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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1942)
WAITERS’ COLUMN (BY H. W. SMITH) We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Joseph Thomas the accompl ished musician who plays and masters so many different instru ments and who started his broad-i casting carter making music on kitchen pans and is oue of the srai Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis WORK comes in BOTTLES! clean painted surface* WITH CONCENTRATED PAINT CLEANER Harmless to paint and hands. Pour a little in water, wet surface, wipe and SURPRISE! The Job is Done. 25f at your Drug. Hardware. Paint, or Grocery Store. If your dealer does not stock send 25T and a 3f Stamp to W. B. CHAPMAN laboratory Colorado Springs, Col*, performers of the air-waves. Mr. Thomas always has a new joke. This writer had the pleasure of spending Sunday afternoon with Mr. Adam Lee and his lovely wife at their beautiful home at 2814 Caldwell St., and we are always made to feel at home as home-folk Mrs. Lee served a lovely dinner. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Smith dropped in for a short visit and we all en joyed a very beautiful fellowship all the afternoon. We got a slight glimpse of the ! Race Horse head waiter, Mr. Cor bert of the Paxton hotel at 24 til and Grant Streets last Saturday afernoon as his high powered auto just missed another auto about 2 inches. We were not at all sur prised as race horse folks all have; close shaves sometimes. The Fontenelle boys have been very busy since the holidays and from what we learn, they are go ing over the top in a very big way. Mr. Johnny Malloy, was enjoy ing himself at a northside business house one day last week and he had the usual streamlined look on. his face. The Railroad boys are very loy al to their union and Mr. Phillip Metoyer and Mr. Rodney Williams and Mr. Luther Johnson and Mr. Harry Swain, and Mr. Buster Phil ips are the men of the hour as they go places and do things. Mr. Donovan was in town last week. Mr. John Evans of the Rome and knows what it is all about at Hotel is on the job at all times all times and he surely knows the angles on large or small parties. Mr. Ed Lee and his wide awake We Offer for Your Approval A • * -n Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EDHOLM&SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street r; WE. 6055 NOTHING CAN EVER REPLACE THOSE PRECIOUS EYES! eep them sparkling ....use the RIGHT LIGHT! That boy, ol yours—or that little girl—think how much good eyesight will mean to them In the years ahead! * I Eyesight protection cannot start too early— but it's easy to let it go until it's too late. If seems hard to believe that 40% of our youngsters have defective vision by college cge—but it's an actual fact. Protect your family's eyes—light-condition, today! ■* # This Information Furnished by YOUR ELECTRIC DEALER * AND NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY crew at the Athletic Club are go ing over the top and the stream lined Chef Reno with the fast mov Ing staff of other cooks and along with his beautiful kitchen are in the running all the time. The Omaha Club crew are al ways out in front and the head waiter, Capt. and the crew are up on their toes every minute. The beautiful Cottonwood Room at the Blackstone is holding its own and Mr. Avant, the room ser vice man is impressive as he goes about his duties. The Omaha Guide is improving at every issue and with more sub scribers, it will move faster. The NAACP is getting more members all the time and has room for more and more. Will you join and help keep the head quarters open. The Nelson Real Estate Co. will take good care of your business for you, all they ask is a fair trial for you to be pleased. SOCIAL NOTES BEAUTY CULTURISTS NBCL. Local No. 101. The National Beauty Culturists League local No. 101 met in its regular meeting January 14th at the Keystone Beauty shop. Now ladies don’t let the war get you down. We know it is hard to give them up, but Uncle has spoken and he must have the last word. So we will be looking for you all Jan 28th at the Ritz Beauty shop next door to the 9 Center. So if you have worries bring them along and we will cry on each others shoulders. Remember this is fun night. A grand program is being planned by the chairman. We are looking for you all on time. Mrs. Hattie Moore, President; Mrs. Flosie Moore, Secy, Mrs. Louise Cooper, Reporter. TRIANGLE CLUB The Triangle Club met at the home of Sister Jack 2615 North 24th Street on Tuesday, January 20, 1942 with a song and prayer by our manager Bro. Phillips. The Pres, and club wish to thank sll the friends who helped on the din ner Saturday Jan. 17, 1942. Sis. W. Williams, Pres, Sis, F, Thompson, Reporter. FULLY RECOVERS Clifford Sessions, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Scoggins, 2417 N. 22nd St, Apt. 3, who became ill December 27th has fully recover ed from his recent illness of pneu monia. We wish to express our apprec iation for all the sick cards, let ters and local calls received from our many friends. Beautiful sick cards were received from Aunts, Mrs. Mattie Morgan of Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. Mamie Lee and Mrs. Mable Ruffins, both of Dal las, Texas. A long distance call was also received from an uncle, Dr. A. Porter Davis of Kansas City, Kansas. ART AND STUDY CLUB The Ladies of the Modern Pris cilla Art and Study Club met Jan. 14th with the president of the Club as hostess. This being the first meeting of the year, our a genda was full of business. After a very brief opening, the roll was called. The members responded with dues and quotations. A standing vote of thanks was ex tended * he committee in charge of the Xmas party. A letter of thanks fiom the family we sent the xmis basket was real. Aft-r which the Piesident presented two lettei‘3 from the Defense Savings i>tatf asking the Cl to appoint a committee and also a contact person to work with Mrs. Fred Hamilton 636 Word Herald. The letter from the Civil Defense Vol unteers. are asking that we ap point a registering committee to work with that office at 620 World Herald Bldg. The Presi dent talked at length on both sub jects. She also stated the door is opening for the Negro peoples and we should not make waste of the opportunities. Mrs. Charles Mur ry was appointed contact for the Defense Savings Staff. Other committees to be appointed later. We hope to have our Red Cross work started by the next meet ing. The Hostess served a tasty repast. The Club adjourned to meet January 28th with Mrs. Jane Alexander as hostess. Mrs. Frank Johnson chairman of the Music Department will have chage of the pogam. Members present were Mrs. Georgie Goosby, Mrs AUTO PARTS WANTED Burned, Wrecked or Dilapidated Cars and Trucks. Bring ’Em In PARTS FOR CARS CONSOLIDATED AUTO PART CO. 2501 Cuming St. Phone AT. 5656 Omaha Dark Laughter .... by ol harrington “BROTHER BOOTSIE, KINDA’ CLEAN UP AROUN' HERE FOR ME AN’ STEWMEAT WILL YA? WE BEEN UP ALL NIGHT TRYIN’TO FIGGER OUT THE WAR SITYATION.” Evelyn Stevens, Mrs. Aganis Curt wright, Mrs. Henrietta Burroughs Mrs. Frank Johnson, Mrs. Charles Murry, Mrs. Jane Alexander and Mrs. U. S. Matthews. Our motto “Working Together’’ Mrs R. C. Price, President, Mrs. Frank Johson, Secretary. MlMlMMMaMMaitMla LINCOLN NEWS by JOHN REED 648 South 20th St. Phone 5-7859 ■WPPPPPPPPPPPIh - Mrs. L. Dean, 1018 Rose St., had a buffet dinner at her home last week. The afternoon was spent in playing games. There were 24 guests. ****** The De Lisa Deb girls gave a. formal party last Saturday even ing. ****** The Boy Optimist club 7, agreed to accept a course in first aid so as to be prepared to help out in the Defense program. ****** Boy Scout Troop No. 60 start ed their paper pick up last Satur day. So if you have any old pap er they will be glad to pick it up. ****** The Go Getters are sponoring a Womanless Wedding, on February 6, 1942. ****** Miss Pamona Banks is hack from the hospital and is conval escing so nicely. ****** A delightful dinner party was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. R. Hus ton, Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Williams, Rev. and Mrs, M, Shakespeare, Mr. and Mrs, Dean and Rev. Mil ler of Newman Church. ****** Rev. O. J. Burckhardt, Presid ent Emeritus of the Middle West ern Diocese of the Church of Christ “Holiness”, was requested* by Bishop Wm A. Washington of the Western Diocese with head quarters at Los Angeles, to be in Omaha Sunday, January 11th to substitute for Mm in presenting to the church, their new Pastor in the person of Rev. Oda Askera eese, who comes to us highly rec ommended by Bishop W. H. Dunn of the Eastern Diocese with head quarters at Norfolk, Va. Rev. Relf after four years of emest an insessant labor at said church, is turning to Rev. Askem eese a church organization, both as to spirit and denominational loyalty, that bespeaks for itself, as to the great sacrifice that was made by this consecrated man of God. For the church and the or ganization it represents. Rev. Relf came to Omaha from Chicago where he had a short while before receiving this appointment, marr ied one of the leading school teach ers of Chicago. Hence Rev. Relf thought it would not be wisdom on his part to request his young bride to give up her school work, and accomp-i any him to his new field of labor, knowing that a Minister who stands for the fundamentals of Christianity is confronted with these days of skepticism and mod ernism. Hence Sister Relf agreed with him to make the sacrifice. She said that he might take over! his new field of labor, but that she would remain in Chicago and con tinue in her school work. And for four long years as a bride she made the sacrifice to al low her husband to give his serv ice, not only to his own denomin ation but to the church welfare of the city of Omaha at large. Rev. Relf was loved and respected by the ministers of Omaha and their members, and while we all regret to see him leave the city, we feel | however that Rep Askerneese will make a fine substitute for him. For he comes to us so highly rec ommended by the former churches which he has pastored and the dif ferent organizations with which he has been active. _ BIRTHS, January 14, 1942 Thomas and Ethel Dillwood, 2821 Blondo, male. Allen and Margaret Burley, 2203 Maple St., female. ..January 16, 1942 Edward and Kathryne Parks,' 2932 North 25th St, male. PRINCESSES The meeting was opened at 3:15 p. m. Dues were collected and committees were appointed for the buying and decorating for the party. Doris Pitman, Tessie Ed wards and Millicent Kain are the members of the buying commit tee. Pauline Edwards, Marcelene Ragland and Beverly Stams are on the decorating committee. Tha j meeting was closed at 4:15 p. m. j Doris Pittman, President, Bev- . erly Stams, Reporter. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 2316 North 25th Street Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Ann Oliver, Reporter Sunday School . 9:30 Bible Band . 6.00 'Evening Worship.7:30 Wednesday night service ....7:30 Healing in each Service. Sunday throughout the day wan very inspirational. The Pastor really preached a soul stirring ser mon. Those that didn’t come out really missed a treat. The sub ject for next Sunday morning will be: “The Church”. Sunday nighti “The Two Ways”. NOTICE:—We are now holding our service at 2422 Erskine St., until further notice. THE FIRST MISSION OF THE GOD SENT LIGHT OF THE WORLD Prophet Hess, Officiator Sister Robinson, Reporter We wish to announce that Gcc is still blessing His people. Ou: Mission is growing of which w< thank the Lord. The sermon Sun day evening was very inspiring and uplifting to everyone present The spirit of the Lord ran high The text was taken from 10 chap ter St. John 11, 14th verse.—I Air the Good Shepherd, the Good Shep herd giveth His life for the sheep Don’t fail to attend our regulai services Sunday 8 p. m. Preaching, healing and messag es Tuesday 8 p. m. Healing tests Thursday 8 p. m. Preaching anc healing prophecy. Our Bible class meets every Sunday 2 p m. to 4 o’clock. Messages daily by ap pointment. 2010 North 23rd St., phone JA-04S 8. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD “CWFF”. 2316 North 25th Street Rev. M. L. Steele, Acting pastor Anita Porter, Reporter Sunday school .9:30 a m, Morning worship.8:00 p. in. Choir rehearsal .... Thurs. 8 p. m, Sunday school was opened by Superintendent. The children took a very active part in the lesson. Services throughout the day were enjoyed by all. The actign Pas tor preached an inspiring sermon from John 11:28, subject ‘‘The Lord has come and is calling for thee”. At the evening services his text was taken from 2 Kings 5:13 sub ject “Wash and be Clean”. It was well explained, so everyone would understand what the Lord expects of the Christian. Visitors are always welcome. TOWNSEND CLUB NUMBER 11 Our Townsend Club No. 11 met Monday night January 19th. We held our regular meeting as usual at the Urban League Center 2213 Lake St. We also celebrated Dr. Townsend’s 75th birthday and we certainly had a wonderful time. Our program was beyond our ex pectations. We had with us as speaker for the evening our Nat ional State Representative, Mr. John H. Miller and Mrs. Miller from Lincoln, Nebraska. Both Mr. and Mrs. Miller are wonderful speakers and brought great joy and gladness to us. On our pro gram was Mrs. Allen Jones wno gave a beautiful reading. Mrs. Bertha Davis a piano solo. Mr. Ike Carson a solo. Mr. Richard a piano solo. Mrs. B, B, Haw kins a piano solo, and Mr. L, W, McDonald read a paper on Old Age. Titled. “Hell to be old”. — We thank all of our entertainers for the part they played on our program. Our drive is still cn for more members and we meet at the Urban League Center 2213 Lake St., every Monday night. L. W. McDonald, Prsident; J, W, Dallas, First Vice President; Malvery Westbrook 2nd Vice Pres ident; Mrs. B, B, Hawkins, Treas., Mrs. Edith Harrison, Secy. MISS ARTA LEWIS, DIRECTOR IN CHARGE OF TRAINING NURSING AIDES IN COUNTV Miss Arta Lewis, president of the state nursing association and i member of the state Red Cross nursing board has joined the staff if the Douglas County chapter of Double Help for WOMEN! What do you do when headache,( nervousness, cramp-like pain, lack of energy and appetite, or some other form of periodic, functional distress begins to make you miser able? Why not do as thousands of women and take CARDUI? There are two ways to take it. First: To help relieve periodic pain and discomfort, start three days before “your time" and follow dir ections. Second: To assist in building energy, strength, through Increased flow of gastric juice which helps appetite and digestion take it by directions as a tonic. Women who use it both ways seem to be CARDUI’s most enthusias tic boosters. MEN LOVE WOMEN win BEAUTIFUL HAIR! Dull, Gray or Faded Hair • • * Is a woman’s great despair For hair loveliness and allure POSNER’S Hair Coloring is a cure gl ' Keep your hair attractive. By using Posner's Hair Coloring your hair will have a sleek, youthful appearance. Curling, P Marceling or Straightening will not rub the coloring off. SHADES: JET BLACK, BLACK AND DARK BROWN H SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED IF YOUR DRUGGIST DOESN’T HAVE MORE for LESS Money POSNER’S HAIR COLORING ‘r~ IN CAPSULE FORM Send $1.00 Divectly to as DIRECTED ON LABE* * I. POSNER - 111 WEST 128th STREET - NEW YORK CITY ! the Red Cross as director in i charge of training Nursing Aides. Miss Lewis has recently served as I director of the school of nursing I at the Mary Lanning Memorial 1| Hospital at Hastings, known as one of the best nurses’ training ' schools in the state. She assum ed her duties at Red Cross head quarters this week, organizing classes for the Omaha women who have volunteered for training as nurse’s aides. This volunteer ser vice is open to women between the ages of 25 and 50 who are high school graduates in good physical condition, willing to pledge 150 hours of work a year, preferably in a three month stretch. The training consists of 80 hours of in struction and practice, 40 in local hospitals and 40 at the Chapter House. Upon completion of train ing, nursing aide volunteers are equipped to assist hospital nurses in hospitals where the staff has been depleted by enlistment of nurses in the service of the army and navy. i i I Raybonetta Spanish and American Dishes — Chili Tamales —Day and Nite— 2703 North 24th St. COAL Lowest Coal Prices AND LOOK NO EXTRA CHARGES ON HALF TON 2408 Lake St. AT. 7225 but TOUR POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. f Get the Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE Lowest Price PHONE WE. 4137 PAGE BOY £ 1 ATTACHMENTS $ I FOR BEAUTY Hair Matched Perfectly Send Sample of Hair or state color $1.00 with order and Save postage or pay postman $1. plus 23c postage on delivery. (Gray Hair 50c extra.) Braids, Puffs, Wigs POSNER HAIR CO. 113 W. 128th St. New York City "Satisfacton or money refunded’ *01 ",0 ^ ,0 v'* AP* ’of * .o<1 ^ |0^S '• J**° ■ ** vV^e ^ cptv . \.0 v> V A o^v-\> * Vw *eVAf° “AU lhe GUIDE