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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1941)
WOODSON CENTER NEWS NOTES Literary Art and Craft Club Sponsors Book Review Mrs. S. B. Northcross dramat ically described memorable scenes of the motion picture One Foot in Heaven after Mrs. Alyce Wilson gave highlights of Hartz ell Spence’s biography of his fa ther for members and their guests of the Woodson Art and Craft Club. Musical selections by the Wood son Center Chorus as well as solos by Maxine Alston and Charle ie Brown added to the enjoyment of the program. JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STC RAGE & VAN CO. I>oral and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard. W. W. Roller. Mgr. NORTH 24th SI. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 —POPULAR PRICES— YOU CANT TELL THEY ARB REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLEING METHOD ‘‘Leaves No Repair Look" ON YOUR SHOES. THB NEW SOLE WITH AN INVIS IBLE JOINT. The Woodson Art and Craft Club is composed of out of school girls. Their interest is the stim ulation of appreciaion of fine arts. Offcers are as follows: president, Ahnie Franklin; vice president, Mary Stewart; recording secret ary, Alta Lee Nelson; correspond ing secretary, Opal Parker; treas I urer, Jessie Franklin. Committee | chairman for the Book Review and ! tea which followed included Mab el Martin, chairman of the pro gram committee; Lucille Stewart, chairman of the social committee and Charlene Brown, chairman of decorations committee. The memljership roster includes in ad dition to those mentioned, Evelyn Alston, Virginia Cole, Emma Cur tis, Betty Mitchell and Lula Mar tin. This is the second event that this group has sponsored recently in an effort to carry out their pur pose. The first was a Poster Bee at which students and grown-ups with art talent met to prepare posters advertising reading mater ial on hand at the Center. Young Men’s Improvement Club The Young Men’s Improvement Club spent their club time in the construction of bQok shelves for Woodson Center under the direc tion of Mr. Milton Wilson. High School Boys Flms of the Stanford-Nebraska Rose Bowl game, Swimming and diving feats and NYA activities on a Negro University campus proved an enjoyable evening’s en tertainment of the High School Boys’ Club. Members of the I Beautifully | ' bolt poucnes or severely iui 0 ' lored envelopes, underarms H ! , \and top handles of materials 0 used in higher priced bags. 0 i ;| V Black or Q w J Floor X Y -V u BRANDEIS I ELECTRIC GIFTS | Say “Merry Christmas” all year long... -k It's a fact. Every wise Santa Claus knows electric gifts make a real hit every time—right from the start, and all through the year, as they go on and on giving convenience and de pendable service to those who receive them. Right now is a good time to start working over your list. Get a pencil and jot down those names . . . then see how easy it is to find just the "right" electric gift answer for every single one—young or old! Electric Gifts Bring Happier New Years! SEE YOUR DEALER OR NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY Young Men’s Improvement Club were their guests at this meeting. Archie Arvin is acting President, Clarence Rose secretary and Cap pel Curtis Program Chairman. Debonnaires ..The Debonnaires are busy with needle, thread, patterns and mat erials as they make stuffed toys to add to Christmas joy for less fortunate children. Flash-snaps were made by Elmer Collins at their last club meeting for the Deb Diary. Committee Chairman appointed by the President, Elizabeth Ed monds, at their last meeting were Gracious Wiggins, chairman of the program Committee; and Annie Wade, chairman of the Social Committee. Other officers in cude Joyce Mitchell, vice presid ent; Kathleen Alston, secretary;' Lorraine Stewart, assistant crc retary; Azalia Williams, treasur er. Mrs. Vera Thomas of 2436 Fran klin St., has gone to Deloid, Wi3., to be gone for an indefinite time. Mr. Wendell Thomas of the> Thomas Funeral Home and his little daughter Shirley, spent Thanksgiving in Lincoln with Mr. j Thomas’ mother. They also vis ited other relatives. Mr. J. M. Wilson of 2631 Park er who has been very sick is slightly improved. He lives with his daughter Mrs. J. C. Crouder of the same address. He is the father-in-law of Rev. J. C. Croud er a prominent minister of this city. Mr. Kail Gillkie of 2121 North 28th St., is on the sick list. The NBCL. Local No. 101 The National Beauty Culturi3t League Local No. 101 will hold its regular meeting December 10th at 2507 North 24th St., at 8:00 p. ta. All members are asked to be pre sent .... business of importance. The date of the tea and Hair Style Revue is December 14th at the Northside YWCA, so don t miss this trea(t sponsored by the NBCL. Mrs. Hattie Moore, President; Miss Flossie Moore, Secretary; Miss Louise Cooper, Reporter. Mrs. Harry Leland of 2824 N. 26th St., is some better. She has been very sick. Mrs. Arthur Bly is sick with a cold. Announcement. The ladies Auxiliary of Local 465 are giving a chitterling and fish dinner Saturday, December 13, 1941 at 2825 Seward St. Mrs. Stevens the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Washington is a vis itor in the city and will spend Christmas with her mother. Mrs. Lucille Hall who has been 1 visiting her mother Mrs. Griff of 2622 Decatur St., has returned home. She is now living in Los Angeles, California. We were informed that Mrs. Deleshy of Omaha went to visit with her son in Topeka, Kansas and died suddenly. Her two dau ghters. Mrs. Rose Rouch and Jes sie Deleshy were called to that city Friday. Mrs. Julia Pearl of 2608 Hamil ton St., who has lived in this city for years with her daughter Miss Malinda Warren departed this life November 27 at ten o’clock a. m. She is the mother of 20 children. Survivors are Sheldon Pearl, Green Pearl and Bishop Pearl of this city, Jessie Pearl and Mar land Pearl of Quincy, 111., one dau ghter in Clarksville, Mo., and Mrs. Malinda Warren of Omaha, Neb. 23 grandchildren, 15 great grand children and a host of relatives, Mrs. Pearl was a faithful Christ ian woman having been a mem ber of Pleasant Green Baptist Church where her funeral will he /VyWASWWWVW.NVWW DUFFY Pharmacy 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery— WE. 0609 .V/.-.’.'AVv'.VAWJVWWV CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 20I0V2 N. 24th St. JArkson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. mi American & Chinese Dishes TIME AND TIDE WAIT ON NO MAN—NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES RE BUILT. Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work FREE DELIVERY Call AT. 7060 The LAKE SHOE SERVICE J. L .TAYLOR, PROP _\o otSQ. C3M|^ OAA*k ~Wr> OX /bUiUt. ^ jpAX^ydh I QlaaA ^ 'V^L J ^caXjua^t <ry»A ^ jg l^04A>l. Q>£L*3r ^JUM*/ y>C**yL Jta** f f ' ^ j^f/ iH ■’•* /|fc J* lllil %£: JaQTHAM F&ATU!fr?.. MiiNMlMaMlMMMMtf PERSONALITIES IN THE NEWS mmm Little old world, good afternoon This week our revolving spot held. Rev. Reynolds officiating. Funeral arangements, J. D. Lewis. Mrs. Julia Richey of 2436 Fran klin St., who has been very ill, is recoverying nicely. JOHN MAY,— Mr. John May, age 60, of 1011 North 23rd St., Omahan for 10 years, died Monday in a hospital. Survivors: Daughters, Mrs. Kath erine Lewis, Galesburg, HI., Miss Marcella, Springfield, 111., Sister Mrs. Mabel Brown, Elgin, 111, brothers, Booker, Kansas City, Mo., Charles, San Franisco. Services were held from the St. Benedict’s Catholic Church, Wed nesday at 10 a. m. Burial at St. Mary’s cemetery; rosary, Tuesday night at 8:15. Thomas Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Church of the Living God Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Sunday School .9:30 Morning Service .11:00 Bible Band.6:00 Evening Worship . 7:30 Wed. Night Service ..7:30 Sunday throughout the day was well spent. We had real service and the spirit ran high. Our pas tor really preached a soul stirring sermon, both Sunday morning and Sunday night. Our Bishop F. C. Scott of Okla. City, Okla., was with us Sunday night and he made the closing remarks. In other words He preached a sermon and a soul stirring one. His subject was “Stay with the Church”. Did our hearts burn within? Our Bishop was with us Wed. and Thursday nights. The Pastors subject for Sunday morning will be “Whoso keepeth His mouth and his tongue, keep eth his soul from troubles.” Sun day night subject will be: “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”. So come out and hear him deliver these sermons. We were glad to have with us Mrs. Pearl Young and Mrs. Mayo visitors are always welcome. Mt. Moriah Baptist Church Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor F. Burroughs, Retporter Services throughout the day were interesting and spirit filled At the morning worship a beauti ful silk flag was presented to the church by the GAR Ladies Aux iliary in memory of the Mr. July Miles who was a civil war veter an. At the BTU. period Sister Wat son a returned Missionary from Africa gave a wonderful Bible drill and talk. For the evening worship she a gain told us more about Africa an our hearts burned within us as she talked with us by the way side.” Next Sunday which is the fi.s Sunday will be communion day All members are urged to be pro:-, ent as this is the last communion for this year and also the last communion to be served by our Pastor. He will deliver his farewell ser mon Sunday December 14, 1941. There will be a “Farewell Test imony Banquet honoring the Pas tor and his wife on Tuesday, Dec ember 16, 1941 at 8:00 p. m. at the Church. light of huperb personalities falls on lovely, irresistable Dorothy Ward. The charming maiden of sixteen summers possesses a col oratura soprano voice of except ional rare quality. In the field of young artists this is perhaps the most enchanting soprano voice I’ve heard in recent years. Her career is that of a concert artist, and there is no question in my mind as to the fact that success will be her’s real soon. At pres ent she is the lead soprano on the Paul Briggs Ensemble. So to you Dorothy, may you continue to en joy all the glories that music has to offer, for fame and fortune is just in the offering. J. N. tells me that V. H. is tak ing music lessons from one of our very fine teachers, also that V. H. doesn’t seem to realize her teach er is endeavoring to teach her to play the piano not to sing grand opera because V. H. can’t sing. She doesn’t know it but I heard her playing a piece called “Drow sey Morning”. The way she play ed it, .. it sounded like a split be tween “Humersque” by Dvorak and Fschakpskwis "Piano concerts in B flat Minor. Come on V. H. get hep to your piano.... get off the pedal and get on the down beat. —The PRINCE. DOLGOFF HARDWARE PAINT, GLASS, VARNISHES, ELECTRIC - AL & PLUMBING SUPPLIES, MECH ANICAL TOOLS, WINDOW SHADES “Everything At A Low Price” Free Delivery To All Parts of the City— 1822-24 N. 24th ST WE. 1607 What Makes This Laxative So Popular? Practically any drug dealer will tell you this laxative has been a standby in thousands of American homes for years and years! BLACK-DRAUGHT’s long record of popularity has been won by the gentle, satisfying way it usually relieves constipation’s bad breath, coated tongue and loginess when simple directions are followed. The principal reason for this is: BLACK-DRAUGHT contains a tonic-laxative that helps to tone lazy intestinal muscles. It is easy to take, and you get 25 to 40 doses for only 25c. So look for the fa miliar yellow box and get the gen uine BLACK-DRAUGHT! mmm. 'mMfNmi YOURS 0^*2°° SENSATIONALLY NEW! Your favorite band leaders and movie stars are wearing this dressy tie, handkerchief and brace combi nation — the perfect thing for the well-dressed man. Each item hand tailored. Colors: Brown, Maroon, Blue and Green. Great demand. Limited supply. Give color. Send cash with order, or pay C. O. D. $2.00 plus few cents for postage. SEPIA TIE & SHIRT CO., iso w. 135th st., n. y. c. The Fool Hath Said . . There Is No God! But you know the Pleasures of Life, Love, Fame, Luck, Money, Happiness are yours, if you ask and if you seek. Light a candle ij to the glcry of GOD Let Him lead the way At last, you can hove the book that brings yov the true way. Written so you can understand Applies to your everyday Ufa. Thii Hooic lelii how fc Gtk Cod So hc’p yoi' • Enjoy Success • Aitein Leader*!:?? • \Y:n True Love • C-ain • Regain Health • Cleanse Away Sin • Reap High Power • Attract Good Luck • Overcome Evil PJu* much more Valu able Information — A CANDLE TO LIGHT YOUR WAY If you believe that Faith ond Prcyer wiH help you. You Must read this book. F cocl.ers, Students, Spiritualists, Me diums, Teachers Learn to help others. Read about Astrological Candles About Telling Fortunes by Candle* About Burning Candles for the Dead About the Feasts of Seven About Holy Novenas and Sacred Octave’s About Colors and their Significance How Seals and Talismans are used with Candles Send for This Wonder Book ■ a Today. Money Back Guarantee dUC GUIDANCE HOUSE ^cT^LVn y £ PINEY WOODS SCHOOL'S ALL GIRL BAND—"RAYS OF RHYTHM” “The • Swinging Rays of Rhy thm” have just returned to their classes in Piney Woods School from three week-end dates in Al exandria, Louisiana where they packed them in at The Murpny Auditorium. Alexandria is near Camp Claiboume and the Soldiers who heard the girls were there, filled the big Auditorium each of the three nights. The unusual rhythm section consisting of the Dynamic Elean or Moore on the piano, Lillian Car ter Sensational Bass Fiddle play er, Pewee Perkins, the world’s fastest girl drummer, Chelo Vegas the Mexicala Rose with her Span ish and Electric guitars, were as usual a great sensation. Hundred of the soldiers threw money in the “Kitty” just to hear the rhythm section beat out their hot licks over and over again. The way they danced and en joyed the rhythm section, made it appear that the rhythm section alone could make it without the rest of the band which with its trumpets, trombones and saxoph ones is the hottest thing in Dixie. The latest addition to the ‘Rays’ is Helen Jones, a sensational girl (JOHNSON DRUG CO. I NEW LOCATION | 2306 North 24th iWe. 0998 Free Deliveryj trombone player from Beaumont, Texas. Real Shoe Man— FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR CASH AND CARRY CLEANER 1410 North 24th S*. CARL CRIVERA ^Scratctell; For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete’s foot, scabies, rashes and other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid D.D.D. Prescription. G'easeless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle provds it, or your money back. Ask your cfruggist today far D. D. D. prescription. _■ ® In ex. for INS. WORK comes in BOTTLES! — clean painted surface* WITH CONCENTRATED PAINT CLEANER Harmless to paint and hands. Pour o little in water, wet surface, wipe and SURPRISE! The Job is Done. 25V at your Drug. Hardware. Paint, or Grocery Store. If you.- dealer does not stock send 25V and a 3< stamp to W.B. CHAPMAN Laboratory Colorado Springs, Colo. ROTHERY CLEANING SPECI AL Cone-piece plain dresses MEN’S SUITS LADIES PLAIN JACKET SUITS LIGHT TOPCOATS LADIES PLAIN SPRING COAT3 Except White or Fur Trimmed 20 •% Less For Cash and Carry FREE—“Moth-Seal” Bag* ■•w Free Storage for Cloth Winter Coats Cleaned Now at Out Regular Prices (Not Special Prices.) Fur Coats, values to $100 Cleaned and Cold Stored, $4.50 ROTHERY CLEANERS 2515-17-19 CUMING ST. J A. 7383 Our. Business Is Picking Ip ;FREE ESTIMATE ON YOUR MOVING JOBS i , LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN MOVING YOUR FURNITURE, 1 AND STORING YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS WITH COM PETENT, TRAINED MEN TO DO THE JOB. -ALSO AUTO STORAGE NORTHSIDE TRANSFER —PRESTON HIERONYMOUS, PROPRIETOR— 12414 Grant Street WEbster 5656 --- - NO! NO! TRAGIC There is no extra charge for Vitamin A in Smith Brothers Cough Drops. These delicious drops still cost only 5#. (Black or Menthol) Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the only drops containing VITAMIN A Vitamin A (Carotene) raises the resistance of mucous membranes of nose and throat to 0 cold infections, when lack of resist- , V ance is due to Vitamin A deficiency. [\ SMART WOMEN M* GOLDEN-GIO BEAUTY PREP ABA HONS. Thoy liko tho wnooth toxturo and oxcoltont quality, plus oxtroordinary value hi thoio fino cotmotid. THE PATH TO LOVELINESS A big Boauty Box woighlng ovor two pounds now only $1.00 mailod dlroet to you with no additional chorgot. ALL FULL SIZE—$3.00 VALUE «w.Mm Cleansing CfH* .. Vanishing Cream . Pawndotian (Golden Brown. Ochre. Wwt Brawn) lk Poca Pawdar Brawn. Ochre, Nut Brown) 50« lipttkk (Painsetto tad. Me pie Rad, Cordovan) lk UdU Median Dart Hair Draper . Ointment .. ^ —————Check yonr shades below—"1 ’""l COLDZN-CLO PRODUCTS. INC. J / 106 East 41st Street. New York, N. Y. j f For the enclosed 81.00 bill Or money order, send I ( me your complete Beauty Box containing 7 lull I \ size COLDEN-CLO producta, with no addition*! j \ charge to me. i v NAME: _—- J ADDRESS:_-_ I % CM Y:-STATE: -- I t*y PeoMvJaUen—GoMm Brawn ( I Orfcre < ) Nut Browa 1 > j 'Jj ■ !*»•<$•—Ooklon Kroon ( > t » Nat Bn«a < > I ^ Uaeilra—Pelnema t ) Mspio Bed < > Cordnen til I —- — - ■" FOR ONLY 20c We will lend you any 50c item listed above as an introductory offer. Send two dime* in .n envelope and we will mail with out any extra charge to you. COLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS. INC 10« East 41 Sthect New Yoex, N. Y. I ,i .—■ — I- — ■ amazing NATURAL SYMBOLIC CROSS! Exactly aa aNorn. Lagan* iaya. “It kaa Arrange frmm u> bring Lock la Lot a—Case*— Buelnaaa' Maka «l»hca com# troa.~ POWERFUL LUCK CHARM” a Wf make no aupematural claim*, and aall aoty aa tap • rare. gaaotne naturaj atone cro** carlo. HatlafaaUen P*. Gaaranurj or Manor back! Rent poetpald fat an* RA aa CO D, lior i wait, art mb. Ji t-gg Lorfcr Roth ordara la THally tM •*. M fcf* Wataram •. L