
slovakian Minister to Washington
and others.
Honorary president of Freedom
House is Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt.
Among members of the board of
Directors are Dr. Harry B. Gid
eonse, President of Brooklyn Col
lege; Dean Virginia C. Gildersleeve
Herbert Bayard Swope, C. D, Jack
son, president of Time, Life and
Fortune; Lester B. Granger; Mr.
Willkie and Mr. White.
Lincoln, Jan. 22—Chicken pox
and measles ,the most common dis
eases reported in Nebraska in 1940
were succeeded in 1941 by gonor
rhea and syphilis. Dr. A. L. Miller
state health director, announced.
New York, Jan. 26 (ANPi -A
recent protest by the National
Maritime union, CIO, caused the
government to crack down on the
United States Lines and compel
the company to hire 25 Negro un
ion members, who were “not ac
ceptable” the day before, for ser
vice on the former Swedish luxury
liner SS Kungsholm. The quick
and strong action taken by NMU
and the government made a ser
ious dent in the shipowner's wail
of prejudice against hiring seamen
because their skin is dark. The
United States line, Moore-CcCorm
ack, and Grace line are three ot
the most important companies who
persistently refuse to hire colored
seamen and have caused many
ships to said short-handed.
With its new slogan “Keep ’em
sailing,” the NUM seeks to throw
overboard the business as-usual
methods and discriminatory prac
tices, and have war cargoes deliv
ered on schedule.
The S. S. Kungsholm was rec
ently taken over by the govern
ment, although operated by the U.
S. lines. Last Dec. 2, the comp
any called the union hall for 140
seamen to man the liner. Among
the men sent were 25 Negroes of
a variety of ratings for the stew
ards’ department. The personnel
office of the company rejected
each one of the 25, marking “not
acceptable” on his assignment
card. In answer to their protest,
the colored seamen were told —
“Write your senator or congress
NMU President Joe Curran im
mediately dispatched a wire to
President Roosevelt, apprizing him
that the company’s insistence on
doing “business as usual” was mak
ing the union’s atempts to man
merchant ships difficult.
“It is the understanding of the
NMU,” Curran wired, “that the
expressed policy of the United
States government is no discrim
ination against any American be
cause of color. Unless the oper
ators change this policy of busin
ess as usual during the war emer
gency complete mannig of vessels
will become increasingly difficult.
Before sending the message to
President Roosevelt, Paul Warfield
personnel manager of U. S. Lines,
was contacted, but he claimed that
he knew nothing of the situation.
According to John M. FrankUn,
company president, who was in
Maryland, “We don’t discriminate
against anybody who’s a member
of the union.”
When asked if the personel man
ager was violating company pol
icies, Franklin also replied that he
knew nothing of the situation.
The wire to the President brot
an immediate answer from the
maritime commission which stat
ed it was taking up the question
with the company. Later that
(lay, Warfield called the union and
announced that Negro members
would be accepted.
But he attributed the increase
in number of cases, in these as
well as other diseases during the
year, to better reporting by doc
tors and county officials.
Gonorrhea cases, reported num
bered 1,218; syphilis 1,504; chick
en pox 1,143; and scarlet fever
1,009. In 1940 chicken pox led
with 1,061 cases reported, follow
ed by measles with 1,042.
Other diseases reported in 1911
Tuskegee, Jan. 24 (ANP) “Stock
piles of food”, says Secretary of
Agriculture Wickard, “Will win
the war and write the peace”. Ne
gro farmers are organizing at
state, county and community lev
els to produce their share of
urgently needed stock piles.
Negro rural leaders including ex
tension workers, and teachers of
vocational agricultural and home
economics, are holding statewide
meetings in the AAA southern re
gion for the purpose of reviewing
presenot efforts and formulating
plans to reach Negro farmers in
the remotest areas in order that
they may receive all available in
formation on the drastically in
creased production goals.
State meetings have already
been held in Georgia, Alabama and
Louisiana and similar meetings
are scheduled for Texas, Okla
homa, Mississippi, Arkansas and
Typical procedure for these
meetings is a study of farm plan
sheets in which farmers have in
dicated their intentions to increase
production. Balancing such AAA
practices as gardens, pastures,
corn crops, etc., with intentions
are necessary in order to insure
each farmer fulfilling his pledge.
During the meeting held at In
dustrial College, Georgia, there
was full discussions of various
methods whereby all farmers may
be reached and given guidance in
following a scientific and system
atic plan of procedure.
A committee composed or iv-j
gro state supervising officials in
cluding P. H. Stone, state extent
sion leader; Miss Camilla Weems,
state home demonstration leader;
Alva Tabor; teacher trainer in vo
cational agriculture, and Misses
Vivian Smith and Daisy L Lewis,
supervising counsellors of vocat
ional home economics assembled
the suggestions for organizing at
county and neighborhood levels
and distributed them to the 150
Negro state workers who attended
the conference.
The report of the Georgia com
mittee pledged “all out support of
Negro agricultural workers, farm
ers and other rural leaders behind
this production program”.
The Alabama compilation com
mittee composed of J. T. Alexand
er, T. W, Bridge and Miss L. M.
Upshaw of the extension service,
F T. McQueen of vocational agri
culture and Mrs. Abigail Hobson
of vocational home economics,
stated that “throughout the confer
ence there was every evidence of
the desire of the Negro workers to
fully participate in the program to
attain the food and feed goals and
otherwise to contribute fully their
support to the government in the
present emergency.
White state officials of the AAA
extension service and vocational
education are attending and assist
ing in the meetings.
AAA officials from the Wash
ington office include E. A. Miller,
assistant to director, southern div
ision, who is in charge of the meet
ings; C. F. Clarke agricultural e
conomist and the two Negro ad
ministrative officers, James P.
Davis and A. L. Holsey.
were diphtheria 128, influenza 187
measles 478, meningitis 1, polio
myelitis 28, smallpox 28, tuber
culosis 186, typhoid fever 21,
whooping cough 728.
Supporting the Government’3 e£
forts to end discrimination in de
fense employment industrialists
throughout the country this wee,i
requested additional non-discrim
ination posters for display on shop
and employment office bulletin
Approximately 75,000 such pos
ters, quoting President Roosevelts
Executive Order No. 8802, were
dispatched to all defense contract
holders last month by Mark Eth
ridge, Chairman of the Presidents
Committee on Fair Employment
The 24 by 28 inch placard hai
been prepared by the Negro Em
ploymer.t and Training and Uu
The Newman Methodist Church
Brotherhood will give a Lincoln’s
day Banquet on Thursday evening
February 12th, in honor of that
great patriot Saint of the repub
lican party, Abraham Lincoln.
The Banquet will be held at the
Newman Methodist Church, 23rd
and S Streets in Lincoln, Nebras
ka. The guest speaker will be
Attorney H. J. Pinkett, one of O
maha’s most out-standing law
yers and political leaders.
The Banquet will begin at 8:30
P. M. Those in charge are as fol
lows. Chairman, Mrs. Harriette
Williams, Co-Chairman, Kenneth
Smith, Program Chairman, Char
lotte Williams, Master of Cerem
onies, G. B. Evans, assisted by Wi)
liam B. Davis of Omaha, The
Pastor of the Church is Rev. C. A.
New York—An all out drive for
a quarter of a million members is
the goal the NAACP field stafl
has set for itself for the year 1912
Five staff members will coj'er 17
J states between February and
! June inclusive, to push the Assoc
j iation’s fight for equality in na
tional defense and full citizenship
rights for all American Negroes.
j Minority Groups Branches of OPM
in cooperation with the Presidents
Committee, at the request of sev
eral defense contractors who felt
| that the Governmen’s policy
should be brought directly to the
attention of workers in their
Immediately upon receipt of the
posters, scores of contractors ask
ed for additional copies so that
the Executive Order could be post
ed on all bulletin boards in their
plants. Typical of the response
still being received daily by Mr.
Ethridge are the following:
ION, (General Motors Corporation
—“Will you please send thirty-six
(36) copies of the poster-SO
that we may post all our bulletin
boards throughout the plant.”
COMPANY—“We are very much
pleased with the posters.... we
will see that these are prominent
ly displayed.”
ATION, N Y.—“We are very
glad to have (the posters). .and
would appreciate it if y°u will
send us twenty-five (25) more so
that we may have coirtplete cov
erage of our offices and plant.9.’'
Iowa. .“We have placed these pos
ters in conspicuous places through
out our plant. We will be glad to
do everything we can to do our
part during the present emerg
ENGINE CO., Cal.,—“We wera
very pleased to receive this order
in poster form, and the poster is
now prominently displayed in our
DRY DOCK CO., PA.,—“We will
have these posters put up in o-ir
yard immediately. For your in
formation, approximately 10 per
cent of our employees are colore 1.
This is a greater number of col
ored employees than in any other
shipyard north of the Mason-Dix
on line."
ANY, Conn—“Please accept cm
thanks for the poster..we could
use four more about the plant.
Washington, D. C.The Ne-j
gro press of America speaks as
one voice in giving full expression
to a wholehearted suport of the
nation’s all out effort to win t'ne
life and death struggle against)
Hitler slavery and thus preserve
our country’s independence.
This unity of the Negro press
behind the President’s victory pro
gram reflects the deeply rooted
desire of the Negro people to play
their full part in strengthening}
the nation’s military, civilian and
production forces for winning the
An examination of some of the
leading Negro papers will serve to
indicate this fact. The Norfolk,
Virginia Journal and Guide, influ
ential southern weekly puts it this
“The United States was shock
ed into a state of national unity
on Sunday. December 7, when the
Japanese suddenly attacked Pearl
Harbor. On that day discord dis
appeared and for the first time
the dangers that have all along
confronted America became appar
ent to all our people, without re
gard to politics, economic inter
ests, class, race or creed.’’ To
this the Los Angeles, California
Eagle, important West Coast pap
er adds “The sudden blow which
Japan struck the United States..
moulded the country into a single
fighting force against any outside
The Tampa, Florida Bulletin
declares forthrightly that "our
country is good enough to give all
for. Our enemies, who would des
troy our way of life must be con
quered; it will take all of us work
ing together to do the job. It can,
must and shall be done. We are
one on that.”
As if to clinch the point, the
widely read Chicago Defender says
in an editorial praising the heroic
champion Joe Louis: “Joe’s big
heartedness (risking his crown for
the benefit of the U. S. Navy Re
lief) is emblematic of the spirit of
millions of American Negroes ■
who are willing to sacrifice all in
the cause of Democracy.”
And we’re going to translate
this sentiment into active partic
ipation in the huge production pro
gram for building planes and guns
says the Baltimore Afro-American
“Not tomorrow, next week or
next year,” says this leading East
Coast paper, “but today is the
day. America needs all the train
ed men she can get. Whatever
difficulties there may be in gett
ing into the armed services, into
industry and manufacturing today
there will not exist tomorrow. Any
bright young man can get ahead
if he will fight his way into and
through the defense schools to a
skilled trade—if he will-burn
the midnight oil.... studying and
If this is true of Negro youth it
is also true of Negro girls and,
women, says the Pittsburgh Cour
ier, largest in circulation of all
the Negro -papers. Commenting
on the Rodgers Bill, which would
enlist the aid of women from 21 to
45 to do army work as hostesses,
.clerks, chauffeurs, mechanics and
technicians, the Courier declares.
“Colored girls and women will
be eager and willing to serve their
country in this manner, and thous
ands are sure to offer themselves
for enlistment when the opportun
ity arrives.”
The Oklahoma Black Dispatch
develops the point further with
the following significant statement
on the challenge offered to our re
! COMPANY, Ohio—“We wish to
express our desire for six more
posters, if possible, so that we can
cover each department in our
Philadelphia, Pa.—A bright note
for the week is the report that an
attempt to segregate 20 colored
girls in the typist section of the
Army Signal Corps department
here was scotched by Major Schail
in charge of the unit.
The incident was reported last
week to Theodore Spaulding, pres
ident of the Philadelphia branch,
who said that a Mr. Weinberg, su
pervisor of personnel in the office,
approached most of the girls who
are scattered in various parts of
the department and asked them—
“if they would not be better sat
isfied working ogether as a color-*
ed group.”
According to Mr. Spaulding,
Major Schail heard of the incident)
and chastised Weinberg, in the
presence of a number of the girls.
Ha stated “this is not time for
the raising of racial issues when
our country is at war, and we dq
not want disturbing factors introd
uced which will separate the cit
izens of our country in their inter
est to help it.”
Red Cross supervisory chairmen
and ward chairmen met at the Red
Cross Chapter House Thursday an
reported to Mrs. Jack Abajian on
the status of the organization in
their wards. Miss Rosemary Tut
tle, Executive Secretary of the
Douglas County Chapter, in ex
plaining the part the Red Cross
has been assigned in case of war
time disaster in Douglas County,
gave new emphasis to the import
ance of the block chairmen in the
Red Cross city wide co-ordination
“When people ask what they can
do to help, tell them to register at
the civilian defense office and then
to get in touch with the Red Cross
chairmen of their block. The
block chairmen in each block in
the city is trying to have at leas!
one person in her block trained
in each of the Red Cross volun
teer services. In case of disaster
or need this will make the work
ing of our plan much more effic
Mrs. Abajian, city chairman of
the co-ordination program, explain
ed that there are still some block a
without a volunteer chairman to
enroll residents of that block in
Red Cross classes. She stated that
the. importance of this job is so
great that no one can do a finer
service fpr his or her community
than to accept a block chairman
search workers and scientists by
the scarcity of rubber. “This is
; a challenge”, says the Dispatch,
“not only to white America but to
all Americans. It is a challenge
to our schools and colleges. Every
where there can develop types of
research and investigation. Some
time ago, Dr. George Washington
Carver was able to isolate rubber
from petroleum by-products There
is plant life all over America
which may serve our needs. 'The
challenge comes in the preparation
Negroes are making for those
fleeting opportunities which from
time to time will present themsel
From every section of the coun
try, Negro papers are expressing
the full determination of the Ne
gro people to unite with the rest
of the nation in an all-out support
for winning the war.
Organized in 1928 by many
prominent citizens now living in
Omaha, the Urban League Com
munity Center will celebrate on
Tuesday, February 10th, its 14th
Annual Meeting. Although spec
ial notices of the meeting were
sent this week to all members of
the Urban League, everyone is in
vited to come and hear the inter
esting program arranged for that
Mr. Arthur J. Lelyveld, brilliant
young Rabbi of Temple Israel will
be the guest speaker.
The Paul Briggs Ensemble, one
of Omaha’s best loved choirs, will
sing on the program.
Rev. W. H. Phelps, Pastor of
Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church
will lead a panel discussion on the
theme: “The Urban League’s Pro
gram in our Nation’s War Effort"
Following the annual election of
new members to the Board of Dir
ectors, refreshments will be serv
ed. Mrs. Dorene Holliday. Miss
Johannah Chapman, Mr, Charles
Stewart qpd Rev. W. H. Phelps
form the program committee in
charge of this meeting.
New York, N. Y.—Until the Ar
my gives exact and equal treat
ment to all soldiers In uniform and
until it protects Negro soldiers
from beatings and shootings in
prejudiced southern communities,
the nation can expect only bitter
resentment and low morale from
Negro citizens.
This was the assertion of the N.
AACP in a letter to Henry L. Stlra
son, secretary are war, about the
riot at Alexandria, La., January 9,
in which twelve Negro soldiers
were shot by civilian police.
“This incident,’’ the NAACP
said, “is only one more in,a suc
cession of regrettable ones whose
cumulative effect has been to de
monstrate that the Army has ab
dicated in favor of local southern
white sentiment in the handling
of Unied States soldiers who hap
pen to be colored.
“We submit that these riots
prove that the Army nas adopted
and is enforcing a social pattern
in keeping with the morales of the
small communities adjacent to the
Army camps. The Army has tak
en thousands of Negro men from
northern and eastern states and
placed them in localities whose,
traditions and practices are des
igr ed deliberately to humiliate and
insult them, and even to maltreat
and kill them. Not only does the
War department take these men
to these kinds of communities. but
the military police, upon the light
est pretext, solicit the active as
sistance of civilan police, who have
no regard for Negroes as men, or
ciizens, or soldiers of their coun
try, and who shoot them down
without hesitation.”
The Association called upon the
War Department to take swift ac
tion in the Alexandria case, and
advanced the opinion that the bas
ic cause of friction and clashes be^
tween the races at Army camps
was the segregation policy of the
War Department.
Orgainzation of Negro Emevg
ecy Medical Field Units in the D s
trict of Columbia under the direc
I tion of race physicians and nurses
has been completed, according to
an announcement by Dr. Philip T.
Johnson, Assistant Chief Medical
Officer, of Washington.
Mobilization of Negro medical
facilities and physicians, nurses,
and nurses’ aids has been complet
ed. Dr. Charles Drew, head of
the Department of Surgery, school
of Medicine, Howard University,
Washington, is in command of the
medical field unit formed at Free
dmen’s Hospital, Washington. It
is composed of four large squats.
• ••
Negro boiler makers, chippera,
caulkers and other skilled workers
were speeding ship construction on
tho Pacific Coast this week follow
ing the removal of impediments to
their employment in West Coast
This development was announc
ed by Dr Robert C. Weaver, Chief
of the Negro Employment and
Training Branch of the War Pro
duction Board, after representat
ives of his office had completed
negotiations with officials of Lo
cal No. 39 of the International
Boilermakers’ Union, at Oakland,
As a result of these negotiations
Dr. Weaver stated, Local No. 39 is
now referring Negro skiled work
ers to the various shipyards hav- '
Ing agreements with that union.
More than 50 Negro workers have
been referred to the Moore Dry
dock Company and the Todd Ship
building Corporation and many of
these are now working as boiler
makers, caulkers, chippers and as
helpers in various categories.
In the meantime, more than 40
additional workers have signed up
for membership and the unions
has advised shipbuilders that all
Negro workers referred in the fu
ture must be accepted for employ
“This expansion of Negro em
ployment in Pacific Coast ship
yards was greatly expediated by
the public hearings of the Presid
ent’s Committee on Fair Employ
ment Practice.” Dr. Weaver stat
ed. “These hearings brought into
the open certain discriminatory
practices both on the part of man
agement and organized labor.”
In a recent summary of its find
ings at its Los Angeles hearing,
the President's Committee, which
is headed by Mark Ethridge, de
“The Committee recommends
that the national or international
officers of unions which deny mem
bership to non-Cauca.'tians take
prompt, positive and vigorous
steps to assure that this un-Amer
ican and undemocratic practice
will not continue to operate as an
effective bar to prevent qualified
and needed workers of on-Caucas
ian origin from securing employ
ment in defense industries.”
A short time after this recomm
endation was made, Joseph Fran
klin, President of the Internation
al Boilermakers’ Union instructed
officials of Local No. 39 to furnish
clearance for Negro workers in
shipyards under their jurisdiction.
In addition to referring workers
to shipyards jobs, the union has
reached an agreement on the in
duction of Negroes into the train
ing courses for ungrading. As a
result of this agreement, Negro
unskilled and semi-skilled work
ers will be able to qaulify through
training as boilermakers, chipper3
slab men, flangers, caulkers and
Dr. Bruce K. Bailey of the Hos
pital Administrative Staff ,is the
first officer in charge of operat
ions and Dr. James Lowell Hall
has organized the entire facilities
of Freedmen’s Hospital to handle
600 bed patients of every type.
Dr. W. C. Goins, of the War Res
ources Committee of the Medioo
Chirugical Society, is in charge of
the medical auxiliaries. Under his
supervison approxmately 100 phys
cians are ready to serve in any
Registered nurses under veter
an Army nurse, Mrs. Marion B.
Seymour are giving their complete
support to Dr. Phillip T. John
son who is in charge of this div
“Every individual in this serv
ice feels that he or she is giving
the utmost of their energies to the
war program,” Dr. Johnson say?.
“They have cheerfully and willing
ly answered every call from the
office of the Chief Medical Off!c-»
er and have pledged themselves to
continue to do so."