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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1941)
JOSLYN MEMORIAL TO MARK TENTH ANNIVERSARY A three day celebration starting November 28 will mark the tenth anniversary of Joslyn Memorial, Omada’s $4,000,000 art museum, according to Chairman John J. Gillin, Jr., of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce Convention and Vis itors Committee. When the tenth year is complet ed on November 29* more than 1,500,000 persons will have visited the Memorial since it was given to the city in 1931 by the late Mrs. Sarah A. Joslyn. Per capita, it is the nation’s second mot popular art mueum. Dr. Paul H. Grum mann, director of Joslyn Memorial estimates that more than 1,000 traveling exhibitions have been put on display in the building and an even greater number of free concerts, lectures and sptcial pro grams have been presented. “Ten Years into the Future” will be the theme of the celebra tion. A purchasing project will soon be launched to increase the permanent collections both in size and prestige. A large collection of masterpieces assembled from eastern galleries for the annivers ary will show what the program is intended to accomplish during the next ten years. The exhibition will be opened to the public on November 28 at 7:30 p. m. Opening on the same even ing is tht 1941 States Exhibition selected by jury from entries of artists in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas Missouri, Colorado and South Da TIME AND TIDE WAIT ON NO MAN—NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES RE BUILT. Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work FREE DELIVERY Call AT. 7060 The LAKE SHOE SERVICE J, L .TAYLOR, PROP. JACKSON 0288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. /Local and Long Distance MOVING 1107 Howard. W. W. Roller. Mgr. MNtaMMiMMidMiMMN -- -- - - --- NORTH 24th SI. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4240 —POPULAR PRICES YOU CAN’T TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLEING METHOD “Leaves No Repair Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN INVIS IBLE JOINT. kota. The program opens Friday, Nov -ember 28, at 8:00 p. m., with a concert by Claire Coci, noted young organist. This and all oth er events during the three flays will be presented without charge. On Saturday, November 29, puppet shows by the Shanafelt Marionettts of Lincoln are sched uled at 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. At 2:30 the Folks Arts Society of O maha will present a patriotic pag eant, “Our America.” Saturday at 8 p. m. an Omaha Community Playhouse cast will present “Jim Dandy,” the new play by William Saroyan. This play has not been staged in New York, and special permission had to be obtained for the Omaha showing. Working artists demonstrating their various art processes are to be another feature of the three day program. Painters in oil and watercolor, print makers, sculpt ors and craftsmen will be working tn the building throughout Satur day and Sunday afternoon and ev ening, November 29 and 30. Sunday’s program, November 30, will include a University of O maha dace cocert directed by Miss Ruth Diamond at 2:30 in the after noon, and a Boystown Choir Ves per service at 4 p. m. Harold W. Parsons, new art adviser for Jos lyn Memorial, will also give an il lustrated lecture on “Masterpieces of European Art in American Col lections” at 3 p. m. The celebra tion closes that evening with a concert by the Omaha Little Sym phony Orchestra, under the direc tion of Mr. Richard Duncan. All of the public of Omaha and the surrounding territory is invit ed to attend and take part in the tenth anniversary celebration. PERSONALITIES IN THE NEWS— Hello folks!, I guess some of you have missed me for the past couple of weeks, then again none of you have. So what! However I am back on the job again and this weeks personality spotlight falls o na brilliant young lad, whom the jitterbugs call Carl (Leon) Chu Berry the 2nd, real name Carl Chu Berry and Chic’s this cat blows a mean tenor sax. I heard him at the Center last Friday noon swinging out on a little number called “Noma”. He possesses a distinctive interpret ation and a very pleasing person ality. He’s strictly hep to all the jive and ready, willing and able to take a fast riff on his torrid sax so fellows an diassies let’s join in to wish him all the success in the world. Because Carl is really striving hard to follow as close as possible in the footsteps of the late Leon Chu Berry. Well, time is up and so until next week t’is yours truly saying keep your chin up and keep smil Don’t Miss These Outstanding Lighting Bargains Here's a chance for every homemaker to have light conditioning helps for very little. Notice the savings you can make by taking advantage of these special offers, now! Your light conditioning dealer has many other special bargains now, too. See them today ... you'll find a bargain lighting pack age de signed to meet every lighting need. SAVE PRECIOUS EYESIGHT ... USE THE RIGHT LIGHT! SEE YOUR DEALER O R NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY * mr_I jBTTTIT!Til!T!BHrHm The Vision - Aider I Complete with Silver Bowl Bulb I Regular $3.20 Value NOW $^ 4*f% ONLY £e£j OR ONLY $2.19 IF PURCHASED WITH CARTON of 6 BULBS £1J.i The Viskm-AMer w * 1 let shown abovel R.g$3.20 PLUS EITHER A No. 79« LASALLE ! WALL LAMP j IComplete with belbl Reg. $2.65 _OR , A No. 2201 RAILLEY PIN-UP LAMP I Complete with belbl Reg. $2.65_ Regular (P QC Combination Value..93*09 Sm *4.90 OR ONLY $4.79 IF | PURCHASED WITH A CARTON OF SIX , ing. Goodbye for now, The PRINCE— Long school PTA held its reg ular monthly meeting November 20. The theme of which was “The Home”. After the regular busin ess meeting, the sixth grade pres ented a very clever moving pict ure of tht story of the Pilgrim Fa thers. Mrs. Runstein gave a talk o nthe Red Cross. She stated the school aspired for 100 percent Red Cross contributions. Mrs. E. Skin ner, program chairman conducted a general discussion on the month ly theme. MRS. N. P. GREGG PASSES IN LOS ANGELES, CALIF. A telegram received by Mrs. Hiram Greenfield last Wednesday informed her of the death of Mrs. N. P. Gregg of Los Angeles, Calif ornia at 10 a. m. Wednesday. Mrs. Gregg was a visitor in G maha for two months in the win ter of 38-39 as the guest of Mrs. Greenfield at her home. They were bosom friends. While i Omaha she made many warm friends. Mrs. Gregg was the widow of the late Rev. N. P. Gregg, founder, builder, pastor of the Independent Community chur ch of Los Angeles, Calif, having the largest church buliding and membership being upwards of two thousand. Mrs. Gregg was one of the finest, highest characters of real womanhood—a Christian wo man and highly accomplished. A great leader of women who loved her for her quiet, sweet disposit ion of sunshine and ability. She leaves relatives and innum erable friends everywhere in the United States to mourn her un timely passing to the Great Be vond. DEATHS— Mrs. Lucy L. Nolen age 77 yrs resident of Omaha for forty years died Tuesday November 18th at a local hospital. Mrs. Nolen was a member of St. John AME. church serving in former years as Stew ardess. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon from Thom as Mortuary with Rev. E. T. Rid ley and Rev. W. S. Metcalf offic iating with burial at Prospect hill Mrs. Wilma Thomas, 2890 Ohio Street, age 30, died Sunday Nov. 23rd at a local hospital. Mrs. Thomas had been a resident of O maha for eighteen years and was a member of Hillside Presbyterian Church. She is survived by two daughters, Lucile and Margaret, father Mr. W. J. Selby, sister Miss Clara Selby, two brothers Mr. Roy Selby, Mr. Raymond Selby, all of Omaha. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon from the Hillside Presbyterian church with Rev. J. E. Blackmore and Rev. C. C. Reynolds officiating with buried at Forest Lawn Cem etery, arrangements by Thomas Mortuary. Mr. and Mrs. William Calhoun of Pawnee City, Nebraska, were the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Parker 2825 North 24th St., over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Russell of Man hattan Kansas motored to Omaha the past week and spent an enjoy able time in our fair city. Mrs. Russell is a sister of Mrs. James Lewis and Mr. Russell is Mrs. An na Graves brother. The Russells returned home Friday and their acquaintances here are looking forward to another visit from this congenial couple. The Sub-Deb club met Saturday at the home of Miss Bertha Davis. Plans were made for visiting KG IL Broadcasting station Friday, November 28. An interesting dis cussion was carried on about health. The meeting will be Dec ember 6, at the home of Miss Hel en Bradley, 2865 Corby St. Roz ella Thomas, Pres., Bertha Davis, Secretary. Mrs. Hazel Smith, 2311 North 28tb Ave., is confined to her bed, and has been for quite sometime. Travis Dixon 2852 Binney St., recently returned home from an army camp located at Cheyenne, Wyo., Before his induction into the army, Mr. Dixon was an in structor in physical education. He has been reassigned and returned to his former duties. Mrs. Robert L. Moody 2717 Cald well St., has just returned home after visiting in Chicago and Bir mingham, Ala., where she was called by the death of her mother, Mrs. Mary B. Williams, who died in Chicago, HI. Interment was held in Birmingham, Ala. Mrs. J. W. Walker and Mrs. Percival Roundtree were the guest of Mrs. Clark who entertained the j Welcome Circle Tuesday, Novem ber 14, the guest of Mrs. Lillie Stovall at the Wide Awake 24, Friday November 15. Mrs. Willa Mae Anderson gave DISCUSS NEUTRALITY ACT CHANGES Washington, D. C.—Pixpage — Senator Alben W. Barkley, Sen ate Majority Leader, and Rep. John W. McCormack (right) chat ting with reporters as they left | the White House after conferring with President Roosevelt on plans to enact legislation permiting the arming of American merchant ships. a dinner in honor of Mrs. J. YV. Walker. Mrs. J. W. Walker was dinner guest Sunday of Mrs. Idola Evans. SPONSOR SCHOOL The American Red Cross of Douglas County chapter, sponsors a school in the Zion Baptist church. The classes that are offered are as follows: Administrative, Staff Assistants Nurse’s aids; Hospital and Recre ation; Home Services, Canteen or Cooking; Motor Corps; Braille; Production or Sewing. The Nurse’s Aides Class will be gin Tuesday night at 7:30 p. m. Any young man or lady who are between the ages of 16—up, please register with Mrs. Ollie Lewis between the hours of 5 and 8 p. m. by phone JA. 3229. Y\re must have forty registered in a class before the class will start. RED OAK, IOWA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Brooks from Shen andoah, Iowa, were visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. Carson and son and Mrs. Grace McGee are home now and expressed themselves as having a lovely trip. Rev. Goldsmith of Omaha, Pas tor of the Calvary Baptist church Red Oak, Iowa, carried the serv ices as usual Sunday. Sunday school . 10:30 Church .11:00 Evening Service.8:00 Choir Practice Tuesday.7 30 Mission Circle Wednesday. .. .8:00 MT. MORIAH BAPT. CHURCH Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. BTU. 7:00 P. M. Evening Worship 8:00 P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday ev ening 8:00 p. m. The Pastor de livered a wonderful soul stirring message both morning and night. Church was well attended all day Sunday. One addition was added, to the Church Sunay night. On the first Sunday in December, there will be a $5 rally at the Church. Rev. Jones will deliver his farewell sermon on Sunday Dec. 14, following on Tuesday night Dec. 16 there will be a fare well testimonail banquet at the Church in honor of Rev. and Mrs. F. P. Jones, Rev. Jones had pic tures taken of all the auxiliaries Sunday morning, Nov. 23. I he Helping Hand club met Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Ida Willis, 2025 Ohio St. Refresh ments were served by the hostess Mrs. Willis. THE 1st MISSION OF THE GOD-SENT LIGHT Prophet Hess, Officiator, Sis. Robinson, Reporter We wish to announce that Pro phet Hess is still in the midst of us doing a great work for the Lord God is wonderfully blessing his people through the Prophet, through God. Sister Hood has been blessed to receive her sight by the Prophet and many other miracles have been wrought by the Prophet. We also wish to an nounce that Tuesday nights our special Healing and Test nighis. Bible class Sunday evening from 2 to 4. Regular services Thurs day Dec. 5, 8:00 P. M. special blessings assured. Test and Blessed articles that night will be 25c love offering private. Read ing daily 2010 North 23rd St. JA. 0448. MORNING STAR BAPT. Church 2608 Franklin St., Rev. L. W. Anderson, Pastor i Mrs. Vera E. Hopkins, Reporter I Sunday School 9 A. M. j Morning Worship 11 A. M BYPU 6 P. M Evening Worship 8 P. M. Service throughout the day was ! enjoyed by all. Rev. Cooper de I livered the message in the. morn ing. And our Pastor delivered p wonderful message in the evening. The Willing Workers Club will meea at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. R. Richardson, 2522 Maple St. Thursday, Dec. 4th. Visitors are always welcome. CHURCH of the LIVING GOD Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Ann Oliver, Reporter Sunday school .9:30 Morning Worship.11 a. m. Bible Band.6 p. m. Evening Service . 7:30 Wed. Night Service. 7:30 Friday night Womens Work 7:30 Sunday throughout the day we had real service. The pastor, he preached from his heart, and cue spirit was high. One united to the Church. Rev. A. J. Anderson of Okla., was with us and gave a wonderful lecture. He will preach on Wed noesday night. Our pastor’s text for Sunday morning will bt. I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ: Preach thee word. Be instant in season. Ouh of Sea son. Reprove Rebuke. Resort with all long suffering and doubt. Sunday nights text: “Except these abide in thee ship, ye cannot be saved.” Sister Henrietta Cooks who lost her mother has just returned from the burial in Parken, Ark., She was at service Sunday morning. THIS WEEK IN RELIGION & THOUGHT by Robert L. Moody Thanksgiving— The Nation has had much dis cussion and some confusion be cause of the changes in days for observing Thanksgiving. It does not matter whether the day is ob served the first or fourth Thurs day, if the true spirit of grateful ntss, fills the heart. One should be ready to “Bless the Lord at all timts and forget not all his benefits”. War has brought murder, hate, destruction an dmisery to thous ands of people since September 1, 1939. But our nation has been given another year of peace. We may yet behold airplanes flying over us without running into holes as rats, because of the rain of death by bombs. We are feeling the affects of the struggle by tax ation and demands for personal sacrifices, but there are many re sources in our country. There are hundred who are suffering from hunger and the each of the life's needs. Shall we receive these blesings with sincere thanksgiving or must the Master ask again, “Where are the Nine?” STRAUS HITS DUPLICATION IN FEDERAL HOUSING Washington, Nov. 19 (ANPj — Calling upon the administration to practice real economy in housing, Nathan Straus, U. S. Housing ad ministrator, sharply denounced the govemt’s defense housing pro gram for its “wasteful ineffic iency” and urged a house subcom mittee to abolish overlapping housing agencies rather than de centralize them. Mr. Straus, whose office em ploys a large number of Negroes in administrative capacities, has been the target of a certain group of legislators for some time, but Wright Patman, representative from Texas, recently pointed cut what the U. S. housing adminis tration had accomplished in the way of erecting houses, throagh many of which Negroes profited both in labor and in housing : rd asked why should other agencies be set up to do this work which had been so ably done by Straus’ organization. One of the factors pointed out by Mr. Straus as faulty is the in clusion of what is known as Title VI in the federal housing prog ram. Under this provision, work ers are permitted to buy houses with little or no down payment. . now that boom times are here and towns are being crowded with de fense workers seeking homes. De claring to Negroes and other wor kers that it is cheaper to buy than to rent, the group sponsoring these houses is asking defense workers to invest their money in the houses. They do not consider what will happen should the defense indust ries suddenly shut down and the workers be left stranded. Well known housing experts and auth orities throughout the country are advising all defense workers to wait and continue to rent houses, even if the government does build them. If there is a sudden shut down and no one knows just how long this defense boom will last, what is to happen to the houses The workers, it is said, will lose their investment in the houses and the federal government will again be stuck with organizations to take over the workers’ homes in an ef fort to save them, with the sub sequent result that the govern ment will be saddled with the homes and taxpayers again be call ed upon to defray the expenses. Recent appropriations for the U. S. Housing administration have saved the necessity for reduction of the personnel especially as far DUFFV Pharmacy 24th AND LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS —Free Delivery— WE. 0609 WVW.WWVWWWWAVAV; CHOP SUEY King Yuen Cafe 2010 Vi N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. mi American A Chinese Dishes TICKLE ? Soothe that throat tickle which comes from a cough due to a cold! Quick—get a Smith Bros. Cough Drop. (Black or Menthol—5#.) Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the only drops containing VITAMIN A Vitamin A (Carotene) raises the resistance of mucous membranes of nose and throat to ^ cold infections, when lack of resist W ance is due to Vitamin A deficiency. 4 SMART WOMEN mt GOLDEN 040 BEAUTY PREPARA TIONS. They like the smooth texture ond i excellent quality, plus extroordlnory value J In these fine cosmetics. I • THE PATH TO LOVELINESS A big Beauty Box weighing over twe pounds now only $1.00 mailed direct le you with no additional charges. ALL FULL SIZE—$3.00 VALUE Pwlitlwn (Q»Mm lew. OJuv. tSvf lw«l U« ftwdw (OoM Brawn, Odirt, Nirt Brawn) 5 Or Upttkk (Foim*otfm Mod, Mcple Mod, Cordovo*) MS* U<M Aledtaa Du* p|; "‘Check your shade* below - - ~ ) COLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS. INC. J / 106 East «lst Street, New York. N. Y. J / For the enclosed 11.00 bill Or money order, send 1 I me your complete Beauty Box containing 7 full I \ stxe COLDEN-CLO products, with do additional J \ charge to me. | j NAME: _ I ADDRESS: -_I ] CITY:-STATE:-j d ^•wsdeuoes—GoUm Brown I I Ochre < ) Not Brown ( » I ; hwhr—OoUmi Hwri I I Ochre ( I Nsrt Brows ( I I UwtlA—Pelnsetts I » Maple Red < > Cordavsa tiff FOR ONLY 20c Wi wiD send you any 50c item listed above as an introductory offer. Send two dime* in an envelope and we will mail with* oat any extra charge to you. COLDEN-CLO PRODUCTS, INC 106 East 41 Street New Yoke, N. Y. w- — AMAZING NATURAL SYMBOLIC CROSS! i ★ I I as Negroes are concerned. Ac cording to the Straus office, this group has done considerable work in promoting better housing for Negroes and is highly efficient. Dr. Frank S. Home is the acting head of the department of racial relations. MAYOR PRESENTS KEY TO CITY TO NAACP CAMPAIGN DIRECTOR Wilmington, Del.,—Mayor Alb ert W. James of this city, one of the first to join the NAACP in its Annual membership campaign this year, presented Mrs. Daisy E. Lampkins, national field secretary and campaign director, with a syw bolic key to the city, and wrote her personally saying: “In view of your splendid efforts on behalf of the advancement of the colored per jle, it gives me great pleasure to extend you a symbolic key to t(he City of Wilmingtoni” Mrs. Lampkins reports that Wilmington workers have brought in a total of 932 new members to Nov. 10. It was expected that the goal of 1,000 would be reached at the clos ing meeting November 14. pOHNSON DRUG CO. I NEW LOCATION 2306 North 24<h |We. 0998 Free Delivery^ ■WBRSCJIW*" ' " TT"','1ifn~~ T| BftRiuff This Fast Waif -or Money Back For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete's foot, scabies, rashes and other ex ternally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D.D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, oryour money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Fi ex. for INS. WORK comes in BOTTIES! clean painted surface* WITH CONCENTRATED PAINT CLEANER Harmless to paint and hands. Pour n little in water, wet surface, wipe and SURPRISE! The Job is Done. «5< at your Drug. Hardware. Paint, or Grocery Store. If your dealer does not stock send 25<* and a 3# stamp to W.B. CHAPMAN Laboratory Colorado Springs, Colo. ROTHERY CLEANING SPECIAL Done-piece plain dresses MEN’S SUITS LADIES PLAIN JACKET SUITS LIGHT TOPCOATS LADIES PLAIN SPRING COAT3 Except White or Fur Trimmed 20 % Less For Cash and Carry FREE—“Moth-Seal” Bags >w Free Storage for Cloth Winter Coats Cleaned Now at Our Regular Prices (Not Special Prices.) Fur Coats, values to $100 Cleaned and Cold Stored, $4.50 ROTHERY CLEANERS 2515-17-19 CUMING ST. J A. 7383 . 1 Our, Business Is Picking Up- : FREE ESTIMATE ON YOUR: MOVING JOBS ; LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN MOVING YOUR FURNITURE, - ' AND STORING YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS WITH COM- ' ' PETENT, TRAINED MEN TO DO THE JCB. | : -ALSO AUTO STORAGE I NORTHSIDE TRANSFER : —PRESTON HIERONYMOUS, PROPRIETOR— ! ! 2414 Grant Street WEbster 5656 . n YouJToo Can Have Beautiful Hair ■ I LET THE I NU-HAiR BESGRO \ FORMULA i KELP YOU AS IT HAS HELPED THOUSANDS ► OF OTHERSI ► ► ► ! How You Can Grow Long, Healthy Hair * Certain parts of the body grow to a certain size and no further, whereas, , Hair (Jkows always if you keep your scalp healthy. An ailing scalp causes Itching. When you scratch your scalp you make sores and scars. HAIR WILL HOT GROW FROM A SCAR i There are no sweat glands in sores or scars. The body is piven Power , by nature to make certain outgrowths of skin which we all know very well. Hair is produced by our scalp skin. Each Hair Grows from a special ' little place in the true skin. If you destroy or mutilate this true skin ' you may feel all right, but nothing will ever form another true skin. ' A scar is not skin. You will never find a hair growing from a scar or r sore. Hair grows from the cells of the hair bulbs. If you do , not look after these hair bulbs, .hair will become brittle and break off. There are two glands to each hair to produce oil that^ keeps it soft and pliable, keeps it from becoming unruly and from cracking. Every hair has ’ a muscle which is attached to its Hair Root. In order to have attractive, ► healthy hair, you must help nature to Grow Hair by keeping your scalp . in good conditibh. Keep it clean, soft and eliminate itching and dandruff. H you are suffering with head sores or scars do not delay taking our , complete treatment or you will lose your hair. To keep your hair cells working properly and guarantee yourself a healthy, beautiful bead ot ' long growing hair, give yourself a complete Nu-Hair Treatment. Complete Hu-Halr Scalp Treatment consists of: No-Hair Besgro Formula SPECIAL OFFER Nu-Hair Pressing Compound ALL FOR ONLY Nu-Halr Special Shampoo gfl SEND NO MONEY $1 , Jaat Mod asm. sod tddr*M. Pay Poitman only #1.00 plus law csota posts,* wh«B ’ ba «UCvMa tha tntirt traatmant. It ia Guamntttd to pl«aaa or monay rafundtdl ‘ Write Now/ ■ NU-HAIR PRODUCTS, 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y.