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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1941)
AMERICAN LEGION ACHIEVES MEMBERSHIP QUOTA The American Legion Post No. 30, Dec. 3, 1941—Everyone includ ing Commander W. W. Peebles, and Adjutant Turner is happy. Why? Because Dec. 1st is here and their membership quota is made. Now to try and keep the Spafford trophy for membership percentage over the post quota. The club rooms are almost fin ished with the redecorating and the Post is anxiously awaiting for Doctor Perelman to say the one word. Your clinic is open and [ ready for business. The Post has been notified by Doctor Pinto city health commissioner, that tnis clinic will also have facilities for the examination of Tubercular pa tients also. We wish to thank Mr. and Mis. Public for their support of our Armistice dance and we do hope that as many will atend our mid night show just before the holi CHRISTMAS in capital letters I in Kilpatrick's Fifth Floor TOYLAND I. Play While You Learn ... With Our HOBBY CRAFT 108 and 212 Additional Molds..11c and up There's no end to the joy of this hobby craft set. Makes gay, decorative figures, and is easy and safe to use. Stick Em and Cut Out Books Set of six books, for girls who like to 60C make things ----— Educational "Spell It" Game A fascinating toy that adds, subtracts, multiplies C| and spells ...... . SPELLMAN * -FUEL AND SUPPLY CO. COAL & COKE 2002 IZARD ST. JA. 0478 We Offer for Your Approval A Complete Curtain Service and Another thing,— Have Your Dry Cleaning Done Now! —Cash and Carry Discounts— EDHOUM&SHERMAN 2401 North 24th Street WE. 6055 Rev. T. A. Sears, pastor. Rev. Sears called at the Omaha Guide office late Thursday and stated that he will have a full statement} for his many friends for our next weeks paper. OMAHA NEW CHURCH WILL OPEN WITH SERVICES 11 A.M. DECEMBER 7, 1941 Metropolitan Community Church will open its doors at 2410 Lake St., Sunday, Dec. 7 at 11 a. m. I • • • Having Purchased the High Grade Shoe Stock from the Administrator of the Friedman Estate, the Complete Stock of Men’s, Ladies, and Childrens Shoes, Rubbers, & Overshoes. This stock must be sold to the last pair, at SLASHED PRICES! This will be the Last Time for you to buy your Shoe Needs for the family at Low Prices, for prices are advancing daily. REMEMBER EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD THIS MONTH Sale Going on now COME—BUY AND SAVE ! !|! FRIEDMAN SHOE STORE 1510 North 24th Street days. The Post will entertain the Lad ies Auxiliary Thursday night De— 18. Please come out and above all pay your dues. “NEGROES VS. HITLERISM" TO BE SUBJECT OF FFF CONFERENCE Plans for a nation-wide confer ence of Negroes to combat the menace of Hitlerism were ann o j ced today by Edward Wore, executive secretary of the Harlj l Division of the Fight for Freedom Commitee. The conference will be held in Washington on January 8 and 9. ‘ Every N 'gro is aware of the serious situation concerning the welfare of our country today,” Mr. White said in explaining the purpose of tne meeting. ‘‘Al though conditions grow more a cute each day, there is still consid erable speculation as to the at i tude of the American Negro; that is. we just d( r’t seem to have any attitude on the question of Hitle • ism. “The intelligent Negro hates fascism, because he has experienc ed so much of it. This is so true that we have treated it as some thing that goes without saying and have concentrated all our ef fort on what we consider the more pressing problem.. ..that of knocking out Hitlerism at home. “But the defeat of France should teach us something. While we must continue the fight for our domestic rights, we must recog nize that with Hitler victorious there is no future for the Negro here or anywhere else. We can not afford the luxury of indiffer ence. Hitler hates us more than the Russians or the British or the Jews. We have no place in his so called New Order. “Negro are determined that Hit ler and all other brands of fascism must be destroyed. The purpose of this conference is to give sun stance to this conviction and to put our words into action.” Mr. White reported that dele gates from churches, fraternal or ganizations, labor groups, and press associations are expected to attend. Free Delivery from 8 a. m. to 1 a. m. JA. 9411 McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. ni. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS COAL Lowest Coal Prices. AND LOOK NO EXTRA CHARGES ON HALF TON 2408 Lake St. AT. 7225 READ The GUIDE BUY YOUR— POULTRY AT THE NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2204-6 NORTH 24th ST. Get the Best in Quality at the NEBRASKA PRODUCE Lowest Price PHONE WE. 4137 Do You Want •••• LONGER HAIR i Then try this SYSTEM. Retard the dry, brittle, breaking-off hair that keeps hair short and often stubby Send for this descriptive JO ELENE k SYSTEM for treating hair now. It’a W PnrP Then let your mirror prove W I It LI. results. Send today—sure JUEL CO., 3716 N. Clark St., Dept A317, Chicago. 111. GIRLS ! ON THt ‘ | STREETS.....1 0 u December the month every one ! has practically lived for is here. I Celebrations of the Birth of Christ.... Exchanging of gifts Santa Claus.... Christmas part ies-dinners-Visiting and Va cationing.... and many Studds will celebrate in the joints... But let’s look back at Novem ber and review Thanksgiving day. The Grant Street Drug store was as full as the Cats and Chios were. Jeff, the soda boy, was off duty .. they say he antroed up to his girl friends house with an invita tion to dinner after which they I took in a movie. The Alstons in South Omaha, Nebraska had a gang.. quite a gang at their party Thanksgiving night.. The music was fine and j the crowd was jumpin’. Raymond Moore at 25th and Binney Street had a fine party. A mong the hep-cats was Manual Johnson, who was doing the square dance with Naomi Downs. Fran ces Jefferson was looking very fine.... Poochie Mease was also cornin’ on fine_.a great num ber of other hepped Cats were on deck at the fine party. Woodrow Allen came up frori KC. and spent the day lunching; the Thanksgiving Day at his girl friends house. He was drapped to a solid lick! Henry “Skin” Davis found out the real fact that liquor and Gas oline did not mix (at least he should of). Gazing at the Studd from KC. We can see that he’s drapped, he dances, he sings, he jives, and from what we have heard, he re cently entertained in Ernie Fields orchestra. Well known in Kansas City for his quick jive answers.. his name is William Hawkins, who is here, looking this Dull city over to find the lively spots. Well hipped man No. 1, Mr. Leroy Broomfield is back again. We spotted him at the dance with the fine chic, W. W. Knock your self out kid! The Girls on the Streets want to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Rice who recently were wed ded in Holy matrimony. James Calhoun is obsessed by a desire to luv. He was asking a bout one of his old flames. CONFESSIN’ THE BLUES -mmim » . js JAY McSHANN Jay McShann, who will bring his famous orchestra to the Dreamland, Monday, Dec. 8th. Featured vocalist is Walter Brown, whose “Confessin’ The Blues”, has sold 81,000 records a new high for a Race Band. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ho! Ho! Ho! is al most as funny as the Santa Claus down Town laughing. J. Booth walked two miles to get two ten cents tickets from two girls. Willie McBride should be called ‘‘Jive Man” because she sho got the jive. Boy Floyd has finally decided that dancing without them is bet ter than dancing with them. (His shoes) you think he didn’t?) Reviewing the stomp Wednes day night. Lloyd Hunter really did play. The Rabbitt came in from the midnight about 2:30 and sanged up a Breeze and did those jitterbugs rock on. The Chattan ooga Choo Choo_and Anna Mae Winburn, knocked everyone out on... .Ginn. Mr. John Fontane really is an ideal athlete_he has made quite a name for himself and his race at South High. Keep the wheels rollin Johnny! You’re doing fine! % Don’t forget Jay McShane, Mon day night, Dec. 8—Dreamland hall. That’s all this week!. .Your.. Girls on the Streets! The All Seeing EYES.” Well after a weeks’ absence we bring to you just a little of the chatter along chocolate avenue. CLUB NEWS: The Sub Deb club visited radio station KOIL Friday afternoon. Those that went were Rozelia Thomas, Helen Bradley, Nancy Bryant, Venita Hall, Dorothy Woods, Bertha Davis, lone Upch er. The Gross Eickes had a lovely Vesper Service and a timely pro gram. Thanksgiving Well we all scoffed lavishly at Thanksgiving and from the looks of couples each had something to be thankful for. Betty Shepherd was thankful that she still was wih Roy. David Hughes was thankful for Rozelia Thomas. We all had something to be thankful for. Slambooks: Slambooks are nice to read and write in, but we should refiaih. from writing such mean things. I read a few very bad things writ ten in slambooks about people. I read in one where they called a Chick Haggy Lamarr. We admit this Chick is frone, but if you can't write good things or suggest helpful improvements then don’t write anything. QUESTION: What is the meaning of a green eyed monster? There is not a Negro in Omaha with green eyes. ■mbmbwmmwmim -I wish to correct a statement that y was printed in this paper last week. The “Green eyed monst er” has not arrived early in the Ft. T. and D. H. love affair. Roz ella does not and never has timed David Hughes’ speeches with oth er chics. I just wanted to set you folks right on the misrepresent-, ation of Rozella Thomas. Rozella is not a jealous person of David or anyone else. FASHION PARADE: Miss Lydia McCraty looked very fine in her red form .fitting dress. Miss Estelle McCraty was strict ly on as she strolled down Har lem in a red form fitting dress.. she wore gold costume jewelry. Congratulations: To Miss Charlotte Ellis and to Jimmy Allen. THANK YOU: This is to other columnists. I read in your column last week a short paragraph that was for me personally. You told the Cyclops not to make too many comments on what you write. You said I might get stuck. My dears I get the point, and thank you for your untimely advice. Friendliest Girl of Week: Name: Doris Dewey. Home: Salisbury, Missouri. She is visiting in Omaha. Color: Chocolate Brown, Age: 19. Size: Very fine form, tall and slender. THE OMAHA GUIDE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Saturday at 2418 20 Grant St OMAHA, NEBRASKA PHONE WEbster 1517 Entered as Second Class Matter Ma-xh 15. 1927, at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Eongress of March 3, 1879. N. J. Ford, — — — Pres Mrs. Flurna Cooper — — Vice Pies C. C. Galloway, — Publisher and Acting Editor Boyd V. Galloway. — Sec’v and Treas. SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA One Year — — — — $2X4 Six Months — — — $1.25 Three Months — — . - ,rg One Month — — — - .25 SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN One Year — — — — $2 50 Six Months — — — — $1.50 Three Months — — — $1,00 One Month — — — — .40 All Nevtfs Copy of Churches and all organizat ions must be in our office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy cr Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, pre ceeding date of issue, to insure publication. ^. ^——— 1—n——————i———————1■—i——... —' ' ■■ i ■ Dark Laughter .... BY °l harrington ' To CAS#.: TSSHHSZ^ ^ I i I-*Smr*m*P*AT**** f AN’ WHY YOU ALWAYS WAIT UNTIL YOU GETS BEFORE THE WINDER BEFORE YOU FERGOT YOUR WALLET? Hair: Black, wears it in a page boy. Remarks: I hope all of you Cats and Chicks will show Miss Dewey a nice time. BOYS!!! .... Sixteen shopping days till Christmas, so don't tell your litt’.e queen you forgot about a present, because I am reminding you a bout Christmas each week. A certain Chick is looking for a boy friend. She said nothing under thirty, so you boys give this fine chick a break. To the Chick— This little lady said a certain Cat was crazy about her. My dear girl you must cease believing the jive these boys serve you. If you are fool enough to fall for this jive, they will make you be lieve red apples are blue. So just listen to this jive and forget it, (or jive them back.) Unknown: Who is the boy that calls up a certain girl each Saturday night and won’t leave his name. Listen fellow if you can’t tell her your name then cease calling her. Well I guess I will close before I make (too many) comments and get stuck. I will be watching you kids til next week. Be seein’ you til next week. . . . I remain your friend. The “CYCLOPS” and ASSTS. -7 How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Couehs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis SUBSCRIBE NOW! THANKSGIVING HOMECOMING Last night was Thanksgiving night in Jackson, Mississippi and the crowd that packed and jam med the Crystal Palace Ballroom acted as though they were also thankful that the ‘Swinging Raya of Rhythm” had returned to Mis sissippi after an absence of six months. The dance was advertised as ‘Thanksgiving and Homecoming” for this popular co-ed band of girls from the Piney Woods School, Pi ney Woods, Mississippi. The youth, the music and the pep of this world’s greatest all girl dance band is amazing on the on-lookers and thrilling to the i dancers. Many of 'the crowd had heard of the loss by fire of the South’s most beautiful ballroom El Dorado in Huston, Texas and also that the ‘‘Swinging Rays” had recently fill ed it to overflowing and one could hear this expression in the crowd i nudifferent forms: ‘‘If these “Swingring Rays” were as hot in Huston and played this torrent jazz that they are beating out here tonight i must have hung in he air and caused spontaneous combustion after they were gone ’.< The band consists of 17 high school and junior college girls; a saxophone sextet; a brass sextet; and a Rhythm quartet. MidMWiiiaMiiMaiaMM RITZ Shoe REPAIR SERVICE —2021 NORTH 24th ST. SHOE REPAIR, Frank Pomidoro SHOE SHINE,—Buddy McCrea —(Delivered by Lewis)— Ladies Shoes 25c Men’s Hats 35c Men’s Suits $2.00 Slightly used, .cleaned, pressed and repaired to look like new. Outfit family of 3 for $4.00. Hundreds of bargains for ev eryone. SEND NO MONEY. Write for FREE illustrated cat alog. PROGRESSIVE SALES CO. Dept. CW 207 Thatford Ave., Brooklyn, NV. TORPID KIDNEYS MADE ME LOOK AND FEEL 'LIKE 50—THOUGH ONLY 30** — toys WDIIam forts, O.C. I JUST DRAGGED — MY A FRIEND ADVISED COU) DOCTOR SAID “YOUR MEDAL HAARLEM OIL KIDNEYS MAY NEED A CAPSULES — THEY COST ONLY 35c. BOY! I FEEL LfRI A DIFFERENT MAN AND FOLKS SAY I LOOK SO MUCH If' BETTER SINCE TAKING THE CAPSULES. \' If you are troubled with getting up frequently at night, the misery, backache, puffy eyes, shifting pains, difficult or burning passage due to this cause, try Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules, the original formula of Dr. Boerhane that has helped millions of folks with slow-acting kidneys and irritated bladder which so often follows. Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules start to work imme diately — no long waiting for results. Be spre and get Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules, a physician’s great formula — costs but 35# at druggists everywhere. Don’t accept a substitute. Money refunded should Gold Medal fail to help you GOLD MEDAL'