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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1942)
WAITERS’ COLUMN i (BY H. W. SMITH) I Mrs. Braggs of 2108 North 28th | avenue, wishes to extend her heart I felt thanks to the Waiters of the Chamber of Commerce and the! 1 —.,un Hotel, for remembering her invalid husband with a very nice sum of money for Christiana and she told this writer when he j delivered it to the house, that the gif, wao a very true Christian i thought and deed, and to thank | all who gave and that may God 1 bless each and everyone of them, 1 for casting bread upon the waters a.ways r.-oirna in double fold. '**«*• i Mr. Chester Hodges is all smil es as his progressive son Mr. Chauncey Hodges was elected one of the Commissioners of Boystown recently. Now altogether, let us give father and son a hand. ****** 11 he Race horse headwaiter Mr. WORK comes in BOTTLES! clean painted surfaces WITH CONCENTRATED PAINT CLEANER Harmless to paint and hands. Pour a little in water, wet surface, wipe and SURPRISE! The Job is Done. 25< at your Drug. Hardware. Paint, or Grocery Store. If your dealer does not stock send 25tf and a 34 stamp to W.B. CHAPMAN Laboratory Colorado Springs, Colo, *,r|pptJ3ffPPPP<WPPPP Corbert of the Paxton hotel and Broth of,the lone Star 3tat • of Texas, continue to be one of the leading teams of Omaha along with their fast stepping crew—-Mi Gaiters, Mr. Owens, Mr. Thorr.a.. -.nd Mi. Moore, and the wide a wake and very polite roomservice man who knows what it’s all a ooui—hats off to them. ••*••• Mr. Geo. Thomas was in a r'l ry last Monday morning at 2 It: and Lake Sts.... but when his ey es glanced at a lovely lady, he was all smiles ana of course he had to have a few words with her and we wonder if the Duke Ellington dance was mentioned! ****** The Omaha Club boys are a very wide awake bunch of boys and Mr. Blackwell and Mr. Earl Jones are a very successful ream, along with the cooperation of the up and go crew—Mr. Chas. So u mon, Mr. Virgil Shobe, Mr. Fran’. Buford, Mr. Earl Bowen, who looks like a police sergeant avJ Mr. Than Lucas, the small s;z race horse man is also in the mak ing at the club again with the crew. •***•• The railroad boys are catching up with theirselves as the blizzarc had them all turned around and Mr. Phillips was all smiles as h-: can be seen very often at a north 24th street business house and he always carries along that pleasant smile of his. He has a brother i\ the navy to which Joe Louis made such a large donation to. ****** The White Horse Inn is going over the top with Mr. Louis White Mr. Branch and Mr. Dave Russ. AJreet Boys, keep going up. ****** Mr. John Evans of the Rome Hotel is on the job and the zero weather is no new item to him as he is from the empire state where it goes to 40 below sometimes. A’e Offer for Y«ur Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EDHOLM&SHERMAH 2401 North 24th Street r ' WE. 6055 Automatic Electric Blankets Give Constant AUTOMATIC WARMTH Your automatic electric blanket is made to give you ideal sleeping com fort. It gives even heat over the entire bed—and holds it, at just the temper ature you prefer—regardless of how low the thermometer drops or how Wide your window is open. Automatic electric blankets eliminate the need for extra coverings—give you "light-weight" sleep with completely healthful warmth. Use your electric blankets for the whole family. This Information Furnished b? \ fSDR ELECTRIC DEALER 1 AND NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY I )[/y ff_p Go-tV*!^ ^EATUffE synwatg ~ "' ^ T' " "' “SAY BOOTSIE OLD MAN. WHERE DID YOU SAY YOU GOT THEM TICKETS?” ****** The Waiters Union with t'-*o new staff of officers will go plac es and do many things and the president Mr. McKinley who is a very wide awake young man at all times and we all hope for him and the waiters union—good luck and much success. Mr. Simon Harrold the music ian headwaiter of the Chamber of Commerce and Capt. Burns of the Sunflower state and Mr. John Marthellow the rapid fire chef, are doing a fine job and from the compliment they got on the serv ice_ they really do a lot of careful thinking_hats off to the boys. ****** The Omaha Athletic Club head waiter and his crew are always up to the standard and the very fine service that they lay down is tops. ****** The Cottonwood room at the Blackstone hotel is going over swell. ****** The Fontenelle hotel boys are on the job.... taking good care of the trade in a very fine way. ****** The Credit Union of the 4C's Club had a very large meeting on Jan. 10 and all the reports show ed improvements and we hope that it will build more and more each year as it would be a credit to our race and our community to have a loan company to serve us which would not charge us a high rate of interest on money loaned. ****** / The Omaha Guide is planning a big program for 1942 and we all should help by taking a one years subscription for we all get good benefits and help from it an 1 should try to give as much help as we can. flPUMpafRCC?)? »•« ■>>.— - • - -V AUTO PARTS WANTED Burned, Wrecked or Dilapidated Cars and Trucks. Bring ’Em .ri •PARTS FOR CARS CONSOLIDATED AUTO PA HI CO. 2501 Cuming St. Phone AT. 5550 Omaha •V ■*-•'-• * * ^LONGER HAIR P^ Just try this SYSTEM on your *4] HAIR 7 days and see if you are really enjoying the pleasure of LONGER HAIR that so often captures Love and Romance. ^Hair Gets Longer J when SCALP and HAIR conditions (are normal and the dry, brittle, break ing off hair can be retarded, it has a chance to get longer and much more beautiful. Just try the JUELENE SYSTEM 7 days and let your mirror prove results. Send $1.00, (if C. O. D. f —postage extra). Fully guaranteed. ; Money back if not delighted. Write to , JUELCO., 3724 N.CIark St. Dept. B-317 CHICAGO, ILL. Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION • for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis SOCIAL NOTES PURPLE CROSS NURSES UNIT The Purple Cross Nurses’ Unit of Cherokee Temple No. 223 held their regular meeting Thursday January 8, 1942 at Elks hall. The meeting was called to order by the Pres. Dr. Brunetta Cleve land after the regular procedure, he offices were declared vacant by Dr. Clara Campbell. The fol 'owing officers were elected: Lola Jackson, Pres., Burnaita Cleveland, Vice Pres., Emma Wat son, Chaplain, Grace Nickelson, Recording Secy, Lillian Cunning ham, Financial Secy, Emma Bush Treasurer, Alleen Gray, Escort., Marianna Turner, Reporter. The installation of officers will be .Tan 22, 1942. After the meeting the members exchanged gifts. RECOVERS Mr. Adolphe Hicks of 2422 Pr skine St., who was rushed to tne Lincoln Veterans hospital about 40 days ago, with a severe heart attack, has improved so greatly that he is at home again to all his "friends. PRINCESSES The meeting was held at the home of Marcelene Ragland. Pla"". were discussed for our Valentine party which is to be held on the thirteenth of February at the home of Jeanne Louise Rudd. The next meeting will be held at the home of Beverly Stams. The meeting was closed at 4:30 p. m. and refreshments were serv ed. Doris Pittman, Pres, Beverly Stams, Reporter. TRIANGLE CLUB The Triangle Club met at the home of Sis Jack on Tuesday, Jan. 6, 1942 opening with a song and prayer. The Club has three new members Bro. and Sis. E. Beriv and Bro. B. Richard, we will give a chitterling and fish dinner on Saturday, January 17, 1942. Sister W. Williams, Pres., Sis. F. Thompson, Reporter. WELCOME CIRCLE The Welcome Circle of Zion Baptist Church met Thursday, January 8, 1942 at 2424 Caldwell entertained by Mrs. Lenore Gray. New officers for 1942-1943 are as follows: Pres. Mrs. Carrie Gord on; Vice Pres. Mrs. Lenore Gray; Secy, Marie Major Moss; Ass. Secy Mrs. Ella Hunter; Treas. Mrs. Olivia Kirtley; Chaplain Mrs. Hattie Brown, Chr. Sick Comm. Mrs. Emma Knight. Club held its annual Devotional services followed by Post Xrnas party Gifts were exchanged by the members. A plan was pres ented for money making by Mrs. Emma Knight called a Foot Ral ly. Sumptuous repast was serv ed by the hostess Mrs. Lenore Gray. Club will meet Thursday, January 22, 1942 at 2205 Charles j St., at the home of Mrs. Sarah Dillard. Mrs. Carrie Gordon, Pres. Marie Moss, Secy. PASTORS’ WIVES COUNCIL The International Pastor's Wiv es Council of Omaha met Wednes day afternoon, January 7, with Mrs. Clara Williams at 2407 N. 22nd St. Mrs. Lottie Story pres ented the preface and introduce ion to Norman Vincent Peaie's “The Art of Living”, text book for the year; a brief biography of the author was also featured by Mrs. Story.... Special guests were Mrs. Haynes, Mrs. Oneida Brown and Mrs. Dixon, representatives of the Council of Church Women who discussed the World Day Prayer program for February 20. De votions were led by Mrs. Mary Reynolds. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Mary Carter, 1004 North 24th St., on January 21. Mrs. Hazel Rey nolds and Mrs. Clara Wiliams will conduct the lesson. A guest speaker will discuss “Ministers Wives and Civic Affairs”. , Mrs. Clara Williams, president Mrs. Isabel T. Ridley, reporter. j MUSE DRAMA GUILD On January 29, at the Urban League Community Center the • Muse Drama Guild will present j three one act plays. The first of the plays, “Roland I Spencer, Deceased”, tells of the life of Mr. Spencer in the aftei - , woii’.d. Roland Spencer, who is | played by Harvey Carter, is told that he may have any pleasures he desires. He eats and drinks and tries other pleasures, but finds them tasteless. Therefore, he de cides that there are really no pleas ures in this new world. A sur prise ending makes the play an extremely interesting one. The second play is the “Rider of Dreams”. You will all want to see Dick Lewis as Madison, riding, his dream horse into prosperity. Madison dreams that he no longer needs to rely on God to gain weal th and happiness, but puts ail trust in himself. Ha later discov ers, however, that he has only been dreaming and cannot get what he wants in that way. A comedy, ‘‘The Fumed Oak”, is the last of the three. Henry is a henpecked husband.. Frank Per kins to you.... finally comes into his own by staging a battle royal against three generations. Mrs. W. G. Pegg, Reporter. SUb DEB CLUB The Sub Deb Club will meet at the home of Bertha Davis 2530 Grant Street Saturday at 3:00., January 17, 1942. Members please be on time as well as present. Rozella Thomas, President, Ber tha Davis, Secy and Reporter. MADAMOISELLE CLUB The Madamoiselle Club will meet at the home of Shawn Edmondson. Thursday. Bertha Davis, Secy. TRIANGLE CLUB The Triangle Club met at the home of Sister Jack 2615 North 24th street Tuesday January 13, 1942. Song and prayer lead by Bro. Phillips, Mrs. Mary Walling ford and Mrs. Lillie May Tinker were added to our roll. Don’t for get the Chitterling and fish din ner Saturday January 17, 1942. Club w'as served by Bro. Phillips. Sister W. Williams, Pres., Sister F. Thompson, Reporter. FIRST MISSION OF THE GOD SENT LIGHT Prophet Hess, Officiator Sis. Robinson, Reporter The first mission of the God Sent Light is still alive and God is blessing His people. Prophet Hess is back home with us after spend ing a happy visit home with his family and with relatives in Gary, Ind. and East St. Louis. Many miracles were wrought while on his 19th day vacation. The sick) were healed, the blind received their sight. The sermon Sunday night 11th was very inspiring to all. Subject “I Am as a Wonder unto many, but thou are My Strong Refuge.” 71 psa. 7th verso Our regular services Tues 8 p. u. Healing and tests Thursday at 8 p. m. Preaching, healing and messages Sunday from 2 to 4 p, m. Bible clases 8 p. m. Regular i services. Private readings daily by appointment 2010 North 23id St., phone JA. 0448. — CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Ann Oliver, Reporter ’ Sunday school.9:30 am. Morning Worship.11:00 am. YPPU .6:00 pm. Evening Worship.7:30 pm Wednesday night service 7:30 pm. Sunday throughout the day the services were grand, with a good attendance. Our pastor preached a soul stir ring sermon both Sunday morning and Sunday night and the spirit ran high. All that missed ihe services really missed a treat. His subject for Sunday morning will be “God Wants A Man”. Sunday nights subject “Here Am I, Send Me, Send Me”. Come and hear him make these sermons so plain that a child can get something out of them When you hear him you really learn something. Come and hear a man who really knows the scripture and can teach you. If you wish to learn. God is still healing through our pastor. Any one with an ache or pain come out Sunday and be healed. Healing every Sunday night. We are still holding our meet ings at 2426 Erskine until further notified. Everyone is welcome. MT. MORIAH BAPT. CHURCH Rev. Wm. Clayton, Acting Pastor F. Burroughs, Reporter Attendance was good at the Morning worship. The choir was out in full numbers and each mem ber sang as it were from out of the depths of their hearts. Rev. Clayton delivered a good sermon, full of facts that Christians should know. The subject of this sermon was "Perfected Through Suffer ing.” Text Heb. 2:10. The BTU. hour was lively and interesting as the membership drive continues. The Red side won last Sunday. They reported two new members. At the evening worship we &• gain listened to another stirring sermon, the text for which was found in Phil. 2:12-13 Subject — “Work Out Your Own Salvation". Rev. David St. Clair of Emporia Kansas will be with us beginning a two weeks revival meeting Mon day Jan. 12. Everybody is cord ially invited to come out and hear him: Slyvester Beasley who has been quite ill is now at home. Also glad to see Sister Willie Whito present at the morning worship. Other sick are Sis. Fannie Owens, Sis. Brown and Sis. Kennedy. Visitods are always welcome. r MR. LAMARR ROBERTS, DIES Mr. Lamarr L. Roberts, age 65, years died Friday January 9th at a local hospital after an extended illness. He had lived in Omaha frr 9 years. Mr. Roberts made his home with his sister Mrs. Eula Fowler and niece Mrs. Bernice Marshall, 2812 North 28th Street.. He is survived by two sisters Mis. Harriet Townsend, Detroit, Mi e’l., Mrs. Maude Knowles, Prace, Ala., nieces, nephews and a host cf freinds. Rosary was recited Wed nesday evening at Thomas Mort uary and funeral services were held Thursday morning from St. Benedict Catholic Church with Father James Pruess S. J. offic iating. Burial Prospect Hill Cem etery. REV. JOHN MAXWELL, PASSES Rev. John Maxwell retired Bap tist Minister, died Monday Jan uary 5th at his home, 2724 Blondo Street. Rev. Maxwell was form er pastor of the Primitive Bapt. Church and was one of the early founders of this church. He had been a resident of this community for twenty five years. He is sur vived by three daughters Mrs El izabeth Turner, with whom he made his home, Mrs. Hattie Pal Y. M. E.—My play mother seem' to like me very much. Do yoi think she really means it or is siu pretending ? Ans: She has no reason to pre tend. The woman is sincere, ano I suggest that you accept hex friendship in the same good spirit that it is given. You should feel honored to have her friendship. Worried :-^I am going with 3 boys who all live in the same com j munity. They all seem to care for me. Nothing has happened be I tween us yet, but I feel that some thing is going to. Tell me what I should do? Ans: Don’t do it. It so hap pens that you are “frisking ar ound’’ entirely too much for a giri your age. There is important in formation bearing on your case, which I prefer to handle privately WVte me today. M. B. C —-I do not want to leave rry mother in the house alone ns sl.e is not well Not by a long sl ot. I want my husband to come tort and stay until death calls one or the other of us. He wants me to go to our home. What should I do? Ans: In your mother’s condit ion it would be dangerous for her j to be left alone. You might ar range to have some capable per I son stay with your mother a few days a week while you go to your husband, or you could proposition your husband about moving your mother home uhtil she is strong e nough to look after herself. Your mother is very gTateful for your I attention and I assure you. your ' kindness will not go unrewarded. E. M. B.—Listen, my boy frienj quit me. He got angry and won’1 come to see me anymore: I love him and want him back. I asked l him to forgive me. Everytimc 1 ask him has he quit me.... he tell:? me to wait and see. I am still waiting. Ans‘ And you will continue tr wait. Your friend is as sore as a boil about a certain letter you wrote and it will be a long time before he gets over his mad spell. I you want ti really open his eyes .... find you another boy friend and lead your old flame to think that life is truly enjoyable with out him. L. M.—I have been worried, could you tell me just what is wrong? I have so much on my I mind. I don’t know which end is | up. Oh please tell me what to do. Why do people like me worry ? Ans: For the lack of something worthwhile to do. More than any thing need a JOB. Right now you have too much time on your hands with nothing to do but brood over your troubles and everybody else’s troubles too. Go to work and your problem ot!1 be solved. B. M. J.—Please tell me what is my trouble. I stay ill most of the time. Do I have heart trouble or what is it? I have taken ev erything people told me, nothing seems to do any good. Please tell me if I can be cured? Ans: There is a heap of diff erence in medicines and I think it is unwise to take medicine that everybody and anybody prescribes. Your condition requires more than “hit or miss’’ remedies. You need a thorough examination by a^com petent doctor. Let him prescribe the medicine and do what he says. I believe a decided improvement will be noted. A. L. W.—My husband is the kind that likes to run about, he mer, Washington, D. C., .Vfrs. tir ade Brown, Chicago, Illinois: one st n, Mr. Daxon Maxwell Detroit, Michigan. Funeral services were hr-ld Friday afternoon from the Primitive Baptist Church with Rev Dan Thomas, Rev. O. W Travis, Rev. C. Adams, Rev. W. A. Fort, Rev. F. C. Williams officiating. Burial Forest Lawn Cemetery. Ar rangements by Thomas Mortuary. WOMEN Get 2-way Relief! Periodical headaches, nervous <3 ness, cramp-like pain, when due only to functional causes, are re lieved for so many women who start on CARDUI three days a head of "the time,” and use it jo directed. But CARDUI has another im portant use. It is a tonic, intend ed to stimulate appetite and in crease the flow of gastric juice. That's the way it improves diges tion; and thus helps build up so many run-down, undernourished, women. That’s another way it often helps relieve periodic dis tress. CARDUTs 61-year record of popularity invites your confidence. . II-.. has a girl friend in the next town and he almost does anything to get her, such as telling lies, steal ing his Sunday clothes when I am in the next room. I am just a bout at my wits end. Nothing I say or do won’t make him stop. Should I give him up? Ans: I think you ought to get away from each other for awhile If you leave him....he’ll soon wake up to the fact that you mean more to him than he realiz es. Then, when you decide to come back, you can come back at your own terms.... either he bc-> haves himself, or he has lost a wife. It’s time to take stern meas ures ,for you have been too easy with him. MORTON’S FRUIT & VEGETABLE STAND 2210 North 24th Street Fresh Fruits & Vegetables of All Kinds Special Orders May be Placed THE NORTH 24TH ST. SHOE REPAIR Wishes Its Many Friends and Customers A Very Happy New Year. 1807 NORTH 24th STREET Bid s Loan Ladies and Men’s Ready To Wear— Shoes and Furnishings. We Wish to Thank Our Friends and Customers for their past patronage and for the future. Raybonetta Spanish and American Dishes — Chili Tamales —Day and Nite— 2703 North 24th St. COAL Lowest Coal Prices AND LOOK NO EXTRA CHARGES ON HALF TON 2408 Lake St. AT. 7225 BUT YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. Get the Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE Lowest Price PHONE WE. 4137 PAGE BOY ATTACHMENTS FOR BEAUTY Hair Matched Perfectly Send Sample of Hair or state color $1.00 with order and Save postage or pay postman $1. plus 23c postage on delivery. (Gray Hair 50c extra.) Braids, Puffs, Wigs POSNER HAIR CO. 113 W. 128th St. New York City ‘Satisfacton or money refunded’ A...A A Jfc A , ^-A-A..